The Viktor Wilt Show

Delivering a crappy break to start the day and manipulating new listeners to think they show always starts off great, the entire history of Radio Shack catalogs now available online, Liquid Death X Yeti casket cooler up for auction, Ohio prison hosts a 5 course meal for the public prepared by inmates, Eastern Idaho State Fair food judging yesterday, burglar caught after taking a break to read a book about Homer's Iliad, San Diego Bubble Man charged with liquid littering, phone pinky deformities, 5 year old hits 194 in a Lamborghini, The Beat Tour, maintenance man has full conversation with a cat, Gen X and Gen Z don't like talking on the phone, wild animals will attack you all over the US, Superbowl Halftime Shows will always suck. 

What is The Viktor Wilt Show?

The Viktor Wilt Show daily recap! If you miss the show weekdays from 6A-10A MST, you've come to the right place.

Should have been tinkering with the computer instead of tidying up. But my tidying is now complete. Good morning. We are officially kicking off the Friday edition of the Victor Wilt Show. Today, a major catch up day for me.

My apologies to those of you who listen to this program on demand and have been going all week. What's up with the show? What? Nothing new? I've been recording the shows.

It's just been one of the most chaotic weeks that I've had in ages. And despite all my best efforts, I was unable to get new episodes uploaded. So today, I'll upload, like, 6 or 7 new episodes of the podcast. Yeah. Lots of new episodes, which if you're listening on demand right now, those new episodes should be available.

Everything from this week, including the chat we had with Lou Brutus on the noon hour of madness and mayhem on Tuesday. So yeah. Again, my apologies. It's just been a little bit crazy, little bit wild this week, but what a fun week, I hope your week was, you know, close to as fun as mine. I felt like I paid for it, you know, not like the usual way back in the day that I'd pay for it which was, you know, all hungover and stuff.

No. It was just a little bit of lack of sleep, but you gotta you gotta pay to rock and roll sometimes. And when Lou Brutus is in town, you stay up late. Right? You only get to hang out with Lou so often.

Hope a lot of you got to meet him at the show Tuesday. What a great show that was. And, yeah, I should be able to hopefully catch myself up. We'll see. We'll see.

I've got a lot on the play today, but gonna give it my best shot. Gonna give it my best, and I'll do my best to give you some good content today as well. Okay? Now that I've tidied up, now that everything's working, I'll officially dig up some content. Kind of funny.

I was listening to the episode from last Friday while I was cleaning house yesterday, and I realized usually the first break of the show is just garbage. And so for new listeners to the podcast, they tune in and they go, this guy sucks, and then they tune out. So I think what I need to start doing is manipulating the audience a little bit, and I'll make sure that I, like, cut and paste. And I put something really quality, which is potentially difficult to find on this program. But I'll take that break, put it first, and then one of these other garbage breaks.

I I just kinda hide it in the middle somewhere. And they'll be like, why did he say he just got there? The flow of this show doesn't make any sense, and it started out great. And boy, did he go off the rails right in the middle? I suppose I could delete garbage breaks, but I don't know.

I do the show live, so might as well show people listening. Like, hey. I turn on a mic. I go live, and then you get the unfiltered unedited thing. Alright.

Most podcasts, they take a lot of time to tighten it up, chop out anything they're they're not happy about, cut out the umms and uhs, not this disaster. No. You get it as real as it gets. If I fail, you get to hear it because this is a live show. And, speaking of live shows later on today, traffic school with lieutenant Crane of the Idaho state police live call in show.

I should probably go make a thread on Facebook for questions, but you who are listening right now, why don't you call and join us live in a bit? That'd be fun. Have you ask us some questions about the law or whatever? Traffic school powered by the advocates every Friday morning, 8:45. Alright.

I better get caught up since that's gonna eat up a bunch of time. I gotta get ahead of the game today. So more music on the way unless you're listening on demand. No music. Tune in.

You know, catch the show live. Get the k Bear 1 zero one app. It's free or stream at I'll be back in a second. The Internet gets nostalgic over strange things sometimes.

I found this one kind of interesting. Somebody decided to put every RadioShack catalog that ever existed online at RadioShack Yeah. They sat down scanned every single catalog that they released from 1939 to 2,011. So you can you can go to that page and just kinda flip through pages of the RadioShack catalogs and I I see this leading to outrage.

This is gonna be one of these sites where people pull things up and go, look. Look how much stuff used to cost. Yeah. Inflation. Oh, I hate the times we're in.

Blah blah blah blah blah. Yeah. Let's actually take a look here. Let's go to 2,011. The most recent RadioShack catalog because as you may or may not know, not a lot of RadioShack still around nationwide.

However, right here in east Idaho, we still do have 1, Burns, which is on Broadway in Idaho Falls. I actually was in there recently because I needed some, I guess, very unique fuses for my amp. You'd figure a fuse easy enough if you go to, like, O'Reilly's. Alright. Give me some few they did not have the type of fuses I needed.

So shout out to Vern's Radio Shack, able to special order them in. Then I was able to finish up fixing up my amp, turn it on, and, just crush down, my home studio and maybe scare the neighbors in the old cul de sac there. Alright. You know, I'm flipping through the RadioShack catalog, and it's a bunch of, cell phones. I don't remember what cell phones cost 10 years ago, so I don't know if these are deals or not.

This is a 388 page catalog. How long did it take somebody to scan all of these RadioShack catalogs? This is ridiculous. And, honestly, I mean, it's neat that there's an archive of it, but who is spending their time flipping through these old RadioShack catalogs? Anyway, I just had to give, a shout out to the local RadioShack because they got me those fuses.

And, if you're a RadioShack fanatic, I guess you're in luck. You can sit there and read RadioShack catalogs all day. The Internet's so weird sometimes. It's out there, though. I I guess you can go check it out.

You bored? You bored on a Friday, like, really bored? Well, you're welcome. How much would you be willing to spend on a cooler? As you may or may not know, you probably know there's a lot of new coolers out these days.

They're kinda pricey. Those Yeti coolers, You know, this will keep your drinks cold for a lifetime. Put something in here. It it never gets warm. This cooler is just as cool as it gets.

Anyhow, I was looking at a new upcoming cooler available as a limited edition of 1, and that is the liquid death x yeti cooler that's shaped like a a casket. Like a full size casket. I mean, you would think this would be available in mass. You know, a a lot of these available. But, no.

1. 1. And you have to bid on it. How much do you think people are bidding on a yeti cooler shaped like a casket? Well, let's pull it up and see.

What's the current bidding at? $53,820. Alright. So who is spending that kind of money on a cooler? You could well, I guess caskets are pretty expensive, aren't they?

I was gonna say you could get your own and retrofit it, turn it into a cooler. Can you buy a casket on Amazon? Let's find out. I mean, if you've ever had to deal with a funeral, you would know that things can get to be very expensive. They do.

Of course, they sell caskets on Amazon. I'm just gonna click on the first one that's available here. Alright. $1400, and it looks pretty nice. It's got a 4 and a half star rating.

$1400. They're a lot of cast look at this one. This looks like an old school one. It's, like, kinda cruddy and made out of wood. $550.

Yeah. I mean, 53,000 for the yeti x liquid death casket cooler. No. You can buy one of these and I I guarantee turn it into your own cooler for much cheaper. Well, anyway, somebody's gonna really pay a lot of money.

The the Yeti fans, man, they're they're kinda crazy. It would be really neat at a barbecue, but, yeah, I think just a little bit out of my budget, unfortunately. I mean, a regular casket would be too. So, I I guess I gotta stick with the Walmart special. I was just reading about a romantic night on the town that sounded kinda weird to me.

I don't know. Maybe this is something that's up your alley. Hasn't happened around here as far as I know. But an Ohio prison held a 5 course meal open to the public. Yeah.

Apparently, these were foods prepared by the inmates with fruits and vegetables grown in the prison garden. You know, everybody kinda knows that jail food is known to be really terrible. Right? So are they giving the public an example of what the inmates get to eat, or are they just really sticking it to the inmates by alright. You're gonna whip up a bunch of really good food for the public.

You can't have any, but you need to cook it. I don't know, but 60 people attended a 5 course meal. Hey. You know? Wanna go out on a nice date?

I've got the perfect place. Show up at the prison gates. I don't know. Maybe it's fun. Maybe it's fun.

I don't know. They they don't have any pictures of the event. I can't tell how much they deck the place out to make it really classy, but I don't know. I guess it's something. I didn't read the article.

There's probably some type of benefit, I'd assume, to the incarcerated folks there, getting to take part in this program. I would assume they're not just trying to really irritate them by you know, look at these fancy foods. Aren't they delicious? Wish you could have them. No.

You get the, the slop we give you on a normal day to day. Anyway, I don't know. Local jails you looking for a way to make some national news there you go how's everybody doing I myself I am in mad multitask mode here. It's chaos inside of my brain trying to get ready to take Tuesday off. It's kinda crazy that to take a day off around here requires the amount of work it does.

You know? Because I I could just plug in a bunch of best of stuff, which you've probably all heard a 1000000 times because I need to put some fresh ones in. So I try to give you at least a decent prerecorded show on Tuesday. I hope it's okay, but it it makes for a hectic morning. I've got a pile of stuff I need to get done here.

Hopefully, I can get as much done as possible before traffic school because that eats up a good portion of the morning. And, yeah. It's very quiet in here right now, but once the other employees start showing up, distractions running amok. So I'm trying to, you know, breathe deep, not get stressed with the amount of work I need to get done today. It's an extra hectic Friday after the crazy week we've had, so wish me luck.

I'll try to dig up better content than a stupid story about prison meals and blah blah blah. Part of the challenge today, it's an extra light news day. This is not fair and well, but, I'll figure it out. We'll power through. We just gotta get through today.

Just gotta get through today. And then the wonderful weekend awaits. Alright. I'm gonna keep digging. Alright?

I'm gonna find you some better content. I swear. I I shouldn't say I swear because that usually leads to, garbage content. I'll try. I'll try my best.

Alright. I had a bunch of people getting frustrated with me because I did not elaborate on my thoughts about the foods at the Eastern Idaho State Fair in Blackfoot. So yesterday was the Fair Food Judging Day, and all of us DJs went over, hung out at the Eastern Idaho State Fair, and got to try it was, like, 30 plus food items. Over the years, I've learned how to pace myself really well with this so I don't end up feeling like I wanna die at the end because you you'd be surprised. There is a limit to how much fair food you can eat.

Alright. Be cautious and don't overdo it when you're mowing stuff down like the devil's delight, which if you go to the k Bear page, that's the first image posted. It was, like a brownie covered in caramel and a whole bunch of different fruits and fruity pebbles and ice cream and whipped cream. And I do have to say that was certainly one of the best items at the fair, and I highly recommend it. Only thing that would have made it better is if it was, you know, they if they came up with it at the devil's orchard out at the craters of the moon, location that Blue, Peaches, and I were hanging out at.

So let's go to the eastern Idaho state fair page here because they have all the name. That was another thing. Why didn't you write down the names of every single item? I I did my best to post, you know, a a wide range of content, a bunch of pictures. But to individually caption each photo, I mean, that would have taken me a lot of time.

And it's very busy. So I'm I'm sorry. I'll get around to updating those captions eventually. But I do have to say, I think, as far as newer items go, the Devil's Delight, that was top notch. And then there was a variety of just the classic favorites.

The, chocolate covered cheesecake raspberry or cream cheese brownie. I mean, that's just one of my all time favorites from the fair, so you can't go wrong there. But there were some, you know, interesting new items. They had cheese curds that you dip in caramel. Surprisingly enough, it was really good.

It was really good. They had these, kinda looked like a quesadilla from La Casita, but they were they called it like the stuffed nacho bites, and that those were really good as well. You know, classic items like the, potatoes with the what do they call that stuff? It's like, you know, it's mayonnaise, and they give it a fancy name. Aioli with some garlic aioli mayonnaise with some garlic in it, but the potatoes with that are really good.

Oh, there was a new sandwich, the crab melt. I don't know if they called it a crabby patty. Did they? Either way, it was real crab meat like a, tuna melt but with crab meat. It was if you're into crab.

Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. Also, the, churro donuts with peaches on top of them. What I should do is just, pull up the whole list and here's the names of them and where to get them. If you wander around the fair, you'll see the, the winner banners posted for the most popular items.

I do believe the devil's delight won, and it it was well deserved for the best new suite. Here's one that caught me by surprise, the pickle pizza. I didn't expect much out of this, but the pickle pizza was delicious. I'm not a big pickle guy but the pickle pizza it it was really good. It might sound strange but take my word for it.

If you hate pickles, you're not gonna like it. But if you like pickles, I guarantee you're gonna dig this pizza. It was delicious. The cheese on it. I don't know what kind of cheese it was, but holy cow.

You can't go wrong with the crack the classic, peach temptation. I it's like a, I mean, it's sort of like a cinnamon roll, but it it's not your standard cinnamon roll, and then it's just covered with ice cream and deliciousness and peaches. Man, it was so, so good. They had the, I think they called it better at the fair cake. Man.

Alright. You know, I didn't eat anything after the fair yesterday. No. Had lunch, went home, no more food for the rest of the day. But now now that it's been a good 18 hours and I'm looking at the pictures of the fair food, it's starting to look good again.

So go look at the pictures. I'm sorry I didn't caption them. I'm sorry I didn't tell you these were my favorites, but lots of good stuff at the fair. It opens up tomorrow. So or no.

Today. I I was saying tomorrow yesterday. Fair opens today in Blackfoot. Get out. Try some good food.

And it was a really good time yesterday. I, you know, hung out with, all my fellow media people from here in East Idaho. Always good to get everybody together. And, I don't know. It was just kinda good vibes.

I I don't know. Every once in a while, some event happens, and it just seems like, oh, that was good to get everybody together. And, seemed like all the media was having a really good time yesterday, and it was, good to see everybody. So, thank you to the Eastern Idaho State Fair for having us out. It's always a lot of fun getting to try and judge the fair food, and, you should go to the fair, mow down some deliciousness, and, I hope you enjoy it.

It's always a good time at the Eastern Idaho State Fair in Blackfoot opening today. So get out and have some fun. I guess criminals in Rome are built a little bit differently than here in the US. There was a guy who broke into a house in Rome, gained access to a flat in the Italian capital's prati district via the balcony. But as he was wandering around the place, he saw a book about Homer's Iliad on a bedside table, and, well, he just couldn't help himself.

Had to sit down and give it a little bit of a read. Yeah. The, homeowner, a 70 year old man, woke up and was like, hey. What are you doing? And the guy's just sitting there reading.

So the guy called the cops and eventually told him, well, he kinda wants to send the guy a copy of the book so he could finish reading it. When the guy saw the homeowner, he tried to escape via the same balcony, but got arrested very quickly. I I'm trying to imagine if I was a criminal, if I was a burglar. Alright. I'm I'm breaking into a house, and I noticed they have some bookshelves.

Alright. Not too often I can, you know, kinda put myself in a criminal shoes and go, I I get it. I get it. If I saw a bunch of Stephen King collectibles, I'd have to pick one up off the shelf and check it out. Like, oh, I've never seen one of these in person.

I've been looking at these on Ebay for, you know, decades. Look at this, slip cased limited edition signed copy of the stand. The coffin case. This is amazing. Like, oh, man.

I could only stuff a few of these books in my backpack I tell you it's a it's a bad time to be a book collector with this inflation and I can't buy anything anymore Glad that I built up most my book collection about a decade ago or even longer 15 years ago back when things were cheaper. It it ain't it ain't any fun anymore to shop around on Ebay. I don't recall the last time I saw a book and was like, yeah. I'll bid on it because yeah. As I've said about many different items has a flight out of my budget.

But, yeah, I don't think we'd see a story like this in the US. Yep. Guy just had to sit down and give it a good read. Must have been a great book. And, I mean, did you ever have to read the Iliad in school?

Reading the Iliad was bad enough written in that old prose. Yeah. You know? I ain't smart enough for that. I need the condensed version.

You know? You know those little books you buy that, you know, like, here's what this is about because you're probably too dumb to understand the regular book. Yeah. Reading the Iliad was bad enough let alone a book about it. Maybe that's what it was.

He couldn't understand The Iliad either. And freak news is powered by Greasemonkey, voted Idaho's best oil change. I guess you may have heard part of the story I was gonna start with since I, you know, blasted it over the top of ACDC. I wanted to see what was going on with this bubble man in San Diego. Let's let's see what's going on over here.

Oh. Oh and now, of course, it gives me an ad. Go figure. Yeah? Worked just fine when I barreled over the top of ACDC with it.

Now I gotta sit through this dumb ad for, well, I'm not gonna give them a free plug. You want a plug? Contact our sales team at Riverbend Media Group. Okay. Here we go.

We got the bubble man. Known to many people as the bubble man, he drives around in this bubble world truck and puts on performances around San Diego. Alright. We got the guy. He's got these 2 sticks, and he's blowing these massive bubbles down by, the water here.

Looks very fun. Wow. Huge bubbles. It was so fun chasing them down, trying to pop them. Sandy Snakenberg has been blowing bubbles and bringing smiles to people's faces for more than a decade.

Bubbleology is the science, art, and magic of bubbles. Okay. Wait a minute. The science and magic and art bubble ology. I'm pretty sure this guy made that phrase up.

Bubble ology is the science, art, and magic of bubbles. And that magic has a way of bringing people of all ages together. I mean, it made me feel like a kid. So Oh, they were humongous. They were big.

There were small ones. There was all kinds of different sizes. I've never seen anything like that before. See Alright. You know, he's having fun.

He's making kids happy. What what's wrong with this guy? His love for bubbles inspired him to create his nonprofit Bubble World. His truck is not only used for work, but also where he lives. I am registered disabled homeless veteran.

I don't take advantage of any of the programs that are offered to me. I'm fully supported by this. It's a 501c3. He lives off of tips he gets from his bubble shows. He often performs in La Jolla Cove.

That's where he was yesterday when rangers gave him a ticket for the bubbles. They cited him for what they called liquid littering. Basically, he's saying that There has to be worse liquid littering going on in San Diego than the bubble man. Alright? When I hear liquid littering, well, I I definitely don't think of, something involving soap.

It would be much much dirtier. My bubbles pop. The residue of my bubbles fall to the ground and kill the grass. You know? And I explained to him already, you know, that I am full compliance, of all ordinances.

I I am registered with San Diego Parks and Recs. I have insurance. He showed us Now do the bubbles kill the grass? Because have you ever, like, put soap on a slip and slide then 2 days later, yeah, the grass is just completely destroyed. The guy could be killing grass.

I mean, he seems like a nice guy. He's bringing joy to the community. It I I would like to know if his, bubbles are, you know, nontoxic to the local wildlife. But anyhow The citation. It didn't have a fine, but does have an appearance date in October.

Code of Clark. Reached out to San Diego Parks and Rec, and I'm waiting to hear back. Sandy says the ticket isn't going to stop him from doing what he loves and sharing it with the Cops wanna show up and tell me I can't blow bubbles? I do what I want. I'm a bubble band.

Community. Open. Follow the wind. Alright. And cold.

I I like that the guy's putting his foot down and be like, you ain't gonna stop me from blowing bubbles. Alright? I do what I want on the bubble man. Alright. Well, I guess be careful if you're gonna go out and try to make children happy.

Alright. TikTokers panicking over viral phone pinky deformities. Gen zers are pointing the finger at their, what, their crooked pinky finger at their cell phones as the cause of a gripping normality, victims say contorts their pinky. So they're holding their phones in a bad way where it rests on their, pinky, and it's warping their hands or so they claim. I don't know.

I think pinkies are just in general kind of, you know, look at like, hold your hand out. Your pinky is already maybe I've got this problem. Maybe I'm like, everybody's pinky looks like that, but I have phone pinky or whatever. Yeah. I guess people are crying online about it.

Look at my hand. It's ruined forever. Is this why I can't riff very good because of, phone pinky? This is why I can't play, you know, shredding leads because my my pinky is the worst finger as far as playing guitar goes. It's my dumb one.

The condition is reminiscent of blackberry thumb, which sparked complaints of thumb pain and problems with motor function from using the devices that were wildly popular in the early 2000. Okay. Well, then what about the calluses built up on my thumbs from playing Tony Hawk's pro skater? Can I sue Tony Hawk? My thumbs.

I can I can push on anything? I've got thick calluses. I used to hurt my hands really bad playing Tony Hawk's pro skater. You know, you do that for, like, 5 hours straight. It'll mess your hands up.

Just a fair warning. Be careful with your phones, I guess. Alright. Finally, we got a 5 year old kid hitting a 194 miles per hour in a Lamborghini. He didn't steal it.

No. Some just crazy psychotic parent puts their kid into a Lamborghini because I guess he's the real baby driver. You know? He's a baby who enjoys racing. I I'm sorry.

As a parent, I don't think you should put your kid in a vehicle where they can do 200 miles an hour. That's just my opinion. No matter how good they are at driving, it just seems like a bad idea. But I I don't know. He just seems pretty good.

He celebrated at the end by spinning a bunch of cookies. Isn't that embarrassing when there's, you know, a 5 year old, you know, I guess he's not a baby if he's 5. So we'll say a toddler. At bare minimum, a kid. Just coming out and making you look like a fool on the racetrack.

That's worse than me out at the crazy figure 8 races. Anyway, congrats to this this little one. Freak news powered by Grease Monkey, voted Idaho's best oil change. Back in a minute. Whitechapel gonna be doing some touring with Lorna Shore.

And who else was it? Kubla Khan. I don't know. Great lineup hitting the complex in Salt Lake in October. Had a listener come up to me at the ice 9 kills show and offer me a free pair of tickets.

Very kind. Very kind. I do want to attend that show, so I should probably take a look at planning ahead and maybe trying to go. Lorna Shore and Whitechapel are 2 bands that I really like, so I I think that would be a pretty incredible show. I might have to go.

I also remembered that my homie Nick bought some tickets to the beat tour, which is hitting Vegas. He's like, let's go to Vegas and check out the beat tour. Now if you're not familiar with what the beat tour is, this is for, like, some real nerds. Alright? Some real nerds.

I was telling Lou Brutus about this tour when we were talking about, back in the day Lou, you know, hanging out with Frank Zappa. Lou did a lot of stuff with Frank back in the day, which Lou's stories are just so crazy. But, the beat tour is members of King Crimson, Adrian Belew, and Tony Levin teaming up with Steve Vai and Danny Carey, TOOL's drummer, to perform the music of eighties King Crimson live. And as a total music nerd, this was one that, like, you you just can't miss it. One of these once in a lifetime kind of things.

I need to probably take a look at, like, hotel and all that kind of stuff because I forgot till I was talking to Lou about this show that Nick had bought tickets because I was like, yeah. Sure. I'll go with you, man. Let's go. Let's go to Vegas.

Hey. It's gonna be in November, and around here, it's starting to get pretty miserable in Vegas in November, so that'll be a lot of fun. Been a number of years since I've been to Vegas. And, you know, to go and it's not work related, that that sounds like it should be a pretty good time. So very neat.

And I highly encourage you to, you know, take up some of these opportunities that seem to be once in a lifetime. If there's a show in Vegas, Vegas is a place you can vacation cheap at. You can find cheap hotels. You know, I think this concert in particular, I don't think the tickets were, like, dirt cheap. I think they were, you know, average priced.

But, you know, as far as the actual trip goes, there are cheap flights from Idaho Falls. You could also just drive down. Yeah. Get out of town. Winter around here sucks.

You know, you you should probably start plotting a February vacation right now because, I mean, winter is coming. Hate it. The other morning felt like fall air. It was like, mm-mm. Summer does not last long enough around here.

I'm I'm down with cooler temps. I mean, I think we're supposed to be cooking again. That's what the weatherman said the other day. Let's take a look at the updated forecast. What do we have in store this weekend?

We're gonna be hot and miserable? Yes. It is. Get back up into the nineties. So hunker down.

Stay inside. Kick back. Relax, stay cool, watch some movies or something. Holiday weekend ahead. Make the most of it.

I don't know if you're gonna go camping. Make sure you find a place with some shade. Good luck to you. Man, those guys were a fun show earlier this year. Dropkick Murphy's.

What is up? It's Victor Wilt. Howdy. Welcome to the program, the Victor Wilt Show Friday edition. So far, I'm doing pretty good on the productivity plate.

I was watching a video of a, maintenance worker who showed up to do some work at somebody's apartment, and I was like, oh, this guy is me. So the owner or renter had a camera set up inside of their apartment and decided to check the camera when the maintenance worker was there, and this is what happened. I mean, my cat Koopa, you start doing that to him, he'll go crazy. He won't shut up. Even little Lucy, she she digs it if you try to imitate her meows.

She's getting a little bit louder as she gets older. Not quite so squeaky anymore. But, yeah, this guy's great. Meow. Meow.

Meow. Yeah. If you if you don't meow at cats when cats are meowing at you come on. Come on. You gotta meow back.

They they really like it. They really like it. So that guy, that's me if I was maintenance man. Alright. I'm not I'm not too weird, am I?

Because I meow at cats. Is that is that strange? Everybody's still cool with me? Come on. Come on.

Don't judge. Alright? I can't help that I'm crazy cat guy. You don't choose that. K?

It's just something you're born with. Was it, I or maybe I learned it from my mom. It's my mom's fault. Alright? Hey.

It's good to see that here in the west, we're not the only people who have to deal with, wild animals. Now when I think of things like bears and bison, that just screams the west to me, but we got bears all over this country and, apparently, bison as well. Now this article I was reading about, bison on a Connecticut farm, So I guess that's not like wild bison like we would have around here, but it it is kind of weird that 3 bison escaped from a Connecticut farm and then 4 of them came back. Pretty good deal. You know?

If you're you're raising livestock, they take off and bring back friends. What's up, peaches? What do you want? There you go. Now the mic's on.

You coulda yelled at me. Turn the mic on. Point, and I'm like, what are you pointing at? I did find some great content for you if you wanna do this for another break. Well, yeah.

I mean, or we could tie it into this. Well, I was just talking about weird animal stories. You know, I I don't generally think about the eastern part of the country as being the forest that it is. So when bears are roaming into people's yards in places like Connecticut and stuff like that, it just kinda caught me by surprise. So No.

There's a lot of what's it called? When I went to Park City, Utah on vacation as a kid with my family, we went, like, we went looking for moose All day, we traveled all around the state, found nothing. We come back to the, the timeshare we were at and the lobby which was down the street, next to it was a pond and there was 2 moose in the pond. After all day looking for moose, no success. That happened.

Nice. So just be aware if you're out traveling, you could easily run into wildlife that you might not expect and, yeah. Just just be cautious. The bison will attack you in the east as well. At the show the other night, I was talking with people about the Super Bowl or maybe was that just yesterday at the Fair Food judging?

Anyway, we're talking about the Super Bowl and how the Super Bowl will never have a rock band or a metal band due to the halftime show. And there are reasons why that come down to, misinformation regarding sales demographics. It's it's a long thing I'm not gonna get into right now. But I don't think that even Metallica at the halftime show at the Super Bowl could stand up next to Gogeta at the Olympics. Alright?

There's nothing you could do in the middle of a football field that could ever compare with what Gojira did at the Olympics. And as we were talking about potential bands to play the Super Bowl, you had the obvious ones, Metallica and probably the Foo Fighters. I would think if you ever saw a rock band I mean, I guess the Chili Peppers have played it. But I would think if they were gonna do something like that, you I doubt we'd get Metallica. May maybe.

If any metal band was ever to do it, I'm sure it would be them, but probably be more likely to have the Foos. And honestly, I don't know. I've never really been blown away by a Super Bowl halftime performance. Maybe Prince, and I don't even like Prince. I'm not a fan of his music, but his halftime show was was really cool.

You know? Chili Peppers halftime show, I wasn't very impressed. I mean, I was happy that they were honest about the fact they weren't really playing unplugged the, guitars and things like that. But yeah. I don't know.

I guess I'd like to see something like France did. Nobody expected us I mean, Gojira's legit metal. Like, heavy. Heavy. You know, like, we're the only over the air, like, normal radio station that plays Gojira.

You might hear them on satellite radio. But normal radio stations, maybe in the middle of the night on a weekend metal show. Not not like us where we play them all day every day. America, it it would blow people's minds if you brought in a killer metal band and had them bust out the halftime show. Like, something really crushing heavy.

What's something big and mainstream enough and heavy enough that perhaps could fly at the halftime show? Because, you know, Metallica, if they came out and did the halftime show, we're gonna get Enter Sandman. That's what we're gonna they ain't gonna come out and do master of puppets. You know? It's gonna be Enter Sandman without question.

What else or maybe they do a medley of all the the big hits from the black album. Yeah. Who would who would I like to see? I mean, I was telling people let's let's have Toole come out and do a 10 minute instrumental and just, you know, everybody's gonna hate it. It'd be amazing.

But do you wanna see Toole faking it either? Nah. Nah. Anyway, I'm gonna get out of here, people. Alright?

I'll be back later for the noon hour of madness and mayhem powered by Helisko's I gotta catch up all my podcasts. I think I'm gonna unleash 7 podcast episodes today. So, my apologies to anyone who's, been missing out on the show on demand. I had a couple complaints. I'm sorry.

This week was pure mayhem, but you're gonna get 7 new podcast episodes today. 7. It's gonna take me a lot of time. I should have kept kept up on this. Anyhow, wish me luck.

Yeah. I'm gonna leave now. I'll see you in a while. Thank you for your support. You're all the best.

Thank you again for tuning in to the Victor Wilt show. This program's a production of river. This program's a production of river. Why can't I say that? God, I'd love to say riverbed media group, riverbed media group.

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