Uncle 2 Uncle

A patriotic couple displays their love and affection at a baseball game and now the cops are after them. Well we aren't snitching. Also how would Captain America react to the Sleeves tweet? Only one way to find out!

Show Notes

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What is Uncle 2 Uncle?

Two beautiful men, uncles to each other, navigate the world of pop culture, babes, bikinis, cold ones, hot nights and they take no prisoners while they're at it. The only podcast truly recorded live from a king size bed, accept no imitations.

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: yeah welcome everybody to uncle to uncle
the first podcast to take place from a

[franklin]: king size bed from beautiful hedonism to
i'm your main host friend and and as

[franklin]: always i'm joined by the coolest uncle
of my whole world uncle howard

[howard]: franklin i'm a changed man

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: because i was on the precipice of

[franklin]: ah

[howard]: and i know what you're thinking yeah
i had covid that's what i'm talking about

[howard]: i had

[franklin]: ah

[howard]: covid i'm not dying of covid i'm
living with it

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: but i had i had an adventure
i had a misadventure i

[franklin]: one

[howard]: almost died the other day frank when
i was walking in this parking lot at

[howard]: target walking through one of those spaces
because you're in the parking lot your in

[howard]: a

[franklin]: hm

[howard]: space or you're out in the lanes
where people are driving right so you're walking

[howard]: through the spaces this lady pulled into
the space and she said hey i almost

[howard]: hit you

[franklin]: ah that's it

[howard]: and i said well it's a good
thing you did it and

[franklin]: hm

[howard]: she said oh you know you got
you can't be walking around here and i

[howard]: was like mam pedestrian have the right
way you know you can't just hit people

[howard]: but their car because you you want
to and she said yeah they've got the

[howard]: right away on a sidewalk it was
like well of course on a sidewalk

[franklin]: uh

[howard]: with your crazy asp driving up on
the sidewalk

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: for lady that's not allowed at all

[franklin]: it sounds like she said that begrudgingly

[howard]: i like i'll give it to you
on a sidewalk

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: would put an insane thing to say
i almost hit you like i know

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: like thank you

[franklin]: was she

[howard]: for

[franklin]: expecting an

[howard]: not

[franklin]: apology

[howard]: i guess so and then you know
i was like i was like well you

[howard]: know she was like well you've got
right away on a sidewalk and i said

[howard]: i got right away everywhere

[franklin]: m

[howard]: and then she started an up her
window and i said well you know that

[howard]: would be a hell of a law
suit if you'd hit me and then she

[howard]: just kept rolling up her window so
i gave her thumbs up and walked away

[howard]: i hope

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: she feels like a dumb dumb

[franklin]: yea

[howard]: but i was i was scared to
hell because what what if she hit me

[howard]: you know what would i what would
i have done franklin i would have fallen

[howard]: on the ground and then i would
have sued her ass

[franklin]: yeah oh my god well

[howard]: i'm

[franklin]: i'm glad you didn't get hit

[howard]: i'm always looking to see somebody though

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: franklin

[franklin]: that's right

[howard]: yeah that's

[franklin]: that's why

[howard]: a white people love to see

[franklin]: hm

[howard]: you know and if you want to
hit me with your car i say

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: so concise

[howard]: you

[franklin]: so

[howard]: know what

[franklin]: concise

[howard]: hit me with your car

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: this is what i say you see
me out there rolling around you got you

[howard]: got good as insurance hit me with
you car will split

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: it

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: that's that's smart man i don't know
why more people don't do that say hey

[howard]: you go ahead hit me with your

[franklin]: they will split the profits

[howard]: i'll sue you

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: you know that i'll

[franklin]: i think

[howard]: give you

[franklin]: it's my

[howard]: half

[franklin]: insurance would be shipped from here on
out though

[howard]: yeah but okay let's say let's say
how much money do you think you get

[howard]: from

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: so let's say you hit me and

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: in

[franklin]: i hit you

[howard]: your insurance pays me what how much
you think like two million

[franklin]: two million

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: i don't know and r deeds

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: he got his foot ran over by
a city truck

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: and he got some

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: money from the city and they made
it up d r deeds to be like

[franklin]: you're you're living off the eleven thousand
dollars like i don't know if if now

[franklin]: deeds i'm so sorry oh my god

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: wrong with me

[howard]: m d a lot of money

[franklin]: and lot of deeds had a lot
of money i'm talking about the big daddy

[howard]: oh yeah let me see how much
money you get if if i'll say rich

[howard]: guy hits you

[franklin]: well i don't think

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: that necessarily i mean i think it
matters because you know good insurance and all

[franklin]: that but like insurance is insurance right

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: to an extent

[howard]: well i don't know i mean because
you you can you know when did my

[howard]: insurance for my car i said you
know do you want to have two fifty

[howard]: thousand dollars of coverage or five hundred
thousand or whatever

[franklin]: m that's not how i did mine

[howard]: now what do you say you said
put it all on black

[franklin]: i don't know but i just remember
like i'll

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: pay the two hundred a month no

[howard]: yeah and let god sort him out

[franklin]: well like because they didn't

[howard]: ah

[franklin]: cover my insurance when i drove into
a flood i mean they didn't cover that

[franklin]: when i got when my car got

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: no

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: so i'm like what does this what
does this cover in general and i guess

[franklin]: i was n't paying for the de
lux package or whatever it was only paying

[franklin]: for like carrekanship i don't know

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: s is so boring dude i fucking
hate insurance what

[howard]: you know

[franklin]: good is it

[howard]: you know what it's good for it's
good for crimes there's

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: always doing crimes of insurance and movies
and stuff i took this film class

[franklin]: m

[howard]: you know

[franklin]: hm

[howard]: a lot of these people out there
they don't think i know anything about films

[howard]: but i took a movie about

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: there was a crime film black and
white so is history

[franklin]: m hm

[howard]: and the lady or something she said
you know said oh there was a insurance

[howard]: on me if i die and then

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: faced her death made a lot of

[franklin]: right the life insurance

[howard]: yeah that's smart right there

[franklin]: that's

[howard]: right

[franklin]: that anna nicole smith money

[howard]: yeah or with that severi coop or

[franklin]: yeah

[franklin]: you know where anna cole smith passed
away right

[howard]: beautiful west palm beach right

[franklin]: hollywood florida my man

[howard]: yea

[franklin]: at a seminal hard rock hotel in

[howard]: oh man that's where you know if
i have to die brother

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: bury me at the hard rock

[franklin]: what is the aninical what's the room
does she pass away in a room at

[franklin]: the hotel there

[howard]: i bet she do they go they
got slots there

[franklin]: yeah they got slots there it's a

[howard]: she she probably died right in front
of the kitty glitter machine

[franklin]: the kid

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: glitter machine i know slot is like
the most confusing fucking game there's like eight

[franklin]: lions going in different

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: like

[howard]: i love it i love saying you
know you give me thirty five lines at

[howard]: a time and you know it shows
it and

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: they're all going zig zag zig and

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: doesn't go i guess so sure

[franklin]: what happened to the three cherries

[howard]: yeah no no nowadays you don't get
no cherries at all brother you get a

[howard]: winking cleopatra at her you get a

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: mommy all

[franklin]: you

[howard]: this

[franklin]: get a movie

[howard]: that's why like to play the ghost
busters machine becase sometimes you get scenes from

[howard]: ghost buster you're like he

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: that's a good day movie

[franklin]: sex in the city

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: slot

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: machine

[howard]: yeah or there's the brittany spears machine

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: get to listen to it one two

[franklin]: now in the sex in the city
machine you know what i think it's kind

[howard]: m

[franklin]: of bull ship because like so they
have like the ladies

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: and like

[howard]: then they

[franklin]: m

[howard]: got mrbayeah

[franklin]: biggmrbigg has the most money that's got
a bullshit though isn't it

[howard]: well it's canonic right

[franklin]: it is canonical he is

[howard]: ah uh

[franklin]: his job in the movie he just
had a desk had a t v that

[franklin]: had like the stock market on it
like like that as his job i'd like

[howard]: he's

[franklin]: to

[howard]: just

[franklin]: watch

[howard]: watching he's just watching cramer

[franklin]: i

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: it shocks you fast pack sun is

[howard]: i hate these mimastacks

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: two hundred years ago these mean stocks

[franklin]: oh boy

[howard]: never mind

[franklin]: good god

[howard]: hey that's dark

[franklin]: that's

[howard]: dark stuff

[franklin]: jim cramer well either cramer you know
they got to relax

[howard]: yeah well

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: that's why jim rae made that beautiful

[franklin]: right is tekla right

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: m

[howard]: it's good stuff i bet

[franklin]: neither of us has gotten it

[howard]: no

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: god knows i might never

[franklin]: no no

[howard]: ye

[franklin]: i know what you'd rather be doing

[howard]: what's that

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: that's true man you

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: know what i think about chilly dogs

[franklin]: you do you really

[howard]: yeah i think that girls

[franklin]: no you haven't had one from seven
eleven then

[howard]: that must be the issue

[franklin]: no well hear me out can you
hear me out man

[howard]: sure

[franklin]: or have you had chilly dogs from
you in you just bust open a can

[franklin]: and pour it on a dog no

[howard]: yeah that's what i've had him under
the bridge with a shop

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: in cart terry

[franklin]: mosquito timmy

[howard]: quito timmy turpentine sale the

[franklin]: big

[howard]: general

[franklin]: aden

[howard]: big aden

[franklin]: okay well when you go to seven
eleven and

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: you get your big bite right

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: get your big but you put it
there's a machine seen the machine

[howard]: yeah i think so it's a dispenser

[franklin]: dude that machine

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: has i guess unlimited chilly

[howard]: m

[franklin]: that's wild like i think discovering

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: that like i can buy a chilly
dog i could put as much chilly as

[franklin]: i wanted it is just like

[howard]: right

[franklin]: insane

[howard]: yes

[franklin]: and there's cheese in the other side
too so you get the smallest dog see

[franklin]: but i don't need to be a
consistency in ratio

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: but i'm telling you man i mean
i haven't used it in years i think

[franklin]: i think i outgrew it you know

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: you know you know some people outgrow

[howard]: sure

[franklin]: i think

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: i outgrew my relationship

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: with the seven eleven chilly and cheese
the spencer but i'm not saying

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: it's not right for others you

[howard]: right

[franklin]: know

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: like i'm serious like i don't know
are you a hot dog guy or no

[howard]: no man i don't i don't i
don't mess with any of that stuff

[franklin]: i like those hebrew nationals

[howard]: i don't like an elongated food won't
eat no hot dog on't at no corn

[howard]: on't at no celery at all

[franklin]: m yeah well

[howard]: m

[franklin]: you're missing out brother you're missing

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: and sucking them down

[howard]: you're been missing out on life that's

[franklin]: okay

[howard]: dell the funky homo sapient once said

[franklin]: okay

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: well either way man

[howard]: you know

[franklin]: you know

[howard]: i think a friend of mine you
know everybody is missing out on something tom

[howard]: teredais

[franklin]: m

[howard]: missing out on those belgian beers

[franklin]: he is missing out right

[howard]: i

[franklin]: this is your belgium beer this is
your white whale a

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: good chilly dog

[howard]: yeah but nobody's missing out on those
coronas well

[franklin]: he

[howard]: i guess he's not because he's

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: got him if he wants one

[franklin]: if people hunt on

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: he can get one you know he
brought those over there man

[howard]: yeah he had him ready

[franklin]: that guy has been famous for like
years kurt russell

[howard]: yeah he's is such a famous guy
man you know kurt russell i think we

[howard]: are kind of like the modern day

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: kurt russell's in a lot of way

[franklin]: in what way is there a single

[howard]: we're pretty handsome right i think

[franklin]: okay

[howard]: you're a handsome guy

[franklin]: i think you're a handsome guy too
legitimately i'm not

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: gonna

[howard]: kurt russell is a handsome guy

[franklin]: okay just because we

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: have that in common like he's hollywood
handsome and we're just like oh

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: that's a pleasant enough face

[howard]: yeah we're not guys you would recoil
away from in terror if you saw a

[howard]: set of mervins

[franklin]: no yeah

[howard]: well that's pretty good

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: let what else is it similar

[franklin]: at

[howard]: to us about

[franklin]: murten

[howard]: you all like mervin loan m

[franklin]: you go shoppyat gimbles

[howard]: i'm a montgomery ward fellow

[franklin]: good god

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: you know what story i don't like

[howard]: m

[franklin]: you're in tore beals

[howard]: m i don't i don't know

[franklin]: you talk about beals

[howard]: no i don't know if i know
beals like that

[franklin]: i don't know if it's just like
because it looks like because i don't know

[franklin]: maybe it has like a marshal's type
fund or something like that or just

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: like i keep wanting it to be
marshals you know

[howard]: yeah yeah

[franklin]: but it's just like it's just not
man it's just like a chitty

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: like it's like a how would

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: i describe beals

[howard]: it's an american retail corporation over over
five hundred store is founded in nineteen fifteen

[howard]: that's how i describe it

[franklin]: just right at the top of your

[howard]: yeah i mean if i had to

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: throw it out there i see their

[franklin]: m

[howard]: logo is very martial

[franklin]: it's that kind of style you know

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: just like i don't know it's just

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: you think it's something cooler than it
is you know

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: the other place coals i'm like oh
this is like target but it's not like

[franklin]: coals is not cool right like

[howard]: no

[franklin]: i don't like i

[howard]: right

[franklin]: wanted to like you wanted to be
something else is essentially

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: like an equivalent like i wanted i
want coals to be target it's not target

[howard]: yeah yeah coals is the least cool
store at probably there's

[franklin]: hm

[howard]: ever been man that's

[franklin]: hm

[howard]: that's a place where you can get
you know so like miami merchandise but it's

[howard]: like it's

[franklin]: a lamp

[howard]: technically official but it's not you

[franklin]: it looks

[howard]: know

[franklin]: like a ship

[howard]: yeah it's like this as if you
ever wanted to buy a miami jersey that's

[howard]: twenty

[franklin]: i

[howard]: two dollars which is fine you know

[franklin]: hm

[howard]: but it's not

[franklin]: yes

[howard]: cool

[franklin]: it is not cool yes

[howard]: you know it's a cool store

[franklin]: that's a cool store

[howard]: i think they only got him in
texas it's called h b yeah

[franklin]: g v

[howard]: yeah you've seen

[franklin]: h

[howard]: those

[franklin]: yeah i've seen fast before might have
a mutual

[howard]: yahoukowit's cool about v s founded by
a lady named florence

[franklin]: a

[howard]: but

[franklin]: okay i don't think that's why our
guy goes to it

[howard]: no but he probably doesn't know that
it was founded by florence butt and howard

[franklin]: he

[howard]: every butt

[franklin]: well

[howard]: another howard

[franklin]: and they get expired meat there that

[howard]: mhmyeahthat's

[franklin]: can get half off

[howard]: right that's here the undertaker shop in

[franklin]: the value beef man

[howard]: yeah if you buy if you buy
it and it says use or

[franklin]: yah

[howard]: freeze by and that day is

[franklin]: yah

[howard]: today that's a smart by

[franklin]: at

[howard]: yeah that's on

[franklin]: right

[howard]: getting it right under the wire man
if that was a three pointer you'd say

[howard]: that's a clutch play

[franklin]: that's true very that's very true why
can't you say it's some clutch beef yeah

[franklin]: right

[howard]: want some clutch beef man

[franklin]: some of that beef has looked gray
and i didn't

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: think of it because like

[howard]: m

[franklin]: but yeah that doesn't look right

[howard]: yeah well i mean maybe that's the
way beef goes it's

[franklin]: m

[howard]: like janet jackson says that's the way
beef goes

[franklin]: i guess

[howard]: you

[franklin]: so

[howard]: know er russell is in a upcoming
monster verse series

[franklin]: yeah are those still happening

[howard]: so it's not the dark universe it's
the monster

[franklin]: m

[howard]: verse

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: with

[franklin]: is that different from the mummy and

[howard]: yeah i know this is with god
zillah and the titans

[franklin]: okay so what what falls under that
universe officially is that that did that start

[franklin]: with the cranston god zilla

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: i hated that i hated

[howard]: i

[franklin]: that

[howard]: hated cranston god zil so bad it
was com schol island in the monster

[franklin]: it is because they have the monarch

[howard]: m

[franklin]: company

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: and that i like though

[howard]: that's

[franklin]: i liked

[howard]: a bad

[franklin]: it

[howard]: ass movie

[franklin]: now you know what the problem that
movie is

[howard]: there's not enough something for daddy

[franklin]: it was bred larson but i mean

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: and then sam jackson bought

[howard]: yeah and tom hiddlestonyeah

[franklin]: low key yes but that's definitely like
oh i hate i hate when hey when

[franklin]: we're like oh oh

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: is tom hiddleston daddy like but

[howard]: yeah he is daddy though

[franklin]: but if any actor is daddy it's
like it's it's him in that movie he's

[franklin]: definitely got

[howard]: you do tommy hitdleson is the new
tim roth by the way

[franklin]: no i think tim roff is too
low level

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: tom middleston is is getting big time

[howard]: he's a main inventor

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: tim roth has always been a talented

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: but

[franklin]: tim rot is like you know european
championship you

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: know

[howard]: he was like a belt venus

[franklin]: it's like a album

[howard]: yes

[franklin]: i hope not but you know but
well so yeah

[howard]: yes

[franklin]: so here's the thing with that movie
it's said in the seventies right

[howard]: yeah it's old

[franklin]: it's all but brie larson's in it
and they bring bri larson back the

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: god zilla that are that's like modern

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: she would she'd be old

[howard]: maybe she got you know inspected by
god's virus or something

[franklin]: what does that mean

[howard]: you know like scale island everything is
crazy right

[franklin]: i know everything is crazy in skull
island man

[howard]: so

[franklin]: i mean

[howard]: maybe they don't maybe don't get old
if you've been there

[franklin]: john c riley got all the ship
man what you talking about in the beginning

[franklin]: of that movie

[howard]: yeah but he's not he's not a

[franklin]: he's certainly not but i'm just saying
bred larson and now shows up in the

[franklin]: other what's it called the dark universe

[howard]: the monster verse

[franklin]: so what's the mummy ones

[howard]: that's

[franklin]: is that

[howard]: the dark universe

[franklin]: okay so if he's in the monster
she's in the she's going to be old

[franklin]: that's what i'm saying dude she's on

[howard]: ah

[franklin]: be they have to put prosthetics

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: is gonna look she's going to look
like you know ma young or something

[howard]: oh boy oh

[franklin]: yes

[howard]: you know it'll be like hale at
well in

[franklin]: captain america

[howard]: yeah but that was confusing because one
movie should be babe one movie should be

[howard]: old one movies should be ld one
movie should be a babe i couldn't keep

[howard]: it straight

[franklin]: i couldn't keep it straight either

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: you know decide please

[howard]: yeah and count in america and that
guy is such a hunk he should have

[howard]: just been moving on you know

[franklin]: yeah you know a captain america

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: you know you know what he didn't
didn't have on his list there you know

[franklin]: how you had that list right

[howard]: yeah yeah yeah i was

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: like check out marvin gay stuff

[franklin]: it

[howard]: like

[franklin]: was

[howard]: that

[franklin]: like check out marvin gay check out
star track star wars

[howard]: read

[franklin]: like

[howard]: about

[franklin]: let's

[howard]: his

[franklin]: let's see

[howard]: can

[franklin]: what yeah

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: what's on his list here and there's

[howard]: you didn't

[franklin]: no

[howard]: have

[franklin]: pad steve jobs his apple tie

[howard]: hm

[franklin]: food disco nowhere on there is i
love lucy was on there jesus christ man

[franklin]: what a dork uh

[howard]: you told him that man you

[franklin]: a

[howard]: just

[franklin]: name

[howard]: came back to life

[franklin]: you got t see i love lose
fuckedall of that one you're right ye

[howard]: he was hanging up with all these
little as fools

[franklin]: ah

[howard]: they're like oh you're call look out
all our lot

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: he's like sons good hank

[franklin]: i love lucy the moon landing the
berlin wall to see hasslhoff i guess steve

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: jobs disco ty food star wars nervana

[howard]: m

[franklin]: rock and

[howard]: there

[franklin]: trouble man sound

[howard]: oh yeah

[franklin]: track

[howard]: yeah yeah that's right because they told
him that was the best music

[franklin]: yeah so you know what they don't
have on their porno

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: put a little port on a cap

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: you're

[howard]: okay

[franklin]: gonna want to see this

[howard]: they didn't tell him about watching any

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: kurt russell movies

[franklin]: no

[howard]: you should check check out kurt russell
man he's pretty handsome

[franklin]: now he has a son

[howard]: yeah oh that's right boy you wouldn't
like him

[franklin]: right that's true he's the

[howard]: right

[franklin]: other captain america

[howard]: you like a scum bag version of
you cap

[franklin]: doesn't

[howard]: yah

[franklin]: goldy han have a son that's not
kurt russell's

[howard]: yeah she's got a daughter that's not
kurt russell can

[franklin]: but kerr russell raised her

[howard]: that's right i guess he's the stepfather

[franklin]: yeah or is he the father that
stepped up

[franklin]: this is pretty good

[howard]: yeahdamn that's a good shirt man right

[franklin]: that's a good show we should just
have this whole interaction

[howard]: uh

[franklin]: beyond in the back of a t

[howard]: h

[franklin]: shirt

[howard]: if you could have an audio t

[franklin]: we couldn't

[howard]: the

[franklin]: have an audio we could get the
transcript of this episode and put it on

[franklin]: his shirt you know that

[howard]: that

[franklin]: right

[howard]: would be awesome like

[franklin]: to

[howard]: he pushed a little but like those
those greeting cards and plays happy birthday or

[howard]: something

[franklin]: we could have uncle tom in the
front and then on the back is this

[franklin]: whole transcript in a small pot

[howard]: yeah people would love that

[franklin]: i love that a especially the i
say porno very loudly

[howard]: yeah it's all small text really tiny
like eight point like

[franklin]: m

[howard]: seventy two points as poor no

[howard]: it was your

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: shirts like port it's part of a
larger conversation an

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: captin america should have

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: looked at porto oh

[franklin]: look i'm not lie tha should have
been the

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: main thing you should have done i'm
not in a fucking scoundrel here man

[howard]: i would

[franklin]: you

[howard]: have

[franklin]: know

[howard]: told them about jack and off

[franklin]: they

[howard]: ye

[franklin]: have jacking off in the fucking thirties

[howard]: say that

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: pile you gotta give us tracking off

[franklin]: that's

[howard]: business

[franklin]: it

[howard]: a shot

[franklin]: no it's real simple

[howard]: they're all simple say put a little
elbow grace in the

[franklin]: craze oh

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: love that is

[howard]: it's

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: a good show man yeah

[franklin]: so they had a different for other
countries so australia his list

[howard]: hm

[franklin]: had a c d c space

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: travel steve irwin was on this list

[howard]: what really

[franklin]: in england it

[howard]: eh

[franklin]: was it was more or less shan
connery or stern connery

[howard]: one

[franklin]: this guy who harassed alex rebeck

[howard]: it is a bully

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: in mexico it was

[howard]: m

[franklin]: shaker was on their fucking christ

[howard]: she's not mexican

[franklin]: this

[howard]: dude

[franklin]: is fucked i know oh my god

[howard]: if you put chicure on the mexican
list you could have left the

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: same ship for the british and australians

[franklin]: at that point man at that fucking
point well maybe

[howard]: he

[franklin]: he had point on another page it
was a fucking notebook like that might have

[franklin]: been at the top

[howard]: yeah that's we only saw one page

[franklin]: we

[howard]: true

[franklin]: only saw one page man slaves could

[howard]: yet

[franklin]: have given him a whole book of
just names

[howard]: he

[franklin]: man

[howard]: yeah i check out riley read

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: find out what happened to her but

[franklin]: she got what happened

[howard]: is she the one who got who
got caught caught and compromised

[franklin]: she got married just

[howard]: oh that's even

[franklin]: equally

[howard]: worse

[franklin]: worse for her sleeves right

[howard]: yeah sleeves has a like a perspective
where it's really easy for someone to be

[howard]: caught and compromised yeah

[franklin]: to be dead to him is yes

[howard]: it's like the razor thin line

[franklin]: it's a race in line

[howard]: that

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: was a hell of a guy sleeves
you don't know him check him out

[franklin]: oh yeah that would be the only
thing we could ever plug on this show

[franklin]: right

[howard]: that's what i would tell captain america

[franklin]: sleeves tweet

[howard]: yeah got the sleeves treat cap

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: you would just break your jaw right

[franklin]: ah

[howard]: oh yeah

[franklin]: keep this filth away from me pervert

[howard]: i'm a war hero damn it

[franklin]: ah

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: god

[howard]: no

[franklin]: that's enough about cathin america for now

[howard]: i don't know

[franklin]: it might be later you know we

[howard]: we

[franklin]: have

[howard]: might come back to him

[franklin]: we might we might want to table
that one

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: we do have traditions though on the
king size bed don't we uncle howard

[howard]: oh brother we sure do and that's
what makes us great

[franklin]: yeah so every single night me and
uncle howard like to watch a little bit

[franklin]: of movie before going to bed you
know oh

[howard]: because we don't we can't sleep soundly
until we've seen cinema

[franklin]: that's right because we're a pair o
ronda shears and gilbert godfreys were up

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: all night

[howard]: that's right beautiful

[franklin]: so my movie so i don't know
why this little tweed came into my thought

[franklin]: process here but

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: so i was thinking to punk you
know and how zach brat assaulted a child

[franklin]: on the show punkedallegedly

[howard]: yeah yeah

[franklin]: now

[howard]: well i'm pretty sure it happened

[franklin]: allegedly for

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: whatever sake that he zacbrafasalted a child
but one of the people that was on

[franklin]: the show punked was some little tweed

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: named like ryan pinkston and

[howard]: h

[franklin]: he capitalized

[howard]: m

[franklin]: on some of that punk success and
you got you got a feature film out

[franklin]: of it which

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: is really wild

[howard]: well deserved

[franklin]: because ah well this is like not
net flix movies

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: this is like a movie in a

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: you know with like crikkilborn and carmen
electra you know so i don't know i

[franklin]: picked this movie not really thinking it
through here but it's basically a mix of

[franklin]: like fucking the

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: matthew perry movie or he's played by
zachefron you know

[howard]: oh yeah dad dad swap

[franklin]: it wasn't called dad swap because it
was called seventeen again

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: come on man dad swop jesus christ

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: so

[howard]: come so

[franklin]: yeah so this movie aired as a
couple of things is called

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: big liar on campus and it was
also called full of it so i don't

[franklin]: know which of the screenings you saw
i guess very similar to captain you know

[franklin]: depends

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: at captain merica's list you saw

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: theaters

[howard]: i saw checura

[franklin]: you saw this

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: sour exicoman this movie ninety minutes

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: four hundred and eighty six thousand at
the box

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: office

[howard]: hey that's not bad man i could
use that much money

[franklin]: could use a to man we should
play should call ryan piksons and you can

[franklin]: give us a slice of that

[howard]: yeah he's probably still spending that money

[franklin]: okay so its widest release was fifteen

[howard]: oh oh

[franklin]: uh and the gross the domestic growth
was fourteen thousand

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: wait a second so over season urn
like the four hundred and seventy two thousand

[howard]: yeah it was huge in china

[franklin]: damn no wonder the rock fucking

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: loves those other countries man

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: so so this plot i mean honestly
i thought it would be more amusing when

[franklin]: i chose it but

[howard]: right oh

[franklin]: it wasn't it was it's

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: you know it's it's like a straight

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: to d v d movie with a

[howard]: my

[franklin]: an actor nobody remembers but he

[howard]: there's got

[franklin]: says

[howard]: some other actors in there though right

[franklin]: there are some other actors there is
kate mara

[howard]: okay

[franklin]: terry polo

[howard]: terry bull

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: a great manager of nineteen ninety three
w f

[franklin]: that's johnny polo

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: yeah uh

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: you have the you know well so
many talented actors like i really don't feel

[franklin]: like name but you o you

[howard]: i

[franklin]: think carmon electro wouldn't attach your name
to the ting that's a bust right

[howard]: not well there's one bust she attach

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: her name to

[franklin]: this movies bad dude it's like an
a b c family movie i know you

[franklin]: know he says my dog ate my
home work i never miss

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: a shot in basketball and drive a

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: and all his lies

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: that he told early on that nobody
believed ended

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: up becoming true

[howard]: so starts driving a parish and his
dogs eating his own work

[franklin]: yeah that's not great but

[howard]: it's not good for the dog i'd
worry about

[franklin]: worry about the dog but aside

[howard]: ah

[franklin]: from that he never misses a shot
and basketball

[howard]: that's

[franklin]: you

[howard]: cool

[franklin]: know yeah so now so but now
he says he

[howard]: m

[franklin]: has to find a way to fix
and fix what is

[howard]: i hate how things you know i'm
driving a porch now

[franklin]: i'll post a d v d on
d v d edition

[howard]: okay

[franklin]: assume

[howard]: is there a special edition of it
is there like

[franklin]: i think i don't know man i
don't think

[howard]: his

[franklin]: so

[howard]: and hers with full of it and
what women want oh yeah

[franklin]: full of it d v d let
me see if there's a combo pack

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: let's see uh no it doesn't look

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: doesn't look like there's a com boat
man no

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: his hers just just by itself here
you know is by itself

[howard]: yeah you search full of it d
v d you find much of movies but

[howard]: none of them are full of it

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: find

[franklin]: i

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: had the fall of a d v

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: two thousand seven the same year as
a ghost writer i believe

[howard]: that's a good one

[franklin]: i am

[howard]: i

[franklin]: legend

[howard]: said

[franklin]: i couldn't

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: that be a combo pack full

[howard]: m

[franklin]: of it and i am legend and
it could have

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: made more money

[howard]: you bundled them together if you said
hey come

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: i am legend by

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: the way full of its play and
you say sure i stick

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: around i guess

[franklin]: right

[howard]: a

[franklin]: that's what they should do with bad
movies fucking attach them to good ones and

[howard]: yeah that's a smart smart idea it's
like when you go you see a band

[howard]: the band you're excited about playing they
got an opener you

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: really care about that opener but there
they are same deal

[franklin]: you got to listen to them and
sometimes they're okay right you might

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: not

[howard]: you might

[franklin]: might

[howard]: be surprised

[franklin]: not hate it so they should have
like super bad and then like you know

[franklin]: it's like a flop that was like

[howard]: um how about crypto staring alexis bladell

[franklin]: is that

[howard]: and

[franklin]: real

[howard]: kurt russell

[franklin]: i'm looking

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: this up now excuse the typing everybody

[howard]: it's like a crypto

[franklin]: crypto

[howard]: it's about money laundering

[franklin]: you're just

[howard]: elect

[franklin]: in a money oh shit it is

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: he a bow nap is in this

[howard]: bon app

[franklin]: fucking guys gave his bow nap an
there's luke emsworth i think he's the younger

[franklin]: brother and he looks like he's fifty

[howard]: yeah is the scrub brother yeah this
guy know he's older i think than chris

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: lam is the oldest one right

[franklin]: lem

[howard]: late liamlim but liamis

[franklin]: now he's

[howard]: the young

[franklin]: the youngest right

[howard]: is the youngest he looks like a
million bucks

[franklin]: he does like a million books yeah

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: look i

[howard]: all right

[franklin]: call it like a seer

[howard]: yeah let's let's f f m k
the emsworth brower

[franklin]: yes please i think there's kay

[howard]: i wouldn't

[franklin]: luke

[howard]: i wouldn't

[franklin]: put him out

[howard]: kill

[franklin]: of his misery

[howard]: any of them man what are they
just get kill

[franklin]: i mean

[howard]: luke

[franklin]: he's old i mean let's

[howard]: yea

[franklin]: call it like it is

[howard]: here

[franklin]: he's

[howard]: a piece of used up meat brother

[franklin]: yeah man that's

[howard]: i

[franklin]: that's just a special project we're gonna
start doing here just

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: attaching the crypto if you know super
bad or whatever

[howard]: yeah yeah i think that's a pretty
good idea about why doesn't chris do one

[howard]: of his brother s a favorite hey
thor ragnarok i'll attach it to

[franklin]: independence day too resurrection or whatever

[howard]: death of me

[franklin]: ah you get

[howard]: well

[franklin]: you can get

[howard]: maget

[franklin]: up

[franklin]: like you get like a new hope
with a wild hog i guess

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: neither one is a bad movie though

[howard]: yeah wild hogs they hit

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: legitimately is

[franklin]: legitimate

[howard]: is that

[franklin]: it

[howard]: is our wild hawks commentary still i
guess they took it down in the great

[franklin]: cornu

[howard]: pornhubpurge

[franklin]: in the pornhuperge they took down our
wild hogs d v d commentary and

[howard]: ah

[franklin]: i

[howard]: and

[franklin]: can

[howard]: a lot

[franklin]: check

[howard]: of

[franklin]: a

[howard]: other

[franklin]: goole

[howard]: stuff

[franklin]: drive

[howard]: too

[franklin]: on a lot of other stuff i

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: sleeves is really from that as well
more than anything that was our most listen

[franklin]: to episode

[howard]: yeah i was and was surprisingly well
rated considering that you would think a lot

[howard]: of guys were trying to check off

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: came across that and apparently we're like
four stars yeah

[franklin]: that was weird that was weird i
did find like you know i'm i'm not

[franklin]: a porter this is this to

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: porno heavy my god my

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: word

[howard]: we

[franklin]: but

[howard]: got

[franklin]: i found infinity war once on a
streaming site like age deep quality

[howard]: yeah you know i mentioned earlier i

[franklin]: m

[howard]: just got over covid getting over it
i guess i still got

[franklin]: m

[howard]: a little bit in

[franklin]: m

[howard]: but

[franklin]: yes

[howard]: i watched infinity war and in game

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: are good damn movies man

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: and i'm going to be brave enough
to admit i was so sick the barrier

[howard]: between my emotions in my brain was
completely taken down so i was just like

[howard]: crying all the time the movies

[franklin]: so you got a man coming back
from the quantum world and you're

[howard]: i was

[franklin]: just like

[howard]: like

[franklin]: in tears

[howard]: i got all like choked up when
all the chicks rally up together at the

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: end like we got that was like
her so strong oh

[franklin]: that's

[howard]: a

[franklin]: beautiful man m

[howard]: yeah it was nice man i liked
feeling those emotions

[franklin]: h

[howard]: i hope

[franklin]: h

[howard]: i get covid again to be honest
with you

[franklin]: that's the only way you feel emotions

[howard]: no i got i got choked up
watching and gave the first time in the

[howard]: theaters man when tony sees his dad
and he's like hey just be a good

[howard]: dad or whatever like

[franklin]: all

[howard]: dan

[franklin]: right yeah

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: that's

[howard]: that's

[franklin]: that's a nice scene

[howard]: that's a beautiful scene man

[franklin]: dad's john slattery

[howard]: yeah that guys

[franklin]: think he's a scrub

[howard]: i don't know

[franklin]: okay he's

[howard]: not a

[franklin]: old

[howard]: scream yeah he's an old man he's

[franklin]: but it

[howard]: dad

[franklin]: he's always looked old though as the

[howard]: he's just where he's an always old

[franklin]: and always old bro

[howard]: socks

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: uh

[franklin]: i think he's another guy and i

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: like this but he gets like because
people like madmen they like like the outfits

[franklin]: and like all he's like oh

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: is john slattery daddy

[howard]: oh yeah but he's daddy

[franklin]: he's daddy

[howard]: at

[franklin]: because like he's fucking just you know
swigging whiskey you know

[howard]: if you're swigging whiskey your daddy

[franklin]: i even just mentioning it just hurts

[howard]: yeah john slattery he's oh man he
is old what the hell he doesn't look

[howard]: that old in the movies because he's
got black hair

[franklin]: yeah well

[howard]: but

[franklin]: i mean

[howard]: looking at my wikapits old as hell
an he's got white

[franklin]: what's

[howard]: hair

[franklin]: his age though

[howard]: sixty same age as killmorn

[franklin]: god okay

[howard]: by the

[franklin]: so

[howard]: way

[franklin]: he's six people like you

[howard]: he was like rough sixty man he's

[franklin]: that's a rough six is what i'm
saying man like that

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: ain't like that ain't that ain't a
typical sixty

[howard]: yeah what's he been doing is even
like hiking in the desert all day every

[howard]: day or something

[franklin]: yeah right with the fuckmast

[howard]: hey slattery get your ship together brother

[franklin]: he looked all this ship on madman
which was like fifteen years ago

[howard]: yeah yeah i'm looking at him here
i'm like oh shit i've never watched madman

[howard]: but i know there was an old
guy on it looked

[franklin]: yes

[howard]: at him and like oh that's the
old guy from madman

[franklin]: and he looked all he goes all
the ship there too dude

[howard]: yeah but then well that's why people
people talk bad about these mc movies how

[howard]: kind of they made this guy look
like a million bucks until

[franklin]: a

[howard]: like an old cock

[franklin]: yeah guess i guess

[howard]: he had a mustache he had black

[franklin]: m

[howard]: hair looked great

[franklin]: what can i tell you

[howard]: yeah yeah that's

[franklin]: m

[howard]: what it's all about man

[franklin]: yeah yeah

[howard]: man i love movies

[franklin]: eh

[howard]: speaking of movies i watched a movie

[franklin]: did you

[howard]: yeah it's called the sharpest knife in
the shed

[franklin]: the sharpest knife in the shed i

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: could see the cover already r j
get on it

[howard]: yeah r j or mason or tag
up this movie this is this a movie

[howard]: is from two thousand three when movies
were made for men

[franklin]: yeah i miss that

[howard]: and this is a movie it's about
a guy he's a dumb dumb but he

[howard]: he he's a he's a traveling salesman
you know it's like cut co you know

[howard]: those knives that they sell

[franklin]: m

[howard]: door to door he's like that but
then he gets ome he's out he's in

[howard]: a bad part of town these guys
come up to him and they say give

[howard]: me all your money they think he's
someone else they're like hey you know slevinski

[howard]: he was like well i don't know

[franklin]: m

[howard]: i'm not slevinsky and they're like give
give me the information levinski

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: and and because he's got this brief
case and he they're like give it give

[howard]: it no no no and he opens
the brief case and all the knives fly

[howard]: out and it stabs the guys and

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: all die

[franklin]: shit

[howard]: and he runs away he is all

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: and then and then another organization there
is like that satellite sees him and they're

[howard]: like oh

[franklin]: hm

[howard]: looks like slevinski killed the k g
b which is so easy and so it's

[howard]: like it's a government and they're saying
slavinski's on run is on the run from

[howard]: the k g b we got to
get him there after this guy he's just

[howard]: a dumb dumb as

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: a case of mistaken identity

[franklin]: oh that's funny

[howard]: yeah that's a movie man right

[franklin]: that's a good movie

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: is it rowan atkinson

[howard]: no rod run atkinson is in this
but he plays the president of the united

[howard]: states of america

[franklin]: oh so you got type cast it
again huh

[howard]: all play because

[franklin]: folks think i'm gone so smart

[howard]: yeah slvinski it's not real the real
slevinski turns out is a hunk it's it's

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: you know one of those classic two
thousand three hunks of a

[franklin]: one of the classic two thousand three
hunks we all

[howard]: matt

[franklin]: remember

[howard]: damon

[franklin]: that matt damon it

[howard]: yeah so it's the

[franklin]: jude

[howard]: real

[franklin]: law

[howard]: the

[franklin]: another

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: two duson three hunk

[howard]: jude laws another two three hung but
then so that's the real one who he

[howard]: finds he finds r protagonists and he
was like you got to come with me

[howard]: on levinski

[franklin]: no

[howard]: and so then yeah then our nerve
is like i don't know who to trust

[howard]: but the main nord is he's played
by mickelevin

[franklin]: christopher mints plus

[howard]: yeah place

[franklin]: plus

[howard]: plassy

[franklin]: yeah i don't pronounce the name

[howard]: no one does what's he

[franklin]: hm

[howard]: been up to lie like well probably
still living off the residuals from the sharpest

[howard]: knife in the shed oh

[franklin]: you hear other films

[howard]: i can't think of one

[franklin]: hm

[howard]: oh kick ass to

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: m

[franklin]: it's quite essential cloven movie oh

[howard]: that's a cool

[franklin]: m

[howard]: man plas yeah

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: here's a great movie there's oh he
was in two thousand he was fourteen years

[howard]: old says quick

[franklin]: m

[howard]: quite a character

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: for him to be playing at that
time but

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: so it happened i guess it must
have come out i would must have been

[howard]: wrong it must have come out in
two thous thirteen

[franklin]: yeah you might be wrong

[howard]: m

[franklin]: on that

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: year

[howard]: there's a sexy evil russian lady

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: was that played by linda hunt

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: the linda fiorentino

[franklin]: okay

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: a

[howard]: this movie was it's crazy this movie
was directed by michael man

[franklin]: do

[howard]: yeah i don't know man yeah

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: michael mando

[franklin]: yeh because in michael man movies those
are pretty big films

[howard]: yeah yeah people seem to know

[franklin]: ah

[howard]: about them

[franklin]: i

[howard]: i've i've of course heard of all
of them and

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: see

[franklin]: man

[howard]: all

[franklin]: all these michael you know michael man
michael man what

[howard]: i said

[franklin]: a movie

[howard]: why not michael who man

[franklin]: that's that's both of you

[howard]: yeah because i believe in equality

[franklin]: yeah oh

[howard]: i don't think i've seen i'm looking
at michael man here i don't think i've

[howard]: seen a single one of his dam

[franklin]: i don't think i haven't seen heat

[howard]: yeah i saw i've seen that clip
where patina she's got a great

[franklin]: ah

[howard]: ass

[franklin]: yeah i think that's the main

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: reason people watch basically

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: at this point is the men and

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: they came out with heat too which
is a book not a movie

[howard]: what

[franklin]: it's a book you're going to be
sick you're going to be sick you're gonna

[franklin]: be

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: asking yeah yeah

[howard]: this is a great podcast everybody

[franklin]: yeah i am confused to like where
like weird film twitter to size like oh

[franklin]: so and so this white

[howard]: ah

[franklin]: mid fifty year old man bay now

[howard]: yes

[franklin]: like he is

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: we love his movies

[howard]: yeah we love to see it folks

[franklin]: we'd love to see it folk

[howard]: and we

[franklin]: i'm

[howard]: love

[franklin]: sure he eats

[howard]: and

[franklin]: good i'll see heat

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: like

[howard]: i don't know if i will i
think it's like four hours long man

[franklin]: oh i'm good on that player because

[howard]: yeah i'd rather be watching in game
if i'm watching a movie that long

[franklin]: yeah right i think with some thrills

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: he

[franklin]: that's

[howard]: ah

[franklin]: right

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: you know this movie sounds suspiciously a
lot like if looks could kill with richard

[franklin]: greco

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: because it's a mistaken identity with

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: richard greco playing a gay name old
corban which is the exact same name as

[franklin]: a secret agent

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: well they don't know is that secret

[howard]: okay

[franklin]: dies in the beginning

[howard]: hm

[franklin]: of the movie but they don't know
this so richard greco they fucking like they

[franklin]: get him like he's

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: on a school trip in paris they
just fucking like like the association or whatever

[franklin]: finds him is like where are you
michael if you've been you know we're so

[franklin]: glad we found you they give him
like the corvet all these gadgets you know

[franklin]: you know like you know the exploding
like shaving cream

[howard]: i like

[franklin]: and all those cool things they give
you in the movies

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: ere just so sick man i love
thee i love the movies in general

[howard]: i do too man it's funny you
mentioned it looks could kill because there is

[howard]: one person who is in both movies

[franklin]: no ship

[howard]: gabriel and war

[franklin]: oh mariska hargate

[howard]: yeah gargeetoyou as well you interesting wikapidia
does not say gabriel anwor's birthday she must

[howard]: be

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: thirty years old

[franklin]: let's leave it at that

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: it doesn't i am d b

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: well wait a second

[howard]: uh

[franklin]: you're not going to i don't care
man but you're going to be mad and

[franklin]: you know you are a patriot

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: gabriel nor is

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: british to will you stop it yeah

[howard]: all right i don't bother me because
she served america proudly during

[franklin]: m

[howard]: the burn not wars oh

[franklin]: hold up so gabriel anwarsuh in her

[howard]: yeah look at that

[franklin]: i mean

[howard]: she looks just as good in these
pictures as she ever has

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: she is such a she's she's

[franklin]: she

[howard]: inspiring because most times you think of
a british actor you think like oh they're

[howard]: really good but her not so much

[franklin]: no what yeah

[howard]: no she's a great actress

[franklin]: i mean

[howard]: he

[franklin]: almost dropped an empty can here but

[howard]: oh now listen to this her her
grandmother was an austrian jew but her grandfather

[howard]: was an indian moslem so she's equality
right there

[franklin]: that most certainly is

[howard]: yeah she's daddy right

[franklin]: s gabriel and or she is a

[howard]: a

[franklin]: night night opening m v p

[howard]: yeah she's great man actually i'm never
never upset to see

[franklin]: m

[howard]: very lanarinamovi

[franklin]: and anything right yeah your se gabriel
and are

[howard]: cheers to that brother

[franklin]: yeah okay we're getting distracted by gabriel

[howard]: m

[franklin]: and like

[howard]: it's no one could blame us for
that oh

[franklin]: yeah lock us up

[howard]: if it's a crime to be distracted
by a beautiful

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: equality british then

[franklin]: equality

[howard]: throw me in prison

[franklin]: british is that

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: where you're referring to her as by
quality british yeah

[howard]: yeah why not man now

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: we could we could talk to averilanr
and richard rico all day and richard greco's

[howard]: likes on instagram and maybe we should

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: but

[howard]: but we got we got business to
get down to franklin

[franklin]: yeah we got some lovely questions

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: from our

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: listeners man

[howard]: yeah i think they're do we got
email ones are all just in our

[franklin]: i

[howard]: patron

[franklin]: haven't checked

[howard]: exclusive

[franklin]: the email ones here

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: but i think what was the last
time we recorded we helped the guy

[howard]: yes

[franklin]: out with his pill organizer right

[howard]: yeah that was it yeah i think
that was the last one

[franklin]: okay

[howard]: yeah we got some questions here we

[franklin]: all right so

[howard]: charge

[franklin]: we'll start

[howard]: through

[franklin]: off

[howard]: him here

[franklin]: with bert here and bert's asking us
what wrestler would

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: you cast in the breaking bad

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: better called saul universe

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: and who would they play

[howard]: okay oh

[franklin]: wrestlers just can't act though man like

[howard]: what about the greatest game changing actor
in hollywood dwaine

[franklin]: oh okay

[howard]: j

[franklin]: yeah the rock would be the worst
thing to ever happen to

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: better call s all like

[howard]: because he would just put a stop
to all that crime

[franklin]: essentially right you

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: would you would say he would say
saul has a small penis and then fucking

[franklin]: arrest everybody and book himself to be
the fucking guy dude

[howard]: uh

[franklin]: like it would be sucking terrible man
it would be fucking terrible

[howard]: h

[franklin]: like

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: god i can't i can't imagine a
worse thing happening to better call saul than

[franklin]: dwaine the rock johnson like interjecting himself
somehow it would be

[howard]: a

[franklin]: the worst thing

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: but you know what i think

[howard]: listen up rio sea horn

[franklin]: ah

[howard]: piece of ash

[franklin]: right yeah exactly

[howard]: impressed i know who that is

[franklin]: i am impressing who ray sea horn
is yes

[howard]: oh i didn't know how to pronounce

[franklin]: i don't

[howard]: she

[franklin]: know

[howard]: was

[franklin]: how is

[howard]: a

[franklin]: pronounced either but i'm

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: sure yeah

[howard]: it's probably in between

[franklin]: sure

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: i don't know

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: a fucking cast man these these wrestlers
are jokers

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: man like

[howard]: well so it's let's they're like kind
of you can realy cast a like brian

[howard]: tillman junior

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: as a meth guy right

[franklin]: as a meth guy yes man oh
my god you know for sure you know

[howard]: but kind of like a tough math
guy i guess because

[franklin]: now

[howard]: he

[franklin]: saul has like goons

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: sometimes though like

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: like he might need to

[howard]: brian

[franklin]: like a

[howard]: pillon

[franklin]: jake

[howard]: junior is a goon

[franklin]: no funk that he's a meth guy

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: fuck that look that like i mean
like a jake hager or a fucking you

[franklin]: know like a big fellow you know

[howard]: yeah maybe

[franklin]: like paul white

[howard]: what's oh paul white would be a
great goon

[franklin]: because that's like soul i got in
trouble again and

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: like god damn not another public master

[howard]: as

[franklin]: baiter yeah

[howard]: i don't know what this is about

[franklin]: m

[howard]: real life

[franklin]: okay yeah you've played you've been a
good sport though yeah

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: but i think i think the big
show paul white not the rock and brian

[franklin]: pill man junior

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: on the show

[howard]: i think that's a money maker right

[franklin]: sure is

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: you want to get the next one

[howard]: for mason man as i love this
guy more every day that's that's a shoot

[howard]: he

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: says who slash what would you choose
as your abitar in the metavhers can be

[howard]: anyone anything alive dead or fictional

[franklin]: can you explain the meta verse and

[howard]: a

[franklin]: better detail to me because

[howard]: it's

[franklin]: i don't know

[howard]: it's like second life but it's virtual
reality you

[franklin]: okay

[howard]: know so you just just be your
little guy that runs around and looks at

[howard]: ferries jack and off or whatever happens

[franklin]: oh dear

[howard]: so i think i would just pick
a mighty redwood tree

[howard]: well

[franklin]: your

[howard]: you

[franklin]: avatar

[howard]: know

[franklin]: okay

[howard]: yeah it does have a tree just
just giant

[franklin]: so have you played super mario autisy

[howard]: ah no not really i know a
little bit i know there's the hat

[franklin]: yeah that's good

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: well that is basically everything so it's
so much fun to go in a motorcycle

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: in that game you know

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: it's so fun but

[howard]: what

[franklin]: i would like to have a motorcycle
whatever my avatar would be in the the

[franklin]: meta

[howard]: you

[franklin]: verse i don't know man it's so
it's so creepy there i mean i think

[franklin]: i'd take one browse and just you
know not not be thrilled you know

[howard]: yeah yeah i'm not a big meta
verse guy i don't

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: think

[franklin]: you're asking the wrong guys

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: on this and i think that's more
of a van question to ask i think

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: he's a guy who can maximize the
meta verse

[howard]: i guess you know what i would
i would like us to both be delffuegos

[franklin]: can we

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: burn some bars down and

[howard]: ah

[franklin]: the meta verse

[howard]: i think so i watched a video
on maybe it was on the news or

[howard]: something about their building a house somewhere
you buy this house it comes with a

[howard]: lambo and you

[franklin]: hm

[howard]: also get your house in

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: the menaverse

[franklin]: okay

[howard]: and they were like what a cool
deal you get this crazy house and

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: a lamb

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: and the meta

[franklin]: yes

[howard]: verse house

[franklin]: the meta verse

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: can

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: you build a nicer house in the

[howard]: yeah can you imagine i would just
take a chitty house i guess in real

[howard]: life if the metaphors is so dope
man i i'll just live in a dump

[franklin]: uh

[howard]: as long as i got my

[franklin]: uh

[howard]: sick lamb in the middle of her

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: man

[howard]: uh

[franklin]: is that is

[howard]: uh

[franklin]: that a thing you have to be
like an old man is that a thing

[franklin]: like we have to be

[howard]: i

[franklin]: concerned

[howard]: don't think it's like really

[franklin]: think i don't think anybody on live
in squalor

[howard]: i think

[franklin]: just

[howard]: yeah i think it's like

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: kind of made up it's one of
those things

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: where they are just trying to convince
you that you want it but it's not

[howard]: going to work no one why would
anybody want to have a sick

[franklin]: m

[howard]: you know like i can have a
cool house in a grand theft auto right

[franklin]: yeah you know what it reminds me
of it's the

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: it's the arrow smith music video the
virtual reality one

[howard]: yeah i know what you're saying it's

[franklin]: you

[howard]: just

[franklin]: know exactly

[howard]: like that

[franklin]: what i'm talking about right

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: and

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: it's called amazing

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: and you know this guy just you
know builds like alicia silver stone this

[howard]: m

[franklin]: fucking thing it turns out she was
real i think the end of the music

[franklin]: video so

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: it's a little confusing but that's essentially
the metovers so look up

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: arow smith's amazing you

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: got a guy who is just like
instructing the perfect

[howard]: right

[franklin]: babe he does

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: write out of a motor cycle too

[howard]: yep

[franklin]: um that's basically like that

[howard]: to

[franklin]: is essentially the meter verse right

[howard]: yeah it's just the arrow smith amazing
video once again ere smith

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: was an innovator you should all be
thanking him

[franklin]: one of the great

[howard]: yeah

[howard]: so you want to get this next
question here it's a pretty pretty good question

[franklin]: all right so

[howard]: m

[franklin]: sorry is this o shampoo he's okay
has anyone

[howard]: m

[franklin]: has anyone you know ever come back
from a long trip and seemed like even

[franklin]: more

[howard]: h

[franklin]: of a bully about video

[howard]: m

[franklin]: game trophies than ever

[howard]: m

[franklin]: i would say no i would say
people have come back from a long trip

[franklin]: with clarity

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: and and aspirations and goals

[howard]: no

[franklin]: and

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: pride in their achievement

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: say video game trove they were winning
fall guys

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: i think maybe the question that should
be asked as has a friend of yours

[franklin]: ever gone on a trip ended up
winning a bunch of fall guys tournaments and

[franklin]: you have some resentment and jealousy

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: oh

[franklin]: but i'm a prey

[howard]: fit

[franklin]: for you champ

[howard]: oh that's that's big of you man
right there

[franklin]: i think so

[howard]: yeah all right here's a question from

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: yeah he says tell me about a
time you knew you were right and everyone

[howard]: thought you were wrong it's hard hard
to narrow it down for

[franklin]: it's

[howard]: me

[franklin]: hard to narrow it when haven't we
been right

[howard]: i am usually pretty right about stuff

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: i was right when i said there
was some wrestling a drama and i said

[howard]: just wait for the person to say
oh promise i'll pay all you guys later

[howard]: that came true

[franklin]: yeah you basically wrote that to like
oh sorry i did not mean to press

[franklin]: it

[howard]: i

[franklin]: again

[howard]: deserved it

[franklin]: i didn't have to press i'm sorry
you did you did essentially call that

[howard]: yeah i didn't really take the mightiest
powers of prediction though

[franklin]: it didn't yeah i'm sure there's more
examples that's like a tough one like you

[howard]: i feel

[franklin]: know

[howard]: like we're usually right

[franklin]: i know

[howard]: to be

[franklin]: what

[howard]: honest

[franklin]: i got one i got a perfect

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: one actually

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: there's

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: a guy named jack allison who

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: yeah that's right i do want to
shake his hand and i don't know how

[franklin]: we got on the subject

[howard]: my

[franklin]: of the band red pepper

[howard]: m

[franklin]: and the song california cation

[howard]: oh yes

[franklin]: they said they said and alderon's not
far away it's california cation and jack goes

[franklin]: aldernis not even featured in the movies
where are they singing about it and i

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: said it's featured in the end of
the revenge sith where they drop off baby

[franklin]: lea

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: that's featured in kanobi you know

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: so i mean

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: jack hello hello

[howard]: well

[franklin]: yeah it's featured in

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: it's featuring cenoby

[howard]: oh ah

[franklin]: thank you so that's the time when

[howard]: m

[franklin]: well i knew i was right

[howard]: m

[franklin]: and

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: jack was wrong

[howard]: that was an amazing one i was
so proud of her when

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: that happened

[franklin]: yeah he gets mad when i bring
it up

[howard]: looks like red pepper knows a lot
more about star wars than jack does

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: m oh

[howard]: let's say here's a question from bert
oh you want to get it i'll just

[howard]: read it since i started off here

[franklin]: hm

[howard]: bert says what's your stance on neumperennium

[franklin]: hm

[howard]: pareneum sunning

[franklin]: hm

[howard]: and do you have any tips so
this is one of the new health trends

[howard]: that sweep in the nation people go

[franklin]: my

[howard]: pull their pants down

[franklin]: m

[howard]: just let the sun do its magic

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: on their on their

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: on

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: their a b c

[franklin]: no trump said that would work though
at some point

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: i felt like right is this like

[howard]: he said it was good for covid

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: hell

[franklin]: why

[howard]: i

[franklin]: didn't

[howard]: might

[franklin]: you

[howard]: have

[franklin]: try that

[howard]: i should have tried i went outside
a couple of times when i was sick

[howard]: because i just needed to get outside
and then i got here tired very quickly

[franklin]: you were very weak i'm so sorry

[howard]: why don't we have a sample of

[franklin]: we do need to

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: get the i think a lot of
music's playing that's the problem with some of

[franklin]: them you know

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: the music

[howard]: weak

[franklin]: yeah that's

[howard]: ned to

[franklin]: unfortunate

[howard]: isolate it we've got a email george

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: we get the isolated tracks

[franklin]: sir e an mcchellan or whatever avidsh

[howard]: yeah mickey hen or something

[franklin]: mac dermod sorry

[howard]: yeah dermid

[franklin]: yeah so the next question here

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: yeah i mean we don't have but
yeah like you know don't do that you

[franklin]: know right

[howard]: yeah i'd say probably you don't want
to get john mc kane cancer on your

[howard]: balls oh

[howard]: m

[franklin]: okay this is a great question

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: i think it's the last one to

[howard]: yeah there's one more but yeah

[franklin]: where is it

[howard]: conrad's yeah

[franklin]: that's not a question that's like a
quote tweet man

[howard]: no but there's a question in between

[franklin]: okay

[howard]: and yeahi'it's

[franklin]: sure

[howard]: from a great man

[franklin]: need

[howard]: and

[franklin]: to make

[howard]: she

[franklin]: er

[howard]: deserves

[franklin]: advent

[howard]: it

[franklin]: of the discord

[howard]: yeah she is my friend

[franklin]: yeah uh would you accept a lifetime
season tickets for your favorite team with the

[franklin]: condition that any game you attend you

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: had to be need

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: at a great question because you can't
you get a lifetime seats and tickets but

[franklin]: you got to funk and be new
at the game

[howard]: he

[franklin]: is everybody

[howard]: so

[franklin]: cool up in a trina though like
i guess they are right

[howard]: it's it's interesting this question that we
answered it today because i was just reading

[howard]: you know i love to read the
news and my favorite team is the oklandas

[howard]: and they just recently had it there's
a police are looking for a couple who

[howard]: went up to the highest that as
aren't doing good this season and a lot

[howard]: of people aren't going to the game
so there's like entire sections of the stadium

[howard]: where no one is so this couple
went up into a section up as far

[howard]: away from everyone as they could up
up up up in the corner and they

[howard]: started go into town like there was
no tomorrow

[franklin]: no

[howard]: on each other yeah and now there's
pictures of them it's like you know police

[howard]: say if you see this couple let
them know which first of all if anybody's

[howard]: listen to you know that couple is
tell them that you know cut their hair

[howard]: dye their hair do it but they
came in to hide from the police because

[howard]: you know you let them let them
live i hope they learned their lesson not

[howard]: to publicly have sex at a professional
sporting event but they don't need to go

[howard]: to jail for it they just need
to be made fun of a little bit

[howard]: which i think they are so yeah
me too he

[franklin]: well

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: what are the people like sitting behind
them doing

[howard]: there was no one behind them

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: they were up and they were up
in the very very top section they were

[howard]: as

[franklin]: okay

[howard]: far away as they

[franklin]: those

[howard]: possibly

[franklin]: stadium

[howard]: could

[franklin]: those stadium the top of a stadium
is high as funk

[howard]: yeah it's

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: in the stadium

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: this is probably not too interesting to
a lot of people but they

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: built a huge extra addition to it

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: be there was the raiders played there
too and the raiders were more popular so

[howard]: these guys said oh we can build
a whole another section so it's like

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: a whole nother like higher up section

[franklin]: goddamn

[howard]: so it's like super far up and
there's like no one's ever up in there

[howard]: so i think that's probably where they
were sucking

[franklin]: my

[howard]: but the issue is also

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: you know anywhere you're sitting you can
look up there and you know in the

[howard]: game well is not so like

[franklin]: right

[howard]: fast pace that you don't just look

[franklin]: m

[howard]: around a lot of time i

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: always look up there to see if
anything is happening up

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: there you

[franklin]: i

[howard]: know

[franklin]: want to see some blame or something

[howard]: yeah you don't know maybe it's like
some guys are you know fighting something up

[howard]: there kind

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: of take a look up there and
see what's going on so yeah it's it's

[howard]: not like it's a hidden place they
could have gone in a bathroom or you

[howard]: know into the concessions or something but
you know they decided it just funk as

[howard]: high up it's kind of the most
visible place if you're going to try to

[howard]: funk secretly you don't do it in
the sky you do it in the in

[howard]: the dirt

[franklin]: i see i see now the lode
sex act they

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: are like right at the corner it
seems so and i don't want these people

[franklin]: to get caught or in any kind
of trouble that's such

[howard]: i don't

[franklin]: bullshit

[howard]: want to get in trouble either but
i think they need to know that you

[howard]: know there's like kids at those games
you can't really be doing that but

[franklin]: don't yeah hey don't

[howard]: i

[franklin]: do it again

[howard]: don't yeh like hey shame on you

[franklin]: shame on you don't do it again

[howard]: ye

[franklin]: and i think that's that's about right

[howard]: ah

[franklin]: you know like

[howard]: m

[franklin]: so when was this i mean they
haven't gotten caught yet have they

[howard]: no there're still on the ruin

[franklin]: this

[howard]: i will

[franklin]: is like

[howard]: i

[franklin]: a

[howard]: will

[franklin]: day ago or today

[howard]: there's a couple o days ago

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: and

[franklin]: man i hope they get away with
it do they

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: don't deserve to get like yeah so
okay so let me see how you know

[howard]: i'm looking at the picture here

[franklin]: this okay first off this dude needs
to shave and ditch the glasses and get

[franklin]: a hair cut like that's

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: for you know don't wear fucking alternative
rock tee shirts either body

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: like

[howard]: i don't

[franklin]: nobody's

[howard]: even

[franklin]: going

[howard]: want

[franklin]: to

[howard]: to blow

[franklin]: notice

[howard]: up

[franklin]: you

[howard]: a spot

[franklin]: that

[howard]: i don't want to say what shirt
he's wearing but yeah you got to clean

[howard]: up your at start looking

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: like you're into bing crosby and ship

[franklin]: you

[howard]: of

[franklin]: shave fucking polos some kackies dude

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: get some

[howard]: put

[franklin]: are

[howard]: some contact

[franklin]: hostile

[howard]: in yeah

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: and then she needs

[franklin]: o

[howard]: to

[franklin]: girl

[howard]: kind of

[franklin]: cover your arms just

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: because it's it's a i think she's
forgettable enough

[howard]: yeah she is not too

[franklin]: i don't mean that she's unattractive i

[howard]: sure

[franklin]: to make that

[howard]: no

[franklin]: clear

[howard]: it's hard to tell from this picture

[franklin]: it's hard to tell for either either
of them but

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: like well he just stands out more
that's my thing is

[howard]: yeah i mean

[franklin]: like

[howard]: you'd see that guy anywhere you say

[franklin]: her

[howard]: at look

[franklin]: i would

[howard]: at

[franklin]: see anywheres

[howard]: look at johnny rock and roll there

[franklin]: yes exactly her i would see anywhere
and i wouldn't like so like the important

[franklin]: thing is so she needs to cover
her tattoos this dude i swear to god

[franklin]: dude you better have some fucking cakes
and a polo and fucking get a haircut

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: like

[howard]: but fans have showed up with signs

[franklin]: ah

[howard]: like stuff like keep your head in
the game

[franklin]: m

[howard]: it's pretty funny

[franklin]: m you know i think this guy
could get aware of because he has long

[franklin]: hair and like

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: once you get a haircut you shave
the beard

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: and you have different clothes

[howard]: yeah no one will know

[franklin]: like you know it's going

[howard]: so

[franklin]: to bother me if they get co
that means they were so fucking lazy and

[franklin]: i'm going to be mad

[howard]: yeah i would get i'm mad if
they get caught too and

[franklin]: because

[howard]: also

[franklin]: they can get away with this

[howard]: it's definitely they definitely can get away
with it also some people were having sex

[howard]: at a toronto blue jays game recently

[franklin]: and that's okay

[howard]: oh yeah because it's canada but in
that when the security found them they busted

[howard]: them up there's a picture of security
going up to

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: say hey guys knock it off you
know what if you're at a baseball game

[howard]: and you know kind of a boring
game your your lovely lovely friend so say

[howard]: let's kick it up and watch is
that a crime

[franklin]: i didn't see it anywhere in the
law book

[howard]: yeah yeah to show me where it

[franklin]: m

[howard]: you can't

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: get down at

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: the baseball

[franklin]: right

[howard]: game baby

[franklin]: seriously man

[howard]: yeah they're patriots as far as i'm

[franklin]: i agree man i agree no hat

[howard]: we

[franklin]: would

[howard]: need

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: should we start to go fund me
for those guys

[franklin]: maybe man i don't know maybe you
just tell the police

[howard]: yeah yeah far as i'm concerned the
only people mad about those are jealous that

[howard]: they weren't

[franklin]: ah

[howard]: keeping their head in the game

[franklin]: where was my invite

[howard]: you know it would have been nice
if i was there

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: anyway would would i apparently i wouldn't
accept season tickets to a

[franklin]: no i

[howard]: game

[franklin]: wouldn't

[howard]: because there's a bunch of nerves out
there already to get mad at me for

[franklin]: well

[howard]: being naked

[franklin]: assume you can be naked and there's
no reprecussions the thing is there

[howard]: a

[franklin]: still going to be people posting photos
and ship

[howard]: yeah and also like sitting on on
those hard plastic seats

[franklin]: cutting great

[howard]: it's going to be all sticky

[franklin]: you gonna develop a pool of sweat
around there

[howard]: if i if i had private box

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: you know private

[franklin]: that's

[howard]: box

[franklin]: not what he's

[howard]: man

[franklin]: asking though

[howard]: yeah that's right he was saying because

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: season ticket sections are not that luxurious

[franklin]: you know if we move on a
private sky what's the point then you're just

[franklin]: like naked in a sky box nobody

[howard]: you

[franklin]: can

[howard]: can

[franklin]: see

[howard]: probably get naked in a sky box

[franklin]: you could you could man the w

[howard]: yahyou

[franklin]: w wrestlers and fucking two thousand one
in the invasion couldn't get naked

[howard]: know by rich mike often gets the
sky box when he goes to a w

[franklin]: wow

[howard]: he's going he's going all out i

[franklin]: ah

[howard]: if he's going to be naked

[franklin]: no because they run chicago fifty times

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: you know who runs chicago my boy

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: teach

[franklin]: that's true teach run chicago man

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: d is the only like the only
person i want to ear talk about chicago

[franklin]: is teach

[howard]: that's

[franklin]: plain

[howard]: right

[franklin]: and simple

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: he's real he's a real real

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: one man

[franklin]: so

[howard]: all

[franklin]: you

[howard]: right

[franklin]: want to get the final question here
because i would

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: need to go to bed

[howard]: yeah from our friend conrad simply the
best she she's just posting a question from

[howard]: survival to beta famous wrestler from japan
um and he says is it a bad

[howard]: influence of the declining birth rate aging
population that ugly people can swagger in the

[howard]: face of bogus idols

[franklin]: the funk does this mean

[howard]: so he's saying you know the birth
rates declined right they're having less babies and

[howard]: then also he says that people are
getting older you know the average average person

[howard]: and i guess japan is older and
he says is it bad that ugly people

[howard]: can swagger in the face of bogus
idols it's just a yes or no question

[franklin]: y yes

[howard]: i'll say no just for interest sake

[franklin]: i just i'm still not i don't
know i'm just not grasping all right i'm

[franklin]: tired you know

[howard]: yeah no i think something was lost

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: in translation on this question so you
just got a

[franklin]: yeah like

[howard]: it's based on vibe

[franklin]: i guess i get the vibe of
it like i get the vie but i

[franklin]: don't understand the question that's more of

[howard]: is

[franklin]: it like

[howard]: it is it bad that ugly people
can swagger

[franklin]: right

[howard]: in the face so i wonder what

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: means in japanese because it's

[franklin]: who

[howard]: evidently

[franklin]: are the false idles

[howard]: um

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: i don't know like capitalism right

[franklin]: yeah oh man i don't i mean

[howard]: oh that capitalism stuff gives me the

[franklin]: is it an anti ugly person thing

[howard]: i don't

[franklin]: or

[howard]: know

[franklin]: is it

[howard]: i mean

[franklin]: anti

[howard]: he's

[franklin]: their false idols i don't know which
side am i taking you

[howard]: he's not like the best looking guy
i've ever seen in my life that's for

[howard]: sure

[franklin]: like as he's saying is it counter
culture for ugly people to have sex yeah

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: is

[howard]: or

[franklin]: that

[howard]: is he saying is he

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: saying because the birth rates declining should
ugly people start having more sex and i

[howard]: say

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: yes they should

[franklin]: yeah that's fine

[howard]: yeah let's start having

[franklin]: you

[howard]: more

[franklin]: know

[howard]: sex everybody

[franklin]: go up to the fucking oakland section
z in the three hundreds and have a

[franklin]: fucking ball oh

[howard]: i go out there survival tbita dan
severed wrestled survival tobit

[franklin]: that's sick

[howard]: yeah that's like two hunks all right
well this was a pretty good episode franklin

[franklin]: sure

[howard]: i don't know if we've got more
that needs to be said about anything

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: you got

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: well thank you sir i have do
you have any any plugs you want to

[howard]: get out of there

[franklin]: just our patron patria dot com slashed
uncle to uncle you get exclusive like me

[franklin]: reading david le raf's crazy from the
heat let me tell you i think that

[franklin]: book wants to get me canceled from
the ship

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: he says so catch myself and like
not saying that

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: to find all kinds of exclusive content
we have a episode

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: of minute list with rodney barry myself
and bert we also watch a match rodney

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: barry from the wwfattitude

[howard]: yes

[franklin]: era and also the ruthless aggression era
where we watch kevin nash take on test

[franklin]: you could believe that

[howard]: that's big stuff

[franklin]: so the patron's constantly going to be
getting updated now that howard's a hundred per

[franklin]: cent you know we're going to hold
them to it live

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: on air we're goin to hold them
to it

[howard]: all right do do hold me to

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: and i want to hold all our
fans to something franklin actually a couple of

[howard]: things here a surprise one everybody out
there could be subscribing

[franklin]: ah

[howard]: or writing reviews on

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: apple podcasts

[franklin]: oh

[howard]: or wherever you can write a review
for a podcast i think that would really

[howard]: help us out because we're trying to
balers now we're not trying to us we're

[howard]: trying to we're trying to be like
like the fans at the oakland days games

[franklin]: m

[howard]: these days so

[franklin]: hm

[howard]: write us some reviews on an apple
podcast and i'll say for let us know

[howard]: if you did every

[franklin]: he

[howard]: every ten

[franklin]: m

[howard]: times someone writes a review i will
send somebody

[franklin]: yeah yeah

[howard]: a hot wheel so the one and
ten chance of winning a hot wheel if

[howard]: you write us a review

[franklin]: about

[howard]: about

[franklin]: people

[howard]: that

[franklin]: have already ridden us a review and
they don't get anything

[howard]: they get our thank you this starts

[franklin]: wow

[howard]: a new yeah well life's hard what
can i say

[franklin]: ye

[howard]: and also if you've got a good
as podcast out there and franklin will consider

[howard]: being on it as

[franklin]: m

[howard]: a duo if we can fit it
into our time schedule

[franklin]: i mean i'm always free so you

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: got to ask the yeatatdva

[howard]: yeah that's that's

[franklin]: here

[howard]: what i'm

[franklin]: maria

[howard]: saying

[franklin]: carry

[howard]: yeah that's right man i'm

[franklin]: this

[howard]: about

[franklin]: josh

[howard]: three a m and i'm hanging out
with my little lamb dolls

[franklin]: exactly but yeah so i mean if
you want the uncles to do an appearance

[franklin]: we are

[howard]: oh

[franklin]: more than

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: welcome to it and

[howard]: yeah we're

[franklin]: read it

[howard]: more than welcome to your podcast pal

[franklin]: yeah

[howard]: yeah

[franklin]: i don't funk to tell you many

[howard]: yea and if you're if you you
know if you want to get married

[franklin]: ah ah oh all right and also
to that end

[howard]: a oh