The Viktor Wilt Show

Rolling into the weekend with bad habits that you should engage in, reddit post about morning radio shows being the worst thing in entertainment, 4 Locals Only, words that can and can't be said on the radio, lots of calls regarding cover songs that are better than the original, giving away a guitar, finding a KBear Santa.

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The Viktor Wilt Show daily recap! If you miss the show weekdays from 6A-10A MST, you've come to the right place.

Hey. What's up? It's the Viktor Wilt show, Friday. Alright. Gotta love a Friday.

Hope you got some fun plans for the weekend. Hope weather cooperates. Just be careful with those weekend bad habits. Yeah. Try to behave yourself.

But you might have bad habits that according to the Internet are actually good. Like, okay. What kind of actual bad habit could be good? I'm interested to find out what people are saying, so let's dive in, see if these are bad habits. And if they're also good.

Crying. Who considers crying a bad habit? I don't know if I've ever heard that one. Hey, dude. You know what?

You got a real bad habit. All that crying. I mean, whining can be a bad habit, but crying, I guess it depends on what your definition is here because some people would call being whiny crying, but I tell you what. There are a lot of, really popular people that I see in the news that do nothing but whine. So I guess a lot of people might also consider whining whining not a bad habit because they don't even find it annoying.

Okay. Anyway, crying actually helps ease pain physically and emotionally. Yeah. Crying's good for you, but I don't know if anybody considers it a bad habit. Whining and complaining.

There you go. Let's put that at the the top of the list. Let's reshape this statement. Not crying, just complaining and whining. Alright.

Shaking or vibrating your leg when you have to be sitting for a long time, do people think that's a bad habit? I guess it might be a distraction to people around you, but the person who posted this says gets the blood moving better than being completely stationary for hours. Yeah. I guess some movement is better than none. I just never thought about shaking your leg as a a bad habit.

So I I it's apparently not a bad habit, but maybe other people do consider it that because they don't like it. It distracts them. Alright. Let's see what else we have here. Taking a nap during lunch breaks.

I don't think anyone would call that a bad habit. Naps are not bad. Now if you nap like me, you're out for longer than a lunch break. If I take a nap, I'm just out until I wake up. I would certainly have to set an alarm, and I don't know.

I think it would take me too long to actually fall asleep to take a nap during a lunch break. I could see some people saying it's bad habit. You should be having a nice healthy lunch. I don't I don't know. Okay.

Here we go. Being lazy from time to time. There are certainly people who think that is a bad thing. Listen to how Peaches is with me sometimes when I talk about how I can't wait to just be lazy all weekend. Like, it's great.

I spent, you know, most of my life going nonstop every weekend. Gotta get out and do 10,000,000 things. Can't just sit around all day and watch TV. That's lazy. That's a bad habit.

I'm telling you, you gotta kick back and relax sometime. It's great. Sleep in. Do nothing. Nothing like an empty schedule.

Empty schedule's the best. Don't let anybody tell you there's something wrong with relaxing. Now if all you do is, sit around and sleep, you might wanna talk to somebody because, you know, you might be depressed or something. But when it comes to the weekend, I mean, I go nonstop all week. I'm certainly gonna eat up that lazy time, and there ain't nothing wrong with that.

So, yeah, I I know some people consider that a bad habit, but it it is not bad at all. Talking to yourself. I don't know. If you're talking to yourself out loud, it does seem a little bit weird. I mean everybody's talking to themselves in their head right inside of your head I'm doing that all day every day brain constantly going people take talking to yourself as a sign of loneliness Again, if you're doing it out loud, you're just sitting in on the bus and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

People are gonna think you're strange. Back to, you know, you might wanna get in and talk to somebody. Let's see. It also helps you con concentrate and organize ideas. I don't know.

I may be talking things through out loud. I might yell something out loud to myself. These idiots, Especially when on the roadways or scrolling Facebook gaming. Yeah. There are people who consider playing video games a bad habit and this person says in moderation.

I don't know I think if you can get away with it this is a weird one because I feel guilty when I'm not productive but I feel satisfied when I do nothing but play video games Have you ever played Red Dead Redemption part 2? It's really satisfying. It's great. Yeah. I I could go 6 months, a year.

I don't play it, and then I get right back in. I've I've been on a Red Dead binge lately. I'm hooked again. I I can't believe how many literal days of my life, and it's actually been I think it was 50 plus days of real time playing I've put into that game in the last, like, 6 years. Yeah.

You think that's a problem? I don't. I don't regret it at all. Love that game. People who flex on working too much is the opposite of a flex.

You you didn't answer the question, Paul Booth. Like, you could say, like, trying to not work too much is a bad habit. I I don't know. Working too much is a bad habit that is not good. So, anyway, saying no, that's not a bad habit.

What's wrong with that? I think you should say no sometimes. Swearing. Swearing has been scientifically proven to ease pain, physical and emotional pain. I know people don't like it, but swearing is not bad for you.

Now you need to know how to swear and not upset others. It's like when my kids asked me when they were little because one of them swore and I was like, hey. Don't do that. And they're like, well, when can I use all the words? And I'm like, well, when you know how to use them in a way that you're not gonna upset the people around you.

I mean, I didn't care. I think it's funny when little kids swear. But, yeah, you can't have them doing it in class or around grandma or something. I don't know. Any situation where people are gonna get bent out of shape, you gotta know when it's okay to swear, but there ain't nothing wrong with swearing.

In Victor Wilt's opinion, sorry to the parents driving your kids, well, you're probably not driving them to school yet, but I'm I'm a fan of swearing. I like it. Boy, so far I am definitely on the side of the Internet. Yeah. Not bad habits.

I like all this stuff. Be lazy. Play video games. Swear. Oh, this next one.

Staying up late. Dude, I love staying up late. It's great. I wish I could do it all the time. But, you know, look what time I'm doing this break right now.

It's early. I can't stay up as late as I'd like because I would really suffer every day at work. But on the weekend, tonight, I'm probably gonna stay up pretty late because why not? Then I can sleep in and be lazy tomorrow and play video games and, maybe swear a little bit. Sup?

It's Victor Wilt, and I feel attacked right now by the Internet. That's right. Reading a post on Reddit. Unpopular opinion. I don't think this is an unpopular opinion, sadly, but I still feel attacked by it.

Alright. Morning radio personalities are the worst thing to happen to entertainment. Well, sadly, in most cases, morning radio shows are pretty terrible. They're awful. You heard me talk plenty about what I think about radio as a whole.

Alright? Most morning shows out there, most DJs, I mean, period, not just morning shows, but they're all trained to execute breaks in a very formulaic fashion. You know you gotta do the tees so you know a few songs ago I go alright coming up in a few we're gonna talk about blah blah blah morning radio personalities being the worst thing to happen to entertainment and then you you start to break you do your your stuff and then you end with a funny and you hit the sweeper. You know? Hit hit that joke and then bam out and keep it as brief as possible.

Well, y'all know I don't keep it as brief as possible. Nope. Not this guy. So I agree with this post, but not all morning shows are terrible. And I'm not trying to claim mine is great by any means.

I do my best to try to just do a show that's true to me, talk to you like a normal human being, try to be funny, try to find content that maybe you'd find interesting. It doesn't always work out. Alright. I do it live. I'm not prerecorded like a lot of shows out there.

I'm just flying by the seat of my pants, and sometimes I crash and burn hard. But we're not all terrible. We're not all awful. And then they get into the music which yeah. I've I've beat that horse to death on this show talking about radio and music and the song selections and all that.

It is pretty pathetic almost everywhere, but it's not all of them. There's always an exception to the rule. Alright? And then they start talking about commercials. Well, we've been doing everything we can around here to minimize commercials.

I don't know if you've noticed, but we only have 2 commercial breaks an hour. They're usually, like, you know, no more than 2 minutes long. And, I mean, heck, YouTube's pummeling me with ads all the time nowadays. You know, I watch myself a 5 minute video. Here's another minute of ads.

Sometimes can't skip them. If you watch YouTube on your TV, it's gotten to be really annoying. But, anyway, no knock knock joke lover. That's their, profile name here. Not every morning show has the same Brad, Kyle, and Katie being happy and laughing at nothing.

It is sad, though. My business, this, you know, industry I'm in, it really makes, you know, people like me look bad as a whole. I don't like seeing that that the general public thinks that morning radio personalities are the worst thing to happen in entertainment. But, again, sadly, I agree that most morning shows are terrible. There's worse things to happen to entertainment, though.

They're definitely way worse things in the world of entertainment. Come on. You you don't wanna talk about 247 news personalities that lie and brainwash people? Way worse than even the tackiest morning radio show. Just got a message from a listener who was asking me about submitting a track for 4 locals only, which I recommend you do.

We need to get an online form going on peaches. Get to work on that online form for 4 locals only. Anyhow, if you were in a local band and you wanna submit your music right now, what I would recommend doing is emailing both peaches and I Victor at and Brendan. B r e n d e n at Send us your song.

Please include a lyric sheet details on your band, links to your websites, etcetera. Make sure to clean up the song if you can. If you've got naughty words in it, that's what, David was asking me about. Naughty words in music. And it's actually a very convoluted issue because there's not just a list of words you can't say on the radio.

A lot of morons in radio think that the old George Carlin bit about the 7 dirty words you can't say on the radio is an actual rule. No, it's a comedy bit. When it comes to content on the radio, it all really comes down to your community and what your community could consider obscene. So, like, if we played a song that all of a sudden a whole bunch of people in our community called the FCC and were like, this is really offensive, and I'm not gonna give an example of the word or content that's in it. But if a bunch of people in the community were like, this is this is wrong, we could face some problems with the FCC.

Now that same song in a place like LA might be totally fine, But there is not just a simple list of, hey. Don't say these words on the radio. And there are many words that a lot of programmers and managers would tell you, oh, you cannot say that on the radio, and you'll hear those words on lots of radio stations because it's not just, you know, cut and dry. It there's unfortunately, for us, no list, no specific rules on what you can and can't say on the radio. It's this vague thing about obscene material.

So, you know, if you're ever unsure as a local band what you need to do with your songs like David did, I was like, dude, just send me the lyrics, and I'll tell you what I would recommend taking out, if you wanna get it on radio at most stations. And, you know, there's stuff in the song David sent me that, it's not one of those words on the list of 7 dirty words that, again, is a comedy bit. It's not a rule. But they're phrases that I'm like, yeah. I bet a lot of programmers wouldn't wouldn't wanna play a song that said that even though, again, these are probably not words you would even think of as being potentially no good for radio.

Radio's really weird, and we're all extra cautious because I'll tell you what. Nobody wants to get an FCC violation. Ugh. I can only imagine having to face the GM if we got a bunch of FCC complaints. Holy cow.

Now that's a nightmare. You know, I I know I'd be, gone. It'd be out the door. So that's why I'm always very well behaved on the radio and on social media. I don't even swear in the studio when the mics are off just because I'm so paranoid that the mics you know, like, the board will be messed up, and they'll just turn on by themselves.

It's happened before. There have been times when the mic appeared to be off, but it was actually just broadcasting over the air. Note to any upcoming, radio personality or person working in broadcast media like TV, just don't ever swear in the room because you never know. You never know what might slip through. Alright?

I mean, we have a delay system here. I can dump out of things, but if, say, a mic just turned on by itself and I was just going wild in here, just wilding, It would only go back 5 seconds. And if you've been just carrying on for a few minutes saying who knows what. Well, the extended weekend. Yeah.

It's coming your way. It's a radio personality. And then you'll sit at home and you'll feel like this. Sorry. Johnny Cash covering 9 inch nails.

Enjoy. By request, ice 9 kills. Thank God it's Friday. And, yeah, that is a perfect song for today. Mhmm.

What up, people? How's it going? Few songs before that, Johnny Cash cover a 9 inch nails hurt. I was thinking about that song the other day, and I gotta say this might be controversial. I think the 9 inch nails original version is better.

Johnny Cash's version is definitely excellent, but the original cannot be beat, in my personal opinion. If you haven't heard it in a while, maybe I'll play it on the show here in a bit since we did just hear a version of it. I don't wanna pummel you too much with hurt, but, there are a number of songs that people consider to be better than the originals. And I thought I'd go through a list here of a variety of songs and see what I thought. I generally always, at least I would think, find the originals to be better.

But there may be some songs I didn't think of that I go, you know what? You're right. The cover version is better. But Johnny Cash cover and 9 inch nails, for me, that that original version still still gonna win the battle of which version is better. Let's see here.

Africa by Weezer. It's been a while since I heard Weezer's version. We got it in the system? We do. Hang on.

Let me let me shut this up, and let's just check out a a little second of it. No. The original's better. Sorry, Weezer fans, but the original version of Africa by Toto is better. Let's see.

What else do we have on this list here? I'm gonna skip some of these country songs and pop songs that I don't really know very well. I will just state that I can't imagine in any world that the Glee version of a song would be better than the original. Yeah. I'm I'm doubting that.

Somebody said here, the Glee version of Valerie by Mark Ronson and Amy Winehouse is superior. There there's no way that a Glee version is better than Amy Winehouse's original song. Alright. I know it's weird that I know a lot about the pop world, but I do as the programmer of 12 radio stations. Alright.

Let's keep going here. I love Dolly Parton, but w w w geez. I love Dolly Parton, but Whitney Houston's I will always love you is iconic. All right. Been a been a while since I listened to both of those.

Let's go to the phones first though. Kay Bear, you are live on the show. Keep that in mind. Who's this? Hey, Zach.

How you doing? Zach doing pretty good. You got a cover song that's better than the original? Yeah. Africa, but by Leo Moricioli.

Alright, Leo Moricioli or however you say his name. He is pretty good. I don't know if oh, we actually do have his version in the system here. Let's, listen to a a minute of this here. Let's jump in here.

Alright. I'd have to listen to the whole song, but that is definitely way better than the Weezer version for sure. Oh, yeah. Even only listening to, like, 10 seconds there. So alright, man.

That that's a pretty good suggestion. So Oh, yeah. Anything by Leo is probably better than the original. Leo's great, man. He he is just so fun.

His his stuff is awesome. So good call, man. Good call. I wouldn't have thought of that one. Heck, yeah.

Have a good day. Hey. You too, man. Good to hear from you. Bye bye.

Bye. Let's see if we got, I know this is Kay Bear and you probably don't wanna hear Whitney Houston. You know? But I wanna hear Dolly Parton compared to Whitney Houston. You know, any other rock station, I don't think they'd do this, but, I don't care.

I don't care. I do what I want. I will always love you. Do we have both? Yeah, we got both.

All right. So here's Dolly Parton's old school version. Whitney Houston's version might be better. I think it is more iconic. K Bear, you're live on the show.

Who's this? It's JD. JD. I love you. I love your show.

Well, I know that your favorite cover song is separate ways by, Daughtry, But, Yeah. That's it. Right? So you don't even have to call and tell me, man. I know you think it's better than the original.

You know, I like I like war. War's version of if you want blood, you got it. You know what? I think we got that that in the system too. But do you think it's better than ACDCs?

It's more modern sounding a little bit. Yes. Well far as as far as, being related to the times. You know what I mean? Alright.

See, I would not have expected that from you because I know you're a huge ACDC fan. So Oh, yeah. And I and and my dad plays that song almost every weekend. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. So, but yeah. I mean, I really like to listen. It's just fun to listen to. Right.

Or it's fun. Any anything Gore does is fun anyway. Oh, yeah. Well, I I might have to, throw that one on here after the the break because I haven't heard it in in a while. So Well, you you're my hero as usual, my friend.

Well, thank you, my friend. And, appreciate you stopping by and dealing with my sprinkler sprinklers yesterday. You're the man, JD. You're the best. Yep.

No worries. And, remember, kitty cats are not political. I still stand by my kitty cat political sign being cute. It's cute, JD. Come on.

Cute. Alright, buddy. Thanks, man. Alright, man. See you.

Thank you. Talk to you soon. Bye. Bye. Alright.

After a brief break, we'll play if I think I have it in the system, Gwar, playing the ACDCs. If you want blood, you got it. If I, if I don't, I'm sorry, JD. I'll have to get a copy, but, I'd be interested to see if I think that one's better than the original. Because the ACDC original is great.

One more quick call. Kay, Barry, you're live on the show. Who's this? This is Ken Ken. What you got for a cover song?

That's better than the original. God smacks Rocky mountain way. God smacks Rocky mountain way. Been a while since I heard that one as well. I know they did a good cover of it.

I'd have to listen to both back to back to see which one I thought was better, but, maybe we'll dive into that after the break as well. Yes, sir. Alright, man. Appreciate it. Have a good one.

Peace. I didn't even get to listen to the guar song because I've just been on the phone with callers. This is a, very hot topic apparently. K Bear, you are live on the show. Keep that in mind.

Who's this? Merlin, Merlin. What you got for a cover song, more popular than the earth, not more popular, but better than the original. In my opinion, I would say the spider bait version of black Betty is better than ran the ram jams. Okay.

Let me pull those up. Cause, I haven't heard spider bait's version in a while. And I know we've been, have we been playing of a Ram jam? I think we have. Let's see.

Yeah. I personally like the spider vape version better. It seems to it's got a banjo at the beginning that just gives a completely different tone and little bit heavier pace. All right. Let's listen to a little bit of this here.

That is pretty fun. You might be right, man. Spider spider bait might be better. Maybe I should swap that out and stop playing Ram jam. Another one is, Nickelback wants to the cover of Queens.

We will rock you that I like better. I don't know if I've heard that. I mean, I've heard Nickelback cover, like the devil went down to Georgia. I've heard some live live videos where they did like, some Pantera stuff. They can surprisingly bust out some some pretty good stuff from time to time as, you know, unexpected songs.

I know they had one live show where they all came out and Susan did ZZ Top Sharp dressed men. Oh, nice. Nice. And that sounds like one it seems like we might have had in the system. For some reason, I'm thinking we had a ZZ Top Nickelback cover, but I'd have to do some digging, man.

So, yeah, I'll try to find we will rock you because I know we don't have that in the system, the Nickelback version, but I've gotta check it out, man, for sure. Alright. Alright, man. Appreciate the call today. No problem.

Have a good one. You too, man. Peace. Bye. Bye.

Alright. Anybody else who has a cover song that's better than the original, you can feel free to give me a call. 208-535-1015. Let's go to the phones. K Bear, what's up?

Morning, Victor. Morning. Who's this? This is Cal. Cal, what you got for me for a cover song that's better than the original?

Rob Zombie covering, brick house. Rob Zombie brick house. Now I'm pretty sure we don't have that in the system, but I would assume Rob Zombie's version's better than the original. I'll have to check them both out, man. Give me a minute.

We'll, pull them up here. Alright. Appreciate it, Cal. Hope you have a great weekend too, man. Yeah.

You too, buddy. K bear. Who's this? This is Jeff. Jeff, what you got for a cover song better than the original?

Corn and slipknot. It's sabotage. I don't know if I've ever heard that. On stage, it's sick, dude. Okay.

So that's probably why I haven't heard of it heard it if it's, only a live video, but, I'll I'll try to find it. Check it out. It yeah. It's it's way good. Alright, dude.

I don't know if it's better than the original, but it's good. Alright. Well, I'll definitely scope it out, man. Appreciate the suggestion. Yeah, no problem.

Right on, man. Peace. K bear. Who's this? My name is Shay.

Shay. What you got for a cover song better than the original? I'm a huge tool fan, but I like the, the remake that the kids from the O'Kee foundation did. They did do a good job. They did do a good job.

And I also like the fear factor, the fear factory song, better of cars than the original. I agree. I think fear factory's cars is better than the original, but I guess I'm not a big fan of the original. So that's probably why, and I do really like fear factory. Right on.

Those are the only 2 I could think of. Well, I'm still not sure if the kids did a better job than tool, but I think you're definitely spot on with the cars song by fear factory. Hope you have a good weekend, man. K Bear, you're live on the show. Keep that in mind.

Who's this? Hey, Jonathan. Jonathan, cover song better than the original. Go for it. Well, so don't hate on me for this.

Oh. I'm gonna say following the reverse, last resort is better than, last resort. Hoo. That's a hot take. That's a hot take there.

Very, very different version of the song. And I think falling in reverse did in fact do a really good job with it. Funny enough. It's the original, not one of my favorite songs, so I probably like them both about the same. Well, I just say just because, like, he Ronnie Radke, like, the way he was able to portray what the song was meaning.

Right? Because if you listen to the original, you're like, oh, you know, this is a cool song. Like, you know, nobody really listens to the lyrics or, like, looks at them. You know? Yeah.

Once you get into falling in verses, he really goes into depth of, like, hey. This is, like, you know, it's gonna beep. Yeah, dude. I totally agree. I never paid attention to the original lyrics because it is an upbeat, fun sounding song.

And I think that the vibe of the falling in reverse version, does fit the lyrics better, and does draw attention to the subject matter, better for sure. Because I I, it was weird that I didn't notice what that song was really about for all the years it's been out there just because I'm I don't listen to, lyrics a lot. You know, I just kinda listen to the songs as a whole and what the vocalist is doing. So to me, it's just, oh, this is an upbeat song. You know?

But Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. But I I can see where you're coming from. I mean, now you can you know, it it might help.

At least that's what I've been doing is I've been listening to the lyrics a lot. Yeah. I, you know, thankfully my bad. Thankfully, where the Internet, you can pull up lyrics on pretty much any song. I have started paying a lot more attention, since I got into programming radio than I did back in the day.

But some of those, some of those old songs, you know, they've been around so long. You just don't think much about what they say, which is kind of funny when you pull up some old song that's been on the radio for years years. And you know, some of the songs from way back in the day, there's some, like, pretty vile material in some of these songs. And, you you don't realize it at all. Like, wow, that song is crazy.

Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Especially, like, at least, in my opinion, rap songs. You know, a lot of the old rap songs, like, you know, sometimes they'll go too fast where you can't understand what they're saying, but it's upbeat, and you're just chilling with the vibe.

Oh, yeah. You look back on the lyrics, and you're like, oh, oh, that's it. Yeah. I did. Totally.

We've, you know, been thrown together in the last year a number of new stations, and one of them is throwback 103, which is, you know, nineties and early 2000s music from, you know, what what we would have played on z 103. And some of those songs, I, I mean, I couldn't believe how vile some of the material was. I'm like, was this really on the radio back in the day? Even a song like gin and juice by Snoop dog, That song, even edited, it's still a song about drinking and driving and cruising around smoking weed. And and it was a mainstream hit, you know, about drunk driving.

Hey. Well, I mean, you know what? I mean, that's how the world is nowadays, you know, and that's where we're going. So Yeah. Pretty crazy, man.

Some of the stuff that, was going down back in the day in the in the music world. Oh, yeah. Well, appreciate the call, man. Yeah, for sure. No worries.

Yeah. Have a good one. All right. You too. Peace.

Bye. K bear. You're live on the show. Who's this? This is Jacob.

Jacob. Cover song better than the original. What you got? I would have to say, 5 finger death punch bad company. Alright.

Alright. I think I'd probably stick with the original, but it it's been a long time since I heard the original. So I've I'd have to listen to them back to back. And the only reason I say that is I was in Iraq when they filmed bad company. They filmed it in Baghdad Iraq.

Yeah. I think the 5 finger death punch, the, some of the meaning that they put into the video and things like that did make for a stronger impact than the original version of the song would've had. And it's it's cool and bands can do that. Kinda like the caller who mentioned, falling in reverse with, papa roach. I think that their portrayal of that song did make people think about it a little bit differently.

So Yep. And then the other one that I would have to I I like better than the original is Walking on Sunshine by Ice 9 kills. I'm with you on that too. Ice 9 kills version is great. It's fun.

It's got some crazy guitars. It's, you know, got the, the sky going on. It's, it's just got a little bit of everything and it was, did you see him do it live in Idaho falls? I did. It was the awesome concert.

It was very fun. It, you know, in the middle of all their, brutal on stage to see the, sunshine come out on stage. It, it was pretty fun. Yep. Right on, dude.

We'll hope you have a great weekend. You too. Peace, man. Peace. K bear.

You're live on the show. Who's this? This is Michael. Michael, could you turn your radio down for me? Yes.

Just did. Thank you, Michael. What do you got for a cover song better than the original? This might be blasphemy. Jane's addiction, sympathy, and sympathy for the devil.

I, you know, I don't know if I've heard the Jane's addiction version. Yeah. It's kind of live. It goes from rock and roll and bleeds right into sympathy for the devil, which they just call sympathy. Okay.

Quite good. Well, dude, I'll definitely check it out, man. For sure. Right on. Thanks for the suggestion and hope you have a killer weekend.

You too. Have a great one. Right on, man. Peace. Bye.

Alright. Well, I wasn't keeping track of all of those different songs, so I'm gonna have to go back through the calls and, Yeah. Pull up some of those and check them out in my spare time because some of them I have not heard. Others, I'm just kind of unsure what my thoughts are. But, continuing on in this list, I was looking at the next one I was gonna get to earlier was the man who sold the world.

I think most people well, I think there's a lot of people who don't even know that's a cover. Most people know Nirvana's unplugged version of that song. And I personally think the original is better. The the David Bowie version. We've played it on the show before, but if you haven't heard it, let me play you a little sample here.

Person who's calling right now, just hang on a minute. Hang on a minute, and I will get to you. But the David Bowie Bowie version's very, like, psychedelic and weird. We passed upon the staff. He spoke of what's and when.

Although I wasn't there, he said I was his friend, which gave us some surprise. I spoke into his eyes. I thought you died a long, long time ago. Yeah. I mean, I love the Nirvana version, but the David Bowie version, I I just think is better.

And it's funny because I mentioned how a lot of people didn't know the man who sold the world is a cover song. I was one of those people for many years. And then when I heard the David Bowie version, I was like, wow. That is excellent. I'm also a big fan of, like, old school Beatles and Pink Floyd.

I guess it's all old school at this point, but, Yeah. I I gotta go with David Bowie much as I dig Nirvana. K Bear, you're live on the show. Who's this? It's Brandon.

Brandon. What you got? Yeah. I was just gonna say that, if you've ever heard of the artist, Jerris Johnson Mhmm. Yeah.

Yeah. The cover of last resort. I find quite good. I love the original, but I also love his cover of that song. Yeah.

We I think we have that in the system. And, you know, I think when falling in reverse dropped theirs, it kinda pushed all the other different covers of that out of everybody's mind. Because JRS, I, I think came out with his a long, not a long time, but before falling in reverse, Yeah, it's been a while. And he, he did do a good job. He's he does some pretty cool stuff.

I heard a cover he did recently of that seal song. Oh, what is it? Kiss from a rose. And, yeah, he did a pretty good job with that. That's a song.

That's one of my guilty pleasures. I really like that song for some reason. I, I think my preferred metal cover of it or rock cover is the, no resolve version, but Jairus did a good job for sure. Yeah. I he honestly, Jairus does, quite a few covers that honestly are, if not if not better than just as good as the original.

And, I listened to quite a bit of his album recently and I was like, I didn't realize he did so many covers that kinda they they they changed the mean they don't, like, totally change the meaning of the song, but they kinda put some extra into it that just it feels right. Yeah. Totally. So but anyway. Well, appreciate the call, man.

And, yeah, we might have to try to throw that one on before traffic school in the next little bit. That'd be fantastic. Right on, dude. Appreciate the call today. Yeah.

Have a good one. You too. Peace. Peaches. Yeah.

I guess I could turn your mic on that. That might be helpful. What you got peaches for a cover song that's better than the original. I have a few. Alright.

Nickelback dirty laundry. Alright. What who did the original? The Eagles? The Eagles.

Oh, next, you know, you know what? I think it was just Don Henley. Just Don Henley? Alright. I'd have to listen to both back to back.

I'm not sure. But what else you got? Any way you want it from Rise Against. Okay. That one's pretty fun.

I like weird covers. Yeah. And I don't know if I've heard that one. So I'm gonna have to check it out. Disturbed Living After Midnight has that painkiller intro.

Alright. Yeah. A nice mash up of multiple songs into one nice cover. And then Death also did a really good cover of Painkiller. And Death's Painkiller you know, I mean, Judas Priest is so legendary.

It's hard to beat the original, but Death is also super legendary and would have made it, extra heavy. So I'm also I have to go with, Necrogoblicon chopsuit. I know that is I don't think that's better than the original. It's fun, but K Bear, you're live on the show. Who's this?

This is Ken. Ken, what you got for a cover song better than the original? Well, I know a lot of people have redone man of constant sorrow. Mhmm. But my favorite is charm city devils.

Charm city devils version. Okay. I don't know if I've heard it, so I'll have to try to find a copy of that. I've you guys are making a heck of a list of cover songs for me to check out today, so appreciate it. Yeah.

Right on. Having a great Friday. Hey. You as well, man. Appreciate the call.

Uh-huh. Peace. Kay Bear, you're live on the show. Who's this? Hey.

This is Nick. Disturbed did, still haven't found what I'm looking for. I landed confusion. Those were unique covers also. I think that land of confusion by disturbed is better than the original for sure.

Yeah. But I also don't like Genesis. So and or is that Phil calling solo? That's, that's Genesis. It's Genesis?

Okay. Fan. Yeah. I I I just can't get into Genesis. So, I definitely like disturbed version better.

Yeah. But they're both, unique turn of the, the sound that they do. So Totally, man. Totally. Well, appreciate the call today, dude.

Hope you have a great weekend. You too. Thanks, man. Thanks, man. See you.

Kay Bear, you're live on the show. Who's this? Hey, crazy Carl again. How you doing, man? Good, crazy Carl.

You got another? Dude, I would have to say Yngwie Ballenstein and Ronnie James Dio doing dream on from Aerosmith. I'm pretty sure when Steven Tyler heard that, he's like, well, it's theirs now. Wow. I don't think I've heard that.

It's insanely good. Dio and Yngwie. It's always fun to try to spell his name. Yep. Like y n I g.

Yeah. I I got it. I got it here. Dream on. Let's, probably gonna get hit with a YouTube ad.

Gotta wait for that. I have another cover for you too. Trivium's cover if I don't wanna be me. It's not better than me or a video. But I do like that one a lot.

It's good, but you can't be typo. You're just more so nostalgic and typo. That's why. It's it's just, yeah, the typo version's gonna be better, man. I I like trivium's version.

They did a good job. Alright. Here's Ingvay with dio. Daddy. I'm the first kid.

I like the shredding. Yeah. Jump in here, It sounds like it's got some pretty good potential, man. We'll have to get a full version of it and, get it on air. So Right.

Right. No doubt. Right on, dude. We'll appreciate the call today. All right.

You guys have a good day, man. Yeah. You too. You too, man. See you.

Kay Bear, you're live on the show. Who's this? Hey. This is Clark. Clark, what you got?

Well, I kinda like sympathy, sympathy for the devil, Guns N' Roses version. It's been so long since I heard that. See, I like the Motorhead version the most. Yeah. There's a lot of, good versions of that song out there.

I mean, it's a great classic song. So I'd have to pull up, like, all of them and just knock them down to see if, you know, if they're better than the original. Not sure. Alright. Well, how about this one?

Behind blue eyes, limp biz kid before or, versus the who? Yeah. Let me I don't know if we have the who version in the system. It's been so long since we heard it. I thought we did.

We've only got the limp biscuit version, but so, yeah, I'd have to hear the original, but I think limp biscuit did a really good job with it. How about this for ready for this cover? Yeah. I'm ready, Peaches. What do you got?

Life is a Highway for Matt Havey. Oh, jeez. I hate Life is a Highway. All versions. It's a fun one.

What are you talking about? We have it in the system. We do? Yeah. You can play it.

Oh, jeez. Because yeah. Back when I did Under the Covers of peaches. Yeah. Life is a highway.

Yeah. We have the eagles. We have rascal flats. We have Matt Hayfee. We have Tom Cochran.

Yeah. Turn it on. We have Chris LeDoux. There's a lot of different versions of the I would assume that Matt Hayfee's gotta be better than all of those other the the worst is Rascal Flats. Jeez.

Yes. Yes. Let's check out Matt Hayfey's. Okay. It's better than the original.

I would still not listen to it in my own time, but Yeah. You would stop it. Matt Hayth. He also did a slight cover of Right Here Waiting, but he brought in Richard Marks with him. Okay.

Wow. Wow. I haven't heard that either. I may not want to. Yeah.

That sounds very interesting. Also want another great cover, Alex Terrible Chandelier. Alex Terrible Chandelier. It's gotta be better than the original because I cannot stand Sia Chandelier. It's a terrible song.

I always play Alex Terrible's All I Want For Christmas Is You at the 1st December. Every single time. Yeah. It got it it has to be done. It has to be done.

Well, appreciate the call today, man. Alright. You guys have a keep rocking. You too, man. Peace.

Alright. Bye. K Bear, you're live on the show. Who's this? This is Clint.

Clint, what you got? Hey. I missed a few segments of this that you're talking about, but, have you heard, Staying Alive by Ozzy Osborne? Ozzy Staying Alive? I I don't think I have.

Better. He's doing a good job of it. Much better. He is doing a good job of it, peaches. He's he's still around somehow.

Don't knock it on wood, please. Yeah. I It's actually been out for a long time, but I have it on YouTube years ago. I'll admit the the original one's a stupid fun song for some reason. I'll have to check out Ozzy's.

I'll I'll see if I could dig it. Alright. Thanks, man. Also, another great cover for you, Victor. This is a real serious one.

What? Tenacious d, the last in line. That's a good cover. That's a good cover. You know, tenacious d, Jack Black, surprisingly good at singing, a a variety of tunes.

Alright. Let's check out this Ozzy. It's Ozzy and Dweezil Zappa. All aboard the disco train. Ozzy, please don't swear.

Alright, though. Let's jump in. Yeah. I like it. I like it too.

Alright. That's pretty fun. That's pretty fun. Are we just taking live callers all morning? Yeah.

Pretty much. You good? I've been at it for a while here. I I was listening to you all the way to work. By the way, it's slightly snowing outside.

Go. No. No. Peaches. No.

I'm gonna tell you that. It's like a mixture of, like, rain and Oh, I hate it. Hi. Victor, I had the same thought this morning. I have the blinds closed, so I don't have to see that kind of thing.

But, who's this? It's Brandon again. Brandon, what you got? Okay. I just remembered dead on a Sunday's cover of damn it.

Don't you mean Don't you mean darn it, sir? Sorry. My my apologies. I haven't heard that. I'll have to check it out, man.

Oh, here's another one. Have it. Sorry. Go ahead. Sunday does a few good ones.

Alright, dude. We'll we'll definitely check it out. Steel Panther. I want it that way. There's that cover in the system too.

Alright. That's probably better than theory to call. Their cover of Don't Stop Believing as well is really good? I don't know. Was that in sync or Backstreet Boys?

What are you talking about? The I Want It That Way? Yeah. I do not know. Because I don't The music director.

Yeah. But they're the same thing to me. They're No. They're not. They're like the same exact group.

Stop it. They put out the same exact music. They sound the same. They got big pop nineties hits, but the it's kinda like That's like saying Korn and Limp Bizkit are the same band. Well, they're they're very similar, but the Korn and Limp Bizkit, you can easily differentiate between which band is which.

You you know it's backstreet boys. Come on now. I know I know you have that poster in your office. You're trying to hide the fact that you're backing up. Decorations.

Alright. I agree with you, Victor. Hey. Thanks, man. Hope you have a good one.

K. You too. Peace. Might might be kinda hard to beat the original if I want it that way. That's a that's a classic.

Oh, on the dark side from Corey Taylor's also a really good one too. Alright. I haven't checked that out. K, bear. You're live on the show.

Who's this? This is Jay. Crazy Jay. Alright, mister. I can't pick up tickets.

I won crazy Jay. What you got, crazy Jay? About that. No. You're fine, Jay.

I'm Jay. Cover song better than the original. In my dream. I don't know if docket doing anything could be better better than anything. You know?

Sorry. I I saw docket live a number of years ago at the, port of hell trust amphitheater, and they were so bad. I couldn't believe it. Well, they're also were older too, and I don't think they really care that much anymore. Yeah.

And I don't think they had, like, George Lynch playing, and I I don't know. It was just a big been out for a while. It was a big letdown. I'm I'm sorry, ducking fans. Don't get mad at me.

It's like when I saw great white the lead singer's 26 years old. Yeah. It's it's kinda weird when some of these bands bring in people that just don't seem to fit. Yeah. You know?

They should retire. Yeah. That is true. Well, thanks, Crazy Jay. Hope you have a good weekend, man.

Okay. You guys too. Right on. Peace, Jay. Yeah.

I'm scrolling my playlist here of, like, that's called Run For Cover. Run For Cover. All cover songs. Yeah. And I see, Head Like A Hole from, what's that band?

Oh, Buckcherry. Buckcherry? Yeah. I haven't heard that. The the way this started was I threw out my opinion about a half hour ago that, 9 inch nails version of hurt is still better than Johnny Cash.

That's because you're a huge 9 inch nails fan. It's probably part of it. I just you know, like, I I don't think Johnny Cash's version is bad. I think it's excellent. It's one of the best covers of all time.

But For some reason, you're you're the original is better. The mic starts to crackle, and I don't know what why that is. He's he was old. I mean, is he getting that close to the microphone or is he I don't know. Or maybe we have a bad version.

I don't know. No. No. No. It's in the recording of it.

Oh, I I don't know. I I guess maybe they decided that that little error sounded good. Sometimes you make mistakes in the recording process, but you leave them in. Speaking of mistakes, Jade might be coming at me for doing a break as long as I just did. So Oh, then you have traffic school that's nonstop talk.

So Yeah. All the music listeners are really gonna hate this. And Jade's like Jade's one of them for sure. I don't know if he's even here this morning. I texted him.

I was gonna be a few minutes behind. Uh-huh. Didn't respond. Yeah. He never responds early.

I'll give you he's the typical dad that gives you the thumbs up. Yeah. He he he does that to my messages too rather than saying cool or okay. If you if you say good for you. Taking a day off, he gives the thumbs down.

Yeah. Thumbs down? No. No. Alright.

Well, we'll play some music before traffic school since we just talked for a really long time. And, if I don't get back on air, it's because management is punishing me. So wish me luck. Scary Halloween music. Courtesy of our friends at no limit guitar company celebrating their 6 year anniversary and Don't scare me like that.

Don't barrel over top of me. I screamed because you scared me. I'm gonna start calling you Brett Baer, the barrel over the top king. Anyway, no limit peaches. We're gonna go there later on today at some point and draw a winner for the Schecter Avenger standard.

My name's in the drawing. Peaches, you have to take your name out of the drawing. I might take the guitar with me. You can take the guitar with you. If all of a sudden, I look a little guitar shaped walking out of there and there's a guitar under my shirt.

Don't tell anything to ruin this. Why you're wearing a trench coat, peaches? So that that's pretty exciting. And just a heads up, we've got another giveaway coming with no limit It's gonna be. This week.

It's bigger. Oh, yeah. It's peaches sized. Peach sized prize package. Not not that big.

Not quite that big. No. But it's cooler than peaches, the prize package. Right, peaches? It would be funny if Roland was like, hey, I'm giving away the whole store and it's like a a key to no limit or something like that.

Jeez. But instead, it's just like a chest full of like the goodies. Ah. He comes out dressed like Willy Wonka and does a somersault outside the entrance. Rulan could make a good Santa.

He has a big white beard. I I'm not gonna assume that of him. I'm gonna say, Rulan, I wanna see you dressed up as Santa. I'm sure he's gotten that joke before. For Halloween.

Doesn't he get that joke a lot that he looks like a garden gnome? I think he, has said, like, he's got, an Instagram profile where there's something about gnome gaming or something. Yeah. I've I've never asked him about that. Somebody in our comment section when we posted that photo of us with him said he looks like Jack Black.

He kinda has a Jack Black look to him. Yeah. I guess if I thought about our 2 resident Santas in the Kay Bear Rock Army, I think I'd have to go Rulan and JD, of course. Oh, yeah. JD would make an excellent Santa.

Oh, if you combine the 2. Combine the 2. Rulan with the long hair? Rule him with the long hair. JD's body shape.

Oh, JD does he he look he'd make a perfect Santa. He would. I really hope JD that you're gonna dress up as Santa this year. I hope you like that. He's a lumbold dude too.

Yeah. He'd make a great Santa. Yeah. Be a wonderful Santa. So, anyway, lots of fun stuff happening with No Limit Guitar Company.

Speaking of Roland, he just sent us a shout out on the caber app. So he's listening in right now. He is listening. Alright. Alright.

Cool. What did he or I guess I could pull it up. You can pull it up on your email and play it on the on the air there. Yeah. Let me get to it here.

I don't think he'll cuss. I don't think so either. If he does, I got the dump button. Alright. Let me, stop this music here.

Let's see what Roland had to say. I'm sure it's JD calling in too right now. I heard that, Peaches. I'm watching you. K Bear, you're live on the show.

Keep that in mind. Who's this? This is JD. They both got ahold of us. So what's up?

Yeah. Ruling rules. I'll tell you, man. Ruling's a great guy. Oh, yeah.

He's he's awesome, man. He's the best. He's the best. He's one of my he's one of my heroes around here. I'm convinced he's actually a wizard.

A wizard? Yeah. He could be. He looks the part. Yeah.

He he he could certainly be a wizard. Yeah? Does. And as far as, you know, and stuff, he is a wizard. He's magic with that stuff.

He's he makes some of the best deals around. Oh, yeah. He can magically make the money in my, you know, account disappear every time I walk in there. Isn't that isn't that crazy how that works? Yeah.

Like, inevitably, if I walk in there, I'm gonna find something I want and then I can't get it out of my head. So I know. I I hear the calling of the store right now. Well I feel it in my bones. Like, there's something there I gotta go get.

JD, it's no limit. Buy something. Well, if you do go in there and buy any, like, strings or anything, JD, you get an extra entry into that drawing for that Schechter Avenger standard we're giving away. Did you enter to win that guitar? His name's on the list.

Yes. Okay. Yeah. Good. Yeah.

I I actually bought a guitar last week, and I'll probably go buy a guitar, maybe today. Yeah. It's an early Christmas for JD. Yeah. I know.

I bought a new guitar last week, so I I understand. Speaking of Christmas and, and Santas, you know, I don't mind being the k Bear Santa, but I, you know, I think we've talked about costumes that I would have to wear, that I would be comfortable wearing about it. Yeah. I mean, we you'd wanna do it k Bear Santa style. Yeah.

I don't necessarily wanna be the red and white fluffy guy. You know? Yeah. I wanna So how about just a more metal. A black Santa hat.

A black spandex jumpsuit. Yes. A more suit. Why do you always wanna see people in black spandex? Pages?

Mhmm. Do you have a response? I'm just saying JD could pull it off. Oh, okay. He looked like a member of the Bee Gees.

Okay. Okay. Oh my god. You guys stay alive. Do you guys cover that song?

JD staying alive? I could. I'm pretty easily. I wanna see that next time I, at one of your shows, I wanna see stay alive. He's a swift kick of the, the area.

Didn't you didn't you play an Aussie cover of that earlier? I played a little clip of 1. Yeah. Yeah. As a matter of fact.

That was kinda cool. Yeah. It wasn't bad. It wasn't bad. I know JD's answer for that cover question was, Gwar's cover of If You Want Blood, You've Got It.

He did call in with that. I figured. I thought it was gonna be separate ways by Daughtry, but he insists he likes the Gwar better. Stop it right now. Alright.

I gotta get back to work. Talk to you soon. Alright. See you, JD. Yeah.

Get ready for Christmas, JD. Guys. Peace. Bye. So, anyway, keep your ears open.

We're gonna be announcing another big giveaway with our friends at No Limit Guitar Company. And later on, very soon, we're gonna draw a winner for that Schecter of Enders Standard. Yeah. You're gonna you're gonna tell me cut those names out. There's 200.

You see I'm busy around You got 15 minutes left to the morning show, and that's about it. Yeah. And then we got stuff to do. Yeah. We're gonna put up a name and then make our way over to no limit.

Alright. Well, you you go get chopping. What are you doing in here yapping on the radio when you shut the door open? When when I came in here to help out Emma and Melissa, get lieutenant Crane to do something, Jade came in and then shut the door behind him. I didn't wanna be rude and be like, see you.

And then, you know, open the door. Yeah. Tell him boss get out of the way. I got chopping to do. Yeah.

Right. Yeah. I realize me and Jade are matching today too. I don't like that. You're matching?

Yeah. Black shirt, jeans. Well, it's a very generic outfit. Just plain black shirt and jeans. Yeah.

But, you know, too close. Alright. Well, don't take your clothes off. No. Alright?

Yeah. Get out of your peaches. Thank you again for tuning in to the Victor Wilt show. This program's a production of river. This program's a production of river.

Why can't I say that? God, I have to say river bend media group, river bend media group. This program's a production of river God. This program's a this program's a production of riverbend media group to contact the show or for more information, hit us up at