Podcasts for Profit with Morgan Franklin

What if you never had to think of another content idea again?

That sounds like a dream, right?! My friend, that's the magic and power of podcasting.

Every episode you publish creates an endless opportunity for content. In this episode I'll walk you through a few of my favorite ways to repurpose podcast episodes both on and off social media.

In this episode:
0:49) The crazy simple (and easy) way to reach out to customers and listeners you’ve probably never thought of!
(3:09) Why you should stop focusing on podcast marketing and start focusing on audience connection.
(4:28) Repurposing your podcast on LinkedIn and how to properly optimize these posts. (5:10) Repurposing on Meta (Facebook and Instagram), using video and making video from audio only.
(7:50) The best FREE tools you can use for repurposing podcast content.
(9:45) Using Reddit to repurpose your podcast and when it will actually make sense to post on Reddit.
(10:20) Pinterest for podcasters and why you need to repurpose your podcast on Pinterest.
(11:20) How to make the most out of blogs for your podcast and why you should blog every week for you website's SEO.
(12:43) Using podcast episodes for email marketing and to revitalize old email lists .

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Links mentioned in this episode:
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Episode Show Notes
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Creators & Guests

Morgan Franklin
Morgan Franklin is a podcast producer, strategist and educator. Since 2020 Morgan has founded and produced multiple top ranking podcasts from the health industry to beauty. Featured everywhere from Good Morning America to Martha Stewart Living Morgan's passion and knowledge for branding and podcasting have helped countless business owners and brands grow their impact and bottom line podcasting. Morgan is the Founder of Podcasts for Profit and Morgan Franklin Media, in addition to host of Podcasts for Profit with Morgan Franklin.

What is Podcasts for Profit with Morgan Franklin?

If you’re ready to create a podcast that will align you with experts in your industry, position yourself as a trusted leader and create another source of revenue for your business you’re in the right place. Podcasts for Profit will help you create and grow a podcast that cuts through the noise of social media and speak directly to your target audience. Stop letting the algorithm determine your social marketing strategy. Stop letting trends dictate the kind of content you’re able to create. Hosted by expert podcast strategist, producer and educator: Morgan Franklin, Podcasts for Profit is your step-by-step guide to creating a podcast that will transform your business, opportunities and life.

Morgan Franklin: One of the best
parts about having a podcast is

you are never going to run out
of content again. I'm being

totally serious. Whether it's
posting for social media,

blogging, email marketing,
downloads, or client outreach,

there are endless ways you can
repurpose your podcast. Hello,

and welcome to podcast for
profit. My name is Morgan

Franklin. I'm a podcast
producer, strategist, and

educator. This podcast will help
you create and grow a podcast

that cuts through the noise of
social media and speaks directly

to your target audience. If
you're ready to create a podcast

that will align you with the
experts in your industry,

position yourself as a trusted
leader and create another source

of revenue for your business,
you're in the right place. Now,

a few months ago, I was
listening to a podcast with Hala

Tala and she was talking about
how she originally started

ranking on Apple Podcasts, what
she would do is she would

publish an episode. And then she
would send out messages to her

contacts on LinkedIn and give
them a brief description of the

podcast. And then she would tell
them why she thought this

episode specifically would bring
value to their business. I think

this strategy is absolutely
genius. It's a great way to

spread the word about your
podcast, while simultaneously

opening up a conversation with a
potential client or new

connection. Who doesn't love a
podcast recommendation, right? I

know I do. Who doesn't love it
when someone sends them a

message and says, Hey, this made
me think of you repurposing your

podcast as client outreach, if
done correctly. And hear me when

I say that, if done correctly,
could open the doors for you

have multiple new high quality
conversations starting every

week that could easily convert
into a sale. But please do not

spam your contacts list. You
know what I'm saying? When I say

this, this has to be done
responsibly. And with intention,

I think it's totally fine to
have a base message you send out

but do it with integrity and
actually take the time to find

people that will benefit from
what you're sending them. As

every person on the internet
knows, no one wants to be

bombarded with information they
did not ask for. But say for

example, and this is a real life
story that happened to me this

week, I met someone at a
networking event. And they told

me that they really wanted to
learn about podcasting. But they

especially wanted to know how
podcasting could make them

money, because they could not
justify spending all that time

that it would take to make a
podcast and did not make the

money. I followed up the next
day. And I just sent him a quick

casual DM nothing fancy, I said,
hey, it was great to meet you.

Here's a podcast episode I
thought might help you. And you

know what, from that
conversation, they ended up

booking a coaching call with me,
and now they're starting a

podcast. So it really can be
that simple and easy. But don't

force it just send a quick
message and say, Hey, I thought

that this could help you. And
move on. Podcasting is all about

connection. And when you're
putting in that tiny bit of

extra effort to bring value into
people's lives, and genuinely

care about their success, it
goes a really long way. We've

lost a lot of these touch points
that we used to have in

business. And so when we're able
to bring in a little bit of

value into someone's life, it
can be so powerful. That's why

it's important to find the
purpose behind what you're

creating. If you've ever worked
in sales, and I know a lot of my

business owners listening right
now will know exactly what I'm

saying. If you're selling a
product that you believe in, it

is so incredibly easy, right?

But if you're trying to sell
some crappy, shoddy thrown

together product or you don't
believe in it, it's almost

impossible to promote and sell
it. So think about this. When

you're outlining episodes and
you're thinking about your

topics and your booking guests.

How can you make this podcast
the best it can possibly be, and

have the best outcomes for you
and your listeners. So let's

talk about a few of the more
conventional ways to repurpose

your podcast. This is going to
be kind of a rapid fire style

list for social media. Let's get
into it. First is LinkedIn. Make

it graphic, talk about your
episode talk about the value of

your episode. If you have a
guest make sure that you're

tagging them. You're including
the guest, you're tagging their

business, share with the other
professionals in your network,

how this podcast can help them
or bring them entertainment or

inspire them. I think sometimes
we forget how simple it is just

to say what our podcast is
about, instead of trying to

think of all of these crafty
ways to try to get people to

listen and hook them in. Just
share the value, share what your

listener can expect and what
they can gain out of this

episode. Next, let's talk about
meta Instagram and Facebook.

Here's where we're gonna get
into some very territory if you

have a video recording of your
podcast or not. If you have a

video, I want to encourage you
to take the time to break in

into some shorter form content,
buy in two or three of the best

clips from your episode and make
some reels from it. If you don't

have video, that's totally okay.

I find most of my audio only
podcast to be just as effective

as the ones with the video. Make
a graphic with an intriguing

pull quote. Or if you have a
guest on the episode feature a

photo of your guests and a quote
from them on the episode or a

question you ask them or a
statistic or fact that revolves

around something that you
discussed. This doesn't have to

be so difficult, I think
sometimes we make things way

harder than they have to be. But
the most important thing is that

you're showing up consistently
and you're serving your audience

with value. And one quick tip is
sharing any content that you're

sharing to your feed throughout
the week, make sure that you

share it to your story as well,
no, I would say several times.

As I've said before, on this
podcast, only 10% of the people

that follow you actually see
your content. So if you're

sharing something that was on
your feed even three times on

your stories, because we all
know those people that are just

clicking through on the stories,
and they really don't look at

the feed because the feed is all
ads. And people we don't know

anyway, that's a 30% chance that
someone will be able to see that

versus the just 10% that you had
before. A lot of times I will

make two different graphics for
every episode. And I will just

go ahead and upscale those to be
the size of a story so that if I

don't want to share it, and I
want to have a new piece of

content to put on my stories,
I'll already have it. And if you

want to make a reel but you
don't have video to pull, just

go ahead and use the audio,
upload the audio, throw on some

animations onto your images and
text and go from there. Like I

said, this does not have to be
so hard and don't let it limit

you. If you aren't doing video
yet. I know a lot of people come

to me and they're already
overwhelmed with their podcast

idea. They don't really know
where to start, and they're

already talking about video. My
best advice to you is eat this

elephant one bite at a time,
don't try to be going into video

and you haven't even mastered
audio yet. It is okay to take

these things one step at a time.

And I think that a really good
kind of middle of the road

option for this is to make an
animated video out of what

you're talking about row your
podcast cover on there, maybe a

photo of you maybe a photo of
your guest and use some

animation, like I said, so
there's actually something to

watch. But don't let this hold
you back from making short form

video content. Two really great
tools I highly recommend is

Canva and cap cut. They both
have free options. And they'll

just make creating your content
so much easier. I've been using

them both for several years now.

And like I said, it's great
because you can start out for

free. Also the cap cut app, I
still just have the free version

of that. But something really
cool that you can use in that

app is automated captions. So
you go ahead and put your video

in there or whatever piece of
audio that you have, and it will

write out what the caption is
with the video and I find that

to be incredibly useful back in
the day. I remember I had to get

on Premiere and write out every
single word for my transcript or

take it from somewhere else and
put it on. So this is a game

changer for anyone that wants to
have their captions on screen

with their video. Like I said
cap cut. This is included in the

free version so make sure that
you're taking advantage of

things like this. I know that we
talked briefly about short form

videos for Instagram and I said
two to three of your best clips

and turn those in your reels
when you're creating these also

save them for Tik Tok. Now, do
not download them from Instagram

and repost them on to Tik Tok. I
see a lot of people doing this

and from the beginning let's
just go ahead if we're editing

it on our phone or in cap cut or
Canva or wherever it may be, go

ahead and save it in a third
party location. That way you

already have it. You're not
trying to scrape it off of

another social media if you ever
want to reuse it. But if you

have a video from Instagram
you're trying to upload to Tik

Tok with an Instagram watermark.

Not only is it going to look
very unprofessional and messy,

but it's not going to perform
very well on Tik Tok because

they already know that it came
from Instagram and they do not

play that game. The last two
social medias are two that

people tend to overlook when it
comes to podcasting but in my

opinion can be some of the best
especially because there isn't

as much competition. The first
one is Reddit. If you find a

Reddit community that makes
sense. Okay, for your content

and you share a post or you
comment on a thread with your

episode can help drive you tons
of traffic to your podcast that

make sure it makes sense and
that it's actually providing

value to the community.

Redditors, as some of you may
know, are incredibly fickle. And

I would not just bust up in
there trying to self promote my

podcast without some serious
value add. That makes sense for

the people you're pitching it
to. The last one is Pinterest.

Please, please, please, whatever
you do, if you don't post on any

other social media, take the
time to make a few graphics and

post them on Pinterest. This
post will go further and get

better reach than any post that
you could make on Tik Tok or

Instagram or Facebook, that's
just going to be gone in two

days. What makes Pinterest so
special is most of the pins

don't even start to hit their
prime until about three months,

I'd say and will still be in
circulation for over a year.

This form of repurposing is a
long game, but I think that you

should take the time. Wow. So
even with what we've just talked

about, there is no reason that
you are not easily repurposing

your content in any given
episode 10 different ways, and

most of them are so simple,
schedule a graphic and be on

your merry way. Let's talk about
blogging. If you aren't creating

a blog out of each one of your
podcast episodes, you are

missing a huge opportunity for
improving your Google ranking

and SEO, people pay 1000s and
1000s of dollars every month for

businesses to write blog posts
for them. And you have an easy

blog that can go up every week.

This is a quick personal story
about me. But at my first

professional job, I was a
content writer for a company

that outsource digital marketing
for a much larger company in

2014. We all remember that 10
years ago, we were charging $95

per blog post. That is how
valuable blogging is to SEO. And

some of you are just completely
letting that opportunity slide

out the back door. If nothing
else, copy what your episode

description says and transcribe
your episode and put it out

there. It doesn't get much
easier than that. It will take

you 15 minutes, and it will
drive traffic to your website. I

promise it'll help you rank
higher on Google. And it will

help you build your domain
authority and give you a custom

page to direct to your show
notes and social media posts. So

instead of sending them to Apple
podcasts, or Spotify, now you

can redirect them to your
website, which is going to give

you so many more opportunities
to bring someone in as a lead.

The last repurposing strategy
we're going to talk about today

is emails. I know, I know
everyone loves creating email

campaigns. And you just can't
wait to think of all the new

things that you're going to send
out to your email list you've

completely abandoned for the
past three months. But this is

your ticket out of email
Purgatory and always being

stressed out about what you're
going to send. I know exactly

how you feel. Now you have
something fun, new and fresh to

be sending out to your list
every week. Again, this doesn't

have to be hard. This can be a
short message with the core

points of your podcast, where to
listen to it. And if you want to

get fancy with it, ask for topic
recommendations. Like I said,

this is a two way street podcast
is all about communication. Ask

your listeners what they want to
hear from you, or use that end

of the email to create a new
lead to your website or your

product or scheduling an
appointment with you. No matter

where you are in your podcasting
journey or what your audience

looks like across social media.

I want to encourage you to take
the time to repurpose your

podcast episodes. And be proud
of your podcast. You have a

podcast that is incredible.

People need to know and no one's
going to tell them if you don't.

If you're still listening, and
you're thinking wow, more again,

this seems like overkill. I
think people would be really

annoyed if I did all this stuff.

I promise you 75% of the people
you know, and who follow you

will still have no idea what
you're doing. The human

attention span is eight seconds.

You have eight seconds to
convince someone to stop what

they're doing. Click on your
podcast episode and actually

listen to it. Think about how
many posts you've passed up of

people who are promoting their
podcast or anything really

probably hundreds, right?

probably hundreds today. On top
of that meta averages that only

10 to 20% of our followers see
any of our posts. So if you're

out here, putting out only one
piece of content and hoping that

will be enough. I want to
encourage you to keep going. I

know this isn't easy, but just
remember. If it was easy,

everyone would do it. And if you
took the easy way out, you

wouldn't still be listening to
this episode. Hey, thank you so

much for joining me on this
episode. If you enjoyed the

podcast and you'd like to hear
more episodes like this one, go

ahead and subscribe to the show
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