The Brand ED Podcast

4 Freaky Fast Friday Wins in 5 minutes!

Show Notes

4 Freaky Fast Friday Wins in about 5 mins!
Discover: 1.) Something to check out or try…2.)Something a client recently asked…3.) Something to think about…4.) Something personal.
Take a listen. Then share it with someone you love 😀.


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What is The Brand ED Podcast?

It’s easy for personal brands and SMBs to get overwhelmed in a sea of marketing and branding voices, choices, and channels. Robby Fowler taps into 20 years of personal brand experience to help you clearly connect the dots between your branding, marketing and business strategy. To avoid being another burnt-out leader or under-performing brand or business, tune into this podcast. Build a personal brand and business that breathes life into you and your customer.

Robby: You're listening to the brand
ed bullet from the brand ed podcast.

Four freaky fast Friday wins to
get you going for your weekend.

Let's go!

Win number one, something to try.

How much of your money is leaking
out on trial subscriptions you

signed up for, and then forgot about?

I want you to go check out privacy.

Privacy is an app that allows you to
generate unique credit card numbers

for all of your online purchases.

Now, these virtual credit cards
allow you to use a different card

for every merchant you buy from.

You can also set up spending limits or
create single use virtual credit cards.

And once the purchase goes
through that card closes.

I use my privacy cards for every
online trial I want to sign up for.

I set the card limit to $1,
and then I know I'll never be

paying for a subscription I'm
not using or forgot about.

Win number two, something
a client recently asked.

A client recently asked me if I
could review his sales letter.

Here's the process I used and
three lessons for you to apply.

Step number one, how
long the sales letter is.

Step number two, decide
if I want to read it.

Step number three, start
scanning at the top.

Your reader will follow
those same three steps.

Give these three tips to try to improve
your own sales letters or emails.

Number one, make your sales letter or
sales email feel as readable as possible.

That means white space, wide
margins, and short paragraphs

are your best friend in email.

Number two, your title heading
or email subject line will

either make or break you.

Make that your best headline.

Number three, add punchy
headings for easy scanning.

Ensure readers can get the gist simply by
reading your headings from top to bottom.

Win number three,
something to think about.

People do not want a quarter inch drill.

They want a quarter inch hole.

That's a quote from Theodore Levitt,
the German American economist, and a

professor at the Harvard business school.

Instead of making a better drill, focus
on how to make the job of getting a

quarter inch hole easier or better.

Win number four, something personal.

Guess what I stink at the most?

I know there's a lot, but it's
getting out of my own head

and on with my own business.

I can help a thousand clients,
companies, churches, nonprofits,

brands, and friends move forward.

However, I tend to get stuck
when it comes to my own business.

What I can accomplish in a 60
minute strategy call with myself.

As if I were my own client is
100 X, what I often accomplish

in that same 60 minute window.

So here's what I do about
that ever present reality.

One kick myself in the
rear by saying aloud,

“Hey, that's good enough.


Two, set timers when I know I'll be
tempted to drag or make something perfect.

Three turn to great friends and
colleagues from my mastermind,

the one I lead and the one I'm in
so they can help me move forward.

Thanks for joining me on this
episode of the brand ed bullet.

Good news.

You don't have to scroll through the show
notes to find links to any of the apps

or other wins mentioned in the episode,
just hop on my email list and you can get

these four wins are right in your inbox.

Go to

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this in the hands of more people.

So go and leave a review on
iTunes and then share this episode

with somebody that you love.

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was your favorite from this episode?

Have a great weekend and go
and build a life giving brand.