Aptos After Dark

๐Ÿ—“๏ธDate: 08/19/24
Welcome to the first episode of Aptos After Dark on Spotify! And if you're returning, this is episode 24 of Aptos After Dark on YouTube!

Today we have an incredibly special guest joining us. We have a conversation with the Aptos Co-Founder and CTO Dr. Avery Ching

Sneezy ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿปhttps://twitter.com/realjaysneezy
Atreyu ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป https://twitter.com/hiAtreyu_

Send tips/surprises to ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป aptosafterdark.apt

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Video Chapters
Intro - 0:00
Conversation with Dr. Avery Ching - 01:55
Closing Thoughts - 1:47:40
 #APT #aptos #aptoscrypto #bullish #crypto #cryptocommunity #cryptonews #nfts

Everything expressed here is our opinion and not official investment advice - please do your own research before risking your own money. Aptos After Dark is not providing you individually tailored investment advice. Nor is Aptos After Dark, Atreyu, or Sneezy registered to provide investment advice, is not a financial adviser, and is not a broker-dealer. The material provided is for educational purposes only. Aptos After Dark and team is not responsible for any gains or losses that result from your cryptocurrency investments. Investing in cryptocurrency involves a high degree of risk and should be considered only by persons who can afford to sustain a loss of their entire investment. Investors should consult their financial adviser before investing in cryptocurrency.

Creators & Guests

Let's talk about the future ๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ’ปBuilding @PixelPiratesNFT ๐Ÿดโ€โ˜ ๏ธ๐ŸŒ Co-Founder Aptos After Dark ๐ŸŒ
A balance in the Force.NFA DYOR Bleeds $APT, I speak for me not anyone else Founder -Aptos After Dark $GUI INU helper CM@AptosMonkeys Member Aptos Collective
Dr. Avery Ching
Co-founder & CTO @ Aptos building a layer 1 for everyone - https://t.co/ohAe9HFgOz. Ex-Meta/Novi crypto platforms tech lead. Ex-Diem blockchain tech lead.

What is Aptos After Dark?

Aptos After Dark will help you keep up with everything going on within the Aptos ecosystem while in an entertaining format, weekly. You can expect to hear special guests joining in weekly as well, from community members to legendary builders within the ecosystem, to members of the Aptos team each week. Hosted by Sneezy and Atreyu.

If you every want to tune in live, come join us on X by following us;

yo what's up happy Monday yo yo yo happy Monday Sneezy
what's crack Ling H not a whole lot man I don't know what we're going to talk about tonight
who we're going to have on but I got a I got a small feeling that tonight might be one of those
shows just a casual just a casual show just a casual week nothing crazy going
on a na house whatsoever and yeah I think we just might be just hanging out with uh I don't know uh
someone some someone up in the speakers box with us no I'm just kidding yo I got
Conversation with Dr. Avery Ching
to give a huge shout out uh to Avery CTO of apas one of the co-founders of apas
joining us this evening hey Avery hey good evening folks uh very excited to be here and join this
space y we are we are so glad to have you we were I'm gonna be honest I was
very excited to have you on to talk about uh transactions per seconds and
gaming and just absolutely crushing it and you guys kind of dropped something
else that I think we all want to talk about too let's go welcome Avery super pumped
to have you here this is awesome yes sir yes sir very excited to be here as well it's a super exciting day for us as you
know and uh we're here to talk whatever you guys want to talk about it's after dark so here to here to chill even
though that music just got me super hyped and I I can't relax now so whatever you guys want to talk about we're we're down let's do it okay I
think I think we got to I think we almost got to jump right into it especially because like I'm vibing off that song too like lowkey I think
everybody in apas woke up this morning and went through their day just walking
that much taller um feeling that much more confident um huge news native usdt
coming to atos yeah man I I mean it's it's something that we're super excited about
obviously you know if you're know from our history and I see uh you know a couple folks like Greg on as well and Bren we came from the Libra DM days at
meta and so being able to see kind of a a world where we have incredible infrastructure we have stable coins that
can support Global Payments 24/7 around the world the lowest transaction fees in the market the highest throughput
available on any chain uh it it's really a big step forward towards that dream of
you know high performance payments remittances and money movement in general so this is a huge huge step forward for for everyone and uh I think
it's just the beginning of what we can unlock with all this
technology That's so exciting um okay what dude sorry I'm geeking a little bit
not going to lie I don't usually get nervous hosting spaces I'm a little bit nervous for this one
um I guess that kind of flows into what we went through last week with the
insane amount of transactions per per second that we saw I think Peak usage was 12,000 transactions per
second I think that compounded with usdt really gets everybody thinking that
web speed blockchain is here yeah yeah and I think these are
these are things where they may look orchestrated but they're definitely not uh I think um there's a great project
called tapos cat that was launching this incredible game uh that uses all kinds of pieces of our technology stack
randomization for every transaction the ability to do Global counters in a way that's paralyzable and support thousands
of transactions per second on a main net and then proving that to the world through this incredible you know opportunity and an application just
shows that you know you can see you can see there was I think uh 326 million transactions in a single day on August
15th um Aptos now holds kind of the three largest records for single transactions in a day uh for 326 million
I think there's 95 million uh as well as 154 million throughout the year and it just demonstrates that this technology
now is is you know is ready for prime time and the fees are incredibly low point you know you got to remember all
the zeros 0.0000 five cents uh uh you know it's not right
05 but per transaction which is basically free and with that kind of throughput with that kind of cost and
then now pairing that with Native usdc coming on chain USD coming on chain is just a perfect combination for all the
things we want to see in payments and this touches every part of the ecosystem like because payment itself may be kind of this incredible like vertical for for
different kinds of Technology basis but it's also the basis for things like payments in games or payments in De
deepin infrastructure um thinking about things even around loyalty programs that need the same kind of rdba asset
protections and freezing and minting and burning that we have for um the fun standard uh all possible now in this
world and that unlocks uh a massive number of use cases and we're starting to work with some of those Partners on
interesting things to think about how do we use this technology across the space and it's you know I I know everyone
talks about you know billions of users coming on chain um we've talked about before there are five billion internet users out there and we want to see every
one of them using our technology um this is a big step forward towards that for
sure hey Avery it's Brent here um so Sneezy and usually start off their
episode with um a big introduction and why you need to use Petra wallet um go get go get yourself a Petra wallet um so
we got some Avid Petra wallet users in here and I think I think it was you that tweeted and I I replied to it or or
retweeted it um how exciting it was to see at Peak TPS you know in the in the 6
to 12,000 TPS range um times in petol wallet that were ridiculously low um I
think that that that blew a lot of people away and uh would love to hear just a little tiny bit about everything
that uh because for the past couple months a lot of teams have been working on that um everything that kind of like had to come together for that amount of
TPS over such a short uh well uh and a user is still seeing that that really
short transaction time and and keeping the gas fees low yeah definitely Bron thanks for bringing that up first of all
just shout out to Petra which is a damn good wallet out there uh but I think he
brought the most important point which is that we've seen other networks you know try to perform at at their peaks
and when they do it it causes a pretty degraded experience for not only that application but for other apps that
operating the system and so for us to be able to show like hey Taps is is is
having a great time like you know putting out thousands of transactions per second and yet that doesn't disrupt
your experience on Petra to send your nfts from from bent to Avery you A.T if you want to send me any nfts just no no
kidding no pressure um but you know that's not a problem sending coins around is not a problem uh there's no
changes in gas fees there's no changes in success rates which are continue to be high and uh and seeing that really
shows people that this is a blockchain that's capable of Internet you know grade capabilities you can run a whole
set of applications on it it can power uh a whole bunch of things like a Visa type payment Network as well as
supporting uh a deepen a deepen uh uh application or an nft Marketplace uh and
all of those at the same time and so I think that is a really big change as well for the we think about web 3 and Industry in general and super exciting
this moment is something hopefully we all
remember I don't think anybody's going to forget where they were August 19th yeah this is G be really exciting
uh again just kind of going back you know a little bit takes me back uh with with Greg and others here you know thinking a lot about our times in DM and
getting close to shipping and launching and um you know this is this is kind of a big part of that dream realized and so
it's it's something that does you know got me really excited this morning um I'm sure got a lot of teammates excited and this
is also the beginning in many ways right there'll be other Stables that will be coming to abos in different parts of the world and this this ability for us to
transact globally with different kinds of currencies and be able to interoperate with those currencies in different parts of the world is is the
future of of the internet and you know we're excited to be a big part of that and build out infrastructure that
supports this at scale yeah we go to
hand well um today is yeah super exciting and uh for that many years of
hard work to go um out into the wild and you know dreams that come to fruition um
very cool to invite Avery to a space where he can come and chill and then playing some pump up music uh Avery I
would like to know if you are still calm um as you're talking about one of the coolest things that you've been working
on uh well Brent what gets me excited also seeing your beautiful face every day when I walk into the office Brent is
the first first person in our office folks um he comes in I think about 4:30 or 5:30 in the morning uh it's it's
insane uh true dedication and he's always got a great smile there to welcome every one of us um but yeah
today's a little special just because we have finally been kind of announce we' working for some period of time and it's
yeah it's it's something that you know again is is really exciting but it's also the beginning and uh I think hopefully this is a big unlock for us to
to go through L do going forward in the future oh that's amazing I do have a question for you but I did want to
cherry pick a little bit on something you were talking about about the the web speed blockchain and visa and payments
and just the use cases and think that's one of the most exciting things is this is a culmination
of so much work and effort for you guys to bring this to the chain and you alluded to it earlier is now the fund
starts now it's working with the builders here and now that it's here how are we going to build it
out yeah it's going to be you lot of you guys honestly right I I think you know we this guy but the guys in the audience
yes yeah the guys in the audience absolutely there's a ton of people here um you know we we see friends from different ecosystems as well love that
if you guys want to come up in chat we love to chat with you as well um you know we're infrastructure uh we're
decentralized infrastructure that can support the needs of a growing internet and our our job is keep pushing out uh
ground breaking technology that allows people to build out what they want to and uh as we see payments and we see the
new economy starting to accelerate uh it's going to be a whole slew of things and the defi space is going to accelerate we're going see trafi
accelerating we're see robot assets on chain coming forward and as I mentioned I think being able to support payments
in a variety of different industries from you know social uh to gaming uh to
Commerce and uh advertising and others uh this is the underpinning of a lot of
economies and we think that this is going to be something that you know a first of many announcements to come but one that is obviously huge just given
the impact of USD it's a Lar stable point out there uh by far probably larg than all Stables combined and so we're
really excited to work together with with the other team and uh and and drive Mass adoption
here yo super bullish super freaking bullish yeah that was okay I got to get
to my question before I go to Brun hand though um and you were talking about it bringing trafi in
how massive is getting native stable to the effectiveness of something like app
toses in which is something that you guys have already put out with the kyc
layer oh it's it's it's huge it can't be overstated I think apas Ascend is the idea that we can support
different kinds of financial applications including money movement including um kind of almost like networks on top of networks for
different kinds of entities countries and others that want to experiment with how do they think the money should move across different payments and users
throughout the world and having a native stable uh that is the most popular used out there is a big step four for that
project in general um and you know furthermore I'd say you know just being able to support you know the largest
Enterprise players in that space are looking at fees very carefully looking at the latency and looking at the
scalability of this to their use cases and being able to see that appas can support all three very easily and it's
kind of the world class leader in those spaces uh gives them a lot of confidence that this is not something that's a future dream or something that will come
in five years it is something that can be done to today on a public network
with an actual very well-used stable that is doing well well and that's kind
of it is you're not you're not proving use of or uh proof of concept you're proving that it works in
real time and is ready to go exactly that's the pitch a lot of
places is theoretically will be able to do this 100% move pass testet in some
essence yeah I mean I think you know everything starts with theory of course right like we start off with a theory we thought
start off then taking that theory and trying to turn to practice through different kinds of experimentation we might publish a paper um and as it gets
closer we'll start to try out purchases of the software with valuator operators and what we call a preview net but the
proof is really in the pudding when it comes to mainnet and when you can show in mainnet that you have these capabilities of throughput of
scalability of low cost um and low latency and then of course having the
ability to show those staes are coming on board and it's going to be coming on soon that's I think when it really matters right that's when the r meets a
road you deliver on your promises and unfortunately a lot of our industry is still in the early phases right of the
kind of theoretical stage maybe more experiment experimental experimental phase and you know we've got to get
closer to like what you know the reality crypto's been around for 15 years we've got to get to the point of which we can
see that kind of utility and adoption happening across the board and it starts with much better infrastructure I mean do you think with
the current advancements today this is is uh crucial for Bridging the Gap between the block like basically
blockchain Tech and mainstream user adoption that's a great question so I think the average website loads up like
high performing website loads about 2.5 seconds and be able to see like your transaction finished in say 100
milliseconds or or under a second let's say is going to be you know faster than that that you know most of the web web
objects there and that that's a big deal right so that means that if I build a website a chunk of it can be powered by
blockchain based backend and that is a huge huge you know change in our
inflection point for us as an industry going forward so I I think from website
perspective again from the inter perspective you have five billion users who can start to see websites and their
mobile apps and other things start to integrate the blockchain technology and things that are most important to users
whether it's going to be payments uh it's going to be um some kind of data provenance or it's going to be
permissions on chain to control uh my user data all that can kind of be part of the same experience as as a native
you know usage for the internet and um support a much stronger user driven
world of immutable ledgers yeah and I feel like honestly building in web 3 historically up into a
certain point uh maybe this point in particular as is uh web 3 infra or uh
backend would be only something of a dream and you'd have to build accordingly to that kind of idea right
um so I guess where we're going in the future could mean that your back end could be entirely by a smart contract um
and that's no longer Theory which I think a lot of Builders historically have again abstracted away the web three
layer due to the complexities that come from the ux trade-off basically right and now we're kind of meeting it and
surpassing it 100% I mean you can kind of think of this you know when Bitcoin kind of came about it was a it was a
payments infrastructure ethereum added a smart contracts platform for it and what we've been trying to do at AB TOS is
trying to build out more more easier use for developers and for users to get on board a web 3 whether there's going be
Technologies like TS um or even supporting um you know things like no code indexing um there's a lot
to do still here to improve the developer experience and user experience uh but you know definitely cost has been
a blocker latency has been a blocker and scalability has been a blocker but I think these things are no no longer a blocker for the the most interesting and
scalable web apps in the world as an example you know Facebook generates like four billion pieces of content a day at
least it did a couple years ago and being able to add you know verification proofs of all that on chain would have
been a dream before but that's that's pretty much um possible today uh and you know these largest inter applications in
the world whether it's Facebook or Amazon or or Google and others can start to see the Promise now where the fees are low enough actually where it might
be comparable in Cloud infrastructure or even cheaper in some cases um and as we
start to see you know pick and choose the things that are bringing the most utility and value to customers we'll see some of those things start to transition
in the largest use cases in the world and we're super excited about all that of course dang let's freaking go yeah
exactly um it's we're yeah that's super exciting I guess you know you it's been
mentioned I think before where it's you know trying it's gotdamn you know app has the ambition to become like the web
3 equivalent of cloud computing um so it seems like we're well on our way to becoming uh this becoming a reality I
guess you know from what you just mentioned and what we've achieved so far apas has achieved so far up to this
point um what are some of the other infrastructure challenges that like kind of have to be hit on or addressed to
continue pushing down this path in the future I guess now that you've we kind of like hit C some of the Milestones I guess some of the huge Milestones
absolutely I mean I think the other thing is our team is uh super ambitious and they want to keep pushing boundaries
all the time I mean just you know set the record or whatever or being five times or six times larger than the last transaction record is not enough and um
thinking about what does 10x growth or 100x growth look like from here I think one of the things that is a bit underestimated that we are trying to
work a lot work really hard on is the indexing challenges in the space you know when you have didon chain it's great it's committed is something that
people can go look up but when you run a website or run a mobile app you might need the data reorganized in a different
way you might need extractions and derivations of that data as well and so being able to provide inting solutions
that can keep up with 10,000 50,000 100,000 transactions a second uh are are
not obviously easy solutions out there we've been spending a lot of time trying to build out the infrastructure that allows people to build up those apps uh
and think about how they want to organize their data in a way that makes sense uh for their portion of the world uh whether they're watching
or watching user accounts that transact on their site um there's a lot of really really hard challenges there and I think
you only kind of hit them once you've uh exceeded these Mass massive limits on the blockchain side and you realize wow
I've got a lot of work to do on indexing to make sure that we can support these these things that have already Amplified
so let me give you an example if I do a you know a payment from from me you Sneezy uh of just one ABT you know it's
a simple transaction for the blockchain it might be five 10 transactions for an
indexer to go ahead and reorganize that data into five or 10 different tables um some of those may be complex
tables and so if I'm doing 100,000 transactions on the blockchain I might be doing half a million or a million
transactions uh per second on the indexing side so this is actually a very hard problem to solve uh one that web 2
has actually spent a lot of time working on through things like um kind of Google's um big query and other other
infrastructures out there but there's a lot of work to do to kind of make it support blockchains very efficiently especially at very low latency so users
can can continue to use this infrastructure to build out amazing apps at scale oh my gosh let's freaking
go that is so so amazing to hear it possible that everybody on the technical
side of abos is able to explain this crazy high level [ __ ] in a way that I can understand it and make sense of it
and be blown away by it like that's that's a kudos to you that's a kudos to Greg Zack TOS like the
whole team you guys you guys to be super smart it's another
thing for you to be able to be super smart and engage someone like me who does not have
a high technical capacity all first of all don't sell yourself short sir um but I think the
other thing is that at the end of the day we're just all humans right we're all trying to build something that we believe is ultimately very beneficial to
society and I think one of the coolest things about this space is its ability to get software engine is very close to
end users uh and to allow us to understand you know what they're looking for what matters to them uh and also the
same thing with developers We're working directly with those teams and with those people and uh it it forces us to really
make sure we can uh you know talk about what we're trying to achieve here we're trying to build a decentralized public
utility that everyone can use that everyone can participate in no matter where you're from no matter where you live no matter what you do it should be
cheap enough for everybody to transact on it should be something that everyone can use and um you know it's not easy
and it's going to take time but we are working as fast as we can to make that future real reality
today yo there's your clip betray you for YouTube that might be the most bullish [ __ ] I've ever
heard like let's go let's
go uh we got to go Pecker's arm is GNA fall no okay hold on bren's got his hand back up he had his hand up way way back
so we're gonna go Brent pecker a person well first of all I think I think
Pecker's hand is the fake one right yeah oh my goodness we're still going to you got you got tricked in the big nous
you're nervous we're still going hey so I've heard I've heard um Avery mentioned twice like the impact of Builders and
and developers and Sneezy I heard you try to sell yourself short um so I'm up here to this is your out time out time
out I I have my strengths they're not on the technical side though oh dude I think I think you are so tuned
into the ecosystem like you're going to you're going to Aptos experience because you're you're so tuned in and you are
guiding that building process and at Tru um you are you are working on building some really cool stuff um I hope you at
tray can you give Avery your elevator pitch um or is this is this putting you on the spot too
much maybe tonight yo I just want okay wait okay
I'll leave it at I'll leave it at it was one of the cooler it was one of the the cooler things I've seen on apos saory um
with amazing potential and a builder that is using many aspects of what the blockchain provides um the you know you
I'll name a few that are not specifically related to a tray wink wink a tray wink wink um but you know your
your keyless your Randomness um High uh TPS all of that together um and and a
trade is working on something very cool so um that's my shield of a trade you just for minut who bro cracker does have his hand up now look at that he's
highing five himself raising the roof thanks Brent love you bro yeah I mean
we'll leave it there we gota hear this pitch sometime man we gotta hear this pitch sometime okay all right sometime
for sure person over you don't do it if you don't do it I'm gonna do it for you and
you don't want me doing it for you no he can he can he can he doesn't
have to do it on the spot though but yeah oh I absolutely am open to giving the pitch but right now this is not
maybe the moment for the pitch as I I love you guys so very much um but Brent
you hit the nail the head on a bunch of the things and and uh Avery I absolutely
would love to show you demo do all the things so you can get some eyes on it
and that this is why they call it Alpha after dark that's actually the new name of the show is Alpha after after dark so
Brent dropping the alpha and I'm all here for it let's go a person before your arm falls off jeez
no good I just wanted to say uh this is what makes me bullish on atos is this
exactly uh the connections uh between all levels of of the chain right um it's
beautiful to me just to see a space where everybody can come together ask questions and meet each other like we are the most important part the tech is
awesome it's beautiful it's amazing they're awesome it's beautiful it's amazing but being part of this makes me
feel like super special uh super early uh I was on another chain for quite a while uh and just there's no place that
feels like AB TOS at all out there the people are so amazing the connections are so easily attainable for everybody
um a lot of people put a lot of effort out just to put the effort out uh and so I think it's awesome I just wanted to to
say uh thank you for coming and hanging out with us uh it really means a lot more uh than probably anybody will say
uh but it's super cool to see that people actually care about the stuff that we work uh day in and day out on
it's is really awesome so I just wanted to say thank you very much for uh coming hanging out everybody uh but especially
you Avery uh it's just uh it's it's amazing man so thank you very much oh it's totally my pleasure man I
I'm I enjoy these moments I enjoy spending time with y'all I mean I may look like I just am a super nerd and I
want to sit in my desk all day and do design docs and talk with the team about all the hard challenges but this is what
motivates everyone in our team and just be able to work with you you all and see what you're building and support you as
best as we can and uh continue to push up from the infrastructure side what we think are hopefully things that are
useful to you and also taking your feedback that's that's what gets us pumped and excited and to ready to start the day every
morning okay so I have to ask I mean there was a fun thought experiment Avery
I'm just gonna throw it in here wait oh wait oh my gosh there's hands there's more hands Greg Greg's hand sorry oh man
I was about to just take that and run with it but Greg over to you and then uh and then broer actually does have his hand up this time and then also Tapas is
up here let's go okay yeah you know I'm always glad to wake up every morning and start on a
Twitter space with you guys or end my day with Twitter space of you guys I just wanted to say shout out to all the
people especially thanks for chatting a person I'm waiting for your rings um
maybe I'll buy one and ship it to Avery too and make sure he gets one and like force him to wear it hopefully his wife
doesn't get angry um and then September 5th I do want a shout out also to all
the people listening I'm glad you guys come here to go and listen to all these guys chatter on on and on um do if you
do have technical questions I'm GNA give a shout out to check out offs next week on uh Monday we've been doing it every
week this month so please check it out and I think we have some probably more
spaces coming up soon so hopefully that should be exciting and now I'll send it back to you guys to go and uh make sure
broke pecker doesn't break both his hands okay well hold on hold on I got to give you a shout out because it's absolutely been awesome having office
hours back I can't usually come up and talk but that's also just a place I like
to go and listen to you guys talk because I'm just going to derail your conversations but amazing conversations
and you're doing real work connecting Grassroots with the community and helping people with real questions but
people who are also trying to build and if you're not doing stuff like that
not not that it's not going to happen because that's [ __ ] it's very easy to connect and get the help here but you just make it that much easier for
everybody yeah and it makes it a lot easier you know what it grounds me whenever you're on ask me about
something and I have to explain it like I'm five uh that really makes sure that I actually know how to explain what I'm
talking about instead of just spewing a bunch of technical terms and confusing the hell out of
everyone yo explaining like your five is that more for me or is that for Sneezy
for you too Brent one the Reas answer is yes it's
for everybody yo I last night was last night for me I I heard you trying to explain
like a three yeah I did go pretty
low wait oh wait can I can I go now
yeah yo what up Avery thanks for coming in y shout out to everybody that's here
um yo I have a question Avery like um I guess most of the people in this space right now are like nft Maxis and like
there's a clear um Vision when it comes to like defy and like the um you know
with the way the abos team is moving making connections and it's pretty clear that you guys are trying to tackle like
um trafi and that's where a lot of like people are like I guess building on um
the vision like the road map is pretty clear but when it comes to nft it's pretty like fake and people are just
building like things that they can come up with and I think that's a pretty good like um I guess way to go but my
question is like what's like the appas when it comes to nft like where would nft play like in the future for the
appos blockchain first of all U I appreciate you being ft Max OS I it's a very very
cool space if you look deep into it there's a lot of really neat things going on there um I would say there's
there's a lot here right so even thinking about usdt and how that hopefully can help stimulate the nft
market by providing better channels of payments liquidity um interesting contracts in the future uh around
auctions and things like that we're working on some cool stuff don't want to get away too much Alpha but I think there'll be some interesting uh things
in that space uh I think that's a that's one area that we're really excited about and nfts just generally like you've seen
what town square has done with composable nfts we've been pushing standards out there in that space also thinking about how nfts can be used for
different use cases in AI or for even mediate entertainment use cases um think
about our Partnerships with NBC Universal and uh areas we might push there um as well as other things like
loyalty programs in South Korea that we've been working with a lot of the large conglomerates along with uh there's a lot to do there and it's a
space that we continue to invest in it may not be as obvious um but definitely through our use of cnfs uh CNF cnfs the
the the corporat that we're working with to drive different specific use cases in that area and then also the vertical I mentioned it's something that is really
important to us and we'll continue to push it as best as we can with your help of
course yeah sounds yeah I'm pretty excited with a lot of things that's going on with app like a lot of new new
stuff coming out with the NF space and yo I see the no she down there yo um Troy's backman got to get
him okay not not now talk about that
later oh my gosh we got some serious Legends up here though holy cow seriously I'm
like the hands that we have to get to like insane um and tapos then juel then
JC what's going on tapos thank you for the
TPS yeah hi guys super happy to be here and thank you everyone for supporting tapos for our last launch and we are
super excited that uh tapos is the first fully onchain game uh which present the
next re Revolutions of game on blockchain uh previously if you guys have heard of crypto Kitty and basically
the vision it bringing game to the to to blockchain but crypto Kitt is the idea
was ahead of its time and it was INF feasible due to ethum high gas speed and transaction DeLay So when it come to
like I mean the the advanced technology of atas tapos were able to Leverage The
the Technologies and Del like seamless experience for users we were able to bring up like I mean on about like 20K
plus user in just 3 days handle million of transaction generate like half a billion of transactions within three
days and sustain like 5K tps4 hours and at the pick it was I think around like
12K TPS and The Gas We is super cheap it's like
0.005 so in my mind toos the cat basically embodies the new era of
blockchain gaming with a lot of efficiency and scalability and apps is
the only chain that it possible to deliver the game man it's so great to meet you and
talk to you Tapas folks I've only talked with you on Twitter but uh very good to hear your voices and you guys have
accomplished some incredible incredible achievements that are just uh blowing away standards and Records across the
space uh these aren't simple transactions either they they're complex transactions that require access to global State when you count together um
no other blockchain can do this the way you know you guys have done it and uh kudos to your team for sure yeah thank
you it's amazing to see like our name like actually show up on all the different graph so like whenever you see
the pick like a daily transaction and it have like the the toos name right next to it so it was really exciting to see
it I am only fusted about one thing which is that I could not get high off the leaderboard there's some people that clearly are kicking my butt and tap us
cat and I I'm going to do better next game I'm I'm I'm I'm resolved to really really put in more effort to tap uh to
try to to get better here so I we got have another round toos please yeah I'm with Avery yeah
definitely with Avery yeah for sure we welcome everyone to join and supporting
toos and can wait to announce more exciting in the future let's go thank you so much for
coming up absolutely legendary uh showing the feasibilities and what's going on and the possibilities of
launching gaming it is incredibly exciting yeah and just to Echo Avery just straight
congratulations like yeah like your app is responsible
for the bulk of the transactions that have been breaking all those records like truly
impressive yeah thank you and and sorry anyone like for like getting like a lot of transaction about tapos and I heard a
lot from our partners that when they go to explore all they see tapos transaction so it would it's really hard
for them to navigate but it it TR show the ability of how tap tapos and app
work together and bring them bring on more onchain fully onchain games to
blockchain oh I that gave me such story not Sor Vibes and I'm so here for it so
excited this is like this is it let's go okay we we're gonna go actually I was
GNA say we'll go to juel they have some big news but so do JC in Town Square so let's go to juules hand and then we'll
go to JC and again welcome to aose Alpha after
dark GM GM all uh pey hi every hi Greg
lot of familiar pces ah i' I've been trying to on this space uh like since a
long time and I guess what a day to be here the day when we are live on our
main net and finally making it to this appos after dark because Sneezy used to
send me uh the invite and then the reminder for each I guess each week or
something and and I used to like kind of M the time time was not used to be like
perfect for me at that time but yeah anyways uh let's start as you all guys
know I I will I will shamelessly like plug in myself because we are finally live on me in it after eight eight
months of hard work development uh from my G team uh like couldn't be like
thankful enough to each and every person and again for development what you need is a a Kash Tech uh to to for that Kash
Tech you need a Kash document I'll give a huge shout out to that documentation as like Greg is also here and entire
team at atos Labs uh what what we like we we have been shipping uh in tet we
got some crazy
juel I is it me Sneezy no I think we lost them yeah unfort tracking same but
man those guys are kicking some butt and uh yeah it's eight months of till launch uh very exciting product if you want
should check it out for sure into the top let's go huge day for
uh going live as well that's that's exciting it's all heck so congratulations to the juel team get to Main net um so excited for you guys to
get over the get over into into it I'm sure everyone's feeling uh electric
today CRA day what what a freaking good day holy cow yeah how how pump do you
think they were today wake up and see the usdt
announcement AR let's go let's
go let's go what's going on JC did you have anything going on today how was your
day oh today was amazing starting off from from from the morning it was um
because we are I think we're all on like in North American time zones right so um the cool sloth me happened this morning
and like it was I would say just from our experience like I've Meed like a lot
of nfts on abs and this time we were very concerned before the me that
because a lot of people have like dozens of of whitelist slots and they would have to uh to Mint all those slots they
would have to like send dozens of transactions but I think what this this mint really showed uh earlier today was
that the throughput and the design of rapos blockchain really can handle a consumer grades mint experiences um like
for for people you know that had a lot of wheless slots they were able to Mint like 40 nfts in a single transaction and
the gas fee you know in that of that trans was still would still be below like
0.00001 um USD USD wor uh like
equivalent worth of like usdc right so so the mint experience was extremely uh was extremely good for a lot of the
users we received like zero complaints like there was no user complain to us like the Min experience was bad from a
throughput scalability or performance standpoint um the only complaints that we had was uh people had too many like
Wireless slots but you know from from that angle that's a good complaint uh meaning that
people a lot of people were able to pretty much me all of their um SLO within like two transactions right so
that's super super um like good nft experience and creater facing like
aspect feature of the appos blockchain right so and and not only like you know
um are we doing Innovations in the nft space like with cnft uh based on abos
objects but So like um um many of you may have experienced the uh various like
transaction features on the Town Square app as well um like s definitely has tried multiple times and has dm' me
multiple times like how he has received tips from other users on the transcare app and how he was also he has also sent
tips to other users uh like just and and the transaction of each um the gas cost
of each transaction like being super low so I think when it comes to the consumer side of uh the use cases on performance
blockchains like Aptos um these use cases are just like not going to be possible go on on a regular evm chain
right so um and this definitely gives developers and project teams more
flexibility and freedom to um to provide web to grade consumer grade experiences
um I think you know just on the Creator side once you open up the use case of tipping there's a lot more applications
that you can build and you know once you you um once you open up the um option to
do like badge minting like 40 even 100 nfts in a single transaction um for the
mint then you open up like a mass adoption use cases like ticketing like you know uh like like token issuances
Etc right so I think once you get to this um once you get to this like modular uh parallel um infrastructure
there's a lot more uh Freedom that you get as a developer as a product team um
and like something we will um gradually do that is already under way is Town
Square um application will um will will start like uh we start uh full we start
its journey of full decentralization meaning that there are still parts of the parts of the app uh that are
offchain but you know going forward there will be more more more and more prodcts that will be on chain uh
starting off with the um profile uh with the user profile right so um currently
if you are on credit uh your profile is still offchain but very soon you'll be able to Mint your onchain profile on the
appos blockchain and at a very very low gas cost right and then soon after that
you'll be able to have your onchain your like onchain connections your front connections uh on the blockchain as well
stored as a piece of metadata uh in your uh in your profile in your on profile so
um the flexibility of of having the low gas cost and also a scalable
infrastructure um enables use cases like this so even if we have like more
components of an application on chain uh you know we can still avoid uh like a
deg degradation on the user experience and that's simply not possible on the regular evm blockchains or um even on
some like some non evm blockchain right um so yeah um but today has been a super
good day um there has been like like what when when people were uh like claiming air drops on salon for example
like they were complaining about like transaction fail multiple times before before they able to claim and today we
sort of just you know were able to handle like 40 minutes in a single transaction on laps so when you sort of
jizze the user experience available on like blockchains like salana versus like
appts this is already impressive and astonishing enough so I think um going
down in the next quarter and going forward into 2025 uh you know the payment use cases on appos with usdc and
potentially other stoc coins and um and just you know uh adoption great use cases IRL I think these will drive the
ecosystem narrative and um we we're definitely actively seeking more
Partners to uh to to leverage these use cases uh uh as well to like I think
payments there's like you cannot at TW at tweeted earlier uh in in a post I said you cannot not get excited about
the possibility of payment use cases with USD and the scalability of the appos infrastructure right so um if you
if you guys remember like like the stats of the usage of usdt as a stable coin
mostly has been used to pay salaries like for three people like I remember when I was working at a market maker in
2021 90% of my company salaries were paid in usdt on the TR blockchain simply
because it was fast it was very low cost and um and members like we had like um
company colleagues based in Africa and they all loved using usdt on Tron so
like so like Tron sort of as a blockchain survived just based uh just
by being a very um scalable cheap option to handle uh to handle like usdc usdt
transactions right obviously Tron had very s issues um but then just imagine
um even cheaper more scalable versions and safer version than the Trump blockchain you know with USD I think the
you know the payment narrative the payment use cases here are simply unlimited um I can only imagine the
impact like usdt on appos will make in Emerging Markets like India Nigeria
southeast Asia Etc um I I think I think if executed well um USC in but just by
itself like as a payment uh as a payment um asset will be able to drive millions
of people uh to to to use blockchain to use web3 um like what I I think you know
a lot of people in the developed parts of the world didn't realize uh how big
uh like payment use case is but if you are someone in the Emerging Market in Africa in Southeast Asia in South Asia
um you really then to get to appreciate you know uh the freedom that um on chain stable coins can afford you with very
with with no government Central Bank limitation on how much of a foreign uh foreign exchange amount you you know
they the cap they place on on that annually on your bank account you know and there's no crossb um checks by by
the various Banks right so I think you know uh in terms of payment use cases this is really uh disruptive um yeah
obviously there's been talk about other blockchains using like stable coin uh stable coins as well uh but then I think
we really haven't seen anything as disruptive as what we saw today with the
news that's a lot JC but one question does this you know is this some Alpha that uh payments are coming to town
square uh tipping creators oh it's already on it's already
released as feature I've been making it rain on Town Square with not with USD yet but hope no okay coming soon
wow okay yeah no we all caught that at the same time well played
sir right so Aptos pay on Town Square the next we app the next we super
app is happening on it's happening at Town Square yeah for for context I'll
just share one thing you know at Facebook we definitely want to look at how people could tip um uh each other um
using something like a blockchain based method something that you can't support from a social media perspective because
you doing traditional rails is just it doesn't scale you can't have millions or blls of people that are receiving
payments um to a centralized entity uh this is something that crypto really enables and supports and it's really
amazing to see now that with this technology we can do that on things like Town Square and uh really excited to see
what happens you know maybe it means something like streaming payments are possible or subscriptions or other kinds of things new ways of compensating
creators as well as people who produce interesting content out there for others and so hope hopefully Town score and
others in that space can really start to innovate uh with functionality that's available to them
now thanks for the shout out Avery we'll keep grinding let's go we need Town
Square's Auditorium oh my gosh let's go huge day
JC thanks for coming up man this is super exciting and yeah and I'm also super happy to see like multiple
sloth on in the space here I see like four maybe there is more in the audience but yeah I'm I'm glad to see like uh the
sloth species gradually start to dribing in to the abos ecosystem we need to we
need to adopt this cool culture dude cool collected I think we're all just excited to be able to
play the game oh yeah how about that like we are
dude we we we just really wanted to have this very unique experience for um for
the uh for for the mters for the holders of the token obviously ay already seed
us with the idea yesterday you know but like like he really wanted he really
wanted to have like a sort of a game playable with Sloth and you know we are
already starting off with a g game for sloth ball holders now so so like you
you don't need to have sloth even to play the game you just need to have balls
forame thanks J for sharing that is one way to go yeah okay before Angel's arm
falls off what's up angel I miss you what's up angel hey can you guys hear me
yes yes sir excellent excellent no uh hey everyone uh first I wanted to say awesome work to sney and high TR and
doing these spaces over the last several months uh the uh consistency has paid off with all the guests you've had on uh
culminating in the high point today with Dr ay Chang as a guest of honor so well done um and then I wanted to say hello
to Avery um this is one of your Global Community managers Angel uh just wanted to say thank you for driving the industry forward when it comes to
technology and blockchain and I want to ask two brief questions um one um what are you most looking forward to when it
comes to the Ops experience that is coming in two weeks and uh next year will be 2025 surely a pivotal year for
blockchain and AI development uh what are you most looking forward to for appt in 2025 uh thank you very much Avery and
thank you sney and high trade oh good to hear from you buddy uh two good
questions abess experience if I drop any Alpha my marketing team is Gonna Come chop my head off in the middle night so
I'm not going to do that but I'll just say so to say the venue is dope the speakers are incredible uh and there
will be alha dropped for sure so definitely if you're in the area if you haven't registered come check it out I think we might be over over registered
but uh anyway try try and see what happens and if not you know reach out to your favorite abos folks and see what we can do to help you out um and the second
thing is just you know throughout the rest of 2024 I think we're going to be seeing you know the team like I said is very ambitious they're excited about
where they are today but they're not going to stop pushing we'll see new Milestones being hit in in latency in throughput in indexing uh support we're
going to see um a lot of new products coming to Market uh whether it's going to be things like Town Square adopting
uh payment rails with usdt uh we're going to see uh many different uh types of new applications being launched I
think in in both the Defi and the tri fight space so lots to come uh it and I
I think also you know we're kindy to push a bit more in AI you know AI has been overhyped to some degree it is
something that also uh has been you know misunderstood in the space um there are definitely some interesting efforts out
there that are going to um hopefully come to FR and uh start to help users
regain control over their data help them also start to see you know what's what's possible with respect to um verifiable
content and data lineage and uh um there's a lot to come right so so uh the
other thing I would add is for 2025 you know we're thinking about a very new paradigm uh for how we think
about smart contracts programming how we think about decentralized applications in general and I do not want to spill
off on that at all so I'm going to just hold on than thought and just say there's a lot to come keep an eye on our Twitter post keep an eye on what uh we
talk about and uh I couldn't be more pumped for what's coming next oh my gosh
wow you know how to leave a cliffhanger let's go that's wow
um okay I mean how do you even take the next part on that up um know what we didn't do was
the intro we should hit the reset as an
intro all right let's you ready let's do that all right
so if this is your first time here in uh welcome welcome to AAS after dark where we discuss us everything going on on
appas over the past week every week joined with amazing humans and individuals like Avery and everyone else
has joined us on today's uh episode 24 uh hosted by myself atrau and
Sneezy welcome that's what's up one thing you're not going to find here is any
Financial advice just a bunch of people hanging out cool people talking about cool things that we're all excited about
not Financial advice but if you do enjoy anything that we are talking about get a petrol wallet and get
involved you'll find pretty much everything you need to get going you can find apps sorted through defi through
nft you can go to the community events find out what mints are going on what games are being
dropped uh what spaces are happening just yeah one stop shopping so if you
want to get involved get a Petro wallet get going let's go and one selfless plug
for us I guess is uh please throw us a like And subscribe on YouTube if you are enjoying the content if you're
interested and curious about what's happening on appas uh we as mentioned are trying to report and share
everything that's happening and somehow getting this appas Alpha after dark nickname here so um stay tuned hang out
like subscribe share any content um soon Spotify let's go back to the show if we
yeah just quick quick aside oh yeah I know yeah if we were
gonna pull one up to start for Spotify this would probably be the one yeah maybe this is episode one of
Spotify you guys what do you guys think let's go well it's either gonna be this one or
the next one I love it I love
it all right room reset onwards and upwards I uh you know
I've been holding back this and I'm going to just bring it right back into maybe maybe not Theory I'm not really
sure here I'm G Pin something to the Top If it's okay um around a a thought experiment shared by um initially the
juel finance team but then uh quote retreated by you ay uh so maybe you know
you know the the the Tweet we'll just say is a a fun thought experiment for appas imagine the safety of the Apple
Store powered by signals from a decentralized community anyone can vote um on apps for a variety of dimensions
and their votes could be weighted by their address history reputation including installs optionally as a form
of voting Andor staking type protocols any user can select their level of risk they accept interpret the data to their
liking lots of possibilities voting powered by paralyzed paralyzed apas aggregator magic would easily scale to
everyone see Papas I uh I am super curious about just generally this entire
thought experiment here just as a maybe continuation or anything else you want to share around like the this this this
thought experiment here as it is pretty interesting and I don't I don't mean the double clicking this something but uh
just uh just just to see no this is a great question I love I love when our ecosystem like thinks of a cool idea so
kud squid and Jo Finance for thr something fun on the weekend and um some's also great for me to
procrastinate working on things I should be doing I'll jump on something else and uh share my raw thoughts and um it's
something that we you know we've actually talked about for a while I'm sure many of you are aware of a partnership with Jambo phone with
without toss and thinking through you know what what's interesting about the Apple Store and the Android stores that
are out there I think one of the biggest things about Apple Store that that it does well is its ability to help provide
a very safe experience for its users right there are very few um you know untrusted apps there U they do a good
job of kind of making sure that customers are well protected but I think that in a decentralized form we could do
as good if not a better job and give more control to users thinking about how um how things could be done right so if
if you the ability for different kinds of signals to be used about what is safe to use uh what you want to be interested
in and what your risk tolerance is as a user it would give you a lot more flexibility into kind of the different types of apps that that would be useful
for you and for your for someone else in your family could be different right and that's totally fine and then just
thinking about the out stack and some of the unique advantages of its ability to scale to billions of people to support
uh voting in a way that would be uh really great for prediction markets if someone wants to build something out there I think appos is probably the best
infrastructure for building out the next prediction Market um they can support everyone in the world uh I think that
that gets really really interesting and so so hopefully it gives people ideas and the ecosystem to start building fun stuff uh and uh I would love to see
hopefully some of new folks uh start to take an interest in this area and help us to uh break new ground in in the
industry heck yeah heck yeah where's when prediction markets
um I love that thanks thanks Avery for jumping into kind of a totally random
question um but yeah much appreciated as we open up what's possible here that you know I
think again provides the opportunity of a decentralized format and a unique use case that uh is now possible basically
at a scale that otherwise wouldn't be so it's really it is just curious and interesting yeah I toart thought
experiments for sure I love
it I love a good thought experiment and I love seeing what super smart people put for their
ideas sne I have a question for you actually I I may have not come to show enough but tell us a little bit about
maybe for those of you who don't know um a little bit about your name how did you come with Sneezy uh honestly random not even
something that like I carried with me before I created this Twitter account my old PlayStation handle was
jbz so I didn't want to go byy so I went
Sneezy and I figured whatever there's like the dwarfs and all that
stuff I don't know there really wasn't a whole lot of thought gone into it like I
started this account three years ago when I had bought my first nft on
crypto.com nfds and created it just to take part in
What that Community was doing in Twitter with spaces and just yeah that's kind of
the start end of my nft journey but I had no idea I was gonna find a and
become uh as active and in love with the Dane and the people on it as I was I may
I may have picked something different but here we are
three three years later I'm Sneezy no that's a good story man I I
love the name and uh if you're one of the dwarfs we got to meet the other six others and uh figure out who they are
well I'm hoping I'm hoping to bump into in in Soul I'm gonna be at the
experience I can't wait dude I I can't wait to go and take as many recordings
hopefully I can figure out how to get International roolling on my phone any time um but I would love to do some live
streams and stuff during some of the conversations like especially when Visa is going to be talking I was I've been
talking about how I'm excited for them to be talking speaking on apos and APS
move now that has a completely different context I'm like very very excited um
they've probably moved to the top of some of the speakers I'm excited to hear
um but yeah no like Arthur Hayes is going to be there I'm very excited there's been a lot of teasing about uh
how he feels the future of apas and what it's going to look like and I
think a lot of the space has talked about it but like institutional money coming into the space
and what that's going to mean for apos independently moving forward from some
of the Cycles yeah just bullish I forget where I was going oh I was go oh I know where
I was going I was going to say we haven't talked enough about nfds for me tonight and pecker was asking about use
cases and what cool things are going on in nfts and he shouted out to nohi but he didn't talk about what to noi's doing
uh with Sparks and nft lending coming to abs and being able to unlock in nfds
that you're holding and I see no she up here and I wonder if he would maybe like to share a word or two with
us thanks for the
talk yeah sorry I can I I can was Avery cutting out or was that just me no I was just encouraging you to know you to to
share share the love tell us what you're up to man yeah dude thanks for having me up here boys it's a it's a pleasure uh
super excited man I've never been more bullish on Aptos than I am today and it'll be the same way tomorrow I'll never be more excited tomorrow so um
yeah dude Aptos Maverick on Labs we're just cooking man we never plan on stopping uh we put a little thought into
the name Eon means forever um and so yeah we'll be here you know I'm young uh we just launched Sparks which is young
as well uh we're still learning we're not the most technical guys so you know we're learning you know there's curves and bumps but yeah we just plan on
getting better over time and and continuing to release things and continuing to take part and contribute to apos and it's there's nothing better
when you have some bright guys at the top you know and and so kind and and so welcoming so yeah man I'm just excited
to be here excited to build alongside all of you guys so yeah thanks for having me thanks man love love having you
hearing your voice and hearing what you're up to so thank you for that yeah know it's great to hear you
guys uh I'll see you again here soon Avery I'm sure whenever you guys get back to the States and start hosting some awesome things over here um but
yeah dude it's awesome to see you guys here talking about all of these amazing things super excited for the sloth super excited for to where uh just so much
amazing things building on abos well we don't stop I mean I think
uh today the the new node software is going out 118 uh new enum types consensus Observer going to see better
latency as if it wasn't fast enough but uh yeah man we keep pushing we keep
pushing you know uh you get you know everyone on appos we're always doing like frequent
version upgrades like with the this kind of like approach it really does I feel
like helps maintain a lot of innovation you guys keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible like you just mentioned
like it's not needed to be it's like not fast enough already but I guess you know for those that maybe um in traditional
software or anything like that I mean what what's your kind of take when it comes to building in this type of model
or framework that you know I think is pretty disruptive and also interesting and fun so yeah that's a that's a great
question I mean I think on one hand I know it does irritate our users and developers uh so I apologize for that we
keep changing things all the time but um you know we think of it as a kind of like a self gring database you know it
just keeps getting faster it keeps getting more functionality and it keeps getting more usable for everyone out there and so our goal is to keep giving
you the best tools in the space the best infrastructure out there to build out the most Innovative and creative and
most scalable apps to the world so that we can reach every single one of those five billion internet users uh and so
we're going to keep pushing that direction and there's just a lot of innovation left for us lot the team comes up with new ideas all the time we have absolute Geniuses
everywhere thinking of new crazy ideas that are going to really change the game for how people think about web 3 and you
know the great thing about them is also we start to roll these ideas out very incrementally and so it allows people to see these ideas kind of quickly from
come to FR in and understand and also get feedback from the community about what's useful what's not how should we change it how we can make it better for
you um and keep keep innovating towards your feedback uh and so whether it's lower gas fees or better functionality
in the move language or better support for the improver or lower latency if you guys keep wanting us to push on latency
even more uh we'll keep doing it and we'll keep making a better uh experience for everyone amazing I mean we got to
progress from the Ferrari to um I think the rocket next I'm pretty sure that's the next uh it seems like where you guys
are trying to go so yeah yeah I like that so the Ferrari will start to you know start to get some wings eventually
it'll start to get some rockets on there and you know one day it won't look like a Ferrari anymore it'll just be a rocket
ship taking off to Mars and uh that will be that will be the way the journey happens and it won't just transform all
at once but it'll be pieces at a time so you can see those improvements you can see the direction we're heading in and we can get that feedback to make sure
we're building the right rocket ship for everyone it is really cool to see the governance side of things and how open
everyone is and how aips are continuously moving forward and the the the public forum that is offered there for anyone to contribute see participate
provide feedbacks um it's very cool to see that you're continuously building publicly as you mentioned as a public
good um for everybody uh and I mean that's says a lot uh some essence of the
the team the ethos and um the steps that you're as a team taking to progress
forward which is great because it it isn't I don't think uh that was a choice if I had to guess right um to do a lot
of what everyone's doing here so that's a great thing for everyone to I think see at least that's not within the team
itself 100% 100% I mean you can't build a public utility uh for everyone if it's
not something that everyone can participate in um give their feedback uh build on their own uh and also going to
see that progress happening all the way from inception of an idea to production and deployment into a network it's just
not possible so a great call out it's something that we intentionally do it does take a little bit more work sometimes but we feel you know very well
worth it uh to help people understand uh where the Network's headed and how they can
participate pinning that the top for anyone that does want to uh view visit
particip I wanted to do a quick uh shout out since you said about participating make sure everyone does keep in mind
that they can participate in the uh voting either by delegating the vote to
somebody else or voting directly through their Stakes tokens on uh I think it's
gov scan is the one um additionally if you do have ideas and things that you
want to put in the AIP process is fully open um we already have a couple community aips that were proposed
including one by uh JC down there himself for the sloths as well as I
believe Alex Mia has one coming up soon so please everyone we want everyone to
be involved we want all the feedback and also all the input from everyone in the
community so absolutely by the way I want to I want to send some Kudos up the
chain of command to Avery um Avery in case you don't know like
Greg and David they're one of the more most like uh Community friendly Engineers adapts I I think we definitely
need more more people like them to be more community community engaged um I
think you know just learning from the success stories of the great um ecosystems that have um that have
existed before apps like these are the kind of people that really push not just the tchack of the blockchain forward but
the um you know the the availability of developer tools on the community level
forward yes sir yes sir praise noted uh these are exceptional folks and we are
very proud to have them on our team uh hopefully they can train more folks uh on the team to be able to uh recreate a
lot of their success uh to larger sets of ecosystem projects for sure yeah just to add on the what Greg
was saying I got to plug Petro wallet for making it super easy to be able to take part in the
votes again get AET wallet if you're interested in anything we're talking about get a Petra wallet super easy to
keep track of everything going on yeah Brent from Petra wal is doing amazing for the community as well he has given
us very helpful advice on how to deal with Apple uh Apple's App Store review
team oh my God that was a pain in the in the neck one day one day
sir uh you said it I was thinking usually it's the other way
around now brend is great and the Petra team of
course builds a very high quality product so kudos to them so thanks for that call out
again what a you know I I easily could ask like at least a few more questions
but I also don't want to Pepper Avery too much here with all these questions so let's I don't know um do we want to
can I ask a gaming question Avery I I'm open for any questions anything yes okay
let's go um you know with tapos with other games consistently like basically
JC just came up he's and the game that he's building with Town Square and with the sloth like it's it's awesome to see
the interest and the growing interest of gaming now um pushing harder and faster
than um and moving faster than ever before I I guess I am curious on um any
type of considerations or thoughts or unique features that um you may see
being offered when it comes to the game development or game de Game Dev side of the house um moving forward I guess as
this uh becomes more and more of a consideration especially on chain gaming and what now we've proven I think the
concept is now showing clearly uh that you know that what what can be done so I am curious yeah great question um I I
think we've seen almost two forms of or maybe two or three forms of gaming on the last couple years so one thing is
for sure web two games are taking interest in web three elements I think we've seen that with a couple different games there are native web 3 games being
built out like super villains um there are kind of more like web 3 you know uh you know kind of quick uh hyper hyper
casual games like tapos cat and all of these areas are kind of developing very rapidly one thing that we we have is you
know couple a couple technologies that we're excited about one of course is Randomness you know almost every game has an element of Randomness to it and
being a to prove that that Randomness element is verifiably random especially in things you think more about kind of
casinos or other kind of more chance based games it it is just very adds a new dimension to the trust of trust and
verif verifiability of such a such a game on the internet especially when you don't know the other parties and counter parties on the other side so that's one
thing um the other thing is to see like now that the fees are low enough and that the transaction rates are high enough the kind of true Vision I think
of gaming on web 3 is not just to be a single game on chain is to be having these tokens that are interoperable
cross games and another way to think about that could be even Sables you know as being one of those interoperable tokens usdt being used in all the games
and being able to use that us balance across different games is a is a value add for users right not having to go into different ecosystems with different
types of tokens different payment methods but being able to use the same payment methods for all the games I think is a huge value ad for users as
well um we've also had great success with some of our partners out in different part places of the world like India with Ken so lots in this space are
really really exciting to us and I think a lot of this UCT announcement is going to Hopey hopefully hyper accelerate the
adoption of of gaming as an industry and also interop interrup ability layer for blockchain in
general so freaking bullish on the interruptable aspect and what's possible spot on Amazing um amazing yeah thank
you for sharing some of that and and where where we can be going in the future or actually wait right now I'm
sorry uh that's
awesome Sneezy any uh any further additional thoughts here or uh questions
I I don't know how you feeling I think with with gaming I'm just ready for it to come I don't know enough about
building games I have no interest in building games I just can't wait for you guys to keep them coming and the stuff
that I use to kill time I will rock the hell out of it on chain go let's
go if you build more games build more
verticals of entertainment yeah I mean it's very it's very cool to see um what's what's happening today
what's possible in the very near future it's it's very awesome love to see it
um yeah me too I think the other thing I
want to say on that topic would be that we've traditionally thought of these as like verticals you have gaming you have social media you have media
entertainment um as well as finance and all these will sort to blend together more over time so gaming becomes you
know there there are kind of Min games in your media social media U app like what JC might be doing in town square
with our sloths um you see those payment rails being integrated as well to start to see some of these things being tied
to more traditional media whether you're visiting a theme park or you're thinking about um how do you know going into a
movie theater all these things will start to look very very blurred together and that's the real advantage of what
web through can do with the proper infrastructure so it's it's something that well we're see we're expecting to
emerge over time and we're we're excited about that uh and that hopefully will bring a lot of interesting user
opportunities and experiences that just weren't possible before it's such a good point I mean the fact that you can just carry what you
know um your for example I guess digital identity potentially being your your
wallet for example here um that that identity online is a whole different topic that I don't know if we want to
get into that rabbit hole but um we'll just say your wallet for Simplicity sake right now that you know you can potentially be playing a game and then
joining and getting maybe a discount on for example here on a a concert because you know you're partnered and you've
achieved something within a game or bringing the idea of an interoperable layer of not just like tokens but also
uh what you've done is um potentially all available on chain mail that can be again it's interoperable that is kind of
the definition in some Essence it's a some I guess some of the information stored on chain that can then be called
and used in a different part of a different application so um the idea of blending it together is kind of amazing
to hear and see where that could be going and very well could be happening currently let alone where it's going to
be in the future so yeah I love to hear it the idea of blending it together and
seeing what this may look like in the in the basically the near future or far future whatever it may be future is uh
also as exciting as a consumer um for like you're saying the opportunities that has for businesses STS apps games
whatever to again cross cross reference or yeah use interoperability and the power of the
chain um to to make things better for us as consumers so very exciting just to Echo and I
guess further illustrate what you I feel like saying there so awesome yeah I think in hopefully five
to 10 years or maybe shorter the way we think about the internet and the way we used it and the way we think about value transfer money movement will be
hopefully totally different than it is today and we want to be a big part of that obviously hey every what's up um uh I
just want to check like I mean like going slightly off topic right here um I just want to ask like what's the
foundation um stun on Meme coins or even like Community coins and you know with
the recent announcement from Justin son and his entire like sun pump thing I just want to know uh is there any ever
plans from the foundation to support Community coins or meme coins in
general oh great question I I can speak for the foundation that's a different organization I'm not sure if anyone here
is from the foundation that can answer that question but I will give a plug to uptas uh
because they've got a cool uh mecoin applications you should check it out for sure um I think it's up but pump. XYZ
something like that it's a really great idea for a product that looks even better than the original in my mind it is super smooth it is very functional it
is a lot of fun um so I can definitely share that part but uh in terms of getting actual Foundation feedback I
don't know if there's anyone here that can answer that question
I I pinned it to the top I've you know I've really enjoyed partaking in the
apps nfts I haven't partaken really in any
meme culture outside of like when I got into crypto I got Shiva enu I'm glad that mcoins are on atas
because they're fun yes there are some fun ones for sure
uh obviously like we said NFA their mean coins do your own research as
much as you can don't put anything in you you're not willing to lose but it's fun and I think
we're quickly seeing a culture building around
it it's a great social experiment for sure uh to see how people think about building Community Building utility and
thinking about how so um you know people value that which is really cool
this is totally kind of random but what do you what do you hope to see I guess in
the next year as far as uh building uh from Builders of the community I mean
you kind of mentioned a predictions Market as like a something that is a natural sh in for R house any other kind
of things that you're just like top of mind that you're just like this seems It's like something that would fit be fitting or you're you're you know
hopefully Wishing Upon uh Avery that you would be open the sharing or uh maybe
not it's just more so let you see what continues the populate aips or anything like that I'd be super curious to hear
aside from uh any anything you'd be able to sharing if possible just for any builders that are curious out there looking to build any type of daps or
anything that are that value add of course for sure I I think there's just so many things you couldn't do before
because we were limited by cost by scale by latency and as I mentioned now we have latency that's far below a website
page low we have scalability that supports the largest websites in the
world uh and we also have the ability to do things like you know support your log
with your Google account um through keyless and others so I I would say that there's you know couple things I'm
excited about are things like now we have us how do we think about things like streaming payments uh how does that
work in defi defi as well as dpin uh when you think about for AI infrastructure being able to pay people
directly for use of their hardware for a period of time and then being support that payment very very quickly with low
latency and high throughput uh could be really neat or thinking about even Creator career economies um in the
spaces of Social and others the own to pay those creators immediately for their content or think about different kinds
of payment methods that just again are not possible with web technology so we can actually drive forward innovation in the payment space all those things are
really really exciting um and we'll see even kind of other precursors of that through loyalty and other programs uh
that allow us to test that space even without Stables or other kind of more more P Bas solution so I think all those
are really exciting I love to see much more thought around Ai and how you know we see that lot of the data being
indexed and trained through large language models um you know there needs to be much more safeguards around it for
the consumers for the users who produce that content and also even for those when you think about it when you go to a Twitter website like this or space how
do I know Sneezy Sneezy right um being able to sign sign and produce kind of proof that you are you uh is probably
one of the only ways to verify your identity and being able to use that as an identity mechanism for different kinds of products at scale at you know
the billions of people around the world I think very important for us as well so I would love to see any application that
takes advantage of these kind of properties or these kind of examples I've given and really drive forward what
internet can't do uh and what it can do without TS hey Bri I have I have a like somewhat
technical question but more like a product oriented uh like side of things
so like um because I've died into um apos connect and atos keyless for quite a bit and um like like for for those of
us that are not aware of the stats like like a huge a majority portion of uh the transactions are actually these states
done through like heers or connect like through various apps like so people are actually using that a lot so this drove
my curiosity and I so did quite a bit of research on the various like social login wallets in various ecosystems and
you know what really intrigued me about Aptos connect is um keyless on abos is
not powered by like a NPC uh solution like multi- parted uh uh like solution
but rather powered by like open ID standard which I guess is like um like
has its roots in the in the web two world right so it's sort of powered by um open ID and um DK whereas the
equivalent Solutions like um social login Wallets on ethereum have traditionally use like multi multiparty
computation as a solution to uh to abstract the need for the user to manage the private key so like what the thought
process behind abos keyers like you know um just going about it from using a
totally different solution um like that's different from you know how these
various like NPC wallets uh have approached it like because that's a
fascinating different approach because appos didn't you know work with didn't like have a web 3 connected and have
like these um you know uh like traditionally evm uh dominant NPC
wallets to just you know directly support abos rather in abos slps build it on on your own and it and it works
very well right and the user experience is very well done so what was really what was sort of the thinking process
when you guys first started you know um studying the the approach and you know making the decisions great question I
think one of the key things we wanted to try to do was understand like how do we make this infrastructure easy for wallet providers to integrate and so if you
think of from that perspective being able to natively integrate with the chain and just plug into some infrastructure is kind of one of the
best things possible you can always Implement a pass key solution or a
keyless type solution through a wallet that has um kind of control over like a
a layer of abstraction above the blockchain uh and that has advantages too but we thought that you know being
able to plug that directly in is much easier for the wallet providers to maintain they don't have to kind of each wallet provider have to build this
themselves and that shared infrastructure on top of the blockchain natively is just a much better much more trusted experience um also much more
verifiable and auditable and all those fun things as well and so we thought that would be a cool way to experiment with it the same thing is true for Pas
keys if you want to use a pass key with atas there's the web and off verifiability directly built into the
blockchain you can do that um and again these things are all completely verifiable on chain without having to use third party providers so we thought
that would be a really neque technology and the other cool thing is you can kind of combine these Technologies together so if you want to combine it with n type
technology or other kind of security properties always possible to do you can even have in a situation where you have a keyless wallet also secured by your um
your your SE your cat phrase all possible uh so just being a to kind of compose and play with these different
kinds of protocols you can imagine also a world where if you're doing a very high value transaction you might want to secure it by multiple methods of
authentication um we just want to make make sure developers have that flexibility and the ability to kind of also produce custom solutions to their
particular use cases all right I have to I have to like you
know um catch up today here is there like a more detailed dogs where our team
can can dive into other than the a the keyless AIP yeah I think there's actually a
couple there's an app learn tutorial on how to use keyless and also some docs on the dev do site uh so both of those
would be great resources to take a look at yeah because what what what you said that was really interesting uh was you
said um you can compose different methods on top of the you know I guess
on top of the stack like you can you said you could use like NPC or authentication and you could yeah it
just seems that I had a very shallow understanding of it until you just like I realized I had a very shallow
understanding until you said like all of these different approaches can be composed on top of the I guess open ID
standard is is that what you're saying I'm saying that I think you know we don't have the docks on that yet but I think that's the direction you want to
head into which is that this can be composed and you can do multiple things with it you could imagine like a one out
of igner or a k out of ner that does support these different kind of functionality that isn't all like super
easy to do today but it is possible um after we start to implement some of the tooling and infrastructure for it and if
you want to Pi the lead there JC you're more than welcome to um and we'll get there eventually uh but um we're excited
about the direction of this uh as a as a composable building block for everyone right because I really just want to
emphasize uh this point which is for most PC wallet providers on ethereum
their primary challenge has always been that the wallet creation based on social credential is application dependent
meaning that you have to um meaning that you have to create a separate wallet accounts based on this application that
application even with the same Gmail so for this application you would have a have this wallet and for that
application the social login would create a new wallet right so so that's really bad experience for for the end
user so what what like what we as like product Builders have found out is compared to privy for example compared
to uh like a particle Network or compared to even wallet connect like web3 off magic link all of these like
third party NPC wallet service providers they have they all of them have that you know deficiency whereas app connect
really allows uh you know you just to cruise through an ecosystem of applications with One Singular social
logging wallet so that's sort of the like really I mean the imagination here is really Limited it's like once you
have that piece of the problem solved you really can build a very smooth web to Friendly like onboarding process for
web to users now with payment TRS that's even more powerful right so like I like
the more I dived into this like wallet onboarding part the wallet experience part of the web2 user on boarding the
more I found just powerful like how you know how powerful web three appt connect is so um I think yeah if there's like
more docs more details like rippo access uh at the moment I would I would love to
take a look because we have like our team has been like drilling you know down this like user onboarding rabbit
hole for the past two weeks and you know I think this is so this is very very interesting especially for us from like
a consumer facing like social angle man to to to be frank I'm going to Echo
really big time what JC is saying here this is uh for all of us that have been on web 3 for so long um the this this is
something that is it's a magical experience in some Essence as a consumer but also I think as the as it sounds
like the building blocks are are here and continuously evolving keyless Aptos connect like this is something that is
truly I don't know like man I don't even know how to express the amount of Joy it
comes to connect a wallet that is is so simple and painless where um anyone can
be onboarded through town square any D app that is in integrating this option now uh it is so amazing it's amazing uh
uh to even even the previous exper experiences that JC was mentioning with the evm side of the house with third party it's they're meant to be they're
easier than uh what What's possible Right but this I think takes it to the the next level and I don't think it can
be understated the Simplicity aspect from a consumer consumer application side so yeah 100% agree with what you're
saying JC like T times 100 if possible here just to lean into that yeah I do think that one of the you
called out really one of the key differences I did not mention which was the fact that the way we try to integrate for the most part is by allowing people to share that account
across different apps and that makes a very nice interoperability experience um we do support both methods though just
in case people want to create a specific account for each dap and uh it's really up to the kind of dap designer as well
as the user kind of figure out what works best for them I I see Greg had a hand up so maybe Greg want to comment more on this oh yeah I basically wanted
to say basically the same thing there as well as um you were talking about the composability
someone there's actually I think a wallet I think Biz wallet does this where they take a um it's a multisig I
think a one of two multisig where between I think key lists and pass keys to provide that ability to have those
composable pieces together and make it so you can have like if you wanted a two-factor authentication or to make
sure like hey I lost one and I don't have access to the other I have the replacement keeping it so that you have
that composability and flexibility of signing transactions
so just to let you know JC okay I will talk to them in Chinese
so uh time to time to learn Chinese or like to brush up your Chinese every you
made that promise and I don't know how it's going so thank you for calling me out
I Y thank you um try trying JC trying the more meet me more JC we'll have to
have more Ramen dinners so I can practice brush up on my Chinese yes okay yeah sounds good ramen in
exchange for M Essence yeah let oh wait hold on I'm going to be at the atos
experience you going to be there can I sign up for some some Essence only if you teach me a language yes let's do it
oh I want JC's Essence J is the one up here spreading Essence I but you gotta pay him Ramen or something he takes only
food is payment I'll you how to speak I'll teach you how to speak Canadian Auto sure
buy him anything too good though make sure he doesn't eat to sorry a very sorry a yeah Me Andy were going to take
a run down to Horton for the boys you're gonna have to give more than a tuny they raise the
prices okay no sorry I gotta wax poetic for a second um and then I'm probably
gonna throw to ape because I'm sure at some point I'm G to make him put his hand up during what I'm going to say um
then Brent's got his hand up we'll go to Brent and I do want to say hi to
janusa um I just want to welcome you to the space I'm glad you found us thank you for engaging in the comments and
yeah um I just got to say thank you Avery and Mo and everybody on the team
Greg David the engineers you guys are really laying the
foundation for what I think a lot of us got into web 34 that's how I feel when I
take part in the aasi system is this is the web three I was
promised this was the community I was promised these were the people I was told that are going to be
here well I I have to say it's um you know as much as we do and we we do some things uh it's it's nothing without you
and uh and the community and people who are building and people are talking about it and understanding that this is
something that can actually support the internet and uh you know without that we
are nothing uh so it's really power and kudos to you guys who are helping us to
to build in this space uh it doesn't need techic about building it's it's it's uh it's talking to people it's
explaining what we can do now on this new world it's also just having a conversation with someone getting them
excited about you know web 3 in general and in crypto so it it really takes a whole village and more than a village
actually uh so really appreciate all of your efforts and and the love here and uh you know the way people are starting
to come together and understand this is something different and it's going to make a change in society and it's going to be a change for the better uh it's
really thanks to all you guys making that happen you said it takes a
village takes a village it really does and it's the whole ecosystem Y what up Brent yo I'm so sorry man um I I threw
some time on Avery's calendar um and I I know how busy his his counter is so is
it okay if I kick him out of here um because uh he's a absolute Legend and
Avery I saw I saw what I what I threw an invite over so um I just wanted to say
say thank you and um get get you on the road
man yeah that's okay I I will take that as my sign to exit I really appreciate this time with everyone here and uh
hopefully can do this again sometime but I keep the community going keep the love going guys and uh keep building keep
building as much as we love building we love you building even more so thank you very much everyone yeah thanks so much
every I I can't thank you enough for taking time out of your schedule to come and hang out with us to me it's truly a
testament to just the whole community and what we always bang on about in spaces about how you and mo have created
this ecosystem that is just cup overflowing support and that is why everybody in
this ecosystem is so welcoming and so willing to on board and help people
build and be a part of this ecosystem is because anybody in this space who's been
here longer who is part of a project or is a mod or launched a project or is a
developer like if you want to do something people help and that's because you guys help everybody around you just
thank you thank you for taking part going to Echo everything Sneezy just said and and double down on it I'm
not going to even add anything extra there Sneezy hit hit perfectly thank you so much Avery for everything honestly
catch you later catch you next time see you in Korea see you bye guys yo let's move let's
go have a good night Sir all right Brent was that your hand Brent or or did you
no I also want to say I also wanted to say I'm back but I was like um I had uh I didn't have to announce that I was
back and I'm sorry for kicking out the the guy um the man the myth the legend but um I also when I something on his
calendar I saw like he just has all these other things um and I felt I felt so bad the dude he's crazy awesome um
and he's I mean just an amazing dude to come in and chat with his space for a long time so I had to he was basically
here the entire space I mean that is insane and we didn't we didn't even like go into anything Sneezy like uh EOS we
went straight into it Spotify I'm so glad honestly like if there is a week that I'm glad I know this is going to be
the Spotify maybe we pre-record 5 minute intro to go ahead of it or two-minute intro or something to go ahead of it but
I'm glad that we took every minute that we could with Avery that was that was
awesome I hope everyone enjoyed shout out to everyone else like thank you Greg thank you Brent thank you Angel a person
JC pecker um up toose I'm sure if I go
back I'm forgetting speakers but thank you everyone for taking part and thank you for showing up and listening and
just being interested in napt let's [ __ ] go that being said I'm
very excited to go to this hand and welcome someone to our spaces what up
yusa am I saying that properly yeah yeah fair enough yeah yusa it's um like Arabic the what's it
called English name be Jonah you know like Prophet like prophet Jonah yeah from the
Bible um yeah yeah um so yeah so so excited to be here I got unboarded into
upos just on Saturday right um we had a hangout we had appos Africa hangout in
lag Los Nigeria and you know it was really amazing just got to that was the first time I ever heard about and you
know I've just been so excited by the possibilities by the products you know a lot of products were demoed um as the
Hangouts somebody mentioned Jambo phone Jambo phone was also there they gave out Jambo phones I got I got um you know
introduced to Zios which is you know a wallet just like fetra hant hybrant um so yeah like really excited
about a lot of stuff um got to know about me trade as well so yeah really excited I've just been so excited about
up S since Saturday and you know just been really active on here been engaging and been yeah just been really um happy
to be know involved and all of that so yeah I would definitely be really involved going forward and really happy
to just be here being this ecosystem so yeah it's been really amazing so far thanks
guys yo welcome happy to have you dude welcome let's go how was that meet up yo
I saw so many pictures I'm trying to find uh the thread I'm going to get that PIN to the top but yeah that was amazing
um is Bubba as handsome as he looks in
photographs dude he is the best voice man he is the best radio voice out of everyone so honestly Bubba is probably
he's tied with the Trey un8 for my favorite at space host and then we've got Julie Serene Dr
wuman Trudeau close seconds oh and Greg and
Greg oh my God I'm gonna have I'm not gonna start I'm not gonna
start breaking down my my ranking systems into anything broader than one
group they're all the best I take it all back I I just sent the what's called a
message of the thread that I wrote about the what's called about the hangout so you can check that out yeah was really
cool let's go nice heck yeah looked like a blast it
looked like a blast you're here so it must have been interesting enough for you to hang out and show up so that's what's up welcome huge welcome I'm so
glad that you had a a great experience and yeah see in some of these photos that you put a thread together of is is
awesome look like amazing meet up honestly packed a lot of people there holy cow let's
go yeah yeah yeah it was really amazing really amazing
one if I can if I can just thow this to Brent um
how is like I've been using zipt a lot here I've been like really involved with zipt and been that's what's that's
product I've experimented the most with um you know over the last most of that's what I was doing and so I just wanted to
ask if you've had a chance to like experience what ztto is about and like how it compares to Petal wets how they
are like similar or different so yeah that's one ask yeah absolutely I think um so Zios
obviously we're on telegram um Petra wallet is uh more Standalone so I think
a little bit little bit more functionality with Petra wallet um I haven't I've used zip toose um but I
don't use it on a daily basis I think most of my use for Petra comes from from development and and thinking about features and trying to to find bugs that
people are reporting and stuff like that so um I do spend a lot of time in Petra and a lot of that comes from my development time and not just usage time
so um when I check out an external product like zaptos um it's not for you know um a whole lot um but I you know I
think I think the world of the of the developer um he or sorry I guess the marketing marketing guy Aladdin reached
out on telegram um went through the grant process uh joined spaces in the middle of the night frequently um
attended many for the for the launches showed up to stuff at 2 3 4 in the morning on a on a regular basis and um I
think that kind of grind is something that I I absolutely support and I can speak to more than I guess a feature comparison so um nothing but love for
that guy uh and and whatever's cranking out dude hell
yeah yeah it's really great Alin has been really great was been really really helpful while I was trying to like get
on board with zos oh and you Z himself spoke at the events
K what's up homie hey GM GM GM GM Legends GM
K GM GM yeah so just to address
um's so not really a comparison bro right there's no comparison because
Petra wallet is Petra wallet Petra wallet is Apple's wallet right why while
um at zos we are building a not we're building a a what we call it a suit of
amazing tools right to help you go through the whole defi process so we're not just building a wallet right we're
building a whole lot of stuffs to just help you on board fast and then enjoy
app easily from your phone and from telr so um yeah yeah yeah so that's it so I
want just take away the idea is not actually not just building only a wallet right and then there there's definitely
going to be Integrations with Petra wallets definitely definitely look forward to that look forward to that right look forward to that like the
whole ecosystem apples is one big ecosystem and then Big Love for everyone
all trying to build together and grow together honestly I know I know that you
had a fair lot you had a fair bit to do with that Meetup uh you were very active there kudos to you guys in theam that
put that together shout out to everybody that showed up and took part like I can't tell you how happy I was I think
it was Sunday my time um just seeing all
the pictures rolled out I think it started uh Saturday night I was in a space and I saw you a bunch of people
posting pictures playing uh FIFA and like from then on my feed was just like
constant Smiles that babaa destroyed me oh bro dude I wasn't even gonna I wasn't
even on the scores because I don't know who was who but that was not good for one of
you there was a winner and there was a loser and and then yes B is asome as
sounds oh my goodness no that honestly just amazing and I can't wait to do the
same when I go see friend and a person and noi in
like holy frig like I'm leaving in eight days I think on my track yeah buddy on
my pilgrimage back to missan yeah boy back to your Homeland
your native land my come to visit land what your it's your Homeland now
masika sukasa fair enough what an absolutely legendary episode
episode 24 oh my goodness bro we're out of time already I it literally flew by let's
really get this one on Spotify yeah this would be a really good epis get on Spotify for real I think this is going to be the
kickoff with that fire lit under our butts yo you know it's going to be
featured in Petra wallet if you get up there if you don't get up there never featur anything
else oh boy okay well if the fire wasn't lit the fire just got
lit oh my God first Spotify the first Spotify
first Spotify push in Petra let's go let's go oh man yeah super exciting I
mean this is Wai our own horns but weren't we the
first space featured in Petro wallet 2o I think I think you're the first Twitter space but the first event was
actually um aptose tournament um did yep Aptos yep the
first xas though yeah I think first xas I think I think you hold that distinction for sure okay well we're
going Spotify too we're going Spotify next I don't even know if you're were the first YouTube but doesn't matter we're going spy we were that I can
confirm I don't think we were that was uh Captain Matt all right on to on to
the the next Channel which is spy we're bring we got to get our belt back bro
let's go a is hitting Spotify coming very very soon for episode 24 let's go
Closing Thoughts
do we as we do we want to wrap uh wrap up here and give some party words for everybody as we can you know get to the
end of episode 24 I think yep hit him with some parting words that'll take us
10 minutes 15 minutes or so over that's perfect let's go with the paron words
who's first though you pick first I pick first all right you not youa because you
have your hand rais and because you're new uh you get the the first kick off your own parting words uh for episode 24
welcome again oh all right all right yeah thanks n thanks hi true I think I
pronounced that right um yeah so I don't even know what
to say like really excited really happy to be here it's been really exciting it's fun um getting to explore up those
looking at so many different products so many different products right but I've I've been mostly you know focused on zos
that's what I've explored the most um but you know as I've been on this space now I've also checked out a lot of other
products and so yeah it's really nice and really looking forward to you know exploring space hold building up my AP
bag little value to because yeah I'm really bullish on the entire chain so yeah um yeah thanks K foring me to
Z and you know thanks so much for everyone to being on this space and really looking forward to Contin to being on here and being part of the
community for sure zto making my
move yeah thank you good sir thank you for hanging out tonight and look forward
to getting to know you better let's go all right we you know what we're just
going to go you picked we're just going to carry on from my screen from now on broke Packer what's up on me parting
words yo um yeah great space like um
it's crazy like that was the CTO of of abos that we we had like an interaction
with and I don't see that that usually happens in most spaces and and yeah I
guess thank you for like always hosting great spaces and yeah keep building and also yeah
don't forget to buy as in C token and yeah Troy I know you're out
there oh my God Troy's definitely not in this listening back he gives listening back
energy I swear to God that [ __ ] is in all like our group chats you know going to pump and
dum all right that's all I love you guys thanks broer
yo we're gonna say a quick hi and goodbye to my main man
knes yo what's going on my bad my bad I was sitting here talking to my girl
that's okay usually you're in the shower so we'll take it yeah that is true um
you know I did buy some uh Sneezy token I will say that I did see some of that and I had to snip it talking about it we
can talk about that on Wednesday bro I was just saying
I love you man okay what's it good who's next easy keep going oh yo yo
um I'm sorry can I can I do a quick plug um for Serene I think she was having like connection issues she wanted to
like just tell you guys that the me out the um collaboration collection it's
getting extended by one week because I think there was like problem with trade for and some of the means were not going
through or something so they are extending it for one week and yeah um support artist
heck yes I could not agree more I just pned it to the top two so check it out
it's a collaboration of seven different artists addition art under one collection you can take part and portion
of the funds are going directly to support cats it launched on International cat day so that's why it's
the meow Day cat collection and yeah it's like seven of the most Community
active artists on ATS Julie Serene pecker uh Mancini o
Haley uh oh I can't remember how does Jericho
and uh
did from the americ from the Africans yeah yeah can't think of the
you think of the handle starts at okay something you know
what you know what you guys the guys guys are getting the quality I'm [Laughter]
sorry kid right Krypto kid oh Krypto kid does have
one um but that's not who I'm thinking
of but bonus [Laughter]
points okay we we'll Circle back we'll Circle back we'll go to kikachu
oh my God man you look like you had so much fun this weekend I'm so pumped bullish
on yeah GMM yeah I have to much one I've not recovered like I'm still I'm still
in my phone f y right so um thank you for everyone who
made time to be here always great you know I know when we started like up after dark right we're already on
episode 24 let's go like GG ggay you you know let's keep it
up let's keep it up let's keep it up let's keep it up let's keep it up um just let everybody know alos is still early so um yeah if you're here then
you're one of the one of the early people believe that believe that believe that um yeah I'll see I I'll be back one
of those days right I'll get to look back and then when I is at $200 right we're all going to look back and see
yeah yeah we were all there we're all there we're all there we're all there yeah so yeah have a wonderful day
everyone have a nice day gmgm Legends I'm I'm about to go do some
apples Batman duties did anybody see that
mem wait which
one Batman me yeah yeah s yeah yeah yeah y yeah so I'm about to wear my have some
but to do let's go I appreciate you homie thanks for coming out
tonight awesome to see you we're gonna bring a full circle and go back to the
man behind the Rings what up a person hello full circle look you did
there I figured I would laugh with you instead of at you uh so I figured i' to give you a Chuck up there as well uh
have a good night uh hope everyone uh had a fantastic uh space this was great hope everyone learned something got some
information um if you missed an opportunity to connect with somebody don't forget you can still reach out to
do that uh yeah uh ring September 5th uh the same day as app toos experience uh
yeah I need your ring size if you want me to get you your ring uh ASAP would be cool but yeah other than that have a
good night we'll see yall tomorrow I got a new couple of songs for the taco Tuesday uh so we'll see you there I
can't wait for the reactions the crowd's going to go nuts and I'm just happy I don't have to
listen to Taco Tuesday anymore hey I really like that song it
was growing on you heard it was growing on me and that does not make me happy but the new one's way
better yeah I appreciate the hell of you I thank you for showing up all the time
for everybody we do what we
can go so to my man angel I miss you man it was so awesome meeting you yo Sneezy
yeah it was awesome man it was really cool thanks a lot for coming down you took the time to drive all the way down
to visit us so thank you very much for coming and I hope you know you enjoyed uh the time that you were here and let
me just tell you you know next year will be much better so again thank you and and this was a great space guys um
really well done uh number 24 I mean wow it's uh it's come to this this is like the the high point and I'm sure it'll
keep going up from here so I'm looking forward to seeing your space on Spotify uh first Spotify listing on Petra wallet
very cool and uh again uh Great Space guys well
done dude huge shout out to you angel for I think as we have said multiple
times throughout those 24 episodes uh I don't know if he'd be here if it was for your nudge and push into this general
direction of of doing the recordings and and uh kind of pushing us into this
uncomfortable Zone that we're we're now I think feeling pretty comfortable I don't know stey I feel like we've hit a
bit of a rhythm so um really huge shout out to started this face off like literally shaking in my boots like
halfway through I'm like okay no we can do this we can do this toally no this yeah no no no we can do
[Music] this man I mean seriously it's crazy it's been 24 episodes just looking back
I I mean it it is pretty it's it's wild on where we were in the beginning of the year to where we are today and it's been
a journey and a lot of us being to where we are now and to this Milestone and
awesome at that um you know to have Avery it was something super special I'll I'll cherish and continue look
forward to you know that as a as a moment that we experienc and did not see that the bingo card for this year uh if
I'm being frank but um here we are it's awesome to experience um and I'm super
happy that we had that moment super grateful for everyone showing up this was uh episode 24 was again amazing
special the people really did show up engaged show so much I don't know it was
just quite something I Gotta Give special kudos to the man that made this
evening possible um without a doubt thank you for blocking time
off uh to come and talk with us Brent uh again I think Ju very close to the same
amount of Kudos has to go to you for just helping this space turn into what it's turned into um and I can't tell you
how awesome it is to even in the littlest Iota be a part of something that may have inspired community events
because I think that's lowkey one of the most power powerful things that comes
out of the Petra wallet even though there's swaps and tabs for daps community events puts
people Direct in touch with spaces with mints with games with anything relevant
going on in the ecosystem so yes any parting words from
you sir please no uh dude I'm just honored to be
here you guys you guys are absolutely crushing it um I think you know your your style your flow the conversations
you have um are ones that I grock um that I enjoy hanging around for and
that's absolutely something I'm I'm um willing able and excited to show up for on a regular basis because I think it's
a lot of fun lot of value I appreciate appreciate the hell out of you guys um I appreciate the hell out of all these
speakers too like all these people are super tied into the ecosystem and uh you know have become valuable contributors
yusa you got you got a lot to live up to you if you look at the speaker panel on on what a lot of these folks uh have
been contributing so no just very cool to be here guys um congratulations uh uh Avery doesn't Avery doesn't let anybody
block stuff off on his calendar when I mentioned you he's like oh yeah yeah um they're doing the God they're doing God's work uh and I was like oh yeah
yeah yeah for sure that's exactly what they're doing I'm going to put that on a bumper sticker and uh and give it to him um no but absolutely um it feels like a
you know just honor to be here with you guys um much love man you're a freaking Legend Brent
that's all I can say love you
Brent like what the heck oh man which brings us
how how did you have fun tonight bro I had yeah I guess you can say an
absolute blast but yeah I don't know I don't know what
else to say I'll just I kind of already said some words and and all then times
100 so um Angel Brent everyone's hearing this is again something
special man can't wait for the next 100 20 24 next 100 where where we're going to be this time next year it's really
freaking cool um everyone keep showing up supporting liking retweeting doing all the things that you know continue to
show what this community is really about it's it's special so yeah s love you bro host with the
most I I know you hate when I say this but seriously like what uh you
know it's it wouldn't be wouldn't be the same so this whole thing we just whipped this
together just whip it together uh okay no I got to go on my community
bulletin board duties uh today's Monday tomorrow's Tuesday don't miss the cool
sloth space at 11: a.m. EST going right into the spook space at 12:00 p.m. EST
and then you sure as heck better be at Taco about it Tuesday tomorrow night listen to H new
song Wednesday there is the hairspace at 10:30 a.m.
EST waffle Wednesday 12:00 p.m. EST and then we'll see you back here for atos tonight 7:30 let's
[ __ ] go let's [ __ ] go if you listen back all the way to here and you're not [ __ ] bullish good God get
your pulse checked not Financial advice get wallet love you guys thanks for
hanging out