And She Spoke: Women. Money. Power.

You’re not a special snowflake, even though you might think you are. 

Today on the show, we’re discussing exceptionalism and why this thought isn’t helpful for the growth of your business. You’ll hear how holding tightly to the “but, I’m different!” identity can hinder growth and why it doesn’t excuse or exempt you from the rules of business. 

We talk about the different ways you can encounter the “exceptional” feeling and share a few key factors that you should be focusing on as you work toward business growth. 

Let it be a relief that the rules of business apply to you too because now you can formulate a game plan to master them. Happy listening! 

Here’s a sneak peek of what we discuss:
  •  How holding onto the “But, I’m different!” identity can prevent you from achieving your full potential.
  • Why being unique doesn’t excuse or exempt you from the rules of business. 
  • Do you want to be right, or do you want to be happy?
  • Different ways people encounter the “exceptional” feeling in business.
  • What sets entrepreneurship aside from what our culture (currently) cultivates.
  • Training your brain to focus on developing the relationship with your audience (during the germination stage of business). 
  • Why you should reward yourself for taking consistent steps.
  • A caveat for your growth strategy. 
  • What happens when we feel uncomfortable with our business's growth.
  • The importance of focusing on growing your audience. 
  • Why you need to be able to communicate well as a business owner. 
JOY :  The Sports Bra
HUSTLE:   Marvelous Software
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What is And She Spoke: Women. Money. Power.?

For so many modern, driven women, life is about being more than one thing. We’re multidimensional—and so are our conversations. We carry multiple identities; we can be both mother and artist; both attorney and entrepreneur. Both clinician and CEO. Both humble and proud. Life for women like us is about both. About…all of the above. It’s about the “and”...

Welcome to the Angie spoke podcast in today's episode we are discussing exceptionalism and why you are not exceptional in the business world.

Um, why you are actually not a special snowflake even though you think you are.

Exactly yeah I think this is so important to talk about Sandy because um, just about every single day throughout the day we receive emails and comments from clients in our various companies that are sending us messages and expressing. How. Certain rules. Don't apply to them and I just I think it's like our answers have gotten so quick back. Our replies are very like easy because the answer that we that we give to everyone is like no actually the rules do apply to you. It is the same. Yeah.

It is the same for you? yeah.

And and I think like you know you and I were caught up in this like we made this. We thought these things for a really long time and I think they're still a part of me and I I think also for you I'll speak for you but I shouldn't but like because we are tech female Tech co-founders like we always use that as like there's a reason why these other rules don't apply to us.

Yes, yeah, well I mean how many coaching calls did we start like like I think I don't I like pandemic era 1920192020 and like we'd be like.

Um, but they do um.

Okay, yeah, thanks, but you don't understand like we're different. We actually have a coaching business inside of our software business or if we're talking to like the coaching world like yeah but I'm different because um, my entire client base comes from the from the tech our tech software you know like there's always this excuse and it's like this.

Um, yeah, yeah.

Yeah, yeah.

Yeah, yeah.

Deep desire to be different and unique and like kind of fight against the advice you're getting because like oh that doesn't work for me. It's such an interesting psychological thing that we do is like you have but knew what I'm different.

Yeah, and I think by holding on to that identity you really prevent yourself from being coached and you really prevent prevent yourself from learning lessons that are freely available to you to learn? yeah.

Yeah, it's like a it's a brick. It's a brick wall and I was just thinking as you were talking like the thinking behind that like if if you have the thought I am different but I'm different if that's your thought like that just bring like I Just it's like heels dug in.

This move. Okay.

Like I am resistant to hearing what you're going to tell me because I am different and you do not understand me.

Yes, yeah, yeah I think that's I think that's right and you kind of got an like an edge about you like there's kind of like a chip on your shoulder all the time.

Um, yeah, and it's.

And I think it's helpful to recognize your uniqueness in the world and in your business but it's definitely not helpful to be shut off to advice and like education and information. So you know this episode was really inspired by um, this story that I was just reading about how. Dan Kennedy who's like really famous and sort of the copywriting and online business space sort of 1 of the elder statesmen if you will of kind of that culture. He is famous for having a sign up on stage when he was giving talks that said, but my business is different and.

Because because he was so frustrated that people would be like fighting like pushing back against what he was advising.


Yeah, exactly so I I think we're not unique in having these these kind of comments come to us both in coaching calls and then also um on the software side of our software company that we own like the questions that are coming in to our intercom are kind of always like this too. And it's so interesting to me that people like just going down in the software rabbit hole for a second like we've made the software this extremely flexible and accommodates a lot of different kinds of product and business needs and customer needs and yet it's so interesting to me how often people try to like come up with ways to configure. An online offering that like breaks every kind of software that's ever existed but like I actually need to offer these 3 live classes every third week and I need it to repeat at this interval and I have to do it this way like people are constantly. Wanting to do something that's like really far outside of the box now.

Because my clients they will not accept anything else and they want these classes at this time and this rate and like otherwise my entire but you don't understand this is how my business has to be right? Yeah, but technology needs to yeah box in a little bit. But yeah, it's yeah I totally get it.

Yeah, yeah, it's it's exhausting.

But I I think like I feel for us that we have been like I feel like that attitude is very like early stage entrepreneur and now I realize that yeah we are not special in any way and Whatever. We are asking about and getting coached on or advised on or whatever I think I feel so much more open to receive because I don't want to stay where we are like whatever the situation is like we have a problem. We're not whatever ceiling. We've hit.. There's a reason that we're coming to coaching and asking and so that whole thinking like but I'm so different.

Yeah, yeah.

Is not serving us at all. So I really feel like that's been a lot of growth for us is like yeah we have this suit that doesn't take the uniqueness away. Yeah, we are really unique, truly with what we do together. But so what like I Still like we have this problem and if you're able to help me I am going to be.

Yes, and I think we're unique and obviously like our thought leadership and the way that like the way that we teach and the way that we develop products and programs like there is there is a so.

Expansive and open and able to to receive.

Specialness to that for sure and everyone has their own way of being special but like the rules of business. We're not like they still apply to us and we're not unique in that sense like we're not unique in the sense that somehow all the rules don't apply to us and I think if you're listening to this your your business is not that unique either. And.

Um, yes, right.

And I think that's kind of a relief right? Like once you can get over fighting that idea like it's such a relief to not have to like reinvent every single strategy in business like like you can like that now you can be coached and now you can read a book and apply the learnings to your own business and it's ok.


Um, and move like just shake loose a little bit and move forward. Yeah, okay.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, so so I I Just think you're not exceptional in this way and the moment you can really truly believe that your life becomes easier your business running your business becomes like to me mentally easier.

You're I want to say like you're not exceptional, but you are exceptional like there's 2 different ways to look at that like you are exceptional, but you're not exceptional.

Yes. Yeah, well, you're exceptional in the fact that like it's a miracle that you exist on the planet and that your business exists like like yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, totally So I Love thinking about that and I just challenge everyone who who's like.

And then mentor business. Yes, right? But when the when it comes to the rules. You are not an exception. Yeah.

Fighting fighting something because if you feel that need to fight like maybe try to dig in and try to figure out where that's coming from because it's There's probably something going on there I know for me there was.

Yeah, and I just I and just to help people answer that question I was just literally coached an hour ago. Um, and this this was this is similar. It's like if you are fighting that if you like really want to hold onto this belief that you are different. The question is like why. What? what does that? How does that benefit you by staying in that thinking like how is it keeping you safe and how is it keeping you protected and what is the fear of like working through that like there's a reason that you're staying right here and you need to figure out how that is helping you and serving you or what you believe.

Um, okay.

The belief around what? how though it's I'm staying safe right? I'm staying safe if I just don't take the advice and take any action versus like where do you want to go and how do you want to expand and like what will happen if you kind of play in into that. Okay.

Um, yeah.

Cindy that reminds me of of that idea. Do you want to be right? or do you want to be happy right? Which we talk about a lot like you want to be right? or do you want to be happy. Do you want to be right? or do you want to be effective. Do you want to be right? or do you want to make money so I just I think like you've got to decide and it is super scary to.

Um, yeah, yeah, yeah.

To like kind of let your guard down and actually apply advice that you're that someone's giving you I do I Do think that there that's like a vulnerability that I I think a lot of us don't naturally have especially when you know we've had things in life that we have had to fight like for a lot of us like we're are drawn to entrepreneurship because.


Um, yeah.

I Don't know we have something in us. That's that like doesn't fit with the dominant culture. So anyway, we'll leave that conversation for another day but but let's talk a little bit about the like specific ways that people are encountering this exceptional feeling like this feeling of being an exception.

Um, okay.

Um, Sandy The first one is is like a lot of us a lot of you listening are dissatisfied with some aspects of running your business and you so you feel like like something's wrong or you feel like something is like something isn't quite right about your business.

Yeah, um, a lot of people I think they I think there's this big um need to feel like.

Everything's good. Everything's decided. There's like a little bit of perfectionism here like everything's is as it should be and I think we seek that feeling and I don't think it's ever there I Don't think there's ever a place where you're like okay we've we're here. We're good. There's always something to improve.

Um, because.

And we can really focus on that and start to tell ourselves lots of stories about how this is wrong and that's wrong and this and if we fix it then we're good then we're then I could just get there I will feel so much better about my business and about myself leading this business.

Yeah, you know I think that this for me comes up like in different times like there's moments where I feel like things are I'm really happy in my business and then I and then something happens something that I don't like happens and then I feel unhappy.


And when the un when like the bad thing happens or the hard thing happens I think our minds tend to jump to well something's wrong like something's wrong because yesterday this didn't feel this way or yesterday it wasn't this hard so like something is wrong and I I think the lesson here is universal lesson is that like.

Um, a hat.

Business has a lot of ups and Downs life has a lot of ups and downs and like it's both like part of being an entrepreneur is like being able to be comfortable in both like the Peaks and the and the valleys.

Yeah, and it's hard to be okay with that because you just like we just want to seek like happiness and contentment right? and I think this feeling like the word I would use is I think I would use the word like I feel restless.


Like I feel restless I've got to go in and fix this or solve this or change this or something like it's really hard to just stay with like yeah, there's these unfinished things and that probably could be better and. Like just to sit with the actual facts of what your business is now and just be okay with it like that's really hard that that restless or that dissatisfaction.

Um, yeah, yeah I I think that's right and it's a human nature to want everything to be done and polished and pretty and tied up with a bow and like that is just not the entrepreneurial journey.

Um, right? No, there's no businesses that are tied up with a bow.

So no no no no no I I think like that's become something that has gotten easier like the longer I feel like you're in business. The easier it is to accept that because you so like I just watch even just watching the news. First of all feeling and experiencing these things. On a cyclical basis myself but then like watching the news and you're seeing like these ceos of these major companies that get like ousted and like there's just I don't know like there's no perfect business. So I just and there's no perfect job and there's no perfect journey right? and I just. I think that's like the sooner you can accept that and be okay with it and actually embrace it the better. So um, if you are feeling this way. You're not like there's nothing wrong. You're not exception an exception like every single person in business when they're when they've been in business long enough feels.


This sort of dissatisfaction kind of lingering sometimes so so that's the first one. Um, the second.


The second feeling or experience that we want to bring up that is totally normal but may feel abnormal to you or may feel like there's something make you feel like there's something wrong is like this feeling of being stuck in compare and despair and that's a phrase you taught me sandy.

Yeah I mean when we start to feel like hey this isn't going how I thought this isn't going fast enough and then we start looking around. We start looking around. And we see everyone. You know the perception is that they're succeeding they're moving faster. Their email list is growing. They're making more sales their Youtube channels taking off or whatever it may be and we're like there's something wrong with us.

Um, yeah.

Oh My God I'm not doing it right? and you fall into compare and then despair like the emotion after is like oh crap like a feeling of Inadequacy uncertainty I don't know enough I'm not trained enough and I'm not experience. Whatever all the enoughs. Um and then and then it's just this terrible place right? that you've really lost sight. You're sort of. Completely ungrounded and even even in like I can see it sometimes happening within our luminaries program where some people are taking like amazing consistent action and they're like moving forward and all these things are happening and then someone else is like oh my God I am failing at this because. Everyone else, you know it's very black and white thinking. Everyone else is doing. It's working out and they're taking all this action and they're getting these amazing results and oh poor me and so I again I think this is this is a cycle of business and I think it comes from like. Like hurry like impatient hurry up hurry up. Let's go. Let's go like let's go and then you start like well whatever you then that starts the comparing like I think it goes from impatient to comparing and then to despairing.

This is.

Yeah I think that's right and that's a perfect setup for the third feeling that people um, have that tends to make them feel like something's wrong or that they're exceptional to the rule which is that like there they want it all now like you get this feeling like I want it all right now I want all the success right now if that's not happening then there's something wrong.

Um, yeah, um.

And really like that feeling of being really impatient around the growth of their business. The growth of their visibility and their marketing strategy. Um, the growth of their sales like I think that you tend to think like oh if.


If I haven't made XYZDollars or gotten this many new followers or email subscribers by this date then like something's not right? Nope probably not.

Right? right? and I like the logic makes sense right? like you're measuring it by results. So in that example, like I'm looking at email list growth or sales growth or whatever and of course we want that to grow of course and you should be looking at it objectively. But.

Um, yeah.

Especially in the beginning there is a lag between the work marketing to a sale and it's in between there that it's like I've thought about this I've Dreamt about this I Want this I've decided to do what I've taken all this action I've made all the decisions. I've done all this work and I want the reward now right like I want it now and then of course of course you do and then we're feeling impatient and so then we go and change everything is and we don't give anything a chance.

Um, yeah.

Yeah, yeah, you know I think that this is where businesses go to die is like that that break. Yeah.

Yes, that that and that in that like it's like ah what like it's I feel like you know you're walking in like an empty field and nothing is growing and you've you've you know to you? you always use this analogy but like you're.

I have.

You're sowing seeds and you've been watering and like nothing is happening and it's like oh my God like I've done something wrong. But in fact, you haven't It's just time like you literally need to give love and attention and time and space for what you've sowed to grow.

Um, yeah.

Yeah, it's like the germination phase I think that's like I I do love that analogy because I think we can all understand it like depending on what you're planting like there is going to be days or weeks or months before you see anything sprout out and if you just give up and stop watering your your garden. You start watering your plant like after three days because you're like well I guess that didn't work nothing happened like yeah, guess what? That's a self-fulfilling prophecy if you don't water that darn thing you're not going to have a plant and I and I think that like we we tend to um, you know we come our culture trains us.

Right? yeah.


To have like much more immediate results like our culture doesn't train us to become entrepreneurs So Our dominant culture is like you learn you study you take a test you get a grade like it's almost instant like or you have a job and you do a project and then you get feedback like it's just. We're so used to I think in all these other contexts of our lives to have like so much more immediacy like there's just you you get feedback and results so much quicker and in entrepreneurship and and growing a business the way that that you know we do in entrepreneurship online Like. You have to be okay with a really long germination period where you were like literally getting no results and the longer you can be comfortable in that phase and still believe in the value of what you're doing like the more likely you are to be successful.

Yeah I I feel like um, that phase that germination phase is where if we it like if there's an awareness of like okay this is like the empty the empty garden like nothing's growing yet. If we can start to train our brain um like to be aware of that but can we start to focus on like this is where I'm developing my relationships with my audience. They don't even know it yet. But we're going to become really good Friends. You know like I'm going to do this work I'm going to serve them and I'm going to put out Amazing Free content.


Every week and I'm going to keep thinking of them and I'm gonna keep thinking of them and I'm going to do this work and I know that in six months twelve months Twenty four months is going to pay off right? and I think I think it's like we need to focus on something else. We need to train our brain to.


To to think in the form of like developing relationships as one option versus where the how are my people Why is no one saying anything. You know it's It's happening. It's happening underground. It's happening out there. You just can't see it.

A. Yeah, and and you have to be okay with it like trickling in like so so there is this germination analogy but the truth is is like you do start to get feedback immediately right? like there'll be this trickle like if your audience building you're doing marketing for example for months and months consistently like you're doing your visibility work like there will start to be signs of life and a trickle and I think also like training yourself to embrace and appreciate every single like response or comment you get or reply or like every engagement that you get from the audience like just like.

Let both infant says.

Realize that it is worth its weight in gold and that like even if it's not this giant outpouring. It does it. That's okay, like this is the actual work.

And and for women this is particularly difficult because we have been socialized to look and seek the external approval. You know like you look great today like just those kind of comments and so when there is this dearth of dearth that's a b word I can't believe I just said that.


When there is like this dearth of comments or like nobody is saying anything about you and your work you have to sit in that and be okay and go inside and like you have to be the the one that's like ah being positive to what your work is.



Because it's like terribly scary when no one's giving you the pat on the head and the gold star and the Chuck Mark and the a plus right? like yeah that is really really hard for women like they're just is this? Okay, what do you think what? do you think what you think did you read this is it okay, like that's just our we need that external validation. So this is a.



Huge learning for women.

Yeah, yeah I think that's true and I think we like you can give yourself that you can give yourself gold Gold star. So I think for some yeah like I and I think that there are um.

Um, yeah, you have to go inside.

Ways you can just reward yourself for taking consistent action and like we all get to decide how that is but but it's it's actually um, the hardest work I would say in your business is doing the work consistently before you start to see the results like and still showing up fully like fully embodied in your business and and in yourself like in doing the the. Work That's meaningful and not half asking it I Think if you do that like that is the hardest time is that stage and if you can do it Well like it's you're ah yeah, you're off to the races and like just wait until you have the audience like you've trained yourself to do it.


Then you're off.

Like you now have developed the chops to be able to do it Well so anyway, it's just such a gift to give that to yourself. So if you are feeling impatient with respect to your growth if you're in one of those phases in your business where you want to see ah more you know likes followers money than you're than you're seeing then.


I would just say like that's totally normal. Everybody goes through that every single person started with an email list of 0 right? Every single person started with a business bank account balance of zero like every single one of us where there like it's not an exception to the rule. There's no there's nothing like different or special about. That like you still have to go through that process.

But I want to give a caveat to that Jenny if someone's listening and they're just like just using Facebook or Instagram and they're like trying to put out content I think that is problematic and that's exactly what we teach in invisible. So I want to be clear that when we're saying.

Yes, yes.

You are doing work for six months and creating content weekly these are on platforms that allow you to be discoverable by public the people that you don't know I think it's a different thing to say oh I've been on Instagram for a year and I've got nothing. Um. That's a problem that's like just like strategy wise like medium wise that's not going to work for most people.

Yeah, um.

Yeah, no I think you you're right toy like this has to be this time this investment in your business before you start to see results like this needs to be done in a strategic way. Otherwise you you very well may be wasting your time. So I Think that's a great Point. Um. And I I think in our culture. There's a lot of focus on Vanity metrics on social media. So We just? yeah, absolutely,. That's a great caveat to give to give out to folks that don't know our theories on that. Okay, okay, the last one is um.

Um, yeah, yeah, yeah, the last one.

Oh gosh we hear this all the time from folks who have an existing business or offer which is like your offer feels out of alignment that is so normal and it is such an excuse.

Um, yeah, but understandable like I think as you said like our culture it relates to I think that was the first point about. Like sitting in this like um, feeling of uncertainty was oh restless like I feel kind of like you know it's not working like it's this. It's this. We just want to change and fix and get somewhere. We want to change it and fix it so we feel differently.


And we feel like there's a there to get to and I there's not I think that's the hardest thing to understand um people want to go and like oh I'm consulting and now I think I think I should it's I just fill out of alignment with consulting I think I need to build a course.


Yeah, yeah, so so I would say like once your offer has been validated with paying clients once you have sold something to a stranger on the internet like you can sell that forever like you know you iterate and and obviously like update. Content that needs to be updated, but like once you've done that you really you could take that to a million dollars like I believe that so if there's 1 person that's going to buy it. There's you know enough people to buy it to earn you a living you just need to go find the other people like that person right? And so so this like this. Need to go and totally change your business model is very normal and I think you're right, we jump to that when we feel like we're unsatisfied with the results or we feel uncomfortable. We want to jump to change the circumstances of what we've made and and make say like oh well if I had a membership instead of a course that would solve all my problems and honestly. That's just a waste of your time like like you've got to have a very compelling reason to want to change your offer your business model. Um, once you validated something like it just like sit with again, why you want to do that like what are the reasons that you're having those feelings and then like I would I would.

Have a very big pause before making any changes.

Yeah, because I think like it's it's it's business model. It's offer. It's price its audience like if we are not seeing the results. We want to change the thing like the circumstance so that it will to solve the problem and that.

Yeah, um.

You know we just did a webinar yesterday about 11 things you need to stop doing and I think that though all those things were like people try these things because they think it's going to fix the problem and the problem typically is lack of sales lack lack of growth you know audience email list and so on. So if I just had a different price or if it just had a different.

Um, for me.

We have me.

Type of offer that would probably solve it and anyway I Just like I don't that it never solves it. We've seen it over and over and over Again. You're so much better off to stick with whatever you're selling what you validated as you said and just like figure out why people aren't buying. It's not Price. It's not your logo.. It's not your. You know the way that you're selling it consulting versus course or whatever. There's other things around messaging and energy and that is off like people just aren't seeing the value and there's maybe there's not enough people seeing it too which is the whole audience building aspect.

Um, this is.

Yeah I would say like 90% of the time. The reason that people want to make these kinds of changes is because they have not focused enough on audience growth in order to reach their sales goals like I would I just I would after like.


Being in this space for almost ten years like it's almost always that sometimes there's something else going on where like somebody has been doing a very intense offering a very intensive program and they want to scale back their work hours like there are exceptions so they want to make changes like we definitely see that sometimes but. 90% of the time. It's like people want to go make changes to their offer because they are not seeing the results that they want from selling that offer and that is almost always related to a lack of visibility and and list growth.

Yeah, but I would argue I think the ratio is off I think the big part of it is also really poor messaging and communication about what the person gets when they buy like yes you need. Yes, you need.

Yeah, young, Yeah well for those people that have grown their audience I think that's true.

But even like you need both things you need to be able to communicate and copyright in a way that describes what will happen. Why should I buy this and I think people write really boring copy and really bland copy and it sounds like everything else and that's what like it.

Yeah, yeah.

You have to understand the client. So. Well so that you can get them to see a different possibility from themselves by entering your offering. Whatever it may be um so I think they go hand in hand, you've got to have really good messaging and you've got to have new new blood new people. Constantly kind of coming in and and reading it. Um I think equally or important.

Oh yeah I think they're I think they are both equally important. But I think people are terrible at growing their audience once they've like initially launched that's true. They are.

And they're terrible at copywriting they're terrible at they're terrible at that. Yeah yeah, and yeah, any.

People are mostly terrible at positioning and copywriting but you still need new people. Yeah I think that like it it does go hand in hand those are 2 like really essential parts of of business and neither of those things are have anything to do with changing your course to a membership or vice versa.

Right? right? No no, that's in to focus on.

Whatever changing the number of dates a week that you do something in your program or whatever nobody cares. So we like when we're coaching clients like we like to talk about like you're selling a transformation. You're selling a result right? like all of the fiddily details of how you deliver that result. Are relatively inconsequential to the person that you're talking to like they don't your client your student your customer doesn't really care. They might have a slight preference for something but like truly if you can promise them and deliver them a result like that's what that's what matters and you get to decide.

Consequential to the person right? to if you don' hear. student ear hospital doesn real care. They bring a slight pre first.

They don't care how it's delivered. Yeah, how.

How you want to do that doesn't really matter. Ok so those are all the reasons why you are not a special snowflake in your business and why the rules of business do apply to you and um and just lean into that and let that.

Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Okay. A slide here. But.

Feel like a relief. That's my advice is like let it be a relief that the rules apply to you because now you can go and master the rules.

Okay, I'm turning on to joy I have the best have the best joy. So this is a little bit of an odd one because it's not something any of us can go and do or buy. Um, but I'm going to go here at one point.

All right? You've got our joy. Sandy.

Um, so this is um, a new business that started in Portland it's called the sports bra. So. It's a sports bar bar so she just flipped the the letters sports bar for women sports and. I think it's a chef that um opened it and she just was noticing that people really want to watch especially with the women. Well you know the canadian women when the the golden soccer in the olympics and and and all the hockey that's going. There's some really amazing things in women's sports. But there's actually no place to watch them other than in your home. Which of course is fine but she started at the sports bar and they play women's sports all the time and it's just like as a past athlete like we never had the crowds of the men men's teams did and I just thought it was so smart of her to open this up and she is packed and she is crowded.

Um, well.

People are coming from all over the place um to to just like coming to Portland just to go to her so that the the sports fra because it's such a unique experience and I did hear that she's in there's a possibility of franchise because I think it's just so smart and like people just I don't know it's like it's not like it's not a.

Um, for the.

It's not a bar for women. It's a bar for women's sports. So there's course both genders in there I don't know I just I just loved the story so I can link. There's a Cbc article that was um, that was written about her and I just just it just makes me happy. This makes me happy that people are thinking like that.

Um, yeah.

Sandy you need to when she franchises you need to open the Calgary sports bra that's your next your next business. But I love to to I love to tortured you about it.

No, no, no, no, no no I will never I would never do another brick and mortar and I would never do anything with food. No no, no but I will attack I will I will frequent. No No things. Okay, and the hustle.

Yeah, the hustle is marvelous so it is a software company that we own together and I just want to talk especially about our webinar feature because that was like kind of an afterthought for us quite honestly in our product team and. We just ran. We've done a bunch of webinars on our platform like all the webinars we've done in the last year or 2 well, we've only done a couple in the last year but like last year and a half two years have been run on our own platform and it's just so freaking easy like so it used to be so hard to run a webinar and you had to like. Like set up webinar software new to upload a logo and like add all the emails about like to send the notifications and the reminders and the buttons and where to click and marvelous just does it and it took us like 5 seconds to set up the webinar and get it all ready and it's like. You click in with 1 button and everyone just gets the reminders automatically and there's a replay automat like it's just so easy and so.

Yeah, so simple. It's like we could focus entirely on writing emails and getting some little ads out to for registrations. That's where where our brains should be and not on like what should we say in this.

Yeah, the tech. Yeah.

Didda and it's like invite email like it was just it was so good or the reminder email. Not the invite email.

Sandy I just I just want to remind you. We just had this memory. We talked about the other day but like our first webinar that we did back in 2016 we hired a lady like I remember we took Amy Porterfield's webinar course and then we hired like a consultant lady to help us with all of the tech of the webinar and to like watch it and record it for us in case like.

Excuse me.

Whatever fricking webinar software. We used back then like go to webinar like the recording failed because apparently that used to happen all the time so she was like screen recording during our live webinar so that we could make sure we had like a copy of it for the replay and it was like I don't know hundreds of dollars to hire this lady consultant back in 2016


And like the the like six weeks it took us to like organize the whole thing and set it up and like just damn like technology has improved.

It was so complicated so complicated. Yeah I can't it's hard to imagine that we even chose to do that like that's dedication man because that was super complicated and she's like so she's like from the carol North Carolina or something and she's like sitting on our webinar.

Um, I know it was like months.

And then when we'd pause like you guys are doing great. Okay now just you know and she'd like she had to like process the audio audio somewhere and oh my God in San Insanity like.

I don't I don't yeah it it was insanity and like never in 1000000 years what I have thought back then like that we would have have that incorporated into our platform and it would be like click of a button and don't think about it like we didn't even think about it like you had a panicked moment yesterday morning. We're like.

Um, yeah, that's true.

Are the emails going out of the reminder emails and I was like Sandy relax. It's marvelous. Of course the reminder emails went out and.

There toggled like did I turn the Toggle on for notifications. Oh my God I didn't turn the talk. There is no toddle Toggle They just go out. Okay, okay.

It just works Sandy it just works and it did it just works and it's amazing and I just I just want to I like I would be saying this was our hustle even if it wasn't our own platform. So I just want to say like if you you know if tech is something that is overwhelming for you. Just know we've got you. We solved it. Sign up for marvelous run your webinar. Don't think about it. That's all that's a hustle all right? We'll see you next time.

Um, you all, right? Amazing! Thanks Danny bye.