Inter-Dev Digital Marketing Podcast

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In this episode, we delve deep into the transformative world of B2B Marketing Strategies in the new era of ChatGPT. As ChatGPT is set to generate a staggering $200 million in income, we explore how's ambitious research has addressed the challenges of AI-based conversations, which once lacked personalization and versatility. With ChatGPT amassing one million users in just five days post its launch, its influence is undeniable. We discuss how, unlike its predecessors, ChatGPT's vast knowledge base offers a more enriched conversational experience.

But what does this mean for marketers? Instead of seeing ChatGPT as a competition, we discuss the benefits of embracing it as a supplementary tool. From first-draft writing to API-based deployments, ChatGPT's applications in marketing are vast and varied. Its primary goal? To streamline tasks and empower marketers to focus on more creative, human-centric tasks.

We also touch upon the importance of data visibility in the ChatGPT era and how generative AI is reshaping content marketing. With the economy's downturn, the emphasis on data-driven marketing has never been more critical. As manual tasks become automated, we explore how ChatGPT can reduce friction in data reporting, making the B2B customer journey more efficient.

Lastly, we dive into the future of search with ChatGPT. With tech giants like Microsoft, Baidu, and Google accelerating their AI innovations, the landscape of search is evolving. We discuss how ChatGPT can aid in creating SEO-friendly content and the rise of conversational search.

Join us as we navigate the exciting world of ChatGPT and its profound impact on B2B marketing strategies. Whether you're a marketer, SEO expert, or just curious about the future of AI in marketing, this episode promises valuable insights and discussions. Don't miss out on this opportunity to stand out in the digital landscape. Take your business to the next level with Inter Dev's b2b digital marketing services. Contact us at Inter-Dev, today.

What is Inter-Dev Digital Marketing Podcast?

The podcast is proudly brought to you by Inter-Dev, an international B2B digital marketing agency dedicated to helping businesses navigate the digital landscape. We'll bring you insightful discussions, expert advice, and the latest trends in the industry.

B2B Marketing Strategies in the new era of ChatGPT

ChatGPT is anticipated to generate $200 million in income by implementing the ambitious research lab — which trained the chatbot — meant to surmount the earlier challenges faced with AI-based conversations. The original version of such conversations was often faced with grievances like an absence of personalization, inappropriate responses, and limited question options, causing more than four-fifths of users to abandon it.

ChatGPT is currently a family of large language models that are tuned with both reinforcement learning and supervised learning methods. Several practitioners are leveraging ChatGPT to enhance existing chat strategies to close those gaps: the conversational AI reached one million users just five days after its launch on Nov. 30, 2022. Comparatively, Facebook acquired the same milestone in 10 months.

Unlike previous chatbots, whose scope of knowledge was narrow, large language models like ChatGPT were trained on vast information stores, both curated and scraped from the Internet.

We know ChatGPT and its pros and cons, depending on feedback. Its influence is pervading in almost every industry, from creating writing pieces to crafting jokes.

Instead of viewing ChatGPT as a rival to existing practices, marketers are advised to adapt it as a supplement. Taking into account its potential influence, marketers need to familiarize themselves with the technology slowly and carefully by defining precise methods.

ChatGPT and its ilk have a wide range of marketing applications, from first-draft writing assignments to API-based deployments for personalized conversational applications to fully customized models that unleash an organization’s latent knowledge for all stakeholders.

Rather than replace human roles, ChatGPT aims to streamline tasks, allowing them to focus on more creative tasks that require a human touch.

Data visibility is the impact of ChatGPT technology, not just instant content creation.

Most of the early business conversations around generative AI have focused on content marketing, since that’s the obvious application. However, with a downturn in the economy, it is more important than ever to become a data-driven marketer and maximize every dollar spent on the increasingly complex B2B customer journey.

Although there will always be room for jobs created by humans, the ones that rely on manual tasks, will turn automated. Marketers will be able to specify the type of reports and data they would like to create from the different tools CRM, and advertising/marketing platforms – and the information will be presented automatically, reducing the friction which s required today for receiving this type of information.

While ChatGPT might seem confusing and scary when taken at face value, it will ultimately complement marketing activities by streamlining inefficient, time-consuming processes. ChatGPT, like all the other pieces of technology, seeks to enhance marketers’ abilities, not rob them of them.

ChatGPT: What does it mean for search?

All search engines are expected to accelerate their AI innovation.

The job of a search engine is to make relevant, accurate content accessible. In recent history, search has grown with every technological change. This has happened with mobile, local, video, voice, and short-term formats.

According to Forbes, Microsoft will integrate OpenAI’s ChatGPT into Bing search in the coming months, while Baidu will release a chatbot in March.

Google also has a chatbot called LaMDA, and plans to launch over 20 new AI products and showcase a chatbot-enabled version of its search engine shortly.

With ChatGPT, small sites can create SEO-friendly content much faster. It will add an extra level of scaled automation for more significant sites if utilized correctly. Although it can help with writing and suggesting meta descriptions and titles, keyword research, heading suggestions, article creativity, and writing copy – be aware of its limitations.

With ChatGPT, marketers can now see the value of conversational search

Marketers and SEOs should understand and utilize the trend of people searching more conversationally, as it provides the mechanism for the massive adoption of conversational search.

This shift in employee focus has made data visibility and data literacy even more crucial for the future of marketers themselves. By eliminating friction from reporting, marketers can focus on building personalized digital experiences, implementing campaigns, executing creative, and building customer relationships.