Chief Endurance Officer

Welcome to another captivating episode! Today’s guest is someone who has achieved greatness in the world of sports and makes his story truly remarkable is the unique challenge he has overcome. Introducing Jeremy Poincenot, Co-Founder at C.U.R.E. Ride and Inspirational Speaker & Performance Coach at Jeremy joins host Gregory McDonough to share about the time he lost his sight and how he was fearful that he would be dependent on others for the rest of his life. He broke through that fear and challenged himself to the fullest.

  • Embracing the endurance mindset, Jeremy honed the art of living in the present, focusing on each moment. In the face of his sudden blindness at 19 years old, he was determined to conquer one day at a time and savor each experience with an unwavering resolution. This approach fortified his spirit and empowered him to surmount any challenges. By mastering this, he discovered new heights of resilience and achievement.
  • Despite facing the devastating loss of his sight due to the rare genetic disorder L.H.O.N, Labor's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy, Jeremy never surrendered to despair. While hopeful for a cure that has yet to be found, he experienced the stages of grief—denial, anger, bargaining, and depression—with unwavering strength. Refusing to be defined by his circumstances, Jeremy embraced life to the fullest.
  • Through the years, Jeremy's endurance mindset underwent a transformative shift, accepting that certain limitations were beyond change, he confronted his status as legally blind, without a central vision, with unwavering courage. Focusing on the positive aspects of life, he sets realistic goals to cherish one good day each week instead of striving for perfection every day.
  • Jeremy found an unexpected silver lining as public speaking and competitive golf became notably less intimidating. Having already confronted more profound complexities in life, he approached the challenge of public speaking with authenticity and determination. Embracing this newfound perspective, Jeremy fearlessly embraced public speaking while approaching golf with a renewed sense of joy and enthusiasm.
  • In the realm of blind golf, an unwavering bond is formed between the golfer and their guiding light—a role assumed by Jeremy's father. With his father's steadfast support, Jeremy found an ally who stood by his side during every competitive round. Together, they seamlessly merged into a flawless team, complementing each other's strengths. With his father’s encouragement and uplifting energy, the unbreakable power of partnership helped him conquer challenges in achieving remarkable feats in the world of blind golf.

Quote of the Show:
  • “I want people to see the power of interdependence in their lives personally and professionally.” - Jeremy Poincenot


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Chief Endurance Officer is produced by Ringmaster, on a mission to create connections through B2B podcasts. Learn more at 

Creators & Guests

Gregory McDonough
Greg McDonough is a seasoned executive who has owned and operated businesses in the professional services sector, navigating them through both good and tough times. He brings his personal experience of knowing what it’s like to be ‘in the owner’s seat’ when working with clients, taking time to ask the questions others may not.

What is Chief Endurance Officer?

Join host Greg McDonough on a transformative journey as "The Chief Endurance Officer" explores the incredible power of positive energy and sustained effort. This podcast delves into the real-life stories of individuals who have harnessed the endurance mindset to achieve remarkable goals in every facet of life – personal achievements, professional success, and athletic triumphs. Visit our website for additional resources and exclusive content, and subscribe to hear these inspiring episodes every Friday!