Let's Talk with Leaha & Rhonda

What is Let's Talk with Leaha & Rhonda?

Leaha Crawford and Rhonda Nolen are business consultants that discuss the current struggles of small business owners and entrepreneurs. Each episode covers steps necessary for smaller businesses and business owners to grow and prosper.

Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to locally produced programming created in KU NBC Studios on public radio K, u and v. 91.5. The following is a paid program sponsored by Crawford management group and smart time consultants. Please be advised that the voices and opinions you hear did not represent the views of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:34
Hi, my name is Leah Crawford.

Unknown Speaker 0:36
And I'm Rhonda Nolan.

Unknown Speaker 0:37
And you're listening to the let's talk with Leah and Rhonda show for all the beautiful entrepreneurs

Unknown Speaker 0:42
out there. This is for you. Good morning, Las Vegas. Happy Saturday, Miss Leah, how are you doing today?

Unknown Speaker 0:52
You know what? Happy Veterans Day so thanks. All right. Because today, even though we observed it yesterday, thank you for the day off. But you know, thank you for your service armed forces. You know, that's that's heavy, fam. I don't want to families, members, you know, so thank you. Thank you very much for your service. Today. We have somebody Well, we have two guests today. But I'm talking to entrepreneurs because I know as an entrepreneur, we don't know what we don't know. And being an entrepreneur, is baptism by fire. Because you as you learn it, right? You you realize I didn't know that and you'd make a whole lot of mistakes and some of them are costly. mistakes, but you keep on going because you are an entrepreneur. You have that passion. But Rhonda Stacy Escalante so I know we met her when we bought Phyllis James on actually she was our first contact with the office and it was a lot of coordination because I was so nervous, like, well, who is this Phyllis James, that we gotta go through these people, for people to talk to her right? People? She had people, you know, but and, and everybody was amazing. So met Stacy. And Stacy, was given us a little bit about her background. And I was just like, I want to talk to her. One day after we get through the conference and stuff like that. So Stacy, welcome to the show. Welcome.

Unknown Speaker 2:13
I was so happy when you guys reached out to me. Yeah, no, yes.

Unknown Speaker 2:19
Because when you have you, you you make power by good people better. Does that make sense?

Unknown Speaker 2:27
Yeah. And working honestly, with Phyllis James. It's a dream. I love it. And I'm so happy I I love being in the background and being the one to push my clients out there. Because

Unknown Speaker 2:38
I didn't know Stacy was here in the studio when we talked to Phyllis when we interviewed Phyllis, Stacy and Marshawn How mashanda If you're out there listening? Yeah, mashanda but they were in the background. They didn't say anything. They were very professionals. But Phyllis, carry that interview. She did. So Stacy, tell us about what you do. So my

Unknown Speaker 2:57
background I've been in Las Vegas since 1997. And I came here because there was a reporter at channel three. At the time it was KB BC. general assignment reporter so I was all over the place. I got to cover the Olympics in Salt Lake. Big cases, all

Unknown Speaker 3:13
different things. And Vegas was more than Yeah, Vegas. 1997. Vegas wasn't noticed. It was a little town. Yeah. Decatur or something. Yeah. And right to 15 and go around. If it seemed right, it probably went from one stroke, right. Yeah. So

Unknown Speaker 3:27
to give my age, I was 25. And I thought I was going to die a news reporter right? Well, life is what happens when you're making other plans. And long story short, I ended up getting cancer. And I had two young children, and six months old and two years old. So I never thought that I would be a business owner. But when I went back to start reporting again, I just realized that I wanted to be there for my kids. And I'm one of those people I didn't have a business plan. I just I love what I do. And I love getting people in the spotlight. I love telling stories. And so I started I learned how to create my own business kind of baptism by fire that way. And my whole thing was to get other people in the spotlight and because I know what it takes to get in the media, it was just kind of a natural thing for me to do a lot of a lot of reporters say Oh, you went to the dark side into PR but I absolutely love it and I can I represent everyone from healthcare to hospitality to small business owners. And essentially what I do is I help get their story in the spotlight, help

Unknown Speaker 4:35
get their story in the spotlight. And I guess that's the title of it. And I mean all by itself because when you I know for me, I've shied away from it. So you don't want to be in the spotlight. No I want to now but first years in my business just shied away from it because I didn't understand what that meant. And knew I needed because I was word of mouth. My business grew by word of mouth, good service, good service, good service. Never really on camera. camera didn't mean any of that. So but it has been official, though.

Unknown Speaker 5:03
Absolutely. I mean, what I do is it's public relations, it's editorial coverage. And so it's different than an advertisement. Because you can just pay to say you can buy an ad, right and say, I'm the greatest business out there. Right is right. Yes. Right. But the thing about public relations is it's a third party endorsement, when you're able to get on the front page of the business section of the RJ. That's something that is a huge, yes. Yes. So an example is one of my clients was nothing bundt cakes, okay. And I can't just say, Oh, do a story on their capes, they're gonna laugh. But we did something about women business owners and how they started and it's finding that hook and that peg, that makes it a news story, right versus a commercial. And it's not like people rushed in the door after they got into the RJ. But what happened was, they were above the fold picture, and someone had saw their story. And he was a business person going through Las Vegas. And this was when we had we didn't have digital papers then. And they said they couldn't believe how they found this person because they were in the newspaper. So it's not always about getting a new customer. It could be a new connection. Correct. A new kind of investor investor, anything? Yes. Somebody with the plan that can have a vision to see, well, maybe you don't need to be this little store maybe need to be a little bit bigger than that. And I know how to make that happen. Right? Yeah, started off with Okay, them trusting you to say, let's put this story and get it in RJ. And then things start to unfold. I love it.

Unknown Speaker 6:38
So for business owners, whether you're for profit or nonprofit, on some of your programs and campaigns, you absolutely need public relations. And this is where Stacey comes in. Because especially for you nonprofits, if you're doing good work out there in the community, and you have different programs and campaigns going on. You want the media to talk about that. You want to be in print and you want to be in digital. So you would hire a person like Miss Stacy and she would make it happen for you. And believe her or not, she will work with you on pricing. Absolutely.

Unknown Speaker 7:07
I've worked with so many nonprofits and what I love to do one of my think specialties is putting a nonprofit with a for profit. And then you find that synergy and how it works. And it just it really it really can catapult your business. And yeah, I absolutely love what I do. I never thought I would be an entrepreneur. And I love helping. I just get so excited. Like when I used to get a good interview. But now when I get my clients in the spotlight, you know, we go back to Phyllis James, her story is incredible. And story is incredible. You need to tell your story. And she doesn't know, you know, push hard. And we'll talk about how you got where you

Unknown Speaker 7:48
where you are stories. Absolutely. Yeah, absolutely amazing. And you get in I mean, you just get drawn in by her story. And it's like, Oh, my Oh my god, you did this. You did that. And you've lived all over the country. Wow. And now you want to do something else. But you Yeah, it just makes it more engaging.

Unknown Speaker 8:09
Yeah. And you connected with her? Yes. Oh, yeah. Bill, I connected with her through Women's Leadership Conference. Okay. So it was it was really the stars aligned on that. And, you know, because there's too many things to do in a business, right. And sometimes marketing is the last thing that you do or you don't want to spend your money on. So it's, it's, it's, I will definitely work with people. And sometimes it's just a conversation and helping them understand you know what it's about, but I love working with nonprofits. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 8:38
got it. So Stacy, tell us about your journey. Tell us about where you went to school, what you studied. Talk about some of your internships that led you up to this beautiful path. So

Unknown Speaker 8:47
it's so funny. Everyone says, Wait a minute. You were a journalist. We didn't go to journalism school. No, I grew up in Southern California. I ended up at UCLA. We didn't have journalism. So I was political science. Always loved government and that and especially when I moved to Nevada, you've got a covered city, government, county, elections, everything. So I have that background, but I did a lot of in the field work through college, I did the radio station. I worked at the radio station at UCLA, I worked at a cable station in El Segundo. And then I worked at the television station ABC in LA. And I just meant I went around with reporters and I learned and then I went to a small market went to Medford oregon, had to shoot my own stuff, right it everything. It's not glamorous at all. But you learned a lot. You learned a lot I did. And you know, covering fires in the middle of the night because I'm on call and I'm you know, traipsing through the fields, but yes, it weeds out who really wants to do it. And then I was saying I'm not going to the East Coast. I'm not going to the south. I want to stay on the West Coast. And I said Las Vegas or Fresno. That's where that's my target and I was hired here. On Elvis's birthday, wow. And my boss at the time said, You will never forget when you were asked to come to Las Vegas, and never forget that I love it and, and Las Vegas in those days to everything had a Las Vegas connection, right. Some of the stories and I got to go live on MSNBC, la other markets because everyone wants the live shot from Las Vegas, right? Yeah. Yeah, I guess got it. So that's

Unknown Speaker 10:28
kind of my that's wonderful. And then you just ran a marathon? I did. You just ran a marathon. So you're doing all this fabulous stuff. And then you get to go to New York and run a marathon?

Unknown Speaker 10:36
Yeah, well, and I did it for charity with my daughter. She just turned while she's 18. And so she could run it and and so we raised $2,500 Each for melanoma, which is what I had when I was younger. And so yeah, we went and that's how you get it. And people say, How do you get in? It's very hard to get in. But we raised money. And then we ran it. And she did not carry me over the finish line and physically but she said, she She's faster than I am. And she said, Mom, I have the rest of my life. To run my pace. We've we started this together. I want to finish it with you.

Unknown Speaker 11:14
Oh my that was nice.

Unknown Speaker 11:15
Oh my gosh, she mile 25

Unknown Speaker 11:17
I was running and she hopped out and it gives me goosebumps and I got goosebumps I was I was I was not in a mentally want this done. But my daughter, you know, I'm all about elevating her and trying to be a good example for her. So she just she made me so proud. That's wonderful.

Unknown Speaker 11:37
Congratulations. So Stacy, how will we get in contact with you?

Unknown Speaker 11:41
My website and what she will email me.

Unknown Speaker 11:44
So that is well I can share that information. Yeah. So if you'd like to reach out to Stacey and talk to her about doing some public relations for your business or nonprofit, she can be contacted at 702-466-7029 Again, that is 70246670 to nine and yes How do you spell her first and last name? She Stacy with an E? Yes, yes. Sta cey last name. e s c a l a n t e Escalante Escalante?

Unknown Speaker 12:27
I love it because I'll say

Unknown Speaker 12:28
Oh, I love it. And I'm a Latina people don't my Daddy. Yes. Mexican Native American, but my mom was not and so Escalante. Hablo Espanol.

Unknown Speaker 12:40
Si, como se. Right. I love Oh, you have a Spanish speaking business. And you're listening to us on 91.5. Jas and more. Stacy can help you as well. Yes. Okay. She speaks both languages. I love it. And if you want to come, you know, go online and see what she looks like. First. You can go online and visit her at HTTPS semi colon. Backslash. Backslash. S TACEYES. c a l a n t e.com.

Unknown Speaker 13:16
They see Escalon so there you go. Just Just Google it. Yeah. You know, the voice things. I'm learning how to do that to you hit the voice thing say Stacy Escalante? Yes. And then watch it come up. Right? thing? Yes,

Unknown Speaker 13:31
she has price points for all organizations and all businesses. So don't be afraid to give her a call and let her know what you're trying to do and let her put together a campaign for you. Yes.

Unknown Speaker 13:41
And real quick. I do a lot of cancer advocacy as a survivor. So I always love when cancer people who've been affected by cancer or you can reach out for me about that as well. So

Unknown Speaker 13:52
I appreciate that. I appreciate that. Well, we've all all three of us because in this report over here, we're gonna talk to Mr. Ricketts. No, Mr. Ricketts is back in the studio with us. You know last time he was here. He basically told us we needed we needed fire plans. fire escape plans. Absolutely. Because you only got two minutes to get out the house. You got it. And not 10 not 10. And I told you that my feet didn't even have the floor yet. So y'all right. Okay. All right. Well, welcome to the show. Mr. Wiggins, how are you?

Unknown Speaker 14:21
I'm great. Great. Thank you for having me on this Veterans Day. Yeah, appreciate it.

Unknown Speaker 14:25
Yes, yes. Talk to us. Okay, so, LV fires.com lv fi yours.com. We talked last time about you know, just going on there answering the questions. Talk to us about these fires. This holiday season is coming. You know, we got fried turkeys about to be made. We got lights about to be put up.

Unknown Speaker 14:43
Christmas trees up already.

Unknown Speaker 14:45
The store is fully crewed up I'm like they just gonna be honest. Get y'all get Halloween and Thanksgiving. Straight to person. Oh boy. Almost at Christmas,

Unknown Speaker 14:54
the day after Halloween. The first home fire safety evaluation that I did. They already had the Chris It just lights up Christmas tree and everything. And the first thing that I noticed walking up to the front door is they didn't have the right type of extension cords outside. People will put up the cheap white, white, brown and green extension cords for outdoor use. What if it rains? You have to think about the weather. You have to use weather tight weather approved essential what's outside. So do

Unknown Speaker 15:23
you think we don't think about that here? Because we don't have I mean, seasons? We don't have a season. I mean, we have rain terribly this year. But that's probably the first time in some years. Yeah. But do you think that's why we just go on? And that's one

Unknown Speaker 15:36
of the reasons, but don't make it right. One thing that I noticed that people don't pay attention to what they do see on the news, let me ask both, both of you, all three of you. What was the last time that you saw a fire reporter on the news? Can you think of one in

Unknown Speaker 15:51
Vegas? I think I've saw smoke. I saw one on Facebook. Okay. And that was the town tavern.

Unknown Speaker 15:57
Okay. The last fire that that we had was in Henderson, this was about a month ago. It was a data of fire, which is rare. But when we see those things on the news, we don't we don't take we take them for granted. We don't pay attention to it. We don't find out the cause how it started how many people lost their lives, how many pets lost lives. But we have over 4000 fires that are reported to fire departments every day in the US? Oh, wow. Every day 4000 Every day. So you could do the math on how many we have every year. We still lose between 20 530 500 People went home fires every year with about 40,000 pets that lose the lives of home fires. Oh, wow.

Unknown Speaker 16:33
Yeah. So I didn't know there's a special extension cord just to be used outdoors. Where would a consumer find this?

Unknown Speaker 16:40
any hardware store, Home Depot, Lowe's Harbor, freights, probably even CVS you just want to get

Unknown Speaker 16:47
ammo, it's a heavy, it's a heavy duty.

Unknown Speaker 16:49
So the way you can tell that it's heavy duty is usually if it's around cable, if it's flat, it's probably low quality low indoor indoors. Easy visual. But with Christmas trees for people to have real Christmas trees. A very simple thing you can do. I learned this myself five years ago, is when you get a new Christmas tree. When you get it home, you're supposed to drill a few holes in the bottom to get through the sap. That's why they dry out. You can have that bowl full of water but if it's snapped up at the bottom, the water can absorb it. So that's why they dry out after a couple of weeks.

Unknown Speaker 17:22
So what about the Christmas reader already come with the lights? All you do is come with the lights? Well, you know I got those right. You know I got some of those.

Unknown Speaker 17:32
So whether if we have a real or a fake Christmas tree, check the bulbs and make sure all the bulbs are in there improperly. If you have pets make sure pets I see a lot of cats that will play with the cords, chew through the cords, things like that. So just be aware of of what's going on in the house kids as well. When I when I was a kid I used to love to play around the Christmas tree. Just be careful with those things. You have to be aware of what's going on in the house. You aren't trained

Unknown Speaker 17:57
to try a kid. Yeah, I can tell because in my house you looked at the tree you kept walking from afar and admired it.

Unknown Speaker 18:05
So let me tell you why I got into what I do. At four years old. I started our first home fire playing with matches. My mother my father was at the time he was back. He's working so it was me and my mother, my youngest sister. My mother was downstairs finishing up dinner. Me and my sister were upstairs. I knew when my mother kept her matches. She smoked cigarettes back then. I had my two year old sister sitting behind me were sitting Indian style next to the bed. Ladder Match blow it out. Throw it on the bed. I remember this clear as soon as I got to the third one. It ignited I got scared. I did the one good thing that I did. I took my two year old sister I took her out of the room I said go into our room and wait for me I wanted to try to put the fire out right so I went to the bathroom across the hall got a couple of Dixie cups of water trying to put it out you know oh Dixie cup so on the third trip the fire was just it was it was just out of control so I got scared I dropped the cups I ran into our bedroom I hid in the closet my sister she was already underneath underneath the covers waiting Wow kids what is it kids 12 And under typically will not try to exit the house and a home fire. Wow. There's not really there's not much of a concept of death not because they don't have to be on top of that. I was thinking what my father is gonna do

Unknown Speaker 19:32
about that but what I was thinking about do you get

Unknown Speaker 19:35
one? Yeah. Oh, yeah. As long as you got one but wow. So in terms of part of the education the major part of education that I teach now is about smoke alarms. Now when I did a safety class with my mother about eight years ago, when I told her how Smoke alarms do and don't work and sit certain fires, something snapped she understood okay now understood why only one of our three smoke alarms upset Here's one off that night of the fire. Because the standard smoke alarms that come standard with the house. If you read the owner's manual, they'll tell you that they'll fail up to 35% of the time and all fires come to find out those types of smoke alarms are banned in Iowa, Vermont, Massachusetts, England, Australia, France, Switzerland, because there's different types of technologies and smoke alarms. They're just low quality.

Unknown Speaker 20:25
Wow. Yeah. Wow. Wow. So first of all, it's Christmas time, so we want to be safe. Absolutely. We want to be safe, we want to make it to the holidays. So what I guess if you're doing outside stuff, and you have to use an extension cord for holiday decorations, just invest in the ticker cord and have the proper wiring because what you don't want to do is know the fire burn up because you put some lights outside your house burns up because you put some light no just some lights and Christmas tree and plus

Unknown Speaker 20:55
right now what are we going to be doing a lot of holiday cooking, we have Thanksgiving coming up? Christmas. So make sure you have a fire extinguisher in the kitchen. Make sure you have another one in the master bedroom. And people say Well David, why do you need one in the master? Not in the box right now in the box,

Unknown Speaker 21:12
I told him every you guys have one. I do. I have my mom. My mom was in the box. Mom was in the box. And it was in the kitchen but it was underneath the sink.

Unknown Speaker 21:21
So it's so funny because when I lived in a condo, the person that bought the condo from had a fire extinguisher in a box in the hallway right there so that people could get to it in case there was a fire it was in the back. No, no, it wasn't a clear through blocks. So you can open it up and grab it in case you needed it. Okay, but for some strange reason this was a stamp this came standard inside that particular condo, but you're right, we should have them almost every other room just

Unknown Speaker 21:45
about think about it. A fire especially today a fire can double its size every 30 seconds. So let's say if you live in a two storey home, let's say the fires upstairs. I have to run downstairs to the kitchen and go get my extinguisher come back upstairs. How big is that fire now? The smoke teller?

Unknown Speaker 22:01
And don't be afraid to call 911 Absolutely. I mean I think people don't want to do that either. Right? And

Unknown Speaker 22:06
I find a lot of people that don't oh yeah, I've been at some if you ask people who work for insurance companies, they'll find out that people have had a fire in the ask them have they did they call 911? No, they put it out themselves never called the fire department

Unknown Speaker 22:19
or they're gonna get in trouble or they're gonna get charged or you get charged my for when some

Unknown Speaker 22:24
sometimes Yeah, okay. But that's the thing about this. I find this with renters a lot with people who rent a house if they have a small fire. I'm gonna put it out I'm not gonna fault call the fire department. I'll take care of the damages that won't tell the homeowner. I've seen that as well. That is true.

Unknown Speaker 22:38
Yeah, my

Unknown Speaker 22:40
dad was a firefighter and one thing that I always tell people and I am curious to hear your thoughts on this. It's not holiday related but the dryer don't leave the house with the dryer on but he always said and he grilled that into my head and actually had a friend who they didn't clean the vent and they had a fire because the dryer but if you're not home, you're not there to know that it started what

Unknown Speaker 23:03
if you have pets? So the dryer filament I want to understand is the dryer if your event is not cleaned, could catch fire and burn your house down so it's not

Unknown Speaker 23:17
just the vent that you clean out before and after he chews holes on the back that should be cleaned or replaced every couple of years. Oh really? That gets clogged up Robert De Niro he ain't does well now ex wife they had a house for that's how their house fire started. So there's so you're completely correct Stacy, if you think you shouldn't run when you leave the house or go to sleep. Don't run your dishwasher. Don't run your dryer for people that have EVs in their garage don't charge that while you're sleeping. Don't charge your cell phones when you sleeping. Really

Unknown Speaker 23:44
so in other words, do everything while you see you are desperate you weren't here last time with me. And I was sitting there I was like look here I'm sleeping with the phone by the bed charged up. I'm famous for doing I do laundry all day long. I walk out the house and the dryer is going

Unknown Speaker 23:59
to I tell everybody do not do that do that. But I do clean

Unknown Speaker 24:03
well what I do do is I do clean event out every time before Lo and I do pull my dryer out maybe twice a year and clean everything behind the dryer vents and everything. And I just do that because I just for some reasons that dust acid Yeah, that's what it is. That's good. Yes, OCD but I do but I also had a fire extinguisher. Now as you'd listen to this right underneath the sink and you write it keeps on getting pushed back are you supposed to be fine to me something real pretty to hang it on. I need something I need something attractive to hang it on. So I can put some around the house so they can be real cute around now so in every room if you make it nice so

Unknown Speaker 24:48
my wife She said you're not putting that red thing you're not gonna have it out on the so I said alright, I'll find that one that goes with it. Of course I found a black one. I found a metallic one. Wow, I got that. And she's so we have so inside the pantry I have the fire extinguisher and a fire blanket right there.

Unknown Speaker 25:09
That's what I wanted to ask you too about the fire blanket because thank you for contacting I mean the people that we that we talked about last show everyone was happy but we watched children make fire plans for their house more importantly, he talked about a fire blanket that's like a blanket right so if there is a fire and you can't get out because we found that some people can't get windows don't open Yeah, right. So if you can't get out of the house, having like this bigger like a blanket size five quilt size fire blanket and putting yourself under the fire.

Unknown Speaker 25:44
I just learned about that. Yes, a new TV show is about fires this on TV in the firefighters were in this in this in the woods and this fire was coming strong and fast and nobody could save them they had to go under this fire blanket and let the fire pass them and then people were coming came in and save them I thought oh my god there's a fire blanket you actually survived. Absolutely That's true.

Unknown Speaker 26:05
But it was where

Unknown Speaker 26:07
can we work? Can we purchase that?

Unknown Speaker 26:09
Oh, I'm so happy you ask. So right now so we do this every October going through February if you go to our website LV fires.com Take the fire safety survey. I will we will get in contact with you and schedule a free in home evaluation that will give you a fireplace

Unknown Speaker 26:26
I love that. I just saw an ad about the fire blanket. Yeah, it's a good gift.

Unknown Speaker 26:32
Yes. Where should we go The website is LV fires.com l

Unknown Speaker 26:38
v fires that.com and put on that Yep, at

Unknown Speaker 26:43
the very top there's a fire safety survey and when to ask how you heard about it makes you say let's talk with Lee and

Unknown Speaker 26:50
Rhonda okay you envy on the radio anything but let him know that you were listening to us and you are going to the website so that he can you know track what's going on the website but more importantly that benefit you yes because now you can be safer in your home in your home.

Unknown Speaker 27:09
That's funny people you say some very interesting that children don't think to leave the house when they start a fire they think I'm going to get in trouble so they go and hide versus trying to get downstairs and out the door and help get my grandma out the door for a fire so I guess that's something we should be talking to our children about at a young age. So

Unknown Speaker 27:26
that's one thing but also another thing you may have you ladies matches that's yeah but imagine but two out of three children don't wake up to the sound of smoke alarms because think about how many times do we cook when the kids are little and bacon they get used to go to sleep or they just heavy sleepers so our company we have something that's called a bed shaker if the alarms go off or shakes the bed like earthquake helps Wow totally a bitch.

Unknown Speaker 27:51
Okay, so now you got bed shakers pretty fire

Unknown Speaker 27:56
smoke and blankets and blankets I love it I love it how can consumers purchase this at the website?

Unknown Speaker 28:03
They can well when we come up for the evaluation if you want to get something I bet so the bed shaker shakes when the any of the alarms in the house go off that ain't so even if it's a false alarm they're gonna shake

Unknown Speaker 28:16
my house now now I'm glad you says in my I told you me and my cooking skills we get it I'm

Unknown Speaker 28:22
so glad you're working with them when it comes to false alarms first of all alarms are high quality they're American made not made overseas. We don't have false alarms Long story short,

Unknown Speaker 28:31
nice. Nice so that was my other thing you know my bed be shaking all the time.

Unknown Speaker 28:37
I'm just shaking and so typical batteries in a fire alarm lasts about a year

Unknown Speaker 28:42
correct unless you get the newer ones that have a 10 year ours have a 20 year battery really only ones in a world with a 20 year battery. Wow

Unknown Speaker 28:49
wow that's a long time right

Unknown Speaker 28:50
well you are listening to the less talk with Leah and Rhonda show. I am Lea Crawford I am

Unknown Speaker 28:54
Rhonda dome and we have two great guests in the building today.

Unknown Speaker 28:59
But no the show's over shows that over yesterday's shows Show's over it's

Unknown Speaker 29:02
almost over it's

Unknown Speaker 29:03
almost it's almost I know again it goes fast especially when it's an interesting conversation. We want to tell you LV fires y'all let's be safe this holiday season and let's you know get our fire safety plan in order you know we secure we got alarms on the cars alarms on our houses, but if the house is burned up, we we add them right we're in pretty much pretty much so. LV fires.com Mr. Ricketts and let them come out and do their fire inspection. You know whether you're in a house or townhouse renting an apartment, you want that plan. Right. And more importantly, where are you going to meet?

Unknown Speaker 29:44
Exactly. Okay. Stacy Escalante from Escalon media. Please thank you for coming on the show to do things and for all of our entrepreneurs out there if you are in need of PR services. Thanks so much, man. Listen to Let's Talk with Lee and Rhonda we'll see you next Saturday in LA

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