go podcast()

go podcast() Trailer Bonus Episode 30 Season 1

030: gRPC in Go with Chris Shepherd

I receive Chris Shepherd and we talk about gRPC in Go. If you're building systems with lots of micro-services, gRPC is a good way to provide strong contracts between your services and improve communications.


The best way to support this show, other than talking about it, is by purchasing my online courses on Go: Build SaaS apps in Go and Build a Google Analytics in Go. Here's a direct link with a special discount for the pod listeners.

Creators & Guests

Dominic St-Pierre
Go system builder - entrepreneur. I've been writing software systems since 2001. I love SaaS, building since 2008.
Chris Shepherd
Senior Systems Engineer @Cloudflare

What is go podcast()?

15 minutes news, tips, and tricks on the Go programming language.