Soul Why? The Secrets Of The Soul Rich Woman Blueprint


Show Notes

98/192: What Professions And Industries Have The Biggest Money Blocks

Money blocks, money blocks, money blocks! Which do you think has the biggest money block? I have them, you have them, pretty much everyone has money blocks of some kind.

It's pretty safe to say we all have money blocks, even if we don't know it yet. These blocks are pretty huge in themselves and I have a lot of resources for you to help to clear them, but let’s dive into some common professions that we see here in Soul Rich Woman.

Finance Professionals

08:44- 08:54  If you’re a financial advisor or professional who feels ashamed because you are already in debt or your accounting is really a mess.

08:59- 09:07 You feel really guilty because you don’t always follow your own advice perfectly and all these blocks are keeping you from helping more people.

09:15- 09:23 But you wonder why people would pay you to do their taxes? And to you, it’s obvious and easy. Not for everyone.

09:24- 09:29 Understanding that money blocks will help you to attract more clients.

Health and wealthiness and fitness professionals

03:12- 03:26 These money blocks are pretty huge in themselves and I have a lot of resources for you to help clear them but let’s dive into some common profession that we see here in Soul Rich Woman and the blocks that they have.

03:27- 03:30  First, health and wealthiness and fitness professionals.

03:50- 03:57 Many people working in the health industry have beliefs and feel like, number one, “Good health should be free.”

04:00- 04:11  Number two, “I’m taking advantage of people’s illnesses.” Number three, “I can’t offer people’s solutions or supplements because I should not be salesy.”

04:12- 04:18 Now the whole reason that people come to you when you’re a health professional is to learn how to better take care of themselves.

04:43- 04:48 They come to you for knowledge and by you not giving them what you know,

04:53- 04:57 then you’re not serving them to your best of your ability.

05:25- 05:34 You need to set boundaries. Now, these include asking for payment upfront, creating packages because that’s how transformation happens.

Universal blocks
02:52- 03:11  Here are some of the most common universal blocks that I have always seen. “I have to work really hard to make money.” Number two, “I don’t deserve or I’m not good enough to be wealthy or to be rich.” Number three, “I can’t help people and make money.”
07:59- 08:03 Remember yourself that clients are coming to you for your skills to hold them accountable.
05:03- 05:12 This affirmation, “I serve, I deserve.” is a really good one to use as a  patent interrupter for those sources of blocks.
05:13- 05:22 It reminds you that you’re being served to people and it’s okay to charge in return for your expertise and experience.

Key Takeaways:
  1. Health and wellness professionals.
  2. Finance professionals.
  3. Spiritual professionals.
  4. Artists and creative professionals.
  5. MLM or Direct sales businesses. 

Key Resources:
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Secrets of Manifesting Money Quickly Online Course --->

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I believe we can change the world. But first, we’ve got to stop living in fear of being judged for who we are.
Hi I'm Genecia Alluora, Founder of the #1 Leading Female Entrepreneur Network in South East Asia supporting 1 Million women to Own & LOve The F-Word. Being fabulous, having freedom, financial independence and Family.

With a challenge to women everywhere to stop TALKING themselves out of their dreams, Soul Why? Secrets of The Soul Rich Woman Blueprint identifies the excuses to let go of, the behaviours to adopt, and the skills to acquire on the path to growth, confidence, and believing in yourself to be recognised as a leader online. Get clients online and to have more impact on the world!

Stop Believing THE Lies ABOUT Who You Are so You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be. You're Just an "F-Word" Away from The Life You Want, The Marriage You Want... The Family That You Want, Is Going To Be Fueled By The Business & Life You Build ... Join me, become a Soul Rich Woman. Alone we are strong, Together we are unstoppable!

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Genecia Alluora: I believe we can change the world. But first, we've got to stop living in fear of being judged for who we are.

Genecia Alluora: Hi, I'm Genecia Alluora, founder of the number one leading female entrepreneur network in Southeast Asia, supporting 1 million women to own and love the F word, being fabulous, having freedom, financial independence, and family. We have challenge women everywhere to stop talking themselves out of their dreams. Soul Why: Secrets of the Soul Rich Woman Blueprints identifies the excuses to let go of the behaviors to adopt and the skills to acquire on the path to growth, confidence and believing in yourself to be recognized as a leader online, with clients online and to have more impact on the world.

Genecia Alluora: Stop believing the lies about who you are so you can become who you are meant to be. You are just an F word away from the life you want, the marriage you want, the family that you want is going to be fueled by the business and life you build. Join me. Be a Soul Rich Woman. Alone, we are strong, together we are unstoppable. Welcome to the show.

Genecia Alluora: Hello, gorgeous. How are you? My name is Genecia Alluora and I'm back. Now, what professions and industries have the biggest money blocks? This is a very interesting question, isn't it? I want to say that it's pretty safe to say that everyone has money blocks and even if they don't know it yet. While it's true that there are many common, I mean, I find many common traits among women I teach in the Soul Rich Woman Blueprint. Some industries have money blocks totally unique to their industry. And it's clear, too, that unless you're willing to work with and clear your money blocks on an ongoing basis, yourself sabotage and stay stuck. So stop using your profession as an excuse and instead find the golden nuggets that's hiding somewhere in your closet and move past your blocks. So I've got this shorter version for you, but if you want a longer webinar, you have got to go to and if you want to dive deeper. So here are the sum of the most common universal blocks that I always see. I have to work really hard to make money. Number two, I don't deserve or I'm not good enough to be wealthy or to be rich.

Genecia Alluora: Number three, I can't help people and make money. These money blocks are pretty huge in themselves, and I have a lot of resources for you to help you declare them. But let's dive into some common professions that we see here in Soul Rich Woman and the blocks that they have. OK, first, health and wellness and fitness professionals. Well, the health and wellness professionals like weight loss coaches and anyone who helps clients to transform their health or wellbeing in any way. Now, this industry is hugely prone to burnout as well, such as injuries and of course stress, weight gain and illnesses. So many people working in the health industry have beliefs and feels like, number one, good health should be free. So I'm horrible by charging. Number two, I'm taking advantage of people's illnesses. Number three, I can't offer people's solutions or supplements because I should not be selfie. Now, the whole reason that people come to you when you're a health professional is to learn how to better take care of themselves. Of course, good health is everyone's birthright. It's entitled. Okay, but some people need a little more help than others and they are coming to you for a solution.

Genecia Alluora: If they wanted, they could most likely find a low cost and no cost solution to DIY themselves like searching on YouTube. But they haven't. So they come to you for knowledge. And by you not giving them what you know, whether that's your knowledge and skills for a recommendation for a supplement, then you're not serving them to your best of your ability. You're actually stopping them from doing the work you are here to do. This affirmation I serve, I deserve. It's a really good one to use as a patent interrupter for those sorts of blocks. It reminds you that you are being serviced off to people and it's okay to charge in return for your expertise and experience. So my friend, you need to set boundaries. Now, this includes asking for payment up front and creating packages because that's really how transformation happens over time and sticking to time in sessions. Like for example, if it's 90 minutes, it's 90 minutes. Don't over give. I have made my own mistakes as well. Even my mentorship, my $38,000 mentorship programs, sometimes I give more than beyond just the 90 minutes and I feel tired and sometimes burned out.

Genecia Alluora: So working on your self esteem or selfworth will help you to stop attracting clients who want more, more and more for less, less money. Your ultimate less is to role model selfcare and wellbeing, charging well for your services means that you can actually help more people. It is true, right? You have more money, you have more energy, you have more energy. It brings back to more stable finances, more money. It loops, right? Soul Rich Woman, maybe you can put your expertise into a book, run online programs, or have energetic and financial space to act pro bono work to your clinic without resentment or burnout eventually. Coaches and consultants is another profession I see that faces a lot of money issues. Coaches often get tied up in their own perfectionism, which can be a huge consequences for their abundance.

Genecia Alluora: If you are a coach but you feel like you have to be more successful or earn more than your own clients, you feel like a fraud, a fake person because you're new. Feel like you have to be perfect before you can help others. Oh well then you have definitely got the most common blocks in your own industry. Now, I think coaches, whether you're a podcast coach or a mentor, often you feel like this is this way.

Genecia Alluora: Because it's really common for us to have problems that our clients are facing and we want to prove that we are past them ourselves. Clearing up the need for perfectionism, my dear, is a first step to not sabotaging yourself as a coach, a mentor or a consultant. Remember yourself that clients are coming to you for your skills, to hold them accountable, to hold the space for their dreams and to help them work through their feelings of not being good enough. Give yourself a break and treat yourself with as much compassion and love as you do for your clients. I do that for myself too. Next we have finance professionals like for example financial advisors, accountants. Well, all of you have a tendency towards perfectionism. Too many of you, because you talk about money, you think you have everything sorted out before you help others. But if you are a financial advisor and professional who feels ashamed because you are already in debt or your accounting is really in a mess.

Genecia Alluora: And for you to help another client in their financial and wealth, you feel really guilty.

Genecia Alluora: Because you don't always follow your own advice perfectly. And all these blocks are keeping you from helping more people. You might struggle to charge your clients because this comes to you easily, but you wonder why people would pay you to do their taxes. And to you it's obvious and easy, but not for everyone. Also, understanding the money blocks will help you to attract more clients because they are worried about you judging them. So when they see that you also have gone through it's like you're being relatable and clearing that perfect nationism in yourself will also help you to have more compassion for clients who get blocked around working with you in the first place.

Genecia Alluora: The next profession is spiritual healists. People in the selfdevelopment industry where you know they are in Riki, Feng Shui, Herod and other healing worlds who are really blocked about charging for their work.

Genecia Alluora: It's really common to hear like I can't charge for my gift. It's unethical to charge for spiritual things. Nobody wants to pay for spiritual help or they attract clients with victim mentality or can't afford to pay or reflect negative feedback about you charging for their gifts. So it's important to remember the affirmation I serve, I deserve. And remind yourself that when you release your blocks, more money can flow to you and you'll be able to help more people. I have a lot more to say on this one, so go on to the website at the end to listen more of what I have to share.

Genecia Alluora: Artists and creatives are also another group. Of people about selling art pieces. So if you're on a creative business.Then it's likely you've got a block around charging for your art. There's a real risk that you are. Running the poor artist, poor starving artist script in your life. That you can't make a living from your art and it's somehow noble to live in poverty rather than selling out. It is as though art is more real because you've suffered.

Genecia Alluora: And another common belief is that nobody will pay for it or people don't appreciate creativity and you will really be the starving poor artist, at least until you clear your blocks. I know plenty of artists who have made abundant lives and businesses from their art without having to sacrifice their F word, their sanity or their bank accounts. And I know that you can too. The last group I want to talk about is my MLM people.

Genecia Alluora: Now, more and more people are ever partnering with MLM or we call the direct sales businesses. And yes, well, the money blocks is like 1000 times more than before. You know what? You have to deal with the imposter syndrome about not having real business because it's not yours, it's someone else. You're just carrying a brand and worrying about what people would think of you. Especially when you tell people your MLM, they're like, oh, I will run away from you. So you have really got to get over it and make sure that the partner, that the company you partner with has high values and a product that you genuinely love and then get building.

Genecia Alluora: So if you love today's episode and want to connect with me and hire me to do a one on one coaching, just a 45 minutes session, you can go to I look forward to speaking with you. And I love you and take care.

Genecia Alluora: The key to unlock consistent success. The key to unlock that diamond within you. No other things involved. This is what you need to do and must do tonight.

Genecia Alluora: You can do it because I've done it. As long as you have a mentor who can take you from where you are now to where you want to be, you can shortcut your success.

Genecia Alluora: You can be different in order to make a difference. Turn your talent into your business. Turn your passion into a paycheck by being you, by being you and only you.

Speaker 4: Give yourself a second chance. Never say no to your failures. As a woman we have the power in our hands. Never let your fears hold you back. Quit thinking and start doing. Life is really short and keep pursuing what you truly ever wanted to achieve.

Genecia Alluora: Women come together. Alone we are strong. Together we are unstoppable. The Soul Rich Woman blueprint is going to be transforming your life today, yesterday, last year. Because you took action today I'm going to say more power to you.