You're Wrong

A Roundup of many firsts! OK, fine: it was, like, 3 firsts... but still!

Show Notes

From Bobby Kotick's epic asshattery, to the possibility of seven entire seasons of Henry Cavill grunting "Hm" as Geralt of Rivia, to YouTube thinking that sweeping social media toxicity under the rug is a solution to anything, this is November 2021 (and not a drop of December) in pop culture news (poorly) commented on by 3 (😮) nerds : The Monthly Roundup

And for this month's commentary, the nerds are joined by Matt's lovely wife, Laura!

Creators & Guests

Bespectacled comic nerd
Life is like a baboon's ass: colorful and full of shit...
Full Time Host, Part time everything else

What is You're Wrong?

You're Wrong is on permanent hiatus, but Chris, Luciano, Matt and Spencer aren't! They have a new podcast, dedicated (almost) exclusively to movies, called Popcorn & Plot Holes. Come listen to their ramblings at or anywhere you get your podcasts from!

[cobra]: Like a caveat Rder,

[cobra]: off the off the bat, it's November, but the

[justflew_in#k7]: Hming,

[cobra]: Am.

[justflew_in#k7]: Mhm,

[justflew_in]: Two

[cobra]: This is the honeymoon.

[cobra]: We were all there to witness it too.

[cobra]: He felt inappropriate. Yeah,

[justflew_in#k7]: Yeah,

[cobra]: this is like a Cinderella kind of thing where you were looking for someone who nice.

[justflew_in#k7]: yeah,

[cobra]: I mean, it's morelike Is that is that a green suit? And if he likes it then Nok,

[cobra]: that's the one

[justflew_in]: cious cycle,

[cobra]: then he didn't.

[justflew_in#k7]: yeah,

[cobra]: Who

[justflew_in#k7]: but that's not quite.

[cobra]: sounds like a Dusche bag.

[justflew_in]: Mhm.

[cobra]: Now, I wantnna

[justflew_in]: my,

[cobra]: believe that his mother named him Bobby,

[justflew_in]: I. indeed.

[cobra]: Cause he looks like a

[cobra]: bobbybbert

[justflew_in]: What What is Okay?

[justflew_in#k7]: Yeah,

[justflew_in]: You was Superman indeed,

[cobra]: but even better

[cobra]: but even better

[justflew_in#k7]: it is. it totally is up your alley.

[justflew_in]: with some greasy hair at the same time,

[justflew_in]: Mhm,

[cobra]: in the game maker.

[justflew_in]: and too too much of a plunge.

[justflew_in]: He had too much of a scoop neck. plum. Sh. I through

[justflew_in#k7]: Okay,

[justflew_in]: too.

[justflew_in#k7]: no,

[justflew_in#k7]: here here on the on the year,

[justflew_in]: no,

[justflew_in#k7]: here on the year

[justflew_in]: oh,

[justflew_in#k7]: Ros, we, we acknowledge and

[justflew_in]: Mhm.

[justflew_in#k7]: embrace one another's cries for help

[justflew_in]: How could it,

[justflew_in#k7]: in their hours of need. Uh,

[justflew_in#k7]: copyright pending,

[cobra]: Yeah, Yeah, up to date.

[justflew_in#k7]: Please don't see us and please don't attack us for in terms

[justflew_in#k7]: of mass

[cobra]: Yeah, exactly

[justflew_in#k7]: effect, Though, um, I've played. I played one and two. I, it's so long

[justflew_in]: but look at the plunge. The plunge of that suit is no joke.

[justflew_in#k7]: leave.

[justflew_in]: Just let it your skin breathe.

[justflew_in#k7]: I played three. But when? when Laura, you

[justflew_in]: Wow, so he's going to be dragula? that's not. That's not fun.

[justflew_in#k7]: were saying, could they actually pull us off? Like? isn't there a lot of

[justflew_in#k7]: intricate armor? And so on? I agree. And and Luc, you kind of veered off for

[justflew_in#k7]: a second and like cover the other spectrum of like the like. The

[justflew_in]: What's that? What's Rainfield?

[justflew_in#k7]: Yeah, you did cause. like you covered. like the aliens

[justflew_in]: Mhm?

[justflew_in#k7]: and the The.

[justflew_in]: Oh

[justflew_in#k7]: The, The, The economy and stuff. But like, Yeah, the armor is really cool.

[justflew_in#k7]: And then when you think of like progans and stuff, while the tech exist,

[justflew_in#k7]: I. I, I'm not sure if they could really pull it off

[justflew_in]: so heat. We. Hm.

[justflew_in#k7]: like we. Ha. When was the last time we've seen an elaborate? Well? I feel

[justflew_in#k7]: like it might cost too

[cobra]: no. That's the worst part of it.

[justflew_in#k7]: much money. Which is is, which makes me feel

[justflew_in]: okay, okay,

[justflew_in#k7]: like is a mass effect live action? Te.

[justflew_in#k7]: Still,

[cobra]: No, they, just

[justflew_in#k7]: I hope so. I. I don't know. I go. go ahead.

[cobra]: now they're like. Oh, now only the guy gets to be the the Ceo. That's great.

[justflew_in]: okay, Hm.

[justflew_in]: Okay, you've got some shops.

[justflew_in#k7]: Okay. Okay that that that makes more sense. That makes more sense. See,

[justflew_in#k7]: because they've already.

[justflew_in#k7]: they've already been down that road with Doctor Who and a lot of different

[cobra]: You wouldn't surprise me to. at this point Honestly,

[justflew_in#k7]: alien races and costuming. I haven't seen much of the other Um, platforms or

[justflew_in#k7]: or services. you know, pull it off.

[justflew_in#k7]: Mhm.

[justflew_in#k7]: Mhm,

[justflew_in#k7]: Hm,

[justflew_in]: Is she supposed to be in Thismat movie as well?

[justflew_in]: Hm.

[cobra]: Yep,

[justflew_in#k7]: Mhm. Mhm,

[cobra]: in college of Deca. This is before a blizzard is't

[justflew_in#k7]: Yeah, and it also makes you wonder

[justflew_in]: Pretty much.

[justflew_in#k7]: Mhm. and it also makes me wonder.

[justflew_in#k7]: I don't even know if you need a live action series. Like some properties. I

[justflew_in#k7]: don't know if they. if they should be adapted. I feel like I would. I would

[justflew_in#k7]: just love to see another mass effect again. Personally,

[justflew_in]: Yeah,

[cobra]: Yeah?

[justflew_in]: get in to the darkness. Thatdy is my power

[justflew_in#k7]: it

[cobra]: Well, the the

[justflew_in#k7]: doesn't have to be in dramata. There's so much that they can pull from

[cobra]: The Chiefs of

[justflew_in]: didly it. Do it. now

[cobra]: Playstation, like from Sony Playstation, from uh, ▁x box, and from the switch. they

[justflew_in#k7]: and then what and then like. Think about this mass effect Like gives players

[cobra]: all

[justflew_in#k7]: the

[justflew_in#k7]: Y the opportunity like someone, like so many other games to really crap

[cobra]: had stuff to say. I was going to say the Nintendo guy waited a long time and only

[justflew_in#k7]: their their person. And like the whole Commander Shepherd, uh, being gender

[cobra]: sent an internal memo. But they all. they're all like. Yeah, this is not. I don't

[justflew_in#k7]: fluid and and having your your player take, uh, um it. See, it seems like

[cobra]: know if we want to continue having you know business with these guys. If this

[justflew_in#k7]: the

[justflew_in#k7]: the the player Bas, really really embrace that dynamic. What's that going to

[cobra]: discontinues and they, they all laughed very blurry, which I found kind of

[justflew_in#k7]: look like for a live action? How does they you? How does the viewer get

[justflew_in#k7]: behind

[cobra]: cowardly

[justflew_in#k7]: That

[justflew_in]: you be like

[justflew_in#k7]: you know, I don't know. I,

[cobra]: Oh yeah. Oh yeah.

[justflew_in]: Mhm.

[justflew_in#k7]: hm.

[justflew_in]: Oh,

[cobra]: yeah,

[justflew_in]: my goodness.

[justflew_in#k7]: Mhm, Mhm,

[justflew_in]: that's fair. I think British.

[justflew_in]: Have you ever done that British egg?

[justflew_in#k7]: Mhm,

[cobra]: yeah,

[cobra]: removing some polarization from the world.

[justflew_in#k7]: Hopefully if they have, If they have good a good writing team, then maybe

[justflew_in#k7]: they can pull it off.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[cobra]: oh no, no't, forget money.

[justflew_in]: What? the? What's the equivalent of ten to twelve dollars in

[justflew_in]: Bitcoin?

[cobra]: Yeah,

[cobra]: oh, good point. good point. Yeah,

[justflew_in]: Then that? that would be the true value

[cobra]: yeah,

[justflew_in]: if we. If we focus so that,

[cobra]: it's so the The The kicker for me is

[justflew_in]: the the line, the Uh, the land that got a beat.

[cobra]: that, when that, I think the California State Department

[justflew_in]: somehow.

[cobra]: opened a uh, the lawsuit against Blizzard in like July or June or something, and he

[cobra]: came out and said Eh, this is not

[justflew_in]: Oh,

[cobra]: acceptable. We want a safe environment for everybody. Blah, blah, blah, blah blah,

[justflew_in]: that's a

[justflew_in]: mixe.

[cobra]: and then behind the scenes He fa

[cobra]: that. what's the name of that woman? Fraances, Something that they had just hired.

[cobra]: Yes, Yes, they had just hired her and he had her release a statement that he wrote as

[cobra]: if it was hers

[cobra]: saying Like some some outland shit about like Oh, this is like they're ▁lying. And if

[cobra]: you're contributing to any of these news outlets there saying this like you're a a

[cobra]: traitor or whatever. And then that forced her to resign, and we should did, And now

[cobra]: they found out that he was the one that had her say those things. And now we find

[cobra]: that even after saying shit like Oh, this is absurd, we should never have happened.

[cobra]: Not only did he protect people that did it a couple of times, but he himself did it.

[cobra]: There was a case in one of the, in one of

[justflew_in]: I don't get.

[cobra]: the articles where they say

[cobra]: he helped two. no one. two rape cases against the same person,

[cobra]: same the same woman be settled out of court. He he like?

[justflew_in]: rely on the dark powers of the Internet.

[cobra]: Yeah, Oh yes, yes,

[justflew_in]: But for what?

[justflew_in]: H.

[cobra]: I'm leaning. I'm le. I'm leaning for now as well.

[justflew_in]: This is what happens interne when you when you want Internet to do something

[justflew_in]: for you and it collapsed back.

[justflew_in]: Oh adaptation was up. Yeah,

[cobra]: Some, some might not, Somebody might say it was not justice that was done, but it

[justflew_in]: aptation is pretty good. I think that one to ask you for something else, but

[cobra]: might just be me.

[justflew_in]: unfortunately,

[justflew_in]: I think

[cobra]: Yeah,

[cobra]: well,

[cobra]: I think that's why. I think that's why the shareholders like him so much because he

[cobra]: saved the money.

[cobra]: Now. Now that you know someone flung someone flung an entire bag of shit

[justflew_in]: Ramfield

[cobra]: onto the the fan. Now

[justflew_in]: win

[cobra]: it's a problem. but apparently they' standing behind him.

[justflew_in]: best supporting cage actor.

[cobra]: Y.

[justflew_in]: Really, I

[justflew_in]: seen it. I know of it.

[cobra]: nobody is going to find out I'm a genius.

[justflew_in#k7]: We hear at the Yearuron Podcast. Do not advocate for the actions of

[cobra]: Yeah,

[justflew_in#k7]: K, written house, Uh, idiots like him,

[justflew_in#k7]: and it' just wrong, folks. We, by no means we

[justflew_in]: Mhm,

[justflew_in#k7]: don't. We don't get down with us,

[justflew_in]: Mhm,

[justflew_in#k7]: Mhm.

[justflew_in#k7]: And what I did is just cover our ass,

[justflew_in#k7]: Mhm.

[cobra]: yeah,

[justflew_in#k7]: Mhm.

[justflew_in#k7]: Oh, my

[cobra]: no. it's

[cobra]: no. I think I

[justflew_in]: Okay,

[cobra]: think like the lack of tolerance is like. Only I get to do it when everybody else

[cobra]: does. It is wrong.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[justflew_in#k7]: got there.

[justflew_in#k7]: got there.

[justflew_in#k7]: Yeah,

[cobra]: yeah,

[justflew_in]: five,

[cobra]: and we do that every week here. Actually,

[justflew_in]: Hm,

[cobra]: oh great,

[justflew_in#k7]: he's not.

[justflew_in]: Mhm,

[justflew_in#k7]: uh, not the Lord. What is you? How? Why did you misponduct that

[justflew_in#k7]: Mhm?

[justflew_in]: Wow,

[justflew_in#k7]: Oh,

[justflew_in#k7]: Okay, that's the first.

[justflew_in]: pretty good. It' a pretty good, sir, pretty good

[justflew_in#k7]: Yes, my son,

[justflew_in]: volley. You will.

[cobra]: Yes, please.

[cobra]: I was going to make a really bad joke, but I'm going to leave it alone.

[cobra]: The Ten men.

[justflew_in]: really,

[justflew_in#k7]: Mhm.

[cobra]: that's nice.

[justflew_in]: Hm, true.

[justflew_in]: Oh.

[cobra]: Oh

[justflew_in#k7]: there's a lot

[cobra]: yeah.

[cobra]: the theme. Exactly? That was exactly what I was going to say. If

[justflew_in#k7]: legal advice

[cobra]: it's not the same song. watching this sorry

[justflew_in#k7]: me cula,

[cobra]: na man,

[cobra]: and exactly exactly

[cobra]: that has to be it.

[justflew_in#k7]: Okay,

[justflew_in#k7]: You really don't know which borough I mean, so that's helpful.

[cobra]: Yeah, you cant you can't regret something you haven't done.

[justflew_in#k7]: I wasn't

[cobra]: Wait, what

[justflew_in#k7]: talking about ya. I mean stuff, they feel, Be sping out my government to

[justflew_in#k7]: myin number

[cobra]: I don't know, we, so we watched an episode or two for this podcast a long time ago

[justflew_in#k7]: got ga.

[cobra]: and it does not hold up very well.

[cobra]: Yes, yes, it was.

[cobra]: Yeah. yeah, it.

[cobra]: Oh yeah. yeah.

[cobra]: no, the it. it. They faked it. They faked it and choosing Genosia

[cobra]: Orgosha,

[justflew_in#k7]: Mhm,

[cobra]: Yeah, exactly yeah. she'

[justflew_in#k7]: Did you hear something?

[cobra]: like she's now working for for Magneo now or for the The Molocks,

[cobra]: Another mutant, another mutant.

[cobra]: Y,

[cobra]: Yes, I, I think

[cobra]: Yeah, I was going to say I, a children's cartoon is definitely going to to touch on

[cobra]: the O ▁j trial.

[cobra]: Oh, that might actually be a very good thing.

[cobra]: Just you know.

[cobra]: I, I know I still need the theme song and I also need Jubilee not to be in it,

[cobra]: because

[cobra]: I know.

[cobra]: No, no, please. please save me. I don't want. I don't want to see her there. She's

[cobra]: annoying

[cobra]: sparkle fingers.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[cobra]: So so this is how it works. No, no, no, no, this is how work. So she shoots fireworks

[cobra]: out of her fingers and then she gets kidnapped and has to be sad. That's that's her.

[cobra]: how power works.

[cobra]: Yeah, yeah,

[cobra]: or or to be like a De at the Time Square New Year's Eve party,

[cobra]: She's the ball that drops.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[cobra]: I'm I'm very intrigued by this and and I will probably watch it

[cobra]: right.

[cobra]: You think they're going to say his, a mutant and try to take away his. Uh. His His

[cobra]: title.

[cobra]: It was ninety C. It was ninety Seven was a much much more innocent time.

[cobra]: Wow,

[cobra]: Yeah, I think no, I. I think it's pretty clear that the main topics of the new

[cobra]: cartoon is going to be the O ▁j trial, Mother Theresa, Di, and her, you know, her

[cobra]: being a monster and obviously Tiger Woods, and you know the beginning of his hall.

[cobra]: Obviously that those are going to be the themes and Diana. for. of course, of course,

[cobra]: and how is the conspiracy? Yeah,

[cobra]: right

[cobra]: this this time we sagu.

[cobra]: Yes,

[cobra]: we're just tapping into the cosmos.

[cobra]: That's why she fits in so well.

[cobra]: Well, I mean one out of two. one out of two is okay.

[cobra]: Yep.

[cobra]: unfortunately I have Yes.

[cobra]: in in the,

[cobra]: not not their actual, not the actual physical dick, but their vi.

[cobra]: Yes, Yes, no. that's exactly it.

[cobra]: No, no, no, I think you. You got it pretty much right.

[cobra]: Yeah, we do have you been here.

[cobra]: So so here heres, what's going to happen? One one hand iss going to have the glove,

[cobra]: on the other hand, not going to have the glove, and then one hand is going to do the

[cobra]: actual like the vi R handjibber, and the other one is going to do the actual angeber.

[cobra]: Oh yeah, oh yeah. the whole month. that was the first thing I put on our board and

[cobra]: I've been thinking about it this whole time.

[cobra]: Yes,

[cobra]: yeah,

[cobra]: no, you are no one. Ha, one hand is outside of Y. You're double fisting. Yeah, yeah,

[cobra]: like. I honestly hadn't thought of. like.

[cobra]: Yeah, you have to synchronize. Otherwise you know

[cobra]: I think that

[cobra]: so it's not su. suppose, so they say Well away.

[cobra]: They say it's supposed to be, you know to make V r and an a r more real, so you can

[cobra]: manipulate objects like a box or a chair while you're dick. like you know, one of

[cobra]: those. It's one of those things.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[cobra]: Oh yeah. yeah,

[cobra]: fair.

[cobra]: Why are you so obsessed with different? Like what's wrong with you?

[cobra]: I mean, you're going to have. Yeah, you're going to have. You're going to have to be

[cobra]: more specific than that.

[cobra]: I dont. I don't know what game you're talking about, but uh, I believe it.

[cobra]: I

[cobra]: have. I have a question.

[cobra]: Is Is gun in this case and new for Missm, for Dick.

[cobra]: That that's too many. I have to stop speaking English if you don't want to use you

[cobra]: for missing for Dick.

[cobra]: I'm not going to make the comment.

[cobra]: You pretty stroked for it,

[cobra]: Hap, hap, te.

[cobra]: it's not that, but

[cobra]: I, I really like the way. Yeah, and I real like the way the guys from Hap Texas is

[cobra]: like. Hey guys. Um. Yeah, that's a copy. Let's talk. They didn't sue them or anything

[cobra]: like. Let's talk.

[cobra]: That's probably what's going to happen. Yeah,

[cobra]: I don't know if they were waiting for it

[cobra]: with with a pillow.

[cobra]: Well, I hope that they did that because any time Facebook gets fucked on, I'm I'm all

[cobra]: for it. So

[cobra]: mean there's that company like a company called Dogwk that you know, never heard of

[cobra]: it, So must be small'. going to be hep to consol. I was going to say.

[cobra]: Oh, whos? who's the top spot?

[cobra]: Amazon?

[cobra]: Let's put them all in the first spot there.

[cobra]: That's true.

[cobra]: that's true.

[cobra]: Oh, that that took.

[cobra]: Oh, I'm in. I'm in. Oh man, it's evils. C e os. I'm in.

[cobra]: It is.

[cobra]: Is it just rooting for them to di? it'? just Rudy for them to die not to win. I hope

[cobra]: hope they all die.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[cobra]: Ey. look at that seguy.

[cobra]: it's Callammari, right, Callri?

[cobra]: What?

[cobra]: wait? Wait now, No, not we it. I, before you get to the point is what are the ten?

[cobra]: like like things that they are doing. The the squids on the decktlo.

[cobra]: Okay, I regret stopping the podcast for this. please continue madd.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[cobra]: Oh yeah. In in other news, water is wet and disguise blue.

[cobra]: No cause I haven't watched it. No, spt.

[cobra]: No, it's not

[cobra]: I will.

[cobra]: I'll watch it next month. I promise.

[cobra]: No, this month this month.

[cobra]: Oh that I knew

[cobra]: that was spoiled for me. Yeah,

[cobra]: or maybe just go la, laah,

[cobra]: ah, gotcha.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[cobra]: but is that, but why is that a bett thing? Because it was done super blatantly or

[cobra]: right?

[cobra]: I can't tell you why.

[cobra]: I. I think

[cobra]: I think

[cobra]: it might be money, but I don't know.

[cobra]: Oh no. no. that's a good point. That's a good point.

[cobra]: Na.

[cobra]: sorry. No. I mean you watch it so you. you might know better, but I think I'm sorry.

[cobra]: Well, No, but Netflix Netflix swee likes like fucking Uncle Scrooge

[cobra]: swimming in it.

[cobra]: Yeah, it's yeah.

[cobra]: Oh, name Jack a name. Jack.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[cobra]: I don't,

[cobra]: or the squid,

[cobra]: as long as they don't jump the squid,

[cobra]: I can explain it to you if you didn't understand it.

[cobra]: Do

[cobra]: you know you know who doesn't either have the glove, Henry Cvello.

[cobra]: Yeah, I was going to say like, so scared of studying to talkcause. someone's going

[cobra]: interrupt.

[cobra]: Yeah, no, no,

[cobra]: yeah,

[cobra]: yeah,

[cobra]: yes,

[cobra]: wait, you haven't watched the first season.

[cobra]: Yeah, that's exactly the same. It's the same level of of exasperation.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[cobra]: so that's the thing there is. definitely like Spencer said, there is definitely

[cobra]: enough source material. But they have changed so much of it over that I'm concerned

[cobra]: that they're like they're going to reach a point where they're like Okay. We've sort

[cobra]: of veered away from the source material so much You're going to have to start writing

[cobra]: new stuff And that's where I'm scared because that.

[cobra]: Oh yeah,

[cobra]: yes,

[cobra]: it'd be cool if they did a bridge, like in the show Where they go, Because the the

[cobra]: games are set after the books right. They'd be very cool if they did some. like the

[cobra]: breging of it. But the the problem. The, like, the consent that I have is they did

[cobra]: this with a few other series and one of the main ones was House Cards, and the first

[cobra]: two seasons of House Car That can space is a piece of sheet. Yes, but like the the

[cobra]: series is good, very good

[cobra]: until they ran out of material and then it became absolute garbage

[cobra]: right right away.

[cobra]: I don't know. I don't know.

[cobra]: Yeah. Okay that, what's the worst that could happen?

[cobra]: Eight books.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[cobra]: what's what's theverse of us say?

[cobra]: I think it's more. isn't it?

[cobra]: I just did And its A. You're right.

[cobra]: we won't. We won't talk about anything. then

[cobra]: clearly, Yeah,

[cobra]: no, no, not everything. just this thing.

[cobra]: Oh, that I can that I can admit to

[cobra]: Ne, negative, Nathan, there,

[cobra]: I'm not gender neutr. I'm not gender neutral.

[cobra]: Oh, all right.

[cobra]: no, no, no, not not at all. This is just a fear you might be unfounded. but

[cobra]: yeah,

[cobra]: uh,

[cobra]: honestly like I, I think they did. to some extent they did the right thing, which is

[cobra]: what most of the other successful book adaptations did, Which is not just try to do,

[cobra]: verbate them exactly what the book did,

[cobra]: but and so like, change it a little bit. so because certain things translate better

[cobra]: to other

[cobra]: um mediums, right like just because it works in a book.

[cobra]: Okay, guys can't see this 'cause this is a podcast, but there's some pantomime going

[cobra]: on. Um,

[cobra]: but so I? yeah, no, it it is. but it's just it was just distracting me.

[cobra]: It was just it distracting me to iing back. I was like the whatck am I talking about?

[cobra]: Even so okay,

[cobra]: I think they did the right thing of not trying to do everything exactly like the book

[cobra]: because not everything that works in the book works in the series, but they've also

[cobra]: changed some really important bits in the first season alone. Already. They changed

[cobra]: some read important bit of the book in in a way that latter books are not going to

[cobra]: work at all, so they have to have if they have a plan for what's going on and I think

[cobra]: it's going to be fine.

[cobra]: But if they don't have a plan and they're just going by like I'm just shut up. If

[cobra]: they're just go. If they're just going to go by like shut up.

[cobra]: Yes,

[cobra]: then then it might not be good. Yeah, no, I just think like I. what I'm saying is

[cobra]: they're riffing on the source material For now. they changed a a little bit, but not

[cobra]: enough that it's not the same story. but it's going in a direction that's going to be

[cobra]: a different story, so I'm just scared like.

[cobra]: Yeah.

[cobra]: Well, Yeah, I was going to say that joke wasn't nearly that bad, So that's okay.

[cobra]: Good

[cobra]: noways, probably because the books are old, The books were around in the nineties and

[cobra]: they in polish.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[cobra]: the wild hunt.

[cobra]: this is in the books as well. It's in the books.

[cobra]: I mean, I'm

[cobra]: the.

[cobra]: yeah.

[cobra]: Yeah, I think I think he was involved in the the writing of the story, but I think is

[cobra]: right. I think the creation of the story was done by city.

[cobra]: So yeah,

[cobra]: um, what? what I can tell you just before theway I can tell you is that they're not.

[cobra]: They're not going with Uh, with a game vibe right now.

[cobra]: They're sticking with the book One

[cobra]: in two weeks.

[cobra]: The Battle of the Segus

[cobra]: Sick that day.

[cobra]: Some,

[cobra]: I was going to say

[cobra]: that was going to say like we're looking for someone whos who's willing. Abel is a

[cobra]: secondary trait.

[cobra]: Yes,

[cobra]: my tubes.

[cobra]: my.

[cobra]: just

[cobra]: just trapped in the stupid Jo forever.

[cobra]: Yes,

[cobra]: Yeah, if only this broadcaast had one

[cobra]: Ooh.

[cobra]: shots fired.

[cobra]: No, not the button. just count. just count the button'. still there.

[cobra]: Yeah that that's what a block posted. A lot of words.

[cobra]: No,

[cobra]: No, I, I don't. I.

[cobra]: Yeah. I. I see what what you're saying or, and I like, that's kind of the G of what

[cobra]: the point they make right That it's discourage. It discourages people to just

[cobra]: dislikecause. There's so many dislikes. But I to me what what that's going to do? I

[cobra]: think it depends heavily on you know, the community around the creator, But like what

[cobra]: what I think is going to do.

[cobra]: It's not going to like. It might prevent people from just clicking dislike when just

[cobra]: because they see a lot of dislikes, but then people that would just dislike and move

[cobra]: on now'. going to leave an like a nasty comment or um, you know, like some, some

[cobra]: people would see a video that's really bad for. That's my main gripe with it. Like

[cobra]: you? If you're looking at a like a tutorial video and like I don't know, fixing

[cobra]: something or doing something, you look at the like dislike ratio and there's a super

[cobra]: huge dislike ratio. You just go like. Okay. This is garbage. I'm just going to move

[cobra]: on.

[cobra]: but if but like that's the minority of people that do that just be like. Oh, I'm

[cobra]: going to dislike it because there's like one second in this thirty five minute video

[cobra]: that I don't like. That's why the the raci

[cobra]: right? and you could look at that ratio.

[cobra]: But well, because people aren't generally assles as much as we'd like to think that

[cobra]: they are. No. It. it's true. it's true. it's true. most people. No, most people are

[cobra]: apathe.

[cobra]: Yes, but most people are apathetic. They just go. I don't give a shit and move on

[cobra]: right.

[cobra]: Mm.

[cobra]: I did.

[cobra]: no. I looked at the like, dislike

[cobra]: The ratio more than anything.

[cobra]: That's not necessarily why. like I remember, there was a video a couple years ago

[cobra]: from I don't. It was the verge where they were teaching people how to build computers

[cobra]: And it was the worst instruction of video in the history of time and space, and it

[cobra]: had a billion views Because it was so funny and so awful.

[cobra]: That's the thing.

[cobra]: But that happens, and pe.

[cobra]: Oh, it was like ninety percent of his likekes,

[cobra]: I. I just think it takes away uh, a way for you to evaluate the V. if it's worth your

[cobra]: time. Even

[cobra]: I do it all the time for the creators. I follow literally watched maybe four or five

[cobra]: videos today. I liked all of them

[cobra]: almost none. Actually,

[cobra]: I will only dislike them if I don't like them. I think that's how it's used.

[cobra]: That's what I do. that's what I do.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[cobra]: I agree that,

[cobra]: and honestly,

[cobra]: I was just going to say I would go back to the way that it was on you too. Before.

[cobra]: when was the star reading? Not just like disli?

[cobra]: Yeah,

[cobra]: who? whose fault is that

[cobra]: Want? start?

[cobra]: Yeah, they do.

[cobra]: Yeah, you can. Yeah, you can.

[cobra]: Okay.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[cobra]: because I'm racist

[cobra]: right

[cobra]: there'. both both sides. Yeah,

[cobra]: exactly

[cobra]: yeah, but but what's the use of disliking it? Now? that's the thing.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[cobra]: I used to use it. The The ratio I used to to look like. If especially if it wasn't a

[cobra]: creator that I knew if I was looking for something that I don't usually watch. and I,

[cobra]: Oh, the the dislike ratio in this is like higher than the the like, or the ratio is

[cobra]: like heavier on the dislike. I would just move onto something else.

[cobra]: so now we' found now. Ive found the real reason why they did this. I think it's like.

[cobra]: Oh, if they can't know if this video is shit, they're going to have to watch it more.

[cobra]: Okay that that I can that I can get behind this. their actual reason. Not like. Oh,

[cobra]: poor creators and their mental health. They're not thinking about that at all.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[cobra]: well, I mean like Laura said, The the rationale they gave was like Oh, then people

[cobra]: are not going to get dislike bombed anymore, Right,

[cobra]: maybe, but yeah,

[cobra]: and that that can still happen

[cobra]: right.

[cobra]: Three sixty, he went back.

[cobra]: I actually agree with that. Unfortunately,

[cobra]: that could lead to problems.

[cobra]: What

[cobra]: I mean? Can I be pedeic Now? let's go.

[cobra]: Wow,

[cobra]: I see how it is.

[cobra]: That was a Gregorian.

[cobra]: Yes, Yes, we'll figure a way for you to do it.

[cobra]: Stadiia.

[cobra]: O.

[cobra]: Yeah, I,

[cobra]: so here's the thing.

[cobra]: The back in my day I have to decided like that.

[cobra]: Oh no, eighties,

[cobra]: um, No,

[cobra]: sure. let's go. Let's go there to Used to play Halo on a steam punk computer in

[cobra]: seventeen eighty, um,

[cobra]: uh, Like the, The thing that I read that the reader got me met, was that you know,

[cobra]: gameplay wise. The game. Apparently, I haven't played it, but apparently it's super

[cobra]: fun. right.

[cobra]: Well, I, I'm I'm just going about what I read. What I read is that people that played

[cobra]: it enjoyed the hell out of it because the gameplay is F. It's you know. Yeah, it's

[cobra]: varied. It's interesting to play in, Et Cetera, but there

[cobra]: did you play? Oh yeah, you did play. Um. And what's concerning Three, four Three and

[cobra]: Microsoft three or three is the the? The studio Right Is that the monetization scheme

[cobra]: for it is bad,

[cobra]: and that that is where they need to focus the the efforts of improving the game? It's

[cobra]: not you know. maintaining games play in releasing. I don't know new map types or new

[cobra]: gameplay types. It's no, Ah, we need to be able to let players paint their fucking

[cobra]: pants, F, show or whatever, because otherwise people won't play and this has spurred

[cobra]: on a whole conversation about. You know

[cobra]: how, nowadays people that play shooters, especially free to play shooters. they don't

[cobra]: want to be punished for being bad at the game. They don't want to be punished for not

[cobra]: knowing how to play the game. They just want to be rewarded for their time playing

[cobra]: the game with stupid cosmetics, And listen as a person who has spent

[cobra]: way too many. I don't even want to think about how many dollars I spent when I used

[cobra]: to play over watch and bought loot boxes just for the skins and shit. I understand

[cobra]: the appeal of cosmetics, but that should never come

[cobra]: in detriment of the actual fucking game.

[cobra]: And and the way that the conversation is going from what I read,

[cobra]: because people complained a lot about the monenitization thing in the beginning, Uh,

[cobra]: on the first two days, I think it was where it was really bad to do it And it was

[cobra]: like there was a huge grind to get shit.

[cobra]: And and they were like, Ah, yes, Yes, we will make it easy for you to get your goldat

[cobra]: star. Yes, Yes, and I was. That just made me mad, 'cause back in my day, like I said,

[cobra]: people used to care about the game that they were playing. Not what color helmets

[cobra]: they're wearing or their stupid tune in the The into the screen was was waring.

[cobra]: I wished I wish they would know you can like they'. we have examples of games that do

[cobra]: right. Yeah, as much as I don't want to give credit to Blo to Blizzard, but

[cobra]: what evidence do you have that they? they are

[cobra]: right, and

[cobra]: uh, nineteen,

[cobra]: ninety one.

[cobra]: I was born old, my friend.

[cobra]: I don't have a problem withization I have a problem with that being the focus

[cobra]: because I've seen other games where they start focusing on that kind of stuff and

[cobra]: they forgeot about gameplay and they let the game either stagnate or you know they

[cobra]: make Cht decisions that they don't fix them.

[cobra]: Oh God, looks like his internet connection is amazing today, too.

[cobra]: Yeah, I honestly would rather have them make the game like you be, cause. the the

[cobra]: multiplayer portion is always going to be free, as I understand it right. And then if

[cobra]: you want to play the campaign, that's when you pay sixty dollars. I think it is for

[cobra]: the game. I would rather have the whole thing be paid. and then make you know, make

[cobra]: sure that they invest their time and their effort into keeping the game. the gameplay

[cobra]: good and fresh, rather than having them worry about how many fuckon. I don't know. I

[cobra]: don't know if there's an in game currency.

[cobra]: Well, it's it's too early.

[cobra]: There's no evidence that they're going to. It's going to stay good.

[cobra]: Have you

[cobra]: have you met me?

[cobra]: Yeah, and honestly like Halo. I like this is news about hail. because that's how the

[cobra]: conversation started. but like I' more talking about in general how nowadays

[cobra]: people don't want to care about playing the game. They want to care about a fashion

[cobra]: show inside the game

[cobra]: right. that's more important.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[cobra]: well, if fortnight is anything to go by, and they have live concerts in it now?

[cobra]: Oh, it isn't

[cobra]: by the By the minute

[cobra]: a few games.

[cobra]: Yeah, like, um, one I can think of is dead by daylight, which isn't a shooter. but

[cobra]: still

[cobra]: it. It started off. They started off caring about fixing bugs and keeping it fresh

[cobra]: and releasing new characters and stuff. Now all that they care about is releasing new

[cobra]: stuff so they can monetize and bugs and stuff like.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[cobra]: for sure,

[cobra]: Oh

[cobra]: yes,

[cobra]: no, but that's the thing. A lot of people. a lot of people get invested into the game

[cobra]: because they spend so much money buying shit, and now they don't want to go to

[cobra]: another game. They just want to keep on playing the game where they can dress up like

[cobra]: a clown to your point, even if the game shits. So what they do is they complain about

[cobra]: the game, but they never stop playing and they never stop buying cosmetic shit.

[cobra]: Yeah, well,

[cobra]: all right, fine,

[cobra]: I,

[cobra]: If someone, if someone aged with me then my work here is done.

[cobra]: Do we want? Do want to see if our long time listen, first time Co is actually here

[cobra]: with us

[cobra]: wast,

[cobra]: Yep,

[cobra]: I love everything about that. Just thatline

[cobra]: I think Laura just saw Nick. K. just su

[cobra]: her.

[cobra]: Yep.

[cobra]: Yeah, is going to be Dracula on a film centered on a movie center on Refield.

[cobra]: What

[cobra]: that? his? like? weird, sort of like a mousy crazy servant.

[cobra]: Yeah, yeah, like a servantlash of

[cobra]: Yeah,

[cobra]: the du.

[cobra]: Yeah, and it's two Nicks,

[cobra]: Aquafina. Why is you going to play like a whir Wolf?

[cobra]: I? I mean, it's Nick Cage. Why do you think it's going to be a comedy whether you

[cobra]: wants to be or not?

[cobra]: Yeah. Yeah,

[cobra]: what do you think?

[cobra]: I think? they just didn't announce the role yet.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[cobra]: Yeah,

[cobra]: it was like where you think you're going. I'm going to suck your blood now. Like

[cobra]: something like that? Yeah, I want to see that,

[cobra]: Yeah, or or face off. Yes, Exact, what I was thinking,

[cobra]: Or like Connnair or Connnair, Cornir in the cage.

[cobra]: Yeah, with an accent, I can you imagine dragging the say, I'm gonna suck your blood.

[cobra]: I'm go to suck your blood entirely right now. Y don't know what you're getting into?

[cobra]: Yeah, exactly,

[cobra]: I want to see that. Well,

[cobra]: Yeah, this and from Texas to Louisiana really quick.

[cobra]: Can we have a word? Can we have a word?

[cobra]: Let's do?

[cobra]: Yeah,

[cobra]: was going to say Yeah, transsylvania, Alabama, right.

[cobra]: Well, it should be you know, the Ivon to sock, you're blood. like you have to be that

[cobra]: right, but I don't. I can't see. I can't picture that in my mind's eye like Nicke

[cobra]: doing that.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[cobra]: and like

[cobra]: no, I think he's going to try to put on a British accent, but it's going to be like

[cobra]: every

[cobra]: f. five or six words that he is going to get it right.

[cobra]: Yes,

[cobra]: yeah,

[cobra]: y.

[cobra]: I'm watching it too. Are you kidding me?

[cobra]: That's that's not those are. s.

[cobra]: Oh my God is like drag going to be like Rick, Cause that I'm in for

[cobra]: just an aging, like bitter alcoholic,

[cobra]: did he?

[cobra]: I am as flabbrgasted as you are.

[cobra]: And it's not for like, I don't know sound effects or something

[cobra]: for Viva Las Vegas. I mean leaving Las Vegas.

[cobra]: Oh my lord,

[cobra]: the internet.

[cobra]: it's holding back on me.

[cobra]: I think it capsed back when you doed Ne cage. I think that's why it's clapping back.

[cobra]: Nominated. I can take, but nickage with an Oscar is not a world I'm prepared to live

[cobra]: in.

[cobra]: What the fuck

[cobra]: askar? win the actor Nicholas Cage.

[cobra]: Yeah, he is going to be awfully amazing at it.

[cobra]: What does that even mean in that movie? Though that's the thing.

[cobra]: Yes.

[cobra]: how are you falling asleep with this when you play golf? I don't accept this.

[cobra]: Yep.

[cobra]: No, I. I think the technical term is lambasting, not teaching.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[cobra]: do you want Donna? give people a little bit of a glimpse at what the emperor is like.

[cobra]: Yeah, that's

[cobra]: Noe.

[cobra]: He is alive.

[cobra]: He is like he is only alive literally because he consumes the souls of children.

[cobra]: Jesus,

[cobra]: I think it's a historical thing that, like

[cobra]: nut jobs like that like to see like they'd like to see themselves in the forty K

[cobra]: universe, because it

[cobra]: because everybody is so terrible.

[cobra]: No cause that's the original war hammer. I think for the case a little later, but

[cobra]: yeah,

[cobra]: yeah,

[cobra]: oh god

[cobra]: yeah. it's great. The whole thing that they releases amid the block pos, is amazing

[cobra]: for clarity. satire is the use of humor, irony or exaggeration, like they go on

[cobra]: through details. Amazing.

[cobra]: Ooh, a call back.

[cobra]: Yeah, exactly.

[cobra]: I, you keep her real? You get the hail out?

[cobra]: Yeah,

[cobra]: I mean

[cobra]: slightly. I may or may not have played their games. The games

[cobra]: together around five hundred hour, may or may not

[cobra]: it be a good name for a band. I agree.

[cobra]: em.

[cobra]: no, M.

[cobra]: Yeah, that's what I was saying.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[cobra]: okay, I can see how you draw the the line between fine

[cobra]: to to everything. that. Just whatever is successful they want a piece of.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[cobra]: it comes on. I hope it's live action. I, I think it come. it's coming on the heels

[cobra]: of. Um, the the premier, I think three episodes or four episode now of Will of Time,

[cobra]: having been super successful. Think they want. Yeah,

[cobra]: I've watched a

[cobra]: I. I think one or two Amazon originals.

[cobra]: Well, one for sure, American Gods and I actually liked it. So I, if they do this

[cobra]: right, it should be a lot of funcause. Ma fact has a very.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[cobra]: If listen, wait, no, I'm going to add to this if they fuck it up, it's going to be

[cobra]: bad, but it's my opinion, my opinion, my opinion,

[cobra]: thank you. Thank you. Appreciate it. No, I, what I was going to say is mass of fact

[cobra]: has a very deep, like very interesting lure. And

[cobra]: if it's like it's it it does. That's why I want it to be live action because it's not

[cobra]: so out there Scifi that it would look weird. I mean, if they could do doon, they can

[cobra]: definitely do. You know, the massive act is definitely doable but

[cobra]: not quite it. I, yeah, does. There's a lot of it's It's a lot based on. It's like

[cobra]: this one, Crxk, two Crox elements on on on a mass of fact that they have to get

[cobra]: right. The first one is

[cobra]: the element ▁zero, which is the substitute for magic In. In this is basically

[cobra]: whatever you can't explain. It's element ▁zero. It's fine, but it like in the game

[cobra]: it's It's very well done and they have to get the races right because it's very, the

[cobra]: interplay

[cobra]: of personalities and like goals between the races is very important in the story of

[cobra]: the game if they can make those two things not be cheesy. Which is very easy to be

[cobra]: cheesy. Even the game he gets cheesy. Sometimes they are able to do that in a way

[cobra]: that is like semi series. It should be a lot of fun to watch, And they have material

[cobra]: for five seasons, six seasons of a series that they want to do it. Considering the

[cobra]: games and the books and the comics and everything,

[cobra]: which is all three. Yeah,

[cobra]: oh yeah, the parallels are supercle. Yeah,

[cobra]: this is actually an intervention that Spencer himself organized

[cobra]: me.

[cobra]: I, I would never vear off.

[cobra]: Oh yeah.

[cobra]: why not.

[cobra]: It's Amazon dude, They print money.

[cobra]: Oh, I like that. I like that.

[cobra]: Honestly. I would be more worried about how they do like the reapers,

[cobra]: like the more outlandy shit than just the armor. Honestly.

[cobra]: Oh, man, if we actually had listeners and you call will have time. loed the rings.

[cobra]: You would get so much fucking a ma. I know

[cobra]: I know,

[cobra]: but I was like. Oh, is you talking about? We to on? Nobody listens to this.

[cobra]: Yeah, yeah,

[cobra]: even if the wting is good,

[cobra]: Uh,

[cobra]: Chris,

[cobra]: the last time we saw a new mass Effect game we got in Dramada. Do you really want

[cobra]: another one?

[cobra]: Oh, for sure, but that's the risk.

[cobra]: Well, I mean if if they want to get, if they want to get on people's good sides are

[cobra]: at least you know, not

[cobra]: An and a woman that that's not like,

[cobra]: Um,

[cobra]: or something like that,

[cobra]: I hope I hope they do that. Does that be amazingcauses? the whole, the whole, the way

[cobra]: that the society works in in Massper, Theres no. You know, they've moved on from this

[cobra]: sort of silly sort of prejudices, So I think it would be a great vehicle to actually

[cobra]: drive this hod be. it'd be amazing if it like a non binary person playing Shepherd,

[cobra]: If that's where they're going

[cobra]: Tortured. This was.

[cobra]: she is watching Season two Good Game right now.

[cobra]: Is this one of those like Baies stuff?

[cobra]: Yeah,

[cobra]: yeah,

[cobra]: I've seen people that at least elaborate. I've seen people build a house and put a

[cobra]: bunch of people inside and remove all the doors and windows and just let him die.

[cobra]: Yeah, he's taking charge of matters. At least he's doing it on his own.

[cobra]: Oh you are now.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[cobra]: good call, good call.

[cobra]: Yeah, we also don't think that laying games that are violent are going to cause

[cobra]: people to want to kill people. Just

[cobra]: yeah, Yeah,

[cobra]: I didn't cross the line, the the Gu with my friend that too. Also, by the way, let me

[cobra]: just say right up that too. By the We satire,

[cobra]: It sounds like a good idea

[cobra]: cause you're a part of this part. Shut up. You don't deserve it.

[cobra]: Follow me at. who led the dogs out?

[cobra]: Yeah, I was like What are you saying

[cobra]: G.

[cobra]: Oh, that's right. Yeah, happy.

[cobra]: it's the third. It's the third already now. it's the third one. It's the third one

[cobra]: right now.

[cobra]: Oh, we got. we got. we got. Go, we got Guy explained.

[cobra]: No, No, we're the Jews,

[cobra]: Guy explainedg, explained. That's okay.

[cobra]: We're now right now with the flock,

[cobra]: the widest people here.

[cobra]: but yes, hots. a May happy Haukah.

[cobra]: What happened? Did your brain reboot

[cobra]: libel Libit? whatever,

[cobra]: directly from Montreal,

[cobra]: Wow,

[cobra]: docks in his own podcast.

[cobra]: Just live the dobs alone. People don't need it's

[cobra]: yeah, call and double flash. Yeah,

[cobra]: Oh, we don't care.

[cobra]: I mean it's true, but it's harsh.

[cobra]: I'm laughing through the tears there.