The Recruitment People Podcast

In this episode of the Recruitment People podcast, host Kelly Charity explores the concept of unbundling recruitment services. Discover how employers can save costs by opting for specific recruitment tasks instead of a full-service package. Kelly shares insights on the benefits of this approach, detailing various unbundled services like shortlisting, telephone interviews, and reference checks. Tune in to learn how tailored recruitment solutions can help businesses hire effectively without breaking the bank. 

What is The Recruitment People Podcast?

The Recruitment People Podcast is a groundbreaking series that delves deep into the heart of the recruitment industry, offering a wealth of insights for both employers and candidates alike. The podcast is a definitive guide through the world of recruitment, where industry experts and visionaries share their knowledge and experiences. In each episode, listeners will uncover the journey and principles behind The Recruitment People agency, led by the trailblazer Kelly Charity. From Kelly's inspiring recruitment journey to the challenges and successes in the industry, this podcast provides a platform for candid conversations, client-centric approaches, and a laser focus on matching candidates with the right opportunities. Join us on this enlightening journey to discover the keys to successful recruitment and how the right partnerships can transform businesses and careers. Subscribe now for a dose of recruitment wisdom and stay tuned for future episodes filled with valuable insights and stories from the forefront of the recruitment world.

  Welcome to the Recruitment People podcast. The place where employers and candidates unite to uncover the art of successful recruitment. Hi, I'm Kelly Charity, a recruiter and agency owner with over two decades of recruitment experience. In this podcast series, I'm going to dive deep into the heart of hiring and job seeking, sharing actionable insights.

And of course, a little bit of fun along the way, whether you're looking to sharpen your hiring practices or navigate your career path, we've got you covered. So let's get started and unlock the secrets to recruitment success together.

Hello, and welcome to another episode of the Recruitment People podcast.

Today, we're unraveling a less commonly known aspect of recruitment, the option to unbundle a job. full recruitment services into specific targeted tasks. Now, this approach allows employers to utilize certain parts of the recruitment process that they specifically need help with rather than opting and paying for a full service.

Here to talk us through how this works and the benefits it can offer is our recruitment expert and owner of the recruitment people, Kelly Charity. Kelly, welcome.


Fantastic. Now this, this is something, is this relatively new, being able to pick apart the recruitment service and just use a specific part?

It's new to us, to a degree. We've started doing it over the last um, sort of 18 months or so. Mm hmm. But I think some recruiters do offer a lot more. An unbundled service. I have heard of it before. I think, you know, the standard package is always the full recruitment process.

Sure. Which is something I think most people sort of understand and know and that you, you look after everything.

So talk me through unbundled services. Talk, what, what are they and how do they work?

Okay. So we, we recognized, um, in the market that some companies, um, just don't have the budget to spend on a full recruitment process. So What that allowed us to do was sort of break down the full recruitment process into certain elements where they could then pick out certain things.

So what we can offer is kind of whatever they want is a tailored approach to the recruitment. So they might say I've run an advert. I'm completely overwhelmed with the response. I don't have time. To go through the response so they would then allow us access to go through with the entire response of applicants.

We may just shortlist the resumes. That's it. Right. That's it. Yep. Just do that job for them or they might say, can you do a telephone interview with the candidates? So we would then shortlist and do telephone interviews and then shortlist further and give them the shortlist of people that meet the brief.

Or they may say, actually, I want you to just do the reference checks. Right. Or I just want you to come and sit alongside me. in the interview because I've got five candidates I'm going to interview, but I'm not really sure what's the best way to interview. So if I get your expertise sat alongside me, we can make the decision together.

So they're only paying for that part of it. Element. Yeah.

And they can pick and choose what they, what they really specifically need help with.


Okay. And look, I think we've, we've talked about this briefly in another episode, but I think what I love about this service and the fact that, that employers can do this, you know, apart from the cost saving is that you can teach them that, that element.

Absolutely. Part of our consultancy service is that we then, for example, when you sit alongside a client in an interview, you're going to talk to them, or we talk to them about what should that interview look like? What sort of questions are you going to ask? And we would give them the questions. So next time they're recruiting for that job, they don't need to use this at all because now they know, you know, what to do.

in an interview and what questions to ask for that particular job.

Sure. Okay. Well, look, let's, let's look at the full service from end to end that you, you do offer and let's break up. Let's talk through each element that a, that an employer could, you know, hand pick out and get you to, to help with. So I guess it starts with, um, Maybe even writing the job description in the brief.

Absolutely. Absolutely. It starts at the beginning. So talking to them, maybe doing an audit of where are they at in their recruitment process, where are they failing or where did they need assistance with, are they time poor or is it about the budget? You know, it's about having that tailored approach dependent on the business and what they're looking for.

So then we break it down and say, okay, well, you know, you're, you're getting the candidates right in terms of the candidates you're interviewing, but You're not interviewing well because then when you hire, they're not the right candidates. So it's about going through that process and understanding. So we would write the job description for them if they needed that, that might be all they need.

Um, we would then write interview questions for them based on that job description. We could present them with the interview questions. They go and do it themselves. Or we can help with that too. Yep. Because they, you know, we're the experts. Why not learn from the experts, you know?

And there's the telephone screening in there as well.

Screening is

in there and we can advertise on, on the client's behalf and do the shortlisting of resumes and the telephone interviews and then just give them the shortlist. They don't have to run the advert themselves. All right. Or they can, I mean, one, one example of of a time that we've done this is with a client that didn't wanna use the full recruitment service.

Mm-Hmm. . But they had, they'd started to run an advert themselves. They didn't have the time to see it through. They then flick it to us to go through it and said, look, just give me a short list of people you've spoken with that meet the brief. I'll then go to interview with them, and that's what they did.

And then they. You know, they went to offer and we just did that snippet of work, um, on their behalf, which was cost effective for them, but also time efficient because they were outsourcing the part that they just didn't really want to do or didn't have the time to do. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Look, this is

a fantastic service to be, to be able to offer.

Do you, are you finding that when you're having clients come to you that You know, you've marketed to a client to work with and people generally think of the full service and then they say, oh, and seeing that this is available or do clients know that this is available and come to you specifically for that?

Like, you literally that you get the phone call and, you know. They say, we just want you to reference check.

No, existing clients would use us for the unbundled. Um, but lots of clients or companies out there don't realize that it's a service that we offer. So, you know, existing clients have come to me, you know, a client I've used, who's used me for a long time.

He was opening up, um, two different Business units in addition to his, his current business. And so he had gone to the market and he'd talk to people he knew, he knew, and he had candidates. He knew of business owners that he could kind of go into partnership with. And so he really needed me to just sit alongside him to find out who was going to be the best fit.

So he just called me and he said, you know, I know you do Unbundled. Can you come and sit with me in the interviews? And then we can have a debrief after the sessions. to establish which of the candidates is, is the best candidate. So I kind of wrote out the questions that I knew would be suitable. He had certain questions he wanted to ask, but we kind of tweaked those as well, um, to make sure that, you know, the questions were really, um, suitable for the role and trying to draw out the candidates, what we, what we wanted to know to fit the business.

Um, and it worked very, very well. And he hired two people, but he only used me to sit alongside him as the expertise in the interview. I

absolutely love this because like you said, uh, I think, you know, a lot of businesses potentially are scared away by the cost of a, of a full service and probably believe they've got You know, the skills and abilities to do a lot of the recruitment process, but really getting some expert help on just one or two pieces, especially the interview.

Crucial element.

Yeah. I think there's, I mean, this just sort of blows me away. And in thinking there's just, Such a, probably such a big untapped market of employers who would want to, who would consider using an unbundled service and picking what they want over, uh, uh, a full, you know, service with a, with a full fee.

Absolutely. I speak to many small businesses about their, their struggle with recruitment and you know, small businesses, it is a cost effective model for them, but also that a lot of businesses and, and in general as humans, as humans. We, we go by gut instinct. So the interview becomes a conversation and it's not structured in a lot of cases with, you know, with small business owners, for example, they just go gut instinct.

I've had really good chat with them. I feel like they'd be really good for the business, but that's with. The downfall starts because if it's not a structured interview, your conversation with one person is different to another person. So you can't make that comparison as to who's going to be the best fit.

Gut instinct does always play a part, but you can't only go on gut instinct in an open conversation. Um, I remember working for a recruitment company as a, um, as the branch manager and going into the environment where the consultants were working and sort of coaching them on interview, um, And the opening questions were In the interview was to tell the candidate all about the job.

So, for example, the job is, um, X, Y, and Z. You need to be available 24 7 and you need to be able to work, you know, evenings, days on call pretty much because it was a casual role.


Does that suit you? The candidate goes, yeah.


I'm like, pretty much got the job then. Yeah. And I'm like, you can't, you have to turn every, every part of the job into a question, not describe the job.

So let's say, does that fit you?

Yeah. Do you agree with

that? 24 seven, you know? So it's, it's about asking a question, not, you know, if the, if the candidate says, yeah, yeah, I can do that. Yeah. I've done that. Yeah. I've done that. Okay. Well you've got the job then. No, they're done. They just want the job. So you need to dig a little deeper than saying this is the job.

Do you want it? Can you do it? Yeah, I can do it. Great. Come on. You've got the job. Yeah. You know, I get on with you well. So, um, so yeah, it's, it's interesting.

Oh wow. Tell me, um, what, what so far that you've been offering these unbundled service, what has been the most, I was going to use the word popular, but not popular, but what, what has been the most utilized through, um, the recruitment people?

What are you finding employers, which part of the process are they? Mostly wanting to, to, to pick out and use as an unbundled service.

There isn't a top one, to be honest, no, it just depends on the business where they're at. Yeah, it does. Um, like I said, we've done a lot of the sitting alongside and doing the interview with the company, but also we've done the shortlisting.

So we've done the advertising, we've gone through the resumes, shortlisted the resumes. Then we've made that telephone call because there's a lot of. That's the crucial point is picking out the resumes of the people to call. And then the company, you know, sort of the employee doesn't have time to call everyone and screen, you know, all of those people out where we screen people that perhaps on paper, you're like, maybe.

That doesn't mean they're not good for the job because the resume isn't strong. It just means they're not good at writing a resume. So, you know, picking out those skills and then shortlisting for them, giving the client, the people tick the boxes on PayPal. They also tick the boxes when we speak to them in terms of the basics of the role, you know, um, salary hours, they've got the skills.

And then you have the, you know, the final interview with them as, as the employer.


And so it just, yeah, it just depends on the company, to be honest with you.

Sure. It, it's brought up a question that probably doesn't quite fit into an unbundled service, but do you offer, and maybe we do another episode on this, but do you offer a headhunting service?

I was just thinking about this. Is this, is that even a term anymore? Yes. Is that the right term? Yes. So.

It is. Um, a client came to me with unbundled services and said, we have a list of people we want you to go after, um, as a headhunting service. Yep. I mean, we headhunt. All jobs, you know, we, we advertise, we go looking for people.

So we do that anyway. But this particular client said, here's a list of names. I don't want to approach these people. I want you to approach them confidentially. And so that was a service that we did. There's no guarantee that we're going to bring These people to you and you're going to be able to offer them the job.

Um, so we had a set process. We agreed at what point will that confidentiality be released as to who it is we're recruiting for. So we had that whole conversation with the client and then we went to the, you know, the candidates and started to do that process. And yeah, it was, it was really

interesting. I would like to do a full episode and breaking that down on, on what we're Yeah, how you do, how you do it because, um, there would be a real art to it and doing and yeah, when you release the information, how really piques my interest.

I think we will definitely have a, have a look at that in a bit more detail.

Good piece of work.

Yeah, but that not doesn't happen too regularly. Then you haven't had too many. Um, request to do that.

No, not too many. I mean, we, like I said, we headhunt all of the time, but this was a specific list of people that they wanted us to go after that they knew of in their own industry that was strong, that they would like to have them work for their company.

Sure. So, um, it was a good piece of work. I enjoyed that one. So.

Tell me, are there any challenges for you as a, as a professional recruiter in only doing a certain part of the service? So, you know, let's just say it, it is reference checking, for example, coming in when you haven't, I've been part of the recruitment process and maybe, maybe reference checking isn't the best example here, but are there challenges in only doing a certain piece, uh, rather than the whole thing?

Yes, there are challenges in that, um, because we, we're only responsible for that small part of that recruitment process. So, you know, we can do the telephone screening, we can advertise, we can shortlist the resumes, then we do telephone interview only, um, and then we present those candidates to the client who then takes over from there.

Now, if the client is not particularly strong at interviewing and goes on gut instinct, doesn't do reference checks themselves, there is a danger that it's going to fall down, that the process isn't going to work. So we have that conversation because You know, there's an element of still a high expectation in terms of the recruitment, even though we're only doing part of the process, but because we've been involved as a specialist recruiter, because they've got a great shortlist that now one of those candidates is going to be onboarded and they're going to work out and everything's going to be fine.

Well, sometimes that doesn't happen because people are people that, you know, they, they, do a good interview perhaps and get on board and they're not who you think they are. So for us, my preference is always to take the full recruitment process because we are specialists in recruitment. And you can manage and

have quality over the whole, every piece of the the process.

Yeah. And you've got that replacement guarantee. Whereas when you unbundle the services, you're paying us to do this piece of work. So whether you end up with a candidate that works out at the end or not, you're just paying us for our time to do that section. So, um, that's the challenge with unbundled services, but it works for, it works for companies, you know, if the, if we can tailor make which section is going to really be crucial for them, where are they going to fall down in the process.

Yep. Then it can really be beneficial and cost effective for a client.


or for an employer.

Look, I think it's absolutely, absolutely wonderful. So the message for employers out there, you know, who are hearing this is, you know, do the bits you're good at, but utilize Kelly and her team for the bits that you want help with.

And that can be, You know, one little piece or, or three quarters of it, but, um, put, put it together. And, um, you're going to come up with a, you know, probably a far better result than you could do on your own. So absolutely love the flexibility that this approach offers and, you know, the cost savings as well.

So look, whether you're, you're looking to streamline certain recruitment tasks or you're. You just need assistance in a few areas. Unbundled services can provide that customized solution that could make all the difference in finding that, that perfect person. So, look, thanks again for joining us today, Kelly.

And, um, thank you listeners for tuning into the Recruitment People podcast. Be sure to subscribe to the podcast on your favorite platform to catch all of our future episodes as we continue to break down the complexities of recruitment and provide you with Actionable advice would love for you to give us a review of a five star review.

It helps us get up in the rankings and be shown to other, other job seekers and employers. So, uh, and please do leave a comment. Anything we look at these, we, uh, we want to know what you think. So, uh, please. And, uh, of course, obviously your, uh, website, Kelly,

www. therecruitmentpeople. com. au.

Thank you very much.

And we look forward to joining us for the next episode.

Thank you.