How to Build a Podcast for Your Brand

Should you do-it-yourself with a company CEO or spokesperson, or hire a professional host?

Show Notes

Should you do-it-yourself with a company CEO or spokesperson, or hire a professional host?

To help you discover who is best to present host or front your brand podcast, we chat with Nails Mahoney who has worked on-air in the largest radio markets in Europe and North America before going on to train 3,000 radio presenters worldwide.  

We find out:

- The key role any presenter needs to fulfil
- How important is accent and voice quality
- What are the advantages/disadvantages of using a professional, a brand ambassador or a celebrity

Our Guest
Nails Mahoney has three decades experience including two years with RTE radio and a staggering eight year run on 98FM’s Breakfast Show. He then moved to Canada where he worked with Q107 in one of the worlds biggest markets, Toronto. For the past ten years, he and partner Tracey Lee at OnAirCoach.  Training presenters is his passion on which he has spoken at many radio conferences in Europe and TEDx. 

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What is How to Build a Podcast for Your Brand?

Help and tips for marketing professionals and brand managers considering or already creating podcasts. Learn how to create and improve podcasts for brands or products you are working on, with quality advice from expert guests who share their knowledge and experience.

For your convenience, we have included a 90% accurate machine transcript.
Dusty Rhodes 0:00
Right now on how to build a podcast for your brand, we're talking presenters. Can you do it yourself? Or what should you look for when you're hiring a professional? teaching us is a man who has worked on air in the largest radio markets in Europe and North America before going on to train 3000 radio presenters worldwide. Let's go.

This is Tim Ferriss. Welcome to another episode of the Tim Ferriss show going to talk about house prices. house prices in Ireland and particularly Johnny podcast, bringing you all the mayhem and news in the world and the two Johnny's open the pod bay doors. This is business wars, the E y podcast CEO outlook series. Tommy tiernan. We just go first brace yourself. Absolutely. Go ahead. Showtime.

Dusty Rhodes 0:47
Hello, and welcome to How to build a podcast for your brand. My name is Dusty Rhodes and today we're helping you with the ins and outs of what makes a good presenter, the importance of voice control and how to pick the right person to present your show. Joining us is nails Mahoney nails has been in the business if you want for for over three decades in Ireland he worked with RTE to FM a did the Breakfast Show on 98 FM in Dublin for a long, long time. He's worked with the BBC in the UK, Atlantic to five two as well, has done a lot of work in North America, particularly in Canada, the biggest markets, he would work there were Vancouver. And I think one of the highlights of his career was working with q1 oh seven in Toronto, because cute. Toronto is the fifth largest radio market in North America, and quite possibly the world. So he's been there and done it. last 10 years, he has been working with Tracy Lee on their business called on air coach. They've got 3000 clients worldwide, where they help a radio people to become even better radio presenters. They're also the people behind the petition. And he has also spoken at many conferences and events, including Ted x, at nails joins me now to start us off nails. Can I ask you what in your head is the magic of radio?

Nails Mahoney 2:09
The magic of radio, and I am getting specific because radio is a completely different thing these days to what it was even two or three years ago. But the one rule the one Maxim has always been to one person speaking to one other person. And that's all it is. We can go through all these conferences and debates and read books and analyze and analyze and do you know, surveys and research and marketing till we're blue in the face. And so one person talking to another person. That's all it comes down to.

Dusty Rhodes 2:46
I find it's a very intimate medium because of that.

Nails Mahoney 2:50
Well, if you think about it, right, especially with podcasts, and more so than radio, radios, radios, it's mass communication consumed by an individual who is podcasting is you inside my head, I put my earplugs on my earbuds, whatever it is, and I hear your voice say Hi, welcome to my podcast, you're in my head, just get more personal than that right inside my head in my ears. Whether I'm on the bus, or I'm on the train, or wherever I am. That's that's that's why audio is more powerful than than visuals. visuals are great. But audio, the beauty but audio is if I say banana, you automatically can see a banana in your head. If I say don't think of a red car, there is the red car, there's nothing you can do about it, right? So we are we're hardwired to create visuals in our head. And the spoken word provokes those visuals. So no matter what I say, it will create an image in your head based on your life, not on my life, on your individual life. So if I say I was in the shop yesterday, you see your shop, not someone else's shop. That's why it's so intimate. And that's why it's so personal TV and video on Tick Tock and all these guys are fantastic. But they can't make it personal like that for you. And lets you tap into that, then you're onto something special.

Dusty Rhodes 4:03
When you turn on the radio, you're listening to a general conversation that is of interest to a very broad audience. Whereas when you listen to a podcast, you something that you've bought into that is a very specific interest to you. Do you think that's the difference between radio and podcasts?

Nails Mahoney 4:19
Yeah, it's a huge difference, isn't it? Because I've actually made the choice, the conscious choice to download your podcast, I've made an effort I've pushed a button for crying out loud. And I've made an effort to actually listen to what you say and I'm going to give you my attention. I'm going to listen radio listeners we call them listeners they're not really they're not even pay attention is half the time. They're just it's just on and it's just there. And if something piques their curiosity, we may listen to it. We may pick up on what they're saying unless we're stuck in the car driving home or whatever on the train they're commuting is a chance you might listen on a podcast. Yeah, because it's also specific still Seth golden thing isn't it wherever you can micro niche, your audience then you own them, that you make that you make your audience as small as possible. If you can. Get a target audience and make it as teeny tiny, tiny as possible, then you own them. And that audience will listen to every single word you say. Because you have the same passion, you have the same interest. And we're attracted to people who are similar to us. So if you have the podcast about fly fishing and urine and mental about fly fishing, it's all you're talking about is fly fishing all day. And you get the fly fishing podcast. That's brilliant. But just say you live in Bulgaria, in order to fly fishing. And there's a fly fishing for Bulgarians podcast, you're like, Oh, my God, I'm into that one. And let's see you live on the Black Sea, from Bulgaria. And there's a podcast for fly fishing, Bulgarian Black Sea people. You go, Oh, my God, that's me. Everybody, the flyfishers on the Black Sea is going to download that podcast, you own them. So that's why podcasting is completely different. Yeah.

Dusty Rhodes 5:47
So let's talk about podcasting. And we're here to talk about the presenter today. Where do you see the role of a presenter in a podcast?

Nails Mahoney 5:55
Without one there isn't a podcast isn't? There's no podcast. It's just silence is downloading silence, which can be very therapeutic and very relaxing. But you know what? You heard one, you've heard them all. And I've heard that silence before Is this a repeat? So without the presenter, there is no podcast.

Dusty Rhodes 6:12
So the present is everything. So what does the presenter have to do?

Nails Mahoney 6:16
And number one be themselves. That's obviously the number one thing in radio and podcasting in any sort of media. But guess what? Here's the fun bit. That's the hardest thing in the world to do. Yay. Isn't that fun? The hardest thing in the world to do is be yourself behind the microphone. It's almost an impossibility you keep working down at and working out even the professional still have to work at it every single day, you know, as well as I do those people say that here they say go in there and just be yourself going into the studio and beat yourself go on. You go and you can't because you're you're you become a version of yourself. So it's impossible to be yourself. So you have to pick which version of yourself you are. So if you're if you're presenting a podcast What are you just what are you first of all, what do you want your listener to think of you? Who are you? when they hear your voice? Who are they hearing? Nevermind what is nice if you've got a decent voice was not the end of the world have you? Don't they want to hear the person? And if you're funny be funny if you're controversial, be controversial as your main personality, but you have to the listener has to know who you are. And for podcasting depends on the podcast isn't that you can have a 10 minute podcast about you know, dancing, or we can have one we just walk around your town talking. I've heard these ones before, maybe you have as well just guys just turn the mic on. They go, Hey, I'm outside the house. Now I'm walking down the road. Oh, there's a guy I know. Hey, Hayden, and it's just them going for a ramble. That's a totally different podcasts. So number one, be yourself as much as you can. But number two, watch your bloody podcast about because that will define who you are, and how you're presented.

Dusty Rhodes 7:40
I think it's easier for us to be yourself these days. Because, you know, whatever. 10 or 15 years ago, if you were speaking on camera, or I look and I'm dressed up, and or if you were speaking, you know, kind of an ad in front of any kind of an audience whether they you can see them or whether you're on radio, it's all like, you know, oh my god, what are they all going to think of me? Fast forward to 2021 where we are now. And we're all used to sitting in our box rooms in our pajamas and talking to whoever happens to come on. Next on zoom.

Nails Mahoney 8:08
You got your camera on? How do you know how did you know?

Dusty Rhodes 8:10
It's just means that you're able to kind of sit back and because it's more familiar, you are able to be more yourself. So I think that's a good thing.

Nails Mahoney 8:22
Absolutely, it's a good thing. You got to be careful of falling into the trap of complacency though. Hey, I can do this. I've got it. I've nailed it. And again, you know, as well as I different been in the radio business long enough over the years that once you feel you've got it sauced that's when you get the call in from the program directors office saying you know what, you suck at the moment. Really, I thought I was great. It's when you think you have it nailed. That's when the problems begin. Never think you have it figured out. Always keep working on it always keep trying.

Dusty Rhodes 8:46
So do you think that anyone can be a presenter?

Nails Mahoney 8:51
It will anybody tells you they can. Same way I can be a photographer, I've got a phone with a camera on it. So I'm Nick. I'm an excellent photographer, go onto my Instagram page. I don't know why people aren't buying my photos. They're amazing. Everybody's everything nowadays, right? We're all broadcasters. And we're all presented some photographers and filmmakers. We're all bloggers, we're all writers, we can do anything we like because we have all the technology and all the tools to do that now. But Can anybody be a presenter? Anybody can give it a shot? Sure. Yeah. But like anything else, you need to you need to train you need to learn how this works. It isn't just a case of turning on a microphone and chatting. We have this old joke that people come to us and say I should be on the radio. I can talk for hours on end. And we always say well, you're the last person who should be on the bloody radio, quite honestly, because you need to learn how to shut up as well. Talking isn't everything. Focus talking is? Well. It's all about knowing when to talk, knowing what to talk about knowing the rules. There are rules to communicating like anything else. It's a profession. It's a profession. Like any profession, there are rules. There are ways to do this. There are ways to provoke conversation to provoke questions to provoke silence. There are ways to do this little subtleties that professionals understand. So if you turn the mic on anybody Germany pajamas and go, I'm going to do the me podcast and I'm going to interview my friend. And it's three hours long. This is great. Guess what? nobody's buying that nobody's downloading that nobody's gonna listen to it. Because it's just you talking to your pal, you might as well just chat to your pal. So yes, it's possible for anybody to present. And there are people who can do it just naturally, and then just, you know, take the hat off to them. Good idea, guys, well done. For the majority of people, and we know this from training, everybody weak. majority people need help. And not because they're crap. It's just you need help. Because, you know, as well, if you're, if you're helping somebody who's new in the industry, and you give them a little tip, they go, Ah, I never thought of that. And that's all it is. It's just, I never thought of that, that makes perfect sense. And the great thing about it is you're already talking anyway, so all of these things, you know, it's just doing them on purpose. If that was my line to people, when we started off, we're going to help you to speak on purpose now, instead of just speaking randomly, and by accident, so speak on purpose.

Dusty Rhodes 10:56
So anyone can be a presenter, which is good, because as you say, we have the tools to do so many things. But of course, it's a case of Well, do you know how to use the tool. And that's where I'm kind of trying to get out today. So it's, it's good that anyone can be a presenter, if somebody decides that they want to present their own podcast, what would be the first three pieces of advice you would give them?

Nails Mahoney 11:20
First thing is, decide what your personality is. Because we've all got different personalities, right? The way you speak to your bank manager is different to the way you speak to a toddler. Still, you still do? What's still a different version of you. So what version of you? are you presenting? Because that's very important. I need I need a bit of continuity. When I tune into you every week or download your podcast every week, I need some sort of continuity, I need to know who you are. If you're a different person every week, I'm not really sure. So it's the same in relationships. Just think of the person you get on best with in life. Who are they? And what's their dominant part of the personality? What are they? Did they make you feel safe? Do they make you feel relaxed, they make you laugh? Well, what is it they do for you. And that's what you need to tap into what your dominant personality is, number one, then learn a couple of rules of radio. Because radio and audio and podcasts and all the same thing, like word economy, let me give you word economy. Word economy is the ability to make your point as clearly and as succinctly as possible. It's like, Okay, you've ever had a conversation with somebody, and you're talking to talk and talk and you can't quite figure out how you're going to get your point across and you see their eyes glaze over. Now that point, you kind of go along, I'm talking a little too long here, I need to get to the point. Unfortunately, you can't see your listeners eyes glaze over. But they are because they stop listening. And they stop downloading or if you're on the radio, the ratings go down. So learn word economy gets the point as clearly and as succinctly as possible. You know, you know the word economy, right? from working in radio? Is that how you describe it?

Dusty Rhodes 12:52
Yes, the way I look at talk radio is the way I would have learned top 40 music radio in that you've got two and a half or three minutes. And you better be moving on after two and a half to three minutes on to the next thing before somebody gets bored. What would your third tip be then for the basic advice for beginners, so if a personality Be yourself, and then we learned some basic rules of radio number three,

Nails Mahoney 13:15
okay, for if you're gonna do a podcast, let's say it's a knowledgeable podcast, you know, something, and you want to dispense that knowledge to the listener. So it could be DIY, it could be art, it could be anything you like, pick one thing and concentrate on it. Pick one thing, teach me one thing today, just one thing. If other things pop up, that's great. But one dominant thought one thing and I'll come away with that one piece of knowledge. And also, that's that's kind of cool because you save a 40 minute podcast. Today we're going to talk about how to use blue when we're painting and watercolor is just blue, nothing else because blue is really important. You talk about blue forever why blue is so great. All the great blues and the over the over the decades. Why blue changes lives? Then you tell me how I do blue. And then you also say you know ranch nice as well. But blue is the dominant one. And next week we will talk about red. next podcast get ready for the next show. I know can't wait to hear where red is red. blows my mind, man.

Dusty Rhodes 14:11
Okay, so that's that's great advice. Be true to yourself. Learn two basic rules of radio and just think of your topic and just do the one thing just concentrate on one thing and just do that. Well.

Nails Mahoney 14:21
What about Can I add? Can I add a three B? Yes. If you don't mind, okay, three B would be make sure it's something you absolutely are passionate about. Because otherwise you'll give up after two podcasts. So make sure it's something you will do all the time. Otherwise you'll give up.

Dusty Rhodes 14:36
And that is part of being true to yourself. And you're right about the amount of people who do say I'm gonna start a podcast and a quarter of the podcasts that are out there in the world have one episode. That's because they went on can be

Nails Mahoney 14:52
a bother to me. I'll do it tomorrow. Yeah. So

Dusty Rhodes 14:56
for our person who's getting behind the microphone and They are doing it for the first time. How important do you think their accent is? Do they need to have a D for Dublin? accent? dooney broken RT and all that kind of stuff? Or?

Nails Mahoney 15:10
Oh yes, we're seeing pronunciation it's essential. Oh, yes, absolutely the best best accent you get? No, of course not. To you know that? Well, you just silly questions. He is asking these rhetorical questions, knowing the answer already. Oh, I know your game is the roads? No, of course not. You just be yourself. If how you speak is Received Pronunciation or is D for or whatever the appropriate accent for your area is, then yeah, if that's how you speak knock yourself out. But But understand your audience? How does your audience speak? Can they relate to them? If your audience is a you know, as as a as for the want of a better term and an upper class accent? If they have and you have then you're in sync, aren't you? You're mirroring them. But if your audience is more working class and you've got an upper class accent, it's not as good it's not necessarily going to hinder you. And it's not going to if you have the right content, and you have the right approach. It's just your accent, isn't it? Yeah, there's there's a comedian, an English comedian. He's very posh, very, very posh. And he comes on stage. I can't remember his name and the whole the whole actors but him being so posh and the audience or you know, average Joe and Jane lova. Obviously, they think he's hilarious because he just he just has a laugh about the fact that his accent is so bloody posh. So you can do that. You can make an endearing as well. No accents. Just be yourself. We had a guy from Scotland come to us for training once and he said that he says, you know he's really thick Glaswegian accent and sometimes that's a very difficult accent, even from Glasgow to understand. But the whole thing was, he said, this is gonna be a problem around so you can predict it know me, it's who you are. So just just enjoy it, own it, own it.

Dusty Rhodes 16:43
And he'll have no problem with that. And Glasgow for sure. 100% micro niche micro

Nails Mahoney 16:47
niche. Fishing for Glaswegians, he's

Dusty Rhodes 16:50
off, I don't think accent is really important. Because regional accents are actually you know, more more part of media. And like you and I probably would have grown up with the very BBC palmy kind of accent. And then suddenly Channel Four came on the scene on is and then Big Brother. And it was like in a way today in the Big brother who's do and all that kind of luck. It's great to hear all those. But I think the one consistent that you need through it is that it needs to be understood by the audience.

Nails Mahoney 17:21
Yeah, so I think so go ahead.

Dusty Rhodes 17:24
If you have the guy from Glasgow, as you were saying, if he was doing a show in Cork, it may not work. That'd be great talk show though, wouldn't it? because he'd be on a No, no, what he was saying in the call is we've coming in with a cork accent. And he wouldn't know what they were saying.

Nails Mahoney 17:41
I think you're onto something there is no, I haven't got a clue podcast. I haven't I haven't got a breeze. But yeah, people don't necessarily. They don't attract that they're not attracted to an accent. They're attracted to passion. And it's that old adage, don't tell people what you do. Tell them why you do it. People buy why not what. So tell them why you do it. I love talking about this every week. This is I get up in the Monday morning getting ready to put this podcast together for Friday, I spent the whole week talking to people about this subject of blardy, blardy, blardy blar. If you say that in a Scottish accent, I love getting up in the morning doing this content about that. Once the passion comes across, then people go you know what this guy, I like this dude, I like this dude. Very, that's what sells I believe.

Dusty Rhodes 18:23
Now, up until this point, we have been talking about somebody presenting a podcast on their own. But there are advantages to getting in a radio professional. And I'm thinking from the point of view now from from marketing and from PR and stuff like that, where it's a company that is not a single person, so they need somebody to represent them. And I think you haven't choice, you can either use a radio professional, you could use somebody from the company itself, or maybe some kind of a brand ambassador, or you could go all out and get a big time celebrity from TV or movies or something like this. Where would you see the advantages of each of them? Let me start with using a radio professional.

Nails Mahoney 19:03
Thank God you reminded me because I'd forgotten the last two of them. That's a setup memory going again. So radio professional. Yeah. I mean, they come in, they know what they're doing. They sound good. They know the rules. They know how to connect. Do they have the passion? They know leave what they're doing. I was just a gig. It's just a gig. I'd audition them first. Make sure that they are exactly what you want. And I'd I'd make sure I sent it out to too rough sample audience maybe 1020 people and just to see their take on and if they come and go oh, he's great. Or she's great. Then you go Okay, fair enough as they go. Yeah. Okay. I didn't really understand what you ask them questions. Did you connect did it was he believable? Did she sound like she really enjoyed this? Whatever it is. I'll tell you don't be careful with that.

Dusty Rhodes 19:55
I'll tell you what, I think my preferred host of all these When you're finished radio professional, you're a bass. You sound very dubious about, what about a brand or a company presenter? Somebody from the company?

Nails Mahoney 20:10
Look, everything's got it's gotten as bad. I'm not necessarily gone to a professional. No, no, I know. They know what they're doing. Yeah. And somebody within the company, alright, they obviously are invested in it, because it's their company, right? They work there. So they want to keep the job. And they also probably like it, they live it eight, nine hours a day minimum. So they're involved in it's five days a week. So yeah, they'll know they're talking about. And that's the plus. So the negative is, do they know how to present on a microphone either gonna freeze? If you have a guest on? Do they know how to answer it, ask questions, they know how to ask open ended questions. And you can teach how to how to ask open ended questions, but doesn't mean you're going to do it. Just because you teach it doesn't mean you're going to be able to do it. So you need to run them through that as well. Because the difference, the marked difference, having the professional and the amateur is the amateur needs to be trained. And the professional needs to have the passion and stills. Everybody's got the good and the bad. So he, you decide which one for me. If I'm listening to a podcast by a company, for example, I just say Ryanair had a podcast. I'd like to listen to somebody from there. That sounds like they they know how to present what but are still a little bit a little bit rough around the edges, because they're not a presenter, the real I want to hear a real person on a podcast like that.

Dusty Rhodes 21:26
And then finally, what about a celebrity presenting a podcast?

Nails Mahoney 21:31
Well, now, that would depend on what the podcast is about, isn't it? Give me an example of a podcast that that you're thinking of what kind of like a product or what are we talking about here? Are we talking about showbiz news or what are we on a bed?

Dusty Rhodes 21:41
What about a Kevin Bacon? All right, big movie star and he sells phones on TV and all the ads one of the he was to do a podcast for the telephone company, he oblique er, and that that would be my example.

Nails Mahoney 21:56
Okay, well, he's got one already, because we already aligned with the phone company, don't we? Because we've seen his ads on TV. So we already have his picture in our head. We're holding that phone saying that would work. That would work. Absolutely. It'd be ridiculous to not use him, wouldn't it? Because he's the face of the company. See, there's the thing if you're the face of a company, great. But why? Okay, have you ever watched an animated cartoon and this and you're watching and you think oh, that's really cool. That was fun. That was great. That was whatever. And then you see the roll of credits and you go, Oh, that was Meryl Streep. Well, there was there Tom Hanks. Oh, that was Brad Pitt. I didn't realize that. It's not always possible to understand who that celebrity is on your outro because they're just a voice. So that the difference between seeing and hearing, eventually you get used to the fact that it's a celebrity. So once a celebrity sort of Tom Hanks is doing this, you know podcast about a chair factory, who cares? It doesn't really matter. It's good for headlines. Yeah, sure. Yeah, we got Tom Hanks born. You know, I honestly think if you're wasting your money by doing that, by hiring a celebrity, you can put your money into better, better, better, better avenues, hiring a celeb personally.

Dusty Rhodes 22:58
Here's my three advantages. All right. I think with a radio professional radio professional knows the rules, I will absolutely keep the pace of the podcast and it will keep it because even though it's a podcast, listeners still have a certain expectation and standard in their head. And somebody who doesn't know the rules, as you say, may end up making a three hour podcast who wants that? Unless you're Joe Rogan. Oh,

Nails Mahoney 23:21
can I just can I just interject there for one sec. And that you don't want to radio jock? No, that's a totally different species. Oh, yeah. You want a radio broadcaster? Yes.

Dusty Rhodes 23:29
Yes. Yes, that's right. Yeah, yeah. So and radio professional as the presenter, then the advantage of a brand or a company presenter is that they have the passion, and they have the knowledge, but they just don't know really kind of the rules to make a really good podcast. a celebrity is really, really good because a celebrity will bring in some star power, and it will attract people to come and listen to the podcast. However, they may not know the rules. So what I generally try to say to people is to consider all of the advantages of the three, but mix and match. And the one that's worked the best for me is where you have a radio professional who's presenting and you have a brand or a company presenter or somebody who is an interviewee, who is doing most of the talking. So the radio professional goes Hello, welcome. Here's who we have. This is the first question and then bam, the person with the passion and the knowledge is the one who does all the talking.

Nails Mahoney 24:26
Yep, and then a good editor. You'll need a good editor for that as well as somebody who's really good at whacking it into shape because while the pro will know what they're doing the non professional will still tend to ramble a little bit and you want them to sound as good as they can as well right so good good editor be important to have there as well in the background. Noise knows how to slice and dice. No, I totally agree with you those three the the pros and the cons are all there. So again thing in life, isn't it? Everything's got its pros and cons. You can have the best holiday in the world, but one thing just didn't fit. You know, there's always something that needs to be fixed. That just can't be so You got to cut your losses and hope for the best now and also the star parent thing will get you in an inch the initial audience, but keeping it as the problem. It's like, we always say in radio, your job is to not lose the listener, people will tune around and they'll find radio stations, your job is to keep them not lose them. So will they keep your audience after 234 weeks of downloads?

Dusty Rhodes 25:18
We've got some great examples to backup everything that we've been talking about over the last few minutes. Just before we get into them. Can I ask you about on air coach, which you are running with Tracy Lee, who's another radio professional for a long time? What do your coaching services offer? And who are they for the only radio people? Or do you help people who want to do podcasts?

Nails Mahoney 25:40
We primarily coach radio people, but yeah, we do pod we've we've helped launch a few podcasts over the last year, mostly in Ireland. And we're performance and career coaches as well. So if you could just say yes to your five years in the business, or your three years in the business, and it's just going nowhere. You don't know what to bloody do anymore, right? So we do, because we've been there like we've been there. We've seen it from the other side. So we know the steps to take. So we help people move on in their career, we help them get jobs, as programmers and as as radio presenters primarily. That's our main thing right now we've got about 15 people doing a group session with us once a week. And we'll concentrate on those people helping them get along in their careers and get jobs these people wanna get jobs. That's what we're doing at the mall. We're helping 15 people get a job in radio, believe it or not all podcasts and whatever one they want to go for everyone pays the bills, right? So that's our main thing. That's our main passion. And that's what we do. That's our passion. That's That's why we only work with people who speak into microphones, because that's our passion.

Dusty Rhodes 26:38
And that's why people come to us. And if you'd like some help from their nails and tracers, our website is on air It's also in the show notes or the description of the podcast you listen to Now listen, I want to get into the example. This is the fun part of the podcast, because that was the fun part. Or the examples of the fun. Okay, so we've got an example from yourself. We've got an example from myself. And we've got an example from our producer sharing as well. All right, and we're going to have a listen to all three and kind of just demonstrate what these examples have been doing based on what we've been talking about. I don't think at the end, we'll pick a winner.

Nails Mahoney 27:19
I always lose these things. Haha.

Dusty Rhodes 27:21
So do you want to go first or do you want me to go first? Or will we go with assurance choice?

Nails Mahoney 27:26
No, ladies first ladies. Oh, my

Dusty Rhodes 27:28
goodness. All right. Okay, Graham. Well, shareen has given us a clip from a podcast called love life with Matthew Hussey. Matthew is a dating expert for women and has done so at a very high level with a lot of major media outlets worldwide, including the New York Times I think he's English, but he knows she likes this because he's a very engaging speaker. He's a straight talker, but compassionate. There's a passion there, again, you see, and what he liked about this, and it's very appropriate for our podcast, because he's actually selling something within the podcast and shareen said that it's the first time she's heard somebody selling something in a non salesy way that made her want to buy it, which is actually one of the great, great strengths of podcast. So let's take a listen to this clip and see how it sounds.

Unknown Speaker 28:18
Because these are great. All right, I'll give you a this is I reckon this is common. American, this is common. This isn't a silly one. When they give

Unknown Speaker 28:30
status updates via text, I'm making vegetable soup. I'm driving to the farm, and these keep coming. But they never asked you out what the f?

Unknown Speaker 28:44
Yeah, well, we just talked about this, right? It's a lack of progression, what you're looking for, and we have an entire program about this called the momentum texts, right? Like if you go to our website, how to get the There's a program on the program's page called the momentum texts. The reason I created that program was literally to show people how to move the ball forward in texting. Right? And by the way, I don't think texting is that important. It's just another means of communication, right? But a lot is illustrated. When I hear stuff like this, I hear all of the reasons why people aren't progressing, because I see the things they're not doing. And I think texts are a fun vehicle to illustrate principles of communication in dating, that can actually help people go from something that's casual, to something that's committed. Or if they're in a if you're in a pattern right now of consistently being casual with someone and you want to be more committed, you want someone to commit. These momentum texts show you whether you use them by text or by phone, it doesn't really matter. You can use them in conversation, but they show you the language of what gives you momentum and why it gives you momentum So why it works? And if you look at why, for a lot of people, they have this, you know, he texts me and says, I, you know, I'm making soup. But why does he never asked me out? part of the answer is because you're allowing this dynamic to continue. I'm not saying it's her fault that he's being this way, but it's your fault if that dynamic never progresses or dies.

Dusty Rhodes 30:37
So that's a Matthew Hussey What do you reckon?

Nails Mahoney 30:42
Very good. Like the way there is a little bit of banter at the start there. Obviously pals they get along, they're enjoying themselves. And they get down to the nitty gritty very quickly and it's very good solid passionate advice from a guy really means what he's talking about like it a lot. Right. very casual as well. Nice and easy. Gone. But um, gets to the point. Nice word economy. Nice pictures, the painting in the head. Yeah, yeah, top marks. I think that

Dusty Rhodes 31:06
was perfect podcast material. Because what he was doing is he was laying out the problem. A lot of people listen to podcasts because they want to learn something and learning usually means I need to fix a problem that I have. The problem was, you know, I'm not getting texting back from guys. How do I do it? And he has the solution there. And yeah, because as you say, he will be we were talking about a brand or a company presenter. He's perfect for that.

Nails Mahoney 31:32
accent. I mean, he's just got a regular you know, south of England sound American or whatever it was, but it's just a really it's a regional accent put it that way,

Dusty Rhodes 31:38
not about it. Let's go on to your suggestion. Guys. Tell me tell me this one. Yeah, I know. I'm looking at it and you know, I hate this topic.

Nails Mahoney 31:51
Will I just play as fly fishing in Bulgaria?

Dusty Rhodes 31:54
No. Okay, here we go. Then let's just have a listen to it. Then.

Unknown Speaker 31:57
Sasha this next question to avoid a tie breaker and goes through question six. Which Spanish team has only appeared in the Champions League proper once, but reached the quarterfinals in that one season.

Unknown Speaker 32:12
So Spanish team once and reached the quarterfinals. So we're talking last 30 years. resqwater font BTC rubbish when they were in the first group. Your series very slow today, I must say.

Unknown Speaker 32:40
I wish I think so. I'm trying to picture the Spanish league table and see who's in so depth or have been there a few times

Unknown Speaker 32:49
Ryan? might have to hurry. You're long Sasha there's a lot of team final name. quarterfinals quarterfinals in the one appearance. Do you have an answer for it? Sasha Valerio is studying correct. It's Malaga. Oh, no, I wasn't getting the Okay then. Okay.

Dusty Rhodes 33:13
So I will say even though I can't stand football and you being in a long standing meeting, my knowing I can stand for a welcome. That's actually really, really good example of what we're talking about.

Nails Mahoney 33:28
Well, James Richardson is the host of the totally football show. And James has been presenting football on telly on Channel Four since the 80s. And is he's busy. He did the Guardian football podcast, and then moved on. It did so well. He started his own company, martinis, martinis media. And they do a whole plethora of sports podcast. Now. This is the one he hosts on a on a Monday on a Thursday, it's twice a week, initially. to him. It's a panel of pundits and journalists. And they mostly just talk about matters that took place and are about to take place. But it is wit he is razor sharp. I mean, we're talking one the most, just as the sharpest brain, I've heard on audio and ever, I think he just as comebacks are lightning fast, his knowledge is great. But when he doesn't know something, you'll Hand it over, and that the experts just take over the conversation. It's just a bunch of people, male, female, just having a chat about football. And at the end of it, they have a little quiz and there was a little quiz at the end of it. And because it's a podcast, as you get hurt, you can take your fine, sweet time. Again, the answer is because your audience is going to stick with it. Absolutely. It's it to me, it's To me, it's perfect. And the audience know the content so well and they're really hanging on to it. He should know this and you're screaming the answer. Let me put in one very important thing. There's a format of this podcast, every every show has the same format. So he's got benchmarks, and that's very important. Right? It's time for this right it's time for that okay, as always, we do this now. He does that. So that's very important.

Dusty Rhodes 35:01
And there you go. And that's another part of what we were saying about having a professional as the presenter because they kind of know the rules. What works over the years, I have chosen a professional. And in fact, actually this this is a guy who has gone to the very top of the radio broadcasting tree, presenting the Breakfast Show on BBC Radio One for many years. And the reason I like him is because he has a way of engaging everybody in the conversation. So his trick is that he has a team a breakfast team with him. So he's got the news guys got the producer. He's got sports guys got a comedy guy all in the studio, and they all have a chat. But it's not like ear wigging on a conversation. It's like being in the room and part of the conversation. I don't know if that makes any sense. Yeah, I just like the way it makes the listener feel. You're talking about

Nails Mahoney 35:53
already go on. It's Chris Moyles, isn't it absolutely

Dusty Rhodes 35:57
correct. The is a good storyteller. And the other thing I like about him is that he's unpredictable. And when it comes to podcasting, what he does, and this is something he's done for years, and I think he's absolutely right, is that he has done a maybe a 10 minute intro as part of the podcast in the week. Everybody else goes, here's our best bits from the radio show. No, he actually took time, 1015 minutes or whatever. And this is kind of a little story that he had as part of this. And it just shows who he he's exactly like this unfair as he is on there. Just take a listen to this.

Unknown Speaker 36:37
I do want to know something, though, was Well, two things. There was a there was a work meeting this week. Yeah. Which was obviously had to be like online on a zoom. And you and I were blissfully unaware of this meeting, or maybe we were told and totally forgot. Uh, yes. Apparently, it's all right. You it is in your diaries, because you have been sent the link. However, I do feel me as executive producer. Having had to be nudged about it myself. Should have therefore nudge. I was doing physics homework with my 11 year old at the time.

Unknown Speaker 37:13
Yeah. It was very interesting meeting by the way. Yeah, no, absolutely. They always are. They mentioned the podcast in it. Yeah. Yeah. And what did they say? pepper. They said, we've had 30 million downloads. Wow.

Unknown Speaker 37:27
Wow, indeed.

Unknown Speaker 37:31
30 million. That's amazing. Yep. I felt very proud. That I'm not surprised. Now, to be fair, we've been doing it a few years. Yeah. But we've only been doing it five and a half years. Yeah. So do the math. JOHN. What's that yearly go? That's

Unknown Speaker 37:45
around. 6 million a year. Yeah. ish. Isn't it Give or take? Yeah, I mean, off the top of my head 5.7 rise it is. 6 million that six 530.

Unknown Speaker 38:03
That's great. It's good. So if you're listening to it while you're clearly listen to this, if you're not listening to this, you won't hear what I'm saying. So it's thanks to you guys. Thank you very much. 13 million streams downloads of the podcast. Yeah, love are

Unknown Speaker 38:17
still floating about in the podcast charts

Unknown Speaker 38:18
as well. I see.

Unknown Speaker 38:20
What on the iTunes throw six to start. Nobody knows how they do it chart. That one. We can be number one, one minute and then 173. The next minute, how does it work? Nobody knows.

Dusty Rhodes 38:32
That's what I like about them is that they're just talking about a work meeting. And then there was this great fact. And then he just immediately kind of obliterates and just goes zabol

Nails Mahoney 38:42
Yeah, and I thought those type of ramblings that I would call them are at work because he's his audience are Aryan. Anyway, they, he owns them. So yeah, they they know, they know every little nuance what he's all about. And that's just as they said, they're over five years. That's just longevity, isn't it? That's just consistency and longevity, doing it and doing it for a long time regularly. And if your audience sticks with it, they know who you are, then you get away with more than you can ramble like that, then but that but that's that's focused rambling. I mean, he's a professional, so he knows how to ramble correctly. And to bring it back on point and everything in here is an awful there's an awful lot of work going into that. Oh, yeah, he's doing automatically and unconsciously as you well know. Yeah. But yeah, yeah, no, no, no fair play. I mean, who am I to argue with Chris Moyles? Yeah, 10 out of 10, of course,

Dusty Rhodes 39:24
it also demonstrates the whole fact of the club thing as in, you're in this little kind of an organization. And that's one really big advantage, I think of podcasts because you were saying about the fly fishing.

Nails Mahoney 39:38
You know, kind of, we are the people who are into that. And it's something if you have more than one person I might give a Jew and another and even another chemistry, chemistry is so bloody important. If you don't get along, it's just not gonna work. So you can have the best, you know, professional presenter, the greatest knowledgeable employee sitting in the room together and that's all Ready to go hit record and they just don't like each other. Have you ever

Dusty Rhodes 40:03
had to present a radio show with someone that you didn't like, and they detested you?

Nails Mahoney 40:07
I love everybody does. Do you know that's never happened? No question. You're

Dusty Rhodes 40:11
a lucky man. I

Nails Mahoney 40:14
love this face. Let's be honest about it.

Dusty Rhodes 40:15
I had to do it. And it was how I remember that I

Nails Mahoney 40:19
know who you're talking about. I won't mention the name.

Dusty Rhodes 40:22
shortly. Thankfully, it was. Okay, that better hanging there, shall we all right now out of the totally football show, which we like because it's really good quiz element and presented very well, Chris Moyles who's good at telling stories and keeping people included. And Matthew Hussey who is good at doing the sell but without actually selling you and passing on information. Who is your favorite?

Nails Mahoney 40:49
I'd got Matthew Hussey to be honest with you, you can't go okay. Yeah, just because regional accent, passion and knowledge. And I thought I thought if I was if I was into that, I would really get a massive amount out of that. And I'd like them. They just seem like nice blog, so I met them for a pint of probably get on with them.

Dusty Rhodes 41:05
Normally, for the adjudicatory vote, we would have to go to our producer cherien bar and I'm glad to say we don't have to this week because I also thought Matthew Hussey was the interesting because you know, we're all about making podcasts on behalf of brands and companies and stuff like that and and it's you're selling but you're not selling.

Nails Mahoney 41:27
Apple isn't a funny, we didn't go for the ones we produce. Isn't that weird?

Dusty Rhodes 41:32
It is a little bit? Well, no, I don't

Nails Mahoney 41:35
know. It's just it's just maybe it's just because I've heard Moyles before and this was new to my ears was fresh. No, but I could I could see if I was interested in that subject. I'd be I'd probably download that podcast. That'd probably be one of them on the list of things to listen to. Yeah, for sure. 100% good stuff. Well done. Well done everybody.

Dusty Rhodes 41:51
Well, I'm on a well done from nails Mahoney. I think we shall wrap it up on the podcast for their nails. Thank you so much for taking part with us today. If you'd like to find out more about nails you'll find him and Tracy add on air And lots of what we talked about in the show notes as well as links to the podcast as well. And if you'd like to chat about any of the topics discussed on our show today, you'll find our email and our telephone contacts in there also, but for now, from podcast pros. Thank you so much for listening. We'll talk to you again soon. Open the pod bay doors. This conversation can serve no purpose anymore.