The InForm Fitness Podcast

To accomplish your fat loss goals, the efforts don’t stop after your 20-30 minutes a week in the gym.  Your habits in the kitchen are equally as important.  You’ve heard it many times here on the podcast that if you want to lose fat, you can't out-exercise a bad diet.  

The founder of InForm Fitness, Adam Zickerman and the general manager of the InForm Fitness location in NYC, Mike Rogers provide some easy-to-follow nutritional tips to expedite the results you are looking for.

Show Notes

To accomplish your fat loss goals, the efforts don’t stop after your 20-30 minutes a week in the gym.  Your habits in the kitchen are equally as important.  You’ve heard it many times here on the podcast that if you want to lose fat, you can't out-exercise a bad diet.  

The founder of InForm Fitness, Adam Zickerman and the general manager of the InForm Fitness location in NYC, Mike Rogers provide some easy-to-follow nutritional tips to expedite the results you are looking for.

Adam Zickerman - Power of 10: The Once-A-Week Slow Motion Fitness Revolution
For a FREE 20-Minute strength training full-body workout and to find an Inform Fitness location nearest you, please visit

45 D-I-E-T is a Four Letter Word Transcript

breakfast, carbs, people, salad, lunch, food, carbohydrates, dinner, little bit, grams, podcast, eggs, fitness, week, prepare, low carb diet, low carb, throw, easy, flavors

Tim Edwards, Mike, Adam
Adam  00:06
Instead of obsessing on the fact that you cant have all these carbohydrates that you crave or you cant have whatever it is that quote unquote, you're not allowed to have, you know, whether it be pizza or rice or pasta. Now you can pine for those things and dwell on the fact that you can't have any of that stuff. But how about instead of focusing on what you can't have, enjoy and focus, the things that you can have, because they're great choices, love the things you can have.
Tim Edwards  00:40
Inform nation This is episode 45 of the inform fitness podcast with New York Times best selling author, Adam Zickerman. I'm Tim Edwards with the inbound podcasting network and a client of inform fitness. For almost 50 episodes, we have discussed the many benefits of participating in a slow motion, high intensity strength training protocol, like the one offered at several inform fitness locations across the country. One of those benefits of course, include weight or fat loss. To accomplish your fat loss goals, the efforts don't stop after your 20 to 30 minutes a weak and inform fitness gym, your habits, of course in the kitchen are equally as important. So if you want to lose weight, you've heard it many times here on the podcast that you can't out exercise a bad diet. So today, Adam Zickerman and Mike Rogers, the general manager of the inform fitness location in New York City provides some easy to follow nutritional tips to expedite the results you're looking for.
Mike  01:35
Alright, well, this, this is gonna be an interesting podcast, I hope it's gonna be a little bit, it's gonna be a little bit different, but sort of cover it never know, it's gonna cover a little bit
Adam  01:45
of a little bit of this a little bit of that we're talking about food, and
Mike  01:49
it's gonna be a little bit of a food thing exactly
Adam  01:50
a pinch of this and a pinch of that
Mike  01:52
and a dash of this
Adam  01:53
teaspoon out here
Tim Edwards  01:56
Covering pillar number two, right nutrition.
Mike  01:58
Yeah, yeah, well, you know, something, you know, we talk about carbs in some other other podcasts. In the past, we've mentioned carbs. And we've got
Adam  02:07
ketogenic diet
Mike  02:08
the ketogenic diet, a big one we get from clients all the time, who try to tackle a no carb diet, a ketogenic diet, a paleo diet, a low carb diet. And sometimes, you know, I mean, the references are all over the internet, there's books everywhere to like, go into any of these things. But sometimes people are just, they're on the run, and they don't have time to get to these things, or they're just overwhelmed by all the content. So what we decided we wanted to do is do a quick podcast, and throw out some ideas to answer some of those questions. Because oftentimes be like, What can I have for breakfast? What can I have for lunch? What can I have for dinner, we just want to throw out some quick recipes, some quick ideas that are easy to prepare that don't take that much time. And I think will then accommodate the the no carb, or the low carb, whatever variation you're doing
Adam  02:52
so basically we want to say, alright, so the way you start with this low carb diet is everything opposite of Rachael Ray.
Tim Edwards  03:02
Now, guys, so the question I have is, so some of these tips that we're talking about today, are these for people who are looking to lose weight or sustain, or just to kind of support the power 10 workout?
Mike  03:13
Well, there's a lot of reasons why people go on no carb diet or low carb diets. It's not just I think the most, the typical reason is to lose fat, trying to drop fat. Um, I think just before we go into the recipes, you just want to talk just quickly about the relationship between carbohydrate intake, insulin and fat regulation.
Adam  03:33
But instead of talking really theory, I think what we want to talk about his really practical things more like you know, what to eat, basically, what does that entail me, we all talk about low carbs. What does that mean? Like I was having this conversation today with somebody about low carb and not really fully understanding. She's like, I mean, can I have any rice? And I have any alcohol? Can I have any? I mean, like, I was like, no, no, no, no, no.
Mike  03:54
I mean, like fruit or carbohydrates, right. All that kind of stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Well, you know, something, the end all be all to someone's nutrition. I think it involves a lot of factors. And I think the reason why a lot of people do no carb or low carb diets is to control insulin, which is one part of the whole puzzle. And I think these suggestions are going to tackle that one piece of the puzzle, because I think for a lot of people like Tim, you just said that you've had some a few months of poor eating, and that you've got back onto the wagon, where you just cut out carbohydrates, and you lost six pounds recently. Well, that's the thing. I mean, I don't think that's going to answer all of your nutritional concerns or all of your health concerns. But it's it's a big piece of the puzzle. And I think just doing that gets the fat burning going. And well, I think we've kept we've tackled the why and the theory and the science in the past this one, let's just talk about what suggestions we can give you right off the bat.
Adam  04:51
Bring it home bring it all home.
Mike  04:53
Yeah, so I mean, really just diving right into it. Breakfast Ideas are I think this is the hardest thing for a lot of people able to get into because the most conventional breakfast food is very, very refined food, refined carbohydrate, carb heavy stuff.
Adam  05:09
So why don't we skip it?
Tim Edwards  05:11
Well, if you're if you're doing some intermittent fasting
Adam  05:19
part of it think part of weight, especially with for weight loss, I think a very powerful strategy is intermittent fasting. And I think the easiest meal to skip, at least for me and many others that I talk to is breakfast because a lot of people aren't really hungry as soon as they wake up and you're already like, eight hours are so into your fast, right, so you only have like eight hours ago. So if you're waking up like five, six in the morning, you know, you're already at 14 hours by late morning or early afternoon. That's doable as opposed to eating lunch and not having to eat dinner and like having to go to sleep hungry and like you know waking up absolutely famished. So I think if you're going to skip a meal, if intimate fasting, I think breakfast is the meal to skip not to mention what Mike was saying. It's hard to find a lot of low carb breakfast choices if especially if you don't like eggs, for example.
Mike  06:05
Yeah, that's the thing as people when they try to start doing something, but they don't want to do the fast yet, or something that resembles that people who do eat breakfast or want to have breakfast, they go to eggs, and they get tired of eggs very, very fast. And so pun intended. And I think where are the alternatives for that? I think I mean, you're you we do run into trouble with that because conventional breakfast options are involve toasts like a bacon egg and cheese sandwich.
Adam  06:34
So what's on your list here for breakfast foods?
Mike  06:36
You know something? I mean? Like it really it's it's right around eggs.
Adam  06:40
All right. Well, I got some suggestions besides eggs, by the way, because, you know, there are a lot of foods aren't just for lunch or dinner anymore. For some reason we can we've categorized certain foods for breakfast and certain foods for lunch and dinner. For example, we have always have some bone broth on the stove here for clients to enjoy. And very often. In the morning, I'll say you I want some chicken broth or some beef broth, like seven o'clock in the morning. No, thank you. I'm like, What's wrong with having some beef broth at seven o'clock in the morning? You know, it's fantastic. But some people just can't get their head around that but bacon, eggs and sausage, they can get their head around for breakfast. So like, it's just a psychological thing. So my point is, you know, there are a lot of things you can eat for breakfast that aren't necessarily classified as breakfast foods. I mean, like, I'll have a salad with tuna fish, for example, for breakfast, why not? You know, you can have a bit
Mike  07:33
that's the barrier and getting to that is I mean, if you're not going to do an omelet, which is your traditional breakfast option or something like that, or scrambled eggs or eggs Benedict or something like that. The other the other breakfast options are toast, bagels, pancakes, waffles, French toast, all those things are cereal, oatmeal is all carbs, carbs, carbs, carbs, carbs, carbs, and carbs,
Adam  07:55
and carbs.
Mike  07:57
Exactly. Sorry, I forgot about that. I will not miss that one next time. But the but the thing is, we'll get into lunches and dinners but leftover of the other meals are the nutrients you want to take in just to kind of erase some of those that you have to have breakfast for breakfast or what you imagined breakfast to be breakfast.
Tim Edwards  08:17
Well, part of that just the ritual that people have grown accustomed to right. And just abandoning the ritual of breakfast foods like Adam said, it's really no different if you what, you know, if you if you take a typical breakfast meal. If you look at the components of it, it's no different than what you're doing at lunch or dinner based upon your carbohydrate or protein.
Adam  08:37
I mean, like in the morning, you'll have breakfast sausage. In the afternoon you'll have Chorizo, both sausages.
Mike  08:44
I'll tell you what, though, people get crazy enough
Adam  08:46
Chorizo in the morning and you can't have breakfast sausage for lunch.
Mike  08:50
When we're up at the front and we're eating breakfast
Adam  08:51
see what happens
Mike  08:52
when we're up at the front eating breakfast in the morning. I oftentimes have a salad and people like salad for breakfast. And the thing is the association with like vegetables with breakfast is really like a crazy idea for everyone but it's like why not? Why the hell not? Yeah having them for lunch or having them for dinner? You have no problem having them like the salad with the chicken for lunch
Adam  09:13
pancakes for breakfast, why is that so good pancakes. I mean what's the what's the suffix of pancakes? Cake. You having cake for breakfast? I mean, why pancakes so special. There it's cake. You are not suppose to have cake for breakfast.
Tim Edwards  09:14
That's what a donut is for goodness sakes. on the other side of that too. You know, when you're not eating right to have tacos or a hamburger for breakfast? How is that any different than having hashbrowns with with sausage. You know, it's just the same. So just trying to abandon what that ritualistic breakfast mentality and bone broth. Gosh, that's perfect, especially if you're intermittent fasting as well.
Adam  09:53
Food is food.
Mike  09:54
I mean, seriously how I mean I think people get overwhelmed with the idea of say you're gonna prepare salad for work like say you're gonna do this at home right to try to save money or for whatever it's literally get some mixed greens or some spinach. You put it in a in a Tupperware, you chop a tomato that takes about, you know what, 25 seconds to chop a tomato, it takes, you know, a save big about
Adam  10:18
put an avocado in there
Mike  10:19
45 seconds to chop up an avocado, a little bit of cucumber,
Adam  10:23
and a leftover chicken breast right from from dinner the night before boom done.
Mike  10:26
It's an easy thing
Adam  10:27
thats your breakfast the next day.
Mike  10:28
Exactly. And you know, something like, you know, go to Whole Foods, every Whole Foods. Now, what I this is something I do at least a once every two weeks. Sometimes every week is for 7.99 you can get a rotisserie chicken, you have like the legs for lunch one day, and then take a few minutes, chop up the rest, add some celery, a little bit of mayonnaise, and you could have chicken salad on top of a salad for dinner later that night. And for breakfast and lunch the next day. The thing is, I think you can get tired if you're having that all the time. But it's very easy, very inexpensive, very easy thing to prepare food option
Tim Edwards  11:01
and notice that you said mayonnaise as well with the chicken a little bit of mayonnaise, but people would think of mayo as an absolute no, no. In a diet
Adam  11:15
But the thing about Mayo is it's a fat, it's known as a fat right, so everyone's so scared of fat. So I'm not worried about mayo. Especially the mayonnaise that's not made with canola oil, like Hellman's. But the mayonnaise that's made nowadays with avocado oils, and all these kinds of oils that are not refined oils like canola oil, these things are great. So I'm not we're not afraid of mayonnaise, you know, so you want to put a little mayonnaise with your hard boiled eggs? Or
Mike  11:40
if you're trying to avoid carbs, Mayo doesn't qualify. That's right.
Adam  11:43
Yeah Yeah, Mayo is good, mayo is fat and that's good,
Mike  11:46
I should say it qualifies to eat. Yeah.
Tim Edwards  11:50
And that reminds me of the episode that we had several weeks back regarding the American Heart Association. Right. And and the some of the bogus claims that have and are continuing to be made?
Adam  12:03
Well, again, you know, we kind of feel that fat must be bad for us. So we start manipulating data just to support our bias, fat can't be good for you. Right? And that bias is exactly that a bias and science does not bore that out. You know, science has not shown that fat is what's the cause of cardiovascular disease as much as as much as society for some reason wants that to be the truth, just so far has not been shown to be the truth
Mike  12:32
that that thing is it's getting thrown out as something that is an absolute no, no. And the thing is, your your biomarkers could be dictated by a lot of different things, fat may need to be dosed properly, you may not you may there may be a certain amount of it that you should or shouldn't be eating for your overall health
Adam  12:40
calories. So Mike's weve established that we are skipping breakfast so so now let's get to lunch. what what do you talk about and what do you eat and what do you recommend for your clients for lunch, to make things simple.
Mike  13:01
for me, Once again, a big mixture of vegetables with a protein it's oftentimes what I prepared last night for dinner and I make enough to go to lunch again, it's a it's there's really nothing that needs to be specific for any time of the day. The easy things for people who go to work all the time. Oftentimes if they didn't prepare their stuff, a best thing the best thing to do is get a piece of salmon get a piece of chicken with some asparagus with some sauteed mushrooms with a side salad that type of thing or get a chopped salad. I mean I know this is not a mystery to everybody but the thing is, I think you just got to develop a habit of doing this type of things you got to get rid of feeling like a sandwich is necessary and all that kind of stuff.
Tim Edwards  13:40
well. You mentioned chop salad you know we I go to Subway a lot actually I love their chop salad. I think it's actually like the perfect lunch for me and it's filling as well. Yeah, yeah,
Mike  13:48
the thing is, most of my routine stuff is I prepare a big my wife and I we cook a relatively big dinner or you cook stuff that we could actually have for the next day or two and it whether it's breakfast, lunch or dinner, it really doesn't matter to me I throw it in the Tupperware and I have it I
Adam  14:04
like that frittata you were telling me about.
Mike  14:05
that's another thing.
Adam  14:07
That's a great thing but we're back to eggs again but again eggs are not just for breakfast either. So Mike had this for frittata you know that was made in like this. You know nine inch pie pan you know and you cut it like a pie and you know he portioned it out for himself all week.
Mike  14:20
I had I literally had on Sunday, Monday Tuesday Wednesday and it honestly it's, it's also just for whatever reason I know it's eggs and vegetables but in the context of what you're eating. It really tastes like you know, like a little piece of pizza you know
Adam  14:36
eats it cold too which is actually good
Tim Edwards  14:38
and it sounds filling too with all of that protein in there.
Mike  14:41
It was filling I mean, you know
Adam  14:42
it is
Mike  14:43
it is it was it was it was great. I actually
Adam  14:45
mayonnaise on top of it too.
Mike  14:51
Going back to like quick things you can get at the grocery store if you have a Trader Joe's or something like that, like my wife and I have been recently making like a like an Asian Style steak on top of cauliflower rice. And
Adam  15:04
what does Asian style mean?
Mike  15:06
I think there's, there's sesame, there's some ginger, there's some teriyaki flavors and things like that. Oftentimes, a teriyaki marinade is probably actually a high carbohydrate.
Adam  15:18
Food. Yes, stay away from the teriyaki.
Mike  15:20
But yes, but you know, something, I think, I mean, is it a no carb, that's not a no carb option, but you know something, I think if you just coat it in that look for in a plastic bag the meat on with a marinade and then you take it out and then you cook it, you're mostly just getting flavors. And I would say that the carb count is still going to be extremely low, despite the fact that you are having a sweet marinate on the beef.
Tim Edwards  15:46
Well, you just mentioned carb count, let's we didn't really start with that and what is a good carb count? Or is that specific to each individual
Adam  15:55
that's specific, but there's a range I mean, I would say to really consider low carb you'd have to stay anywhere between 50 grams 40 grams of carbohydrate carbohydrates on the low side and not much more than 100 grams on the high side that and 100 grams is a lot for a lot of people but some people can tolerate that especially if they're very active. You know so I would say start with like 75 grams see how that works for you and then work your way up or down
Tim Edwards  16:23
and or you're including the carbs in the in vegetables as well to not
Adam  16:28
I mean, you'd have to eat like a pound you can eat that much broccoli to overdose on carbs on the other hand, you know you can easily overdose on on on bananas, which is a fruit I know it's not a vegetable but fruits you know a lot of people don't realize how starchy a banana even an Apple has like 20 some odd grams
Mike  16:47
last time I checked this out this past week I owed my au pair who's you know making efforts to try to lose to lose weight a little bit and she got amazing I love her to death but totally misinformed on what was what she made a shake and it comprised two apples one regular size banana, ice and water and I said and I just I just quickly referenced a jar of peanut butter a medium sized Apple is about 19 grams of carbohydrate and and so she had two of those that's 38 right there. And then she had a banana which is 40 grams over her limit she weighed like 52 grams of carbs I said I said you realize theres more grams of carbohydrate there that that is a Snickers bar and she was stunned I said I said you you're getting vitamins, you're getting nutrients, you're getting fiber, lots of good things that your body does want but you're you're putting way too much sugar into this diet right now and so we I helped her modify that to a smaller degree. But um other little quick suggestions once again this could qualify as lunch and dinner very easy thing like having like turkey meatballs, which you get prepared either at the deli or somewhere you got the bread crumbs without you know without or very little bread crumbs very little.
Adam  17:59
My wife says when she makes meatballs, are there any bread crumbs in it
Mike  18:03
very little there's very little
Adam  18:05
I mean, why do you have to use it? Don't worry about I didn't put that much in there.
Mike  18:09
Depending on your goals. Sometimes you have to be very conscious of what these counts are. And other times I think a little bit not going to kill you on any of these All right, and you're putting that turkey meatballs or regular meatballs on top of Zucchini Spaghetti is just a great thing and you could you could do that with a tomato sauce. You could do that with garlic and olive oil and it's just that is very easy. takes no time to saute that.
Tim Edwards  18:31
and tastes really good. That sounds great.
Adam  18:34
hey that's kosher.
Mike  18:34
Zucchini put through a spiralizer or the vegetti and you make it looks like pasta. Like Dan and I Dan's one of the other trainers here and I we what we create what's called a meat bucket. Like well, I'll like I'll cook like 15 chicken thighs, you know and they would chop it all up throw it in a big Tupperware and have it for breakfast lunch and dinner over the course of three days. You know, Yeah. mix it in with sauteed peppers and onions. You know, you could do steak fajitas chicken fajitas and stuff, you know, on top of beds of lettuce, you know, fajitas, you mean without the tacos. without the tacos or the tortillas. It's just basically a fajita salad. But it's really just things like that. But this My point is it really if you go to the market and you have these ingredients, it really takes almost no time to prepare these things. And you're getting a protein you get some fish you know they baking some salmon doesn't take that long.
Adam  19:34
It's funny, I talk to people all the time I'm making this making that and they think I have they look at me like I have 10 heads on my shoulders because like yeah, just there was some salmon in the oven. You know, it only takes 10 minutes
Mike  19:44
salt, pepper. Garlic powder. 
Adam  19:46
Are you kidding me? I'm not gonna do that. I mean, I gotta go get the damn salmon, how am I gonna do that. You know?
Mike  19:53
 Yes. I mean, it's, you then go get the damn salmon
Tim Edwards  19:58
it's the same as getting the the Steak, or the chicken, right? I mean, how hard is salmon to find?
Adam  20:04
People have fear of cooking fish, and I understand
Tim Edwards  20:06
I get it Yeah,
Mike  20:07
you know, everybody has particularities, you got to find it. I mean, and that's it, you know, I mean, I mean, some some I have a client, who I'm thinking of at the moment who hates I say, Oh, why don't you try this, I hate that. I hate mushrooms. I hate broccoli. I hate zucchini. I hate tomatoes.
Adam  20:23
She's a good candidate for fasting then.
Tim Edwards  20:28
If look at your food is as as medicine and not you know, we don't always have to look at our meals, like this is going to be something I'm going to enjoy. Yeah, from time to time, but, but just look at it as fuel or almost as medicine and then you're full and you move on to the next meal. It's just that simple.
Adam  20:44
I don't ask people to do that. I mean, I just we have a trainer down in Virginia that is like that, I mean, he honestly has no emotional attachment to food at all.
Tim Edwards  20:52
That would be nice.
Adam  20:54
At all.
Tim Edwards  20:54
Adam  20:55
to him is purely fuel, honestly. And I was like, I'm a little envious of that. But then again, I'm not because I enjoy food so much. And you can still the way I look at it, as opposed to saying, you know, look at food as fuel. Because that that's a tall task when you've grown up in a family that you know and you know, you're adult and food was the center of your universe and your familial and your friends get together
Tim Edwards  21:20
Im Italian and I know all about what you're talking about. It is true. It is a part of your
Adam  21:24
However, however, I think of I think its a Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young song you know, who sings? If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you with?
Tim Edwards  21:34
You nailed it. You nailed it.
Adam  21:35
I did, right? Okay, so that's how I look at it. Like, instead of obsessing on the fact that you can have all these carbohydrates that you crave or you can have whatever it is that quote unquote, you're not allowed to have, you know, whether it be pizza, or rice or pasta. You know, you can you can pine for those things and dwell on the fact that you can't have any of that stuff. But how about instead of focusing on what you can't have, enjoy and focus, the things that you can have, because there are great choices that you can have, and love the one you're with, that's where I get this from. So instead of, you know, pining for the one you cant have, love the things you can have, and put your attention on that that's easier than just looking at food as fuel. I mean, now if you just think about what you want, and what you can enjoy, like I enjoy meatloaf, you know, without the bread crumbs over a bed of spaghetti squash. I love a slow cook brisket. grass fed brisket with you know with a side of cauliflower rice to suck up the sauce. You know, cauliflower rice is like a staple in our house at this point,
Mike  22:42
we have it we have it at least three times a week,
Adam  22:44
the catch is that you probably have to prepare a little bit more to enjoy these foods. And that that's the catch I guess it's hard to just do take out all the time and adhere to this but it'd be take a little time you do what Mike suggested and prepare food over the weekend that things that can last like like a brisket, you know, you put a six pound brisket in a Dutch oven and you got you got yourself or a stew of some sort or chili of some sort. Now you have that it's a gift that keeps on giving or frittata you make hard boiled eggs you keep keep a dozen hard boiled eggs in a fridge and make egg salad out or make if you're ambitious, make some deviled eggs. And God forbid you put a little bit of sweet relish in there, it's not gonna you know,
Mike  23:22
it's a small investment that gets you your time back throughout the week is to do something that you could actually prepare,
Adam  23:27
you know, Mike, I have a couple of more examples that I can use them for my book power of 10. And if you don't like eggs, by the way, some plain yogurt, full fat yogurt, you know, and put some real fruit in there like blueberries or raspberries if they're in season. All right, any of the nut butters would be great. You know put that on some vegetable like celery or things that you know cat whatever, you know, just some kind of vegetable that you like the spread on all the time. Yeah, you know, just try to avoid putting your peanut butter on like, you know, bread and bagels, nuts, all kinds of nuts, preferably ones that arent coated in sugar. You know, we mentioned hard boiled eggs, another breakfast food that I like, is cottage cheese and I put a little bit of pineapple in there and again, you know a couple of slices of pineapples, a strong flavored fruit so you don't need a lot of pineapple to get the flavor you need. So you'd have a couple of little little those little wedges of pineapple in your in your cottage cheese. That's a good breakfast and it's not going to throw you over 50 grams of carbohydrates.
Mike  24:29
Not that this is relevant to the podcast but I just wanted to say that cottage cheese is on the shortlist of things I just can't stand in the world.
Adam  24:37
I don't like cottage cheese. Funny thing
Mike  24:39
everybody else more for you you enjoy it.
Adam  24:41
Yeah, exactly. But I don't like cottage cheese either unless it has honestly it can only have pineapple with it or else I won't like it. Alright another good thing a turkey wrap like two or three slices of fresh turkey wrapped in some romaine lettuce or some kind of lettuce, maybe some mustard, maybe throw a slice of, you know a small thin slice of Swiss cheese in there. That'd be great. As some of my colleagues here love sardines, opening up a can of sardines, if you like sardines, go for it. That's not my bag. But you know, stuff like that.
Mike  25:12
Love that. But you guys are aware of your neighbors
Tim Edwards  25:14
a lot of salt too right.
Adam  25:16
Yeah, spices, use spices is another suggestion. There's a new book out that I want to tell you about. I'm actually and this is not to promote me. But I love this book. It's called the spice diet. Alright, so it was like Mike said earlier, you know, let's face it, you know, there's chicken there's beef, there's fish, fish, vegetables. I mean, we know what they are that unless you're in some weird part of the world, you know, that that eats other things besides those things, you know, so it's always eating the same things, all kinds of vegetables, right? So the thing is, note you can change, you can change the spices, the way you cook these things. There's a book called The spice diet by Chef Judson Todd Allen. He is the private chef for Steve Harvey. And Steve Harvey actually wrote the foreword to this book. And I was asked to write the exercise part to this book, so actually, I'm actually in his book. But that's not what I'm recommending it. It's just a great way to use flavor to, you know, to fight cravings. And to kind of change things up a little bit, even though you're always having chicken. So I recommend you picking up that book. It's fantastic
Tim Edwards  26:23
and Adam, we'll have a link to that in the show notes. And it's also that book is available on Audible too, and new sponsor of the inform fitness podcast. So we'll go ahead and include links to that in the show notes.
Adam  26:33
Fantastic. So anyway, spice use spices to change things around. And the reason I thought of that, because you know, like broccoli is boring, right? But if you put sesame oil on it, some broccoli, some garlic, some salt, some pepper, you know, you throw in some walnuts in there. That tastes good, you know, so So walnuts and broccoli, combining nuts and vegetable is always a fantastic thing to do. And it makes things a little bit more interesting. Baked Chicken, rotisserie chicken or baked chicken. You can spice that up many different ways to change it around with it. But you know what I you know, I love chicken with a little bit of honey
Tim Edwards  27:09
that's an interesting combo. Never heard of that before
Adam  27:11
call me blasphemous. You know, honey is a carb, obviously, it's pure sugar. But the thing about honey is that you don't need a lot of it again. And again, if you're generally a very low carb diet, if you put some honey
Mike  27:22
that's a Southern Fried chicken there
Adam  27:24
if you do the fried chicken, in a little bit of honey, you know, it adds a little bit of sweetness, but you're not going over the gram count.
Mike  27:33
That's right, I think I think having a few flavors that are a little bit sweet. As long as you keep them very minimal, you're not going to break the bank oftentimes.
Adam  27:41
So there are some examples that you're going to find in my book.
Tim Edwards  27:46
And the book of course, is power of 10, the once a week slow motion fitness revolution, pick it up today at a bookstore near you, or it's just a click away and available at Amazon. There will be a link for the book in the show notes. For less than about 15 bucks, you'll find some additional nutritional tips and a handy list of foods that support the power of 10 protocol discussed here in the podcast. You'll also find some effective exercise demonstrations so you can perform these exercises in the comfort of your own home. Or if you live close to one of the several inform fitness locations across the country. There's a free workout waiting for you. Simply click the link in the show notes to their website Click the try us free button right there on the homepage. Fill out the form, pick your location, and enjoy a slow motion high intensity full body workout in just 20 minutes for free. You'll feel great at the time of this recording. It's been about say four or so hours since my last workout and I feel amazing. You will too. If you're a new listener to the podcast, we appreciate that and would invite you to please hit subscribe in whichever podcast app you might be listening. We have close to 50 episodes for you to binge Listen, with more coming almost every single week. We'd also appreciate it if you took a couple of moments to leave us a review. Until next time for Adam Zickerman and Mike Rogers of inform fitness. I'm Tim Edwards with the inbound podcasting Network.



What is The InForm Fitness Podcast?

Now listened to in 100 countries, The InForm Fitness Podcast with Adam Zickerman is a presentation of InForm Fitness Studios, specializing in safe, efficient, High Intensity strength training.
Adam discusses the latest findings in the areas of exercise, nutrition and recovery with leading experts and scientists. We aim to debunk the popular misconceptions and urban myths that are so prevalent in the fields of health and fitness and to replace those sacred cows with scientific-based, up-to-the-minute information on a variety of subjects. The topics covered include exercise protocols and techniques, nutrition, sleep, recovery, the role of genetics in the response to exercise, and much more.

45 D-I-E-T is a Four Letter Word

breakfast, carbs, people, salad, lunch, food, carbohydrates, dinner, little bit, grams, podcast, eggs, fitness, week, prepare, low carb diet, low carb, throw, easy, flavors
Tim Edwards, Mike, Adam

Adam 00:06
Instead of obsessing on the fact that you cant have all these carbohydrates that you crave or you cant have whatever it is that quote unquote, you're not allowed to have, you know, whether it be pizza or rice or pasta. Now you can pine for those things and dwell on the fact that you can't have any of that stuff. But how about instead of focusing on what you can't have, enjoy and focus, the things that you can have, because they're great choices, love the things you can have.

Tim Edwards 00:40
Inform nation This is episode 45 of the inform fitness podcast with New York Times best selling author, Adam Zickerman. I'm Tim Edwards with the inbound podcasting network and a client of inform fitness. For almost 50 episodes, we have discussed the many benefits of participating in a slow motion, high intensity strength training protocol, like the one offered at several inform fitness locations across the country. One of those benefits of course, include weight or fat loss. To accomplish your fat loss goals, the efforts don't stop after your 20 to 30 minutes a weak and inform fitness gym, your habits, of course in the kitchen are equally as important. So if you want to lose weight, you've heard it many times here on the podcast that you can't out exercise a bad diet. So today, Adam Zickerman and Mike Rogers, the general manager of the inform fitness location in New York City provides some easy to follow nutritional tips to expedite the results you're looking for.

Mike 01:35
Alright, well, this, this is gonna be an interesting podcast, I hope it's gonna be a little bit, it's gonna be a little bit different, but sort of cover it never know, it's gonna cover a little bit

Adam 01:45
of a little bit of this a little bit of that we're talking about food, and

Mike 01:49
it's gonna be a little bit of a food thing exactly

Adam 01:50
a pinch of this and a pinch of that

Mike 01:52
and a dash of this

Adam 01:53
teaspoon out here

Tim Edwards 01:56
Covering pillar number two, right nutrition.

Mike 01:58
Yeah, yeah, well, you know, something, you know, we talk about carbs in some other other podcasts. In the past, we've mentioned carbs. And we've got

Adam 02:07
ketogenic diet

Mike 02:08
the ketogenic diet, a big one we get from clients all the time, who try to tackle a no carb diet, a ketogenic diet, a paleo diet, a low carb diet. And sometimes, you know, I mean, the references are all over the internet, there's books everywhere to like, go into any of these things. But sometimes people are just, they're on the run, and they don't have time to get to these things, or they're just overwhelmed by all the content. So what we decided we wanted to do is do a quick podcast, and throw out some ideas to answer some of those questions. Because oftentimes be like, What can I have for breakfast? What can I have for lunch? What can I have for dinner, we just want to throw out some quick recipes, some quick ideas that are easy to prepare that don't take that much time. And I think will then accommodate the the no carb, or the low carb, whatever variation you're doing

Adam 02:52
so basically we want to say, alright, so the way you start with this low carb diet is everything opposite of Rachael Ray.

Tim Edwards 03:02
Now, guys, so the question I have is, so some of these tips that we're talking about today, are these for people who are looking to lose weight or sustain, or just to kind of support the power 10 workout?

Mike 03:13
Well, there's a lot of reasons why people go on no carb diet or low carb diets. It's not just I think the most, the typical reason is to lose fat, trying to drop fat. Um, I think just before we go into the recipes, you just want to talk just quickly about the relationship between carbohydrate intake, insulin and fat regulation.

Adam 03:33
But instead of talking really theory, I think what we want to talk about his really practical things more like you know, what to eat, basically, what does that entail me, we all talk about low carbs. What does that mean? Like I was having this conversation today with somebody about low carb and not really fully understanding. She's like, I mean, can I have any rice? And I have any alcohol? Can I have any? I mean, like, I was like, no, no, no, no, no.

Mike 03:54
I mean, like fruit or carbohydrates, right. All that kind of stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Well, you know, something, the end all be all to someone's nutrition. I think it involves a lot of factors. And I think the reason why a lot of people do no carb or low carb diets is to control insulin, which is one part of the whole puzzle. And I think these suggestions are going to tackle that one piece of the puzzle, because I think for a lot of people like Tim, you just said that you've had some a few months of poor eating, and that you've got back onto the wagon, where you just cut out carbohydrates, and you lost six pounds recently. Well, that's the thing. I mean, I don't think that's going to answer all of your nutritional concerns or all of your health concerns. But it's it's a big piece of the puzzle. And I think just doing that gets the fat burning going. And well, I think we've kept we've tackled the why and the theory and the science in the past this one, let's just talk about what suggestions we can give you right off the bat.

Adam 04:51
Bring it home bring it all home.

Mike 04:53
Yeah, so I mean, really just diving right into it. Breakfast Ideas are I think this is the hardest thing for a lot of people able to get into because the most conventional breakfast food is very, very refined food, refined carbohydrate, carb heavy stuff.

Adam 05:09
So why don't we skip it?

Tim Edwards 05:11
Well, if you're if you're doing some intermittent fasting

Adam 05:19
part of it think part of weight, especially with for weight loss, I think a very powerful strategy is intermittent fasting. And I think the easiest meal to skip, at least for me and many others that I talk to is breakfast because a lot of people aren't really hungry as soon as they wake up and you're already like, eight hours are so into your fast, right, so you only have like eight hours ago. So if you're waking up like five, six in the morning, you know, you're already at 14 hours by late morning or early afternoon. That's doable as opposed to eating lunch and not having to eat dinner and like having to go to sleep hungry and like you know waking up absolutely famished. So I think if you're going to skip a meal, if intimate fasting, I think breakfast is the meal to skip not to mention what Mike was saying. It's hard to find a lot of low carb breakfast choices if especially if you don't like eggs, for example.

Mike 06:05
Yeah, that's the thing as people when they try to start doing something, but they don't want to do the fast yet, or something that resembles that people who do eat breakfast or want to have breakfast, they go to eggs, and they get tired of eggs very, very fast. And so pun intended. And I think where are the alternatives for that? I think I mean, you're you we do run into trouble with that because conventional breakfast options are involve toasts like a bacon egg and cheese sandwich.

Adam 06:34
So what's on your list here for breakfast foods?

Mike 06:36
You know something? I mean? Like it really it's it's right around eggs.

Adam 06:40
All right. Well, I got some suggestions besides eggs, by the way, because, you know, there are a lot of foods aren't just for lunch or dinner anymore. For some reason we can we've categorized certain foods for breakfast and certain foods for lunch and dinner. For example, we have always have some bone broth on the stove here for clients to enjoy. And very often. In the morning, I'll say you I want some chicken broth or some beef broth, like seven o'clock in the morning. No, thank you. I'm like, What's wrong with having some beef broth at seven o'clock in the morning? You know, it's fantastic. But some people just can't get their head around that but bacon, eggs and sausage, they can get their head around for breakfast. So like, it's just a psychological thing. So my point is, you know, there are a lot of things you can eat for breakfast that aren't necessarily classified as breakfast foods. I mean, like, I'll have a salad with tuna fish, for example, for breakfast, why not? You know, you can have a bit

Mike 07:33
that's the barrier and getting to that is I mean, if you're not going to do an omelet, which is your traditional breakfast option or something like that, or scrambled eggs or eggs Benedict or something like that. The other the other breakfast options are toast, bagels, pancakes, waffles, French toast, all those things are cereal, oatmeal is all carbs, carbs, carbs, carbs, carbs, carbs, and carbs,

Adam 07:55
and carbs.

Mike 07:57
Exactly. Sorry, I forgot about that. I will not miss that one next time. But the but the thing is, we'll get into lunches and dinners but leftover of the other meals are the nutrients you want to take in just to kind of erase some of those that you have to have breakfast for breakfast or what you imagined breakfast to be breakfast.

Tim Edwards 08:17
Well, part of that just the ritual that people have grown accustomed to right. And just abandoning the ritual of breakfast foods like Adam said, it's really no different if you what, you know, if you if you take a typical breakfast meal. If you look at the components of it, it's no different than what you're doing at lunch or dinner based upon your carbohydrate or protein.

Adam 08:37
I mean, like in the morning, you'll have breakfast sausage. In the afternoon you'll have Chorizo, both sausages.

Mike 08:44
I'll tell you what, though, people get crazy enough

Adam 08:46
Chorizo in the morning and you can't have breakfast sausage for lunch.

Mike 08:50
When we're up at the front and we're eating breakfast

Adam 08:51
see what happens

Mike 08:52
when we're up at the front eating breakfast in the morning. I oftentimes have a salad and people like salad for breakfast. And the thing is the association with like vegetables with breakfast is really like a crazy idea for everyone but it's like why not? Why the hell not? Yeah having them for lunch or having them for dinner? You have no problem having them like the salad with the chicken for lunch

Adam 09:13
pancakes for breakfast, why is that so good pancakes. I mean what's the what's the suffix of pancakes? Cake. You having cake for breakfast? I mean, why pancakes so special. There it's cake. You are not suppose to have cake for breakfast.

Tim Edwards 09:14
That's what a donut is for goodness sakes. on the other side of that too. You know, when you're not eating right to have tacos or a hamburger for breakfast? How is that any different than having hashbrowns with with sausage. You know, it's just the same. So just trying to abandon what that ritualistic breakfast mentality and bone broth. Gosh, that's perfect, especially if you're intermittent fasting as well.

Adam 09:53
Food is food.

Mike 09:54
I mean, seriously how I mean I think people get overwhelmed with the idea of say you're gonna prepare salad for work like say you're gonna do this at home right to try to save money or for whatever it's literally get some mixed greens or some spinach. You put it in a in a Tupperware, you chop a tomato that takes about, you know what, 25 seconds to chop a tomato, it takes, you know, a save big about

Adam 10:18
put an avocado in there

Mike 10:19
45 seconds to chop up an avocado, a little bit of cucumber,

Adam 10:23
and a leftover chicken breast right from from dinner the night before boom done.

Mike 10:26
It's an easy thing

Adam 10:27
thats your breakfast the next day.

Mike 10:28
Exactly. And you know, something like, you know, go to Whole Foods, every Whole Foods. Now, what I this is something I do at least a once every two weeks. Sometimes every week is for 7.99 you can get a rotisserie chicken, you have like the legs for lunch one day, and then take a few minutes, chop up the rest, add some celery, a little bit of mayonnaise, and you could have chicken salad on top of a salad for dinner later that night. And for breakfast and lunch the next day. The thing is, I think you can get tired if you're having that all the time. But it's very easy, very inexpensive, very easy thing to prepare food option

Tim Edwards 11:01
and notice that you said mayonnaise as well with the chicken a little bit of mayonnaise, but people would think of mayo as an absolute no, no. In a diet

Adam 11:15
But the thing about Mayo is it's a fat, it's known as a fat right, so everyone's so scared of fat. So I'm not worried about mayo. Especially the mayonnaise that's not made with canola oil, like Hellman's. But the mayonnaise that's made nowadays with avocado oils, and all these kinds of oils that are not refined oils like canola oil, these things are great. So I'm not we're not afraid of mayonnaise, you know, so you want to put a little mayonnaise with your hard boiled eggs? Or

Mike 11:40
if you're trying to avoid carbs, Mayo doesn't qualify. That's right.

Adam 11:43
Yeah Yeah, Mayo is good, mayo is fat and that's good,

Mike 11:46
I should say it qualifies to eat. Yeah.

Tim Edwards 11:50
And that reminds me of the episode that we had several weeks back regarding the American Heart Association. Right. And and the some of the bogus claims that have and are continuing to be made?

Adam 12:03
Well, again, you know, we kind of feel that fat must be bad for us. So we start manipulating data just to support our bias, fat can't be good for you. Right? And that bias is exactly that a bias and science does not bore that out. You know, science has not shown that fat is what's the cause of cardiovascular disease as much as as much as society for some reason wants that to be the truth, just so far has not been shown to be the truth

Mike 12:32
that that thing is it's getting thrown out as something that is an absolute no, no. And the thing is, your your biomarkers could be dictated by a lot of different things, fat may need to be dosed properly, you may not you may there may be a certain amount of it that you should or shouldn't be eating for your overall health

Adam 12:40
calories. So Mike's weve established that we are skipping breakfast so so now let's get to lunch. what what do you talk about and what do you eat and what do you recommend for your clients for lunch, to make things simple.

Mike 13:01
for me, Once again, a big mixture of vegetables with a protein it's oftentimes what I prepared last night for dinner and I make enough to go to lunch again, it's a it's there's really nothing that needs to be specific for any time of the day. The easy things for people who go to work all the time. Oftentimes if they didn't prepare their stuff, a best thing the best thing to do is get a piece of salmon get a piece of chicken with some asparagus with some sauteed mushrooms with a side salad that type of thing or get a chopped salad. I mean I know this is not a mystery to everybody but the thing is, I think you just got to develop a habit of doing this type of things you got to get rid of feeling like a sandwich is necessary and all that kind of stuff.

Tim Edwards 13:40
well. You mentioned chop salad you know we I go to Subway a lot actually I love their chop salad. I think it's actually like the perfect lunch for me and it's filling as well. Yeah, yeah,

Mike 13:48
the thing is, most of my routine stuff is I prepare a big my wife and I we cook a relatively big dinner or you cook stuff that we could actually have for the next day or two and it whether it's breakfast, lunch or dinner, it really doesn't matter to me I throw it in the Tupperware and I have it I

Adam 14:04
like that frittata you were telling me about.

Mike 14:05
that's another thing.

Adam 14:07
That's a great thing but we're back to eggs again but again eggs are not just for breakfast either. So Mike had this for frittata you know that was made in like this. You know nine inch pie pan you know and you cut it like a pie and you know he portioned it out for himself all week.

Mike 14:20
I had I literally had on Sunday, Monday Tuesday Wednesday and it honestly it's, it's also just for whatever reason I know it's eggs and vegetables but in the context of what you're eating. It really tastes like you know, like a little piece of pizza you know

Adam 14:36
eats it cold too which is actually good

Tim Edwards 14:38
and it sounds filling too with all of that protein in there.

Mike 14:41
It was filling I mean, you know

Adam 14:42
it is

Mike 14:43
it is it was it was it was great. I actually

Adam 14:45
mayonnaise on top of it too.

Mike 14:51
Going back to like quick things you can get at the grocery store if you have a Trader Joe's or something like that, like my wife and I have been recently making like a like an Asian Style steak on top of cauliflower rice. And

Adam 15:04
what does Asian style mean?

Mike 15:06
I think there's, there's sesame, there's some ginger, there's some teriyaki flavors and things like that. Oftentimes, a teriyaki marinade is probably actually a high carbohydrate.

Adam 15:18
Food. Yes, stay away from the teriyaki.

Mike 15:20
But yes, but you know, something, I think, I mean, is it a no carb, that's not a no carb option, but you know something, I think if you just coat it in that look for in a plastic bag the meat on with a marinade and then you take it out and then you cook it, you're mostly just getting flavors. And I would say that the carb count is still going to be extremely low, despite the fact that you are having a sweet marinate on the beef.

Tim Edwards 15:46
Well, you just mentioned carb count, let's we didn't really start with that and what is a good carb count? Or is that specific to each individual

Adam 15:55
that's specific, but there's a range I mean, I would say to really consider low carb you'd have to stay anywhere between 50 grams 40 grams of carbohydrate carbohydrates on the low side and not much more than 100 grams on the high side that and 100 grams is a lot for a lot of people but some people can tolerate that especially if they're very active. You know so I would say start with like 75 grams see how that works for you and then work your way up or down

Tim Edwards 16:23
and or you're including the carbs in the in vegetables as well to not

Adam 16:28
I mean, you'd have to eat like a pound you can eat that much broccoli to overdose on carbs on the other hand, you know you can easily overdose on on on bananas, which is a fruit I know it's not a vegetable but fruits you know a lot of people don't realize how starchy a banana even an Apple has like 20 some odd grams

Mike 16:47
last time I checked this out this past week I owed my au pair who's you know making efforts to try to lose to lose weight a little bit and she got amazing I love her to death but totally misinformed on what was what she made a shake and it comprised two apples one regular size banana, ice and water and I said and I just I just quickly referenced a jar of peanut butter a medium sized Apple is about 19 grams of carbohydrate and and so she had two of those that's 38 right there. And then she had a banana which is 40 grams over her limit she weighed like 52 grams of carbs I said I said you realize theres more grams of carbohydrate there that that is a Snickers bar and she was stunned I said I said you you're getting vitamins, you're getting nutrients, you're getting fiber, lots of good things that your body does want but you're you're putting way too much sugar into this diet right now and so we I helped her modify that to a smaller degree. But um other little quick suggestions once again this could qualify as lunch and dinner very easy thing like having like turkey meatballs, which you get prepared either at the deli or somewhere you got the bread crumbs without you know without or very little bread crumbs very little.

Adam 17:59
My wife says when she makes meatballs, are there any bread crumbs in it

Mike 18:03
very little there's very little

Adam 18:05
I mean, why do you have to use it? Don't worry about I didn't put that much in there.

Mike 18:09
Depending on your goals. Sometimes you have to be very conscious of what these counts are. And other times I think a little bit not going to kill you on any of these All right, and you're putting that turkey meatballs or regular meatballs on top of Zucchini Spaghetti is just a great thing and you could you could do that with a tomato sauce. You could do that with garlic and olive oil and it's just that is very easy. takes no time to saute that.

Tim Edwards 18:31
and tastes really good. That sounds great.

Adam 18:34
hey that's kosher.

Mike 18:34
Zucchini put through a spiralizer or the vegetti and you make it looks like pasta. Like Dan and I Dan's one of the other trainers here and I we what we create what's called a meat bucket. Like well, I'll like I'll cook like 15 chicken thighs, you know and they would chop it all up throw it in a big Tupperware and have it for breakfast lunch and dinner over the course of three days. You know, Yeah. mix it in with sauteed peppers and onions. You know, you could do steak fajitas chicken fajitas and stuff, you know, on top of beds of lettuce, you know, fajitas, you mean without the tacos. without the tacos or the tortillas. It's just basically a fajita salad. But it's really just things like that. But this My point is it really if you go to the market and you have these ingredients, it really takes almost no time to prepare these things. And you're getting a protein you get some fish you know they baking some salmon doesn't take that long.

Adam 19:34
It's funny, I talk to people all the time I'm making this making that and they think I have they look at me like I have 10 heads on my shoulders because like yeah, just there was some salmon in the oven. You know, it only takes 10 minutes

Mike 19:44
salt, pepper. Garlic powder.

Adam 19:46
Are you kidding me? I'm not gonna do that. I mean, I gotta go get the damn salmon, how am I gonna do that. You know?

Mike 19:53
Yes. I mean, it's, you then go get the damn salmon

Tim Edwards 19:58
it's the same as getting the the Steak, or the chicken, right? I mean, how hard is salmon to find?

Adam 20:04
People have fear of cooking fish, and I understand

Tim Edwards 20:06
I get it Yeah,

Mike 20:07
you know, everybody has particularities, you got to find it. I mean, and that's it, you know, I mean, I mean, some some I have a client, who I'm thinking of at the moment who hates I say, Oh, why don't you try this, I hate that. I hate mushrooms. I hate broccoli. I hate zucchini. I hate tomatoes.

Adam 20:23
She's a good candidate for fasting then.

Tim Edwards 20:28
If look at your food is as as medicine and not you know, we don't always have to look at our meals, like this is going to be something I'm going to enjoy. Yeah, from time to time, but, but just look at it as fuel or almost as medicine and then you're full and you move on to the next meal. It's just that simple.

Adam 20:44
I don't ask people to do that. I mean, I just we have a trainer down in Virginia that is like that, I mean, he honestly has no emotional attachment to food at all.

Tim Edwards 20:52
That would be nice.

Adam 20:54
At all.

Tim Edwards 20:54

Adam 20:55
to him is purely fuel, honestly. And I was like, I'm a little envious of that. But then again, I'm not because I enjoy food so much. And you can still the way I look at it, as opposed to saying, you know, look at food as fuel. Because that that's a tall task when you've grown up in a family that you know and you know, you're adult and food was the center of your universe and your familial and your friends get together

Tim Edwards 21:20
Im Italian and I know all about what you're talking about. It is true. It is a part of your

Adam 21:24
However, however, I think of I think its a Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young song you know, who sings? If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you with?

Tim Edwards 21:34
You nailed it. You nailed it.

Adam 21:35
I did, right? Okay, so that's how I look at it. Like, instead of obsessing on the fact that you can have all these carbohydrates that you crave or you can have whatever it is that quote unquote, you're not allowed to have, you know, whether it be pizza, or rice or pasta. You know, you can you can pine for those things and dwell on the fact that you can't have any of that stuff. But how about instead of focusing on what you can't have, enjoy and focus, the things that you can have, because there are great choices that you can have, and love the one you're with, that's where I get this from. So instead of, you know, pining for the one you cant have, love the things you can have, and put your attention on that that's easier than just looking at food as fuel. I mean, now if you just think about what you want, and what you can enjoy, like I enjoy meatloaf, you know, without the bread crumbs over a bed of spaghetti squash. I love a slow cook brisket. grass fed brisket with you know with a side of cauliflower rice to suck up the sauce. You know, cauliflower rice is like a staple in our house at this point,

Mike 22:42
we have it we have it at least three times a week,

Adam 22:44
the catch is that you probably have to prepare a little bit more to enjoy these foods. And that that's the catch I guess it's hard to just do take out all the time and adhere to this but it'd be take a little time you do what Mike suggested and prepare food over the weekend that things that can last like like a brisket, you know, you put a six pound brisket in a Dutch oven and you got you got yourself or a stew of some sort or chili of some sort. Now you have that it's a gift that keeps on giving or frittata you make hard boiled eggs you keep keep a dozen hard boiled eggs in a fridge and make egg salad out or make if you're ambitious, make some deviled eggs. And God forbid you put a little bit of sweet relish in there, it's not gonna you know,

Mike 23:22
it's a small investment that gets you your time back throughout the week is to do something that you could actually prepare,

Adam 23:27
you know, Mike, I have a couple of more examples that I can use them for my book power of 10. And if you don't like eggs, by the way, some plain yogurt, full fat yogurt, you know, and put some real fruit in there like blueberries or raspberries if they're in season. All right, any of the nut butters would be great. You know put that on some vegetable like celery or things that you know cat whatever, you know, just some kind of vegetable that you like the spread on all the time. Yeah, you know, just try to avoid putting your peanut butter on like, you know, bread and bagels, nuts, all kinds of nuts, preferably ones that arent coated in sugar. You know, we mentioned hard boiled eggs, another breakfast food that I like, is cottage cheese and I put a little bit of pineapple in there and again, you know a couple of slices of pineapples, a strong flavored fruit so you don't need a lot of pineapple to get the flavor you need. So you'd have a couple of little little those little wedges of pineapple in your in your cottage cheese. That's a good breakfast and it's not going to throw you over 50 grams of carbohydrates.

Mike 24:29
Not that this is relevant to the podcast but I just wanted to say that cottage cheese is on the shortlist of things I just can't stand in the world.

Adam 24:37
I don't like cottage cheese. Funny thing

Mike 24:39
everybody else more for you you enjoy it.

Adam 24:41
Yeah, exactly. But I don't like cottage cheese either unless it has honestly it can only have pineapple with it or else I won't like it. Alright another good thing a turkey wrap like two or three slices of fresh turkey wrapped in some romaine lettuce or some kind of lettuce, maybe some mustard, maybe throw a slice of, you know a small thin slice of Swiss cheese in there. That'd be great. As some of my colleagues here love sardines, opening up a can of sardines, if you like sardines, go for it. That's not my bag. But you know, stuff like that.

Mike 25:12
Love that. But you guys are aware of your neighbors

Tim Edwards 25:14
a lot of salt too right.

Adam 25:16
Yeah, spices, use spices is another suggestion. There's a new book out that I want to tell you about. I'm actually and this is not to promote me. But I love this book. It's called the spice diet. Alright, so it was like Mike said earlier, you know, let's face it, you know, there's chicken there's beef, there's fish, fish, vegetables. I mean, we know what they are that unless you're in some weird part of the world, you know, that that eats other things besides those things, you know, so it's always eating the same things, all kinds of vegetables, right? So the thing is, note you can change, you can change the spices, the way you cook these things. There's a book called The spice diet by Chef Judson Todd Allen. He is the private chef for Steve Harvey. And Steve Harvey actually wrote the foreword to this book. And I was asked to write the exercise part to this book, so actually, I'm actually in his book. But that's not what I'm recommending it. It's just a great way to use flavor to, you know, to fight cravings. And to kind of change things up a little bit, even though you're always having chicken. So I recommend you picking up that book. It's fantastic

Tim Edwards 26:23
and Adam, we'll have a link to that in the show notes. And it's also that book is available on Audible too, and new sponsor of the inform fitness podcast. So we'll go ahead and include links to that in the show notes.

Adam 26:33
Fantastic. So anyway, spice use spices to change things around. And the reason I thought of that, because you know, like broccoli is boring, right? But if you put sesame oil on it, some broccoli, some garlic, some salt, some pepper, you know, you throw in some walnuts in there. That tastes good, you know, so So walnuts and broccoli, combining nuts and vegetable is always a fantastic thing to do. And it makes things a little bit more interesting. Baked Chicken, rotisserie chicken or baked chicken. You can spice that up many different ways to change it around with it. But you know what I you know, I love chicken with a little bit of honey

Tim Edwards 27:09
that's an interesting combo. Never heard of that before

Adam 27:11
call me blasphemous. You know, honey is a carb, obviously, it's pure sugar. But the thing about honey is that you don't need a lot of it again. And again, if you're generally a very low carb diet, if you put some honey

Mike 27:22
that's a Southern Fried chicken there

Adam 27:24
if you do the fried chicken, in a little bit of honey, you know, it adds a little bit of sweetness, but you're not going over the gram count.

Mike 27:33
That's right, I think I think having a few flavors that are a little bit sweet. As long as you keep them very minimal, you're not going to break the bank oftentimes.

Adam 27:41
So there are some examples that you're going to find in my book.

Tim Edwards 27:46
And the book of course, is power of 10, the once a week slow motion fitness revolution, pick it up today at a bookstore near you, or it's just a click away and available at Amazon. There will be a link for the book in the show notes. For less than about 15 bucks, you'll find some additional nutritional tips and a handy list of foods that support the power of 10 protocol discussed here in the podcast. You'll also find some effective exercise demonstrations so you can perform these exercises in the comfort of your own home. Or if you live close to one of the several inform fitness locations across the country. There's a free workout waiting for you. Simply click the link in the show notes to their website Click the try us free button right there on the homepage. Fill out the form, pick your location, and enjoy a slow motion high intensity full body workout in just 20 minutes for free. You'll feel great at the time of this recording. It's been about say four or so hours since my last workout and I feel amazing. You will too. If you're a new listener to the podcast, we appreciate that and would invite you to please hit subscribe in whichever podcast app you might be listening. We have close to 50 episodes for you to binge Listen, with more coming almost every single week. We'd also appreciate it if you took a couple of moments to leave us a review. Until next time for Adam Zickerman and Mike Rogers of inform fitness. I'm Tim Edwards with the inbound podcasting Network.

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