what is going on everybody
welcome to lunch with the
Clydesdale it's lunchtime
we're here to hang out
again uh so uh what's going
on uh yesterday we talked
about uh an earworm what's
going on James Corey um
Corey always talks about
his ads when he comes in
here um I have I have
premium on my Clydesdale
channel so I don't get the ads
appreciate that you do helps
monetize us so there you go
um yesterday we talked
about an earworm uh
yesterday whistle by flow
rider was stuck in my head
I was trying to figure out
a way to do get it gone
went upstairs played it
after the show yesterday
got it out of my head it worked then
I've been cleaning out my
garage and clean out my garage.
It's getting warm.
It's supposed to be like in
the mid seventies this week
by the end of the week.
Sixty nine is what they're saying today.
So I've been cleaning out my
garage bit by bit.
We have a big garbage can
that we have to put out at
the curb every week.
And I filled that up last
week over the weekend
trying to get that garage clean up.
woke up at three a.m in a
panic because garage the
garbage pickup is was this
morning and I forgot to put
the garbage out so three
a.m put on my shoes put on
a shirt haul ass down the
stairs out to the garage
grab my can take it to the
curb and get back and then
for some reason
The song Unwritten by Natasha Benningfield,
Bennington, Benningfield,
gets stuck in my head for
the remainder of the night
and through the morning.
So now I got to flush that
one out of my head and I
have no idea why neither
one of these songs are things that I, um,
that I listened to on a regular basis,
why they're getting stuck in my head.
but apparently my story is still
unwritten, um,
after what happened last night.
But anyway, I got the garbage out.
Garbage did pick it up today.
I have an empty can, uh,
Did a little bit more on my
morning break today.
Went out and got rid of some
stuff out of my garage.
Put out my Adirondack chairs
on the front porch.
So, yeah,
we're getting ready for some
warmer weather here in Ohio.
Cannot wait for that.
Julian Iford says the Bears
offensive line got a lot better.
It sure did.
The one thing we wore...
we lacked completely last
year was an offensive line
um I know people say that
caleb williams held on to
the ball too long
But part of that is people
were in his face so fast,
he had to scramble.
And then his athleticism
made the plays go on and on.
Now, that didn't happen on every play.
I know that there's still
development there for him.
But the rush was coming up
the middle so fast.
And in the last week, two new guards,
a brand new center,
all vast improvements over
what was there last year.
When you get an all-pro
guard in Joe Tooney and
someone that Ben Johnson
has worked with in the past,
like Joshua Jackson,
and then you get Drew...
The Al Falcon Center yesterday,
a vast improvement over
what we had there.
Actually a veteran,
a pro who knows how to call protections.
So happy.
And then getting Grady
Jackson yesterday was a huge surprise.
We've been looking for a
three technique on the defense forever.
So yeah,
trenches are getting stronger in Chicago.
Maybe someone's actually
building that team in a way
that makes sense.
And we'll,
lead to longer term success
than what we've seen in the past.
I don't know if you guys are
members of the Savon
channel or are fans of behind the scenes.
Just got the notification.
Part three has just released.
And I know they're only up
for a few hours.
So letting you guys know
that just came across four
minutes ago that behind the
scenes volume three has been released.
So I'm going to have to
check that out right after
my one o'clock meeting.
So I don't miss that before it's pulled.
um so twenty five twenty
five point two is well
let's talk about this we're
talking about youtube let's
talk about the big drama
story of the morning
it was announced that the World
Fitness Project was going
to start putting out a
series of athlete profile videos,
starting with Jeff Adler.
It was released last night.
I saw it in my queue as I
was getting ready for bed, and I thought,
this is going to be more
visual than audio.
So I'm going to wait till
tomorrow morning to watch
it where I can kind of watch it,
soak it in, see what they have going on.
And it's funny because
Carolyn actually texted me
that they were bringing this out.
So then I looked for it and
we were talking.
She's really excited about
the athlete profile.
It's being done by the
Buttery Bros and a team
that they've put together.
My only worry is that the
Buttery Bros production is
the same thing as
over and over again it's and
not that it's bad they're
really good at what they do
but man I'm looking for
something new something
creative um something
different that we haven't
seen before and sarah
actually jumps in here and
kind of echoes what
actually happened she
watched the adler one
nothing exciting all the
same stuff as we've seen in
other buttery row videos
lots of product placement for podium too
See, that's a shame.
Like I want athlete profiles,
but I want something deeper,
something that, um,
I am all about storytelling.
When I have an athlete on,
I want them to tell me stories.
I don't want it to be like
this very produced, slick thing.
And I guess that's what I'm
looking for when it comes
to these athlete profiles.
I want something more authentic,
something... And I know we
overuse the term authentic,
but I want it to be real.
I want it to be...
uh something more uh tr says
it was d a deeper adler
profile profile nothing
like the buttery bro some
other contributors made
most of the footage um he
said he wants to compete a
ton but from the other
podcasts it sounds like he
dropped out of waza indie
because it was too much
think that was a narrative I
I don't we don't know
what's going on he could
have had a nick an injury
it's not it's the off
season not the real season
what priority does he put
on that um that we'll have
to see I don't I don't know um
again I wish I could have
seen it I want to I wanted
to like look at it from an
analysis standpoint of are
we getting something new in these
in these features or not.
But it appears that there
was some lines crossed with
CrossFit because that is
where the copyright
infringement came from.
And this is posted from
Andrew Hiller's Instagram
where someone tried to watch the video.
The video is no longer
available due to a
copyright claim by CrossFit LLC.
so I don't know what again I
did not get to see it I put
it off last night not
knowing it was going to be
um pulled and so I don't
know sarah's saying that
there were definitely a lot
of clips from crossfit but
it could have been buttery
bros footage too when you
sign a media agreement with
crossfit llc if you are
using more than x number of seconds um
And it's very descriptive.
It's like you can't,
no piece can be longer than
thirty seconds.
No overall usage of that
footage can be longer than two minutes,
I think, two or three minutes.
If they did more than that,
even if they took the footage themselves,
they would have to get
permission from CrossFit
LLC to use that footage.
We have to sign that media
agreement every year at the games.
Every year when CrossFit was
running the semifinals,
we had to sign those agreements.
And you get the same thing
if you go to Rogue.
You get the same thing if
you go to Wadapalooza.
There are very strict
standards as to what you
can use and what you cannot
use for commercial use.
And I would claim that this
is commercial use.
You are promoting something
other than CrossFit with the footage.
And I am sure that if there was a lot,
as Julian echoes as well,
I watched it last night,
a lot of CrossFit Games footage.
I'm assuming that because of that,
CrossFit did have the right,
based on that media
agreement that they signed,
that they probably used
more than was allowed
without their written permission.
So it'll be interesting to
see if they get that
permission or if they have
to re-edit it and do
something else with it.
But I was anxious to see it
and see how if it was
different than what we've
been getting and get
something new and something
creative in this space to
learn more about these athletes.
I am still trying with the
WFP to get media access to Indianapolis.
I've not been responded to
at all from them other than Will Morad.
He has responded immediately to me.
um but everybody else there
I'm not getting a response
at all so I uh I'll have to
see what is going on there
I sent will a message
yesterday asking for any
kind of update whether
they're choosing to go in a
different direction uh not
allowing us or whatnot but to
I sent him a proposal on
something I had an idea for
in doing features about
their challengers and not
necessarily the contracted athletes
and that got no response and
then I've asked for um
media credentials for the
indianapolis tour event and
no response there yet my
photography videography guy
has gotten a response with
a link on how to apply
saying that they would get
preferential treatment
because they emailed them
ahead of time which I did
as well but I'm not getting
that same link uh to be able to apply
So it's really interesting
what's going on over there.
Sarah says, next week was Laura.
They may have to chop it up
if they can't use games footage.
Again, if you sign the media agreement,
you can use some games footage,
but it is a certain amount
that they can use.
they just posted that media passes are
available from Thursday.
I have to go check it out.
But again, um,
I've also made a proposal to
them where I have not been
responded to as well.
So we'll have to see what happens there.
We've been very supportive
of the WFP on this channel.
Um, I want to give them a chance.
I want to see what they can do.
That's new and creative.
So I don't know what the deal is there.
So let's see what else we got here.
We got the leaderboard is final.
Well, not final, final, but, you know,
final for twenty five point
two and no big surprises.
on the men's leaderboard.
I was looking at this before we went live,
Colton Mertens wins twenty
five point two and is in
the lead overall.
These are the overall
standings after twenty five point two.
So you've Colton on top, Colin Bossard,
Jeff Adler, Austin Hatfield, Alan Pepper,
Kale Lehman, somebody new to the mix.
Andre Fedotov, Jason Hopper, Ricky Gerard,
Justin Medeiros, Jay Crouch.
So I've already read Dallin, Jason,
I think that our guy James
Sprague is really going to
get punished a lot in this
open punishment thing.
So we'll see there.
Some other notable names, Bailey Martin,
Roman Krennikoff,
George Sterner making a
comeback from the team division.
Sam Cornwall, Sestoval, Trayvon Benton.
We have been following as a
semifinal athlete for years.
Awesome to see him up here at twenty six.
Peter Ellis, Caden Hogan, another teen,
nineteen years old,
sitting in twenty eighth place.
Ben Fowler,
James Sprague at thirty second.
Joshua Hong, Harry Lightfoot,
Phil Muscarella.
Enrico Zanoni.
scott pancheck the old man
at look at that knees must
be feeling good this year
ty jenkins and william
leahy the fourth is sitting
in fiftieth that's the top
fifty for your men and on
the women's side we have
miram van roer fisa goffey
killing it this year
Our very own Carolyn Prevost
sitting in fourth place
going into the final event.
How about that?
So awesome to get to hang
out with her every Sunday
night and get to chat with
her throughout the week.
Lucy Campbell, Danielle Brandon,
Marissa Flowers, another favorite of mine,
Andrea Soberg, Kristen Holta.
Ariel Loewen, Alexis Raptus,
Lucy McGonigal,
Erica Folo making a big
comeback this week with a
great performance.
Rebecca Fusile, Elena Buds, Trista Smith,
Mano Anganese, Amy Kringle,
Sarah Sigmund's daughter, Maddie Sturt,
Claudia Gluck, Hannah Hardy, Abby Domet,
One thing I did want to point out,
if you haven't seen on her Instagram,
Mano Agony,
something has happened in her family.
She has not disclosed what that is.
But she did say she's taking
a couple days off of social
media to deal with whatever
it is that is going on with her family.
And she is going to continue to compete.
And thanks for all the
thoughts and comments.
prayers and all of that
stuff but she will be off
social media for a few days
so whatever she's going
through our thoughts and
prayers go out to her and
hopefully she'll be good
and ready to go for twenty
five point three so that is
your top fifty women as it sits right now
we had repeat winners from week one to
week two.
And yesterday I posed this question.
I'm anxious to hear if you
guys have thought about this at all,
because we've had the same
winner from week one to week two.
Are we testing too much of
the same thing in a three
week open that the same
people are winning weeks
one and weeks two.
that's very hard to do.
And both of these are guys are complete,
are complete and, uh, amazing athletes,
but Miriam has never even
made it to the games before.
And she's winning two open workouts.
is it too engine intensive what we're
going through or is it just
a kind of fluky that these
two things are just things
those two athletes are really,
really good at.
If you have not seen the
Colton Mertens video of
doing this workout,
it is pure perfection.
I don't know if anybody
could ever do it faster.
I say that, and someone probably will,
but the standards were met
on every aspect of that workout.
The transitions were about flawless.
He went unbroken over everything.
He even squatted the first
thruster in a way that made
it such a small movement.
I do not know.
I do not know if anybody
could do it faster.
Um, four Oh one is completely insane.
And I watching the video, I could not,
I could not find anything
to nitpick about on the
movement standard at all.
Like it was perfect.
I just don't, I don't know what to say.
Like that is, it was beautiful to watch.
it gave me chills watching it because
it just could not be done any better.
And if you haven't seen it,
please go check it out.
It's only four minutes and one second,
so it shouldn't take you
long to get through it.
Corey says Colton's video
was absurd to watch.
Absurd in such a good way, though.
He just was incredible, what he did there.
Um, the depth on the squats were,
was perfect.
Everything was at full extension.
Uh, his movement on the,
on the barbell or on the, um,
on the rig was amazing.
and he didn't even like slow down
transition, uh, to the rig after, uh,
the thrusters.
It was chef's kiss, chef's kiss.
It was so freaking good.
So, yeah,
go check that out if you have
four minutes to waste this afternoon.
I did want to talk quickly
about Dave's Week in Review.
If you have not seen the Week in Review,
he opens up by talking about the leaks.
And what he says is,
that there was a lot of talk
about the leaks for,
for twenty five point two.
And it was pretty rampant.
But my clue was pretty easy
and people could figure it
out from the clue that I
gave with that workout.
And while I would say that
this was probably the
easiest clue he's ever
given for a workout.
I think it was other things
that prompted it,
but he goes on to say in other leaks,
he thinks that his clue was
pretty easy to figure out.
And that's why people have
been guessing what the
workout is other than this week's clue.
I don't think any clue he
has given has given anybody
any idea what the actual workout was.
And he's never really
explained what the clues
are for us to even get a
read on what his mindset is
going into these clues.
If you have ever figured out
a Dave Castro clue for a workout,
you are...
a Mensa candidate that is
well above my brain
capacity because I have never,
ever been able to figure
out the connection from the clue.
Even knowing the workout afterwards,
I still cannot make the
connection from the clue to the workout.
So in my opinion,
him saying that people
figure out what the workouts are.
They're not really leaks.
They're figuring them out
from the clues that he gives and,
is a bit preposterous.
Now, I hate the leaks.
I want them to stop.
I wish they would stop.
However, Sarah says,
the chicken wing last year
connecting to muscle-ups wasn't too bad.
Last year was the only year
I didn't do the open due to
being in the hospital.
So I didn't follow the clues
as much last year.
So maybe he's just... As he ages,
the clues are getting easier.
But my God, some of those clues...
And even Justin Medeiros
talks about it on the Boys
Unlimited podcast,
where he was going to do a
show where he connected the
clues to the workouts,
and he only could make the
connection on one of them.
And he said the video just
became a waste of time,
and he probably should have
thought about it more before he did it.
that's how I feel um but
again with the leaks um he
said that there that he's
already been sent some
versions of what people are
saying is the leak this
week he would not confirm
nor deny that that is a
leak and um he gives he
said but it whatever the
workout was that we came up with
back in February is going to
be the workout that is still released.
He's not changing anything.
And either you'll find out
you're right or you're wrong this week.
To me,
that tells me that he thinks we're
all wrong,
but who knows what I think
CrossFit should do is truly
have like one or two decoy workouts that
that they're working on and
a real workout.
And then when the leaks go out,
there's more than one leak
one that will then tell you
who the leaks are as to who,
what workout they bring back to you.
And two,
it just causes confusion because
now you have more movements.
You have to worry about more
things you have to worry
about and which one is real.
And then at some point people will be like,
screw it.
We can't figure it out.
So maybe lean into the leaks,
create a couple dummy
workouts that you tell a
few people are the real thing,
and then it leaks out in different ways.
You find out who it is and
you confuse the community as well.
And so it's still a surprise
on the Thursday announcement.
Just my two cents.
I think that because people
are so hungry to be in the know,
they're going to look for it.
So set traps of dummy
workouts somewhere so that
people think that they have it.
They spread it.
It's the wrong information.
People prepare for the wrong
thing because they're
trying to get one up on it on people.
And then you release the
real workout on Thursday
and all is well in the world.
um andrew says that would be
a good idea do the graphics
and everything for three
different workouts and then
use the work for the real
one not sure how tough that
would be on the media team
yeah I think that's what
you do you have three
graphics ready to go one of
them's it's the shell game right
Is it workout number one,
workout number two, workout number three?
And then one of them gets
released on Thursday and there you go.
And you wouldn't even have
to put a lot of work into
the other workouts.
You just have to find some
good ones that are just sitting like,
I mean,
there's workouts everywhere on the
internet, right?
You just grab, grab a couple.
make the graphics up for
them have a couple people
test some movements from
the them uh things like
that I think that I think
that's that's a good idea
and with andrew's help it
becomes a brilliant idea um
course someone would then
leak all three I think
that's fine I think if
there's three workouts
floating around nobody
knows which one is going to
be released on the thursday
right it still causes
enough confusion to make it
a surprise and the more
people are wrong the less
people are going to listen so
don't know I think I think
it'd be okay uh one other
thing I wanted to just
bring up is I think right
after the open uh I'm gonna
bring back top five tuesday
and I'm gonna talk to
andrew hopefully he'll come
on with me and I'll have
jay birch on and we'll do
the top five hardest movements to judge
I want to hear from the judges themselves.
Andrew has judged at all levels,
all the way to the games.
Jay Birch has done a lot of
high-end competitions like TFX, Rogue,
things like that,
and then get their input as
to what the top five
hardest movements to judge are.
And then we can have a
discussion as to should
those movements be – should
we be careful about putting
those movements into an
online competition?
So I think that would be a
cool discussion.
So I think after the Open's over –
going to contact andrew
contact jay birch have them
come on we'll do a top five
hardest movements to judge
and then have a discussion
about what does that mean
for online competitions and
you guys are throwing out
some great uh guys are
throwing out some great
suggestions and andrew we
could do one of each we
could do a top five in
person a top five online
I know for me, like speaking to this,
when I judged at regionals,
twenty eighteen,
twenty eighteen handstand
pushups and they did twenty person heats.
Just for the judge to be
able to get into a spot
where they weren't blocking
the athlete and to be able
to actually see the wall.
And to see if their butt was
on the wall or they were
still at full extension
when they're doing the
handstand pushup was
practically impossible.
And it was really the
situation that made it so hard to judge,
not necessarily the
movement itself or the athletes,
but when you're crammed
into a twenty person heat
in a ten lane setup,
it made it really tight in
that rig area to even get
into a good position to judge it.
And so I think those are
things that need to be thought about,
especially for in-person competitions.
Because online in a gym,
you can make the setup so
you have space for the
judge to kind of move around.
They just have to avoid
blocking the camera if you
have to submit the video.
But yeah.
And then on contrast,
when I was doing rogue, um,
in the COVID rogue
competition that was online,
they set up the floor plans
and basically gave the
judge a spot on that floor
plan to be able to see the
movement and not block any
of the cameras that were
set up for the online competition.
and that was done at such a high level.
Um, that was an amazing experience.
but I think it'd be a pretty cool
discussion and we'll bring
that back right after the
open and start doing that
and do some fun top five
Tuesdays moving forward.
So I have again today,
I have a one o'clock
meeting with my team.
So I'm going to cut this one short today.
So thank you guys for being here.
Get back to work, you hooligans.
Lunch break's over.
We will see you next time on
Lunch with Clydesdale.
Bye, guys.