The Chemical Show: Interviews with Business Leaders on Key Trends and Topics

Explore the dynamic landscape of the chemical industry as host Victoria Meyer delves into six key trends that will shape 2024 and 2025. From ever-changing supply chain dynamics and shifting customer engagement mechanisms to the impacts of global economics and geopolitics, Victoria provides an insightful analysis of the factors driving the industry forward. 

This episode offers a deep dive into the role of digitization and AI, ongoing labor challenges, and how innovation is being influenced and hampered by regulation. With valuable insights into how industry leaders can navigate these trends, this episode is a must-listen for chemical professionals looking to stay ahead of the curve. Don’t miss the opportunity to connect with peers and discuss these trends further at the upcoming Chemical Summit. 

Join us to learn more about the following topics this week: 

  1. Supply chain as a dynamic part of the chemical industry. 
  2. Engaging with customers: The rise of digital natives in leadership 
  3. Politics, policies, and wars influencing trends in the chemical industry 
  4. An acceleration of analysis and answers - data driven decision making 
  5. Labor challenges post Covid 
  6. Innovation influenced by regulation 

“This is the decade of supply chain... Supply chain today more than ever is a dynamic part of the chemical industry. Decision making, resiliency, all of those things are critical.” - Victoria Meyer 
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What is The Chemical Show: Interviews with Business Leaders on Key Trends and Topics?

Welcome to The Chemical Show™, where chemicals mean business. If you're looking for insights from business leaders of mid-market to Fortune 50 companies, this is the place to be.

Featuring interviews with industry executives, you’ll hear about the key trends impacting chemicals and plastics today: growth, sustainability, innovation, business transformation, digitalization, supply chain, talent, strategic marketing, customer experience and much more.

Episodes are published every Tuesday.

Host Victoria Meyer gained her industry experience at leading companies, including Shell, LyondellBasell and Clariant. Before taking those insights and experiences to launch a strategy & marketing consultancy, Progressio Global, and The Chemical Show podcast. Victoria brings a informed and engaging perspective, making this podcast not just about the chemical business, but about people, leadership, business challenges and opportunities, and so much more.

The Chemical Show brings you the latest insights into trillion-dollar chemical industry. You will hear from leading industry executives as they discuss their companies, business, markets, and leadership. You’ll learn how chemical, specialty chemical, petrochemical, material science and plastics companies are making an impact, responding to the changing business environment, and discussing best practices and approaches you can apply in your business.

This podcast is a must-listen for executives and business leader everywhere, leading B2B process businesses and industries, driving strategy, harnessing customers and suppliers, and driving business innovation.

voiceover: A key component of the
modern world economy, the chemical

industry delivers products and
innovations to enhance everyday life.

It is also an industry in transformation
where chemical executives and workers

are delivering growth and industry
changing advancements while responding

to pressures from investors, regulators,
and public opinion, discover how

leading companies are approaching these
challenges here on the chemical show.

Join Victoria Meyer, president
of Progressio Global and

host of the chemical show.

As she speaks with executives across the
industry and learns how they are leading

their companies to grow, transform, and
push industry boundaries on all frontiers.

Here's your host, Victoria Meyer.

Victoria: Hi, this is Victoria Meyer.

Welcome back to The Chemical Show,
where Chemicals Means Business.

Today, I'm talking about the
six trends that are driving

the chemical industry today.

Why these are the topics that
are driving our industry, our

strategies and our business
decisions today and into the future.

So last week I spoke with John Richardson
of ICIS and we talked about supply

demand, the global changes that we're
seeing, the role of China, and more.

And it's really around the
economics of supply demand and the

economics of the chemical industry.

And the reality is that is
only one part of the picture.

Today I'm talking about more of
those trends and topics that are

affecting the chemical industry.

In fact, I've got six of them
that I'm talking about today.

And by the way, we're going to be touching
on some of these things and discussing

opportunities and solutions at The
Chemical Summit, which is coming up on

October 8th and 9th in the Houston area.

If you have not already registered,
you're going to want to do so because

we're going to be discussing this on
stage and in the audience, and you'll

have a chance to learn from your peers,
other business leaders and strategists

and marketers across the industry about
how they are taking some of these trends.

And applying them to their business.

So, um, something you don't want to
miss, but back to today's episode,

what I'm talking about today is the
six trends that are driving the

chemical industry in 2024 and in 2025.

So first out of the gate.

Supply chain dynamics.

I've said this before.

I'm going to say it again.

This is the decade of supply chain.

And I think what's really important
about this is supply chain

used to be highly repeatable.

You figured out what
that supply chain was.

You figured out what your logistics
arrangements were, whether it was

domestically U S Europe elsewhere,
whether it was internationally

cutting across the water.

That's not true anymore.

There are so many factors that
are, are shifting our global supply

chains and local supply chains.

Could be tariffs, could be port strikes
and rail strikes and we're certainly

seeing effects of both of those in 2024.

Shifting global shipping
environment and just the maritime

environment due to geopolitics.

Shifting marine requirements
due to regulations.

So supply chain has always
been, you know, okay.

It's not always been a dynamic field,
but I'm going to tell you that supply

chain today more than ever is a dynamic
part of the chemical industry, right?

Decision making, resiliency, all
of those things are critical.

That is one of the key trends that's
driving the chemical industry today.

And actually one of the topics that we've
got a panel on, uh, around Navigating

Uncertainties: Strategies for Building
Resilience in your Supply Chain.

It's going to be a good one.

Um, the second key trend that's
influencing the industry today is

Shifting Customer Engagement Mechanisms.

This is particularly true in a post COVID
world and a TikTok driven world, right?

So let's just think about this.

The way that we engage customers
has changed dramatically.

And the reality is.

It is continuing to change.

I think many companies, many business
leaders, many sales professionals

are still trying to figure out what
is the best way to communicate,

engage, align with customers.

The old folks,

I'll group myself in that category,
we're looking for something different.

And certainly the next generation, when
we think about who are our up and coming

leaders and individual contributors,
and the people that are working on both

sides of the table in an organization,
they are highly influenced by digital.

In fact, they are digital natives, right?

So if you think about millennials,
They've really only known a digital world.

Um, and so these digital natives
are using Instagram, TikTok,

and YouTube on a daily basis.

Um, I'm going to be honest, I am not
a digital native and I'm using these

things on a daily basis as well.

Maybe not TikTok.

I'm not really a TikTok girl, but
Instagram, YouTube, absolutely.

I am using social media, you are
probably using social media to engage

with business partners, friends,
figure out what you want to buy, get

some ideas about the news, right?

So everything has transformed.

Has your customer transformed?

Has your customer experience transformed?

Do you even know how your
customer wants to engage?

How you want to engage
with your customers?

Where that value is in this new
digital post COVID, TikTok-ified

world, if I can use that word, right?

Is that a word/ I'm making it up.

Um, and in fact, we've got a couple
of great speakers on that as well.

So Melina Palmer, who you've
heard on The Chemical Show before,

she's talking about What your
Customers Want and Can't Tell You.

And then one of the great topics that
we've gotten, I think it's so critical

is around Savvy Segmentation, right?

Here's the reality.

One size does not fit all your
customers have different needs.

And what's the best way to have a highly
satisfied customer, a great customer

relationship, great customer value
is to figure out what those customers

want and serve them in the right way.

And that is not serving everyone
the same way all the time.

It is figuring out what your customers
want and aren't telling you and

then how you're going to serve them.


Another great topic.

Another great trend, really
relevant, um, in the industry today.

And I'm excited to learn from
the speakers on the stage.

And I'm excited to hear from people in
the room that are going to be talking

about how this is playing out in their
business, how they're adapting, what

they're thinking about for the future.

It's a good one.

The third trend is Shifting Global
Economics and Geopolitics, right?

So if we just take a step and look at
what's going on, uh, in the U S everybody

knows we have a presidential election
coming up that is going to influence

the industry one way or another.

Maybe not as directly as some people
think, but it's certainly seems

to have put a bit of a pause in
what's happening across the world.

Um, so And it's going to have
an influence going forward.


So we've got Europe that we've
certainly seen is heavily influenced

by green policies, the Russia Ukraine
war, numerous elections, right?

In fact, if you look across the
world, major election in almost every

Region country around the world.

2024 is a big year.

2025 is the year it all gets implemented.

The new administrations,
new policies, et cetera.

Maybe not the new policies, right?

That takes a little bit longer, but
still it is there and it's happening.

Um, the China economy.

So again, if we get back to, to
global economics and geopolitics,

and we talked a lot about that
last week with John Richardson.

So again, if you have not listened
to that episode, go find it.

Um, John Richardson and I talked
on episode 179 about just the

shifting, uh, economics and
economies for the chemical industry.

You're going to want to listen to that.

But we know this what's going on in
China affects the rest of the world.

The Chinese economy is not as
resilient demand growth has stagnated.


They continue to build.

Um, and we are facing
a period of oversupply.

So there's different
strategic reasons for that.

Um, it's certainly, uh, a topic
of conversation and figuring out

maybe some ideas, some scenarios
about what's going on in this world.

Global economics and geopolitics
is critical as well as what are

the things that the chemical
industry, you as a chemical

business leader should think about.

We've got Jason Schenker who is
an economist and a futurist who

is going to knock your socks off.

Um, I just had a
conversation with him today.

He knocked my socks off.

It was great.

The fourth theme and trend that I'm
seeing in the industry and that we're

all seeing is Digitization and AI, right?

It's evolved though, like this is, we've
been talking about digitization and AI.

Are you guys tired talking about that yet?

I don't know.

We're living in a digital world.

So what I think is really interesting
is how we're evolving to data-driven

decision making, um, topic of conversation
at last year's Chemical Summit.

This year, we're talking about how
it's accelerated over the past year.


How are companies really tackling this.

AI a year ago.

I think back to 2023 and
we were fearful of AI.

Today, we're still worried
about it, but you're using it.

And if you think you are not using
it, go do a Google search because the

first answers that Google gives you
a lot of times is their AI based, um,

assessment of what the answer is, right?

So it's no longer just a
straightforward search mechanism.

They're providing an AI solution.

If you use your Microsoft products, right.

Microsoft CoPilot is very
popular, um, across the board and

they're really rolling that out.

There's a lot of AI that's taking
place in our R&D and innovation.

There's AI taking place in our businesses.

I think one of the ways that we're
figuring this out, and if I combined the

digitization and data and AI together,
it's really around an acceleration

of analysis and answers, um, which if
used right, can only be good for us.

And that's one of the topics
we'll be talking about as well.

So digitization and AI.

The fifth trend, Talent and Culture.

Labor is challenging.

It's eased a little bit, but we've
got ongoing labor challenges.

When I talk to business leaders, they're
like, we're worried about talent.

How do we hire talent?

How do we develop talent?

How do we ensure that we have the
business and the talent and that what

goes hand in hand with that is the
culture that we want in our organization.

We're still facing this post COVID world.

Everybody figured out that
they could work from home.

Um, a lot of businesses
are back in the office.

A lot are still hybrid.

Some are fully remote.

The digital tools that we've
got enable that it makes it a

little bit more challenging.

Um, It can make it more
challenging to build connections.

It can make it more
challenging to build culture.

So this area of talent and culture in an
evolving world is going to be critical

and it's a trend that's driving business
leaders when they think about what is the

business of the future and how do they
achieve success through and with their

talent, their people and their culture.

So that's trend number five.

Trend number six.

Innovation and Regulation, it's a
trend that goes hand in hand because

let's be honest, we are seeking tons of
innovation, whether it be green and bio

based chemistry, whether it be around
recycling, whether it's around energy,

whether it's around business processes.

We are also hampered at the
same time by regulation so that

regulation is driving innovation.

But if it's not.

Um, on the back end quick enough to
approve new products and processes

and help create those innovations that
the industry needs and that businesses

and government and people are asking
for, um, That goes hand in hand.

I think about, some of the trends that
we're seeing and, and the PFAS is a

great example of a regulation that's
hit globally, but I think there's

also some regulations that are getting
applied differently across the globe.

And these apply to marine
transportation, right?

Um, that's something
that's going to come up.

These apply to products and innovation.

And so.

You know, one of the things that plays
into this whole aspect of innovation

and regulation is, is one, have the
right culture, being ready to roll.

Um, and then three is really this impact
of strategic relationships and strategic

relationships are so critical across
the industry with the new innovative

technologies that are coming to bear.

If you look at.

Anyone that's getting being successful
in commercializing green chemistry, bio

based chemistry, advanced recycling.

These are happening through
partnerships, consortiums and more.

Um, so we are going to be talking
about the Impact of Strategic

Relationships on Business Growth.

And it's on business growth.

It's on innovation and it's on really
partnering to figure out how to

make those regulations work for you.

So, you know, those are my six topics,
six trends that are affecting the

chemical industry in 2024 and 2025.


I'm going to repeat those for you.

Um, Supply Chain Dynamics, right?

So moving from a repeat of
highly repeatable to much

more dynamic supply chains.

That's one.

The second one is Shifting Customer
Engagement Mechanisms, right?

Our customers want to
be treated differently.

They want to be engaged differently
and we're figuring that out

from a business perspective.

The third one is Shifting Global
Economics and Geopolitics.

We are not in a period of instability.

I would not say that, but we're
certainly in a period of, um, Change

right change and stress on our global
economics and geopolitical systems.

And so business leaders across the globe
are working on figuring these things out.

And frankly, responding to them,
developing scenarios, figuring

out how that take that forward.

Um, and that's 1 of our key trends
that we're seeing in 2024 and moving

into 2025 for the chemical industry.

Digitization and AI.

And frankly, it's the embracing
of digitization and AI.

I think, um, up until, you know,
let's just say through 2023, there

was a little bit of resistance.

I see 2024 into 2025,

the trend in this is embracing it,
figuring out how to make it work

for you, um, and taking it forward.

Talent and culture, um, and readying
our workplace for the future.

Because if I, if you look back on
the things that we've already talked

about, all of those things influence
the talent and culture that our

companies need to be successful.

Um, and then trend number six, which
is Innovation Influenced by Regulation.

Um, and it's influenced and hampered
by and supported by regulation.

Um, but we are certainly in a period
of deep innovation to help drive

sustainability to help meet the
chemical industry needs of the future.

Um, and it's the industry needs
because it's the way the industry

ties into the rest of the world.


So, uh, you know, the, the ACC talks
about the chemical industry and chemicals

touching 98 percent of the products.

Globally, you're 96 percent like
you guys know this, you and I

know this and the rest of the
world is really coming to know.

This is that the chemical industry
is driving the future of the world.

And so we need to have that innovation
and supportive regulations and that

is an ongoing trend and focus area
that I think we're going to be seeing.

So that's it.

I would love to hear if you have
any additional trends that you are

watching, that you think we should
be watching and that I should

be watching and talking about.

Um, would love to hear from that.

And, uh, you know, if you want to
gain some more insights, share some

wisdom, find out how your peers are
engaging and talking about these trends

and topics and applying them to their
business, join us at The Chemical Summit.

We'd love to see you there.

Thanks for listening today.

Keep listening, keep following,
keep sharing, and we will

talk with you again very soon.

voiceover: We've come to
the end of today's podcast.

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Join us again next time here on The
Chemical Show with Victoria Meyer.