Perfect Mode

Unleash your potential and step into "Perfect Mode" with JClay and Troy Washington! Discover the keys to living boldly and confidently in a can't-miss episode that will change your mindset forever. Your future success depends on tuning in – don't miss out!

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Creators & Guests

JClay's music ignites a transformative experience, fostering spiritual growth, mindfulness, and a positive mindset through powerful and uplifting rap.
Troy Washington
Real Estate Broker

What is Perfect Mode?

"Perfect Mode" invites you on a transformative odyssey to discover the extraordinary within the ordinary. Hosted by the dynamic duo of JClay, a rapper with a spiritual twist, and Troy Washington, a realtor with a mindset of abundance, this podcast is a sanctuary for those seeking to elevate their existence. Together, they explore the realms of personal growth, mental clarity, and spiritual enlightenment, offering unfiltered insights into living a life unchained by societal expectations. Tune in for your weekly dose of inspiration and embark on a journey to align with your highest self.


If I reminded you that you are perfect, would you argue me down or step into your perfection?


Welcome to perfect new world. Welcome to perfect new world.


Where there are no excuses, no expectations, and we explore the world without limitations. I'm Jay Clay, rapper, spiritual teacher, with my co host Troy Washington, your friendly neighborhood realtor. Let's be real. So let's be perfect.


Perfect. Everything. Anything. Anything. Anything.


Anything. Anything. Anything. Anything. Anything.


Perfect. Everything. Anything. Anything.

Troy Washington:

Welcome to perfect mode. Welcome to perfect mode. Welcome to perfect mode. And first off, I wanna start by telling you that we love y'all. We're grateful for the opportunity to be anywhere sharing our thoughts, hopefully, in helping you realize that you are perfect.

Troy Washington:

And the reason, and I mean the reason why I can say that unapologetically, is because I know that you are one of 1 numero uno. You cannot be duplicated, replicated. And the only reason you would think that you're not perfect is if you're looking at this person on the side of you and saying, I'm not him. But guess what? You are you, and that's all you need.

Troy Washington:

And today, we're about to talk about living boldly and confidently starting when? Now. What up? It's your boy Troy, your friendly neighborhood realtor, and I have my boy, Jay Clay, spiritual rapper and teacher. And we're about to get it.

Troy Washington:

What up, Jay?


What up, man? Happy day. Happy Sunday to all my Sunday people doing Sunday things in perfect mode, imperfection, perfect harmony, all this good stuff. Looking forward to this topic. Looking forward to it.


Also, if you wanna support perfect mode, click the Patreon link on the in the description and make sure you like, subscribe, all that good stuff. Yeah, man. Happy day, man. It's a it's a beautiful day to to talk about this topic. Perfect topic.

Troy Washington:

Yeah, man. Yeah, man. So and and also shout out to, you, for holding it down last week with our girl Loretta. You know, I had to


be 2 weeks ago. 2 weeks ago.

Troy Washington:

Oh, that was 2 weeks ago. I'm sorry. But 2 weeks ago because, you know, I had to, you know, had some with my family. Shout out to my grandmother who passed, but, you know, back back in business, and we've got to talk about living boldly. So my question for you is because I I know when I saw this topic, I was like, whew.

Troy Washington:

Right, man. Why are you talking to me right now? But what were you thinking when you first saw this?


So it's a few things, actually. So one, set set out to to Biggie Astrology. He we might have him on the guest soon. But, the the moon is in Leo, and it and it's all about this energy, this bold, new, fresh energy, new moon energy, which I'm I'm kinda new to the to the astrology side of things. But yesterday, I had a convo with my mom.


And, she was talking about, you know, it might be time for her to move. And I was like, well, what kind of house, you know, do you wanna move to? And she was like, well, based on what we can afford, like, no. What kind of house do you wanna move into? And she was like, well, and I and I was like I was like, you let's say you got a magic button.


You can go whatever kind of house you want. Like, what what do you want? How many, you know, bedroom was all this? And she said it, but she was like, I could I think I could do it for around this price. And I'm like, no.


No. If you got a magic button, you're gonna ask for a house with a price attached to it? Like, no. No. And she's like, oh, okay.


I see what you're saying. I would want this. I want this many bathroom, this many blah blah blah, whatever. So then, last night or this morning, when I woke the last part of my dream when I woke up was I was in a similar situation. And someone was like, you can have whatever you wanna do, whatever you want.


And I I chose something. I was happy with it. I was like, yeah. Cool. Then I saw it from the eyes of the perspective of someone else, and I saw what they chose.


And I was like, I didn't know I could choose that. And it was like, yeah. You could choose whatever you want. So the it's funny. The same thing I was helping my mom with, I also needed help with.


Like, I wasn't I wasn't going to my full potential. I wasn't living boldly. And then the 3rd piece to this was today at basketball, I was doing stuff that I've that I've never done before, and, it was working out good. And I wouldn't have known had I not just tried it. And it just really got me thinking, like, why aren't we doing this?


Like, why why why aren't we boldly confidently trying stuff? Just just seeing what we can do, seeing how we can be. And I I thought it was a perfect topic to bring to us all today.

Troy Washington:

You know you know what's funny about it is, I I know we kinda went down this path before Yeah. But there's somewhere in our life where we just you lose that fire. We just lose that fire. And the reason why I can say that and really 100% understand and know that is the truth is because I have a 6 year old. And every day, I'm trying to bring my 6 year old back down to what I call earth and what what you're talking about.

Troy Washington:

Right? And when you talk about living boldly, just to kinda give you an example, we're looking at Olympics now. Everybody in the world is looking at Olympics. If you're not looking at Olympics, look at Olympics. Right?

Troy Washington:

And my 6 year old is looking at these these things, and I'm telling him, these are the best in the world. They no matter what the event we looked at we looked at everything. Like, they're the best at that. And his mindset in every instance is, I can beat them. I'm better than them.

Troy Washington:

And I'm telling him, no. They're the best in the world. Like, they've been working on this their whole life, but his his his mindset is still, well, I don't care what you're saying. I can beat them. He'll even tell me I can beat you, and I come back and say, hey.

Troy Washington:

Now, again, I'm not trying to kill my son's dream, but it's just one of those things that is like bro like, he's telling me, I can beat you on. Like, Brody, you're too small. I can push you down and all these kinds of stuff. And he's like, no. You can't.

Troy Washington:

And it is funny that somewhere along the line where he has all this ambition and all this belief living boldly because at the end of the day, you know, for the kid that never changes his mind, the one that's able to combat what I'm saying is the one that goes on to accomplish all these things that we're talking about. Because he said no matter what, I'm the best right now. And so the one thing that I try to do with my kids today, and I try to do it with myself now because I I'm seeing how things go. As I tell him, for any 6 year old, you're the best. At this age, you were better than me.

Troy Washington:

At this age, like, you're better than any 6 year old in the world. And, you know, it's kinda it's just funny how, you know, it's the dichotomy of what you're saying, where we are today, and we have to convince ourselves that anything is possible. Go ahead.


Yeah. Real quick. Shout out to him, Lau. Appreciate you joining us. And, and, yeah, and that's the thing.


Like, with with that with that boldness, we all have it in our field. And the the thing that we love, we have that boldness. We're like, oh, I can do this. I can I can try this out? I'm I'm still gonna be the best in this thing, but we don't trust ourselves to apply it to everything.


We don't always take that same confidence. And the times that I do, I often surprise myself like, wow. I can do this too. I can step into this. It doesn't mean that you're gonna do the thing perfectly, but it's it's almost to say you're willing to you're willing to fail just to see how far you can get.


And I and I know that's kind of a reversal of thinking, but it but it's almost like you don't even care about the failure. You're just attempting this new thing for the sake of attempting it for the sake of you just wanna try it out and and see see how how great you can be. But not only that, how since how you do anything is how you do everything. When we limit ourselves on what we're willing to try, we're we're limiting ourselves on what we're willing to receive and on what we let we're willing to experience. And it's like, nah, forget all that.


Let's let's live confidently, boldly, luxuriously. Let's let's set the bar. Let don't even set a bar. Let's just keep going higher and higher and not get complacent with where we what we already did.

Troy Washington:

And I also like to think of it like, you know, people look, man. Trying new things makes life interesting and exciting. And, again, you know, using my son as the example, you know, you would look at a kid and say, why do they have so much energy? Or why are they always going to never wanna stop? And the reason why is because everything is new to them, and they don't know what they can or what they can't do now.

Troy Washington:

And so always have that energy to try the new thing and and and also fail at it or or become successful at it. And I think that, you know, not living boldly even for my look. Right now, bro, I've been training and coaching my kids for you know, TJ is 12 now. I've been training him since he was 4 in basketball. And I didn't always know everything to do while I was training him, but for me being who I was and what I knew, I did the best that I could do.

Troy Washington:

But along the way, I gained more knowledge. I gained more information. I gained more skill. Yet, and still, I would limit my thinking on where I can go with it or what I can do with the skill set that I've been able to gain and still talk myself out of things that I shouldn't talk myself out of. And I told you recently, I said, okay.

Troy Washington:

I'm a start training kids. Now I imagine I've been down this path of saying that I'm not a coach even though I've been coaching. I've been down this path now saying that I'm not a trainer when I've been training, And there are results to show me otherwise that I'm because be successful at both, but yet and still I have to convince myself that I have a magic button and I can do these things, but I feel it's like pulling teeth to get it. And then you will look at yourself and say, well, why I'm not energetic anymore? Why do I not want to do these things?

Troy Washington:

Or why am I feeling bored or feeling like I'm complacent? Well, it's because I'm limiting myself, as you said, to being able to grow and knowing what's actually possible in front of me. Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. And, a a lot of it is just being willing to try. Like, just being willing to try and not really care about the outcome. And I and I say this to, like, even when I I play basketball on Sundays, and a lot of people, they have their game and their game is set, you know, the type of player they're going to be and they fit into that. They live into that.


They don't people don't expect anything other from them than that. And that's usually what they live up to, including myself. And I don't like that. It's like, nah. Like, you I'm every week I'm gonna get better, or I'm gonna try something new.


I'm gonna do something a little bit different. And it's like, why not do that in all aspects? Even if you're at the top of your game, why not be on Topper? Who would be the topper of you? I don't know what that word is, but you know what I'm trying to say?


Like there's there's always more things to do because it's fun. But at least to me, like, it's fun not doing the same old, same old thing. Like, even if I have a routine that I do, I have to do it a little bit different for my own sanity. I have to I have to try something new or just experience something new just to keep me engaged in it, or else it's like I I wouldn't even wanna do the thing that I say I wanna do just because it it becomes too routine.

Troy Washington:

And and and the part where I'm saying that a lot of people and I'm not talking about depression. I'm just talking about the word bored or lack of interest. A lot of people that I hear around me, I always say, well, I had I have anything to do. And imagine in this grand world that we live in and I'm not and I don't even wanna go to the point of saying anything is possible. I'm just saying that there are a million things in front of you.

Troy Washington:

In this grand world where there are a million things in front of you,


you can

Troy Washington:

find it in yourself to say that I don't have anything to do. And, again, you don't really recognize or realize the way that you feel about it until you start to do new things. I got to like, bro, I've been throwing myself in anything. As I told you, I I've been going out and helping somebody build on a house. I'm training kids now.

Troy Washington:

I I'm just I'm just opening myself up to see what life has to offer even though I've been seeing it and ignoring it. And that's what we tend to do as people. And, again, funny enough, this is something that I challenge people to try and do because it's something that I've I've done with my son. So, again, we go out and shoot every single morning. We always go out and shoot shots because I'm helping him to develop a a sniper shot is what we call it.

Troy Washington:

And I never thought about this until maybe a week ago when I had my other kids training doing it as well. But when they're shooting, whenever they miss a shot, they have to say out loud, I'm gonna make the next one. And in the beginning, you know, I would not give them the ball back until they said it, and they'll be looking at me like, I gotta say it again. Every time you miss, you have to say, I'm a make the next one. And what happened was, of course, my son and and the other kid, they would say it after every shot.

Troy Washington:

And then a couple times, they wouldn't say it, and then I would say, you didn't say it. And they're like, I did say it. And I said, well, I didn't hear you. And they were like, oh, I said it in my head. Now the reason why I bring that up is because, you know, this this this thought process of us trying new things but not wanting to because we don't wanna fail, you should tell yourself, well, when I try this, if I don't succeed, I'll succeed next time.

Troy Washington:

Go ahead, Jay.


Not only that. I I love that, by the way. Not only that, I like saying, I love that you have them say it so others can hear it. Because again, like, a lot of times, we don't want to tell people our intentions because if we fail, we don't wanna look like a failure to them. But at the same time, we're looking to a failure as to ourselves because we're already preparing to fail.


We we're on the wrong side of that mindset. And even if we proclaim to the world that, hey, I'm going to do this. I'm stepping into this, and we don't. So what? You're still willing to try.


You're still willing to put yourself out there, and that's what keeps life exciting. That's what keeps you growing. That that's what it, keeps you letting in more abundance and experience more abundance. And that's the energy that we're in. Like, even right now, I can feel us in this energy.


We're more hyped up than than normal on the show. And, and shout out to sis. I don't wanna mess up saying your name. Kate Mohammed. Appreciate you joining us.

Troy Washington:

Hey. So the so here's the thing.


The thing that made me think

Troy Washington:

of it, just so that way you know, is that my son doesn't he stopped he's playing on my team as well, but he started playing on another team. Now on my team, TJ is out sniping everything. He's hitting you know? I I don't I wanna I don't wanna say that he doesn't miss because he missed shots. But whenever he starts to really get into the game, he can hit any shot.

Troy Washington:

And when he plays on the other team, he doesn't wanna shoot. And the reason why he doesn't wanna shoot is because he doesn't wanna miss a shot and disappoint his team. And so, again, in training him to realize that to live boldly and confidently because you can't make no shot if you don't shoot any shot. You can't be successful at anything if you don't try. You have to tell yourself that even when I don't make it, it's okay because the next one is gonna be good to go.

Troy Washington:

And, again, that's the reason why, you know, you know, just translating that from, you know, basketball to life. Look. I was afraid to go and go help this guy build this house because and I told him and and the other thing is being able to verbalize what you're fearful of. But when I was in the house helping him, I told him, I feel some type of way because you're asking me to get things or do things, and I don't know what they are. He said, I'm glad that you said that.

Troy Washington:

Don't worry about that. If you don't know, just tell me you don't know, and I'll tell you what it is. And now my experience is elevated. Now I feel a whole different level of energy because I am being bold. I but being bold is also being honest.

Troy Washington:

Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. And and there's nothing wrong with saying you don't know. Because even even the willingness to say you don't know is to invite help. Like, so many people that do know are willing to help those that openly admit that they don't know. And it's often the people that just act like they have it all figured out and together that they they might not receive the help that they need.


You know, just because you you you have that. And there's nothing wrong with having that as well. There's nothing wrong with saying I do have myself together. I want to step out like I do, but be honest with yourself, be real with yourself and be willing to make those mistakes because mistakes aren't necessarily errors like permanent errors. Mistakes are just is is temporary.


And once we see thing, all these mistakes is temporary. The sky's the limit, man. Like, whatever you wanna do, whatever you've been been holding off doing, take that next step. Even if you don't know what the next step is, go in that direction. You're gonna find it.


Go to that place. Go to that. If if something within you is like, man, I just need to visit this place. I don't know where I'm a stay. Visit the place.


Me and you have an experience about that where we we didn't have a place to stay, a hotel to stay. Everything was booked. We still find a place by just going there and not willing to roll over and and die, so to speak.

Troy Washington:

And and shout out to Kamaria because she's on and she's, been active well. So I appreciate you, joining in the conversation. And I I wanna tell you, just a little bit about her for a second real quick. You know, she's married to my father, and, you know, not too long ago, my my father had a a a stroke. Like, you know what I'm saying?

Troy Washington:

He had another one. And, you know, I I these rules apply to all things. You know? We talk about basketball. I'm telling you about me me being able to help somebody facilitate building a home, but even when you go through things.

Troy Washington:

And, you know, when my dad was going through that, me and her hadn't had, an a a lot of conversations. You know? We we would we're hit and miss, and she she's helped us out on a couple things. She's been at some birthday parties, but this was a big, big, big, big deal. And and and took, her being bold to bring me into the fold of it.

Troy Washington:

And, you know, sometimes, you know, we we we like to categorize things as things that that cannot be a part of the conversation. And that's the reason why I love when we when you say all the time, how we do anything is how we do everything. Like, being bold in anything translates to translates to everything. And you can make that help facilitate anything that you got going on in your life, whether it's taking acting on something or not taking action on something. Just FYI.

Troy Washington:

But go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. One thing to practice as a challenge to those that may fear judgment from other people when, stepping into this new thing, because because the reason the reason we may fear judgment is because we're judging all these people. So, a challenge is if you see someone being ridiculed by the public, try to take their side just just in your own mind. Like, you don't have to verbalize that, but just take their side and see if there's something to it. You know?


See, like, even even right now on on both sides of the presidency, candidacies, both of them are getting, talked about in certain ways. And the the candidate that you don't wanna vote for, just try to just try to step into that side and see how would you go about it if you were them or or or the one that you that you are supporting? How would you go about it if you were them and just take that judgment out of the way and you will see like, oh, maybe they are doing with what they think is best. It might not be the best for everyone, but it's the best for what they think they're doing. And it kinda minimizes that that impact of judgment because you're like, oh, yeah.


That's all we can do is the best that we can do for ourselves. And when you free yourself of the burden for trying to please the whole world, it's it's fun.

Troy Washington:

Nah, bro. So you said you said some things. Right? Number 1, taking a judgment app and looking at the other side. And, again, seeing what you would do incites action.

Troy Washington:

That means you will start to do the things that you see that should be done in order to make it happen, which is, again, another sense of living boldly. But I also like the thought process of champion champion championing, however you ever say the word, somebody else living boldly. Right? So, you know, there when you're in a field or you're doing something specific, you might look at someone and you might not apply the right level of energy toward the championing of them. Right?

Troy Washington:

Uplifting them. And where you don't understand is that lack of level of elevation that you are willing to give people are the same things that you're doing for yourself. And so when you're when you're when you're driven to big up people that are doing what you what you do, you in turn big up yourself, and you're you have the energy to either chase or try to emulate that which you are uplifting. Because, you know, again, I'm gonna go back to basketball. You know, my sons want to be in the NBA, and they love Steph.

Troy Washington:

They love him, and you can't tell them nothing about him. But what happens in in turn so they'll pick up them. They'll they'll tell you that the best. And what happens in turn is they go outside and they try to emulate and either do that or become better than that. But, you know, if you're talking about if you're so fixated on, you know what, Julius Randle, he ain't got no left hand.

Troy Washington:

He ain't got no left hand. You in turn will realize that, oh, he made it to the NBA without a left hand, and you won't worry about your left hand either. And so, you know, I just think, you know, if you pick up the things that you, are interested in or even that you're that you're in that world, it helps, you know, helps you to move along that way as well. Go ahead, Jay.


Right. Yeah. Because the the we're limited by the limitations we perceive. Now, again, not just to ourselves to others, and I and I love that you pointed that out. Because, yeah, people might people might not develop a left hand because, like, he did it.


I could do it too. But but but in in in the same lane, if you know how good your right is to make sure your right is even sharper than that, you know, like until you develop your left, like, it is, it's so many ways that we can go about bettering ourselves, which speaking of basketball, we all seem was step dead. The NBA was not going that way. I mean, it wasn't like it is now until he said, you know what? I am the best two point shooter.


I'm just gonna let it fly all the time from anywhere. And I say this to say that we all have that within us in whatever we do. And just the the inkling to to want to do something better, to wanna do something differently. We all have that in us. And unless we feel free enough to cultivate it and and start practicing it, the world would be missing out on true innovation, on on true, inspiration because stuff he inspires so many people.


Like you said, your kids by just being him having fun running around shooting from anywhere. Every kid wants to shoot from anywhere, but nobody actually believed that they could do it until him. And what what that's the question. Like, what what do we believe that we can do that we're not allowing ourselves to do?

Troy Washington:

So so that brings to brings us to the question. Like, we I think that we all live boldly in areas of specific things like you that we feel like we are master of or that was our gift. We just we we tend to live boldly, and I was like, I'm a musician. Nobody can be better than me in music. I'm a write the best rap.

Troy Washington:

If I'm a basketball player, nobody can beat me at basketball. If I'm a a professional TV critic, nobody can criticize a show better than I can criticize a show. But the question that you have to ask yourself is, how can I live boldly and confidently in everything that I do? You know, what practices can I take take on in order to move myself forward in it? And, you know, of course, you know, for me, the first thing that I would always say is self talk.

Troy Washington:

You know, that self talk has to change. The the the first thing that I I have thought, and I and I feel like I've witnessed people say before when they were taking on a new task was, it's gonna be hard. It's gonna be a challenge. And I think that starts to form the way that you move. That also forms out that come behind that.

Troy Washington:

Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. I wanna read what what Sis said. A lot of us feel for lack of understanding of what fear truly is. So true. Like, and if fear is really nothing, you know what I mean?


Like, it's just a made up imaginary boundary that we're afraid to cross that is like, what is this? No. It it it doesn't exist. And I and I I love that she pointed that out. And the the the truth of the matter is if we just step out okay.


Let me okay. I got the perfect example. I'm one of the greatest rappers ever. Now previously, I may say I'm one of the greatest rappers ever, but and I'll have a but behind it as an excuse why I feel I might not be notarized as such. But it's like, why even bring the buts into it?


Just boldly claim what you want and just go for it. Just do it. No excuses. No no buts. No if, if, ands, or buts.

Troy Washington:

Yeah. No. I I I 100% agree with it. And just being definite like you said, you know, tag that butt out, and then also not limiting yourself to just the thing that you already feel like you're good at. You know, that's why I brought Brody up in the beginning.

Troy Washington:

You know, I can't tell that kid that he can't do anything.


Yeah. He

Troy Washington:

it it doesn't matter how many times I say it, or it doesn't matter, you know, what kind of evidence I can provide to him. He does not believe me because he believes in himself more than he believes any words that could come out of my mouth. And I think that's a part of it, and and the reality of it is where do we lose that and how do we get that back? And and and it's all about self talk. I've seen somebody fail at something, so, therefore, I feel like I can feel that it too.

Troy Washington:

And I haven't even experienced it yet. Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. And and when you asked that question, I'm just remembering when I was growing up. Like, there were certain things that people told me, no, I couldn't do, but I was just so confident in myself. I knew I could, but there were some that they told me I couldn't do. And because I didn't have that confidence in myself yet, I believed them and I just didn't pursue it further.


Or, or maybe pursued it later when I was able to rebuild that confidence. And so it is important, like you said, that that self talk is important in what we say and what we say to those around us, because the limitations we are imposing on other people, we hear those too, and we are affected by it whether we realize it or not.

Troy Washington:

No. I 100% agree. And, again, I told you one of the greatest things that ever happened to me when we were doing our mastermind back in the day was me being able to tell people that they're great. Because just on an average, I don't I didn't feel like anybody was walking around saying that I'm great, I'm great, I'm great all day. I just I I never heard it.

Troy Washington:

I never witnessed anybody's attitude displaying that because, you know, some when somebody walks in a room and they know they that, you can just tell. You the reason why you could tell because everybody's gonna be drawn to that person whether they feel like they're being overly confident or not. Now here's the key to the words that I said. Whenever we look at that person, if you're not champion the champion of them and you're saying they're overconfident, you're in a lack of confidence now. You're literally living out the words that you're trying to give on to anybody else.

Troy Washington:

You're saying that, oh, they're overconfident. So now I cannot be overconfident. I'm gonna sit in my place. And I think that again, you know, when I started to tell people that they were great all the time, I started to hear it out loud, and I started to feel greater myself. Now there was always there's just like you said with I'm the greatest rapper, but there was always a lingering but in my psyche, though.

Troy Washington:

You know what I mean? Because I was giving myself, you know, some type of prerequisite that had to be made in order for me to be that of which I was saying, but I also was giving them prerequisite as well. I was saying in my mind, they're great because of this. You're telling me this thing, and that's why you're great instead of me just saying, guess what? You're just great.

Troy Washington:

And when now that I'm recognizing that even in this moment, just removing that is going to be another domino effect unlike everybody. If you can just take all those, you know, those those commas out and just say you're great, I think that is another way to start living boldly. Go ahead, Jay.


Check out check out why this works. So, like, you you telling people that they're great. Right? So whatever you give, you must have it to give. You can't give anything that you don't have to give.


And so if you're giving greatness to people, you must be great within. And that goes with anything like love. If you give love, you must be full of love. If you give out joy, you must be full of joy. But the flip is also true.


So, like, if you're cursing people, if you're if you're telling people ill things about them, you must be filled with illness to even give off those things. And so you may wonder, like, why am I feeling bad? It's because of those certain things. But not only that, but you recognize. So, like, if if you recognize success in others, you're on par with that.


You're like, man, I can see success because I am. I have success within me. If you witness failure among people, like, oh, they failed. That person failed. That person failed.


It's because you have failure within you. And so it it's it's important to notice that there is no separation between you and that person, and what you are perceiving is what you are experiencing.

Troy Washington:

You know, the funny thing that comes to my mind, bro, and I I don't know. You may have heard this before. But have you ever gave somebody a hug, and then they got so excited to say, yeah. Because I'm a hugger. Have you ever heard that before?

Troy Washington:

Yeah. No. But the reason why I'm I'm it it comes to my mind is because this person has already proclaimed this for themselves. Right? They literally said that, and they walk around.

Troy Washington:

And even when you're like, if if if you didn't notice, if you look at this person whenever they're around people, you can see the way that they move, that they really are a hunger. Like, you can really see it. But, again, I I think the the the key in it is proclaiming that of which you are. And, you know, it it's just it's just one of those things that I think that all the hugs always come to them too. And I think that, that that's the reason why they they hold it up in high regards because it's a part of who they are.

Troy Washington:

And, you know, it's just it's just one of those things. It just it just popped up in my head, but go ahead, Jay.


Well, no. It's true. Like, I think we're talking about focus on one of the previous episodes and, like, okay. Using your example of the hugger, the same way they attract people to want to hug them, whether they're huggers or not, are the same way we all attract certain situations in our life. And again, like, if if something happens to us, we can ask the question like, man, am I am I attracting this?


And if it if it's something that we want, great. We're we're happy. If it's something that we don't want, it's important to shift that focus immediately. Don't harp on the fact that you don't want this anymore. Don't harp on what happened to you, the the messed up part of it.


Switch to the thing that you do want so you can be on par of that and attract those opportunities for yourself.

Troy Washington:

So two things here, bro. I'm going to say that that's a that's a that's that's living boldly as well, but just the in the opposite direction of what you really want. Right? And then the reason why I say this is because I have people in my life that something is always happening adversely to them. But just like the hugger, they literally say, man, it's always crazy for me.

Troy Washington:

It's always messed up for me. And the thing that I I is is the thing that's always puzzling to me is I think that I've been around these people my whole life, and I've kind of experienced a lot of the things. Of course, I don't have to experience exactly what they've experienced. But I've gone through a lot of the things that they've gone through, but yet and still, they've claimed the negative cloud that's following over them. And then not only have they claimed the negative cloud that's following over hovering over them, they they they glorify the cloud that bring over them just like the hugger.

Troy Washington:

I'm a hugger. So that hug is just going everywhere with that person. This person says, this always happens to me. So that's going with them everywhere they go. And because they champion it and they glorify it, they're living boldly in that world, in that space.

Troy Washington:

They're welcoming it. They're they're letting it be a part of them. And, again, just proof enough for me is I've known somebody that was like that, that said they were not like it anymore, and it literally just changed for them. It it it it didn't mean that they didn't experience something new that they had to overcome, but these specific type of dealings that kept happen happening just went away. Go ahead, Jay.


And and that's one of the things I love about social media is you can get a glimpse into the different types of worlds there are. So for example, someone could post a video saying, man, I'm happy. I'm blessed. I'm overjoyed. And then you you'll read the comments and some people would say, oh, I feel that joy.


Yes. It's beautiful. Some people might say, oh, no. You're lying to yourself. The the world isn't really like that.


Like, you're you're putting on a mask, you're doing this. And so the question is who's right? The only person is right is the one reading the comments and what they believe. So it's only like, you're always right. But what are you right about?


And and why be right about something you don't want? So it it's it's all about your choice and what you're choosing as the truth for yourself.

Troy Washington:

Bro. So that's the reason. And, again, I'm a person that I always have believed social media got it right. Social media always gets it right because and and and the funniest part about it is I catch myself. So when I get on TikTok as an example, if I'm scrolling and I see something that I'm interested in, I will follow the path, meaning I will look at the next video that's tied to that video.

Troy Washington:

But then what happens is when I get back into my normal for you feed or if I'm on Facebook and I've been scrolling, what will start to happen in my happen in my feed is more of that will start to come up. And the reality of it is I will literally tune in to those things more than I'll tune in to other things. I I will literally give it I will give it the whole watch as I will call it. But when I started to again, this is these things that we're talking about are things that we know, but we you can still be trapped in a loop. You can still have to bring yourself out of it.

Troy Washington:

And what will happen is I will realize that the place that I'm at now is not where I want to be. I don't I I know I'm watching a lot of this, but I don't wanna watch a lot of this. And so what I've done was I will seek out something that I feel like is more thought provoking or more of what I want, and then I will watch that. And then social media will start to give me that as well. And it's just funny that's how life is.

Troy Washington:

The moment when you decide or you recognize that you don't want something, you can turn the channel. And social media operates the exact same way. Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. And and what's funny is, like, you know, a lot of time I speak about vibration. You're in the vibration or the frequency of abundance or love. But as you pointed out, that's the same as saying, oh, I'm in this algorithm. Let me let me get out of this person's algorithm now.


Let me let me comment on this video so that I can switch to this algorithm. And it's the same thing, like comment or proclaim. The things we proclaim or the things we give attention to, we're gonna add more to it. So if we're constantly complaining, constantly judging, we're we're giving voice to say, put me in that algorithm so that in life, I can experience opportunities to judge and be ridiculed and complain and have stuff happen to me. But get out that algorithm.


Start proclaiming more of what you want, of the joy, of the love, of you overcoming feats, or or you just not even worry about overcoming feats. You're just being so high off your vibe that you don't even experience feats. You don't even know what feats are anymore. You're you're just you're up in the cloud, so to speak. So, yeah, I I I love that idea of getting to that algorithm.


Switch frequencies by getting to the algorithm of what you love and what you want to do boldly.

Troy Washington:

So just coming back to the bowl and living boldly and confidently, like you said, change your well, first of all, self talk. Right? We said changing the way that you initiate a conversation with yourself. No matter what it is that you're going to do, know that it's possible for you to be the best at it. No matter what it is.

Troy Washington:

I'm gonna open this drawer, and I'm about to do it better than anybody in the world. Right? I'm about to do it better than anybody in the world. But the same thing, recognize what your algorithm is. And I'm not talking about social media.

Troy Washington:

Just recognize. But I think that when you start to change the way you talk, your algorithm will actually follow. I think that it's going to actually shift with everything else that you're doing, but check the check the algorithm. But the other thing that I would also say is go ahead, Jay. I see you got someone.

Troy Washington:

I want you to


I was thinking okay. The the that's that's one of the reasons I make the type of music I make is because, you know, you you you're gonna it's food for thought. And you're gonna chant these lyrics. You're gonna chant these melodies. You're gonna chant these rhythms, the algorithm.


That that's why I did that. But because I I I just realized the correlation. But you're gonna chant these things, and that's the way to proclaim. That's the way to get yourself in that algorithm. And, again, sometimes the music we listen to is putting us in a different algorithm that we don't want.


Not not only because of what they're saying, but the intention behind it, the intent that the artist had. Some the same same thing with movies as well. It depends on the the movie. And when you realize not only the things that you're proclaiming, but the things you're feeding yourself, not just food, can can say play a role in the algorithm that you subscribe to, it may cause you to not live boldly in the things you want. But as you pointed out, live boldly in fear.

Troy Washington:

Bro, the funniest thing is the when when the time frame that we grew up, Scarface was that guy, the movie Scarface. And so many people emulated that. It's it's it's it's just again, I'm not knocking the movie. I'm not knocking



Troy Washington:

Anybody that, you know, went down that path. What I'm saying is if you don't wanna go down that path, you have to recognize where you are. Like you said, realizing what your algorithm is. Because they get at the end of the day, you know, everybody's life is everybody's life. You get to, you know, do whatever you wanna do with your time here, and then afterwards, what you're gonna do with it.

Troy Washington:

You know what I mean? Yeah. So it's not I'm not passing any judgment on it, but I think, again, the the the people in my life that were living boldly and confidently in what Troy in my life would deem as a negative light, not somewhere that I want to be. That's what I mean. Somewhere that I wanna be.

Troy Washington:

They claimed that that's not somewhere that they wanted to be, but yet they glorified it every step of the way. And so the thing is circumstances are circumstances. But just like you told your mom, what type of house do you want? I understand what your circumstances are, but that's not what I'm worried about. Where do you wanna have a house?

Troy Washington:

What do you wanna have in it? And then we go from there. But if you initiate the conversation, whether you say it out loud or in your mind by saying, I can't have that, you're absolutely right. You're absolutely right. And the reality of it is, you're boldly living in a absolutely cannot have state.

Troy Washington:

So you have to understand that that you're expressing confidence, but you're not putting it where you really want it to be. And now you gotta really realize where you really wanna be. Go ahead, Faye.


Yeah. And and and I can relate because so as you know, I'm I'm working on the album. And I I can't express how many times in the process of of figuring out the marketing plan for this that I wanted to limit myself. Like, okay. I have access to this audience right now or maybe this, but it's like, no.


No. No. What do I want? What do I wanna experience from this this album? What do I wanna go after with this album?


What are my intentions? Who do I wanna help? What do I wanna see? And I and I it I have to keep switching because there's a part of me that is used to the rhythm of that previous algorithm that is like, no. Go beyond that.


Go to what you really want. Matt, think about that magic button again. If you have a magic button, go for what you want. And and, again, I'm so grateful for that dream I had last night just because I thought I went for what I wanted. But then when I saw what somebody got for themselves and I was like, I didn't even think I could think that big for myself.


It it just blew my mind. And so I'm I'm ready to change that and go as big as I can possibly go.

Troy Washington:

And if you just think about every single time we talk on polo about music. Right?



Troy Washington:

And you and I I know that you can attest to this because I've been saying it over and over again. I don't know where you're going with the music, but you know. And so when I listen to music and you ask me my opinion, there are certain things that I would tell you, and there are certain things that I would not tell you. So the certain things that I would tell you is technical things that I know for a fact that you would wanna know. If my little friend if this shit there's a if if it's on beat, if, you know, if you wrote a verse that was less than I know that you would want to write.

Troy Washington:

You know, again



Troy Washington:

That's the way that I look at it. But if you notice, every time I get on, I tell you you're a musical genius. Every time. Then I also went as far as to tell you that, you know what? I know I'm saying that, but you are a genius.

Troy Washington:

And the the the thing that comes out of you, and this goes for everybody that's listening, you're the only person that have it. You are the only person that has what you have. Yeah. And you're also the only person that can either make me receive it in a way that that it's not gonna be of the frequency that I want, or it's gonna be of the frequency that I want. And but, nonetheless, I tell you that you're a genius because you're the only person that has it.

Troy Washington:

And, again, this is the way that we all have to think about ourselves in order for us to be bold. And the reason why I do that is because I want you to whether it's something that we think somebody's gonna like or not, it doesn't matter. We're being bold in this moment. We're saying that whether anybody likes it or not, I'm still going to allow me to be me on the outside so that way I can be bold and confident in what's the only thing that I the only person that can bring what I have. Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. And and even to the I even speak to that because, like, there's songs that I make that I just know. Like, I don't care. Like, even if you said you hated those songs, I will be like you tripping. You know what I mean?


Like, there's like, there's certain there's certain songs that that I I can get to that point with, but then there are some where I haven't got it to my point of what I consider the j clay stamp yet. And it's like, I could just get rid of this song or I could do that. And so, like, those are the ones that I might want a little feedback on and more times than not, you say the right thing that I'm like, oh, if I just switched that like that, it has that stamp to me now. And, which I I'm grateful for. And I agree with you, like giving feedback to people.


I only give feedback based on the level that I know that they wanted it. Like, it it's it's not for me to judge if it's good or bad in that sense. Like, it it's okay. What do you wanna use this for? What's your intent with this?


Yes. This is perfect. This is amazing. Do this mug. And, yeah, and I I'm I'm with you.


And and and it's important too because for us to stay boldly, we have to not be willing to try to steal someone else's, courage. Go ahead.

Troy Washington:

And, again, that's the domino effect of it all. Because you are being intentional with your feedback or you're being thoughtful in the way you give people feedback, that also will in turn make you be thoughtful and intentional with what you're doing. So it it'll make you turn around and say, well, what is my intent for this? Okay. Am I serving my own purpose?

Troy Washington:

Okay. Well, it it it has to be genius because time to fulfill what you're really trying to do. Again, going back to somebody that says, oh, this situation is this, and this situation is this. They also might look at somebody else's situation and say the exact same thing. Like, oh, this situation is this, and this situation is this as well.

Troy Washington:

And they are only pulling out what they wanna use versus saying, on the flip side, if I tune that your music is genius, I look at mine a different way. I look at you know, if I if I by me understanding that I want you to serve your purpose, when somebody comes to give me feedback, I come back to what my purpose is and what I'm trying to do, and it makes it easy for me. It confirms for me, and it it it makes it easier for me to accept. And because it's easier for me to accept, now I can be bold in the way that I feel about it. I can be confident.

Troy Washington:

But I I definitely think that, again, that's a part of not judging something, but also just giving people the truth. And the truth is recognizing that you're the only Jay Clay that I know. It's just that's just it. And the things that you provide when you decide not to be here anymore, I'll never get again no matter what I think. It's impossible.

Troy Washington:

And so me recognizing how special something is can also recognize how special the things are that I have too. Like, they you're never gonna get this. Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. What what what are the things you you pointed out too? Just in that was, but in in in a sort of way is how we all receive something different from the same thing. Like, we often talk about watching the same movie. 2 different people get 2 different things.


And again, if what they get out of it is based on the algorithm that they're in. And when we recognize that, like, again, like, what we sh we should pay attention to ourselves or the symptoms of ourselves, not symptoms as far as being sick, but just the accompanied feelings that we feel or emotions based on what we're receiving. So if we we feel ill in any way or or just bad about it or or less than bold, It's like, why am I receiving this from this? Why why is this what I picked up out of this situation? And you when you start asking yourself this question, you will see like, oh, I'm aligning with this.


I'm I'm I'm I'm being in that vibration of fear or doubt when I don't wanna be. So how come this person next to me is is being inspired by this? Let me talk to them. Like, what how can I get on on that level and and not being afraid to even recognize where you are and and get help from that standpoint too?

Troy Washington:

And so that goes back to my point. The way that I look at that person next to me that you're talking about and that thought that I think about it is going to be the key. Because if I look at this person and I say, they're doing amazing, then I'm going when I when I when I talk to them, what I'm asking them is going to be pertaining to how can I be amazing as well? Right? It's it's going to I'm going to I'm going to pull out that which I want to use.

Troy Washington:

But if I look at them and be like, oh, they think they're doing too good. Number 1, I might not even talk to them. Right? But number 2, if I do talk to them, I'm gonna talk to them in such a way that validates the way that I feel about it. Yeah.

Troy Washington:

See, when I talked to him, he said he said such and such and such and such. Man, he don't know what he talking about. And now I've missed the boat. Right? And so now I can only be confident in one thing, is that this person is not doing what they're supposed to do no matter how far or how far they go.

Troy Washington:

And because I'm looking at that, there's a limit on how far I can go to because the clue was right in front of me. Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. No. No. No. Those pea how we see the people in our circle are very important.


Not not how they are, how we see them. It's it's a it's a difference because we don't know how they are versus our site. Like, we we can only experience that what we see through, in a sense. And and the reason I say this, there was a period in my life where I wasn't confident just in myself, but I feel like I had some great friends, some great people around me. And I was like, man, they they are some awesome people.


I still feel that way today, but there was a there was a separation. I almost wonder, like, man, why would they be my friend? I know I'm their friend. They they awesome. They they listen to me that.


But but soon, like, I had no choice. If I wanted to stay among them in my own eyes, I had no choice but to match that. And so, like, if if you start to see others as great or others embodying the principles that you want to embody, you have no choice but to meet that as long as you hold that vision.

Troy Washington:

Bro, so I'm a give my dad a shout real quick. And, you know, if you if you were to ask me well, most people you know, my dad is is hard to hear than deaf. Mhmm. And he is like he reads everything. Like, Luke could, like he he reads the library if he could.

Troy Washington:

If you just drop him off, he'll probably just go and do that. But growing up, I was always in opposition to that. I was like, bro. You know, especially when I started to come into my own. And I would always ask him, like, what makes this person the authority in this field, or what makes this person the authority in this?

Troy Washington:

I feel like I know as much. I feel like I had as much. And in those moments, the the fact that I was not willing again, this is my thought process on what he's doing. Right? Those moments, I was limiting how far or knowledgeable I could be when it came to interacting or understanding other people.

Troy Washington:

That's number 1. Right? But, again, this is not something that I got in the time frame when when I was arguing with him.



Troy Washington:

And then one day, he said to me he said, well, it doesn't make them the authority on it. He said, but reading books gives you wings. Right? And he didn't he didn't go any further than that, but it left it for me to articulate myself. I can fly.

Troy Washington:

I can go further flying than I can walking. Right? And so it opened up my mind to reading books in a way and, again, not knowing that if that was his intent or not. But, again, I looked at him and said, oh, he has wings. He has more knowledge.

Troy Washington:

And because I looked at it and championed it the way that I have and I again, I tell everybody, I don't know anybody that knows more than my dad. That doesn't mean that I feel like he uses all the information in a way that's beneficial to me, but I feel like the amount of knowledge he has is beyond any. And so what it drove me to do because I feel like that about somebody is gain more knowledge, get more wings, fly further. And it's just one of those things that, again, depending on how you look at it, you either gonna have limitation or growth. Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. I I love those moment conversations where a person says something, but it is not even about the words. It's like the that intention met yours at the right thing, and it just exploded. Like, I get it. Like, I I and and again, shout out to my mom again.


I had that when I was younger about jealousy. Like, she she was I I was jealous about somebody in, like, 3rd grade, and she said some combination of words. But as she's saying in my mind, it went somewhere else, and I just got it. I can't tell you what she said. I can't tell you what I thought, But that whole interaction and moment, I was like, yeah.


I'm never gonna be jealous of anyone ever again. And go ahead.

Troy Washington:

No. No. To that point. In that instance that you're talking about, in in the instance that my dad told me it gives you wings, in that moment, we def we we we made a choice. Yeah.

Troy Washington:

In in in those in that moment, we we made the choice whether we were going to allow it to be champion one way or the other. And we are where we are today, but go ahead, Jay. That's I


love that too because, yeah, boldness and confidence is a choice. It's a choice we make all the time. Like, am I gonna come out here confident? Am I am I not? Am I gonna am I gonna shy away if somebody seems like they're more confident?


If somebody seems more knowledgeable in the subject that I claim to be knowledgeable about? It it's all a choice. And if we don't worry about all that stuff, and if we just worry about just being in our in our fun, in our boldness, in our own self, our own being, life can be a a a pretty fun experience.

Troy Washington:

I'm just gonna tell you, life is a pretty fun experience.



Troy Washington:

Leave it. Oh, yeah. No. No. It's me.

Troy Washington:

It is.


I'm just saying no. No. No.

Troy Washington:

No. No. No. I wasn't even talking to you because I know you know. Oh, yeah.

Troy Washington:

But I'm saying it out loud just like I'm a make the next one. Life is fun. Life is interesting. And like I was saying in the very beginning, we have the audacity at any point in our life to say that I'm bull have anything to do, or I don't know what's when anything and that's the thing. Taking the limitation away is how you are able to be bold and say that, you know, again, it could be something that's the details of things are amazing, man.

Troy Washington:

You know, the details of things are just amazing. Like I said, I I know I said it jokingly early. Like, I'm a open this drawer. Understand how the drawer works. Just look at it.

Troy Washington:

And when you start to say, dang, they they did this. It's it it just becomes so much more grand. It becomes so much more interesting. It becomes so much more to do when you start to look at it from that standpoint. Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. I I love that because it is a lot of things that we take for granted of the geniusness that we're surrounded by. I mean, like, I'm speaking through a microphone, which was sure I took years of experience to figure out how to do that correctly or through through a webcam on the computer. Like, it is it's so many things that are are tied into to just who we are and what makes us who we are and the things we experience. So we don't recognize the genius.


It's it's so much genius that's around us. It's so much love that people put into things, that we use on a regular basis that we don't even realize. Like, this shirt. I mean, yeah, I know you may you made this shirt. You put you put the print on that, and it's like, I appreciate that.


And we don't always appreciate the people who made the claws or wielded them together. Like, it's it's so much to experience if we allow, like you said, us to see these details.

Troy Washington:

Just quick point before I take us out. And using the shirt as an example, Before I ever made the shirt, bro, I looked at it. I looked at it. I looked at it. And the day when I actually did it, I was so amazed.

Troy Washington:

I was so crump. I was like, man, it it this is a I'm like, that's how I felt in that moment, doing something that I never thought that I could do and actually comp it it just opened up my world to so many other things just to just to kinda shorten it. It it made me see stuff differently. And, the reality is when you open yourself up to live bold and confidently, your world opens up too. Your world becomes limitless.

Troy Washington:

And, you know, I I know we're at our end point, so I just wanna, you know, just say, man, I'm grateful for everybody that joined us today that was a part of the conversation, and, everybody that was just listening to help us to realize or walk our way through, understanding this even more. Make because I become better every single time. That's the reason why we do the show. That's the reason why I do the show. And, I just wanna tell y'all that we're grateful.

Troy Washington:

We love y'all, and just remember that you're perfect. And the only reason that you think that you're not perfect is when you are looking to the next of you. But just try something new today. Self talk the right way. Self talk the right way.

Troy Washington:

Tell yourself that it's you're gonna be great at it. And lastly, before you close out, Jay, shout out to the Ross family. Shout out to my family. I know it's been tough, but guess what? We're gonna be bold because that's the way grandmama woulda wanted us to be.

Troy Washington:

She don't want us to walk around and be no other way. Trust me.


Alright, Jay.


Yeah. And and I wanna say, to that as well. We started this now. Like so it's too late. We already bold.


We already confident. We need to remain in this space, and just be who we really are. Like, why why you have this energy? Go for it. Like, don't delay.


Don't don't say, okay. I got this energy now. I'm a wait to do what I wanna do late at night. Do it now. Appreciate everybody rocking with us.


Remember your perfect creation made by a perfect creator. So you might as well accept your perfection and enter perfect mode.




If I reminded you that you are perfect, would you argue me down or step into your perfection?


Welcome to perfect. Welcome to perfect. Welcome to perfect. Where there are no


excuses, no expectations, and we explore the world without limitations. I'm Jay Clay, rapper, spiritual teacher, with my co host Troy Washington, your friendly neighborhood realtor. Let's be real. So let's be perfect. Let's be perfect.


Everything. Anything. Anything. Anything. Anything.


Perfect. Everything. Anything. Anything. Anything.


Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect.