The Veterans Club Podcast

In this empowering episode of The Veterans Club Podcast, host Ed Bejarana takes us deep into the heart of a mission to end veteran suicide. Ed shares his visionary approach, focusing on creating strong, supportive networks through low-stress events, community service, and fun activities. Listeners will discover the transformative power of sharing stories, the value of giving back, and the importance of integrating military skills into community leadership. Ed's passionate call to action encourages veterans to connect, thrive, and lead a movement towards a brighter, unified future. Join us to learn how we can all contribute to a world where veterans find hope, purpose, and camaraderie.

What is The Veterans Club Podcast?

A production by and for veterans to learn how to help one another task a bite out of veteran suicide. We take with veterans about their service, things they would have done different, and what advice they would give their younger self. We also highlight community resources for veterans and provide an opportunity to connect veterans with community projects to help seniors and children.

Ending Veteran Suicide: Ed's Vision for a Stronger, United Community
In the heart of The Veterans Club's mission lies a vision so profound and transformative, it has the power to change lives. Spearheaded by the compassionate and forward-thinking Ed, this vision addresses a critical issue facing our veteran community today: suicide. With a multifaceted approach centered on connection, service, leadership, and fun, Ed's vision offers not just a solution but a beacon of hope for veterans seeking support and camaraderie.
At the core of this initiative is the creation of low-stress networking events designed specifically for veterans. These gatherings are safe spaces where individuals can share their stories, challenges, and triumphs. The power of storytelling cannot be understated—it heals, connects, and empowers. By encouraging veterans to open up and listen to each other, these events foster a sense of belonging and mutual understanding that many veterans yearn for after leaving the service.
Understanding the therapeutic value of giving back, Ed's vision also includes the development of community service projects. These projects are diverse, allowing veterans to contribute in ways that resonate with them personally, whether it be working with children, aiding seniors, or supporting fellow veterans. This initiative taps into the inherent skills and values ingrained in military personnel—leadership, teamwork, and a strong sense of duty. By engaging in meaningful work, veterans not only enrich the lives of others but also find a renewed sense of purpose and fulfillment in their own.
Another pillar of Ed's vision is to highlight and build upon the value of military experience in community leadership roles. By bringing together older and younger veterans along with first responders, there is a unique opportunity for mentorship, learning, and growth. This intergenerational exchange of knowledge and experiences strengthens individual capabilities and enhances community resilience.
Recognizing the importance of leisure and relaxation in mental health, Ed advocates for hosting fun, recreational events like boating, hunting, and shooting trips. These activities provide a much-needed escape from the daily stresses of civilian life and allow veterans to engage in hobbies they enjoy while forming lasting friendships.
Lastly, the simple yet profound act of sharing a meal together—with family included—embodies the essence of community. These gatherings serve as reminders of the support systems available to veterans and the strength found in unity.
Ed's vision for Ending Veteran Suicide is more than just a plan; it's a movement towards a future where veterans feel valued, understood, and connected. Through targeted support and community-building efforts, The Veterans Club is not only addressing the urgent issue of veteran suicide but also paving the way for a world where veterans thrive together, bonded by their shared experiences and a collective desire to uplift one another.
In embracing this vision, we acknowledge the sacrifices made by our veterans and reaffirm our commitment to their well-being. Together, we can forge a path to healing and hope, proving that even in the face of adversity, unity can lead to remarkable strength and resilience.
Join Us in Building a Stronger, More Connected Community
To all our esteemed veterans and dedicated first responders, your journey of service and sacrifice has inspired us, and it’s time to take that inspiration to create bonds that last a lifetime. We are extending a heartfelt invitation for you to be an integral part of a movement aimed at fostering unity, support, and camaraderie among those who've served.
Imagine starting your day with laughter and understanding over a cup of coffee or ending it with shared stories and a meal at a dinner club. These simple acts of coming together can spark profound connections and provide the support many seek after their service.
Why not form a coffee group? A relaxed, informal setting to kickstart your day with fellow veterans and first responders, sharing experiences, or just enjoying a moment of peace together.
Or perhaps, initiate a dinner or lunch club? Gather around the table to break bread, share your stories, and enjoy the company of those who truly understand the path you've walked.
These groups are more than just social gatherings; they are lifelines, networks of support where laughter is shared, burdens are lightened, and friendships are forged.
For those ready to take the step to connect, to lead, or to simply be a part of something greater, reach out to Ed. Whether you’re full of ideas or just looking for a place to start, Ed is here to help facilitate these connections and ensure that every veteran and first responder knows they have a place within our community.
Contact Ed today at (208) 209-7170 or send an email to
Let’s embrace the power of connection, build bridges of support, and create spaces where our stories and sacrifices are honored and understood. Together, we can form a network of strength and hope, proving that no one has to stand alone.
Join us in this journey of camaraderie, support, and healing. Your story matters, your service is honored, and your new mission of fostering connection starts now.