The Traffic Hackers


In this insightful episode, Brent Stone and Glen Martin tackle a crucial aspect of business success: delivering real value. Amidst the race to profitability, they shed light on a common pitfall — businesses prioritizing revenue over genuine service. The duo explores the essence of value proposition, urging businesses to re-evaluate their offerings against what customers are truly paying for.

The conversation goes beyond mere transactions, highlighting the pivotal roles of onboarding, effective communication, and a solid reputation in establishing real value. These elements, Brent and Glen argue, are not just operational necessities but foundational to building trust and loyalty with customers.

Key Takeaways:

- Essence of Real Value: Understanding that true business success and lead generation stem from delivering unequivocal value.
- Value Proposition Evaluation: The importance of businesses critically assessing if their services/products align with what they charge.
- Operational Excellence: Onboarding, communication, and reputation are underscored as vital components in crafting a value-rich customer experience.
- Reputation as a Growth Lever: A preview into the next episode, discussing the hesitancy in building a good reputation and its impact on business growth.

As Brent and Glen navigate these topics, listeners will gain actionable insights into refining their business strategies to not just meet, but exceed customer expectations. Tune in to "Adding Real Value?" to redefine your approach to business and lead generation.


Introduction and Setting the Stage
The Lack of Real Value in Business
Creating Real Value
Assessing Value and Onboarding
Increasing Value and Reputation
Why Businesses Don't Want a Good Reputation
Closing Remarks


Join Brent Stone and Glen Martin in a candid discussion on the vital importance of delivering genuine value in business, especially in the realm of lead generation. As they delve into the challenges businesses face in differentiating themselves in a crowded market, Brent and Glen emphasize the necessity of going beyond mere profit motives to offer services that truly serve and benefit the customer. This episode uncovers the pitfalls of prioritizing revenue at the expense of value, highlighting stories and strategies that resonate with both new and established businesses navigating the post-COVID entrepreneurial landscape.

Key Discussion Points:

The Value Proposition: Brent kicks off the conversation by addressing the common issue of businesses selling without substance, exploring the consequences of neglecting real value in service delivery.
Ethical Entrepreneurship: The dialogue navigates through the seductive yet perilous narratives of overnight success prevalent in social media, urging a more ethical approach to entrepreneurship.
The Role of Onboarding and Communication: Glen shares insights on the significance of thorough onboarding processes and consistent, transparent communication with clients as cornerstones of building real value.
Assessing Service Worth: They challenge listeners to critically evaluate their offerings from a customer's perspective, asking, "Would I pay for this service at the price I'm charging?"
Beyond Features and Benefits: A deep dive into the common sales training focus on features and benefits, advocating for a more honest and value-centric approach to sales and marketing.
Why This Episode Is a Must-Listen:

Brent and Glen offer a refreshingly honest take on what it means to add real value in business. They discuss practical ways to enhance the value proposition, ensuring that businesses not only attract more leads but also build a sustainable, reputable brand. The episode is packed with actionable advice for entrepreneurs looking to elevate their business practices and foster genuine connections with their customers.

Closing Thoughts:

As the episode wraps up, the hosts preview the next episode's focus on why some businesses may resist building a good reputation and how to overcome this hurdle. Glen leaves listeners with a powerful reminder of the stakes involved, highlighting the critical link between service quality and long-term business survival.

Tune in to "Adding Real Value?" for a deep dive into the essence of true value in business and how it can transform your lead generation strategy and overall business success.

Creators & Guests

Glen Martin
Struggling with month-to-month finances, I reached a breaking point in 2013 and contacted a mentor who changed my life. His guidance shifted my mindset from an employee to an entrepreneur, leading me to create various business ventures in e-commerce, digital marketing, and coaching. Nine years later, my wife is a full-time homemaker, and we've been blessed with success. I'm passionate about helping others escape financial struggles and take control of their lives, aiming for impact, influence, and income. Let's connect to start your journey of growth and change lives together!
Brent Stone
Overcoming early turmoil, I've transformed challenges into resilience and success. My journey includes: Escaping legal trouble in my teens. Achieving national recognition in network marketing at 19. Transitioning from managing a multi-million-dollar dental facility to co-owning a Dental Service Organization in my early 20s. Launching a lead generation firm/software development company and starting the “Traffic Hackers” podcast. Undergoing a spiritual journey and creating the “Changed Podcast” with my wife. Today, I'm an entrepreneur, owner, connector, and author, inspired by my encounters with Jesus. I founded Funnel Force and developed leadtether, an innovative lead generation software. I focus on helping professionals streamline their business processes. Expertise: Advertising/Marketing Strategy, Scaling Systems, Dental Industry, Software Development, Podcast Hosting, Strategic Business Consulting. Looking for: Collaborations, partnerships, opportunities to expand my podcasts, and speaking engagements. Join me for a transformative journey in entrepreneurship. Let’s make an impact together.

What is The Traffic Hackers?

Welcome to "The Traffic Hackers" podcast, your go-to resource for mastering the art of lead generation and demand generation. Each episode is packed with insights and strategies to help companies and entrepreneurs skyrocket their business growth. We delve deep into the secrets of increasing sales and revenue, transforming the way you attract and nurture leads.

Join us as we explore innovative methods to increase lead sources and reveal the tools and tactics for automating your lead generation process. Whether you're a seasoned business owner or just starting out, "The Traffic Hackers" is your guide to putting revenue growth on autopilot. Tune in to unlock the potential of hot leads and learn how to turn clicks into customers, driving your business forward in today's competitive market.

Subscribe now and embark on a journey to elevate your business with "The Traffic Hackers" – where every listener gets equipped to conquer the digital landscape and achieve sustainable growth.

#LeadGeneration #DemandGeneration #BusinessGrowth #IncreaseSales #IncreaseRevenue

Brent Stone (00:00.394)
Hey, welcome to the Traffic Hackers. I'm Brent Stone and I've got Glenn Martin here with me. And we're excited to talk to you about some real life stuff today when it comes to generating leads in your business and how it applies to certain strategy and thought process in the typical business day-to-day operational world, looking at budgets and cashflow and different things. Glenn, how are you doing this morning?

Glen (00:29.423)
Hey, what's up Brent guys. Great to be back. I am amazing. Super excited to come at you all with some more tips and whether we're talking about sales or leads or whatever we get to talk about today. I'm just as excited as you are. So stay tuned. There's going to be some good stuff and I'm going to kick it back to Brent to get things kicked off.

Brent Stone (00:53.062)
Awesome, well today here's what we're gonna talk about because this is one of the biggest issues that I feel like I'm running into in this space with people when I'm talking to businesses or people about generating leads. One of the biggest pushbacks that I think that we're getting is that there's so many people trying to sell similar things and they don't have real value baked into what they're doing. They're literally just trying to make money, they're not trying to provide a legitimate service.

which is going to build the reputation so they can actually have a big business. So I'm gonna unpack that and then I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'll let Glenn answer a question that I'm gonna propose to him here in a second. You're gonna wanna listen because this is gonna help you understand where businesses are at. So if you're in sales and you're trying to generate leads for yourself, or if you're a business trying to generate leads for yourself, you're gonna understand both sides of the coin here. So when businesses,

get started by people that just want to make a lot of money, which is happening post-COVID era. There's a lot of people thinking that, oh, I can be an entrepreneur because there's a thousand people on Instagram that I saw today telling me that I can make a million dollars my first year in business, which you can. Hopefully you do it ethically, but a lot of times people just have the goal in mind of, hey, I can...

How much can I sell this thing for? And they don't really care about delivering value that's going to back up what they charge. And that's a problem because people don't stay in business very long and then you've got small businesses trying to just take home enough money to put food on the table for their family and they end up overpaying for some widget that doesn't work. And that's an issue. So real value is the topic.

today and if people are looking to generate more leads in their business, you know, you're have some type of business you're trying to generate more leads. How can you offer real value in relation to what you charge? So what I'd like to propose to Glenn is that, you know, how, if you're a small business, how what are what are a couple of ways, one or two ways where people can really raise value?

Glen (03:11.247)

Brent Stone (03:19.282)
not artificially raise value because let me qualify this question.

I've done sales my whole life. Glenn, I know you've done sales a lot, your whole life. You know, we're career salespeople. A lot of the time when salespeople are getting trained and what I've seen in like even the last five years or so, everyone is taught features and benefits and the difference and you know, all these things. But what I've seen is that people are really over inflating their, the value on certain things. They're really inflating the

Glen (03:45.807)

Brent Stone (03:56.074)
the benefits and how the features go into producing these benefits and they don't actually, I've seen, unfortunately seen a lot of people lie about what the actual features do and so therefore the benefit of those features don't actually come to pass. Really, really not good. How can we as

doing what we're doing to help people generate more leads for their businesses. How can we help them have the right perspective on how could they really increase the value? And I'm going to come back. I've got my own opinion on this, but I wanted to get yours, Glenn. What do you say to that? What do you say to people creating real value? How should they do that?

Glen (04:38.095)

Glen (04:43.695)
I think it's a, it's a long conversation because a lot of people, you know, in today's time with the digital age, it's, it's easy to have this fake value that appears real, which you kind of already hinted to where people can spend a bunch of money, they can have, you know, a bunch of followers on their social medias, they can have all these press releases that they wrote up themselves. They can have all kinds of, and so there is perceived value, which is what

We're, we're kind of trying to debunk and then it's the real value. And the real value is what's under the hood behind the scenes. And I think that in order to do that, the way to do that is there's a phrase it's called, you have to slow down to speed up. And that's a phrase I've heard for years in different business opportunities in different instances. And I think, you know, if you're listening to this, depending on what your business is, how can you slow down and as the business owner look at

What if I was my own customer? See, now you will know. I mean, that, that in itself could be, we could stop with that episode. If I was my own customer, would I be excited to pay $50,000 for this service that I am charging $50,000 for? Would I be like, you're an idiot. This is like a $3,000 project. You know, where, and I do believe that, you know, business owners need to make money, but on the flip side, put yourself in the customer's shoes and says,

Is my delivery worth what I'm charging? And if you can legitimately look at yourself and say, man, I would pay. Twice what I'm offering this for because it's such high value and you know that you're delivering you now have real value, but here's where you can start to ask yourself and start to really know whether you're BSing yourself or your clients is if you're like, yeah, I know I'm overcharging, but people are paying.

So it's all good. See that can work in the short term, but I think long-term business, you will ultimately fall down because people see through that stuff eventually. You can, you can fool some of the people, some of the time, but you can never fool all of the people all of the time. And so you need to look at. I think there's several things is you're onboarding as high class as possible. Do you have

Glen (07:09.231)
When, when someone's a new client, what's that onboarding look like, or is it just kind of like a haphazard? Well, let's just see what happens and we'll go from there. Is it, is it as high class as you can when they come in? Do you have high communication with your, with your prospects and then your new clients, is it high communication where if things are going incredibly well, there's high communication. If things are going not as well as you wish they did on the project that you're working with them, it's high communication.

See communication is a huge factor in value and there's a lot of business owners that unfortunately are charging a lot of money and they never want to talk to their clients. It's if I can get you to pay me, go away and I'm going to do whatever I decide. I want to do to fulfill this service, but I don't want to ever talk to you again because you're not worth that to me. You're worth only money. That's not real value. And there's a lot I could go into and I would kind of turn it back to you Brent because I think

In this whole conversation of communication, we could go on a whole rabbit trail, but onboarding communication is the service then stacking up. If you were the client of yourself, would you actually pay for that level of service? Those are three things that I would look at right out of the gate of real actual value that you can bring to your clients.

Brent Stone (08:29.183)
Yeah, I like that. That's really good. You know, one of the real things here, if we're going to stay on topic of lead generation, here's why I feel like this is really, really good. If you do the things that Glenn, you were just talking about where you're really trying to assess, you know, hey, am I really delivering?

You know, you gave an example of a $50,000 service. Am I delivering, you know, something that's only valued $3,000 or am I delivering, you know, double what I'm charging? You know, am I delivering a hundred thousand dollars worth of value, not delivering $3,000 and charging 50. Like, I mean, that's a real thing. Like we've seen this, you know, we've, we've come across people that we've, you know, pitched our stuff to. And then they're just like, you know, no, we've, we, we were out of money. Cause we, we.

you know, took the bait on something over here and, you know, we don't know you all like we didn't know these people and we can't, we can't lose twice. Yeah, totally understand. We've been like that. I mean, there's people coming to us after we've been taken, you know, like when we, you know, the first six, nine months we were in business, you know, we, we took the bait on, you know, two or three things that, you know, people are promising us the moon. They're going to help us and, you know, fast track our education and some of the different things that we were doing. And it's just like, man, it just was not that.

It was just not what we were promised. And so we know. And so one of the things that I think that's really big is just being able to just, you know, look at, you know, as we come to a close with this particular episode, here's what I'll tell everybody. You know, as you increase your value, you know, we're looking at what Glenn said here, you actually raise your expectation. And then here, this is in part one, part two episode that we're gonna.

cut in just a minute, we're gonna talk about more of a tangible, you know, why businesses don't want to do this. And then why they should. There's a whole lot here to unpack. So here's what I'll say. When you have a focus on delivering value and your reputation goes up, all of a sudden you can generate more leads. Because

Glen (10:37.327)

Brent Stone (10:41.478)
you have more engagement from people that you're treating well and they are happy with what you're providing for them. So I think that that's honestly that's what we the one we need to stop this episode because if people can chew on that, that's enough to kind of get into the next phase of unpacking this which is why well so why do businesses want to do this? Like why don't businesses want to have a good reputation?

Glen (10:59.823)

Brent Stone (11:10.37)
that they don't wanna have a good reputation. It's just what we're gonna talk about. You know, I'm gonna unpack this whole thought process. And then the solution. So with that, hey, thank you all so much for tuning into this episode. Glenn, is there any closing comments you wanna make before we cut this off?

Glen (11:26.575)
I don't just don't miss the next one because if you want a business that is long-term sustainable, you want to figure this out very, very, very soon in your business career, or you will be one of those 80 to 85% of businesses that fail within your first two years and you do not want to be that. And all of it, I think comes down to service quality and

Well, I mean, there's, there's other things, but those two are what kicks most businesses out of the water out right away. So let's get into the next episode because you guys want to be. One of the 15% that's around five, 10, 15 years from now.

Brent Stone (12:08.718)
All right. Thank you all. Tune in next time and we'll see you soon.