Sports Round Table from The State News

Former Sports Round Table host Nick Lundberg hosts this weeks episode with men's basketball reporter Alex Faber, discussing the future of Spartan men's basketball, as well as a little reminiscing about Nick's tenure on the podcast.

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(Nick) Welcome back to the sports roundtable podcast where we talk all things Michigan State Athletics. I'm your former host, Nick Lundberg. filling in for Bella Johnson. It's good to be back. I was the host last semester but Bella has been filling in the air. Bella's has been the host this year, but it's good to be back for her this week. And we have a familiar face coming back and Alex Faber, who recently just got done with the men's basketball beat for the state news and you I believe you were the first one on my podcast when it first started earlier two semesters ago. So

(Alex) I think so I think we're talking some football, some Spartans football. Yeah.

(Nick) And we'll be we'll be mentioning some spring football. But it's good to be back, Alex. And, you know, let's just jump right into what's been going on all around. All around the MSU athletic season, we can start with baseball, which has been getting off to a decent start this season. They recently just beat Western Michigan to sweep their first two games of the year, and they beat them nine to eight, and they're now 14 inside on the season. They recently just got off to a good start in the big 10. After taking their opening series against Purdue to one, they lost their first game on last Friday, but then they swept their doubleheader on Sunday to give them the series win. And they've had some couple players this year making some noise at the plate and especially in the produce series, and Brock Friedenberg Sam bush and and that will be helpful. And Mitch Jeb. And for Alex, I mean, this team, not very high expectations this year, especially after last year, after I was at the games on Sunday, I was talking to the coaches, and they were treating this year as more of a way to kind of, you know, make up for what happened last year. But I mean, the the pitching going for like the pitching this year has been you know, shaky, but at least we've been able to see some high scoring games from because the lineup has been you know, raking pretty, pretty early this year.

(Alex) Yeah, if you're if you're going to be mediocre, or bad, at least at least give me some entertaining games. And if we're getting hitting and bad pitching, I guess that's a combination or formula for some entertaining baseball.

(Nick) Yeah, exactly. And it's always fun to see high scoring games at baseball. And some of the especially big 10 Baseball can tend to drag on really, you know, very slowly compared to like SEC baseball or the upper echelon of different conferences. But I mean, this team so far this year has had some notable wins, they beat obviously, any time, a team at MSU beats Michigan in something, it's very important. And they got that done very early this season. And I mean, they've been solid so far. But as always the big 10 in any, in any sport is deep. They've definitely got some tough teams. And it's still a very early season. So there's a lot to be seen down the road. But for now compared to last season, it's been a pretty decent start and one that you know, can hopeful for the rest of the year, especially for this type of program where we've seen Alan Hal or since he's come in kind of clean house with all these programs like you saw which we're going to talk about softball, they got rid of their coach, obviously, we'll talk about hockey and night and Gale and then men's tennis, even though that was kind of a different situation with the coach. But now you've got a guy and like Jake boss is kind of stuck in the middle. He's been here for a while he's done some things, but as of late, he's kind of been stagnant. And, you know, after this is kind of, I feel like as from a from an outside perspective, this is kind of like a make or break season for them. Because you've seen that all these coaches are on the chopping block, and then you've come to boss who's been kinda like, and then we saw, you know, Suzy merchants stepping down, obviously, not all because of performance wise, there were health issues there. But she's also was kind of in that same boat is where Jake boss is right now. And I mean, you know, it seems like Alan Howell is really trying to take all these programs to the next step. And at this point, it's kind of like Jake boss is coaching for you know, next year and not 10 years from now.

(Alex) Yeah, definitely seems like a year where we can just see some slight development and see some guy like, we're definitely gonna see some wins add up on the column. Maybe obviously, coming up up top, in the big 10 isn't necessarily always the goal, but at least competing late in the season. That's that's something you kind of need to see.

(Nick) Yeah, exactly. And then moving over to their baseballs, neighbors that Secchia that the softball team they've got. They're kind of in a bird building year right now is they just hired a new coach, and she Rhonda, and they're 10 and 14 this year, they lost their first series, their first conference series to Wisconsin. They only won one of the three games. And they've played it had a lot of rough games this season. And you know, they're obviously with every team that brings in a new coach and new staff. There's going to be some changes but they've kept players like Ashley Miller around who, you know, were really solid last year. And I mean this team never At least in my time here, and our time here really hasn't made any waves on this campus. But when I, whenever I go around, especially when I was at their game last week against one of their games against Wisconsin, I just noticed that the energy was a little bit different, especially from the coach, because you want when you're that type of team where, like, You're not very notable on campus, and you're trying to get people to, you know, come out and support you. You out, you have to bring some sort of energy. And I feel like whenever I talked to Shalonda, the head coach, she's definitely, you know, very into it. And like she's all about her program, her team, her players, and it's just nice to see that, you know, this team, even though results might show for it might not show for right now that they're kind of heading in the right direction, even though it's very early to tell. Yeah, not not going to be quite the same thing as baseball at all. Like I don't think it really matters what the record is the season as long as it's not disastrous, it's it's all about development and building a culture there. Exactly. Yeah, we've seen a lot of that with other teams as well. And then another team that has recently hired a new head coach as well is the men's tennis team. And they brought in a former player in heritage, a dune after, you know, a very, very well, well respected coach and Jean Orlando stepped down last year. So far this season, there aren't doing too hot as they're six and nine and Owen two and big 10 play, they actually are playing, they played U of M today. So let's see how they fared against them. I should have saw this earlier, but they lost one to six U of M. So they are officially Oh, and three and conference play now. But so the season hasn't gotten off to a great start, but kind of a similar scenario as softball, maybe some more higher talent compared to what the softball team has, because they did bring in one of the best players in the country. And Ozon Baris who in this season is already our best player, which speaks volumes to how good Barris is but the team you know, as of late, is just kind of starting to make its you know, waves and tennis recruiting rankings. But kind of like softball, you know, with the new coach and kind of just taking over program. That's not you know, the biggest thing on campus. They just want, you know, more energy more people to show up. And I mean, winning winning games like these, obviously right now, the big 10 is super tough and tennis like they're next. All of these games, they're they're playing it's ranked teams, like half the conference seems to be in the top 100 teams in the in the nation. And I mean, obviously, you're not going to as a first year coach and a new program, you're not going to see those results right away. Like we're saying with softball, but it is good that in some of these, you can see that they've been you know, keeping competitive. Yeah, again, that's with first year Coach, I know the the recruitment got people really excited to that top prospect, but still gonna be a little patient with program. Yeah. And then moving over to the women's side of things, women's tennis teams, eight and eight. And they're also facing a ton of stacked big 10 teams. They'll face number 34, Illinois on Friday at five. And so far, their winning form, big 10 play, and all of those losses coming against ranked teams. So just seems like it's just a gauntlet whenever whatever sport you play in the big 10, you're going to face some, some very tough opponents. So still a little early with that with their season to tell how they'll be going, especially playing all these ranked opponents in a row. So that's, that's obviously got to be a challenge for any team. So a little early to determine how their season will fare. But moving on to the postseason, and another sport in gymnastics is still going on. They are entering the second round of the NCAA Regionals and after just a crazy year of success, they're one of the teams like that are kind of in the echelon of softball, women's tennis, tennis, that area. They've made a ton of noise after this season after winning the big 10 Championship, beating U of M who's always in the top and then building you know, obviously last year they were pretty successful. But now this year, they've just taken it to an insanely different level.

(Alex) Yeah, our beat writer Bella just put up some great stories about him. It's they've got a lot of fun players on this team. That's that's a really fun. It's it's fun to see as gymnastics as a whole is growing like around the nation. It's fun to see MSU growing as well with it. It's just it's just nice to see.

(Nick) Yeah, well, for everyone out there listening check out Bella's new piece on Nikki Smith, who I believe is one of the top freshmen in the country. And there's just a lot of a lot of things to be excited about a genossen and then gymnastics program with all everything that coach rose doing. But moving on to Do hockey now. The after a very, very, you know, successful season, even though like some people were could be upset with how things ended but against Minnesota but looking at Minnesota and who they are, it's kind of expected with looking at who we are from, from a you know, from the right perspective. But you've seen in the transfer portal now that the season's over you're adding guys like for former first round pick Isaac Howard, fourth round pick red savage from the Red Wings and then read lobster who was from a salad program and UMass and you're losing guys like Jessie Tucker, who had you know, like a good freshman season but last year wasn't you know, the best and then you have Zack Dubinsky was solid, but not you know, none of these guys, they're losing compared to the guys who are adding, it just feels like the talent is just much different when it comes to when you're looking at the guys they're bringing in versus the guys they're losing.

(Alex) Yeah, that was definitely that this is a positive shift in the roster. Um, you mentioned Jesse Tucker, he was the only one whose name I was a little bit surprised about seeing just because his freshman year he was really excellent under damn close last season, but he just didn't really seem to click as much as the new with the new coaching staff, which is odd considering how the rest of the team did so I'm not too surprised there. It's not like he transferred to a really high tier program. It's over and Clarkson no disrespect, but you know, it's not big 10 hockey. And then the rest of the guys there, I'm not sure where they're going to end up, it's probably not going to be in the big 10. Again, no hate towards those guys. They they feel the roll. And they did what they need to do. But this is about getting better and read savage. He he isn't any crazy kind of player. But he's he's a solid player. The one I'm really excited about there is that Howard, first round pick of a lightning. He comes from a Minnesota Duluth program that's really stacked. He got six goals and 11 assists in 35 games this year. And again, that's with a pretty darn good Minnesota Duluth game or a team. So yeah, this this was about getting better this season. And then you added a little bit of experience with the guy from UMass last year, because he had ties with to Michael. So this team got a whole lot better. And I'm really excited to see the jump in. He's this next season, because from last year with Dan Cole to this year already, we've seen such growth and now you see more roster turnover. He's gonna get more of his guys this offseason out. And I'm really excited about the trajectory of this program.

(Nick) Yeah, especially with all of the top recruits coming in, we've got a lot of, you know, guys who are being looked at by NHL teams in the high school ranks right now or the, you know, amateur kind of ranks. Because, you know, hockey's a little bit different than what we're used to in football and basketball, but just this team, like just looking at the talent perspective, coming in from what Dan Cole had, and then you bring in all of these new players, and they all seem to mesh really well, because last year didn't really seem like there wasn't a single star player. I mean, obviously, you can say like, on offense, at least, like Dylan St. Cyr was a very solid goalie but in terms of star power, this team wasn't really it's kind of seemed like they beat you using as a collective dn just exactly and then just adding like, you're bringing back Nikko Mueller, which is a huge guy to bring back you're losing some like other veterans like Jagger, Joshua and Cole Creek, Krieger and guys like that, but bringing in this type of talent, and Howard and do and savage and lobster just shows that, you know, Nightingale, he was known he was brought here as a recruiter, like he was known as a developer, developer and recruiter. And just to see the type of players he's bringing in the type of names is just is a very good sign, I think, for the future of this program. Yeah, I'm really excited. And then moving on to spring football, obviously, you were on the football beat last year, so you know much about what's going on right now. And I've been covering a couple of the practices and been talking to some guys and, uh, one thing I really noticed, and that was obviously very, everyone noticed last year was that they've been talking about, they've been practicing healthier. So they've been because injuries were a very big deal last year, they kind of decimated the whole season that they've been after the spring game we saw last the last year spring game in quotation marks as it was kind of more just like a practice because they barely had any bodies back then. But now I feel like even though they're kind of gonna stick to the same model and a couple of weeks when the spring, the spring kickoff, they're calling it comes along. They're definitely going to be you know, have more bodies. And I'm glad that they're, I mean, it's hard not to see that was an issue last year, but I'm glad they're kind of taking the precaution. This team is taking precautions for their players to be you know, ready to go by the fall.

(Alex) Yeah, I think one of the biggest things that stuck out to me, just I don't think I've personally been to any of the Uh, practices yet but just listening to the audio I've gotten from from and read the stories, JD JD do play. And I think it was him. He said something about how you know last year, they were playing like seven guys deep and offensive line and that was even stretching. And him and a lot of the other coaching staff talked about especially with that offensive line is they finally have depth, it's five versus five, you have some guys to step in and play. And we saw during the regular season, the offensive line was one of the greatest weaknesses of this team. And I think that stems from that health in spring football. So it's already a good sign to see that heading into the year it's going to be a little bit healthier, obviously plenty of months to go. But it's like you said it's good to see that the coaching staff and the players are taking this helping seriously, because that was an issue last year.

(Nick) And another thing is that's you know, feels like constant talking point when we're talking about the team is the defensive backs and how they struggle and past defense. And during the practice today we were allowed to talk to the new quarterbacks coach and Jim Salgado, former Buffalo Bills coach, and they made Jane Mangum Dylan Tatum, Caleb Cooley available, and Malik Spencer, some, a lot of the younger guys in the secondary that are going to be taking over for guys like Xavier Henderson, Rhonda Williams, the guy's like that. So it was good to see that. That's definitely even though there's a lot of changing things going on getting to talk to them. Obviously, last year, Mangum and Tatum had to step in for injuries. And getting to know that they have learned from that experience and that they're more comfortable going into this year. makes it feel like that. Maybe there might be some sort of a change. But you know, obviously we haven't seen a lot from them yet. But there's still some guys that are sticking around like Angelo gross, and players like that who are you know, not not new to the program. And they know what's expected. So it'll be interesting this year to see how they play if they can stay healthy compared to last year.

(Alex) Yeah, the loss of Xavier Henderson is going to be pretty scary to be honest. Because I mean, even last year, you saw the drop in the defensive performance when he wasn't on the field, that dude is not just a good player, he's a good communicator. And I'm not sure the coaching staff last year, did a great job at fulfilling that. So with an offseason to kind of get those guys to that, that I want to see if they can get to that level. You mentioned Mangum, he's a guy who could take a really big step he was decent, he was solid as a freshman stepping in kind of thrust into that role. He's a guy who could really step up and make a name for himself on the on the defense this year. So a lot of young guys, which is simultaneously terrifying. But it's also it's also exciting because they already have experience under the belt that you know, that's kind of the the blessing and the curse of a bad season is you get a lot a lot of young players get kind of thrown to the fire, but sometimes you know that that makes them stronger. And that's what I'm excited to see.

(Nick) And I feel like at this point now it's where, you know, guys like Tatum and Mangum were recruited as four stars coming in, they were Nick these are guys who Dantonio might not have gone forward just because you know, Dantonio love those, you know, Ohio three stars, that kind of stuff. But you know, Tucker has been going for the higher rated recruits. And these guys like Tatum and Mangum, it's now we're at the point in Tucker's career here at MSU, where, you know, these guys have to start, you know, stepping up that we were to do what we recruited them to come here for. And I mean, it was good experience, specifically for Tatum and Mangum to get out there and have that but you kind of want to see that, you know, starting throughout the roster or more throughout the roster as guys, you know, guys from the Dantonio era, it's continued to depart and then they were start to rely less and less than the transfer portal and more and more in the recruiting rate and the recruiting ranks. So it'll be interesting to see how big of a factor those younger guys even though we know that they'll have to play a big factor in the secondary maybe more so spread throughout the team how they'll fare. But last but not least, the men's basketball season recently ended against Kansas State in the sweet 16 And you were there and you know just talk to us about that experience. How was MSG just how was it How was everything there?

(Alex) Yeah, it was it was a pretty incredible experience. I'm really lucky to have been able to cover it obviously maybe not the result I was hoping for I mean I could be in Houston right now but you know what it was an excellent game I don't want to be a sore loser because it really was if you're gonna go out I'd rather it be an exciting like almost legendary game like that over time you know, Walker forcing it like there were just some magical moments in that game and I know it might not be remembered as like the MSU great games of all time because of the outcome but I mean that was an excellent game. I mean, Marquis Noel, that that dude bald That dude was bawling. And that was probably honestly one of my favorite parts of the experience was just watching him go crazy. I mean, that shot he hit off his back foot the assists he did I mean that he was a wizard out there and That's probably what I took away from the game most honestly

(Nick) Yeah it truly was a special game and one that this team shouldn't forget especially looking towards next year with you know we we've talked about before the recruiting class coming in and the two five stars Jeremy fears and Savior Booker who played in the McDonald's all American game and then you've got a four star Cohen car just jumps out of the gym like you the President's center might explode next year if he if he gets one on the fast break. And then four star gear ignore him into kind of like a matt McQuaid type will probably be four year guy and be a very good player by the time he's a senior. But you've got Pierre Brooks, who recently answered the transfer portal. And looking towards next year where at this point, we're not sure if Malika and Tyson Walker is kind of coming back. Maybe both of them come back, maybe one of them comes back, maybe none of them come back. So but with the pier move, you got a feeling that at this point, if Tyson comes back, you slide Aikens to the three. And you have Booker who's going probably going to start at the four and Maddy at the five and keep everything else the same. But if Malik comes back, you can throw Malik in at the three or off the bench. And if both of them come back, Malik can come off the bench and Aikens can play at the three. So you've got a lot of options, as with Pierre Brooks transfer and kind of opening up for guys to return and I mean, we talked about this on the way here that is so doesn't love the portal, but he's not afraid to go in and get guys like we saw with Joey Walker, or, excuse me, Joey Houser and Tyson Walker and guys like that. So I mean, he likes to stop we've seen that he likes to supplement his team from the portal and with a guy like Pierre, who was going to most likely if he stuck stuck with everything that was going on take next step and become a bigger part of the team next year. Who will not be here so it'll be interesting to see how is oh kind of attacks the portal compared to if Walker and how's it come back?

(Alex) Yeah, I'm honestly pretty disappointed about here. I mean, let's think back to the film I Invitational, he scored two back to back career highs 15 points against Oregon than 15 against Portland. I mean, when he was at his best he was using that big body really athletic frame and he was defending well and he was hitting shots at the corners I mean at his best this guy really could have been productive and it just as the season progressed it just never really seemed like it fit I think you and I everyone in the office was calling it that he was going to be the first to transfer so it's it's disappointing, but it's it's honestly probably better for both parties just seeing how the season progressed. But yeah, you mentioned that there i i know is always said he doesn't like the portal and I think that's true, but he's also not stupid. I mean, Joey Houser and Tyson Walker were his best players this year. Well, it mostly and I you know, I think he's going to take a look at that and he might go snag a wing, he might, you know, I think the portal is open to him. It might not be a huge piece because like you said, I think if Tyson comes back and Malik comes back, you have a pretty solid lineup. You have a whole guard Tyson, Aikens Booker and Sissoko that seems like a pretty comfortable starting five. But let's say those guys don't come back. I think you have to go to the portal at that point. So it's gonna be interesting to see how he approaches it. But there's still some chips that need to fall for me to be really comfortable with with making projection about next years.

(Nick) Yeah. And then going back to what you said about Pierre. And just like you said, he had those very promising games in the PK ad in the before the big 10 Play started and he had some some decent outings. But you know, he got that he got those minutes in the early part of the season because of the money call injury. And then obviously with college players, especially peers game relies on you know, his shooting and how hot he stays because whenever he got on the floor, it seemed like whenever he touched the ball, he would shoot it. But with Molly Cole, you know, being in and out of the lineup, inconsistently giving peer minutes and then not given peer minutes, kind of might have been detrimental to his progression this season. And I understand the move and I agree that I think that it's kind of beneficial for both parties because peers defense obviously wasn't up to speed with how the other guys were aware is I wanted it because it's so obviously you get on the court and MSU because you can play defense we saw that on Cemetery Holloman guys like that. So it's just it's kind of a shame to see him go. We wish him all the best and but I'm sure he'll end up somewhere like I really have a feeling he could make his way to like a program like Oakland. Yep. And then you know, he was a former four star former Mr. Basketball in the state of Michigan like he can he can score like he can who and he's got a good athletic profile too. Yeah, he's got a big frame. He's built like a linebacker up six six got a lot of you know, got a lot of muscle slimmed down a little bit last year. You're to, you know, give them some speed for code to get, you know, more playing time in the big 10. But obviously, the athletes in the big 10 are just just different. But I mean, I could really see him ending up at Oakland and you know, getting his 15 to 20 shots again, putting up you know, 25 points a night. So I, I think that maybe just you just searching for better fit. And I mean, just with everybody coming in next year, just how deep the skip team is going to be. There wasn't going to be a lot of minutes for everyone. So yeah, it'll be next year will be interesting to see where he flans up and just where kind of how it shapes up, because I really want to see I feel like this team was more effective offensively when Malik Hall was not on the floor, because I feel like he would slow the game down but on defense he had that, you know, he would get rebounds. And this team this year needed a guy like that to go and get rebounds. But next year, you've got you know, Cooper's going to be better, Kohler is going to be better mod he's going to be better Booker is coming. And he's 611 and Cohen card, we know he, he seems like a guy who's just going to come in and get, grab every single rebound, dunk the ball all the time. And you've got guys coming back, like AJ who could be more aggressive on the boards and players like that. So I mean, I feel like in comparison with Malik Hall and Tyson Walker from watching it from the sideline, I feel like that Tyson would be the better fit to come back. But I feel like I felt the same way about joey last year when he didn't really understand I feel like he didn't have the correct grasp of his role until this year. And he really started to you know, break through so I mean, Malik to me could pull could be the same way he can be come back 100% healthy and be that kind of game changing player that he could be in that leader that we know he can be in? I mean, having him and Tyson back, even though it might take away minutes from guys like fears or Holloman and hindered the development just a little bit I feel like it could be it's more beneficial. If this team which I definitely believe it can can it's going to try to make you know that Final Four national championship push.

(Alex) Yeah, Malik Cole coming off the bench and just being an amazing piece defending like you said offensively he's maybe doesn't is not as strong as some of the other guys were in the lineup. But if he's a guy coming off the bench for you defensively and is guarding the perimeter, I mean, he did he was one of the top two or three defenders on the team, I'd say this year, and he was a captain. Yeah, it's like his voice is just just that alone is big enough, you know, on its own. Yeah. So he's a guy I think would benefit from another you coming back? I think MSU would benefit but like you said, I think I mean, Tyson is the bigger guy. And he comes back that that changes this program next year.

(Nick) Yeah, he's the guy who call on to hit that final shot. And I think that next year he'll, even though like we saw from last year where he was kind of timid to shoot the ball and wanted to play more paths first and now he learned how to share the floor with AJ effectively and became that guy that you know, that shot maker and it seemed like in the in we saw him get stripped in the final moments against or by No well in the Kansas State game, but it seemed like this year, he's not afraid to take that final shot. But now I feel like next year it's like it's either going to be you know, AJ taken over down the stretch with you know, just driving and putting the ball in the hoop from two feet away or Tyson just Tyson finally realizing that, you know, it's his game. It's his shot. Given the ball at the last second. He's your closer. So it's definitely going to be you regardless of what happens. transfer portal or not. Molly call coming back. Tyson Walker coming back, this team is going to be very solid. And it's going to be very exciting. But that's about it for the time we have today out thanks again, Alex for coming back. It was great to have you back on here.

(Alex) It's good to be here.

(Nick) And we will see you next Wednesday Bella. We'll be back so thanks for you know dealing with me one more time. I appreciate it. Have a good one peace.