Welcome Home with Monique

Are you tired of struggling with a low credit score, a common barrier for many individuals aspiring to buy a house? Look no further! This episode will help you understand credit repair and regain financial freedom. 💸

Common questions such as "credit score improvement for a mortgage," "how to increase credit score for a home loan," and "credit repair tips to buy a house", this episode is specifically tailored to address these concerns! 🏡

What is Welcome Home with Monique?

Monique Buchanan, your real estate specialist, talks all things real estate. On this show she covers the processes of buying and selling a home. Welcome Home with Monique informs you on best practices to navigate the housing market so that you can start building your wealth through home equity.

Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to locally produced programming created in Hey, you envy studios on public radio K u and v 91.5.

Unknown Speaker 0:11
content of this program is sponsored by CMG financial the content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education. You see me on the

Unknown Speaker 0:36
Good morning. This is Monique Buchanan, the host of the welcome home with Monique show. And on this show, I talk all things real estate. Listen, I want to thank you for tuning in. Well, hello, Las Vegas, it's Monique Buchanan, the host of the welcome home with Monique show. And I hope that you are having a lovely Saturday. And if you're not you're about to, because let me tell you something, I've got the two gurus on the line today. Listen, you want to call family, friends, everybody tune in right now. Because you're about to be listening to some great nuggets that will enrich your life with some great knowledge. That will definitely help you to excel. Okay, and if you don't, like I said, If this isn't for you definitely share this information. And these folks, contact information with who you know, it will help them be a blessing to you guys know, I'm always, you know, trying to do whatever I can learn whatever I can to just spread the word to my community, things that will help them. And one thing that we all struggle with, or well, at least I do, I can't say all of us. But I'm pretty sure at some point in our lives, we have had struggles, some of us most of us with that credit. So that's one of the main things when my listeners call in a lot of them have some issues with credit. And that's always something that you know, that that we could learn more about. So I have on the show today. I have got Mr. generel. Robert, he is our go to guy for the credit. He has FCRA specialist. He is a FCRA specialist, the man generel Roberts as well as you guys know him Anthony Valentino. He is my go to lender. And so we all work together as a team. And so I thought it'd be a great idea to have Mr. Janiero and Anthony on together. Hi, Janeiro. How are you doing today?

Unknown Speaker 2:26
Wonderful. How are we?

Unknown Speaker 2:27
That was a mouthful, right? I'm doing great. Anthony. Are you there as well?

Unknown Speaker 2:33
I am good. Happy Thursday to you.

Unknown Speaker 2:36
Thank you. Thank you. So today's Saturday. Sorry, guys, we record on Thursday. But today's is going to err on Saturday. Anyways, let's go ahead and jump into it. Mr. Janiero, you are with G six, Legal Group and services. Is that right? That is correct. What services do you guys provide over there? Can you kind of let my listeners know?

Unknown Speaker 3:02
Yeah, I guess what we do on the on the legal side, we sort of go through your credit report and look for FCRA Fair Credit Reporting Act FDCPA. And Truth in Lending law violations to help clean up or repair the credit. On the services side is when we help you reestablish yourself with credit cards, lines of credit, things of that nature. And more specifically, we sort of get you ready for mortgages. So when you want to buy a home or refinance, a HELOC or anything like that, to get your credit score high enough, then you can use us to do that. And then Anthony takes you across the finish line and what his job is basically and then he gets you the refinance or whatever it is you need to do with the mortgage. We try to stay with you another year to sort of make sure not only are you managing the debt correctly, but in some are in some cases you need to refinance to do a HELOC. So we want to make sure your credit score is always high enough that you have those options available to you. Absolutely.

Unknown Speaker 4:09
And Anthony, you have done a mini. You've sent Janiero, many a client you've been ranting and raving about Janeiro, you know for a long time. Can you share a couple stories? Maybe some clients that you've sent to Janeiro's company?

Unknown Speaker 4:23
Yeah, absolutely. I mean, in our industry, speed and efficiency is what what gets the cheese? And so there are a lot of credit gurus that say they can do things, but they can never cast the check that their mouths Right, right. And what happens is, they string them along for months and years and years. And all they're doing is disputing the accounts that are just going to recreate themselves or be sold, whereas what Janiero does is he makes it go away forever, and what he does is permanent and for me I don't you know, I don't see a successful transaction until we close. And so the faster I can get my client's credit up, the better for everyone. And that's why over the years, I just, I don't know, I obviously I do know, because he's, he's, he's a dictionary walking dictionary and when it comes to, to credit and leaving aspects, but it's it he he knows, like if I tell him Hey, Janiero, I need this done within 30 days or 60 days, he'll tell me, yes, that can happen. And we're going to do this and this and this. And he gives me the outlook that I need to give the competence to buyers need to say, hey, there's the end in sight, we can see this high credit score,

Unknown Speaker 5:40
right? And why I want to jump in and say when you say he can make things go away, guess what he does it legally. Okay? No shady business here. He doesn't legally right Janeiro. So that's

Unknown Speaker 5:51
correct. This stuff that you hear on YouTube, and all of these people trying to get life 99% of that stuff is it's not true. What they do is they'll read, they'll even show you, I think some of the guys show you. This is what the law says. But they don't give you the whole law. One in particular, I had a lot of clients calling saying, Hey, we're not allowed, then, you know, I'm gonna bet they didn't have my permission to put it on my credit report, therefore, it can be removed. And it's true, the law says that they are not allowed to put anything on your credit report. But you have to make that agreement prior to accepting the credit. And all the documents that you sign when you buy a car, get a credit card, or buy anything, you're giving them what's called permissible use. So you give permission, which allows them to report to the credit to the credit reporting agency. They are right you do not, but they don't have the legal right to do that. So you go to a car lot and say, hey, I want to buy this car. And they say, Great, we'll sell you the car, you say I want to finance they say great, but you tell them I don't want to sign any of your documentation, which allows you to report to the credit reporting agencies, they will just go back and park the car and rally somebody else. Right? They're not going back. So that's not it's true. But it's not true. If you read the entire law. Yes, if you tell them upfront, no, I'm not gonna allow you to report that make the whole show you their vehicle or their car or their credit card.

Unknown Speaker 7:17
That's absolutely true. Now, let me ask you something generic due to a lack. Right? Let me ask you this. Now on average, I know that you, you get things done quickly. That's why Anthony, who is the lending guru, you know, that's why you're his go to. But on average, let's just give an example. I'm somebody that doesn't have a whole lot of debt, but maybe I have a credit card, you know, whatever, whatever. Just give me an example of how how long it will take, typically, to get somebody every every Go ahead.

Unknown Speaker 7:50
Everybody is different. It really kind of depends on the situation. But most if when I go through your credit report, and I see the FCRA violations, by law, I have to give them 30 days to remove it. So at earliest we're talking 30 days, you figure 40 With postage and mailing and sending carriers and things of that nature. So you figure 40 days, that's a that's on the early side. But remember, when I send them an argument, they have the right to send me back an argument while they don't believe I'm right. And I'm always right. Always when it just takes, sometimes it takes me a minute to convince them that I'm right, right. Just takes a minute if you're short on the short side, 30 days 30 to 40 days, long side five, six months,

Unknown Speaker 8:37
okay. And if you're just tuning in, I've got Mr. Janiero Roberts as well as Mr. Anthony Valentino. On the line, they are talking about credit credit issues, you know, a lot of us have them, we're kind of going over what Mr. Janiero does to, to combat them and make them go away and start you off fresh, right. So if you're interested or you want to, you know, contact Mr. Janiero, Robert, you want to reach him? reach him at 470-905-3131 470-905-3131 This is G six Legal Group and services. Now, if you are looking to purchase a home or sell a home, you can reach me and Mr. Valentino at 7029843700702984 3700 This is my team you guys I deal with nothing but the best nothing but the best I can say that I'm gonna say it like was Mr. generel told me Listen, I can be cocky in this area because I can back it up. Isn't that right, Mr. Roberts?

Unknown Speaker 9:43
That's right. I'm the I'm the Deion Sanders of credit.

Unknown Speaker 9:48
Oh, like and then I always call Anthony my rip my yellow stone rip of lending. Right. And, you know, you

Unknown Speaker 9:55
make a good point too.

Unknown Speaker 9:56
It's, you know, with I have I have it Here's a good example of how credit is so important not just in homeownership, but in life in general. I have a person comes in my my office, and they make $40,000 a year, but they live like they're making 200,000 a year. And it's because they're walking around with an 800 Fico. Then I got the person who's making $200,000 a year, but he walks in with a 600 FICO, and he's living like he's making 50,000 a year. So it's all about leveraging credit, because this is not the wild west where everything's paid cash. And if you plan on leveraging debt, auto installments line of credit mortgages, you have to be walking around with red carpet 800 scores, otherwise, you're giving too much of your money away.

Unknown Speaker 10:44
That's very true. That was a really good point. You know what, and a lot of clients will call me you guys and say, Listen, I dealt with this credit company, I signed up with them. And six months, my points haven't went up to 10. Points. Janiero, what do you have to say about that?

Unknown Speaker 10:59
Well, I can tell you now that your credit score is your reputation. And your credit file is your resume. So the credit score tells everybody, okay, this is who this person is. But the credit file tells us how you got that way. So your utilization is extremely important. Unfortunately, in personal credit, once you use above 30%, you start to hurt yourself. So if you have $1,000 credit card, once you use $300, you start to hurt yourself after that. So it's very important to read like Anthony said, to leverage your credit, you want to get the higher limit credit cards, you want to get to 20,000 To 40 $50,000 credit cards and lines of credit. That way, you're actually able to use your credit and and not have a poor effect against you. Also, you have to be careful of how many times you've applied for credit during the year. inquiries are another huge factor. Each time you did apply for credit, you lose anywhere from two to 10 points just for the application. And God forbid you try to go to a car dealership and buy a car, they run your credit like crazy not because they're trying to help you. They're trying to find the best lender that will that will include their dealership feeds the dealers guys to pay for them to write the paper. So they want to find the best dealership fees. And the only way they can do that is they run your credit down enough. And they can charge it FDA can add an extra point or so to the interest. And a lot of the lenders like Santander and things like that will go ahead and tell the dealer we will put the dealer fees in the loan. Now

Unknown Speaker 12:45
if I don't know what the dealerships are searching for. That was such a big nugget, you just dropped you guys, K u and v listeners if you didn't just hear him, please hear him. This man told me that I could I said I knew something was going on, you know, when you're sitting there waiting to buy your car, and they come back and they say, Well, you know, your credit is just not that good. So it looks like we're gonna have to put you in a 15%. And you're like, what? I have decent credit. What are you talking about? So that's what's going on, is you told me once they initially run your credit, there is a decent, you know, offer on the table, but they bypass it and they keep running it until they're able to find a bank that will roll those fees that they're being charged into your loan. Is that what I'm understanding? That's typically what happens. Wow, that's that's

Unknown Speaker 13:32
what happens all the time. That's a car dealership car dealership. The car dealerships when when they send an application in, we're going to use Santana, it's a very popular one. We'll say yet we'll accept that DLs at 5%. Your dealer fees are $1,400. So what the dealer says, Okay, we'll come back for you. Then they'll run the credit through five or six other people. Now remember, each of these companies that they're running it through, they're looking at your credit on three different bureaus or roadmap, bureaus, agencies, they're not there's not they're not credit bureau, the credit reporting agencies. So keep that in mind. So they send it to 10 people, that's 30 inquiries. Those 30 inquiries at two points apiece, you just lost 60 points. Then when they go back to Santander, who said yes, the first time now instead of a 7.9 is 10.9 or 12.9. And they were willing to wrap the seeds into the loan. So the dealerships drive your credit down in order to get that $1,400 fee wrapped into your loan so they get the dealer makes more money. They're not doing it to help. When you go to buy a car you do not want to go to a dealership for financing. I know dealerships they may say that's the truth but you want to go to your bank, you want to go to your bank or credit union of some sort and you want to determine you want to the bank, tell the dealership what they're willing to pay for the car by using the Kelley Blue Book or JD, whatever the book is in your state, every people use different forms. But that whatever that is, that's what you're going to pay for that car. So you're not paying a $500 tent fee, or a $700 clear coat, if you don't know about fee, all of those things are wiped away that way. So that's the smartest way to buy a car,

Unknown Speaker 15:20
is to go through your own financing. If you're just tuning in, this is Mr. generel. Roberts, and we have Anthony Valentino my lender on the line as well. And we're just going, you know, dropping nuggets dropping credit nuggets today. Now, as you well know, me and Anthony will buy or sell you a home. And Anthony is the guru in financing. Okay, if you've been told no, by any lender, do not give up. Okay. Until you have talked to Mr. Anthony, okay. Because he is the lender that other lenders go to, for advice on how to you know, get things done. All right. And then you've got Mr. generel. Here, if you are interested in his services there with G six, Legal Group and services. Once again, His number is 470-905-3131 470-905-3131. Don't worry, if you missed it, you can always reach out to me and I will get you in contact with Mr. Roberts at 702-984-3700. If you're looking to purchase a home, we're here to help 9843700 Okay, Anthony, you want to jump back in and kind of give us some other examples of you know, I know you guys have been working together for years. And even when I talked to you, Mr. Mr. Roberts. I liked what you did. You had me You said Well, before we started working together, Monique, I want you to see what I do. So you had me pull my credit. And then you went over everything with me. And this was all a free consultation. Am I right?

Unknown Speaker 16:51
Yes, right. Yeah. So I want you to be educated. I really want people to know how the algorithms work. And so much of what we do now is based on an algorithm, it's not a human being making a decision. It's a computer. So my job is to get you looking good on paper, and then Anthony, does magic and I'm witnessing that because I'm living in a house and Anthony finds it for me. I know. That's right, that I know that I could bet. And I think I thought I had great credit when Anthony got me at the best interest rate. And everybody that I sent to Anthony, I've not had one. The only complaint I've ever gotten. Is that he Susie's weird videos of himself.

Unknown Speaker 17:37
These videos out what he says. And I think we both think that kindred spirit and wanting to educate people. I know how to do it. See, I bought a house. Let me tell you a quick story. I bought my house two years ago. I didn't tell my I didn't tell my wife. My wife lost. She lost both of her parents 10 minutes apart. So I took the insurance money and bought a house and never told her. Then I had to renovate the house without her knowing. And if it weren't for Anthony, I'd be sleeping outside residence inside. So yeah, I renovated the house. I've done he lived with Anthony is the go to. We're in Georgia, and Anthony's in Georgia. You wouldn't you have no idea how many people know Anthony feel like he's next door. Right? Because Anthony is all over Georgia. Yes.

Unknown Speaker 18:28
And Las Vegas and everywhere else. How many states are you licensed in? Anthony?

Unknown Speaker 18:35
I have loan officers in every state of the United States. So

Unknown Speaker 18:39
literally we can help you any state that you are thinking about moving to I'm glad you brought that up. Yes. So in also so can janeiro he can it does not matter what state you're in. janeiro can help you right there out of the ATL. Is that right?

Unknown Speaker 18:54
That is correct. I have clients in Vegas right now.

Unknown Speaker 18:56
Yes, yes. So Anthony, were you wanting to say something that I cut you off? You know, I'm good for that.

Unknown Speaker 19:03
No, I mean, here, here's the thing. Janeiro is nothing but humble pie right now, but I make no mistake, he is a beast. When I say that I work with nothing but the best and being a vice president of a mortgage company of a billion dollar mortgage company. I see the best and I see the worst and Janeiro. He didn't buy a house he bought a compound with an air with it with a with an airplane hangar and everything and, and what that tells you and I want to say that because you're a product of your environment. And and he is so successful. Because he wakes up every day and he thinks how can I make everyone's life around me better? Yeah. And when you make everyone's life around you better you're a product of that environment and he's living proof. And so when we they know that's why you work and I work together because we put our clients forward and we think how can we make the person that we're speaking with feel like the most important person in the room and you know, make get by. When we look at what's going on the big picture banks have been gradually tightening credit as a result of the Feds ultra aggressive rate hike campaign they've been doing its intended side effect is a central bank's effort to cool the economy and bring down inflation, right. And so now more than ever, we need to have tight credit. Because we are at the end of a debt cycle. And when we're at the end of the debt cycle, the banks constrain the ability to borrow, and that's the best time to borrow. That's why you need someone like Janiero in your pocket to get you that red carpet treatment. And you need someone like yourself to get the house that you need at the cost that we need with the concessions that are needed. So it takes a village to raise a loan, it takes a village to to get a home owner into homeownership. And, you know, I just have to applaud you that you run a tight ship as well. You know, I know that you expect, you don't expect 100% You expect 120%. And if we give you 100%, we failed. So that's kudos to you. Thank

Unknown Speaker 20:58
you, Anthony. I really appreciate that. I've got one last question, guys. What if their mattress money people, Anthony, you've had that right? People that just that they leave? Yeah, mattress money? How do you help somebody that's a mattress money person doesn't believe in banks, you know, they don't have any credit Janiero?

Unknown Speaker 21:17
Well, here's the thing, you there's really you can't exist in this society now. That way, that's just over with now you can't you there's no opportunity anymore. For you to not document. i One of the things I'm sure anything residents, people that say, Well, I make a lot of money, I own my own business, but I write it off on taxes, well, then you didn't make any money, right, you have to pay to play now. And a lot of our systems are in place to ensure that not only can we track where your money is coming from how you got the money, so the Masters thing, you just you're gonna have to live off the grid. But in order to have anything now, from a credit perspective, you need to you need credits. I tell people, you want to have credit, even if you have the money, right, you want to have credit, you want to use other people's money if you can, and let your money mate, let your money make you money, use other people's money to take care of those things for you, Kevin, credit is so important. Again, that credit score is your reputation as your reputation and your credit file is your resume.

Unknown Speaker 22:34
You're gonna say Warren Buffett said it best. Warren Buffett said rich people use their own money really, really rich people use other people's money. And you know, at first when I see, you know, my clients who have 10 million in the bank, if they're asking for a loan, you know, years and years and years ago, I thought that was kind of impractical. But now I understand why they got millions and millions. And there's because they're leveraging debt to be able to incur because income equals income tax. Whereas if debt equals an income tax shelter, and that's where Janerio comes in, and I come in and you come in to help them buy that big shelter, aka real estate assets.

Unknown Speaker 23:11
I love it. And Janeiro. That was a great point. Anthony, I love that janeiro last name, because we only have a couple minutes. You also assist with business credit as well, correct?

Unknown Speaker 23:20
Absolutely. My partner, Robert Bailey is, again, the best. Rob does all of the business funding from setting up LLC, the holding companies to teaching you how you everything, even finishing up a book teaching you how to get business credit, but he didn't just tell you, he does it with you the entire process. So we are saying is we begin with the end in mind. So if you need $5 million, then we start planning for $10 million. And he puts those things in place. Everything we do not normally my training, because I try to work so fast, because of working with guarantee rate. And I know Anthony needs it yesterday, right? Call me with the client. He needs it. Yeah, he needed it last week. He just couldn't call me till today. So we have to move. And Rob's the same way he moves as fast as you can move to get you the funding for your business and with our economy. I suggest everybody started looking at some alternate ways of income, right? No business funding is critical. Again, same thing, Anthony, just using other people's money is the smartest way. And if you're set up so that you're bankable if you're bankable, and that's what Rob specializes in making sure that you're bankable, and if you're bankable, then he'll definitely get you the funds that you need to grow your dreams.

Unknown Speaker 24:46
But you get you guys get people bankable. That's what you do, right. We

Unknown Speaker 24:51
make we make it we make you bankable and then we take you through the bank. Right?

Unknown Speaker 24:54
Absolutely. Even you said that you even create lines of credit as well. Once you get them to the card At its core,

Unknown Speaker 25:01
we do we do. It's one stop shop, and we do everything from you bring us your vision, and we take you all the way to the end. One of my very good friends vice president of Suez bank, and one of the things that we've learned through hits through him and other relationships is that banks are interested in loaning money. That's how they make money. But they're only interested in giving you business funding, if your business makes sense. And it's organized and structured, and it's taxable. They have no problem loaning money, but most of the times people are just not set up correctly the right way. So there's a big difference in being being a hustler, and a business owner and see a hustler. Does the work. You did me you're not a business person, but your your hands on it. A business person can step away for two months in the business continue to make money. Our goal is to turn you into a business person, so that your business can operate really without you. Your leadership, but not necessarily your hand.

Unknown Speaker 26:07
That's good. And you know, we all found that out when, when COVID hit a lot of when they're given the business credits, a lot of businesses didn't even have LLC setup didn't have anything set up correctly, and weren't able to take advantage. Right. Right. Correct. Well, if you're just tuning in, this was Mr. generel, Roberts and none other than Mr. Anthony Valentino. And myself, Monique Buchanan, your realtor. I just want to thank both of you guys for coming on today. Thank you. And thank you, and Anthony, thank you so much. And if you guys are interested, or you want to get a hold of Mr. generel Roberts, for everything credit, and then some, I should just say, His contact information is 470-905-3131 If this is not for you, but you know somebody that it's for that number again 470-905-3131. And then of course me and Anthony, you can reach us at 702984 3700. Again, if you've been told no by a different lender, and it wasn't Mr. Rip Valentino 702984 3700 We'll get you approved and get you into the property that you maybe with a hanger like Mr. generel thank you guys for coming on. I appreciate you and hope to have you on again soon. Thank you. All right, everybody, enjoy your Saturday. Thank you for listening. Please remember all terms discussed are simply an estimate my license number is S 1788 46. My phone number if you'd like to contact me is 702-984-3700. You can also find me on YouTube and please join me tomorrow at my church Living Word Church on hassle. I'm part of the EXP Realty Group. Alright, tune in next week.

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