Sendy Mom with Becky Brouwer

We are surrounded by people with stories or courage and resilience and we can learn from these people and be inspired by them. This show uncovers tools for successfully navigating challenging circumstances, learning from mistakes, and teaching your children to use their agency to continue moving forward. 

Someone who is "sendy" is someone who takes risks, makes all of the preparations, thinks things through and in the end just makes a decision to try. It is a term that is used in the world of extreme sports but applies equally well to motherhood and life. Whether circumstances are chosen or thrust upon us, we have a choice in our response. Let's be the group of sendy friends who encourage, inspire and persuade friends to reach their potential and fulfill their dreams by just sending it!

What is Sendy Mom with Becky Brouwer?

The hardest part of achieving a goal is starting. Being sendy means making courageous decisions to try something before you have all of the answers. This podcast will remind you of the remarkable life you are living and will give you new ideas to make your life more meaningful and exciting and give you courage to accomplish your goals by stopping the negative voices in your head and just sending it!

Becky Brouwer (00:01.754)
Hi, I'm Becky Brouwer and welcome to the Sendy Mom podcast, a place where you can learn how to be more resilient and try new things and where you can also teach your children to be more resilient and not be afraid to take risks. So this is a podcast where we talk to a lot of different people about ways that they have learned how to take risks, to calculate their risks and to

Becky Brouwer (00:30.52)
Just try things. I wanna explain a little bit about what a sendy mom is. Sendy mom does not mean somebody that rock climbs, mountain bikes, climbs tall mountains. It can be anyone who just has a goal, something that they'd like to try and that maybe just needs that little extra push, that little extra nudge, or to be able to hear about somebody who has done it before them.

Becky Brouwer (00:58.478)
I am a very normal person. am pretty average at pretty much everything. I try a lot of new things and that's what makes me Sendy. I want to explain a little bit about why I chose this name Sendy Mom. When my son was about 16, I went to a dinner dance with him. It was kind of a mom prom.

Becky Brouwer (01:23.318)
and Each of the boys got up and introduced their mothers and when my son got up and introduced me he said my mom is a sendy mom and most people looked at him a little curiously but I knew exactly what he meant and I was totally flattered because my son Kyle is a sendy dude he loves to do downhill

Becky Brouwer (01:49.442)
biking that's his main love he's also a great snowboarder and he does rock climbing as well but he loves to just send it on his bike so sending something just means that you go try it so usually when

Becky Brouwer (02:14.734)
So my son Kyle, he is a sendy dude. He loves his downhill bike. He does all of the tricks on it and he loves to just send it. sometimes When you're faced with an obstacle, something that's really difficult, particularly in these extreme sports and you're afraid to do something. You have a bunch of friends around you that will say, come on, just send it.

Becky Brouwer (02:42.464)
And that's what this podcast is about. It's about being surrounded by friends, by people who love you and believe in you and who want you to succeed. Because honestly, most people want to see you succeed. There are not very many people that are gonna try to have you fail.

Becky Brouwer (03:04.248)
So that's what this podcast is all about. It's about having a group of people, a community who is surrounding you, just telling you to go for it, to try it. And that's what this community is about. It's about inspiration. It's about building and lifting, persuading you to do something. It's about feeling like you can do something that's really hard.

Becky Brouwer (03:31.584)
I'm going to be talking to some of the most amazing women about their lives, about their stories, about tools that they have learned to continue to persevere and to achieve what they really want to achieve. We're going to be talking to people about how they're teaching their children to take risks and to try new things. This is something that's been really important to me. As I've raised six children, I have five boys who are all

Becky Brouwer (04:01.282)
very Sendy in their sports particularly, but in other areas of their life as well. And a daughter who is very Sendy in her way too. She's a beautiful singer and she is not afraid to get on a stage in front of thousands of people and sing for them. And that is in its way is Sendy as well. I like to do a lot of things. I try a lot of things.

Becky Brouwer (04:27.212)
and that is really what Being Sendy is about. It's about just giving it a go. And honestly, that's what this podcast is all about for me. It's just try something new. I've never done this before. I'm excited for the conversations that I'm gonna have with these amazing people. Be sure if you know anybody that is Sendy that would like to be on this podcast, please let me know. I would love to interview them and talk to them about some of the things

Becky Brouwer (04:55.138)
that they do to make their life more exciting and fulfilling to them. And Be sure to subscribe to this podcast and subscribe to the YouTube channel so that you don't miss any of these podcasts because they're going to be amazing. We're going to take you on a journey and you're going to find out some great Sendy things that you can do today. So go on and just send it.