Torah Daily: Daily Doses of Divine Guidance on the Parsha

What is Torah Daily: Daily Doses of Divine Guidance on the Parsha ?

Welcome to Torah Daily, your daily source for uplifting and insightful Torah teachings. Dive into timeless wisdom, explore the weekly Parsha, and discover practical lessons for modern living. Whether you're a seasoned scholar or new to Torah study, our episodes offer a meaningful journey through the sacred texts. Subscribe now and enrich your day, one Torah lesson at a time.

Welcome. Today’s Torah portion, the fifth portion of Shlach, chapter 15, verse 8. After the tragic story of the spies, we see an optimistic approach. Even when things are tough, we look forward to a better time. God tells Moshe about the offerings the Israelites will bring when they come to Israel. Verse 8 focuses on the meal offering, which includes fine flour and olive oil. It’s standard fare. Verse 10 clarifies that the wine libation is not a fire offering. It’s poured on the altar. Verse 12 emphasizes following instructions regarding the number of offerings. Verse 13 states that these offerings are required for all Jews. What about converts? Verse 15 makes it clear: the law is the same for born Jews and converts. Verse 16 reiterates this point. It’s interesting that we discuss sacrifices, a practice foreign to us. Maimonides, in Guide for the Perplexed, explains sacrifices as part of the culture of that time. However, in Mishneh Torah, he describes sacrifices as a way to connect with God that transcends logic. It’s a law without reason. When the Temple is rebuilt, sacrifices will resume. This eternal statute connects Jews to God. This podcast was produced and sponsored by Daniel Aharonoff.