Not Just a Pretty Face

On Episode 13 of Not Just a Pretty Face, BJ and Chris test out a new live production setup and chat about all things sport, the upcoming Hobby Hangout in Sydney as well as a small rant about the Origin.

What is Not Just a Pretty Face?

Two very attractive men who have the perfect heads for radio discussing all things sport, card collecting and a lot of nonsense. At least we are having fun whilst doing it.

Produced by Media8.

Speaker 0 (0s): This is a podfire production, not just a pretty face a podcast by two blokes who trust me both. Have a good head for radio.

Speaker 2 (23s): Hey. Hello everybody.

Speaker 0 (25s): Hello everybody.

Speaker 2 (26s): Hello?

Speaker 0 (28s): Click on this.

Speaker 2 (28s): I believe so

Speaker 0 (32s): Many.

Speaker 2 (33s): There we go. Hey, we're the good looking rooster.

Speaker 0 (35s): Jesus. That's that's pretty good.

Speaker 2 (38s): Anyway, could I ever want to it's Bert and Christopher from the not just pretty fast podcast coming to you live from the post-fire studios today. We're testing out some new technology hints, why we live and hint toy. You may see a little flicks of different bits and pieces because today, today we bought you who we bought you buy

Speaker 0 (60s): Ruby, Ruby, Ruby. Pegram Pagram. She told me pay gram

Speaker 2 (1m 6s): Anyway by Rubio wonderful producer. Who's actually in the studio with us today. We will get her on the video a little bit later on if she comes across. However, we've got some new tech in here. And even though I'm talking, Christopher's only actual screen.

Speaker 0 (1m 18s): Yeah. It's only a bit

Speaker 2 (1m 20s): Of a delay.

Speaker 0 (1m 21s): Yeah. Senses his facial movements, the new cameras. That's pretty cool.

Speaker 2 (1m 26s): And then we get together, then we're a pot and then

Speaker 0 (1m 28s): Yeah, it's fancy. People are actually watching, Hey,

Speaker 2 (1m 32s): Here we go.

Speaker 0 (1m 35s): Rachel and Ruby.

Speaker 2 (1m 37s): Hey God. That's all.

Speaker 0 (1m 38s): That's true. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (1m 39s): But anyway, as always, we started a podcast with my opening batsman partner, Mr. Christopher. Bilston welcome, sir.

Speaker 0 (1m 45s): Thanks man. I just been a while

Speaker 2 (1m 46s): My husband, a couple of weeks, I'm going to call it the origin break.

Speaker 0 (1m 50s): The

Speaker 2 (1m 50s): Fact that I was knocked out with a main flu is a completely different story.

Speaker 0 (1m 54s): It must've been a pretty tough case of the man flu. You were gone for

Speaker 2 (1m 59s): Nearly two weeks.

Speaker 0 (2m 0s): Yeah. 10 days or something.

Speaker 2 (2m 1s): Yeah. I had seven days off work and yeah, not this. Absolutely.

Speaker 0 (2m 5s): How many or how much Netflix did you watch?

Speaker 2 (2m 8s): I watch a lot.

Speaker 0 (2m 9s): Yeah,

Speaker 2 (2m 9s): Lots and lots of basketball movies. I watch one on the weekend and cold rise, which is a cracker, absolutely cracked. And the boys are watching white. Someone might

Speaker 0 (2m 25s): Twined weighed 20

Speaker 2 (2m 26s): White. He's a new movie. I haven't watched that one yet. And hustle.

Speaker 0 (2m 29s): Did you look hostile? Hostile is the only one I've watched. Did you like it? Yeah, I liked it.

Speaker 2 (2m 33s): Yeah. That bloke. I didn't realize he actually also played for this whole.

Speaker 0 (2m 37s): Yeah. And it's funny because he averages like two points a game,

Speaker 2 (2m 40s): But not anymore.

Speaker 0 (2m 42s): Oh yeah.

Speaker 2 (2m 42s): Cause he's nailed Bo

Speaker 0 (2m 44s): Well boat, cruise.

Speaker 2 (2m 44s): What do you reckon? did I massively?

Speaker 0 (2m 48s): Wow. Not massively, but they, yeah, they went up a little bit.

Speaker 2 (2m 53s): So what have you been up to? Well, stop being going.

Speaker 0 (2m 55s): No, nothing. Since you were away. I was just cruising. Just,

Speaker 2 (2m 58s): Just chilling, chilling, getting ready for your big

Speaker 0 (3m 0s): Trip days. Pub lunches. It's been real good

Speaker 2 (3m 4s): To your life though. Isn't it?

Speaker 0 (3m 5s): Yeah. Basically.

Speaker 2 (3m 7s): How cool is this new tech? Like that's looking really, really good.

Speaker 0 (3m 11s): It almost needs more than two people there

Speaker 2 (3m 14s): That does. Ruby's over there. She's doing all the bits,

Speaker 0 (3m 16s): The cameras to go to other people. Well, look, you need three people. So it goes, there's another person. I mean, cause like at the moment it's in-between us.

Speaker 2 (3m 24s): Yeah. Well done. Think that's just because you're looking at it that way on the screen.

Speaker 0 (3m 27s): Yeah. Maybe,

Speaker 2 (3m 29s): But anyway, we'll, we'll we'll deal with it. We'll go with it. We'll run with it.

Speaker 0 (3m 32s): Yeah. But it just some exciting things coming up. Obviously I'll be hanging out this weekend.

Speaker 2 (3m 36s): So we're flowing down Thursday.

Speaker 0 (3m 38s): Yeah. Then watch the mighty Melbourne storm defeat, Manley and Manley. It's going to

Speaker 2 (3m 43s): Be good. Plus obviously

Speaker 0 (3m 46s): Do you have,

Speaker 2 (3m 47s): I'll be wearing my shirt for sure. We've actually got a massive die on Thursday in Sydney. We've got some really exciting news for our new sponsor coming up in the next couple of weeks. They'll be sponsoring the, not just a pretty face podcast. I think the platinum standard grinding podcast and a couple of other boys that'd be good, which is a new, they're not new. They're I, well, I'm going to let it call them clothing brand. We're going to call them. Oh,

Speaker 0 (4m 8s): I said sportswear and apparel

Speaker 2 (4m 10s): Or those laser in this sportswear leisure brand anyway. Well, we're going to announce that in the next week or so. And we'll be out to let everyone know who I knew my just sponsorees, which is very exciting news.

Speaker 0 (4m 22s): Speaking of brands,

Speaker 2 (4m 23s): Brands

Speaker 0 (4m 24s): Drink west.

Speaker 2 (4m 26s): Are you there?

Speaker 0 (4m 27s): Well,

Speaker 2 (4m 27s): You're an official shareholder.

Speaker 0 (4m 28s): Efficient of shareholder. I own not much of it. Obviously.

Speaker 2 (4m 35s): More importantly, I

Speaker 0 (4m 35s): Had a couple.

Speaker 2 (4m 36s): What do we think? Oh, I

Speaker 0 (4m 37s): Like it. Is it,

Speaker 2 (4m 40s): Is it a better taste? Is it a

Speaker 0 (4m 45s): Ginger B

Speaker 2 (4m 46s): Or is it I I'm like a pure blondish. It'd be water.

Speaker 0 (4m 50s): It's

Speaker 2 (4m 53s): No longer two. He's new.

Speaker 0 (4m 54s): No, it's better than that shit. Oh

Speaker 2 (4m 56s): God.

Speaker 0 (4m 58s): But the, the stable of drink west is absolutely able. And at the moment,

Speaker 2 (5m 3s): What's the price going up to?

Speaker 0 (5m 4s): No, I'm not sure about that, but the three faces of it. Bam, bam, Tyson, Pedro and Nike.

Speaker 2 (5m 10s): Bam. Bam is a dude that does the Shui.

Speaker 0 (5m 14s): So he's over in France is I think he's in a camp in Thailand, but he's fighting serial gun. A big, big name in the UFC. I think he's like number two or

Speaker 2 (5m 26s): Three.

Speaker 0 (5m 27s): Is it USA? And then Tyson Pedro, he's a UFC fighter as well. He's in camp for a fight somewhere in the states, I believe. And then obviously Nathan clearly dominated last

Speaker 2 (5m 38s): Night.

Speaker 0 (5m 39s): How many points did he have? 24.

Speaker 2 (5m 41s): Yeah. It was in sign my bed. He walked over me in the end. It got a bit sad towards the end.

Speaker 0 (5m 46s): They just go like it was, they just gave up, not gave up, but they were tired.

Speaker 2 (5m 50s): Do you know what shits me about state of origin at the moment really upsets me is when the commentators go to the coach for

Speaker 0 (5m 56s): The fuck, do they? That

Speaker 2 (5m 58s): Upsets me. The guy is concentrating on the guy. So how do you feel about the school? It's pretty shit at the moment. I'm watching my team

Speaker 0 (6m 5s): Log pointless.

Speaker 2 (6m 7s): It's ridiculous. Absolutely annoys the shit out of me.

Speaker 0 (6m 9s): Just to show how out of touch channel nine with what people want

Speaker 2 (6m 15s): That say sounds out.

Speaker 0 (6m 16s): Sounds out

Speaker 2 (6m 19s): It's back.

Speaker 0 (6m 19s): That's back

Speaker 2 (6m 20s): Is the sound back.

Speaker 0 (6m 21s): So we

Speaker 2 (6m 22s): Be losing momentarily.

Speaker 0 (6m 23s): Thanks for telling the talent that Ruby

Speaker 2 (6m 28s): Talent.

Speaker 0 (6m 29s): Wow. I'm telling you,

Speaker 2 (6m 30s): She didn't tell you that and that's fine. No worries.

Speaker 0 (6m 33s): But it was good, but yeah, it's fucking ridiculous. I haven't even when they speak to the bloke, walking off the field, he's just ran his ass for 40 minutes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Fuck off.

Speaker 2 (6m 50s): And he's frustrated. And the only thing that me is the camera angles. Once we,

Speaker 0 (6m 55s): That I got a spot, I got

Speaker 2 (6m 56s): A spider cam and you can't see shit. And then you think, well, that's a forward path.

Speaker 0 (6m 60s): I gave it back to Foxtel. Give it to Kao, give it to somebody else.

Speaker 2 (7m 4s): It's never going to happen though is probably a bazillion dollars for it. And then you got the two oldest humans on the planet at the end with fatty and Gus.

Speaker 0 (7m 13s): Oh, it wasn't sticking around.

Speaker 2 (7m 16s): It was unbelievable.

Speaker 0 (7m 17s): We got the result. We had a breezy two weeks time.

Speaker 2 (7m 22s): How'd they play

Speaker 0 (7m 24s): In the process because

Speaker 2 (7m 26s): A dollar 48

Speaker 0 (7m 27s): Who? Yeah, I think it opened a dollar 45.

Speaker 2 (7m 32s): Yeah. It was a good guess. But

Speaker 0 (7m 34s): When we fucking taken Queensland three 50

Speaker 2 (7m 37s): Queensland at home. Yeah. With that team that team's a great football team. Yeah. They just did a few stupid things and I was dirty when that bloke scored first try. Cause I had T or to score my first dry. So it

Speaker 0 (7m 53s): Was such a fuck on the gamble is

Speaker 2 (7m 56s): Called gambling, but

Speaker 0 (7m 57s): It's just such a lottery.

Speaker 2 (7m 59s): Yeah. It's a whole lot different now. That's why you in this one there's odds. And then I had a, I had another one by one.

Speaker 0 (8m 6s): I can somebody first try and say the shorter ones are like 7 50, 8 bucks, but they could be like up to $2 50 anytime.

Speaker 2 (8m 15s): Yeah. So you take it at anytime. Yeah. Makes sense.

Speaker 0 (8m 19s): Especially when the match was in for like 42 points or whatever it was, he

Speaker 2 (8m 23s): Wasn't a very similar score. The last time I applied they're like, oh, I

Speaker 0 (8m 25s): Dunno.

Speaker 2 (8m 27s): Anyway, more apply to the match was not nice. And clearly

Speaker 0 (8m 29s): He wasn't

Speaker 2 (8m 30s): Jake.

Speaker 0 (8m 31s): Oh yeah. He was

Speaker 2 (8m 32s): Good. He had an absolute cracker.

Speaker 0 (8m 34s): He was

Speaker 2 (8m 34s): Good. So that that's something that hopefully he'll back up. He has, yeah. He looks a bit leaner. You just see him scholar near the end night.

Speaker 0 (8m 44s): No, I just saw a video before Matt Burton spewing, you know, when they all sit on the seats after the game of bees and whatever, he was just spewing on the ground.

Speaker 2 (8m 51s): Yeah. Cause what they did is they sat around in their circle and this must be something they now and each player has to pick another one to scholar be.

Speaker 0 (8m 60s): Oh, it looked like he was that's what it looked like. He looked like he was just spewing from

Speaker 2 (9m 3s): The gang gas.

Speaker 0 (9m 4s): Yeah.

Speaker 2 (9m 5s): Well I think it was alcohol. Maybe it was gas. He had to go game. How big was that fucking key for miles? I felt sorry for callback.

Speaker 0 (9m 14s): Trying to catch that.

Speaker 2 (9m 15s): But anyway, so this week we're back to normal rugby league.

Speaker 0 (9m 19s): Yep.

Speaker 2 (9m 19s): Back to normal. Yep. Back to normal. Watching the Titans, sit on the bottom of the ladder.

Speaker 0 (9m 24s): It was really funny because it's obviously odd. Only families yet. In the last few days, the NRL is beaning international land.

Speaker 2 (9m 31s): Boy.

Speaker 0 (9m 32s): Then I watched a couple of games and they will cry

Speaker 2 (9m 34s): The one on the weekend. Was there any upsets? Was it similar? Are they paying a dollar one?

Speaker 0 (9m 40s): I think the opposite was Papua New Guinea verse Fiji.

Speaker 2 (9m 45s): Everyone that

Speaker 0 (9m 46s): I've been your Guinea. Did I hate Fiji?

Speaker 2 (9m 49s): Well, that's

Speaker 0 (9m 49s): Huge. I might, it was good. But also it was just coincided with obviously rugby league was off for the week that AFL couple, the games were absolute

Speaker 2 (9m 59s): Doozy. This one is game the other night.

Speaker 0 (10m 2s): I didn't watch that.

Speaker 2 (10m 4s): I lost money cause I won by two

Speaker 0 (10m 5s): Richmond Jalong.

Speaker 2 (10m 7s): Good guy.

Speaker 0 (10m 7s): Oh it was like, I know it's that cliche card, but feels like finals footie, but fuck it

Speaker 2 (10m 13s): Was

Speaker 0 (10m 15s): And even Golconda

Speaker 2 (10m 16s): Yeah. Well two points. They the one bar.

Speaker 0 (10m 22s): Yeah. It's frustrating. Cause they, they should keep goals when they would just miss him in kicking the contest where they shouldn't have been.

Speaker 2 (10m 28s): No good. So has your 40 tipping on call

Speaker 0 (10m 31s): Tonight?

Speaker 2 (10m 32s): I was shit.

Speaker 0 (10m 33s): We knew that I was on the slightly less shit.

Speaker 2 (10m 38s): So you know, I, I

Speaker 0 (10m 39s): Pam, any title?

Speaker 2 (10m 41s): Oh, that's going to be horrible.

Speaker 0 (10m 43s): 68, 76.

Speaker 2 (10m 45s): How'd he get Sapphire

Speaker 0 (10m 47s): For nine.

Speaker 2 (10m 48s): So no.

Speaker 0 (10m 49s): Oh I did a double double points round or something.

Speaker 2 (10m 52s): Oh, did ya? Yeah. No. Does that, is that how you got so far in front?

Speaker 0 (10m 56s): I've only done it once.

Speaker 2 (10m 57s): Cheat in Boston.

Speaker 0 (10m 59s): So you know when you go to tips.

Speaker 2 (10m 60s): Yeah.

Speaker 0 (11m 1s): Scroll all the way. Dan did the thing there that says, want to use a joker.

Speaker 2 (11m 8s): I didn't get that. My only and I do the Jamaica.

Speaker 0 (11m 11s): Yeah. Maybe I'll cause I'm in the bar. This is my family

Speaker 2 (11m 13s): Tipping losing.

Speaker 0 (11m 15s): Oh man. I'm getting absolutely. Pantsed

Speaker 2 (11m 17s): So young leaks to win it.

Speaker 0 (11m 19s): I don't ever know. No, no she's this boyfriend, but yeah. I nine year old niece

Speaker 2 (11m 29s): Is again

Speaker 0 (11m 31s): 103.

Speaker 2 (11m 33s): Sure. On 103 I'm 68. Yeah. Okay. Didn't look it to start with. Yeah. Well, makes sense. But anyway, why don't we go this way? We're back to a normal rug. We'd like obviously the best game of the year coming up this Friday evening or Thursday evening, which will be there, which is the mighty manly seagulls up against the Melbourne storm families playing $3 40 at home, all over that. Like a rash. We're going to win that by three,

Speaker 0 (11m 58s): Three tries or three,

Speaker 2 (11m 59s): Just three points. Let's all get excited. Remember last

Speaker 0 (12m 3s): 13 plus is the clock though.

Speaker 2 (12m 5s): Yeah. Well that's okay. Three plus 10

Speaker 0 (12m 8s): Points.

Speaker 2 (12m 11s): Newcastle Titans off. Fuck. That'll be a game of footy

Speaker 0 (12m 14s): Said nobody. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (12m 20s): Why not?

Speaker 0 (12m 23s): I'll probably back

Speaker 2 (12m 25s): Manly.

Speaker 0 (12m 26s): Manly at that price.

Speaker 2 (12m 27s): That's a good pro

Speaker 0 (12m 31s): Ah, Newcastle.

Speaker 2 (12m 34s): Oh, I can't run a game one day.

Speaker 0 (12m 37s): I don't agree with pong a Bain shit. He did some good things last night.

Speaker 2 (12m 41s): Yeah. W what was funny? I think it was the eighth was signed. How he doesn't jump for the ball.

Speaker 0 (12m 48s): Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (12m 50s): How are we? I'm here. He actually just, he falls down flat and he's honestly, he actually does. He like lays down to catch the ball. It's really weird. Yeah.

Speaker 0 (12m 57s): Well of time. That would be so he doesn't get driven back.

Speaker 2 (13m 1s): Yeah. Under the thing is I got a little feller. Any, any right? Sydney, roosters. That's the new south Wales team. The thrusters.

Speaker 0 (13m 10s): It's

Speaker 2 (13m 11s): A bulldog shocks. I'm hung out with you a lot.

Speaker 0 (13m 14s): Yeah. Can I just get the bulldogs? Who don't say this last year? I can

Speaker 2 (13m 18s): At three bucks, four, I've known a bad bet. Ah, north Queensland, Brisbane.

Speaker 0 (13m 23s): That'd be closer than the prostitutes

Speaker 2 (13m 25s): In Brisbane. You going to have a few injuries and a few people. We saw heads from last night, Parris house. I just hate paramount of so much

Speaker 0 (13m 36s): New Zealand, their first game.

Speaker 2 (13m 38s): They got to win that

Speaker 0 (13m 40s): It's sold at like a week ago. Five days ago. Really?

Speaker 2 (13m 43s): Yeah. That's good to say that I got the rest of the season back then.

Speaker 0 (13m 46s): Fucking bullshit.

Speaker 2 (13m 47s): Why wouldn't they do that? But the NRL is a Jack Dragon's camera.

Speaker 0 (13m 53s): All this was a stinker.

Speaker 2 (13m 55s): I'm on dragons.

Speaker 0 (13m 56s): Not with no confidence.

Speaker 2 (13m 57s): Dragons. Zero confidence. So push, submit the answering where we go. Oh shit, push the wrong button. That push the wrong button again. It was really good. Law of television.

Speaker 0 (14m 15s): Yeah. We're killing it. Having fun Ruby.

Speaker 2 (14m 20s): Hey John, over there ribs. So the tech work and lucky wanted it to it's gone. Good. That's good. That's good. We're glad we could be getting pink. What's the big sports used this way button to the streak or at the, I think it was the puppy. And he

Speaker 0 (14m 40s): Asked me a question.

Speaker 2 (14m 42s): I just remember the massive unit guys come around at night. He was closed, but he run out on the pitch and stuff. The security guys, he's gone straight through him, throwing him and then went back and jumped back in the crowd and everyone's gone. And then these two coppers come down, he got arrested. It was pretty funny. Anyway. Sorry. I'll go back to my original question

Speaker 0 (15m 4s): Before I was really interested in that. Was

Speaker 2 (15m 5s): It

Speaker 0 (15m 6s): Dawson? Daniel? Oh, oops. Is it Daniels?

Speaker 2 (15m 9s): Dawson Daniels.

Speaker 0 (15m 11s): He went number eight in the NBA draft. Luke. Travis who played in the NBA. He went to this

Speaker 2 (15m 18s): That's wild cats. Went to Queensland Cavaliers at number 53

Speaker 0 (15m 22s): Queensland. Kevin Lee,

Speaker 2 (15m 23s): Cleveland Cavaliers.

Speaker 0 (15m 28s): Yeah. He went. That's

Speaker 2 (15m 29s): Pretty cool.

Speaker 0 (15m 29s): Yeah. He's

Speaker 2 (15m 30s): Did the anger.

Speaker 0 (15m 32s): I don't know. But that Luke Travis guy is, he'll be an icon over there. I'm calling it a Mala. He's big. He's like a big surfer. Tiving is

Speaker 2 (15m 41s): He a big or a little?

Speaker 0 (15m 43s): Oh, he's bigger than me taller than me.

Speaker 2 (15m 45s): Yeah, but what's he played God. Yeah.

Speaker 0 (15m 49s): But

Speaker 2 (15m 51s): Man, I think Daniel's is going to rip it to bits.

Speaker 0 (15m 54s): Yep. I don't mind that.

Speaker 2 (15m 55s): I think he's going to notice yourself. He can actually see your head real

Speaker 0 (15m 58s): Good.

Speaker 2 (15m 59s): So he's just fixed his mark to the hair makeup as well or your hot.

Speaker 0 (16m 3s): No, I don't have that much time. Could have picked that up earlier. Ruby. Good producer you then

Speaker 2 (16m 10s): Ms. Pegram. Dear

Speaker 0 (16m 12s): Ms.

Speaker 2 (16m 12s): Pegram.

Speaker 0 (16m 15s): That was pretty big. A couple of, couple of things happened in the card collecting space,

Speaker 2 (16m 22s): Like,

Speaker 0 (16m 23s): Oh boy. The triple logo, man.

Speaker 2 (16m 25s): What do you think about that? So it's all for $2 million.

Speaker 0 (16m 28s): It's odd. I've was quoted on the PSG podcast saying I think it will go for six or 7 million.

Speaker 2 (16m 33s): Your where

Speaker 0 (16m 34s): That was. I'm not trying to duck from that. I was wrong a hundred percent, but that was because I assumed the big names with jumping. Not that I thought it was worth that I still, I think

Speaker 2 (16m 47s): Following the market,

Speaker 0 (16m 48s): I still think it's probably over priced at 2.4 million.

Speaker 2 (16m 51s): It was actually 2 million plus expenses. Yeah. So the actual beat itself was two plus four for buyers premium.

Speaker 0 (16m 59s): Yeah. So 2.4 million Drake was off the, the bounty was 3 million.

Speaker 2 (17m 5s): So how's that work? Derek can drag pictures up at two.

Speaker 0 (17m 9s): I dunno.

Speaker 2 (17m 9s): Do we know who bought it? That'll never be nine. Will it? Well, unless I announce it.

Speaker 0 (17m 15s): So,

Speaker 2 (17m 15s): But the second highest card in history, basketball cut.

Speaker 0 (17m 19s): And it was the F it's the highest card to be pooled from a pack and sold the same year.

Speaker 2 (17m 26s): Oh

Speaker 0 (17m 26s): Really? So usually these big cards like this,

Speaker 2 (17m 28s): They hang around for a long time. They

Speaker 0 (17m 29s): Hang around for a long time or there players that have retired or their rookie cards or whatever, this is a 2122 product or 2021 product that was pooled and sold this year in one year.

Speaker 2 (17m 44s): It's interesting though, because everyone's whinging about the price. It's $2 million for a fucking, with a

Speaker 0 (17m 50s): Yeah. And I think I saw someone post like, you know, before the 20, 20 boom, this is the most expensive card ever.

Speaker 2 (18m 0s): A hundred percent.

Speaker 0 (18m 1s): So like, fuck, all of it. People complain about everything they do. It would have sold for 10 million. It was, it's gone

Speaker 2 (18m 8s): Way over this.

Speaker 0 (18m 12s): Well, what's the perfect number then like someone let us know.

Speaker 2 (18m 15s): That's very, very true.

Speaker 0 (18m 16s): But then there's some other big guards that went around the same time. Like obviously there was a, an Anthony Edwards, one of one from flawless product, again that went for luck. High threes, low fours, 400,000. Yeah. U S max Verstappen just hit record for his cards. Got broken recent, like over the weekend. Last two days, I think it was, can't remember 48, 50 8,000 us. So that's

Speaker 2 (18m 46s): Still a lot of money.

Speaker 0 (18m 48s): Like there's bubbles burst and it's all doom and gloom and stuff, but the money's still there.

Speaker 2 (18m 53s): Nah, there's people still pine. I think you're gonna find a whole pile of the crypto bars will now start borrowing into cards. Cause he getting a physical asset. I think that it's just going to grow bigger and bigger as the time goes on.

Speaker 0 (19m 4s): Yeah. Yeah. I just can't wait. So obviously I'm a friend of the show. He, he went to Canada and he's come back and said, like be prepared. Cause it's going to be the craziest thing you've ever seen in your life.

Speaker 2 (19m 16s): Yes, indeed. And then he went to the Toronto card show. I think it was. And yeah, he was signed. That was massive. It's it's going to be an interesting ride. So we leave in three weeks.

Speaker 0 (19m 29s): Yeah. Three weeks. Wow.

Speaker 2 (19m 33s): That's exciting. So we're going to have, obviously for summer league, that's going to be interesting seeing some of the new kids play, but I'm really looking forward to seeing who's coming back in from injury, like fleas on it's around in the field. I just

Speaker 0 (19m 47s): Don't think

Speaker 2 (19m 48s): It'll happen. No boys. I

Speaker 0 (19m 50s): Hope it does, but

Speaker 2 (19m 51s): They weren't. They want to get them game ready.

Speaker 0 (19m 53s): Oh yeah. I dunno. I just don't see it happening. Personally. James Wiseman is a big one for me. I wanna see him he's come out and said he's 94% playing

Speaker 2 (20m 3s): In summer, late summer league.

Speaker 0 (20m 7s): And obviously the guys had just got drafted. I want to say chit Hogan play.

Speaker 2 (20m 12s): How's it going that way? Number one, where it was from juke as well. It wasn't me. Yeah. So there was two Jukes players in the same team in the top five it's fair enough. It's not bad.

Speaker 0 (20m 23s): Is it?

Speaker 2 (20m 25s): Oh, I'm not sure. I'm not sure. But it just goes to show what a university that is obviously that's resigned from where a lot of those big boys it's pretty insane.

Speaker 0 (20m 34s): Pretty good. A couple of years. That's where that coach K spent the last 20 years or whatever

Speaker 2 (20m 39s): In at duke. Okay. Understand

Speaker 0 (20m 43s): All class studies and I believe

Speaker 2 (20m 45s): Yup.

Speaker 0 (20m 47s): What happened in sport

Speaker 2 (20m 50s): And no major, major things. Other than origin, obviously the wallabies are back next week. They applying to in Perth used to be the biggest thing ever that happened in Australia now. So he don't even know that applying

Speaker 0 (21m 3s): Because the domestic comp is no longer on freeway.

Speaker 2 (21m 6s): There you go. So anything on Stan? Stan sport?

Speaker 0 (21m 11s): Yeah. Well golf.

Speaker 2 (21m 14s): Yeah. The golf boys.

Speaker 0 (21m 15s): Now we missed that. That tournament leave or whatever it's called. I couldn't tell

Speaker 2 (21m 21s): Ya. Millions, billions, millions and millions. Millions. And what a and what do you think about the potential new NBL team come to the gold coast? The rumors.

Speaker 0 (21m 31s): Yeah, I do like

Speaker 2 (21m 32s): It, the gold coast tropics. A

Speaker 0 (21m 34s): Lot of that. I love the name.

Speaker 2 (21m 36s): It was better than the beaten chickens, whether

Speaker 0 (21m 38s): It was, I know the Jersey and I know, but

Speaker 2 (21m 41s): I don't think it'll get a bit of a good feedback.

Speaker 0 (21m 44s): But from people that have seen the movie.

Speaker 2 (21m 46s): Yeah. Everyone's in the movie, everyone over the age of 40, I haven't seen it. You know what? I have a 40th. Remember we had that conversation to that. You didn't know how old you were

Speaker 0 (21m 56s): Rattled by somebody.

Speaker 2 (21m 58s): And what about the car collecting world locally and then signing

Speaker 0 (22m 1s): The, obviously the hobby of hanging out.

Speaker 2 (22m 4s): So we're going to be taking a lot of submissions. So here we've had some already for the pick and collect the other way. Trump's

Speaker 0 (22m 11s): Drop off I've price submissions. It's been good.

Speaker 2 (22m 16s): And we're going to all the boys down there again. Yep. So you get to come along and meet the boys and see what they're up to and cardiologists

Speaker 0 (22m 23s): The session, progress manager, chases, layman. Jess will be there.

Speaker 2 (22m 27s): The girls, we on the door and they have the brushes. So big shout out to the ladies and yeah, it's gonna be a, it's gonna be an interesting weekend.

Speaker 0 (22m 35s): Speaking of, do you want to tell the listeners something that you did on the weekend?

Speaker 2 (22m 40s): Oh, actually now we're live on the, the Doobie where I go. I can probably, do you want to say Ruby? I don't know if you say my Teddy yet ribs. Are you

Speaker 0 (22m 49s): Ready?

Speaker 2 (22m 50s): So I'll be the background is that that everyone in my family don't have tattoos as yet. And why your daughter turned 18 and she wanted us to get a tattoo age. So we all got one on our left. Big toe. There it is. That's not where we're testing the technology. Oh, Ziggy's mine entry. There you go. How's that look?

Speaker 0 (23m 23s): No

Speaker 2 (23m 24s): Good. Is it? Oh, there it is. So here we all got smiley face.

Speaker 0 (23m 29s): You look like a beak tone.

Speaker 2 (23m 31s): Thanks very much. Wow. Thanks for the compliment brother. I looked like a big toe. There you go. Thanks man. Come here for couple of us. Anyway. That was the big tattoo on the weekend. I did like shit. I didn't cry though. I got the bug. So you want me to fuck that? I'll do one more, do the full needle, but like, it was like, they put a stamp on it, like a, they got a drawer at first and they'd do it and all that sort of stuff.

And then yeah, we're on your toe. It's actually quite sensitive on the two Peter, one 20 for that, for that H H Jesus a hundred percent. We're in the wrong business. Exactly. Exactly. We had massive shout out to a borderline down on a Burley. They did a really good job actually. And people were coming and gone because my whole family was there obviously. And I went from one to each other on the, on the, with the boys. The boys were there. Boys were there. They were all watching and yeah, they were dirty. They couldn't get it, but they'll get that when they're riding. So that'll, that'll be a, that'll be a good thing.

Anyway, buddy, we're having to show up on this week due to the fact that we're getting ready for a hobby hanging out, we just made some massive changes to the office here. And at the same time, we're here today. Just especially tech check the technology and you got a jug for us. Oh, I do have a joke for you. Awesome. That's what everyone's been waiting for. What do you call a fish with? No eyes. No idea. Hey, I was an absolute cracker anyway.

He's one of my best next week when we're remote. We're testing this remotely from, from Sydney. No, that was this week. We're in Sydney. We're going to be invited us. We'll be recording from gold coast next week. We'll be from Vegas from Vegas. And we might even do a bit of a sort of watch party with the state of origin live at 2:30 AM Vegas store. Yeah. That's going to be good. I don't know about the watch party thing, but we could, we could see how we go.

We'll get Ruby up to do that bit of editing and stuff live for us. Yeah, for sure. While we're in. We're in Vegas. Yeah. How's that sound rubes. Yeah, exactly. Anyway, I look forward to spending the next four weeks with you. It's going to be fun. We're going to have a lot of fun and as normal, you're not just a pretty face, not just a pretty face pace. Thanks guys. Have a good one. Goodbye viewers viewing, not just listeners, their viewers now Ruby pay Graham pack room, pay Graham.

Speaker 4 (26m 34s): Things in life off bayed Fagan really? Might you made I'm a things just might use swear and curse.

Speaker 2 (26m 41s): No, here, wait,

Speaker 4 (26m 47s): Give a whistle. Here we go. Ready? This'll help fees. Turn out for dirt bags. Zip. Here we go. Thanks everyone. Have a cracker of a week.