Lucid Living Lounge

420 pm sober thoughts on how I Am, We Are Here Now, and Givin’ Miss Turner a proper send off today from our Living Now into the Lived Now.

What is Lucid Living Lounge?

‘Hey, Whats your Story? Might trigger a reptilian response of “Hey Harry,Mr Lounge Lizard, does lucidity alter any perception of what is actually going on here, Now, write large? I am an applied anthropologist who has been researching the expressed patterns within macro, micro, and meta human behavioral expression throughout history, culture, and social exploration, artfully swimming through the burning oil of religious expression, making a logical path through the slick of momentary all consuming weather system that is human emotion arriving into The Now of our shared collective existence. The Now, where baseline logic our confusion clears, giving myself, and likely all coming others their first experience if the wireframe structure of Us. Our aspirational projection of what we are when present in our lives, rather than the hells-cape of avoidance inherent undervaluing the very fabric of living a life not geared for the certain illusion waiting for our collective childhood beyond the process of death. Our Dopamine chasing or triggered bullet of killing being here now to mind what is actually happening rather than our augented little daily compromises of giving ground to everyone else we figure is better than we at being the false version of me inside upon my self made cross, or frozen in crescent moon zealous hope, or constant release of experience as nothing, or surrendering what gives us definition, ego upon another's offered alter of our sacrifice for their not -resent in this our only life course.

*Note;Raw First Draft Transcript-Wont match reading exactly.

Getting there. I have nearly fully moved over to no relations, sex, or fantasy, I want to remain actively broken, until the last word has been spoken, and all see the chain, unbroken, back, all ways to the End, where our birth into Eden bespoke of our mortality then a curse was wrote, yet through harsh contrast of our story rolled, crushed bones, crackled mind sinew, as we rejected ourselves within ANY Garden, Gothic Emoting splintered I, You, And We shifted from Raindrops or Dew, condensed from pregnant clouds nourishing, to ALL PAINFUL REGRET, on Mother's or Father's Day, almost, NEARLY had a call clear yet, smugly never recalling, yet it has never ever been that a parents job was ever than their children loving, that the pain shouts, and sliley avoiding their open, rent pain, could only mean, are you recoiling? That they are kids yet, and still, no fault of any that their cup is as yet unfilled, while we raged as ever single tear from every eye, in each and all any any possible year, falling, bitters crept into fine jaded jewel s of ignorant inept, the tude on our brow, a fools cone of our grandparents cawl, their blindness to the evil that did befall all when we sat in a metaphorical existential universal bright corner and cut upon ourselves bright burning mushrooms ignited by gold, silver, fiat, and crypto neon platinum future of our own personal near hell gate that stated over the door in blood, We don't want to grow up, take the neighbors kid instead, they want to suffer, rewarded be all other they, Me & mine, we gonna roll in the golden hay, grateful for loud cracks of doorways snapped as all nodded and stirred, the solitary song of that6 one nightingale songs word, Hallelujah, Hell is actually Heaven, once each I Am sits upon The Throne, BURNED, Chosen, Accepting with great relief, the habituations of marrow within the Now chosen, the light of the Morningstar s foot is cloven regardless of intent, what the darkness has meant as Sub version in charge, the Dom of light shall never venture further than Full head down, since no Son of Man can escape, though Deed and word has said finished, that Dom of Day can only play once from Deep dark Adriatic abyss of waters is bright sprought, all matter seen first existed as intended thought, no Son of any Man may ever Man any living Son without having grown up, the absolute uncertainty of living brought, into present day shared play, so that the Sacrifice of Finishings From Passover Prayers, shall finally sink into the understanding Paschal Lamb, which has lain beside Paschals Contrast Unequivocal between the logic of being, and the emotion of being lost in Mind or Heart never mattered which, to be The father of a prodigal rather than a prodigal idiot, all must acknowledge the age of the father sure, however, it was always the demonstrations in actions all is laid bare, that The Father Accepted All, 100% cleared, from beginning to end, Upon The Son no judgement ever aired, nor required, the confusion of graces cloud covering me, muslim, Buddhist, jew, once embraced by Each I Am, whether Hindu Taoist, Capitalist, socialist, democrats, Republican , city and country folk too , He revealed before one and all from that end to this beginning that Hell is. Heart that is lost, Heaven is a mindful heart, and eternal life is a flow state in our shared Now, here, yep, you heard right from the last dominoe, Finally flowing into falling into a well times first riding, upon a digital cloud server, so that this Poem never ever needed anything viral, nope, this one's gone straight Omega vitamin that once you intake, Alpha your mindful self into releasing a shared Word that was In the Beginning of One's separation of light from dark, before any day or night, which came after the flowering mountain of subjective gratitude from each I Am, as We Recall How We Came to Be, once We stopped in our Now and logically considered, The Paschal that electrified our uniquely perfect singular magnet within Now, remove your shoes you are in sacred ground, let your feet touch mother earth, she warmed by father sun in our breathable sky, all of which came from the dark deep Adrian thought over which the One did tarry prior to setting intention of that very first First, which here is Now, Last, And This Last Thought, First, RELEASE THE FEAR, GRATEFUL TO ACCEPT, THAT WE HAVE BEEN EACH AND EVERY I AM WITHIN THE WE ARE, BE WE ARE,WHICH IS THE ALL EXPERIENCED STATE OF ACCESS TO AGENCY WITHIN NOW, THE LICENSE FOR LIFE SAYS TO LIVE LIFE WE MUST BE PRESENT WITHIN OUR LIFE TO ACCEPT THE PRIZE OF THE ETERNAL PRESENCE OF MINE AND YOURS CIRCLING AN I AM HOLE, which timely now has a We Are Whole! Haha,ho,ho, nice yes? See this in my extended arm, within my hand, yes? After we bride and groom, take this broom, sweep out all the floor doom, and we can talk about what's up, down, and around, now that we are found. Ta-da!!;