And She Spoke: Women. Money. Power.

We’ve finally recorded the episode we have talked about doing for years. Today, we get raw and real with our listeners about the daunting process we underwent when deciding to rebrand our software company. 
We dive into the general concept of rebranding, share the details behind what ultimately led to the decision to change our name, and tell you about why rebranding is simultaneously amazing, problematic, and well, complicated.
We share our perspectives on how not to go about a big change like this, how truly troublesome cancel culture can be and how it impacted our decision-making process. Your rebranding will almost always be faced with two sides; one rooting for you and one not and it’s imperative that you think about what you are willing to do to bring about change. 
So, if you are on the precipice of taking on a rebranding of any sort, make sure you don’t skip this episode where you will hear about our experience and rebranding regrets. 

Here’s a sneak peek of what we discuss:
  • We talk about what happened in our DMs in 2020.
  • The complexity behind the changing of our name.
  • Why, in retrospect, we should not have rushed this process.
  • How we dealt with external pressures to change our rebranding. 
  • A confession of our rebranding regrets. 
  • How we decided on the name Marvelous.
  • Why we are all about calling in rather than calling out: the toxicity of cancel culture. 
  • Why this was more than just a name change for us.
  • 2023: how and why we decided to be honest now and tell our story. 
  • How we would do things differently if we had the chance.
Joy: The Society of Shame
Hustle: Typeshare App

What is And She Spoke: Women. Money. Power.?

For so many modern, driven women, life is about being more than one thing. We’re multidimensional—and so are our conversations. We carry multiple identities; we can be both mother and artist; both attorney and entrepreneur. Both clinician and CEO. Both humble and proud. Life for women like us is about both. About…all of the above. It’s about the “and”...

Welcome to the an she spoke podcast today's episode is about rebranding the name of our software company which we did a couple years ago now and it's all about rebranding in general and why that is amazing and problematic and complicated hey sandy.

You know the word rebranding and just listening to you like to me, it's not about rebranding. It's like we had to change the name of our freaking company. It's not just a logo and some colors and let's you know, update some images we had to change the name of our company.

Yeah, yeah.

Yes, yeah, so ok, so let's just go back and tell the story so we officially announced in the spring of 2021 that we are changing the name and we changed our name from nama stream to marvelous. And the process really started almost a year prior really started in the summer of 2020 and we've never discussed exactly what went on in that decision and I think this this is going to be a very controversial episode I think some people may get upset about what we're saying. And think other people though deserve to hear the story and I think a lot of people have come to us and have asked us about the Rebrand and our advice and like what we would say to them if if what we would say to ourselves if we had to do it over and I think it's hard because we've never fully answered the question. Honestly.


And because we felt like we couldn't and I think at this point we're like who cares, we're just going to be honest, but also like timeliness like Twitter just rebranded to x last week and so I think that's why sandy you you reached out and you're like I think we should do the episode now and I was like oh my gosh really because this is kind of a big one.

And yeah.

Um, well I think we've been talking about I don't know there's this is probably the only episode that we have talked about doing but have actually never recorded because we've thought for for years since it happened since that whole year. So.

For years. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yeah, and then when I saw that elon just changed from Twitter to x just look in the middle of the night. It's like okay this is this is great. This is the time I'm going to bring this story out. Yes, yes, very different reasons. But.

Um, yeah, yeah for probably very different reasons but which we can talk about which what we can try to glean. Yeah, so okay so how should we start should we just kind of go back to the 2020 experience the summer of 2020 okay

Okay, beginning. Yeah.

So that was a hard time for everyone on the planet right? We were in the early stages of lockdown. Everyone was processing the killing of George Floyd and there was a lot of anger and frustration and fear.

Brewing in our culture and I think that's putting it mildly.

Yeah, there was, uncertainty about everything about this virus the world. The lockdown kids going to school businesses. Are you know going out, you couldn't fly anywhere like everywhere we looked.

It it I mean we don't have to explain this everybody experienced it but that is when the it all started was in those dark dark days.

Um, yeah, yes, yes and I will just preface this by saying that the name nama stream I came up with one night and I just checked to see if the domain was available. Like in the early days of founding our company and it was and you know originally we were conceived of as an online teaching platform for yoga studios and so it was ah like really exciting to me that that name was available and all that we heard for the first few years. That we founded our company was how much people loved the name like for years. How clever it was how amazing it is how it's like how it explains so quickly and easily what the platform was for and a couple of things though. Sandy right? started to happen one of which is that like we wanted to and started to expand beyond.

Yeah, how clever it was yeah.

That Yoga Studio Market with our product and and other people express to us that maybe like there's some trepidation about like well I do X or y can I still use Nomma stream and we yes, yes yes so that was like warning signal number one.

Um, even even like Palottis were like oh seems like a yoga platform.

That was like real and it was a constant conversation. It was like one of those things we have a couple of these things that I feel like we've been talking about for like 8 years and like so this is not 8 years long but like 5 years we were talking about this like okay and then.


Like maybe we should have and we did. We actually created kind of like subbrands or like sister brands under our company that hat for other audience for other audiences of teachers that had other brand entire brand identities that ended up getting too complicated for us to manage so we. Reverted back to nomastream for everything eventually. But we knew that this was sort of going to be something we'd have to address eventually right? So maybe we were going to have like 10 different brands eventually for different segments of the market. You know like a fitness brand and a yoga brand and ah.

Um, coaching brand and a music brand.

Coaching brand. Yes, exactly exactly. So, so that was 1 piece but the other the other thing that started to happen years before the pandemic a couple years we just started to get these like. Very random like once or twice a year these messages or Dms to us or emails to us saying like have you thought about this name like you know are either are either ah or any of your founders of south asian descent and like do you recognize that you know maybe this isn't fair to be. Basing the name of your company off of the word namaste because it is, people were not saying cultural appropriation back then but they were saying like maybe it's you know that's a sacred word or a really important word to some people and it's kind of butchering the word or bastardizing the word I don't. I don't know if I can say that like butchering the word. So so like huh. Okay, that's interesting and you and I would talk about it I would get flustered and you know in it. We just sort of like filed that away in the like folder of our minds that was like. 1 ne day we're going to have to deal with this like we're going to need to expand the brand or add in sub brands and this is something to like kind of put a pin in and revisit right? like it was very infrequent and then Twenty Twenty happened yes yes yes so

And it just ramped up and they just kept coming.

Yeah, do you want to talk about like sort of what are what happened in our Dms.

So well we would just in these as you said they weren't unfamiliar messages. We had got them over the years but they just started to come in very very quickly like maybe you know a couple of week kind of thing. It wasn't like we're getting hundreds a day or anything like that.



But there was a different energy. There was a different tone to it that was much more threatening and what was that sorry more hostile than anything before instead of, hey just wanted you know like have you thought about this.

Tone tone? Yes Hostile Yes House Hostile is the word I would have used. Yeah.

It was more accusatory you are doing this. You are culturally appropriating the word now Mystream it is not right? What are you going to do about it and it was that edge to it that was much more upsetting.


Um, yes yes yes and mind you Twenty Twenty for us was a big year. We had exploded in March and April of that year and we had gone from you know, a couple. Two and a half people 3 people 2 22 people kind of within sixty days on our team. We were really trying to keep the lights on and help a bunch of people pay their bills. Their mortgages pay their staff. So the idea that this was happening when. Our mental and emotional energy was we you know we were working everyone was working like leadership was working seven days a week kind of every waking minute for many months. Some of us were sick with covid and it was like we're trying to keep the lights on for everybody right? like it was not. It was it was like not helpful to have this unfold at the time that it did the way that it did and so I mean we have always welcomed anyone to reach out and say you know have you thought about this or like what would you would you guys consider this or what do you like. Where did the name come from can I learn a little bit more and but they turned into if you don't change your name within x days or X weeks like something bad is going to happen and they're always this sort of like thinly veiled threats and like like vague.

Threats and we never really knew what quote unquote was going to happen to us. But it was also so interesting to us because we still largely served and continue to serve the yoga industry where many of our clients have names that are equally as appropriative. As ours was and, not saying that. That's a justification but it's like okay this is this is an issue that this entire industry needs to reconcile and come to terms with like certainly our little software company changing its name was not going to, move the needle without a bigger conversation. And so we were getting all kinds of advice like you guys should convene a gathering or an online conference on this topic. You guys need to be thought leaders on in this space. Um, if you don't act now. Like your company won't exist in two months like we just I was like consulting with all kinds of friends and colleagues. Yeah.

It was a big industry and those those after 2020 like a big big industry that yeah we had forgot about all those consultants.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, oh yeah, right? So there was just constant. And like and and it's not I think that this is the other thing that you and I wanted to share on this podcast. It's not just like a woe is that situation. It's like it is not an insignificant deal to change the name of your company. So we were the the name of our brand was in the websites like in the url of thousands of other brands right of of their online teaching platform. So it became something that was not as simple as like as you said Sandy let's go change our logo and the colors on our website in magic. We were powering.

Um, and boom done. So.

Businesses all over the world. And and across the world people have very different thinking and impressions on this topic like so we were you know, kind of floating this idea of changing our name out to some of our customers in other parts of the world. Um, we got a lot of pushback against the idea of changing our name which we've never really talked about publicly and we still we still have people very upset about that We had a Map. We had a sort of a mass exodus away from the platform when we did end up changing our name because some people were so upset that we did that.

Still do.

Because they felt attached to the name and they felt like us changing the name was like my own. My impression is that they they took that personally like we were judging them for the name of their brand because we changed our like it's just so freaking complicated. Ah yeah.

And and people and the nude one was marvelous and I remember a few people would associate that with Marvel comics and it was very unwellness like and they were like I can't be part of that you know and then and then they would they would leave.

Yes, yes, yes, and you know the most interesting feedback we got back in the spring of 2021 when we announced this change was like someone said like marvelous. Is so barbie to me like I can't be associated with this I remember that now that Barbie is like taking off and is this like feminist film. It's so ironic but someone like why would you pick this name. It's horrible. It's so Barbie and I was like we can't win right? like we literally can't win and for those of you that are listening that also have brands. Like I think many of us experience this right? Like whatever you do You're going to have some people on both sides that are unhappy with you and that's obviously what happened for us. But I also just want to say you know we had spent years building the brand publicly like had the word. The name trademarked had. Invested a significant amount of time and money in establishing like brand credibility across the internet investing in like our time and our energy and some into some and our money and getting press for this brand. And so when we decided to Rebrand and come up with this new name that we came up with was marvelous. It took nine months ten months to get that trademark. We were not going to announce a new name until we had a registered trademark for the brand and then the technical backend of switching things over was also not insignificant for us and so I just there was like a mad like our company.

Software company is like I don't know hundreds of thousands of links across the internet is like it's everywhere. There's like events hosted and there's products and there's people's webs the pin number of pages that we occupy on the internet is not insignificant and so. I think you know obviously the people who are sending these messages either didn't care or just don't know or both and I just want to say you know in retrospect I wish we had not rushed this process and.


You know I'm happy with a brand marvelous that we have now I think it's beautiful I love it I feel like it aligns with who we are and what we've made and where we're going. But if I had to go back and and I'd like to hear what you have to say sandy I think that doing rushing this in the summer of 2020 in what felt like we were up against the wall with a gun pointed at us was a terrible situation and something that I would never wish on anyone and I think it was really unjust and unfair to put our brain in that situation and then to let bigger brands that occupy this industry.


Like the prana company get away with it right? because it's of course it's going to be the smaller sort of like company that has more liberal values that's going to acquiesce and and I just think like for those people who are pushing for this. This lens or this like sort of.

Um, um.

Yeah, so.

Activist Ideal like you really ought to question. Why are you putting the pressure on companies like us and not putting it on bigger companies.

Because they can reach the Ceo and the Ceo of Dms and Instagram they'll get a response. That's why the other the other part of this that we haven't mentioned is there was a particular course going on at the time who were were who the woman.


Um, yes, a paid a paid course that yes, yes.

Ah, paid online course who was teaching about the roots of yoga and so on and sending out the students to look for and talk to companies like ours who were you know quote unquote cultural appropriating and so they would come back with that to us. They'd like.

Yeah, yeah.

Check in and they I remember 1 person saying it's been two weeks I don't see any change on your website and I just remind wanted to say like f off like you you have no clue. It's it you like the what you just explained about the links and how many people have their sites and their.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

So yeah.

Products and you know on their Instagram bios and their webpage. You can't just go change it with the snap of fingers like you can't and the irritation from that like they have no clue. They're super demanding. They're threatening and they have no understanding.


Of what our business actually does who we're supporting and and what's at Stake and so to answer your question I regret.

And what's at stake. Yeah.

Like I think we knew like we were always headed to changing the name that was always in the cards right? because we didn't want to be in yoga forever we wanted. We had a lot of a bigger vision of what it could what this platform could help or who it could help what it could do but to be rushed into it to do make the decisions.

Yes, yes.


Remember with our c-suite talking to our Cto in talking him into it and it was 100% based on fear. What could they do to us we could lose that you don't understand we could lose the entire company like I remember I couldn't have explained how to him?

Yes, yes.

You know in in specifics but it was just based on fear and I regret that we made such a, a difficult decision a big decision because of out of out of anchor and out of fear I regret that so much because that's.

Yeah, yes, yes, yes, yes.

Never how any of your big decisions in in your business should happen. I mean I think we I mean even the process Jenny remember when we were trying to like okay we need to have up with the new name and I think we landed on a fantastic one. But.


Yeah, yeah.

We were so creatively stifled because we were like what are your origins.? What's your family tree look like what country did you just your ancestors come from because we never wanted anyone to say ever Again. You know do you have southeastern. Southeast Asian Origins or whatever it may be right? So the word or the because we couldn't use it.

Um, or any anything yeah or or anything that was ambiguous in any way like I we had it prepared right? So I have some french or like family of origin and so part of marvelous marvelous has like a french entomology. And so part of that decision to pick the name that we picked is because we had talking points ready to say well Jenny's grandparent is from France like it's it's literally like we were. That's how we were living and making decisions and it's not. Say that this is not a conversation that in society we shouldn't be having right? It's just um Think there's this idea and I think activism to me I mean I'm like an og activist. Okay, for some like I just. The the way that some people pursue their activism I find incredibly problematic and I'm I welcome these kinds of conversations right? again like welcome I I'm all about like calling in rather than calling out. Um Done my fair share of protesting I've done my fair share of direct action. This is I mean and I I was like looking out at the world and looking at what's happening on the planet and I just im like is this really where you're going to focus like your activist budget of time I mean part of me and I'm I'm sure we are going to get criticized for saying this in this episode and I and I think that that's okay.

I'm I'm open and ready to have the conversation but like the world is on fire and at that moment in time we were facing like a pandemic and of historical proportions that none of us living at this time had ever experienced anything like this. The the blow to the economy to our industry also was so significant like we were one of the companies that kept the fricking industry Alive So you're like the opportunity cost of having. Our team and our product and engineering team had a lot to do to make this happen too like to do this instead of making sure that payments were going through right? like so that people could feed their kids because literally we were also getting messages every day like.

Um, yeah.

Because of your platform I can feed my family because of your platform I can pay my mortgage because of your platform I can pay my studios rent so I can keep the business going another month even though we have no business. We're not allowed to be open like that was the other side and so the lack of perspective to me and the fact that there was someone profiting. You know I don't know this person. We're not going to We're not going to call them out here. They may be ah, a wonderful person and I know they're popular in the industry but like there's just there is sort of like because it wasn't a dialogue. It was a threat to me I find that incredibly problematic because like what else. Like what else is going on here and I think all of us need to ask that question when we feel frustrated angry like something is unfair at least try to understand the context of what's going on. And how your direct action or threat may impact something else because because it's it's real. Like that's all the other stuff is real too and so what are where are your values really at have you you know thought through that holistically and I think you know cancel culture like to me this was like my first real personal taste of anything related to cancel culture which is now like a well seasoned muscle like. Cancel culture is fucked up and I mean that's like that could be the name of this episode too like it's fucked up and this is to me this is not the way we go about change.

Yeah, no I I agree I agree with you and I think that's the frustration that when it was happening. We couldn't say all that and we knew we had the inbox of all the thank yous. And oh my God What would I do without you guys.

So fucked up sandy.

But I'm not going to say that in a Dm in an Instagram like the whole who. Yeah, but I want I just wanted to say like look there's a bigger picture here than and then just the name there are some.

Oh no because it would have been screenshot and then like taken out of context and blown up and we would have been doxed and yeah, yeah.

Activities going on that are saving businesses and families that you are not considered like it's just so superficial right? and you just can't you can't have that conversation in a Dm so anyway I think I'm right.

Well you you can't negotiate with someone that's threatening you. You can't rationalize with someone that's threatening you So like I guess I guess like to me that's not opening up. Ah, there's no space for dialogue when something comes in as a threat and I do want to say that I I went back through and prepping for this episode and looked.

That's true. Yeah, no, no, no.

At, some of the screenshots and the the messages that we received and it and it does appear to me that there was some kind of template that was being followed for for many of these people and I'm just like Wow people are paying money to be taught to do this like like.

Yes I remember that? Yes, yes.

Like I also think we need to question who we're paying our money to what're what we're investing in like is this really is this like is this like real is this something you really want to be investing your your you know like your online course energy budget into. Maybe maybe it is but I just. I I guess like maybe that's one day when I have time in my life and bandwidth like I want to teach an activism course because I have a totally different view of what it means to be an activist and how to effectively create change and I just think threatening people especially people, running a small company is just such a messed up. Way to achieve anything I also I'm going to play the feminist card here too for a second and I just want to say for a while when this happened Sandy I was convinced that this was coming from competitors of ours who jumped in these covered pop ups which now thankfully mostly have gone under.


That are that like literally copied our business our code, of course our ip and some of which were able to raise money in that part of 2020 because the world shut down right? There was a huge market opportunity for a software platform like ours. And I was like is this not like competitors coming out to get us in our weak spot. Um, and I'm still not one hundred percent sure that didn't happen at all. But I I now I think I think we know it it mostly wasn't that at least and I just want to say like the fact that we are 2 women co-founders and that we got this far. Feel like really, it's like other women that are going to take us down because that's who is messaging us just to be clear I don't believe that there were any men or it was very clear that it was women messaging us and I'm like really, that's so interesting like are you guys trying to take down like.

Yeah, yeah, nope not a 1

Meta I guess it was Facebook then like are you are like are you trying to take down meta because they host a whole bunch of you know yoga studio accounts like on their platform like they all have business pages like are you trying to take down Google or you you know like no, you're trying to take down like a women founded company. That like has eked out an existence in like against all odds and like what does that say about you I mean it's just honestly despicable behavior to come and threaten women.

Yeah, and then that was also happening. In after trying to get the timing right? I think it was after George Floyd's murder and we were all told you know on Instagram and to stop paying ads.

Yes, yeah, yes, yes, yes, yes that summer. Yep we sure did.

And just to pause and we did that we did that and when we were on Instagram we just saw all our competitors all the dude growths paid ad paid ad paid ad nobody said a damn thing to them.

Yeah, all the ads all the ads were they dude bro competitors of ours running? Yeah yeah, well maybe they did and those guys just didn't care. It's possible.

Right? Well are hot possibly. But I mean on like on the comments and staff I remember looking what what we could see had access to there was nobody saying anything to them. But imagine if we had chosen.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, you're right? yes.

Ah, to do the opposite and continue with the ads which messed us up by the way because we had to stop and start again.

Well, yeah, and and how much revenue did we lose like that was for us I mean I don't know turning ads off for one month in the summer of twenty twenty I think we turned them off for longer than that. But that was probably well. It was at least many tens of thousands of dollars in revenue lost because we stopped running ads at least at least. And so like I think I yeah again, this is to me what is so pervasively toxic about cancel culture and I think that that's what that was we were in like sort of an infancy really of it in 2020. It's now I hope. On the way out like I hope it's been taken to its logical extreme and is now dying a slow painful death. But I mean cancel culture it like I mean I will debate anyone on this like to me this is the most toxic disgusting thing that that we can engage in with each other on the internet. And because cantling someone like like our as humans we need to be able to work things out and communicate and talk through and share ideas and you know win by having the better argument over the other person versus shutting them down and having them removed and so for me although we weren't like. Removed from our social media accounts like some people were and have been in the last three years like there someone was trying to like remove our company from existence with like without knowing really anything about us.

Not to say that there wasn't an argument in there that was wasn't was valid right? like that's not what we're saying it was just like the actual process of going about this was messed up and and and and equally bad like also bad.


And so we've never called that out like we've never Publicly. We've been too afraid up until now to even say this and you know people ask us about this and we're just sort of like vague and unhelpful and I think part of 2023 for me is like and and like. Especially in the last couple months you know you and I have made this decision to just be honest like we're just going to be honest now we're just going to tell the whole story.

Um, yeah, yeah, and you know come what may but I think it needs to be told and I know that there's lots of people who may have experienced the same thing and are just too afraid to speak up. They felt like it's. Just happened. You know they were alone or whatever like I just and yeah, we're open to criticism like I think that's where I've landed like this was a terrible experience for everyone. We felt you know we made some rush decisions based on threats from other women just so like.

Yeah, yeah.

Yeah, yeah.

It's just so wrong on so many ways and I I just I'm okay to speak up and and and explain what what our experience was in our thinking behind it and if someone has a problem with it or a different view. Then yeah, we will welcome. Absolutely welcome it. But it doesn't change what we experienced.

Yeah, and I sent you something the other day that was like the only real freedom comes from being canceled and I sort of think that that's at this point kind of true. So I hope that that changes but I do think that there's there's like a I we would do things differently now I think we would.


Have a very open conversation with our customer base in our audience about this the threats because they were real threats that were coming in. Some people were not issuing threats to be clear, but other people were I think we would say look this is happening. Like we're going to send out you know like we would like to hear feedback We're going to have a convene a conversation or send out. You know an inquiry like a pull where you can give us your sense because it it was also I think our brand is so much bigger than us like that brand like that's why we have this an she brand because we can just be us but the other. Brand is much bigger than us. It's like a big it was at that point and still is a big team of people and then a huge base of customers and students on the platform and that company is not just us and where you and I decide and so I also feel like it's not and we've always made decisions collectively with our customers and our our clients on the platform. Like this was one of the only things that we were like ah no, we're doing this sorry we can't really talk about it. This is happening now. Yeah.

Yeah, because of fear because of of anger because of you know worry. That's why we did it that way which is what I regret? yeah.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yes, exactly okay, all right? Well we'll see how we'll see how how people react to this. But thank you all for listening and now you have a little bit of insight into that into that change if you were around back in 2020 and you saw it happen.

There it is. That's the story.

21 all right? Well I have the joy of the day and it is a book called the society of shame by Jane Roper it's a novel and it is a it's a satire on cancel culture I happen to get it at the library I mean I read the book jacket.


And I read it like in a day and um, it's it's you know it's not like my favorite book like I Just it kind of went on a little longer and and kind of like okay I got the point early on in the book. But I Also think it was really brave of this woman this author to write this Book. And it's basically like it's about period shaming which is a little different So I think it doesn't have the same kind of politics and as some of the other issues she could have written about in the book. But it's basically a woman gets period shamed when she catches like her husband who's running for senate like cheating. And somebody takes a picture and like all anyone is talking about is the fact that there's like a bloodtainin on her pants and I think that and then like it starts a social movement called yes, we bleed and and then her feminism is like really called into question in the book like she goes from being a heroine to being sort of despised I won't ruin it. But.


It's It's just like the whole thing. It's like a constant stream of Consciousness. That's just like a constant critique of cancel culture and I think like that's where we're at right now is we can start to talk about this as satire. And I don't know if it's safe to talk about it any other way but yet here we have this. Guest. So I Guess we'll see.

Um, yeah, it sounds good. Okay, and then the hustle is, an app called and, as you all know we have left Instagram for Twitter we are playing around. We're figuring out how to. Speak and show up on on that platform and this this site typeshare dotco is really a place to help you write in the Twitter way so they have templates they like a ton of templates whether you want to. Boost engagement write thread posts. You can also post to Linkedin. You can also post to somewhere else that I can't oh medium medium if you wanted to, but they have Ai Generated templates and ideas you can put in topics and then they will help you write that? You also post. Directly from that platform and you can also schedule so I'm kind of using it and you know how the threads kind of like the the threads kind of unroll like it's a tweet and then a tweet and then like a tweet inside a tweet and it just does that for you. So it's really um and it gives you the threat the the thread count.

Yes, that's nice.

Those are sheets. It gives you the word count or the character count. In each of those tweets so you know if you're getting close and when to move to the next one? So that part is super fast to write. It's beautiful. It's clean. It is easy I think it's $20 a month and, I'm just. Think we're just on the free trial right now. But I think it's if you are thinking about writing on Twitter and you see these super helpful threads that are just like books or courses almost. This is a great platform to help you create those in your own niche.

I think that's so great and I think it's important to like learn the art of Twitter or x if you're going to go head over there because like we are not you and I like like we said we're both like kind of at times heavy consumers over there but not participants like we weren't doing a lot of posting ourselves. And so like it really isn't art to write on on that platform. So I think that the fact that there is a tool that kind of gives you formulas and templates to use like at least until you get used to writing in that particular way I think is really really valuable.

Yeah, yeah, no, it's great and it's just been flawless like there's no bugs. It's just I Just you know didn't never open to help document. It's very very intuitive. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Just damn love some good good software. It's like we appreciate it so much all right folks. Thanks for joining us today. We'll see you next time.

All right bye.