Redeemer City Church - Lafayette, LA

Redeemer City Church - Lafayette, LA Trailer Bonus Episode 164 Season 1

Adopted as Sons, Luke 15:11-24

Adopted as Sons, Luke 15:11-24Adopted as Sons, Luke 15:11-24

In this sermon, Pastor Aaron Shamp explores the profound themes of the Prodigal Son parable, focusing on the concepts of sonship and adoption in the Christian faith. He emphasizes the significance of sonship as a status that carries blessings, security, and a special relationship with God. The sermon highlights the future hope of being co-heirs with Christ and the transformative power of Christ's obedience in securing our place as children of God. Through this teaching, listeners are encouraged to embrace their identity as sons and daughters of God, living in the confidence and praise that comes from this relationship.

  • Sonship is more than a biological relationship; it's a status.
  • Being a son of God means receiving blessings and privileges.
  • Sonship provides legal status and deep security in Christ.
  • Adoption by God is immediate and not based on performance.
  • We have special access to God as our Father.
  • Our future hope includes being co-heirs with Christ.
  • Sonship brings us into a community of unconditional love.
  • Christ's obedience purchases the gift of sonship.

00:00 Introduction to the Prodigal Son
01:48 Understanding Sonship and Its Importance
04:48 The Status of Sonship in God's Family
07:57 The Blessings of Being a Son of God
10:41 The Role of Women in Sonship
13:55 Legal Status and Security of Sonship
17:03 Intimate Access and Relationship with God
20:02 Future Hope and Inheritance as Sons
22:50 Community and Brotherhood in Christ
25:48 The Gift of Sonship Through Christ
29:06 Living Out Our Identity as Sons
31:41 Conclusion and Prayer

Creators & Guests

Aaron Shamp
Lead Pastor of Redeemer City Church

What is Redeemer City Church - Lafayette, LA?

Pastor Aaron Shamp preaches about the Gospel and facets of Christianity at Redeemer City Church. These podcasts are his sermons.