Jessie's World

This powerful episode provides 5 very tangible steps you can take right now to ensure you start improving your life, and the world right away.

Show Notes

Jessie’s World Podcast  - Episode 22 – How to Transform from Sloth to Boss & Heal the World Doing 

Welcome to Jessie's World podcast, I am your host Jessica Lambert aka @JessicaVibez

Today’s topic is 5 Easy Steps You Can Take Now to Heal the World and Yourself.

Today in Attitude of Gratitude segment I want to encourage you to build a vision board, and then post it on Instagram and tag me so I can see. Before you can build your vision board physically, you must make the time to really meditate on what it is you want for your future. 

So mentally we can build our vision board now. 

Why? Because vision boards help you create brain pathways to your success, they help you clearly identify what you want and serve as motivation for you to push for results, they help focus your time and energy, and even celebrate wins when you achieve something on your board. 

The first step to building a vision board is seeing your goals in your mind’s eye. Let’s get started. 

Close your eyes. Visualize, without limits, what you would like your life to be like. What do you do to earn money? Where do you live? Who are you with? What car do you drive? Do you take vacations? Where? How would your circumstances be different? I want you to see yourself as living your best life, what does that look like to you? Visualize the details, things that you could put on a physical board to represent these deep desires. 

As you see this amazing life in your mind’s eye, I want you to also visualize with all your senses how it feels to live in that new home, to drive that car, to operate that business, to achieve that health goal, to take that vacation…or, whatever your goals are. Visualize the feeling of achieving those goals. Let your senses play and dance and dwell in this beautiful reality you are creating for them. 

Now take a moment to just breathe and sit in that feeling.

Eyes open, and just take a minute to jot down what it was you seen on your board.

That first step is so important. Now you have started the process, I want you to, at the end of this podcast, start building your board. There is no right way to build a vision board, you can use an app, a website that let’s you build vision board home pages, cut and paste stuff from magazines onto bristal board, print items out from the internet and pin to cork board the sky is the limit, whatever your method it should work for you and it should be posted somewhere you see daily.

Also, your vision board should have a mix of long and shorter term goals for example paying off that car loan may be a shorter term goal, where as buying a mansion on a beach may take a bit longer, all are valid and the benefit of both is that as you achieve your short term wins you are strengthening your believe in and commitment to your long term goals as well. 

Manifestation is yours!!! 


On to TODAYS TOPIC – How to Heal the World

It was no coincidence that I began this episode not with Tessy Time, but with the Attitude of Gratitude segment, because I wanted to centre you and focus you on self, while helping you tune into your own higher frequency. 

This helps ground you so that you are able to discuss todays topic from a position of strength. 

Let’s first discuss the fact that when I say “heal the world” I am acutely aware that the world looks different depending on who you are, what your life experiences have been, and your current vantage point. That said, I do know, that most people have some level of personal healing to do. 

Then, if you are an empath like I am, or simply socially aware, or in the possession of a TV or the internet then you know that the WORLD at large has many many ways in which we need healing… including building more love and support for and of our fellow humans.

With that in mind, I don’t know about you but I can sometimes feel overwhelmed looking at some of the larger social issues that impact everyone right now economy, violence, war, painful government policies, housing crisis, healthcare crisis and so many more hurtful realities. It’s like – where do we begin healing, how can we help improve the world when we are only ONE person…

And then – there lies the answer

We are, only one person. 

One person.

The power of ONE!

The key to healing the world, begins with healing YOU?

Don’t believe me, let’s analyze.

Many of the root causes of pain and suffering in the world can be brought back to what are called the 7 deadly sins – and no this won’t be a church service today, but it is a clear and factual way to understand how we can improve from where we are today collectively and with a sense of unity.

The 7 deadly sins are 

Pride – this has been called the sin from which all other sins arise, and is an issue when you are basically feeling yourself so much that you forget that no man is an island and your success is a team effort – remembering to give thanks to God first and to those who helped you along the way is very important. In the absence of that humble kindness Pride gives way to all other sins including the next one …

Greed – greed creates a conflict between personal and social goals, it makes us insatiable and much like Pride, when you are always wanting more there is not a lot of room for gratitude which is very much a healing practice. Greed also puts us at odds with sharing the earth and it’s resources and gives way to inequities that can cause crime, suffering, wars, and death – greed is dangerous.

Wrath – an intense and irrational anger that hijacks your mind and has you acting out of emotion, and usually out of pocket, this can cause crimes of passion, hate, and social unrest. Being slow to anger allows you to think critically and make better decisions, and it allows the world to be a much more pleasant place to be.

Envy – wanting what others have, or wanting that person not to have it. We see it, it can result in death no lie. It’s dangerous to be around people who envy you. Who are not happy for you. Who are praying for your downfall, or trying to turn you into prey so they can take what you have. The antidote is self love, self respect, a knowledge of self and of your own superior gifts so you can stop lusting after someone else’s. You have someone mad because they are not a famous rapper and their associate is, meanwhile God ordained them with the gift of tech and perhaps they would out earn that associate if they leaned into their gift but they don’t know their self, they don’t know their gift, so instead of accessing their abundance they think they have nothing and so they truly manifest nothing and that places them in a position of lack and drives their envy… please, know thy self, invest in thyself, to thyself be true.

Lust – Much like greed, lust will have you wanting stuff you already have. You have money, a roof over your head, food in the fridge, a phat bank account, you good, but need more, want more, and don’t want to even share – you lusting. You have a significant other, you have sex, comfort, companionship but you sliding in DMs n slithering in corners tryna have more of it. You want what others have, you want more of what you have, you want it all – money, power, sex, food you can lust after anything but it can create an obsessive preoccupation in your mind, it can control you, it can bring down your house and we have seen how lust can dance over the lines of morality and it can bring people to dark places, and many celebrities have fallen because of lust and out of control lust will get you incarcerated, it will make you the devil’s companion, it will take you places you do not want to go – so chill out on the lust, it’s not worth it, here is the beauty – the antidote is the same as it is for many of the sins, GRATITUDE, be grateful and HUMBLE appreciate what you have, work with your significant other if possible help them be their best then if you must lust lust after what is yours.

Gluttony – basically is overindulging and the truth is too much of anything can be bad for you – a person suffering from Gluttony has likely turned life into their own personal buffet (literally and figuratively) without much regard for those who have less – again this person is often insatiable and could benefit from gratitude, meditation, humility, knowing thy self and loving thy self and then extending that love to others. 

Sloth – it is often consider physical laziness but in factuality it refers to physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual laziness – fun fact, the antidote to sloth begins with Jessie’s World – no lie. We come together every week to work on the development of all theses key areas in our lives and an inactivity in these areas is what causes laziness. If you think about it being mentally lazy leads to a lack of critical thinking and intelligence and that leaves uninformed voters lets say making big social decisions off emotion and word of mouth and media influence and not critical thinking and that’s dangerous. Physical laziness causes health issues and if it were pervasive would make it hard to continue to build society without anyone willing to exert themselves physically. Spiritual sloth leads to a breakdown in the moral fabric of society. Sloth is dangerous on so many levels. The antidote, literally start intentionally working out – start building your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual strengthen. Meditation, yoga, breath work, Jessie’s World Podcast, Journalling, resistance training prayer there are so many ways – find what works for you and put it into your routine, stay mindful for 60 days as you implement these new practices that will transform you from Sloth to Boss!!

Considering that much of the world’s pain is caused by personal choice which collectively pooled creates community issues, country issues, and global issues than the first step in healing is to first turn within and start your journey there.

I did a post on my personal Instagram account @JessicaVibez that read 

How To Do Your Part To Heal the World

Step 1 – Identify YOUR unique gifts

Step 2 – Give thanks and nurture your gifts 

Step 3 – Learn to love YOURSELF

Step 4 – Love others for who they are without judgement or expectation

Step 5 Encourage others to love

I firmly believe that these five easy steps will begin the healing process our world very desperately needs right now. Each person can begin right now, YOU can begin right now. Be a powerful example of change, and that, like a ripple effect, will go out into the world and encourage other beautiful ripples of change to manifest…this is how we start healing the world one person at a time…together!

Today I am not going to cover Big Boss Vibez – because I want you to focus on the changes I just outlined. When you go within to heal, evolve, and manifest your gifts you will carry that with you into every aspect of your life – including your business …and I don’t know bigger boss vibes than that.

I think there comes a time where talk is not enough, posting is not enough, debating is not enough – where change is the only way.

Or as the reggae song with Snow and Nadine Sutherland says – we need Action, not a bag a mouth.


BE LOVE by Jessica Lambert                   And 

Leave the world better than you found it – Audrey Lambert <3

I have a responsibility to myself and to the world to find my inner gifts, and grow them so that they can unlock all of my blessings, and so that my cup can runneth over onto the world, spreading blessings everywhere I go and to everyone I encounter physically, electronically, socially, and spiritually. I am committed to being part of the solution – I will leave the world better than I found it. I will start now!


Thanks for tuning into Jessies World where we strive to become our best, most evolved selves, together. Tune in every week to continue your evolutionary transformation. Follow me, your host Jessica Lambert on Instagram @JessicaVibez and follow our podcast @JessiesWorldXO

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What is Jessie's World?

Welcome to Jessie's World - a weekly variety show that takes us through Jessie's Wheel of Life including Community, Fun, Health & Wellness, Entrepreneurship, Relationships, and Personal Development. Each segment brings a different flavor, making it interesting and engaging. The host Jessica Lambert aka @jessicavibez keeps it conversational and weaves humor though light and heavier topics. Special guests come from all walks of life and may surprise you. The ultimate goal of the show is to entertain, inspire, uplift, and assist us all (host included) in becoming our best selves. You get new, entertainment, wellness, and inspiration all in one great show.

Segments Include:
Tessy Time (Community) - real talks about current societal issues.
Mrs. Write (Fun) - a freestyle on-air comical writing segment where computer generated prompts are turned into master poems, songs, and short stories right on the spot.
Big Boss Vibez (Career Health) - let's talk all things entrepreneurship and bring our businesses to new heights
Today's Topic (and sometimes - Guest) - This segment covers a variety of topics that are aimed at peeking curiosity, inspiring, motivating, supporting, and most of all assisting listeners in becoming their best selves.
Gods N Goddesses (Health and Wellness) - travel inwards to center yourself. Let's focus on the personal care and wellness items that will help ensure you maximize your quality of life. A peer learning and sharing segment we grow together.
Love, Fam, N Family (Relationships) - let's share stories of human impact and the importance of leading with love.
Quote of the day.

Listener interaction is encouraged. If you have show suggestions or would like to be a guest on our show you can send your request on Instagram @jessicavibez or @jessiesworldxo you may also visit

Jessie’s World Podcast - Episode 22 – How to Transform from Sloth to Boss & Heal the World Doing

Welcome to Jessie’s World Podcast where each week we unite for the common purpose of becoming our best selves together.
Today’s topic is How to Heal the World
But first, let’s start with our Attitude of Gratitude segment:

Today in Attitude of Gratitude segment I want to encourage you to build a vision board, and then post it on Instagram and tag me so I can see. Before you can build your vision board physically, you must make the time to really meditate on what it is you want for your future.
So mentally we can build our vision board now.
Why? Because vision boards help you create brain pathways to your success, they help you clearly identify what you want and serve as motivation for you to push for results, they help focus your time and energy, and even celebrate wins when you achieve something on your board.
The first step to building a vision board is seeing your goals in your mind’s eye. Let’s get started.
Close your eyes. Visualize, without limits, what you would like your life to be like. What do you do to earn money? Where do you live? Who are you with? What car do you drive? Do you take vacations? Where? How would your circumstances be different? I want you to see yourself as living your best life, what does that look like to you? Visualize the details, things that you could put on a physical board to represent these deep desires.
As you see this amazing life in your mind’s eye, I want you to also visualize with all your senses how it feels to live in that new home, to drive that car, to operate that business, to achieve that health goal, to take that vacation…or, whatever your goals are. Visualize the feeling of achieving those goals. Let your senses play and dance and dwell in this beautiful reality you are creating for them.
Now take a moment to just breathe and sit in that feeling.
Eyes open, and just take a minute to jot down what it was you seen on your board.
That first step is so important. Now you have started the process, I want you to, at the end of this podcast, start building your board. There is no right way to build a vision board, you can use an app, a website that let’s you build vision board home pages, cut and paste stuff from magazines onto bristal board, print items out from the internet and pin to cork board the sky is the limit, whatever your method it should work for you and it should be posted somewhere you see daily.
Also, your vision board should have a mix of long and shorter term goals for example paying off that car loan may be a shorter term goal, where as buying a mansion on a beach may take a bit longer, all are valid and the benefit of both is that as you achieve your short term wins you are strengthening your believe in and commitment to your long term goals as well.
Manifestation is yours!!!
On to TODAYS TOPIC – How to Heal the World
It was no coincidence that I began this episode not with Tessy Time, but with the Attitude of Gratitude segment, because I wanted to centre you and focus you on self, while helping you tune into your own higher frequency.
This helps ground you so that you are able to discuss todays topic from a position of strength.
Let’s first discuss the fact that when I say “heal the world” I am acutely aware that the world looks different depending on who you are, what your life experiences have been, and your current vantage point. That said, I do know, that most people have some level of personal healing to do.
Then, if you are an empath like I am, or simply socially aware, or in the possession of a TV or the internet then you know that the WORLD at large has many many ways in which we need healing… including building more love and support for and of our fellow humans.
With that in mind, I don’t know about you but I can sometimes feel overwhelmed looking at some of the larger social issues that impact everyone right now economy, violence, war, painful government policies, housing crisis, healthcare crisis and so many more hurtful realities. It’s like – where do we begin healing, how can we help improve the world when we are only ONE person…
And then – there lies the answer
We are, only one person.
One person.
The power of ONE!
The key to healing the world, begins with healing YOU?
Don’t believe me, let’s analyze.
Many of the root causes of pain and suffering in the world can be brought back to what are called the 7 deadly sins – and no this won’t be a church service today, but it is a clear and factual way to understand how we can improve from where we are today collectively and with a sense of unity.
The 7 deadly sins are
Pride – this has been called the sin from which all other sins arise, and is an issue when you are basically feeling yourself so much that you forget that no man is an island and your success is a team effort – remembering to give thanks to God first and to those who helped you along the way is very important. In the absence of that humble kindness Pride gives way to all other sins including the next one …
Greed – greed creates a conflict between personal and social goals, it makes us insatiable and much like Pride, when you are always wanting more there is not a lot of room for gratitude which is very much a healing practice. Greed also puts us at odds with sharing the earth and it’s resources and gives way to inequities that can cause crime, suffering, wars, and death – greed is dangerous.
Wrath – an intense and irrational anger that hijacks your mind and has you acting out of emotion, and usually out of pocket, this can cause crimes of passion, hate, and social unrest. Being slow to anger allows you to think critically and make better decisions, and it allows the world to be a much more pleasant place to be.
Envy – wanting what others have, or wanting that person not to have it. We see it, it can result in death no lie. It’s dangerous to be around people who envy you. Who are not happy for you. Who are praying for your downfall, or trying to turn you into prey so they can take what you have. The antidote is self love, self respect, a knowledge of self and of your own superior gifts so you can stop lusting after someone else’s. You have someone mad because they are not a famous rapper and their associate is, meanwhile God ordained them with the gift of tech and perhaps they would out earn that associate if they leaned into their gift but they don’t know their self, they don’t know their gift, so instead of accessing their abundance they think they have nothing and so they truly manifest nothing and that places them in a position of lack and drives their envy… please, know thy self, invest in thyself, to thyself be true.
Lust – Much like greed, lust will have you wanting stuff you already have. You have money, a roof over your head, food in the fridge, a phat bank account, you good, but need more, want more, and don’t want to even share – you lusting. You have a significant other, you have sex, comfort, companionship but you sliding in DMs n slithering in corners tryna have more of it. You want what others have, you want more of what you have, you want it all – money, power, sex, food you can lust after anything but it can create an obsessive preoccupation in your mind, it can control you, it can bring down your house and we have seen how lust can dance over the lines of morality and it can bring people to dark places, and many celebrities have fallen because of lust and out of control lust will get you incarcerated, it will make you the devil’s companion, it will take you places you do not want to go – so chill out on the lust, it’s not worth it, here is the beauty – the antidote is the same as it is for many of the sins, GRATITUDE, be grateful and HUMBLE appreciate what you have, work with your significant other if possible help them be their best then if you must lust lust after what is yours.
Gluttony – basically is overindulging and the truth is too much of anything can be bad for you – a person suffering from Gluttony has likely turned life into their own personal buffet (literally and figuratively) without much regard for those who have less – again this person is often insatiable and could benefit from gratitude, meditation, humility, knowing thy self and loving thy self and then extending that love to others.
Sloth – it is often consider physical laziness but in factuality it refers to physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual laziness – fun fact, the antidote to sloth begins with Jessie’s World – no lie. We come together every week to work on the development of all theses key areas in our lives and an inactivity in these areas is what causes laziness. If you think about it being mentally lazy leads to a lack of critical thinking and intelligence and that leaves uninformed voters lets say making big social decisions off emotion and word of mouth and media influence and not critical thinking and that’s dangerous. Physical laziness causes health issues and if it were pervasive would make it hard to continue to build society without anyone willing to exert themselves physically. Spiritual sloth leads to a breakdown in the moral fabric of society. Sloth is dangerous on so many levels. The antidote, literally start intentionally working out – start building your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual strengthen. Meditation, yoga, breath work, Jessie’s World Podcast, Journalling, resistance training prayer there are so many ways – find what works for you and put it into your routine, stay mindful for 60 days as you implement these new practices that will transform you from Sloth to Boss!!
Considering that much of the world’s pain is caused by personal choice which collectively pooled creates community issues, country issues, and global issues than the first step in healing is to first turn within and start your journey there.
I did a post on my personal Instagram account @JessicaVibez that read
How To Do Your Part To Heal the World
Step 1 – Identify YOUR unique gifts
Step 2 – Give thanks and nurture your gifts
Step 3 – Learn to love YOURSELF
Step 4 – Love others for who they are without judgement or expectation
Step 5 Encourage others to love
I firmly believe that these five easy steps will begin the healing process our world very desperately needs right now. Each person can begin right now, YOU can begin right now. Be a powerful example of change, and that, like a ripple effect, will go out into the world and encourage other beautiful ripples of change to manifest…this is how we start healing the world one person at a time…together!
Today I am not going to cover Big Boss Vibez – because I want you to focus on the changes I just outlined. When you go within to heal, evolve, and manifest your gifts you will carry that with you into every aspect of your life – including your business …and I don’t know bigger boss vibes than that.
I think there comes a time where talk is not enough, posting is not enough, debating is not enough – where change is the only way.
Or as the reggae song with Snow and Nadine Sutherland says – we need Action, not a bag a mouth.

QUOTE – BE LOVE by Jessica Lambert
Leave the world better than you found it – Audrey Lambert <3

I have a responsibility to myself and to the world to find my inner gifts, and grow them so that they can unlock all of my blessings, and so that my cup can runneth over onto the world, spreading blessings everywhere I go and to everyone I encounter physically, electronically, socially, and spiritually. I am committed to being part of the solution – I will leave the world better than I found it. I will start now!
Thanks for tuning into Jessies World where we strive to become our best, most evolved selves, together. Tune in every week to continue your evolutionary transformation. Follow me, your host Jessica Lambert on Instagram @JessicaVibez and follow our podcast @JessiesWorldXO