New Beginnings With Pastor Ron

In a stirring sermon titled "It's Time To Wage War!" by Pastor Ronald Daugherty at New Beginnings Full Gospel Church, listeners are called to confront and overcome internal battles to fulfill God's greater purpose for their lives. Emphasizing the necessity of saying "yes" to God's will, Pastor Daugherty navigates through the complexities of internal conflict between flesh and spirit, underlining the importance of spiritual growth and maturity. Highlighting passages from Colossians 3:1-3 and Galatians 5:16-17, he encourages believers to set their affections on heavenly things and to live by the Spirit to avoid fulfilling the lusts of the flesh. This powerful message urges us to face challenges head-on, wage war against complacency, and embrace the transformative power of God's spirit within us.

Colossians 3:1-3
Galatians 5:16-17, 22-24

What is New Beginnings With Pastor Ron?

Join us for Sunday Sermons from Pastor Ronald Daugherty. Recorded live at New Beginnings Full Gospel Church where he presides as pastor. New Beginnings Full Gospel Church is located in the south side of Chicago. A small community church founded by Bishop Corneal Harper, and Pastor Joyce A. Harper in 1996. Rooted in service, community, love, and the teachings of the word. Under Pastor Ronald Daughertys leadership New Beginnings continues to be a staple in the community. Listen, Learn, and Be blessed.

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We praise God for his
presence in this place.
We thank God for the
ministry of Sister Belita and man.
We thank God for his
blessings and riches that
he bestows upon us.
We serve a mighty God.
We serve a mighty God.
We're grateful today for his
goodness and for his
blessings and for the
benefits that he is making
happen for us as we trust him.
As we say yes.
He's an awesome God.
Yes, he is.
And we're grateful to God.
I'm just thinking.
If anybody knows me,
you will know about me that
this ain't the position I want to be.
I don't like the front.
Give me a spot in the back and I'm good.
Give me a place where I can
just do what I do.
Not seen by anybody and I'm good.
I don't need a title.
I don't need a position.
I just want to do what he wants me to do.
So if you know anything about me,
if you know me, then you know that's me.
I run from the spot.
If I see it coming, I'm going another way.
Because this ain't me.
But when you say yes, when you say yes,
you allow him to make you uncomfortable.
And in the midst of being uncomfortable,
you find comfort in doing
what he's given you to do.
So yes is a powerful word.
when we really mean it.
Yes, it's a powerful thing when, when,
when, when,
when it makes me have to do
what I wouldn't necessarily
do if it was left up to me,
but because of his goodness
to me and because of what
he has made happen for me,
I let him make me uncomfortable.
I say yes.
I say yes.
Now, as soon as this is over, listen,
I'll run back real quick
where I can feel normal and
comfortable again.
But I just want to do his
will because he has been
good to me and I fight the
fight within me to do his will.
Because anytime we're pulled
outside of comfort, it's a fight.
Anytime I'm presented with
something that I don't
necessarily want to do or
doesn't feel as comfortable,
it's a fight to get me in
control enough to say yes.
And not just say yes in the
sense that I got it done,
but I try to give it the best I can.
Sometimes we're doing stuff
because we've been told to do it,
but we ain't doing it.
We're just getting the job done.
But yes says I will be
uncomfortable and I will
give this the best that I got.
That's what yes says.
That's what yes is supposed to say.
I'll say it that way.
That's what yes is supposed to say.
So this thing of yes is
about really waging the
warfare within me to get
done what he needs me to do.
To be what he wants me to be.
To operate the way he wants me to operate.
Because I hear him.
I hear him.
I hear him.
I hear him.
And it's on me to respond.
Because he ain't going to make me.
He ain't going to make me.
I still have a choice in the matter.
He ain't going to force me.
I still have a choice in the matter.
But when I say yes,
it's to work and it's to
wage the inward warfare
that gets me to the place
that he wants me to be,
doing what he wants me to do.
So as successful leaders
going forward and just like
the rest of you, you know,
and praising God and stuff
like that and really coming
to this space and place
because when we say yes,
he reminds me of what I'm saying yes to.
so that I can be sure I'm
saying yes for real.
Because I say yes to some things,
but some other things I'm like, well,
I'm not sure.
But in the midst of my saying yes,
he brings to mind what I'm saying yes to.
So that with intention and
with deliberate action,
I move in the direction of yes.
I move in the direction of yes.
So that becomes a challenge
for us as we go forward and
seek to give God what he wants from us.
I want to give him what I
want to give him.
I want to give him what I
want to give him.
But oftentimes he wants more
than what I want to give him.
And he said, will you say yes?
Will you do that?
Will you come?
Will you let go?
Will you trust me?
Will you submit?
Will you surrender?
All of that is part of me saying yes.
And not only would you do it,
but would you do it and not complain?
I don't know why he got me doing this.
He knew I won't.
Say yes.
And give it the best you got.
Give it the best you got.
Give it the best you got.
The thing that God sees and
knows about us is that
there is greater in me than
what is seen right now.
But to get to the greater,
there's gotta be some challenges.
So he stretches me in this
area of saying yes,
so that I'm pliable enough
to do what he really wants me to do.
Up the road.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
My goodness.
Okay, okay, okay.
My goodness.
Okay, okay.
And I'm really in my message already.
I'm not just talking up
because she just said this.
That just said this.
My goodness.
I'm over there saying, God,
don't let me mess up what
you just said up because this is like,
So in the book of Colossians
chapter three,
First three verses says,
if ye then be risen with Christ,
seek those things which are
above where Christ sitteth
on the right hand of God.
Set your affections on things above,
not on things on the earth.
For ye are dead and your
life is hid with Christ in God.
Gonna look at some rest of
that a little later on, but
In the midst of me preparing
this message and trying to get it,
and the topic of the message,
it's time to wage war.
It's time to wage war.
It's time to wage war.
And as I was thinking about this,
I've come to realize,
and a lot of you too will
realize the same thing after I say it.
There's some things that I have yet to do.
There's some accomplishments
that I have yet to finish.
There's some directions that
I have yet to walk in.
And sometimes my reason for saying it,
you know, or not doing it is say,
I'm just procrastinating.
It's just procrastination.
You know, I like putting off stuff.
I like, you know,
every now and then I get
caught up in something else
and I just don't get around to it.
the real reason that you haven't done
it yet is because you don't want to.
It ain't procrastination.
Because you could find the
time in the next five
minutes to get that done.
But when you look at it, you say,
I don't want to do that.
And you find something else to do.
And you say, it's just,
I'm just a procrastinator.
No, that ain't what it is.
It's because you don't want to do it.
You wish it would go away.
You wish it would change.
You wish somebody else would
come along and knock it out the place.
But there are some things
and some things in your life,
some places that God ain't
moving nothing until you do it.
He ain't going to change his mind.
He ain't going to turn it around.
It's every time you look at it,
it's going to be looking at
you in the face and say,
what you going to do about it?
What you going to do about it?
You see that it needs to be done.
You know it needs to be done.
It's waiting on you to do it.
And you say, when I got time.
You got time.
You just don't want to do it.
For whatever reason,
and you got a number of reasons,
but for whatever reason it is,
the reason that it has not
gotten done yet is because
you don't want to.
But you want to say,
I'm just a procrastinator.
No, no, no, that ain't it.
You may be slow in doing some things,
but that's intentional.
That ain't because you ain't
found time yet.
That's intentional.
That you're wishing and
waiting that it would go somewhere else.
That somebody else would
come along and get it done
so you don't have to.
But every time you look,
there it is waiting on you.
And I've got to get to the
place in my heart and in my
mind where as some would say,
grow up and do what you need to do.
Grow up and get used to it.
It ain't going nowhere.
That dirty room will stay a
dirty room until you do
something with it.
I don't care how many times
you close the door and hope
when you open it up,
it miraculously got straight.
When you open the door,
it's still going to be junky.
Until you do something about it.
It's going to be grow up and get it done.
It's got to be done.
Let me just put on my big boy pants,
my big boy drawers,
however you want to see it,
and get in here and get it done.
It ain't procrastination.
It's you don't want to.
And it's not that the thing
is necessarily real bad,
because some people will
look at it and say it ain't that bad.
But for you, this ain't what you do.
This ain't what you like.
I wish it would be something else.
And for you, it's a challenge.
So you keep closing the door.
You keep holding your nose
when you go in the room.
When you know what the problem is,
do something about it.
And it's not necessarily the
task of cleaning the room.
It's a task of making you
adjust to what you got to do.
It's a fight on the inside.
It's a fight within your own
self to do what you know need be done.
And as much as you can, you push into,
all right, this ain't a good time.
No, no, I got to do something.
it's all because you don't want to.
So it's time to grow up and
do what you know you need
to do so it can be done.
Grow up, grow up, grow up, grow up.
So you can face these things
and get them out of the way.
Move on to something else,
something better in your life.
Move on to something greater
that God wants and has for
you because you have taken
care of the things that
were to you were uncomfortable.
that you didn't necessarily
like and sometimes you know
we have learned that
there's been some things
that we for whatever reason
we didn't like or we didn't
want because somebody told
us this and somebody told
us that and this is going
to be like this and when we
looked at it we ain't never
had an experience with it
we've been we didn't caught
what they said and we start
feeling the same way until
somebody somehow makes you
do it or you do and you
find out it ain't even what they said
And although they may not like it,
it don't rub me like that.
I enjoy doing it.
But we push back something
on the inside and say, no,
you don't want to do that.
You ain't even tried it.
But then some of us know
within our makeup of who we are,
God made us like we are,
that there are some things
that just is not as comfortable to me.
And I wish I didn't have to deal with it.
There's a lot of us who
don't like facing conflict and you know,
I'm gonna do everything I can.
But then you can only go so
far and something's got to
be done if you're gonna get past this.
So the sooner you deal with it,
the sooner you get past it.
And some of us keep pushing off,
pushing off,
not because you're a procrastinator.
Cause you just don't wanna deal with that.
But I was reading something
or somebody said something to me,
I was watching something
and what they were saying
was that the power of real
leadership is on the other
side of tough decisions.
The power of real leadership
is on the other side of the
tough decision.
Some things,
some decisions you got to make,
some things you got to do,
and sometimes the strength
in your leadership only
happens after you make the decision.
Move in the direction of,
until that you are held up
by this thing that you
don't want to face or deal with.
So I have to get in here and
be able to work through
these spaces and places so
that I can grow and develop.
There's some people that you
know of and back in the day
who just got caught up in
everything and just kind of
did all kinds of crazy stuff.
But you see them some years
later and they're a
different person than what
you say about them.
They done grew up.
They faced some of the
things they needed to.
They changed in areas that they needed to.
And now they have matured
and they're a different person now.
Ain't nobody lay hands on
them and they went away.
We know God is a great lay a hand.
Lord, just lay hands on me.
Change me, Jesus.
No, no, you change you.
You change you.
You know what need be done.
You know what adjustments need be done.
You change you.
And watch him show his power
through what you do to lift
you and to move you forward.
but we want God to do it for us.
Let me just tell you,
he ain't gonna do it.
There's some things I've just got to face,
walk up to, move into, say yes to,
and see what God does in
response to my yes.
He wants to do greater.
He wants to do for me.
He wants to manifest in my life,
but I've got to wage a warfare
wouldn't mean that gets me
to the place of complying
and doing the will of God.
Time to wage war.
It's time to wage war.
In this book of Colossians,
the verses that I read says, you know,
Since we're risen with Christ,
we're to seek those things
which are above,
where Christ sits on the
right hand of God,
and set our affection on these things,
or move in that direction,
or set for our hearts and
our minds this goal that
whatever God wants of me is what I want.
How many of you told God, Lord,
whatever you want?
He said, okay.
I didn't mean that, Lord.
I didn't mean that.
No, no, no, no.
You said whatever.
You, out your own mouth,
you said whatever you want to.
So I set my affection on the
things that are above.
And I'm looking toward God
so I can accomplish.
And those things that he
wants for me becomes the
goals of my life.
And I'm pushing in that
direction and trying to get that done.
And that's my intent.
But I run into difficulty in
that there was a part of me that said,
I didn't say that.
We've talked about and we
started this series and
stuff like that talking about,
we start with the flesh and
how the flesh was corrupted
through sin and now it's
got a mind of its own.
It wanna do what it wanna do,
it wanna be with, you know,
when the kids say,
when I get my own place,
I ain't turning off no
light until they get their bill.
And now they turning off every light
You using that?
Unplug it.
All of that.
What happened?
You got to pay the bill now.
So our flesh wants some.
I ain't nobody.
And then we got to deal with this, this,
this, this, this,
this thing of what it is.
The flesh wants what it wants,
but they don't want to pay for nothing.
It want what it want,
but it don't want to pay for nothing.
It's just running footless and fancy free,
whatever it is, let's do it.
But with all of these things,
there are consequences that
I'm going to have to face
if I'm going to do it.
But I want to be able to do
it and not have a consequence.
It don't happen that way.
So when I start getting into
these spaces and places
where my flesh is running and doing this,
and when the light bulb finally turns on,
like, you got a light bill,
and it's in your name.
You're going to send this to your mom.
It ain't in her name.
It's in your name.
And you've got to handle this.
My mother used to buy all of
my clothes for us when we
started growing up and stuff like that.
She'd get all our stuff.
And in high school and stuff,
I got me a job.
And back in that day,
she had catalogs and all
that type of stuff.
And she would periodically
take us through the catalog.
You like this?
I'm going to get it for you.
You like this?
I'm going to get it for you.
And she'd go through it.
It would come.
She'd pay for it and stuff like that.
I got a job.
She took me through the catalog.
You like this?
You like this?
Okay, I'm going to order it.
It came and she handed me the bill.
She said, you working now.
You can buy your own stuff.
I said, I didn't like it that much.
I didn't like it that much.
As long as somebody else is
paying the bill.
And that's how our flesh runs.
It's looking for somebody
else to cover the cost.
But when the bill comes,
it's coming with your name.
And we've got to be able to
handle that so the flesh
seeks to run crazy and do
all the various things that
it wants to do and things of that nature.
But we got to be of the
mindset that we're not allowing
We've got some understanding about it.
So we talked about the flesh,
and then we talked about
the mind after that,
and then we talked about the spirit,
that this newness that we
have in Christ and the
power that the spirit gives us,
but we've got to feed the
right one for it to happen.
And it's all affecting our minds,
how we look at things and
how we size up situations
and circumstances.
All of this is affecting.
So our flesh is on this side
telling my mind, I want to do this,
and the spirit is on the
other side saying,
listen it's got consequences
don't do that and the mind
is in the middle I said
which way do I go so last
week we talked about how
you live in and it's
something we encourage you
to live in the space and
place of the spirit so that
you're not caught up and
bound by the things of this
flesh anymore but what
we've come to realize and
know as we've lived out
this life is that the flesh
don't just die the flesh
don't just lay over and say
that's it I wish it would
But our flesh is persistent,
wanting and striving and
reaching and grabbing for
this and for that.
And oftentimes what the flesh does,
it gets in the way of where
I'm trying to go and what
I'm trying to get to.
And as we have said yes to the Lord,
the flesh said, you said yes.
I didn't say yes.
So it's striving to keep its
own will intact,
its own desires up front
and foremost and all of this going on.
And I've got to realize this
so that I do what is
necessary to keep myself going forward.
In Galatians chapter five,
it says this in verse 16 says,
This I say then,
walk in the spirit and you
shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.
For the flesh lusts against
the spirit and the spirit
against the flesh.
And these are contrary one
to the other so that you
cannot do the things that you would.
So it's laying out right there.
There is a warfare being waged.
The flesh is saying, I want this.
And the spirit said,
this is the better way.
And you right in the middle,
which way you going to go?
So all times in this yes
that I say to God is that
as I begin to say yes to God, I begin to,
you know, I used to tell,
I used to tell the Lord all the time, say,
you set me up.
You got me in the service.
It was high.
Everything was going on.
People was praising the Lord.
I was feeling the goodness of your spirit.
I said, yes, Lord.
Yes, Lord.
You set me up.
You knew what you was doing.
And he looked back at me and said,
but you said yes.
I'm like, see, no, no,
you ain't playing fair.
You ain't playing fair.
You know.
But it's this thing of when
I say yes to him and I
yield to him and I allow him,
I find out that there is
this struggle that goes on me.
And it's this flesh that's saying, listen,
I'm still alive.
And what I want ain't
necessarily the yes to him.
I got things that I want to do.
I got spaces and places that
I want to become.
But God's yes to me, when I say yes to God,
God's plan for me is bigger and better.
In the song that Sister Belina said,
where he said,
there is more that I require of you.
Will you still say yes?
The reason that it's more or
the reason that it's a
struggle is that because
there are still parts of me
that God is still working
on to get me the way he wants me.
And if I don't wage the
warfare to get that thing under control,
I will be hindered in the
yes that I give him.
So I got to wage this warfare with me.
got to fight this fight on
the inside of me the spirit
is saying come on let's go
all the way with god and
the flesh is saying I don't
know that I want to go so
I've got to continue to
feed myself and get in the
space and place of god so
that I'm strengthening the spirit man
So that helps me to pull
myself in the direction of God.
And when I face a challenge
and a difficulty,
I stand up to the plate and
I work that thing through
because I want to say yes.
I wage the warfare in me.
I fight the fight of what's
going on in my life.
keep pushing in his direction.
So these opposing forces are
fighting and the one,
and then the thing about it,
as we read that verse in Galatians says,
so that, you know,
this warfare has gone on
and it's hindering you so
that you cannot do the
things that you would.
There's some stuff you want
to get accomplished.
There's some things you want to, you know,
There's some places you want to go,
but there's some other stuff in the way.
And because it's in the way
and you ain't ready to deal
with it right now.
You can't get done what you want to do.
God is this God who lays
things in our hearts and our minds.
Things that he wants to do.
He gives us pictures and
images in our sleep and in
other places where he shows us.
What we could be and how we
could be and what's ahead
for us if we say yes to him
and we get these glimpses
and it looks beautiful.
But the way to get there is
a route that I take that I
must fight forces that come against me.
And it's not always the
devil on the outside.
A lot of time it's the devil
on the inside.
that I struggle against,
but I've got to be willing to wage war.
So that I can get to the space and place.
In both of those places,
in Colossians and in Galatians,
it begins to list the
number of things of the
flesh and starts talking
about fornication and
Colossians tells you you're mortified.
It says kill these things in
your flesh and it lists a
whole number of different
things and you'll find that whole,
a lot of those in that book
of Galatians in the fifth
chapter also when it talks
about the deeds of the flesh are these.
So it's showing you right
now how the flesh wants to operate.
And if you let it go, really let it go,
it's going to be doing some stuff.
If you just do caution to
wind and do whatever came into your mind,
where would you be?
Where would you be?
Would you still be?
So the flesh is just wanting
to run and do whatever it wants to do,
and I've got to grab it in
its collar and say, no, no, no, not here.
You're not the boss of me.
But all times,
what the flesh is trying to do, you know,
first it talks about all of
these big things, and you know,
we ain't running out trying to, you know,
sleep with everybody,
because we didn't grow from that, right?
We done grew from that, right?
Dare I not go into some of
this other stuff and ask the question.
But some stuff we should
settle right off the bat.
This is against God and I
know this is against God.
So I'm not looking to go in
that direction.
That don't mean I may not
fall here and there,
but this is not my intent
to stay in this.
I'm getting up again because
this is not the space or
the place for me.
There is greater in me.
There is more ahead of me,
and this will only keep me
from my destiny and from my goal.
So some stuff, I just get out of the way.
It ain't even a question.
You know, I can't even, you know,
you catch me doing it,
I ain't even got no comeback.
It's obvious that that was
not where I was supposed to be.
Not the things I was supposed to be doing.
So somebody point catch me
or point that out to me.
I ain't got no comeback.
But those things I'm seeking to avoid.
So sometimes with a lot of us,
we don't have as
necessarily the heart of
struggle in those things.
But the thing about in Colossians,
it listed off a number of
things to mortify and that
and then and then it got
down in a verse that says,
but now you also put off these things.
I thought I got rid of the
stuff that I needed to get rid of.
I thought I got the tin covered.
I got the tin covered.
But then Colossians says,
but now put ye off these things.
It says anger and malice,
I mean wrath and malice and
blasphemy and filthy communication.
Ooh, Jesus.
Lie not one to another,
seeing that ye have put off
the old man and his deeds.
There are some things that
are not necessarily the big ten,
but for your, and you, grow up.
You can't tell everybody off
every time they get on your nerves.
Grow up,
wage the war against that so that
that is no longer the
pattern of your life.
You got so angry, when you get angry,
you can walk through your
house and tell you was angry.
Stuff thrown all over there
with a hole in the wall over there.
Grow up.
Grow up.
There are some things that
as I'm saying yes to God
that he is pointing out in
my life that I need to
handle and deal with
because it is hindering me
from becoming and doing all
that he has for me.
And I've got to wage the war against that.
So that that is no longer pulling me down.
Hindering me from where I need to go.
Lord Jesus okay so I've got
to fight this fight and I
gotta stay on top of it so
that I can achieve and
become you go and you get
hired at a job and their
policy is you know we start
at a certain time of day
and we start at that time I
need you here and in your
chair at that time well you
ain't one who normally gets
up and gets out like that
that's a struggle for you
but but in the last couple
of years you've been doing better
You've been doing better.
It still needs some work,
but you've been doing better.
But you get on this job and
their policy is I need you here.
And after a couple of weeks,
you start falling into your behavior.
And they call you into the
office and they say, listen,
our policy is such and such.
And you've been missing the mark.
We need you to do better.
You can't look to them and say, well,
I used to not be on time for nothing.
At least I've been on time.
Wage the war.
And get yourself to the
place that you need to be to occupy.
So I've got to see the
things that are hindering me
And deal with it.
So that ain't hindering me no more.
And I'm walking in what God has for me.
Notice about God.
God will not call you to a
place that the ability in
you to get there is not there.
He's not going to ask you
for nothing that he ain't
already put in you.
The issue is that there was
a part of me that don't
want to get with the program.
Just don't want to, just, Jesus.
I hit it for a while and I'm feeling good,
but I get, I don't need to do that today.
I done done three weeks.
All right, all right.
So this fight
Not necessarily external enemy.
It's an internal enemy.
Why is it so important that
I handle the internal enemy?
The reason being is that
when the internal enemy has been defeated,
then I have been equipped
to handle whatever external
enemy comes my way.
The enemy's power is that he
knows that in you
internally there is a part
of your flesh that wants to
do it and that's why he taps on that one.
And we give in to that one
because that's in us that
what we want to do it so he taps on them.
But when I've conquered that
internal enemy he can tap all day.
I've won that warfare.
I've waged that battle.
Jesus has given me victory there.
So he loses again.
But the thing that keeps him
keep winning is that
internal thing is still, yeah.
So this warfare,
this waging that I'm doing is,
This waging that I'm doing
is allowing God to let me
see me so that I can see
what he's trying to work on in me.
Jesus, don't keep bothering me.
Okay, okay.
I found out this about me.
That I have to keep grabbing
me in this area.
Because if I don't watch it,
I can be very judgmental.
Y'all don't know that, do you?
I know you don't,
because I keep working on that.
I can, I can, I can...
That can really take me
somewhere if I don't catch it.
But I know it's a struggle.
I know it's a fight, so I stay on guard.
But in traffic, it seemed to have its way.
Where you get your life?
What bubble gum machine gave
you consent to drive?
Because you don't know what you're doing.
I wanna pull up next to you and really.
But I found that when I do
something like that,
I've got justification in
my head as to why I did what I did.
And it's cool because I got.
So he makes me see that
about me so that when I,
and then he keep putting me
in the traffic.
And he's saying to me,
we gonna get this right.
Because you keep failing tests.
You, you, you keep failing tests.
But it's not just to weed
that out of you for traffic.
There's some places I want to take you.
And if you got this in you,
you're going to blow it.
So I need you to fight this fight with me.
I need you to wage this war
with me so you got control over this.
And it does not control you.
Yours may not be traffic, but you got one.
You may not be judgmental,
but you got something else going on.
And God will cause you to
keep facing it until you wage the war.
When you open up the door of that room,
it's still nasty and musty and dirty.
Closing the door don't fix it.
You gotta go in here and do
something about this.
You got to do something about this.
So when I'm saying yes to God,
God is saying, you saying yes for real?
Can we go to the room now?
I need to fix this.
So that when you go to where
I'm trying to get you to,
there is no hindrance.
I know how to adjust.
I know what to do.
I know how to maneuver so
that I stay in a space and
place of victory.
I don't let the old me raise its head,
but I keep it in control.
that ninth and tenth verse says,
lie not unto another sin
that ye have put off the
old man and his deeds.
And 10 says,
and have put on the new man
which is renewed in the
knowledge after the image
of him that created him in
other words put off that
old stuff and put on christ
so that now you're
exemplifying who he is and
what he looks like and what
it means to follow jesus
what that looks like
Because you're waging the warfare.
You're fighting the battles
that need be done.
You're doing the stuff that need be done.
So that you become and
exemplify his image.
And jumping over to Colossians.
I mean, not Colossians, Galatians.
Back in chapter five,
verses 20 through 22 through 24.
It says,
but the fruit of the spirit is love, joy,
long suffering, gentleness, goodness,
Faith, meekness, temperance,
against such there is no law.
How many of you got checked off?
Keep moving.
And they that are Christ
have crucified the flesh
with the affections and lusts.
Did y'all pass the test?
Y'all get a hundred?
Y'all check?
And these are the things
that are listed are really
battles on the inside.
Warfare weighs on the inside.
But God is saying,
I'm trying to perfect these
in you so that where I take you,
you'll be able to maintain.
and operate fully,
but I've got to be in there
realizing as I'm facing the
obstacles and the difficulties,
it's time for war.
It's time to wage war.
And I've got to say to myself,
no longer will I allow this
to hinder me from getting
to where he wants me.
And am I going to win it on
the first battle?
Probably not.
But you know what?
I'm going to rise again.
Cause we gonna get this done
because the power is not all in me,
but it's the power is with him in me.
That makes me more than a conqueror.
That makes me able to achieve.
So I'm growing.
So I'm trying to build,
so I'm trying to become,
dealing with the obstacles.
And as I'm opening the room,
the door to that room,
and I'm seeing the junk that's in there,
he says,
will your heart and soul say yes?
Just say yes.
Everything is saying no.
Oh No,
that's why come on come on we gotta
wait this warfare There is
more that I require For
your good is for your
benefit that you might grow
and become and do all that
I've assigned for you
of the things about maturity
and we're closer with this
is that god looks at us and
see how we're maturing and
based on our maturity uh is
the uh that to that level
is the level to which he
releases to us based on me
being able to confront the
difficult areas in my life
and work through them it
determines how he's able to release to me
the various things that he has for me.
It's your father's good
pleasure to give you the kingdom,
but some of y'all, please.
As I mature, as I grow,
as I face those challenges
and those difficulties and
realize that it's time to
wage war so that he can
release to me the greatest
stuff that he wants to.
It's all a part of my yes.
It's all a part of my yes.
Y'all still say yes?
Y'all still saying yes?
Still saying yes?
Then it's time to wage war.
It's time to fight the fight,
combat the enemy, face the challenge,
and push in.
Don't close the door.
Go in.
Let's get it done.
Let's get it done.
He wouldn't show it to you
if he couldn't help you overcome it.
wouldn't bring it your way
if he couldn't supply you
with the power to have
victory he wouldn't bring
it up if you were not ready
to deal with it say yes say
yes say yes and move
forward father we just
bless you and we thank you we glorify
We magnify your name for
what you have planned for our lives,
for what you look to do as
we surrender and submit to you,
for what you're bringing to
pass as we say yes.
As the challenges come,
as you point out those
areas where you need for us to engage in,
we say yes.
the struggles on our lives, the places,
the things that would
hinder us from fully
performing your desire for us.
We submit to you and we say yes.
Work in me so that that that
you desire will be what I give,
what I submit, what I surrender.
I'm your vessel.
Made in your image.
You've allowed your spirit
to come down on the inside of me.
It's a spirit of victory.
So help me to do the things
that you would lead me to
do and not yield to the
pulling of this flesh.
So that as I overcome internally,
I'll overcome externally.
Your desire and plan will be
what I show forward.
Do it for us all today.
Give us the courage to say yes.
Give us the courage to say yes.
Give us the courage to say yes.
Not complaining.
And giving our all to
accomplish what you desire.
This is what we ask in Jesus' name.
Praise God.
Praise God.
Thank you all for listening
to my sermon to me.
Y'all heard something.
I wasn't talking to you.
I was talking to me.
I was talking to me.
But we want to go forward in
the things of God and do
what he would have us to be.
If you, and Facebook land, thank you.
I didn't address you earlier.
I'm so sorry.
Thank you for joining us today.
We pray that you have
received a blessing and benefit.
If you don't know Jesus as your Savior,
even in the house,
if you have not given yourself to him,
then this is a good time to
submit to him and say yes.
If you looked over your life
and it's not what you would
have it to be and you know
there's something better and greater,
that God has a greater purpose for you,
it starts with receiving
Jesus as your Savior.
So if you have not received him, yes,
then just say the simple prayer with me.
And even in the congregation,
sometimes we drift away from,
we walk away from, we,
for whatever reason,
we get fed up and we take another path,
but we wake up prodigal.
And we say, it's better in my daddy house.
We can come back, we can come back.
Just say this prayer, Lord Jesus,
today I open my heart to
you and I invite you in.
I know that God has a plan
and a purpose for my life,
and I want to fulfill it.
So today, come in me, live in me,
so that I can be what the Father wants.
Wipe away the sins of my past,
and let not guilt reign in my mind,
for today you set me free.
And in this freedom, I will serve you.
In Jesus' name, amen.
Amen, amen, amen.
We praise God and we thank
God for all of you who have
joined us via Facebook and
for all that the Lord is doing.
Let God have his way.
Wage the war.
Experience the victory.
In Jesus' name, God bless you.
We will catch you on the next time.
All right, come on,
let's praise God one more
time for the word of God,
for the word of God.
We'll be preparing our
hearts for communion.