Clydesdale Media Podcast

We catch up with the crew.  We talk about Dave's week in Review, Dave's Interviews, Where do the Champs end up? Plus how is the crew doing this week?

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

What up, bitches?

What's up?

I didn't have a meeting

right before this one,

so I was here a minute early,

and we're actually on air a

tad bit early.

Yes, we are.

That's to you, Corey.

No meeting, but I am literally,

the minute this is over,

meetings the entire rest of the day.


No meetings for me,

except I do have an

appointment with a nap.

A nap.

A nap.

We got some, uh,

S Savage S one versus

innovate versus Reebok talk

going on in the chat.

Fun place to start.

What is your go-to workout shoe?

Well, currently I'm wearing the Reebok,

I think the threes, the 13th 13th.

Uh, I started with Reebok.


Or X three.

I mean, like the brand new ones.

Then it's the 12.

I think it's X3.

No, I think it's, I do think it's an X3.

Anyway, I started with Reebok, right?

The Nano 4s, I think, or the 2s.

I think the 2s.

I don't know.

Then I had several and then I, you know,

switched and went to, what was it?

Nike for a little while.

I like, I do like Nike.

Um, I like,

I hated running and nanos hated it.

And so I didn't like them

for any type of workout

that had running that kind of thing.

Um, so I switched over to Nike Metcon.

I tried nobles.

I hate nobles to work out in.

Maybe they're fine.


you know,

for coaching and things like that,

but I just don't like love my nobles.

So now then I switched back to Reebok and,

um, you know,

they've made some upgrades

with their shoe and I'm,

I'm very happy with it.


And there is a military

discount with that.


I, um,

I was a Reebok guy three through six.


And then I, that's when I,

when Charlie talked to me into the, uh,

Nike Metcon re knits fly nets.


And then I was cool with

that for a little bit.

And then I went back to

Reebok for the nine.


I have like five pairs of, yeah.

because I really like that

shoe and that is all I've

worn ever since yeah till I

got the rad r1s wow the rad

r1 runners I love working

out in it's the first

runner that I feel stable

enough to work out in yeah

well I haven't I never tried those ones

Well, they're hard to get.

I just,

I got lucky enough that I was on a show,

called out the CEO of Rad

that they are never in stock.

And he sent me a pair.


I'll tell you one of the worst shoes.

I think the worst model of

Reebok was the 10,

the X. Those are the ones

that we got for Rogue for volunteering,

but got canceled.


I think they are the absolute worst shoes.

pair of shoes.

I hated the way they felt.

They were so high up on the heel.

They were heavy.

I felt like clown shoes.

I have big feet for my frame actually,

but I felt like it looked

like I was wearing dumb

looking shoes when I wore those.

But they've since, like I said,

corrected it and now I'm enjoying them.

I know the Savage S1s are

becoming super popular.

By Born Primitive.


And they're very much the

look of the old Nano 2.

And people seem to love them.

But Kenneth's just going

back to the Chuck Taylors.

If it works, dude.


And here's the other thing.

A lot of times, like,

I'm sure a lot of the other

shoe companies do this too.

But I know that Reebok

usually has like a 40% off,

like when they're getting

ready to put out a new model.

And so I mean, come on.

I mean,

that's a really good price to stock up.


I saw,

I think Ken said that he's close to

an innovate store and they,

and they go on sale for like 45 bucks.

You can't beat the price.



We used to have North of us

and outlet mall that had a

Reebok store and on my way to my parents,

I had to pass that outlet

store and that you could

get nanos for like 20, 30 bucks.


Jay Ross says,

anyone use zero drop more minimal shoes?

I don't,

but I've seen several athletes

definitely have some minimal shoes.

I can't do it.

I'm too old.

My feet hurt too bad.

And that's what the rads

have been a game changer for me.

There's enough cushion in it

for like a runner,

but yet it's stable enough

I can still work out.


I mean, I used to think for me,

that was when I was really running, um,

a lot, like I needed that, um,

like a thicker kind of shoe, but you know,

since I'm not running as much anymore,

it's fine.

What were the,

the Reebok and actually I

got a new pair of Reebok runners too,

but Reebok in the rad

runners when I'm in an

event on that cement all day, like,

Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah.

Totally game changing.

Yes, that does.

That definitely makes makes

a difference when you're

standing on concrete.

That's for sure.

You know, I'm curious about Adidas.

Me, too.

That was kind of my next thing.

So you hit it before me.

OK, let's talk about it.

Thanks, Kat.

What made it pop into my

head is I just watched the

Bethany interview with Dave

Castro last night.


And we're having her on next Friday.

But she signed with Adidas.


And I know that because of her back issues,

she's very particular about her shoes.

And I don't think she's ever

had a deal footwear wise until this.


so she said they have five

athletes signed sydney

wells her and then three

men and two of them are are

teen athletes they're not

even like okay in the main

game yet yeah so and adidas

has been around the game

forever well yeah but I you

have to call it adidas

Well, I don't have to.


And what I found interesting

in the Castro interview is

he was talking that they

were in talks with Adidas

to have a deal with early on in CrossFit.

But at the time,

Adidas and Reebok were

under the same umbrella.

Ah, yeah.

And they were trying to make

a clear delineation between

training and sports.

And so Adidas became the

sport shoe Reebok became

the training shoe,

but now they're not under

the same umbrella.


And so that's why Adidas is

coming in pretty hard, uh, with, uh, with,

with the new training shoe, um,

similar topics, changing it slightly.

Um, I heard.

that the inventor or the, you know,

the head of Adidas and Puma

were brothers and they got into like a,

a feud and kind of

separated and made their own,

each made their own companies.

Somebody told me that.

The only thing I know about

Adidas is what I saw in the movie air.

Well, if you watch the Beckham documentary,

they talk a lot about Adidas.

That's why.


Have you seen Air?


It's Nike signing Michael Jordan.



And how there was like a war

to get him between Converse, Adidas,

and Nike.

And Nike wasn't even a player.

Nike was just a running shoe back then.

And there was just one guy

that wanted to go all in on signing him.

And he had to convince Phil

Knight and the crew to let him.

And the movie's about like

that story of trying to get there.

And then when they signed him,

the difference it made in their company.



Like he still makes,

Jordan himself still makes

hundreds of millions of

dollars a year on his show.


I can't even imagine.

he was the first athlete to

get a portion of the shoe sales.

And it was almost a deal

breaker that made Phil Knight walk away.

I'm sure he is so glad that he did not.

Oh my gosh.

Oh my gosh.


It's, it's great.

It's Matt Damon, Ben Affleck.

And it's, it's on Amazon prime, I think.


So if you have a minute, it's,

you would love it.

It's just a really good movie.

I'll fit that in after my first nap.


You do that.

I'll finish it after my 18

meetings this afternoon.


this is napping season for me because

of not being in school,

but also I definitely nap

on days when I get up at

four to coach when in

actuality means I really wake up today.

I woke up at two 30 and

couldn't go back to bed.


Charlie said that's the same deal he

made with Clydesdale.


Charlie made us who we are today.

He did something.

He came to the gym today.

He did.



That's good.

He did.


He worked out too.

He probably listened to this.

He probably did more work

than I did today.

No way.


But that's because I'm a little injured.

What'd you do?

Is it working on the deck?


I think it was, I've been working on,

you know, lots of deck projects going on.

I've replaced all the boards, you know,


but then I painted all the boards

and it was a lot of I think

just a lot of like hinging and

I don't know,

probably rounding my back

some and just odd, you know, odd


So I felt kind of tweaky

coming in yesterday.

And the workout was terrible.

And I definitely had to stop mid workout.

And I was smart.

And it's because I didn't

want to keep going.

I knew it would be bad.

So I just I came home,

I kind of walked the dog

and just did some walking.

And then today I went in

because I was coaching and it was

10 to one of power snatch

and burpee over bar.

And so I just did,

I did like hang power

snatch at 45 pounds and

then step back and step over burpee.

So I didn't even sweat,

which is kind of annoying.

Listen, you're not in games training.

You're right.

I'm not.

No, I was happy to do some training.

So it's all good.

Elise Carr-Redau.

Hinging plus oldness does

not go together well.

Yeah, go back up to... Yeah, there we go.

And then Mike Halpin does

jump in to say Adidas and

Puma were created by the

Dassler brothers.

Adolph Dassler, Adidas.

Yeah, okay.


I thought that there was something

going there.

Yeah, they... In the movie Air,

they actually...

like part of the trying to

convince them not to go

with Adolf and the German company.




Charlie did squat yesterday

and he's squatting tomorrow.

I saw him.

I saw him squat.

When I was interviewing Brandon Luckett,

I didn't know how much to

go all in on Charlie doing his EMOM.


Endurance piece.

Because if Charlie makes it to day five,

we're lucky.

Let's find out.

Charlie, let us know.

So I didn't know whether to

go all in with Brandon and say, hey,

we got a guy.

We got a guy.


I know Corey does it like every day.

And Brandon actually was

talking smack about Corey

before we went on the air.




Weak legs equal weak minds, some say.


I'm going to use that for the next

time I'm coaching because like we'll have,

sometimes we'll have like a,

after the workout,

we'll have some accessory piece,

a piece and it's, you know,

like a little body pump or something.

And I'll be like,

and what happens typically

is people will do the

workout and then they just peace out.

And I was like,

none of you should be

skipping any leg days.

You need to be here.

You need to stay.

So now I'm going to use the

weak minds now.


Charlie has to get past the free trial.

Charlie loves free stuff.


and we were talking about the Savage


EMOM is giving away a pair

of Savage Ones with their

current challenge.

If Charlie were to do the challenge,

he might get something free.

So I'm going to ask you one more question.


We talked last week that

your son got his L1,

and he is coaching at another gym.


Have you attended a class in

which he coaches?

No, not yet.

No, but he shadowed me coaching.

And then what I mean,

he basically has been

shadowing me coaching his whole life,


But he, he,

him and I co coached a class meeting,

I let him run it while I was there.

So I've observed him coaching,

but I haven't like been the

athlete in his class.

But he's a coach at another gym.


How long would you give it

for him to feel comfortable

before you go to his gym

and take his class?

He's good.

I could totally do it.



Like Corey would never want me to like,

I'd have to give it like three months.

Yeah, no, he's totally fine.

He coaches me all the time.

I mean, all the time,

like one-on-one kind of stuff.

Yeah, one on one,

Corey would let me do that.

It's that she'd be over a class.

Yeah, sure.

You know, it's, yeah.

I mean, he's,

he's definitely a natural leader.

And, you know,

so I think when he knows the stuff,

then he's, you know,

feels really confident.

I think, you know, like, a lot of people,


if you know what you're talking about,

it's easier.


so it was not a mom giving away the seven,

it's actually uplift.

but Brandon Luckett is doing

the program for that workout this month.

An uplift we have been promoting.

It's a suicide prevention

organization that we

promote as much as we can

on this channel.


Oh, here's, let's talk about this then.

Here's a little challenge

that is happening.

So our gym does, well,

and I think it's a part of

Mayhem programming,

but our gym does like a

monthly challenge.

So it's like whatever is

outside of Mayhem,


like it might be like accumulate

single leg squats, you know,

try to accumulate a

thousand per leg this month

or something like that.

Um, so, and I saw Cheryl,

your nutrition coach

talking about this on one

of her clips the other day.

So I'm curious,

do you track your steps per day?

I was until my watch stopped

doing it correctly.

And I'm not,

I don't have the money to get

a new watch right this moment.

Yeah, sure.

But yeah, on our weekly check-in with her,

we have to record our steps for the week.

Ah, okay.


so it made me think about it because

our monthly challenge is,

is try to get eight or

8,000 to 10,000 steps five times a week.

And, um,

And so I was just, just kind of curious,

like what other people, you know,

knowing having desk jobs or

things like that.


and part of also what Cheryl was

talking about, like, how do you get those,

those steps really, Charlie,

you count each step in a notebook.

I don't believe that.


Um, yeah, Kenneth said,

I didn't realize watches

were so expensive.

Garments are pricey.

They are.

Yeah, they are.

And I ended up banging them

on everything that I walked through,

like every door jam, every frame,

every whatever.

And it,

mine looks like it's been through a lot.

And I mean,

like your phone will track your steps,

but that means you have to always,

you know, have your phone on you.

And that's just a pain so much.

The first Garmin I ever had

literally looks like a CPU on my wrist,

like the old first kind of computers.

And they didn't even do half

of the stuff that Garmins can do now.

See, you have this nice,

dainty little wrist that

watches look cool on.

I need the whole CPU just to

look normal on my wrist.


That's a big honking.


So I always get the big – I

was interviewing Travis

Mayer at Granite Games,

and his watch is massive.

And I was like,

that's the one I want

because that's going to

make my wrist look normal size.



And so there we are.

So what's your typical goal then?

Meaning that you have like a

sit down job kind of thing.

Eight to 10.

Eight to 10.


It's amazing.

What I try to do is like two

laps around our big block

with Walter a day in

addition to like other stuff,

like getting up and moving.


And it's been really

beautiful this week to do that.

It has been amazing this week.

But it's interesting because

I thought that me being in

the classroom and teaching

that I would get more steps,

but I actually don't.

I wish it would count like

the number of squats that I

do because I'm literally

like in basically a squat

position all day talking to kids.

But I don't really get that

many steps in the classroom

as I do actually over the

summer because I'm just being a busybody.

I thought at Syndicate Crown,

I'd have like a ton,

because normally I do.

And it could be my watch

still is malfunctioning,

but when I'm holding a camera,

it doesn't register anything.

Because I'm holding the

camera like still as I'm moving,

and it doesn't shake enough to register.

Does that make sense?

Yeah, yeah.

I'll even put it on like

when I mow the lawn.

Cause I'm curious about like

steps for that.

I'll put it, it's two miles for me.

It tracks like two miles for

me mowing my lawn.

But you know,

of course it's all just lines

and of steps, but.

Do you ever look at the GPS

when you're done to see

like the scribble back and forth?


And it's like,

why did you go that way and do that?

And I was like, I don't know.

I got bored.

So I just cut it in half and

then come back.

All right.


I wanted to do something fun with you


And it comes from our buddy Wad Zombie,

which before I pull this up,

he has new cards out.

There's five new cards in

the last two weeks.

And one of the cool aspects

of the cards is there's a

Jeffrey Adler champion card.

It has a gold foil champion at the bottom.


And the picture used was

taken by our photographer

at the CrossFit Games last year.

That's right.

Rosie view photography or Jess.

Um, so proud.

So cool.

Got to talk to what zombie

got to be part of the

negotiations that got that

picture on the card.

Uh, and it was so freaking cool.

So going to support what

zombie a little bit today.

And he put out this, uh,

this thing on Instagram of a plane seat,


So there are 12 open seats on a plane.

Which seat would you pick to sit in?

Now you have row one with

Jason Hopper and Colton

Mertens or two with Amy

Kringle and Bella Martin.

Three with Brooke Wells and

Sarah Sigmund's daughter.

Sarah looks like she will

literally fight you with

her eyeballs right there.


That's the right before the event.


She's going to cut you.

Four is Scott Pancheck and Josh Bridges.

Five is Taylor Self and John Young.

Six is Matt Fraser, Tia Toomey.

Seven is Dave Castro and Siobhan.

Eight is Greg Glassman and Don Fall.

Nine is Danny Spiegel and Andrew Hiller.

Ten is Jason Kalipa and Rich Froning.

And 11 is Just With Danielle Brandon.

And 12 is Just With Hayley Adams.


So my gut says,

and then I'll give you a

backup if something happens.

My gut is I want number 10.

That's what I picked.

I figured.

So I'm definitely,

that would be number one

because I think that that

would be the most humbling and genuine,


The storytelling.



Storytelling of,

of the old OG days of

CrossFit would be awesome.

And I love both of them.



Bonus is you get to

eavesdrop on the row behind you,

which is Greg Glassman and Dawnfall.

So that's my, that was my pick.

Well, I actually think my second pick.

would be seat number nine

because of entertainment

value only and that's the

heller spiegel yeah just be

like oh for real you just

said that you know charlie

said he would take two on

the way to and 11 on the

way back on his round trip oh yeah you

One hundred percent.

We don't even have to ask him why.


I think in his top five list,

the exemption list that

people get single and

Daniel Brandon are both on that list.


So and Bella Martin's pretty cool.

I like her.

She's she's a she's a neat chick.

So that's cool.



I think Rich and Jason would totally

be talkative.

I think they would totally

have conversations with people.

They would love to talk about it, I think.

Every time I've run into

either one of them, they have been very,

very talkative to me.


Rich and Jason are both very gregarious.


Very open to talk.


Halpin says three,

and I'm leaning way back.

That means he's in the row

with Hopper and Colton.

But he's sitting in with Brooke and Sarah.

Mike, that's me in 10.

I'm leaning back to hear

what Glassman and Fall are

talking about as I'm

sitting with Rich and Jason.

So do you think Don's on the way out?



I think he's just the face

that's taken all the

punishment right now.

And the equity firms,

they need someone to go do that.


And I don't want to dive

into all that business again.

No, you're fine.

You're fine.

I just was thinking about it.


cause I've been one of the biggest

supporters of Dawnfall.



and this last thing upset me a little

more than other things have.

So it just, he seemed tone deaf.


And really from what affects me most,

and that's media, I think.


So the other thing I want to

talk about real quick is I

woke up to a really cool note.

Oh, yeah.

I woke up to a note from Sean Woodland.

He actually saw our show Sunday night,

and I said some things about him,

and it's going to be a loss

not having him at the games this year.

And he wrote back that he

caught it and thanked me so much,

and he can't wait to thank me in person.

And I was very touched by that.

That's very lovely, really.

And I've told this story a couple times.

I knew Sean when he was a

sportscaster in Tallahassee, Florida,

when I lived there.

And I would tune in every

night to hear about Florida

state baseball and Florida

state football.


And, uh,

and it was really wild for me to

then later in life,

see him as the announcer of

the CrossFit games.

Um, but every time,

every time I have run into him,

he has been kind and we

never taught CrossFit.

We always talk hockey or

football or other stuff.

And he was one of our first ever guests.

He was,

I remember that like episode 13 or

something like that.



Uh, so really cool.


I w I wasn't going to bring this up,

but that was really cool too.

Had to get,

yo sent me a thank you for

supporting her.

And it was a signed Jersey, uh,

from semifinals, um,

in a bracelet set of

bracelets that said Clydesdale capable.


and uh so that was really

cool um and I will get a

frame for that very soon

and it will go up on the

wall of course are you

running out of wall space

uh I'm running out behind

me yeah but I have plenty

like in the yeah yeah yeah

okay yeah so um there's

that but that was really cool

But I wanted to ask you about Dave,

Dave Castro's interviews,

because at first I thought, man,

that's going to be a

conflict of interest.

And I've really,

after hearing 17 of them

have softened my stance.


Look at that.

You see here, we're,

we've got some capability of growth here.

I think they've been awesome.

And if you have not been watching them,

they are so, and the more he does,

the better he's getting at them.


But when he said five to 10 minutes,

none of them are five minutes.

They are 10 to 15.


You can't have a,

just getting to know you

kind of conversation with

somebody that's only five minutes,

you know?

And I,

and I think the ones that he doesn't

know the people very well

are better than the ones he

knows the people.



Well, so far he's,

so he's at 17 and we

thought he would make it to 18.

I said that I, I am wrong.

I, he's going to crush that goal.

Well, that's see, I love this.

We can admit when we're wrong.

He actually said that he,

and I should have known this.

He's very goal oriented.

And if he sets a goal for himself,

he's going to hit it.

That's true.

And he came out and said,

the only reason he would

not hit 80 is if someone

refused to come on.

I think he is going to be, um,

I think he is going to be

hard pressed to get some of

the people who do not speak

English with him.



and I don't think it's going to be a


I think it's just going to

be a lack of the possibility.


And if you have a translator,

it's just harder for that

for clips and to make it be that time.

Kat said, I said 25, also wrong.


I was way off.

But, yeah.

But, you know,

what's interesting is where

I'm seeing all the clips.

On his channel?


Somebody else's.

Well, those are the clips.


The clips, not the interviews.

The clips.

Well, Hiller's clipping them.


to get the content out.

So let me ask you this.

Is he,

is he trying to show Dave how to

make the clips better?

Cause Dave is putting out clips, but it is,

it is not cut.

So it's,

it's like taking the full side by

side screen.

So if I get rid of the plane here.



Just like,

so Dave is taking this shot

right here and just putting

it onto Instagram with black space,

top and bottom.

yeah okay hillar's taking

the clips putting them into

like one face on the screen

at a time back and forth

between the speakers

putting the words below it

and I think it's hillar

almost trying to show him

that it can be done better um

It could be.

I mean,

my instinct was he was also just

trying to say, hey, CrossFit,

look at how easy you can get these out.

Like this content that you

should be producing and

putting out is how I'm viewing it.

Well, with a little effort,

you can make it look a lot

better than you are.

Yeah, sure.


Yeah, because when I do a clip,

I really try to make it

just one face on that real

screen at a time.

You don't have a lot of

side-to-side space.


And so when it's put up like Castro's,

and it's probably someone

at CrossFit doing that,

those heads are so small

you can barely see the person.

Like it just, yeah.

And Hiller's look way, way better.

Yes, agreed.

Did you watch Week in Review?


He sorts the questions now by top comment,

meaning it had the most likes.


Everyone that had Hiller in it,

he's just skipped over.

He goes, nope, not doing that one.

Nope, not doing that one.

Which I was glad he did it

because I don't want it

just to be every week a

back and forth between him and Hiller.


That's why we tune in to Week in Review.

I feel like they just need to, you know,

you know what I say about conflict,


Then increased communication.


Increased communication.

So those two,

we need to just get them to talk,

get this, this conflict,

which is what I said last week.

They need to talk.

Cat took it to the,

they need to hire them.


All that got clipped and put

out on Hiller's channel.


Um, but I agree.

I think they do need to talk.

and come to some kind of, um, resolution,

but yeah, I think they should.

I think they could both

really grow from each other.


Cause I think a lot of it is

just miscommunication.


We don't have enough time to

get into the thing I wanted to say, but,


cause I have one of those 18 meetings

starting in a couple minutes.


But, um,

there was supposed to be a

cut schedule released by

now it still is not

released he said it during

the Dallin Pepper interview

I think on Friday that it

was going to be within 24

hours we are now on Tuesday

I hate cuts I hate them I

do too but it does Corbin I agree sorry

If you answer the question,

you got to show the

question or say the question.


The conflict helps growth too.

It does.

There was actually a moment

I thought that they were in cahoots.

And I know cahoots is like a

term that gets made fun of

in the CrossFit space.

I felt like Hiller and

Castro were playing up the

back and forth to grow both channels.

So Craig,

I don't think they're a necessary

evil if you have the right

40 athletes at the games,

but we have the mistake of

not having the right 40

athletes at the games.

Therefore the cuts become necessary,

but we're just making one

bad decision on top of

another bad decision.

So do you think all 40 athletes should be,

what I'm hearing is you

think all 40 athletes

should be all the way through the games?

So I said this on the night.

The only reason I think a

cut should come into play

is if your TV contract

makes it so you can only do

so many heats or timing of

it needs to be reduced.

But usually that is only on Sunday.

So I think if there is cuts,

it should be one.

It should be for the last day.

That's that's what I'm referring to.



And for the necessitated deal,

because if you have the

right 40 athletes there,

the 40th athlete could

impact the final standings.



So if you look North America

East with a deep field,

there were people from the

first heat finishing in the

top five of the last three

or four events.



So they were impacting the

scores by middling between people.

And because of that,

that's why like Anika Greer

dropped and Erica Polo

dropped because of that.

And then Harley Mom says, don't do cuts,

just send less to the games.


I think it's just another bad

decision to cover up a bad decision.

Send the right 40 people to the games.

The 40 fittest people in the

world to the games.

Or just do one person for

some of the countries that

have shown they don't

perform at the games.

Gosh, do you remember 2017?

You mean 19 with 160?


It was 19.




Dave just dropped a Jeff Adler interview.

That should be interesting.


I think they're good.

They've all been good.

For sure.

I just probably won't be

able to get to it until 6

o'clock tonight.


They can no longer blame the

other divisions in a busy

week for the volunteers and staff,

especially next year when

they split off teams and do cuts again.

So Alpen,

do you know something we don't

know about splitting off

teams or are you just guessing?


The only thing I got,

one nugget I got out of one

of the interviews is Dave

is solely doing the games programming.

Boz is doing the teams programming.

Now they do talk about certain things,

but each one of them kind

of had their role this year.

Boz did team, Dave did individual.

So now we know it's going to

lean more towards a Dave

Castro programmed event at

the games this year.

And he's asking every single

person about cycling,

which I don't know if

that's just a ruse or what.

But with that,

I have a meeting in six minutes.


You better get to it.

We're going to take off,

but is the deck done?

The deck painting is done.

I need to do the trim.

Will that be done by next show?

Yeah, maybe.

Dave said in his interview

with Saxon that he's been

looking to split off teams for a while.

I am betting it happens.

Then individuals could also

do teams on a separate schedule.

Yeah, that's true.

Yeah, that was an interesting Q&A.

Saxon really went at him

with a lot of questions.

Yeah, I do have to trim.

But Corey, real something real quick.

So I have some bushes.

I think I've told you guys

some bushes that kind of

outline the deck.

And I've been getting a lot

of advice that if I trim those bushes,

that it will make the deck

look even bigger.

So I think we talked about that before.

So I'm definitely going to

go for that aspect.

Nice, nice.

So we have some good aesthetics there.

And I'll send you some more deck picks,



and make sure you put some Hock Tooie

into that whole process.



For sure will.


All right, guys.

All right.

Have a good meeting.

We will see everybody next

time on Clydesdale Media Roundtable.

Bye, guys.