Welcome Home with Monique

If you're considering moving or buying your next property in Pahrump, this is the sign you're looking for. 🏘️🎯

Dive into the ultimate guide to discovering your dream home in Pahrump! From insider tips to must-know insights, this video covers everything you need to make an informed decision about living in Pahrump.

Whether you're a first-time buyer or considering a relocation, let me and my guest, Hard-Bey, one of the best Pahrump Builders, be your source of knowledge! 💡

What is Welcome Home with Monique?

Monique Buchanan, your real estate specialist, talks all things real estate. On this show she covers the processes of buying and selling a home. Welcome Home with Monique informs you on best practices to navigate the housing market so that you can start building your wealth through home equity.

Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is a k u and v studios original program.

Unknown Speaker 0:03
The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education. You see me?

Unknown Speaker 0:27
Good morning. This is Monique Buchanan, the host of the welcome home with Monique show. And on this show, I talk all things real estate. Listen, I want to thank you for tuning in. Well, good morning. Las Vegas is the host of the welcome home with Monique show. This is Monique Buchanan, your local Las Vegas Real tour. Listen, I have another great show for you today. You guys hear me all the time telling you guys listen, Pahrump is you know, that's going to be our next suburb, you better you know, go ahead and start looking towards Pahrump. They're widening the streets we all know Hey, when they start widening that highway, the money is heading out that way. Right? So that is going to be our next suburb, right? So I've already told you guys I've got plenty of clients that are out there looking Vegas is small, in there's not a whole lot of places to build out here. So therefore, the prices of the homes have shot way up, right, but you can still get for under $400,000 Right there down the street. 45 minutes away and per run. So today I have a very, very special guest on he is not only one of the builders that we have here in the city, but also in pro rock. And he's a he's the only black builder as well. Right there in Pahrump His name is Mr. Hardy, or aka Hardy Bay. How are you Hardy?

Unknown Speaker 1:46
I'm doing great. I'm doing great. Thank you for having me. Well, I

Unknown Speaker 1:49
am so happy to have you I got the you know the chance to meet your beautiful wife and I you know your your guys's story just, it just taken me back. You know what I mean? I just love that you guys work well together. And I just want to have you come on the show. And talk a little bit about what it is that you do. What do you provide? How did you get into building?

Unknown Speaker 2:06
Yeah, once again, thank you for having me. And beautiful, beautiful day to all the people out there in the world. And, you know, it's an interesting story. You know, it's it's a gift and a curse on all how it happened. You know, we ended up in for Rob, one of my good friends passed away, you know, shout out to V max Burnham Maxwell, you know, he was the low rider King, when it comes to you know, classic cars. So a lot of guys known in the industry, he was a mentor to me, you know, coming up, you know, out of Los Angeles, in the cars. And so I used to come out here, five years in a row, I also own a company in China. Animation, consumer products, where we do shout out to mind styles. And, and so we did our company retreat yet here every year for five years in a row. And I used to always go up to Iran. And I used to go see Max, you know, as my guy

Unknown Speaker 3:00
also Max lived in, per se even five years ago. So he was ahead of time ahead of

Unknown Speaker 3:04
the game. Yeah, he was ahead of the game, he was ahead of the game, the game. And so you know, went up to prompt you to always go visiting. And so Max was getting tired of the low rider industry. So he's like, you know, I want to get ready to retire from the low ride industry. And you know, he was showing me about all these properties he's buying in Iran. And the light bulb didn't turn on at that point, you know, as I'm going up there visiting him. And it's like, man, what are you doing up here? And it just looked like he took me to like 25 properties. And so not houses property. So yeah, for plexes yet eight Plex is all this going on, right? So I'm calculating to right? Because what he's getting per door, and he was at probably about 25,000 a month or so. And I was like, okay, yeah, you can retire on that free and clear. And so I really did not see the vision at that point. Until he passed. And that's why I say it's a gift and a curse. Because when he passed away, you know, I went to pay homage to the family. And when I went up there, you know, his wife told me that he was building a four Plex. And they call it the monster, right? Because he was using his own cache. And it was still a skeleton, you know, straight bones. When I went, I went up there and saw it. And so I came in and said, Hey, listen, you know, we'll come in and assist you. She didn't know anything about the industry. He was the breadwinner. He was the mindset of it all. And so we came in and I said, Look, I can help you complete that will complete that. And you know, that way, you know, your family can be home, and that's not gonna give back to the family. That's my guy. And I definitely really, you know, he was dear to me. So I want to do some to help his family. And so that's how we got to parov

Unknown Speaker 4:40
That is amazing. I love that. So you stepped in helped her in her time in need. And then God turned around and blessed you Yes. I love that. That's awesome. Yeah. Okay, so you finish out, Max project. And then you say, You know what, let me continue on. You've seen a neat there, right? Yeah. Because I will say this, you know, I do quite a bit of business up in front And the one thing that I hear quite often is that they need rental property. Definitely they are in dire need of rental property. So my investors out there, if you're hearing me, and you want to get in contact with Mr. Hardy 702984 3700 702984 3700 Welcome home with monique.com is my website. You can always catch me on IG at realtor Monique Buchanan. So listen, this is your source. Mr. Hardy has been out there for how long have you been doing? Or, you know, construction out there?

Unknown Speaker 5:30
Oh, so in Prop. I've been doing construction for three years in Perak. Now this is going into our third third and a half year. Okay. I'm a carpenter by trade No. Local 944.

Unknown Speaker 5:46
Union wife, okay. Let me give my husband a quick shout out Teamsters. Love it. Team. But yeah, so you know, I love that though. So. So let me ask you this. If some of my cable TV listeners right now, they're like, You know what, this sounds great. I just don't know where to begin, you know what I mean? But I have a plan I want you know, to for plexes. Or I want I want to an apartment building. How can you assist? So

Unknown Speaker 6:10
so for us is you know, one thing about, you know, me and my team, we believe in being a subject matter expertise. Right, right. Because you know, Pahrump is it's uncharted waters, you know, even for folks that have been in Nevada all their life and been down here in Clark County, this is Knight County, completely different. So so so for us, we assist the whole way we assisted, you know, finding the land, we assist with the civil engineering, we assisted with the permitting process, you're building plans from start to finish. We're a one stop shop, we're small, but we do it all.

Unknown Speaker 6:45
That's awesome. I like that we're small, but we do it all. That's great, because there is a lot of guidance that is needed. Um, you know, I've looked at property up there, and I tell you what, I thought I was gonna just roll in like a big dog to Pahrump and snatch up a couple acres and just do whatever I felt like doing on it. I was gonna pull my campers on there, let my kids roam around on their four wheelers yet that that wasn't happening, I had to look into it, and found out that you have to have a permit to even put anything on your land. Yes. And see, people don't know that us, you know, down here in Clark County, we think if you own the land, you can do it. As you please. Right. So these are things that we just don't know. And you guys always hear me say, you don't know what you don't know. Right. So that's why you have to have a professional that knows exactly the ins and outs of that particular county, which is none other than Hardy Bay. Now, let me say, let me ask you this. Did you have some, some hoops to jump through when it came to like permitting and things like that?

Unknown Speaker 7:38
Well, yes. So you know, in the developing reason why a lot of people, you know, don't really do developing, they start with rehabs and things like that, and maybe don't even make it to developing because you have to be a politician and developing. Because you're dealing with the county, you're dealing with the building department, you're dealing with, you know, the utility companies and things like that, right. So there's always hoops that we got to jump through and delegate there. Because if this is nothing as a standard in Pahrump, it's constantly changing the goalposts is constantly moving, right? So you really have to have tenacity, you know, and have the patience to be able to deal with it. Because it's an evolving place. Right? And at the same time, even though it's growing one thing about father about, about Father Time, no one will escape it. Right. Right. And so but people, some people, their parent wants to keep her up the way it is, right now, you know, we talk about this, you know, light pollution and all this stuff, you know, and whatnot, but it's inevitable, right? You know, Vegas is busting by the seams, you know, and it's going to continue to grow with the without us. You see, I'm saying, and so it's progressing, but it is, it is a lot of challenges, because you have to be a politician, because, you know, it's like, it's like, throw a rock high Jehanne, right. Some will tell you, Oh, we want it to grow, we want it to be better. And then over here, there'll be doing this to keep it down, or slowing the process, right, because I deal with that all the time. And that's why we're built for this. And that's why we've been three years really, really pounded. And now we got the best numbers. We're doing, you know, some of the best projects, right? It's because we we do this with the people in mind. We really want Trump to be a great community for everyone. You see, I'm saying not just one class of people, and I tell people prop is as a starter. Well, we can make this a great play. This can be a model place for everyone. You said I'm saying and we have that because we're starting with a clean slate. But that's up to us. And that's what I share. But there are challenges pitfalls. There's a lot of them in this game right here. Yeah, I mean, we had a partial map that we have to wait, man probably eight months for this partial mal just for signatures, right. So these are the things that you have to deal with the hoops you have to jump through, but you can do it for them. Yes. Yes, yes. Yeah, and that's the thing, you know, we we want to take all the brunt force, right? Because education is important you need to know what you're doing when you're jumping out there. And it's not as easy as you think like I said, we're dealing with, you know, counties you're dealing with, you know, county commissioners, you're dealing with utility companies, and everything I put up also, when we talk about utility comm they're privately owned. Yeah, so no one can tell them nothing, nothing.

Unknown Speaker 10:26
Because I looked into the utilities there were like three different ones in the county. They couldn't even pinpoint which one my property that I was gonna buy. used. I said, Okay, well, this is this is different.

Unknown Speaker 10:40
And I share that with people because, you know, people see a lot of land, right, fast land, cheap land, and they say, Oh, I can buy this lot for this. Yeah, well, I can get this for this. But see, what they don't know is about infrastructure, right? And I'm saying because Trump has no infrastructure, because it is a growing town, it's gonna be a city. I'm saying, and so you got to be mindful of that. You have to do your due diligence, and have to have some understanding of civil engineering right before you even buy something because you can buy this for 25,000. But if the water is 100 feet, 200 feet away. So now they got to run extensions. Yes. And laterals, right. And that could cost you 150,000. So nowadays,

Unknown Speaker 11:23
that that little $20,000 live just became 170 years ago, and that's what I had to find out when they told me Well, you know, Monique, you're gonna have to dig about 30 feet under Oh, my, I'm sorry, what that's gonna cost you I said, Wait a minute. Because I went out there thinking I was gonna buy a couple of, you know, the manufactured homes, put them on a couple lots and rent them out. And it was gonna be Sunshine City. But you know, I didn't I at this point I wasn't made aware of wasn't introduced to you and your beautiful wife, Kim. So I didn't know. So now you are my resource show now me and my husband will be reaching out to you to get those you know, to be able to turn that $20,000 lot into something profitable, because you have to have the right people that you know, no, like you said, know the ins and outs of the city you've already you've already been a politician you've already you know, shook a hand met a friend. Hello. And now you know how to get those deals done. So if you're interested once again, 702984 3700 this is Monique Buchanan. And I have none other than Mr. Hardy Bay on with me. And he is a builder out there. Right down the street across the world. There is no pond across the pond for Rob. It's only about 45 minutes away. And like I was telling Hardy I actually drove in today on my way to do the radio show. I gave keys to some clients. And I just sold them a home right there in mountain falls golf course community. Right. So right down the street here to where is your project located there and prop and, and what what are you offering out there right now?

Unknown Speaker 12:48
So you know, right now we're located is in the multifamily? Right. So there's a zoning right, you know, zoning Prop has a multifamily area, right, that most of multifamily because I specialize in multifamily. This is where my passion is. Right. Right there. So we're in the multifamily area of Toronto, you know, red brute, you know, Star road over there in that area by the old golf course. And that's where mostly the multifamily is are. And are you

Unknown Speaker 13:16
building I'm sorry, are you like right now? You have four plexes? What do you have available?

Unknown Speaker 13:20
So right now, we don't really have anything available. Because the ramp is unique. You have to build it right. And another thing I was going to touch on when we were talking about this about the success, we everything we built it sold before we built it in Iraq. So when I finished Max's property, we got five builds, while we were finishing Max's property like that overnight. So this is how fast this stuff happened. You said I'm saying so everything we have touched and for rough it was sold before we finished. Wow. So that's that I've tried to tell him, I'd like to catch up the bag, right. And I don't even really talk about it anymore. As much because I've been you know, we formed a group to bring people together, right? To be able to say, hey, we can pull our money together. Yeah, because we're stronger together. And we have a great, great place that we can do this. This is an emerging town. It's going to be a city 45 minutes from a metropolitan city that you can go anywhere in the world and everybody know loves me, everybody, right? So so that's an upside to it. And so we've been trying to get people to be involved because I'm like, I live in Houston, Texas, and I've developed in Houston too. But I always say my projects are not all sold in Houston. It is investors, investors, investors, investors. So what we have now is we have a four Plex we're going to break ground on coming. Hopefully by next month. We've been dealing like I said, it's constantly changing. They're treating these things like level one site plans now. So they treat them kind of like commercial. Right and so you have Have To Do you have to get your site plan ready, you have to tell with trees you're gonna have with for the flight, you're gonna have everything right? It did change in the game, right? And we're using the International Building Code. We're not using the residential building, even though they're residential. Right. And so that's where the gray area come in at one. We're talking about code right

Unknown Speaker 15:20
now that you are just a regular builder. You wouldn't even know that if you went to No, no comment from Clark. You'd be like, I'm sorry. What?

Unknown Speaker 15:26
No, no, right. And that's why, you know, you mentioned something I want to touch back on that about about team, right. It's not about your idea. It's not about your money. It's about who's on your team. Can your team deliver that is so important to me, it's the people, the people will make everything you said I'm saying the true currency is relationships, not the money. Right. You following me? Yeah. And so and so I liked that. You touched on that, because that's that's real. Right. But yeah, that's what we got going on right now in Pahrump. We're going to build a couple more for plexes which are townhomes, you know. And so that's where we at right now we're looking for a bigger partial purpose challenging for bigger partials because it's all chopped, chopped up. So what I found out is back in the days, all the casinos put people on buses and take them to Peru. And they used to sell them all these lands. Yeah, it was like a thing, right? And so all these lots are bought up, you can see one big oil field and it's all chopped up probably 100 people all in that whole field, because they were selling them that is going to grow it's going to be this is gonna be that they it was just too early. And a lot of people paid a lot of money for this stuff, which is crazy. And that's why some people are like, they hold on to it to the deer because they paid so much. And I'm like well, it's not worth that. I'm sorry. You got bamboozled that they told you the target was gonna come 10 years ago.

Unknown Speaker 16:52
You didn't. And a target. Y'all barely got along. But it's coming now but it's coming. It definitely is now because

Unknown Speaker 16:58
I really want to touch on this because Chipotle, right? I follow.

Unknown Speaker 17:01
They were so excited about that. But I follow Chipotle

Unknown Speaker 17:05
if you know about Napoleon, you know about two poly stocks. A Polish stock is doing better than Amazon. That's amazing. That is Chipotle? Yeah. Better than burrito trade, like 26. It's a burrito place. Can you imagine a stock trade, they're like $2,600. But they are very diligent in their market analysis. They're not putting a Chipotle there if they don't know what's coming. They don't play games. They spend millions of dollars on market analysis. So when I share with people like why you're not here, right, why I'm not here, right? Don't wait. It's gonna be too late.

Unknown Speaker 17:40
They're reading on the wall is the reader Loki got to see that? Like I said, Well, my Sam, my sign was when they started. Listen, when you see the government start pouring money into a street or in a widening it. I'm like, ooh, ooh, look what they're doing over there for up. I say, Yeah, that's a sign I need to start buying something over in Pahrump. So definitely, if you're just tuning in, you can get a hold of Mr. Hardy Bay 7029, a for 3700. If you are looking to invest in Pahrump, and you want to build maybe a multi unit, now, do you do commercial? Yes, we

Unknown Speaker 18:09
do commercial we do whatever the things is, it's always a challenge. And I like to set this disclaimer because I'm a straightforward person. And I appreciate that. Yeah. Because a lot of people don't understand and developing, right, there's a lot of moving parts. And there's a lot of things out of the developers hands, right. And so I'm very careful on who I take on as a client, I want them to be educated because it is your job to also have some form of education of what you're getting yourself into. Right? Or you shouldn't be doing it. Now. You said I'm saying just YouTube University, there's no excuses to have a least a better understanding of what's going on. You got

Unknown Speaker 18:44
yourself and not on YouTube.

Unknown Speaker 18:47
Right. So so so so the thing is, is that because the challenges that we constantly go through in a town is changing, right? Let's say for instance, I took you on as a client, I say, oh, yeah, Monique, yourself is going to be done in a year, right? And that's what I stood on. And then I get in there, and I'm dealing with the county and I'm dealing with this and they're dragging me right now. It takes me six months to get that permit now. And it got six months to build now, but I've told you something, right. And now, certain people have understanding some people don't. Right, you said I'm saying most people, they want what they want, right? And that's what I've learned about life with people, right? They hear you, but still they like hey, you told me this.

Unknown Speaker 19:24
But here's the thing, though, you seem like a very good communicator. And that's something that I pride myself on. Yes. So you could we'll set those expectations. This is the tentative dates Hello. But this can move. I've learned very well. Every builder does that. You know, all the builders, all the major builders that I deal with with my clients, they all say, hey, our closing date is tentatively this date, but obviously this date can move around. And so

Unknown Speaker 19:47
especially in Pahrump, right when I'm going back to that, right because there's no set standard, we were Clark County, Clark County has had his code for 30 years, right. It's a standard you know, it's not going to move One you could come today I thought I had it together and then they say, Oh, nope, we changed the rules. And there's no there's no like regulatory body. Yeah. You said, It's a town.

Unknown Speaker 20:14
It's different. It's a smaller, very different. That's why the that's why the opportunity is there. Yes. Okay. So I don't want to discourage and we're not trying to skirt Oh, because you're in great hands, and he's gonna communicate. But that's why the opportunity is there because everybody else is looking at it and turning away because they don't even know how to handle it. But that's why I've got Mr. Hardy Bey on with me today because this man knows how to handle it. So

Unknown Speaker 20:38
it's subject matter expertise back to that, right. You know, my team would tell you like, I'm obsessed. You know, I'm obsessed. But I do everything I do. I do it with pride. And I do it with people in mind. We don't even talk about money, we talk about ideas. You see what I'm saying? Because you know, you, you want to have that mission to say, hey, I want to be the best. If I'm gonna do this, I want to be the best do it and I really love helping people. That's good. That's what it's truly about. I believe each one teacher salutely You know, and so it's just about some people, they're complicated, and they don't get out of their own way. So I'll share with you is that if you ever have the opportunity to work with me, just be open minded. strap up is gonna be a roller coaster ride, but I promise you we gonna wait that's

Unknown Speaker 21:24
that's true. strap up, honey. But listen, I'm gonna get you to that finish. Hello, just hang on there with me. That's why, you know, I appreciate you and your wife, you guys are doing this. Once again, with your you know, with your heart involved is not all about the dollars. You know, it's about helping. And this community especially needs that you know what I mean? They're in dire straits over there for housing. Yeah. Which is Vegas. You know what I mean? Alright, Hardy. So let's, let's touch on a little bit about your experience in building. Okay,

Unknown Speaker 21:53
now that's great. Like, I'd like to share with you guys that as a carpenter by trade, right, local 944. Shout out to my 44 You know, been a part of freeways, dams, water treatment centers, and things like that. So you know, that's where my experience of building coming from. I've always been a real estate investor. I bought my first house at 1943 today. But yeah, well, yeah. So blind.

Unknown Speaker 22:24
Beautiful. Good. I

Unknown Speaker 22:26
appreciate it. So So So, you know, I've been doing this a long time and studying the industry. I actually lost my first house. You know, I bought it at 19. I lost it probably about 2122 years old. And that's what kind of got me into really, really digging deep with real estate. Yes, yes. You know, because once you lose something, it does some trees either gonna break you or make you greater. And so that's where I started to pursue and had great mentors, you know, in the real estate industry. And you know, then I ended up owning 15 homes free and clear. A lot of that was out of Memphis. So I'm a mover and a shaker. I've been moving around a lot as I like, you're gonna hear out I've been doing this in several states. You know, I'm not just a West Coast guy or a down south guy. You know, I'm even. I'm even in Ghana right now.

Unknown Speaker 23:13
Yeah. Your wife? Absolutely. Yeah. So,

Unknown Speaker 23:17
so things are all coming up. So So these are kind of like my experiences, I have the, the experience of hands on I have the experience of, of real estate investing and experience as an entrepreneur. So you know, I'm kind of like a full circle package, you know, when it when it comes to you know, talking about real estate, you know, in business. So Ken I love it. I'm passionate about

Unknown Speaker 23:41
I see that I love that too. And now how did you get involved in actually becoming like a builder of homes. Okay, so

Unknown Speaker 23:46
So I I said, I said that I didn't want to rehab anymore because here's the thing, right? What a rehab. You don't never know what you're gonna get. You're so you're doing flips before I started doing flips. I started doing flips, like when I was 19. Because you were a carpenter. Yeah. So I started doing flips and whatnot. But what I found out especially when you get down south, right, a lot of these homes are old, old shotgun homes born made in the 20s to 30s and things like that. And so you know, you can go in there and you can buy something start opening up the walls, you find out electrics not up to code or sign up to coal, no copper, they got Dunlap on the wall. It's all type of stuff going on right and how they used to build back in the day. So then what you'll find yourself doing is ended up Dang, they're building a whole nother whole house from the ground like, Bro, why would you I want to keep going through that. Right? That's the leaf path of resistance. Because you've already got the structure. You don't have to be dealing with the CD on the water, the utilities, they're normally there if you buy rehab, right? It was lived in at some point. And so for me, it's like I was like, I didn't want to do that no more I say you know what? The value was in building. You see what I'm saying? Because if I come and buy some from you right now, I had, you had to make money. I said, I'm saying, so the value is in the business and in the building. So I share that with everybody. I said, Listen, if you want to give value built, you said, I'm saying, because that's how you're going to get value. Because if if, if your builders charge you say, 800,000 to build your build, and then when you get out of that, it's worth 1.2 million, right? You made 400,000 waiting for something to be built. But if you go by a bill, you're paying 1.2 million Yeah. So you have to wait for the equity. So that's, you know, me, like, why would I do that? And I know how to do it. And so for me, I just take the challenge is to go ahead and get it done. And that's what a lot of people don't want to deal with. Because it is challenging, and it takes time that most people want things fast, right? A flip. I want to get in there. 60 days, 90 days, I'm gonna sell it and flip and make money right. Everyone's looking for the quick get rich. Yes, they are. But this is not a get rich, quick, quick, get rich thing. But if you know anything about life, wealth is built over the course of time. Yeah, I'm gonna say that again. People. Wealth is built over the course of time. No one got rich overnight. Mark Zuckerberg didn't get rich overnight. Bezos didn't get rich overnight. Warren Buffett, it does not happen people. So we got to get out of this fantasy world of getting rich overnight, and more. So just putting in that hard work. Studying your craft, right being dedicated to it. And don't quit because the only way you can lose is if you quit.

Unknown Speaker 26:35
If you never start or you never

Unknown Speaker 26:37
start Oh, that's because there's only one road to success people. But there's many exits. Oh, you always can exit. So you know, I'm trying to get to the end so

Unknown Speaker 26:48
I'll keep going scared.

Unknown Speaker 26:52
And you don't pick. People lose that that thought because here's the deal. Like when it comes to investing I share this all the time. I see people writing pretty Benzes Range Rovers, Bentley's and things of that nature, right? And at the end of the day, I say listen, you went and ran down there and signed your name for that $150,000 car. But if I tell you to do $150,000 investment you backpedal Yeah, make it make sense.

Unknown Speaker 27:16
No. And they don't even want to give their credit. Well, I don't want them running my credit. Oh, wait a minute now. You didn't mind that. The car lot running your credit to get a car because

Unknown Speaker 27:23
it's immediate gratification. Yeah. But you got to get away from that this is about vesting in investing in your future. So if you if I if you get anything away from this conversation, investing your future, your future is important to you. Because if it ain't important to you, who is it important to

Unknown Speaker 27:38
Absolutely. I love that and I want to thank you already. Thanks so much for coming on. Thank you. And once again, guys, if you heard the I know you heard that this man knows what he's doing. If you need a source out there in Pahrump Heck, even in Houston 702984 3700 If you're thinking about building 7029 A 430 700 Welcome home with monique.com or you can always email me at Welcome Home Show 91.5 at gmail and I will get you in the hands of Mr. Hardy Bay. All right. Now we're gonna pivot real quick and finish up the show by talking about and bragging about my clients. You guys already heard me tell you that. I've got some clients that just close congratulations. Some of my k u and v listeners they got themselves a beautiful golf course community home out there in Pahrump gave them keys on my way in today. So congratulations. Listen guys. My listings are flying off the shelf you guys already know you've heard me talk about my previous listings have I had one go in two days. That one was 1.4 million. We just went into escrow and I sold that one in about a week and that one was 747,000 my last two you guys know that this is the season where the buyers come out is warming up kids are about to get out of school. People want to make that transition during summer so the buyers are out so if you have been sitting on a property, especially in the Henderson area, or the southwest area, I've got tons of buyers that are looking looking looking and we are finding very very little properties for sale but that's anywhere in the in the city you guys okay, we are in an extreme shortage of homes three weeks that's all we have worth of properties. My number is 702984 3700 I have this beautiful and very unique platform that your listing will be heard over the Las Vegas Valley. Be a 91.5 Caitlyn V. Listen To God be the glory have amazing weekend. Monique Buchanan. Love to hear from you. Thank you for listening please remember all terms discussed are simply an estimate my license number is S 1788 46. My phone number if you'd like to contact me is 702-984-3700. You can also find me on YouTube and please join me tomorrow at my church Living Word Church on hassle. I'm part of the EXP Realty Group.

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