Deranged De Jure

Pisha and Raven have an important announcement: we're investigating the mysterious disappearance of Pisha's college friend, Eric Brazil, who disappeared 2 years ago on March 14, 2022. Get the details on our latest venture on this week's episode!
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What is Deranged De Jure?

Two deranged lawyers talking about our deranged obsessions.

Raven Sinner (00:01)
Thanks for watching!

Pisha (00:26)
Welcome derangers. Welcome back to deranged de Jure, the podcast featuring two of the most deranged lawyers out there discussing their very deranged obsessions.

my name is Pisha. I am here with my co-host.

Raven (00:41)

Pisha (00:41)
And we've got a very special episode to talk about today.

it is mostly centered around, not mostly, but entirely centered around a good friend of mine, Eric Brazil and his unfortunate disappearance two years ago,

it's the two year anniversary of his disappearance as of March 14th. And so we wanted to do this episode to bring some awareness to his case and also make some exciting announcements at the end. So,

You know, how have you been lately, Raven?

Raven (01:18)
Oh, just busy as hell. Which I know you are too. We, you know, accidentally, inadvertently took a little bit of a break last week. Because I think we both wanted to get this done. Both had way too much shit going on. So, you know, turns out that being a lawyer and getting married are, you know, they get in the way of doing the things that you want to do most, which is podcasting.

Pisha (01:21)
Yeah, I know.

Totally unintended break.


Yep, that's right. So we took an accidental break, but we're back.

we had originally intended on either recording or airing this on the two year anniversary of Eric's disappearance, but life got in the way. It's very busy, but now we have the time and energy to dedicate to it. And I'm very excited to be talking about it today.

let's just jump right into who my friend Eric was, what I know about him, which is very limited. It's been a long time since we had talked. I'd say the last time we spoke was over social media sometime in 2019, early 2019. It was pre-COVID, it was pre obviously his disappearance. And so we...

maybe talked once or twice a year. He usually had some kind of legal question or political question to ask me. And he'd take advantage of my legal expertise. You know how that goes. Once you get the law degree, everyone wants to know what you think.

Raven (02:55)
I sure do. Mm-hmm. They do. And you can make shit up, so. You're given that license.

Pisha (03:02)
I mean ethically I was a little bound but yeah you're right. As long as I say hey don't take advice from someone else. Never take my advice ever. We've made this clear in the podcast. No one should ever yeah ever take our advice ever never. Okay so moving on my buddy Eric here's what I know about him.

Raven (03:07)
Thank you.

Every single time. Do not.

Pisha (03:28)
He was either born on May 21st or May 22nd. I'm not sure which because he would get Facebook messages about his birthday on the 21st saying happy birthday, but then he'd get another set of birthday messages on the 22nd. So I don't know if maybe it was set improperly on Facebook. Anyways.

Raven (03:51)
Or maybe he was living in Australia at some point. Yeah. Well, no, but like, but they're about a day ahead. So what I'm saying, I still get it.

Pisha (03:54)
Oh yeah, okay, wait, what? And so you could be born on one or the other day?

So you're saying he was born on the 21st in Australia.

Raven (04:09)
Yes, that's right. Well, the 21st, which is the 22nd here.

Pisha (04:10)
which would have been the 20.

Okay. Yeah, that makes sense, but I don't think he would.

Raven (04:16)
So it would be the 22nd. I'm sorry. I derailed this. I'm sorry. Keep going. Yeah.

Pisha (04:21)
It's, I love it though. This was such a lighthearted, happy derailment. So thank you, because it's gonna get kind of dark. Like this is not a great story. I don't think there's gonna be a great outcome here. So anyways, Eric was born on either or both, May 21st and May 22nd, 1987. At the time of his disappearance, he was 34 years old. He's 36 years old now.

His hometown on Facebook is identified as Tucson, Arizona. He had been living in the Eugene Springfield, Oregon area since at least when I met him in 2006. I don't know when he moved to the area. That's something I'd like to kind of, I'd like to get to know him more as we investigate deeper into this. So...

Raven (05:13)
I hope you do too, but how did you meet him?

Pisha (05:16)
Well, here, I'll get into that. I'll get into that. But I want to first tell you a little bit about the Eugene area, just so you kind of understand where it is, because he, when he went missing, he went missing from Springfield, Oregon, which I just, I want everyone to understand that it's basically the same thing as Eugene. They are both two small cities with literally only I-5 dividing them.

And Eugene is the home of the University of Oregon. It's larger and wealthier. Springfield is considered the home of the Simpsons TV show and a lot of meth. So yeah, there's a lot of problems there. Yeah, same one, very the same. So just a little more about Eric and what I know about him is that at the time of his disappearance, he was an apartment manager at the Centennial Park Apartments, according to his LinkedIn profile. That's in Springfield, Oregon.

Raven (05:56)
Same one.

Pisha (06:14)
barely east of I-5, like it's right next to I-5. He was living with his long-term girlfriend who will remain nameless for obvious legal purposes. And as far as I know, he's never been married and he has no children. So his family that is remaining right now are like his parents, I think he's got a couple siblings. And then this girlfriend we'll talk more about. You.

Raven had asked how I know Eric and I'll tell you now. I just wanted to make sure you were on the edge of your seat and just dying to know how I knew Eric. So I met Eric in the fall of 2006. He was a teppanyaki chef at Kabuki's Japanese steakhouse.

Raven (06:46)
Yeah, I accidentally jumped ahead, so go ahead and tell me now. Ha ha ha! Okay.

Let's hang her.

Pisha (07:10)
A tap and Yaki chef is those, you know, they're the ones with the fun little trick. Ting, ting, ting. You can't, oh my God. I can only imagine what this sounds like, but they're the ones that like, are like throwing the knives and spinning there.

Raven (07:24)
Well, that's why you got to watch it on Spotify, because people can actually see our like very brilliantly, you know, reenacted teppanyaki.

Pisha (07:27)
Exactly, you gotta watch.

Right. Obviously I was not a tapen yaki chef at Kabuki's Japanese steakhouse. No, I don't know if I was. I was horrible at it. But like these guys are so good. They can like toss like egg shells at people and little shrimps and stuff. I don't know. It's really fun. Yeah. The onion volcano. Yep. You know, see, did you work at a tapen yaki?

Raven (07:41)
or maybe in another life you were.

And the onions too, right? Like, yeah.

in a different life.

Pisha (08:00)
Okay, well see, you know your stuff. I started as a hostess in, I want to say it was like August, maybe September of 2006. Eric had been working there longer than I had, but I started as a hostess and then I worked my way up to bartender and bar manager. We hung out a few times, we flirted, but nothing romantic ever blossomed.

We never really hung out one-on-one. It was usually with groups of our friends from the restaurant. but I remember him just being an awesome, nice, quiet guy. And he was always listening to music, writing music lyrics or maybe poetry. I don't know. He always had this like notebook and a backpack and stuff that he would carry around music stuff. so he, he was cool. we were.

Super close friends, but I was working like 60 hours while going to school full time. Yeah, I know. And so if I was doing 60 hours a week, I had to run into him at least twice a week. You know, two shifts would intersect at least. So we grew close over that time. I think I worked there for. Three years.

we spoke a lot on Facebook when I moved back to New Mexico and, you know, slowly as time went on, we just kind of tapered off. And like I said, last time we spoke was maybe February, 2019.

I never observed any sort of like mental health issues or any sort of like political radicalization or anything that might become a common theme later. So.

At the time he was a very normal guy. Nothing would lead me to believe that he would intentionally vanish or otherwise. So, let's get into the facts around his disappearance now. on the morning of March 14th, 2022, Eric allegedly got into his girlfriend's white 2000 Honda CRV.

and the girlfriend stated that he said he was intending to flee on northbound I-5 because he had grew increasingly paranoid, she said, since the Russian invasion of Ukraine around March 1st. So he apparently had been getting more and more paranoid.

fearing for his safety was one of the things I saw in a statement, and that he felt this need to flee northbound. He didn't say where.

Raven (10:40)
He wasn't like Russian or Ukrainian either, right?

Pisha (10:43)
No, no, this is just some white guy. His name is Eric Ray Brazil.

Raven (10:46)

Pisha (10:47)
there's a couple of these missing persons, online sites, whatever that, misidentify him as Hispanic. He is not Hispanic. He is, his family's confirmed he's white. He's just some white guys, some normal white guy, five, 10 maybe.

170 pounds, maybe brown hair, brown eyes. And I don't think he had any ties to Ukraine or Russia. From what I gathered on his Facebook was that he was very pro-Ukraine and very anti-Russia. And I didn't notice any sort of fear for his life. Like he thought he was being hunted by anyone, but I...

We'll talk about this more at some point, maybe on a later date, but he seemed to be communicating with people who had ties to Ukraine. And I don't know if this is a possible theory of his disappearance or what, but I'd like to follow that lead without giving any further information in this short little episode, if that makes sense. So I'm so sorry to give that information, but it sounds like he was pro-Ukraine.

I have no idea who this person was that he was informing of what he thought was Russian strategy. But like, hey, my buddies in Ukraine or

Like he was trying to like reach out to this person and the guy was like, I got it. We know. Thank you. And so I don't know what it's about. That's the only time I'm aware of. But it did not seem from the posts.

super radical, super crazy. He never seemed any more political than I did. Moreover, there was an insurrection freaking the year before. If someone's going to snap and think that their life is in danger, it would make more sense to me if it was happening at home. You know what I mean? Not in Ukraine. It's

I just, I'm not understanding this part of the narrative. So she, yeah, little sus. The girlfriend is stating that she and a friend tried to stop Eric from fleeing, but he did not say where he was going. He only indicated that he was going to go on northbound I-5 for his safety. I don't know. I have no idea. So that was the last known sighting of Eric.

Raven (12:57)
It's a little sus.

Pisha (13:19)
They filed a missing persons report within the next five days, I think. And on March 27th, 2022, what is that? That's like almost two weeks later, the white Honda was recovered.

it was abandoned with Eric's cell phone on a remote logging road in Bida, Oregon, which is about 45 minutes east of Eric's apartments. And so that's not at all where he was saying he was going, according to the girlfriend. So it's just a very strange place for the car to be located.

Also, because Eric's not known to be a particularly outdoorsy person. This was a remote logging road where hikers and mushroom hunters go. In fact, I think his car was found by hikers or a mushroom hunter. It's very specific. Sorry. I know I keep saying mushroom hunting, but it's because I think I read it and I was like, oh shoot, a mushroom hunter found this. It's that remote. And

Raven (14:22)
They were looking for mushrooms, they found something else.

Pisha (14:24)
Yeah, they found this car. And like from what I can tell, we need to look more into this car. But the car just doesn't seem like it was disturbed. Like his cell phone wasn't taken from what I can tell.

it's just odd. It's odd for so many reasons. He's not an outdoorsy guy. He has no history of mental health issues as far as I know. And nobody was found in the vicinity of

with dogs and with drones, we're going to look into more of the specifics of that search, but no body was recovered. It's been two years now and they still have not recovered anything. I keep saying body and I'm not being pessimistic. I'm being realistic. There's been no bank or credit card activity.

since Eric went missing. That's usually a surefire sign that the person is deceased. And so while I remain hopeful that this is, I don't know, some crazy drug binge that went on for way too long and now he can't get back home, I don't know. But usually...

no credit card use means the person's deceased. And so I don't expect to find Eric alive, but I hope we can find him. We need some kind of answers. All we have at this point is that the vehicle and Eric's cell phone supposedly has been returned to the girlfriend the day they were recovered because the police are treating this as a suicide.

It doesn't seem like they've ruled it as such because it's still an ongoing investigation, but they're treating this as a suicide and not as a crime scene. They gave evidence away to who I would immediately think would be the first suspect in a case if there was foul-po- yeah.

Raven (16:23)
If the tables were turned, it would definitely... I don't think that they would, especially like they're not married, that kind of thing. But still, I mean, I don't know.

Pisha (16:33)
Well, and there's also very, very sus behavior on the part of the girlfriend.

she started a GoFundMe in her name with this friend who supposedly helped her try to stop Eric from fleeing. They allegedly started this GoFundMe to fund the search for Eric. However, some family and friends of Eric suspect the money was spent for the girlfriend's personal use.

just a lot of super sus behavior on the part of the girlfriend, a lot of weird online activity. She supposedly got kicked out of their apartment two weeks after he went missing because their living arrangement was conditioned on his employment at the apartment complex. They were living at the same apartment complex that he was managing.

I guess two weeks after he goes missing, she's getting evicted, which seems, I don't know. Doesn't that seem fast for you?

Raven (17:36)
Something weird about that for sure. Right, it does. And I don't, yeah, I don't know. It's odd. There's something really weird about it.

Pisha (17:46)
Yeah, and so she starts selling all of their furniture. And this is before his car was recovered, I think. So, I mean.

We don't know what's going on and she has this very weird behavior going on. I just I'm inclined to believe she knows something. I'm not pointing any fingers saying she did something in terms of foul play. I'm just it just feels like she knows something. So so those are really the facts surrounding his disappearance. He has not been seen since March 14th, 2022. His car was recovered on March 27th.

2022. And as there's just nothing, no body, nothing. We have no answers.

Raven (18:32)
Yeah, so I guess that's a lot to take in. I'm sorry about your missing friend. And I was glad we were able to try and figure out what's going on and I'm raring to go on trying to figure this out. We both have some kind of theories about what might've happened. The strange thing is that I think this is the weirdest part for me is that there's actually a lot of disappearances

Pisha (18:53)

Raven (19:00)
that area. It's a really small, rural-ish area. And so, you know, for there to be any disappearances in such a place is already a little strange. But in a town of about like 2000-ish, 2200 somewhere around there, there's been about seven disappearances of,

who would seem normal people.

healthy people over the past five years, which is kind of a lot. So we're talking about Oregon, we're talking about the Pacific Northwest. The first thing that comes to mind, the first thing when you said this was serial killer. There's a ton of serial killers from the Pacific Northwest. So

Pisha (19:45)
They love it up there. There must be something about the environment that's made for murdering.

Raven (19:52)
Yeah, I don't know what it is. I don't know if it's like, you know, how gloomy it is. And maybe they just feel like that's the right like, you know, ambiance.

Pisha (20:00)
They're like, shoot, man, what I had planned for outside today, I can't do because of all this rain. I guess I'll murder my neighbor. Yeah. Okay. So, Serial Killer is one of your theories with all these disappearances because that does seem like a lot of people for such a small population.

Raven (20:08)
Might as well. Yeah, so yeah.

It does, yeah. And you know, I think that the similarities, you know, when we were talking about this recently, the similarities and the disappearances kind of raises a red flag. So who knows what happened, but there's a body of water that's nearby. And so one of the things that popped into my mind when I was, thinking about this was, you know, there's a lot of I guess disappearances in different areas. And when I was looking into, I guess the most recently was

in Chicago where there were, but I think there were like 11 or something like that over a very short period of time. I'm not remembering the details, but the difference between like Chicago and these other places with bodies of water where people are disappearing is that they're usually more populated and in the case of Chicago, it was definitely like the university area where I guess a lot of people get drunk and then fall into the river. So

Pisha (20:54)

Raven (21:15)
That's not what we were looking at here, though.

Pisha (21:16)
Yeah, and that's probably not what happened here because I mean, like I said, the University of Oregon's in Eugene, which is at least 45 minutes west of Vida. There's no one getting drunk and wandering out to, there is a body of water there, which I'm really excited to kind of talk about my theories. Are you okay with me going into my theories? Although I did want to talk about one thing, which was,

Raven (21:35)
Right. Yeah. Yes. Let's get into it.

Pisha (21:44)
with the people who have been disappearing in that area, I know that one body has been recovered. It was a woman and they are running with the narrative that she was having either a drug induced mental break or just a mental break, your average menti B. She

died. So not suspicious circumstances is what they're saying in that case. But her body was found in, I think, a reservoir, like a body of water. And there's a lot of water in this area of Oregon. In fact, the Mackenzie River runs right through basically Eugene Willamette, like that whole valley. And

the road that his vehicle was found on is just right across from the river, right there from the Mackenzie River. You have to take one of those old-timey covered bridges to get to the road where his car was recovered. So you had to go over this river. It's flows, it's super rapid, its flow changes all the time because of its water levels. So there's a lot of issues with this river.

I also wanted to point out that there was another partial remains recently found for one of the men that went missing in the area. They found partial remains. His car was parked at a reservoir. There's a lot of water connections here is the point I'm trying to make, but they're ruling in his case that he died of foul play. So that's the only one of the missing persons as far as I can tell.

that the cops are calling foul play and all the rest. They're either excusing as, oh, this was some sort of hiking, got lost situation or a menti bee or a drug episode, but they're not calling any of these disappearances suspicious, not even my friends, which I'm sorry.

is so suspicious with no body and just all the facts that we've already discussed. I do love the idea of a serial killer who's like a logger though, traveling around Oregon just like killing people and dumping their cars in logging roads.

Raven (24:06)

Yeah, yeah, I think that we...

could be. Well, right, that's right. I mean, this was, yeah, so, so who knows? It very much could be that.

Pisha (24:24)
Yeah, yeah. So I just wanted to point that out. I also wanted to point out that, last thing, sorry, I know I said the last one was my last thing, but this is for really it, was that these are such small police departments. And I wonder if these small police departments with these large jurisdictions that are geographically hard to

access, like lots of mountains, lots of forest, wooded areas and things like this. I wonder if there's just a bunch of criminals out there who understand that this is a great area for people to go missing because no one will ever find them. Just given the geographical terrain, the location, and then the lack of resources from the small departments, maybe they know that they can...

they can dump the bodies there. So I could see where it could be maybe serial killer or maybe like you said with Chicago, where it's more people, more accidents happening. Maybe more people are involved here. They just know this is a great place to dump bodies.

Raven (25:28)


Yeah, very much could be. Yeah, there's something about the bodies of water. Well, and anywhere, you know, to hide bodies, obviously, we have a bunch of those in New Mexico that we should also cover at some point, but we'll talk about the future of that later. But in any case, yes. So it could be a serial killer. I mean, you know, it could be some other things. We really don't know a whole lot at this point, which is why we're, you know, going to be looking into it.

Pisha (25:47)
Oh yeah.

Oh yeah.

Yeah, and so my theories are way less based in science or logic. There's nothing but gut feelings here. And yeah, and so really the theory that prevails in my mind is that maybe this isn't a homicide. I don't know. It seems too hard, too difficult for this to be

Raven (26:18)
I'm sorry.

You know they're good.

Pisha (26:38)
Oh, it was a hit by the Russian mafia. Although. Having found what I found with this interaction with Ukrainian individuals, maybe, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. But anyways, I don't want Putin. Hey, we have a Russian listener and we know it's Putin. Yeah, Putin, don't kill us. OK, we're not ready to die yet. And whatever. Anyways, this is not even about you. OK, so.

Raven (26:53)
I know, I was gonna say. Yeah.

making this into your story. This is our story.

Pisha (27:06)
This is not your story. Okay, this is my friend who I'm saying may not have been murdered. I honestly don't think he was. I don't think this was a homicide. What I could totally see happening is maybe he had been growing paranoid as a result of drug use and...

He had exhibited mental health issues prior to this because he hadn't been using drugs, but maybe his mental health issues were worsening as a result of drug use. So my next theory is that he's using these drugs in the presence of his girlfriend and this friend. I'm not saying they're using it. I'm not saying they killed him or anything.

but maybe he overdosed, maybe there was some sort of accident, maybe it was fentanyl poisoning, some bad batch of drugs, and he died as a result. And maybe there's some sort of cover-up going here because it just seems to me based on this girlfriend's behavior, super odd, just looking at it overall. And then the police just kind of sweeping Eric's case under the rug, just running with her word.

that he was having a mental break, running with her word that he was paranoid because of this Russian invasion, he took her car. And it's not like she's like, hey, I need my car to get to work or whatever. It's just, it's odd. It's, her behavior is odd. And it just in my gut indicates a person who may know more than what they have shared. So,

My theory is that possibly she and this friend orchestrated the cover-up of Eric's body after some sort of drug accident. I'm not formally making this accusation, but it's just a theory I have. And that's why her car is the one that he took off in and was abandoned. And she made no effort to...

I don't know. I'd be really mad if my boyfriend had a mental breakdown and stole my car and drove away and then days later still wasn't back. Like, how would I get to work? How would I do anything? I just, I don't know. Her response doesn't feel right. It doesn't sit right. So like I said, not saying she did it, but she knows something. And so…

Raven (29:41)
Yeah, there's definitely some other circumstances that I think we can talk about, not this time around, but as we get into it. But no, for sure, there's definitely something strange about it, like you said, but I also wanna know about your dreams about this.

Pisha (29:49)
No, no. Yeah.

Yeah, okay. So this is I've done more thinking about this. I know I've told you about it before, but I've actually figured out the chronology of these dreams. I started having I found out that Eric went missing, I think, on the 15th or the sixth, maybe the 16th of March. It was very, very shortly after he had gone missing.

I had found out through a mutual friend of ours. He lives in Las Vegas, so he had found out through someone else. And maybe it wasn't that soon, but the point is, as soon as I found out that he had gone missing, I started having these dreams of him in, he wasn't dead, but it was just him, in water. Water was surrounding him. And

It felt like rushing water. I don't know. And so I had known that he had gone missing, but I had no idea that they would find his car a few days later so near the Mackenzie River, across the river on Good Pasture Road in this remote logging area. So there's a lot of connections, not only to Eric.

to those other missing cases we just talked about. Like that one woman's body was found in water and then the man, his car was parked at a water reservoir. So there's just so much water connections and I feel so crazy saying this out loud, but I just, I have this strange, weird hunch that he was thrown into water shortly after he went missing.

I briefly mentioned earlier kind of the flow of the Mackenzie River and what makes it difficult. The issue is what we've gathered from the flow survey data is that it's a dynamic river.

There's rapids, the water can get really high, and then it can get really low. So there's chances of overflowing. And if I'm not mistaken, at the time he went missing, there was some problems with flooding in the area and mud and stuff. So there's things that are preventing people from searching safely at the time, I wanna point out. And then also I wanna point out that

His body may have been thrown into the river shortly after he disappeared, but because of the dynamic nature of the river and how it rises and falls, he might not be in the water anymore. He could have been... It's hard to explain without using my hands. I bet everyone's just watching me go, like struggling to explain this. But my understanding is when water is high in a river basin...

and there's something floating on it on the edge say, and then the water drops, the thing floating on the edge might end where the shore is as opposed to in the water in the basin. So it's very possible he was thrown into water. I'm not saying I'm some sort of like Oracle or something, but it's likely his body's not there anymore.

Um, whether or not it was thrown in there. So it's just, it's going to make searching very difficult and I bet it's made searching difficult thus far. like I said, there's mud and all kinds of things that make accessing the area difficult. They've used drones to try to make it easier. So, um, yeah, those are my theories. Um, I, I don't know. Yeah, I don't know. I, I wish it was as exciting as.

Raven (33:50)
There's some pretty good theories. Yeah.

Pisha (33:56)
the logger serial killer, but like, I really think it's kind of a boring answer probably. And there's a coverup. Like it's just, it's really basic. And so I suspect that and we'll never know until we find Eric.

Raven (34:05)

Right, right, yeah. So hopefully we can get started on that and start looking into it. But for people who are listening now and who are interested in this story and this case, if you know anything at all about the case, if you know anything about Eric or any of the circumstances surrounding it, or just wanna give some pressure to

law enforcement to try and push this investigation, you can call the Springfield Police Department. The phone number is 541-726-3714. The problem with being from a rural town, I'm pretty familiar with law enforcement not doing their job personally, and we'll call it statistically. So.

Pisha (35:04)
That was very diplomatic of you.

Raven (35:07)
Yeah, thank you. So, you know, and it's not all their fault, but it, you know, but they lack a lot of resources. And so, you know, for people to come in and help provide information really helps those small law enforcement agencies. So, yeah, so if you know anything, give them a ring. So.

Pisha (35:28)
Well, and because that's what's going on in this case, right? Like, the investigation's ongoing, but it's stalled because of a lack of resources.

Raven (35:36)
Right, right. Yeah, and you know, we, I guess in our like short looking into this, we've seen that this case is still open technically. So, you know, getting records and trying to do some of the investigating may be a little bit difficult while the case remains open. But I think we got to do what we got to do.

Pisha (35:57)
Yeah, absolutely. And we've been alluding to this whole time, like this, oh, we're looking into it further and oh, we'll tell you more about it later. Well, I think now is the time to tell you all that we are going to take a break from deranged de jure. We're not exactly sure when.

But we're going to take a break and we're going to do a series completely dedicated to Eric's disappearance. We're going to go in depth. We are going to fly up to Oregon and follow the coordinates to where his vehicle was found and follow some of my weird ass hunches. And so we're going to all do this in a limited series.

And we've partnered with some other people who, and entities that are going to be completely helpful in trying to help us find some answers. If we can't figure out what happened to Eric, I hope that we can at least find Eric. Does that make sense? Like I don't, I don't need to know if our theories are necessarily true or false, if we can just bring him home. Um, of, of course. Yeah.

Raven (37:12)
Right, give some answers to the family. Right.

Pisha (37:16)
Yeah, of course I really want to know what happened, but if the least we can do is revive this investigation that's stalled and find Eric, just find him, follow some leads, that's all I can ask for. So that's my goal with the spinoff series and...

I'm really excited to investigate with you and these other folks that have been helping us. Some people, some friends and family in Erick's Inner Circle in Oregon, we won't mention any of you, but you know who you are. Thank you for helping. And we've got some friends of yours helping. So yeah, just really appreciate everyone because...

Raven (38:00)
Yeah, yeah.

Pisha (38:05)
I feel just much more connected to this case as a result of my relationship with Eric. And it's so interesting. People always say like, you don't understand until it happens to you. And it hasn't happened to me. I haven't gone missing, of course, but it's so close to home. This is my friend. This is someone that went to my apartment. I went to his apartment. We listened to music. We hung out with friends. It's surreal.

So anything I can do to bring some answers, I'm excited to do that in this spin-off series. So right now, we're attempting to get the Lane County records relating to the recovery of Eric's vehicle. We're trying to pinpoint exactly where the vehicle was found so we can start establishing search areas. And then also...

Raven (38:32)
Yeah, I thought...

Pisha (38:55)
Like you said, this investigation is ongoing. It's an open case. So the police department can't give us their entire file. It's not subject to FOIA or IPRA or anything like that. But we are going to still submit a request to them because it appears that they're going to cooperate and give us whatever they can give us. So it would be great in an ideal perfect world. We'd have his missing persons report who was filed by all the witness statements.

just all the reports, all the officer observations, but you know, we're probably going to get very bare bones information with regards to the investigating agency. But yeah, I just I'm excited to get our boots on the ground and like really fall down this rabbit hole and see if we can't get some answers here. It's just find Eric something.

I don't know. I trailed off. I feel like I trailed off the same way Eric just kind of like trailed off and disappeared. So I'm sorry. Like it's, I don't really know how else to end this episode other than, you know, yeah.

Raven (39:53)
Yeah. Oh no. Yeah.

Well, there's no real ending yet. I mean, I think this is just the beginning, right? Like, so, you know, so this is, this is us, you know, making this a downspin to our bombs and, and our few, our few listeners as well. Um, Oh, I forgot also Putin. How could I forget? Um, yes.

Pisha (40:18)
Mom, mom, now you know.

and Putin in Russia. Remember Putin.

Raven (40:31)
And I think we had like one in Ireland too, but that was just like one listen, so it's not like they were following us. But anyway, but to let people know that this is kind of, this is what will be coming in the future. For now, I mean, we still have quite a bit of deranged de jure for you... What were you called again? Derangers? Sorry. God, I don't even know my own fan base. Geez Louise. Bye.

Pisha (40:31)

It was the word we made up. How do you...

Raven (41:01)
I don't know. It's been a long day, okay? It's been a long life. But anyway, yeah. So, yeah, so that will be what's coming up in the future. But like I said, we have quite a few things coming up that we're excited about. So, you know, as you all know, this is Women's History Month. And so the next couple of episodes we're gonna be covering.

Pisha (41:04)
It's been a long day.

been along everything. Oh man.

Raven (41:27)
We're going to do another bang this week, we hope. Another bang bang. Yeah. That's right. This weekend we'll be covering some Nazi hunters, some women Nazi hunters this week. And so for the last... The Nazi hunters. That's my favorite thing. Yeah.

Pisha (41:29)
Another bang bang. A double bang, if you will.

or as my phone auto corrected, nacho hunters. And I was like, wait, why would we have such a problem with nacho hunters?

Raven (41:53)
nachos, we must get those nachos. So yeah, it hit me just like the right time. So when I looked at it at your message, I was like nacho hunters and I was like, I just pictured like hunters who are nachos.

Pisha (41:55)
We hate nachos

I was envisioning hunters of nachos. So like, you know, free roaming nachos in the wild. And then, yeah, there we go. And then the hunter brings it up and shoots the nacho. That's what I was envisioning. But...

Raven (42:13)
Yeah, which makes more sense, really.

That was me too, that's what I thought. Yeah, they've got guns, little muskets.

Yeah. There you go.

Pisha (42:33)
Point is it's not Nacho Hunters. It is Nazi Hunters, which are better! And we love the women ones, they're so badass.

Raven (42:33)
I like it. No. Nazi hunters. Yeah.

Oh my God, so badass. Like I'm always so inspired like reading some of these stories.

so later this week we'll be covering that one. And then the following week we're gonna be covering Black Widows to round out our Women's History Month with the bad history of women. So anyway, yeah, which is kind of my favorite. But yeah, so.

With that, remember to like, listen, and subscribe. Write to us, you know, tell your friends, tell your loved ones, tell your coworkers.

Pisha (43:17)
Ooh, also, yeah, also we're having a Facebook live event at the end of the month. We are going to cross stitch and live react to an insurrection documentary because those things go together.

Raven (43:22)
Oh yeah.

Yes, hand in hand, clearly. So there you go. That was probably more fitting, but yes. So yeah, so until then, stay out of law school and the infirmaries.

Pisha (43:38)
Hand in needle.

Ha ha ha!

Raven Deranger (43:50)
Remember to like and subscribe to Deranged DeJure on your favorite podcast platform and follow at deranged.dejure on all the major social media. Contact us by email at deranged.dejure at This has been a Raven Kink production.