Drop Off Devotionals

Time to get ready with our all-school mission project as we partner with the Jessie Rees Foundation to raise money and donate toys for JOY Jars.
Experience more of Mission Viejo Christian School at missionviejochristian.com

Creators & Guests

Liza Gant
Liza Gant serves as the Director of Spiritual Development at Mission Viejo Christian School. She is also a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with Journey’s Counseling Ministry.

What is Drop Off Devotionals?

This is a weekly dose of encouragement for YOU, our Mission Viejo Christian School family, to listen to on your way to drop off your kids. Hosted by our Director of Spiritual Development, Liza Gant, you will get a peak into what our kids are learning to help them grow spiritually.

Experience more Mission Viejo Christian School at missionviejochristian.com

Liza Gant: Good morning, crusaders.

It has been a little while since we've
done a drop off devotional, as we

have been off and on with chapels, as
we've had our eighth graders in DC and

actually even today we have our fourth
graders still recovering from Sacramento.

But we have been blessed to have
some special chapels over the last

couple of weeks with our seventh
graders only with our kinders only.

But today we are so excited as we
get to start our all school mission

project with Joy Jars and God doesn't
work anything out by accident.

He has plans and purposes well
before we could ever know.

We've been planning joy jars for quite
some time because of course, with our

theme being Joy, it couldn't have a more
fitting mission project for our school.

But we do know that we have families that
have been struggling through illness and.

Cancer and all of these things.

And so it is perfect timing.

As we know, many of these families have
been struggling so well that they've

been spreading joy in the midst of the
hardship in and out of the hospitals and

just continuing to shine Jesus' light.

And so this is our
opportunity now as a school.

I love a quote that, um, Mrs.

Gribble read today in chapel that
says Nothing is a surprise to God.

Nothing is a setback to his plans.

Nothing can thwart his purposes
and nothing is beyond his control.

That is our prayer.

That is a reminder for any at all that
we have loved ones that are struggling

or fighting through something.

What a great reminder
that God is in control.

And with that, we are excited
to be taking part in joy jars

over these next two weeks.

That's right.

The next two weeks.

And so what that's gonna
look like is two things.

One is compassion change in
each of our kids' classrooms.

There will be change jars, little joy
jars that we can collect our change in.

And we really challenge the students
that we want this to come from.


So maybe that means that they're
making a sacrifice of eating

out for the next two weeks.

Maybe that means taking some money out
of their piggy bank or their savings.

Maybe it means that they are
having a garage sale or selling

something like lemonade.

Whatever that looks like.

We want our students to be engaged
in spread joy by collecting change.

So that's the first part.

The second part is over the next
two weeks, we want them to go

shopping and get little toys.

They'll be bringing flyers home with
all the information, but brand new toys

that they can put into the joy jars.

Or maybe they don't even fit inside the
joy jars because these kids that are in

the hospital will be blessed with little
gifts of joy and happiness throughout

the weeks that they are in the hospital.

And so with that, they'll be bringing
those back as well into their

classrooms or into the Joy Jar Drive
boxes that will be out front of

school in the next couple of weeks.

So we are so excited to be
spreading joy at such a time as

this, and so we hope you'll join
us in this season to do just that.

And we look forward to just continuing
to put Jesus first, loving on serving

and thinking about others and in
so doing, being our very best.

So let's continue to
spread joy in this season.

Crusaders, have a great week.