After Hours with Dr. Sigoloff

Today I talk with Ret. CW2 Sam Shoemate.  He was part of the administrators for “Terminal CWO.”  He is now out of the Army and is able to speak freely. 
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What is After Hours with Dr. Sigoloff?

Welcome after after hours with Dr. Sigoloff. This is a place where Dr. Sigoloff can share some of his thoughts and ideas with you. Dr. Sigoloff is a board certified Family Physician and he has been practicing medicine for almost a decade. Dr. Sigoloff is a Doctor of Osteopathy and therefor he has a slightly different approach to medicine. He likes to get to discuss the heart of the issue so that you can be better informed.

103. Terminal CWO

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: [00:00:00] Packaged it together and we blew the whistle on a whole number of folks and we still are. We are still doing that to this day. Um, but yeah, so with that whistleblower protection, it's really not worth the paper it's written on. And I think it's evident. If you look at some of the retaliation that's been done against the folks that came out from the Department of Justice, FBI, IRS, you know, all these federal agencies that had whistleblowers and they were whistleblower protected, but they were still retaliated against and who stepped in to protect them.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Have you had concerns that your beef wasn't raised in America or that it was given antibiotics or growth hormones or mRNA vaccines? If you had those concerns and more, look no further. Here is now a place where you can get better than grass fed, grass finished beef. Where you can get beef that's never been given antibiotics, growth hormones, and will never have mRNA vaccines given to it.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: If you're interested, please click on the link [00:01:00] below. We'll have a Zoom meeting on September the 28th. Click on the link below, put in your information, and join us at this Zoom meeting on September the 28th. I can't wait to see you there. This is some of the best beef I've ever had in my life.

Nurse Kelly: Welcome to After Hours with Dr. Sigoloff. On this podcast, you will be encouraged to question everything,

Nurse Kelly: and to have the courage to stand for the truth.

Nurse Kelly: And now, to your host, Dr. Sigoloff.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Thank you for joining me again. I will first want to give a shout out to my Patreon supporters. We have a an anonymous donor family at 20. 20 a month. We have the Plandemic Reprimando at 17. 76 a month. With Ty, Charles, Tinfoil, Stanley, Dr. Anna, Frank, Brian, Shell. We [00:02:00] have the self made level at 10 with Kevin and Pat and Bev.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: The refined not burden with 5 a month with Linda, Emmy, Joe, PJ, Rebecca, Marcus, Elizabeth, Dawn, Jennifer, Ken, Rick, and Mary. Addison Mulder has made up his own level at 3. Frank has done that at 150. Courage is Contagious level at 1 a month with Amanda, Jace, Best Nasty, Daryl, Susan, BB King. I want to thank you all very much for supporting me, all the support you've given me.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I have so far put about 120, 000 in my lawsuit to help defend my good name. Um, and I just hope that everyone's praying that this thing can be, if it needs to be appealed, we can do that. We only have one, um, One of our courses of action left, uh, but I have a very special guest today. He's been in this fight longer than I have.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: He's, he's a veteran in fighting the government, fighting corruption. Uh, Sam, it's great to have you today.[00:03:00]

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: So you recently came out with a news article that was kind of exposing who you are and who you work with and the group that you've been working with. Tell us a bit about that.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: Okay. So, um, I'm one of the admins for terminal CWO. Get the mug right there. I wish I was rocking my own mug, but. Unfortunately, the handle on mine is broken, but, uh, yeah, so one of the admins for terminal CWO and, um, a bright bar article just came out on August 1st.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: That was the day of my retirement, basically broke down what had taken place behind the scenes for an investigation into myself. So I was the only one out of my crew that was investigated. The, uh, the folks who thought that they were, they were going after my crew didn't go after anybody. except myself because they're idiots, but they, what I found out when the 15 six was given to [00:04:00] me.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: And this is what went into the article that was written by Christina Wong at Breitbart was that, uh, an illegal investigation took place behind the scenes. So for those who don't know, you have to have, you know, you have to have certain, uh, authorizations conduct an investigation on, on persons on us citizens.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: And, uh, That's got to be done through the chain of command, and it's got to be basically blessed off on by the commanding general. And that was not done. A three star general at TRADOC and then a bunch of other folks were involved in a behind the scenes investigation into doxxing myself. And in fact, some other folks who had nothing to do with Terminal CWO, such as my homeowner, which was...

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: It was funny until I found out about it and I realized that the guy who owned my home who I'd been renting from for several years was was investigated as well, which just that's that's garbage. But anyways, um, yeah, so that they were conducting an investigation behind the scenes into myself, [00:05:00] uh, in retaliation for, uh, work that we had done to expose various levels of corruption and, uh,

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: I think nefarious is too strong of a word, but, um, improper conduct that was going on with official resources. And yeah, so that came out and, and here I am, my name is Sam, um, like you, it's a great name. And, uh, here we are.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: We've been requested of God for the, this position that we're in now, um, to expose the corruption.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: Amen. Amen. So. I didn't really have an agenda for this and I'll be, I'll be honest with you, I'm going to need you to lead on this because this is my first cup of coffee of the day and I just happened to find these K cups laying around. So I am, I'm getting caffeinated as we speak. And it is blissful, but, uh, [00:06:00] I was hurting for a minute.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah. And at the time of recording, this is, uh, three in the afternoon, just, uh, for me, at least, um, but yeah, so, um, so you've been involved in a lot of helping expose a lot of problems. It seems like that should have granted you some whistleblower protection. Um, just because you're blowing whistles on all sorts of bad things going on, but it doesn't seem that that worked out that way for you or to whistleblower protection, just not matter anymore.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: They really don't. And, uh, and I, uh, I do technically have whistleblower protections that never entered into the investigation. I didn't try to insert it into the investigation because here's the disconnect. Uh, I have whistleblower protection through multiple representatives offices based on, uh, information that I have brought to their attention.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: And I suppose if things had gone the route of. turning into a criminal [00:07:00] matter, which they didn't because myself and my team never conducted any criminal activity whatsoever. We didn't expose classified information. We didn't do anything that was illegal whatsoever. We simply information that was publicly accessible in one way or another unclassified information.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: And we packaged it together and we blew the whistle on a whole number of folks. And we still are, we are still doing that to this day. Um, but yeah, so with that whistleblower protection. It's really not worth the paper it's written on. And I think it's evident if you look at some of the retaliation that's been done against the folks that came out from the Department of Justice, FBI, IRS, you know, all these federal agencies that had whistleblowers and they were whistleblower protected, but they were still retaliated against and who stepped in to protect them.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: Well, a congressman getting up there on CNN or MSNBC or Fox News, wherever they go, and they say this person's protected, they can't do this, outrageous, is not [00:08:00] protection if the person is still being retaliated against. So, my matter stayed at a non criminal level. Like I said, the 15 6 was found inconclusive.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: Basically a preponderance of the evidence said that I was likely connected to the account, but they couldn't say conclusively and they couldn't say what exactly I had posted. It was just conduct unbecoming and, uh, uh, insubordination and disrespect to senior, you know, senior officers and stuff like that, um, based on some of the stuff that went out over the years, but that was as far as it went.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: And so I didn't worry about getting representatives involved and all that stuff. And in fact, to my bonus with what they did in the illegal activity that they

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: partook in, it was, [00:09:00] how do I put this? There are representatives and there are people working now based on that information and what they did behind the scenes. And that's why I haven't really commented on it too much. I'll let, I'll let that play out on that end. And, uh, whatever happens there, then

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: the, I don't have a lot of hope that anything will happen, but we'll see. You know, there are people that are working on it right now. So,

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: okay. So we just had some technical issues, which is strange because, uh, you're past the MI guy and I'm stationed or I live near an MI post and things are working great until a few minutes in, but we'll see if we can stitch all that together. Um, interesting. So let's talk about some current events that are going on.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Cause I know you're, you're keeping your ear close to the, to the ground on that.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: Yeah.[00:10:00]

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: Okay. So, so what are we seeing? We're seeing, uh, we're seeing our nation is under attack, right? With the, uh, Southern border. I mean, absolutely under attack. They're pouring through by the tens of thousands, uh, weekly, monthly, hundreds of thousands monthly. And, uh, one of the things I just put out was a Frago from the Massachusetts National Guard, where they are activating 250, excuse me, 250 personnel to, um, to basically be social workers and concierge for illegal immigrants families, uh, within the greater commonwealth area of Massachusetts.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: And I don't understand the logistics of all that. I don't understand how those families are moved all over the United States. I've seen how everything's happening with the buses and going to New York and Los Angeles and all these different places, but we don't, we obviously, we often don't calculate into the.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: In [00:11:00] the rest of the state, especially Massachusetts, that's usually smaller. It doesn't get as much mentioned, but, um, but yeah, they're activating National Guard right now to go be concierge social workers of some sort for these families that are going to be staying at local hotels. So, we're seeing this start to play out and it's affecting our, our troop readiness.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: We're calling troops down to the border right there and then.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: We're not hearing any, I guess my biggest issue is this. If you look at what's going on, you got to stitch a few things together. So you take Tuberville, for instance, Senator Tuberville, he is, uh, he has his blockade in place, preventing a blanket promotion for all general officers and admirals. And what a lot of people don't understand about that is they could still individually promote these people if they went through and they selected [00:12:00] them.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: It's only like 300 people. So it's not that cumbersome of a task, but they want this to play out in the media circus. But, but let me move to my point. My point is Tuberville is stopping this because they're breaking the law. The DoD is actively breaking the law and they have been. Why do you and I, why are we in this position right now?

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: After hours with Dr. Sigaloff is in this position because you pushed back against an unlawful mandate when they tried to poison the entire DOD with this vaccine. And before it was even known that it was poison, it was just unlawful. We knew it was unlawful because it was experimental. And so you and I exist in large part because Or at least our, our outreach because of the activity of the D.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: O. D. And so if you look at what has taken place within the flag officer ranks and they're the ones steering this. Okay. I want everybody to understand this. Your, your average troop, your boots on the ground. These are just folks who raised their right hand and wanted to, you know, wanted to serve [00:13:00] their country.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: They had that patriotic, Uh, calling and duty to serve their country to stand up and do something, even though we're not in a wartime, whatever, but they, but just like generations before them, they said, I want to serve my country, but these flag officers who have been put in place, we, we, we purged with Obama, Obama purged approximately like 190 flag officers.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: Now we're here with what we have now, which is a bunch of very Marxist and. The ideology of outright communism to socialism and how that bleeds into the force and what they're doing and the agendas that they're pushing and then you see how that all that ties in with the other federal agencies who are doing the same thing, the Department of Homeland Security and these folks who are supposed to be in charge of, you know, securing and protecting our border and the poorest nature [00:14:00] of all of these immigrants flowing through and we're starting to see not just It's not just these folks who are like downtrodden and they're they're Suffering oppression we're seeing coming in from africa from the middle east from all over central latin america The cartels have have capitalized on this and turned this into a thing where they can push their they can push Humans across through human trafficking and then just vast amounts of drugs.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: And this is all being assisted and facilitated by our government. The DoD is the same thing. And, and a lot of people that don't educate themselves think that the DoD is going to save us there. They're the white hats. We're just people, but the DoD is not there to save you. They are the federal agency, just like the rest of them.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: And they have been the people that have been put in place, like the secretary of defense and all these branch chiefs, they are, they are there for a reason. [00:15:00] They are there to facilitate and move and, and allow the federal government to collapse into this Marxist, socialist, communist, ideological state. And we're watching our country be taken over as we speak by these individuals.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: So when I see this stuff, I feel... An overwhelming need to point it out, even if it seems small, such as the Massachusetts National Guard facilitating, you know, helping these families and hotels. And I'm not saying that we shouldn't help them, but I'm saying the manner in which it's being done in the lack of pushback from our senior officials, lack of pushback from governors.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: Uh, very few governors at that and, and we're seeing that play out in New York right now with the mayor and he's saying that we're going to collapse and all this other stuff. If we, if we keep taking in all these people, New York will not survive and he's right. Now they're trying to keep everybody in Texas because they want Texas to collapse because Texas is a, a beacon for freedom right now and they want us [00:16:00] to turn blue and all that.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: So I know I'm on a soapbox and a rant right now, but just.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Just recently in Texas, the Attorney General has been impeached.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: Yeah,

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: it will. I don't know much about that situation, to be honest with you. I've, I've seen the charges go against him, but now what I'm seeing is I'm seeing a lot of really weird evidence come out in the, the proceedings that are taking place right now, as far as accusations that these people who were whistleblowers and turned over evidence to the FBI didn't turn over any kind of evidence, and then they deleted their emails and their texts for follow on.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: For follow on review, which is really weird. I don't know why you would turn over supposedly this incriminating evidence and then delete it after the fact. [00:17:00] And, and they're crying on the stand, and they're, they're blustering, and this and that, and I, I, it's weird, I don't understand what's going on with that, but you're right, um, but they are, you know, I, I talked to some friends of mine, and they're actively trying to take over Travis County, which is in the Austin area, trying to take over the Attorney General, they're trying to, uh, take over the Sheriff's Office, and they are trying to shore up these very powerful positions under very progressive individuals to allow for the facilitation of these people to come into our country and We're being taken over.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: This isn't uh, what's the term xenophobia? This isn't xenophobia. This isn't like I hate people from a different country. It's retarded to even say anything like that and to assume that I would. That's the issue here. What the issue is, is we are we are collapsing the state from the outside in. We're purging out, Just call them patriots, if you will.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: It's a generic term, [00:18:00] but we are, we are purging folks from within the institutions, you know, within the FBI, the DOD, the DHS. We are pushing out folks who are constitutionally minded, and we are allowing this to open up for folks who are not constitutionally minded, such as immigrants. In fact, Chicago was one of the first areas that said illegal aliens can now be officers.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: They can be police officers in Chicago. That's crazy to me. So, you can be a police officer, an alien, a non citizen of the United States, and arrest a citizen of the United States for a federal crime, even though you are literally living a federal crime yourself. And that, to me, is just mind boggling. But that's what we're doing.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: And it's little pieces here and there. It's not a mass thing. It is just chipping away at the block. And this, this is allowing, this is being allowed to be done because they use things [00:19:00] like what they did to us to try to silence us. To try to bring investigations against us to try to, uh, basically stop gap, any dissent, anybody who would speak out against this and cut us off and force us out of the system so that we can not, we can not expose that.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: Well, it's a whole lot of that's what's going on here.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: If you look at it from this direction, so, um, if you wanted to take over a country without firing a shot, what if you sent a million people over into their country and they gave up? And now they're sitting around, and you gotta feed them, and you have to house them, and you have to clothe them, and you have to give them bathrooms.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Because that's the humane thing to do. And then the next day, there's another million people that cross over, and they give up. And then another million people the next day, and you just keep doing that pretty soon. You've got an entire population sitting inside of your borders, collapsing the country because you don't have the resources to feed and house and enclose these people,

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: right?

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: Yeah, absolutely. [00:20:00] And some of the areas where we've seen the most vocal proponents of this kind of stuff taking place, this kind of stuff being. This mass illegal immigration are the places that are hit the worst of themselves, such as San Francisco, look at this place, excuse me, look at San Diego, look at San Francisco, look at all of these, these California, you know, hubs of culture and civilization for decades and decades of Just vast wealth and luxury and everything else and they are just slums right now.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: I mean absolute poverty stricken slums of of drug users and filth and decadence and everything else and These are the places that still have a voice because they still have such a large population that is saying Continue to do this at the same time. They're [00:21:00] they're watching in real time. What this is what is happening to their own city and This is what's being done in America.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: And yet those who have to actually pay for this stuff and take the brunt of the hit for what is happening, such as the rural communities that whose taxes pay for this stuff, whose agricultural produce goes to feed the nation and everything else, their voice is silenced and they have to bear the responsibility of this illegal immigration.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: And a lot of times. A real, a serious physical threat as well from what is actively coming over, especially down in South Texas and a lot of these places. Anyways,

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: absolutely. And you recently did an article or at least you. You covered it about the, um, Chinese nationals coming over and getting, quote, lost or finding themselves on U.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: S. posts and taking pictures and gathering [00:22:00] information.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: Yeah, that, that wasn't my article. That was a national article that went out. But so, so I followed up on that and that's wild because I was not aware of this problem. So I see this came out. It was like a Fox News article. It was something big. It was, it was a big media article.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: So I posted this stuff on Instagram. And the message box started to fill up, especially from Alaska, your hometown, or once upon a time, Anchorage. I've been there. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: They have a lot of Chinese nationalists coming over for, um, tourism. In fact, there was even a specialist that I worked with that I was, I was concerned.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I was like, this guy, I don't know, he's a little bit older and he just seems a little odd and he just makes you wonder if, you know, when he starts, someone starts doing something illegally and it's like, why is this guy who, why did he go to China and then come back while he was active duty? [00:23:00] That just seems like an odd thing to do.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: we've seen a couple of, of Chinese nationals get rolled up for espionage stuff. But what I was not aware of was how prevalent this was. And especially in Alaska, they get, they, they are under attack constantly. And just back in June, they had somebody try to run their gate. Um, it was a group of what was, what was described to me by some folks in the provost Marshall there was military aged Chinese male.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: So for those who don't know what that means is typically, you 15, 16, like. 23, 24, something like that. It's a military age male, um, military age, male Chinese nationals who tried to run the gate on, I believe, believe don't quote me on this JBR, which is, uh, Elmendorf there. And, uh, yeah, anyways, I found out like this happens all the time.[00:24:00]

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: This is not, this is not a new thing. Like this article came out and they're like, yeah, it's old news, but we didn't know about it. We didn't know that there's constant pervasive attacks happening from China to infiltrate our installations. And you wonder why, but why not? If you were, if you were just constantly tried trying to explore security gaps and you could do it, you could do a lot of things.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: First of all, you could collect on the local area. You could collect on the local military population, but you could also continue to just probe and keep slamming the gate. And you're not really losing anything because you pay some idiot, a few hundred dollars, a few thousand dollars to run the gate. And he goes to jail and gets deported back to China.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: What have you really lost? Nothing, but you gain a lot out of exploring those vulnerabilities and that's what they're doing. [00:25:00] So our, our enemies are taking this stuff seriously. They are absolutely exploring our weaknesses and our vulnerabilities. While we have general officers, flag officers, admirals, generals, all that stuff who are promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: Like it is the, like it is the foundation. For lethality in war fighting in the military, mind boggling how not I do believe that a lot of these people are not only out of touch, but I also believe a lot of these folks are in touch and they're doing this very purposefully to be subversive and to destabilize and destroy our industry from within are the corporation of the United States, if you will.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I think you're absolutely right. I think any time in medicine, in the army, when we're focusing on transgender training and how to [00:26:00] provide, you know, care for transgender transitions in the military, well, the military is not a, it's not a charity, right? You join the military for a job. And if you're in transition in the military, you're non deployable for maybe a year, maybe three years, depending on how long it takes.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And then really, technically, you might not be deployable after you transition, because you have to have a continuous, constant stream of medications. Well, in a deployed setting, you might not have access to those. So you might be start res Reverting back to whatever your gender was before, which it's always been.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: You've never changed it. You've just changed hardware on the outside. Your, your chromosomes have always been the same and they never will change and nothing will change them. And the sooner that these, these people that are living this psychosis, really, the sooner they understand that and come to terms with, I just feel different.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And I'm, I'm a man if I'm a man, or I'm a woman if I'm a woman, and I can't change that, so I'm gonna try and change other things in my life so that I feel loved and accepted, [00:27:00] rather than trying to change hardware on my body. Because that's what it is. You know, we, we don't facilitate psychosis in people who are in mental institutions.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: We don't go, oh, here's your tinfoil hat to keep all, you know, the CIA out. No, we don't do that, because that would be inappropriate. We bring them back down to earth and say, look, that that's not accurate. You know, this is reality. Reality is a little different than what you're experiencing. Let's help you get on the right path.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: Yeah. And what you're, what you're talking about just came out recently with the, uh, sorry, man, I forgot your name. Journalist from the dossier, Jordan, Jordan Shacktell, uh, just released that article with the, the memo that came out of Fort Bragg.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: Broke that down. Literally, you are non deployable for 300 days. Uh, for 300 days from your last hormone treatment, well, you as a doctor know that you continually take hormone treatments, which means, you [00:28:00] know, by default, you're never going to deploy. So, not only will you never deploy, but they also don't have height and weight standards, they don't have to take physical fitness tests.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: So, they don't have to keep, you know, they don't have to do what everybody else in the service does. They don't have to maintain physical fitness standards. They have a full crew of multiple doctors, both therapists and psychiatrists and all this stuff, along with different things that you need for any transgender in the operations you've had to, to provide their care.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: So, we're devoting millions of dollars to their physical. to their mental as well as they don't have to deploy, they don't have to maintain physical fitness standards. And you wonder at this point, what are they doing for the benefit of the United States military? Well, they're not, because our job is to, our job at the base of it is to deploy, fight, and win our nation's wars.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: So you, you run twofold with this. Not only do you allow this thing into the [00:29:00] military, which is just By, by definition of what we've introduced into the military, it is, it is jackassery at its most, I mean, most pure form. It really is to, to bring somebody in you, it's like, it's like having a professional sports team and you pay this guy the salary that you would pay your quarterback.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: But he does nothing. He sits there and watches the game because it's, it's inclusive, because we're trying to take care of him. Well, that wouldn't make sense. You wouldn't do that. You wouldn't waste your money on that. He needs to go out there and win a football game because, but that's what we're doing.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: These folks contribute nothing to a warfighting procedure and you could argue that there's a lot of folks who don't contribute anything. But, but, but they could, but they haven't been, they could, and they're not purposely removed from that ability. That's the thing. But this is a small [00:30:00] population pointing out range.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: Exactly. They are, these folks are purposely removed from that, but then even bigger is what it does to morale. Excuse me. I keep drinking this coffee and it's making me burp. But anyways, um, what, what it does to morale, the rest of these troops have to live with this and they have to go through this, this training and they have to be around this and they have to look at this and be like, this is nuts.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: And a lot of these folks come from middle America and they're not exposed to this. And hell, I was never exposed to this stuff growing up. This wasn't a thing. This isn't a thing until much later in life as an adult that I've even known about this stuff. And yet these folks have to, they have to listen to this as somebody tells them flat out this, this female who still has male genitalia.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: So you're like, what did he just say? This female who has male genitalia, so you mean a male woman with a female and they're allowed to go into the shower room. So women, it's [00:31:00] okay if you see a female in there with male genitalia, it's okay because it's really a woman. Don't, don't be upset or alarmed.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: That's not hyperbole for me. That's not, that's not me just making something up that these are literal text messages that commanders have sent out to their, I brought this up the other day on another podcast, a commander literally told his, his subordinate commanders. So he was either at the 05 or 06 level, but he said, if you see a female in the showers, let your female population know that if they see a female in the showers, and they, you know, female genitalia, not to be alarmed, but this is actually a female.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: It's okay. What? No, dude.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And how does that predict the females? We're, we're the feminists on this one. Because, because now you've got a man, because that's what he is, he's a man with a penis, and he's in the women's showers. It only takes a moment for him to rape someone.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: Right. And even if he doesn't rape someone, let's say he's the most calm teddy bear in the world and and truly just has a whole lot of [00:32:00] mental disorder and is trying to live his best life.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: Regardless, you've, you've subjected an entire population of your troops to, to this, this climate where they have to accept this insane thing that biologically, psychologically, whatever. A li g that you can, you can tie it to their body rejects because they know through and through that this is not real.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: This is fake. This is insane. I, I identify a threat by observing my surroundings. If I see a guy, if. Who I'm not going to apply characteristics and get labeled racist or, or misogynistic or anything else. So I'm just going to say, use your imagination, but I have been as a human being born with instinct, just like every other animal I'm born with instinct.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: And then through my [00:33:00] cultural upbringing, I am, I am raised to identify threats, pattern recognition, exactly to say, this is a threat. I need to remove myself from the situation or I need to do something. I need to take action because this is a threat in front of me. And basically this female population is being told, ignore all of that.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: And ignore all of your instincts, ignore reality. This man is not really a man. It's a woman and you're like, but it has a penis. I know that, but okay, I need to retrain my brain to say this, uh, this, uh, man, or this, a woman, this, a woman, this, a woman, this one, your brain can't accept it. Cause it's not real.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: It's not true. It's fake. It's made up. It's nonsense. And yet our flag officers, not a single one of them, just like, just like when it came to the COVID mandate, not a single one of them spoke up about the unlawfulness of it. A complete lack of FDA vaccines, not a single one of them is speaking up [00:34:00] publicly about what is happening with this issue with transgenders and with males who identify as females and in what is happening to our female population, not a single general officer anywhere on active duty is speaking up about any of the ailments in our military right now and and just calling a calling a duck a duck like you're you're you're not even being asked to be bold.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: You're just being I I expect you as a general officer to come out and just go a duck is a duck So brave, it's not brave. It's just reality Yeah,

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: right was even but here we are more amazing is the medical community wants to do these Herculean things for these people to try and help them because it's a they you know It's a life saving treatment when the evidence shows I think there's a 30 year study out of one of the Scandinavian countries It showed that this doesn't save lives.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: This is a life endangering treatment [00:35:00] as their risk of death goes up 20 fold Whether it due to cardiovascular disease, from all these hormones that shouldn't be in them, or suicide goes up significantly, these people are at much higher risk of dying. It's not helpful. It's not helpful to rub them with warm butter that ends up killing them.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: That's a good, that's a good saying. I like that. Not helpful to rub them with warm butter that ends up killing them. I'm going to remember that. Um, yeah, you know, and, uh, I, I think I, if I, if I, if I, if I look at this a different way and I address this from a different vantage point, death in the military is off the charts right now, it's, it's not, you know, people are going to instinctively think, oh, because I'm on, you know, Dr.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: Sigalov show, he's talking about the vaccine. No, no, no. Let me, let me break this down. Death in the military is off the charts from [00:36:00] multiple different issues. We have skyrocketing crime on military installations. Truly. Yes. I could cite a number of articles and just a ton of data talking about the amount of drug use.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: Uh, trafficking, uh, all sorts of issues going on, uh, on military installations. Specifically, I would talk about the vaccine because we have young 20 to 25 year old males and females who. Should, by all accounts, be in the prime of their life, and I get it, there's going to be some one offs. If three years ago, we'd have been like, man, that's crazy.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: This guy, this guy had a heart attack at 22. We need to see what's going on, because that would have been an oddity. That would have been crazy. That would have been like, this very weird thing that this young male who is physically fit and does physical training every day, and, and he's, he's been tested because he came in the military, he's gone through, but maybe he, he slipped through the system.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: It happens. It happens all the time. The amount at which it's [00:37:00] happening now of... These 20 to 25 year old males and females that are dying and you know, I talked to a doctor the other day that explained to me how between the hours of 02 and 06, and you can attest to this, tell me if I'm wrong, but between those hours,

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: You're absolutely right.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: This is why I have heart attacks and strokes. Why you always hear ambulances at two or three in the morning because the adrenaline spikes, your blood pressure goes up and what's going to happen happens and it's what you're about to say.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: Yeah. Your, your adrenaline shoots and if you have myocarditis and if your heart is scarred, Then that adrenaline causes you to go into cardiac arrest and the amount of individuals we've seen that we have found in their beds dead and they're calling it natural causes.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: I mean, dude, dude, you can, you can say natural causes about somebody who dies at 65. Hey, what is the average life rate of a, of a, an American? I think it's like, what's let's just say 72, 73, something like that. That's that's the [00:38:00] expected. That's the average life, right? 65. You have a heart attack. I'm not going to say it's the vaccine at 22.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: You have a heart attack or go into cardiac arrest. I'm going to go, that's the vaccine. That's what's happening. That is definitely what's happening.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Like a story you covered recently where a young man was at the, at the controls of a helicopter flying nap of the earth and had a cardiac arrest, died at the controls, and thank God for the quick acting of everyone in the bird because they were able to recover it and not smash it into the ground and kill everybody on board.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: Right. And, and it's important to understand that because when I talk to pilots, I'm not a pilot. So disclaimer, not a pilot. Um, when I talk to pilots about the training that takes place in, in, in that Nova cell, formerly Fort Rucker, uh, is that this is high adrenaline activity. So this guy was on goggles, which basically means he's on night vision goggles, flying a [00:39:00] helicopter, nap of the earth.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: Right. Nap of the Earth, which means he is flying like 600 AGL above ground, whatever. Um, a lot of adrenaline, a lot of focus is applied. And that stuff's gonna surge through your heart like we just discussed about. And if you have myocarditis, it's very well could be the thing that shuts you down. Um, this has never happened in training before, ever.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: In all of Fort Rucker slash Nova cells. history never has a student pilot keeled over behind the stick and died. Literally died. He died. He came back. They brought him back with the fibrillator. Never has anybody died behind the stick like that in training a student. And so if you look at that and then you look at the skyrocketing suicides, and there's just a myriad of reasons for that.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: But my point with all this is Is that deaths in the DoD are off the charts right now. I mean, daily, [00:40:00] weekly, we have articles coming out. We had that one Air Force base where they were talking like 20, don't quote me on this, but I think they said like 23 people died or something like that within a, was a month or two month timeframe.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: Staggering amount. We don't know if they were all service members. It could have been civilians or whatever else to put that in

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: perspective, 11 of those to put that in perspective for the listener. That is close to the number of service members that died from COVID from 2019 to 2020 until we started getting shots to put that in perspective.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I think there was like 26 that died until they started giving shots.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: Wow. But yeah, this was at. I wish I could recall the Air Force Base. If you Google this, it'll pop up. But they attributed 11, I know this number for sure, they attributed 11 of those deaths to natural causes. No, no, no, and freaking no. We are just not wired [00:41:00] to die.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah, if it's natural causes, that should make everyone go, who's attacking these people using something that looks like natural causes?

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: Right. You would think that in the KGB, we're, we're going around poisoning people and making it look like, you know, sticking people with syringes full of something and making it look natural.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: I mean, that's what an assassination looks like, but what we're seeing is people just dying in their beds and not showing up to formation and they don't know what to call it. But everybody has been spooked into not saying what it actually is in the DOD and they're calling it, they're saying. For operational security measures, for mission readiness purposes, to keep our enemy from knowing what our true numbers are.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: And they said, whatever you want to attribute it to, they put this blanket over it and nobody gets to know how many are actually dying. But you have reporters that are coming out that are digging into this stuff, installation by installation, and they're finding these staggering numbers of people that are dying, that are being [00:42:00] sidelined.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: That pilot that I talked about, he'll never fly again. No, never. I can't talk about much else with him and I can't identify who he is, but he'll never fly again. He's done. His career is over and the amount of people that are being sidelined.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: He'd be lucky if he can tie his shoes in the future with, with having a cardiac death like that and not having blood flow to the brain.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: Oh, geez. I can't imagine. It's,

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: it's horrific when you don't have blood flow to the brain and it's fast.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: And yet we will sit here on a podcast like this. And we will talk about the reality of these things. The reality, this isn't conspiracy anymore. This is actually happening. These are hard statistically driven.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: Facts that are happening in real time. We are literally taking numbers off spreadsheets in black and white. And we are saying this is happening. This isn't speculation. This isn't, this isn't something that's been spun through [00:43:00] a, you know, you know, some crazy kook website or something else. And we're trying to twist it and turn it.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: These are real hard, evidentially based facts and people will still go. That's a COVID right there. That's somebody who just doesn't accept the science. What do you do with that when somebody refuses to accept what is taking place in front of them in black and white in the reality of this? I don't know.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: I don't know how you can convince anybody beyond what they are seeing in front of them because they have refused to accept. And I think a lot of it comes down to cognitive dissonance. And we talk about that, that, that cognitive dissonance that says, I pumped this crap into my kids. I pumped this crap into myself.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: And I can't accept the fact that I intentionally poisoned my offspring, and I get it. I would have a hard time with that as well. I would live with constant guilt and regret if I had done that to my children. I would. I live with regret that I did it to myself. [00:44:00] And for those that don't know, when this thing first came out in March of two, uh, January of 2021, I got it in March.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: A couple months later, I didn't think anything about it. My friend told me not to get it. It's a vaccine, dude. It's like everything else. It wasn't a vaccine and it wasn't like everything else.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And this is what makes me so angry is that you should have been able to trust doctors. Doctors should have told you the freaking truth.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Sorry, this makes me so angry that my friends have been hurt by this. And there needs to be justice.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: Uh, and I did have side effects. And I, I know you know, but for those who don't know, I had this whole side of my face, and if you get in there and look at it, I healed up pretty well, but this whole side of my face, my eyeball, and everything here was just ripped up with shingles. Okay, I was... How old was I at the time?

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: I am 40 now. I believe I was 38 at the time. This was in the spring. [00:45:00] It was a year and a half ago in the spring. I still have extreme, like, extreme pain that comes up through here. Uh, I get some really bad itching and craziness here. Anybody who's had shingles can attest to that. Um, it's, it can be some nasty business and it was at a time.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: It was, it was some of the worst pain I've ever been in. The point is... The doctors asked me at the time. They said, do you have any autoimmune disorder and I had three doctors, three separate doctors because I went to an ER that was out of town. I was, I was on vacation at the time, went to an ER. Then I went to.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: The ER again, when I got back and then I went to a follow up appointment, all three doctors asked me, Do you have any kind of autoimmune disorder? And I just laughed and just, you know, crossed my eyes and looked at him like, Well, I do now, I didn't, but I do now. And thanks to this vaccine that every time I take my kid into the doctor and I say, Hey, you know, my kid's sick.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: They go, [00:46:00] well, is he up to date on his vaccines? Here we go. You know, and I have to have this conversation where I'm like. Actually, he is, and I regret that he doesn't have the COVID vaccine. He'll never get the COVID vaccine. In fact, he'll never get a vaccine again, as long as, as, as I'm alive, because I won't allow my kids to be injected with anything that you people did, because you were supposed to protect me and my kids.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: You were supposed to be the medical establishment that took care of my family. And yet you pumped this crap. And you said, trust

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: the science. And we know that now. And you expect me to believe you with everything else. Well, it's very important your kid gets these other vaccines. No, no, you're not going to fool me again, bud. We've been down that road. I don't

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: know more vaccines and I will use my dying breath to prevent them from getting any needle in their body.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: Same. Absolutely same. And I'm not a scientist. I don't sit there in a white, white coat and study the information and [00:47:00] get behind a Petri dish. I'm an idiot who happens to observe things around me. I'm pretty good at observing what's taking place right now. I said, no, no, you went too far on this one. You guys took the lie too far.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: And, uh, now I just don't believe anything you say. So I've got to go with the, I got to go with the crazies. Believe that

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: there's this radio commercial in the area that I live in. And it's a clinic. And they, this guy gets on there and says, uh, he's the thing. He says he's the directors. I don't know. Um, he says he's a medical professional and he says, we have boosters for your kids.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: It's like, good Lord, what reality are these people living in? Have they not seen anything? These, these soccer players, football players dropping dead kids. Can you imagine tucking your kids in at night, going in the morning and not knowing if they're going to be alive or not? I can't imagine the stress.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: Oh, I, I actually.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: I don't live with the stress myself because I'm like, [00:48:00] and I've talked to you about this before offline, but basically I had my expiration date years ago, and so I consider every day from here on out a bonus day and it's actually what makes me effective and what I do because fear from retribution or retaliation.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: I have none. You can do nothing to me. Okay, you come after my family. It's just gonna be me that much more resilient and resolved to to do what I do. Thank you. Myself, personally, in my own well being, I, every day is a bonus day, so I don't think about my own impending death, but I do every once in a while think, you know, is my day going to be coming soon, where my heart just says, nope, whatever they did to me, my heart's just going to give out because of this nonsense that, that I injected into my body.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: I don't know, but it's something, but, but if I had to think about that with my kids, oh my goodness, I'd, I would absolutely despise and hate [00:49:00] myself. And so I understand where someone would have that cognitive dissonance and they'd say, Nope, I don't believe this. I don't believe it's reality because everybody told me it was safe.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: I know it's safe and I'm going to accept that it's safe. And I'm just going to horse blinders and ignore the world around me. It's not real. It's not real. People aren't dying. It's because of climate change or it's because of something, but it's not because. It's not because of this thing that I did willfully and intentionally and maybe destroyed my chance of ever being a grandparent or maybe, you know, cut my child's life short because I did this.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: I refuse to believe that.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Example of that people understand it is this pediatric cardiologist that I knew I got, he was in the army probably still is. Um, I got an argument with him on, on a Army doctor Facebook group, the same group that I was silenced in for a week for causing too much turmoil, um, when I was the one being harassed, but whatever he told me that he couldn't wait till the [00:50:00] end of his shift that day where he was gonna take his child to go get the shot.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Because myocarditis is very treatable. Well, in some sense, yes, it's treatable. You can treat myocarditis, the inflammation of, but the scar tissue that's left behind stays forever.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: Yeah. And I know, I know you've told me this and a number of other doctors have told me this and it, it's, it's hard to listen to that because when you say that it's, you're taking a, you're taking a risk and offsetting it with another risk. I'm going to risk my child in this thing because I'm, I'm afraid of.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: this thing, knowing that this could be the outcome of it. But I also know that this is a risk and I'm saying that, okay, if something does happen, it's treatable and you know, better, you know, better. Cause you're, you're it's, it's like cutting somebody, you know, I'm going to [00:51:00] slash your arm and it's going to scar up, but, but it's, but it's treatable in the meantime, but you just left, you just scarred me up permanently.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: But it's even more, more serious because it's your heart, literally the center of your entire body. So, yeah,

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: it's the cognitive dissonance is just, it was spiritual blindness. I mean, cause like you can't see you, you won't see it's too painful to see.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: That's, that's the reality. Um, and I don't know how we overcome this.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: In the meantime, my purpose, and I don't even know what my purpose is anymore. Honestly, I will continue to bang the drum when things are brought before me with corruption in the military, with this kind of stuff. If they do this again, I'll go down this road again. And I'm tired. [00:52:00] I'm tired. I'm not getting paid for this.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: made absolutely zero money. There's no financial benefit in doing what I do. You know, I, prior to this, I was, I was planning on staying in the military. And after the trust, the trust that I lost in, in the chain of command and everything that I saw, I said, I can't stay in any longer. And it's probably a good choice because when I declined my rank, I'd already turned in my retirement packet.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: I declined the rank cause I was getting picked up for W3. I made the list last year. And so I turned in my declination promotion memo. And it's a good thing because that, that investigation, the official investigation and the GOMAR I subsequently got would have prevented that rank from happening anyway, so it's a good thing I was getting out.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: Regardless, it was, it's something that did affect my career. I know it affected your career. You, you, if this, none of this had happened, I know you'd be in, you'd be a lieutenant colonel by now, you'd be moving on up, you'd be doing your thing, and you'd never thought twice. But [00:53:00] because of this, now you're out of service as well.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: And I think about how many people. That I've worked with personally and I've spoken to in the amount of senior leadership that has been purged, the mid leadership that has been purged, and the military has, specifically the army I know for a fact has a senior leadership crisis right now where they do not have enough O5s, lieutenant colonels.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: They are bleeding, they are begging dudes to stay in, just stay in, just... For another year do this the the promotion rates have gone up like 150 percent for lieutenant colonels because they're like we just we need to get people in the seat and so you just we're making our force worse by everything we've done it.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: Everything is a spiraling effect for the degradation destruction within our armed forces, which ultimately affects our national security. And this is happening all across all the brand all the federal agencies everywhere you look who is who is running the show who who is [00:54:00] pulling the strings. I don't know.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: Let you guys make, make the decision on that. It's hard to say

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: it is when you have people like, um, Senator Ron Johnson, when he, he wrote that letter on my behalf to Secretary Austin and said, preserve the D med data. Do not change any of it. Don't also don't retaliate against these people, but don't change any of it.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And then he changed. He took the entire database down and changed it. The database that showed if there was any damage to the troops that showed if there was an enemy attack eminent or happening, took all that and changed it. I would call that aiding and abetting the enemy. I would call that treacherous and treasonous behavior.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And since it took more than one person, I would call that conspiracy to commit treason. But that's just in my opinion. I'd like to see that played out in front of Congress for them to look into it to see if they agree with my opinion.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: I would like to see that as well and, [00:55:00] you know, what I've always said about that situation in particular is the fact that SecDef Austin is an unelected Official in the, in the government and he just flat out ignored. He didn't even respond with a note or a screw you. He just ignored the secretary of defense.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: Multiple letters that were written over multiple issues. And he ignored every single one refused to respond. I mean, that's wild. We just have complete insubordination and disregard for elected officials right now. And it's just who, who is, who is steering the ship, man. I don't know. Wild.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: So what's next for you in life?

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: I don't know. You want, you want to know what I'm doing now? If anybody made it this far, you can, you can know what I'm doing now. I'm training dogs right now. Yeah. I'm uh, I'm training dogs. Um,[00:56:00]

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: I don't, I'll tell you what I want. I want in my life. It's to have that purpose. Helping others. Expose stuff. Keep fighting for truth and justice. Just throw out other cliche buzzwords. And get paid for it. That'd be beautiful. I think they have a job for that. It's like something like investigative journalist or something.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: I don't know. I think people are getting paid to do that, but I think there's also a lot of people that are getting paid to do the opposite and cover stuff up and call themselves investigative journalist. So I, I find purpose in what I do. It also takes a lot of time and a lot of energy and I got to pay the bills.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: So. Right now, I'm training dogs. And we'll see where the road goes. I don't know. I would,

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: uh... So if anybody, if anybody in the [00:57:00] audience knows someone who needs an investigative journalist, especially with, in regards to, uh, military corruption, we, we have a man, we have your man here. Reach out to my email below, After Hours with Dr.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Sigoloff, or After Hours at 1791, and I'll get you hooked up with him. Uh, cause he's looking for employment in the investigative journalism field, and he's good, he's got all the contacts, he's got a network.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: I do have a network, and I'll tell you, uh, I'll take any remote job at this point. I've got my, one of my children has, has some health issues that have made it, made it difficult to juggle, um, care for care for him.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: But basically his health issues are significant enough. They kind of have them in a bubble at the moment. Um, and that's just the reality without going into too many specifics, but it's made it difficult to juggle back and forth working and taking care of him and not putting him in daycare and stuff like that.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: So, you know, we're, we're feeling that I'm other parents have those same issues and that's just life, [00:58:00] you know, but that's, that's kind of where I'm at at the moment. So I am actively looking for that, that remote employment, but whatever, God will provide and I'm not worried about it. Um, I'm, I'm doing what I have to do in the meantime and.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: Getting to play with some, some doggos while I do it. So not too bad.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Well, Sam, thank you so much for coming on. And I, and, and the audience will be praying for you. At least I will. I hope the audience will be praying for you as well. Um, that you find the purpose, you find God's position for you. And that when he calls you, you say, here I am Lord, as you already have multiple times.

Ret CW2 Sam Shoemate: Indeed. I appreciate it. Thanks, Sam. Thanks for having me on.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Thank

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: you.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Just a reminder for everyone out there, in duty uniform of the day, the full armor of God, let's all make courage more contagious than fear.[00:59:00]