Finding Demo (00:01):
This episode of Finding Demo surf fishing is being brought to you by the sinker guy heading over the sinker Take a look at everything that chip's got going on in the sinker guy garage. Sinkers in his name. He's got you covered. Definitely different sizes of sputniks that you could possibly get your hands on. Yeah, he's got 'em in there if you need some other stuff. Some rigs Bait tackle. Yep, he's got that in there too. But his sinkers is what he is definitely known for. Go on over to check it out. The sinker Get your order in today,
Finding Demo (00:54):
Man. It is different. It's been a while, huh? How you been? How you doing? Hope it's going good wherever you are. The fishing's been good to you this summer, and, uh, you've just been out there learning new tricks, tips and things, and things have just been perfect. Uh, I have been off air for, I think coming up on three months. We took a bit of a break and it was nice, man. It was needed too. Uh, this is the first year that I have taken more than, um, more than one month consecutively off. Uh, and it's, uh, wanted to share with you guys some of the stuff with it. So this episode isn't gonna be tons of fishing tips, chicks, uh, stuff like that. Now this is, uh, this is gonna be me talking. And, uh, there's more to come with that as this year progresses and the continuing of the podcast.
Finding Demo (01:44):
You're gonna get more episodes, uh, outta me like this, where it's just me, , I'm talking to you. Uh, whether it's about gear tackle, uh, product stuff, there's gonna be some new things, uh, along with it's going to be me just kind of chomping at the bit, I guess. I don't know, to running my mouth. There you go. I'm just gonna be doing that. Gosh, it's so weird to say that without a guest here. So, uh, I kind of wanted to talk to you and let's start into the real reason why I took a break. So, my daughter, uh, is she's growing up, oh, gosh. And she went to summer camp this year and her first year, uh, sleepaway camp. And she really wanted to go. So we were like, all right, let's make this happen. So she went up to the mountains in South Carolina, went to a place called Camp Chuga, and had a great time.
Finding Demo (02:37):
Uh, the, the funniest part about this whole thing is, uh, apparently I went there when I was a kid. Um, and I didn't endorse it to her. I didn't mention anything to it in reality, the summer camp I went to, consecutive years over and over again, was up in Maine. And, uh, yeah, so I, I didn't have anything to say, uh, as far as guiding her, but she picked that camp, and sure enough, it looked exactly the same. So it was weird. I drove her up there, dropped her off at her camp, and, uh, saw it. And I was like, wow, I remember all of this. This is, uh, it was all coming flooding back. So it was, uh, it was nice, but it also gave me some other, uh, cool things to realize. Uh, we don't get our time back. So it, it also makes me appreciate you listening to me run my mouth and talk to you about fishing and what's going on in my life with you.
Finding Demo (03:30):
Um, it really hit home that, you know, one day she's actually going to leave. She's gonna go do her thing. She's gonna be in my shoes. She can be an adult, dropping her kid off somewhere. It's, uh, it's a weird thing to finally, uh, I guess accept is the best, is the best word. It, it really was. It was one of those hard ones to be like, holy crap, this is real, and, uh, this is how it's gonna be. So, uh, it happened perfect timing while I was on this break because she, I wanted more time with my family. Um, my current job has had me extremely busy. I am working on, uh, second shift, so I am into the evening time. So my timelines are kind of messed up. Uh, so I wanted to make sure that I was getting all the time I could with my family while I can, uh, with everything I have going on.
Finding Demo (04:19):
Also, trying to run the podcast, try to get in some phishing, try to get some friend time. Uh, you guys, I mean, I'm not, I'm nothing special here. You all deal the same thing. It's all time management, right? We're all trying to squeeze, uh, every ounce we can out of our time to knock out all the things we want to do when, uh, with what we got. So, uh, I decided that the podcast was something that needed to be on hold, um, called all the sponsors and let 'em know, Hey, look, I'm taking a break. I'm taking the time to me, my family, and, uh, my mental health. And they were great. You know, I appreciate all of them. And they, they took it with a grain. It was like, yeah, dude, you do, you, we're all good. Things are fine. We'll, we'll get back onto the game when we get back.
Finding Demo (04:56):
So big thanks to, you know, chip, the sinker guy, Matt, with Ninja Tackle, the whole DS custom tackle team and the Kids Can Fish Foundation. Really, uh, I appreciate y'all just, uh, letting me not spread your name as much and do my thing on socials, like, let me do my thing and, uh, enjoy myself. So thank you for that. So let's talk about that last part. So I, the, the fun part was the family, and let's talk about the mental health part. Uh, I've brought it up a couple times. You know, it's, it's an important thing and you can get in your feels about how you feel about it, and I respect your opinion, but, uh, I'm not you. You're not me, and we're all in different places. So I'm happy for you wherever you are in doing your thing for me. Um, I got real sick and tired of social media.
Finding Demo (05:47):
Um, we're gonna call a spade a spade here. Let's go ahead and just call it what it is. I got sick of it, man. It, it opened it up and it's something people trolling other people, uh, friends. Uh, I got sick of seeing stuff inside our fishing industry, uh, amongst the back, you know, stuff behind the curtain. Y'all don't see, uh, I got sick of seeing the, for, talking, I guess is the best way to put it. Um, I'm guilty of it. I've. Talked to several people and, uh, couple of them, uh, they know it. Most of 'em know it 'cause we're not friends anymore or we're not talking, or, uh, we haven't talked in forever, whether it be whatever it is. Uh, but, uh, I got pretty sick and tired of it. I really did. So, uh, unplugged, uh, put all my notifications for socials off, basically put an away message on Messenger.
Finding Demo (06:43):
A couple people could text me and message me if they wanted. You know, they knew I'd answer eventually. Um, I would spend two, three days before I actually answered a message, because in reality, I was just, I was over it. There was no super win, really, of social. It kind of just, it became such an unfun job that didn't pay anything. It was, what's the point? And , we're not getting into politics here on the show, and no, I will never do that. Uh, uh, I will say, however, this is, you know, it's an election cycle. So the man, uh, social is just as bad, if not worse, when I really started paying back attention. You know, everybody's got an opinion and something to say, and everybody's right and nobody's wrong. It's just like, man, what's the point in this? So, went right back off again.
Finding Demo (07:33):
I was like, I don't wanna deal with it. Started watching, uh, reels and shorts on other things. Maybe a couple videos here. And, uh, yeah, just really unplugged from it. So, while I did that, I read a couple of books. I felt nice, uh, picked up some good ones that were like good brain food. Picked up a couple that were absolute crap. Um, I really regret my time listening to those. I wish I could have that time back, but it was, uh, it was important. And while I was gone, yeah, I went fishing a couple times and it reminded me of why I love it so much, why it got me into doing this podcast, why it made me get into the game of social media and sharing. And that was really because it is one of the greatest forms of therapy I think, that you can have for free, because it's you and the water, you and the rod, you fighting the fish, whether you catch or not, it's just you out there.
Finding Demo (08:33):
And that's nice. There's nothing to think about, you know, besides casting and retrieving that there's no, no noise if you don't want it. I mean, if you want the noise, obviously you can make it happen in your head. But for me, when I'm out there on the water, whether I'm throwing, you know, the nine footer, the eight footer, the 12 footer, whatever it is, if I'm doing lures, there's no thought with it. And there was another really great meme that was going around. Um, actually it was a short of a clip from Kerry Washington show. Gosh, I can't remember. She was Big fixer. It was a really good show. Uh, but the guy was the head of one of the organizations, and he went on about fishing. You know, whether it's, did I do this too fast, did I do that? It's his only, you know, is it Chance?
Finding Demo (09:26):
And it was kind of funny 'cause I remember that show well before I was getting fishing and, uh, as I am now, but it, it, it kind of hit home because it was right. You know, I never know. You never know what's gonna happen. And it was nice. So I really enjoyed getting out there fishing, uh, for me. Uh, I got to go out with Justin Reed fishing a couple times, and it was nice to just go out and not have anything to worry about. Talk about, it was just a time with a friend. We, him and I were just fishing, enjoying laughing, talking about our lives, talking about our families, and that was it. We weren't bullshitting about what product is what, we weren't collaborating on anything. We were just, uh, that's actually how Justin and I normally are. We normally fish. We just talk and we just enjoy ourselves and enjoy the company.
Finding Demo (10:16):
And, you know, that's really it. Um, if you ever see any of his behind the scenes footage, if he ever dropped it, you'd see him and I basically sitting there shooting the about something completely random. Whether it's, you know, new metal music we've been listening to, or, uh, what, what we're doing the following week, or some new foods or something crazy. We, we really don't talk about much else. We just talk. Yeah, we're, we're just good friends like that. So, uh, that times of being out there with fishing and wrapped myself back into where I was, sorry, uh, fishing has just been one of those things that's just nice to get away. You can just forget about all the BS that you're dealing with for a little bit and try to catch, and you can pick, pick apart what you're doing. You can get mad at yourself.
Finding Demo (11:03):
I reeling too fast for a blue fish. Oh, am I, what am I targeting? Am I going after Spanish? Okay, Spanish, like to hunt fast. I got a real fast. Uh, blues like to go a little bit. They're a little bit lower in the column. Let me slow it down a little. All of that plays a factor. So, uh, you can sit and think about that and enjoy yourself and just be like, that's a fun challenge. Cool. And then when you're done, go ahead and just, uh, get back to the car and head home and feel a little bit recharged. That's what it is for me, that that's really what it did. So, with that one, let's also discuss into other therapeutic benefits of beach fishing. I mean, surf fishing, whatever you want, whether you're walking with a lure or sitting on set rigs, uh, it's been proven.
Finding Demo (11:47):
The ocean it, it heals things we need to be near water. And numerous studies that they're out there, you know, science is, there's so many articles you can pull up talking about, Hey, you know, the, this therapy can, there's therapeutic for this. And science has proved, okay, cool. Look into all those articles. They're great. Uh, but when people go on vacation, a lot of them go to the beach. Why? It's relaxing. Um, calming. It's something, there's something about the water that just makes it better. So for me, I think about the, the days where the waves are, you know, one to two foot, they're crashing in. You hear that normal rush, that in and out, in and out. It's a constant cadence. It's nice. It's just there. And when you're fishing, like we are down here in the panhandle, you know, you're not normally on top of everybody.
Finding Demo (12:37):
Not a bunch of people are near you. So you're not hearing a bunch of people talking screaming, the guy a hundred yards down with his boom box, playing, playing the music for everybody, for all of us to hear . And you all know what I'm talking about. You've been there. Uh, you go out for your beach time and somebody's like, Hey, I think you should all hear the music of my world here. Enjoy. Uh, yeah. But, you know, uh, that piece, the birds, you know, they're flying by. They're doing their thing. There's a lot of serenity and peace there at the water. Uh, from other trips. For me, I, I always think of the water, uh, lakes, ponds, something about those places too. They are calming. Um, when I instantly think of another one, I think of where, uh, up in Maine isn't in place called, uh, it's up in the Lower Enchanted Township.
Finding Demo (13:32):
Uh, my family, we've called it Bulldog Pond. I think it's called Enchanted, lower Enchanted Pond. Uh, my father's ashes are scattered there, and it's placards to the southeast corner on a giant rock. But I remember that pond, um, obviously for fishing with my dad, my grandfather in Maine. But I remember going back after my dad died many years later. I was an adult then. Um, my aunt dropped me off the top of the hill and let me walk down. She wasn't gonna go with me that time. Uh, the, the trail was the overgrown. So it wasn't, wasn't exactly a fun walk, and she was not in the mood for it. Um, and I was in the middle of a lot of turmoil in my life at that time. There was just a ton going on. Uh, it was just all bad. I got down to the lake, uh, kind of did my sit down with my dad's spot, you know, with his little placard.
Finding Demo (14:21):
Shined it up and talked him a little bit. And, uh, a lot of the frustration, anxiety and pain I was going through at the time, kind of just went away a little. Uh, the wind on the water. There was no animals. There was no boat traffic, there was no planes. It was just the main wilderness. Um, and if you've ever been to Maine and you know, understand, you'll, you'll know what I'm talking about. That weird silence, not the stealing, Hey, some bear's there for you, but just you're out in nature silence. Um, and the made it better. So there's something to be said about that. And definitely worth those pieces fishing Wow. At those places too. Man, that would've been a double. I, I should have brought a rod down there and thrown a line. But, uh, I didn't until many years later. I took my family back there with my aunt, and we did the boat trip with my cousin. We all went and enjoyed the pond for the day I went fishing. Uh, but it was, uh, that was nice. Yeah, so there was serenity that really came with that. And I felt better both times after leaving there. So the beach, the ponds, whatever it is, get out there with the water.
Finding Demo (15:28):
Getting back into the groove of fishing is, especially after a break. Um, you guys have known, obviously you've seen a lot of the stuff. My episodes have come out every couple weeks. I slowed 'em down a little bit. I wasn't able to get out and fish as much as I wanted to. I missed out on a couple of tournaments, especially the Fish Bites tournament, which I was really sad about. Uh, both of them. I was just, nothing was lining up for me for that time. But, uh, getting back in after being out of it is a challenge. Um, relearning your gear, re getting everything set back up. It's, yeah, it's muscle memory, but man, the rust kicks in real quick into your body when you're forgetting stuff. Uh, I got back in. I remember I snapped off a couple of rigs. , I, I accidentally left the bale closed.
Finding Demo (16:16):
That was a good one. Um, I had an i a guide eye of all things break on me. And I didn't realize it because I didn't pre prepec my gear. I didn't pre-op it. Um, one of my reels that I was purposely beating up, uh, to see how far I could hand, how much damage it could take before I needed to replace it, which is my PC fund, uh, my PC fund flame. Uh, I left the drag all the way on. And when you leave the drag all the way on for a few months, it, uh, it'll create an interesting little problem for you. So I had to break it apart and find where I left a, a wear in there. And I created a problem for myself, fixed it very quickly and very easily. And the reel's just fine now. No issues. But it was a reminder, Hey, when you put your gear away, don't forget, loosen your drag up.
Finding Demo (17:08):
You don't need that flat spot. You still need the drag to do its job. Thankfully, I did lube all my gear beforehand. It wasn't corroded. Um, we do have a lot of that fun stuff here in Florida with humidity changes. So, uh, I took care of my gear for that respect. But, uh, finding that some of my line has been neglected. You know, when it was sitting there, I needed to clean up a little bit. I had to retie a bunch of rigs on. 'cause I had them sitting there. They were attached. The hooks had rusted out. And, uh, yeah, the, those were completely done. So had to retie rigs, had to grab some of my other rigs from some of the, uh, the Makers DS custom had a bunch. Uh, they sent me some, so I threw a couple all those on a couple of Brunos.
Finding Demo (17:48):
Uh, and I think a couple of green gems from Cliff, uh, just threw 'em all right back on and got back in the game. So it was, uh, it's fun to remember all those things. So if you're not really, if, if you've been off for a while, if before you go out, give yourself a couple hours prior to going to where you're gonna go. And pre-op your gear, make sure you have everything done, everything good, because something has something happened, you know, that, that was there. Uh, your gear might not be what it's, uh, don't forget to take a look at regulations. Phish rules is my favorite. I've talked about that at numerous times. How many times, uh, you know, I think on every episode, and I've definitely mentioned it several times during the, uh, the show with Mike on the Panhandle fishing report is, you know, you gotta know the regs.
Finding Demo (18:37):
Uh, none had changed for me. A couple different things to pay attention to. I knew were coming up, but nothing that was gonna affect me at the surf. So, uh, on that one, and then going to my old spots, I realized I'd almost forgotten how much the beach can change in a matter of weeks. And it had been months for me. So, uh, my normal honey spots are that I have marked in my phone, weren't there? Uh, the, the bar had changed. Some of the structure had disappeared under the sand. Some of the breaks had completely changed. Um, the, the craziest one was where a ginormous hole was covered up across about a year ago. The surf had rebuilt it, and it was back to being another hole of just stacked with fish. Um, hard to believe, but hey, nature does that. So it was, uh, yeah, I had to go back out and kind of go for walks.
Finding Demo (19:32):
I had to go from where I thought I was gonna be, ended up being, oh, okay, I gotta keep going. So it was all about rehitting and finding new things in. So, uh, those pieces right there were like the first, oh, crap, here we go. And then the other piece of that too was I set an expectation for myself that, Hey, I'm just gonna kick back in. I'll probably get a limit and call it a day. Um, and you guys have heard me talk about it before. I don't really care about catching limits. I actually, if I'm catching fish to take home, I want one or two. I just want what I'm gonna be eating. And maybe my wife, if she's going to, uh, she's gotta be in a spec specific mood for palms. So, uh, you know, I'll keep a couple fish and call it a day.
Finding Demo (20:13):
I, I have no real want, need or desire to catch six fish. You know, if you do, hey, good on you, whatever. Uh, I just don't want the limit. So, but I was like, yo, everybody's been catching. I'm probably gonna snag a whole limit real quick in Six Fish. I bet that'll be a quick day. And yeah, no, I didn't catch anything that first time out. And I was like, oh, crap, I suck. Second time out. Oh man, I'm having a hard time. Caught some cats. Third time, uh, caught out four or five different species and a baby pump. And then another time I went out, uh, was with lures, um, got strikes, but no hits or no, no, uh, no. I did catch a blue fish on that one, actually. So, yeah, I caught some fish, but I, uh, I, I didn't manage my expectations, you know, I, I went out there thinking, I am, uh, king poo.
Finding Demo (21:00):
I got this and I know what I'm doing, so I'm gonna crush it. . And I was really off. So, uh, I, I needed to re rewind and remember, all right, the expectation is to get my gear. Let me get my casting down, let me get my accuracy back. Let me find where the fish are. Let me go back to the basics. So in doing that, it really helped getting my expectations back to, oh, okay, I'm having fun. I I'm not out here to impress anybody. I'm not out here. Uh, you guys aren't listening to this show because I catch a ton of fish. Um, , you know, you guys are listening because of the knowledge that the guests bring and some of the, you know, funny stuff that I bring. Hopefully I bring you something helpful. So, uh, I didn't have anything to really compete with. I was just out there for me, and I had to remember that. And I do recommend that for you. When you're out there fishing, you're fishing for whatever it is, I personally say, don't fish for the gram, fish for you. Fish for what you want. Now, if the gram and the Insta and Facebook and all that stuff that's important to you, okay, that's important to you. That's what you're there for. Alright, cool. Uh, just find what's your thing and, uh, do it for you.
Finding Demo (22:15):
Well, staying present and mindful while you're fishing is kind of a, it goes back to what we opened with living in the moment and being just there on the water, being there for you, being there where you want to be, to get your head clear. Don't lose sight of that when you're out fishing. It's easy to, I guess, um, especially when you're doing it for other, you know, you're going for the social media run or hell, uh, anything else other than, uh, freedom and exact, uh, relaxation. It's, uh, you gotta stay present with that. Just remember, sometimes it's okay to just throw the foot, three, four lines in the water, put the chair down, sit there and just stare and just let it be. Maybe you don't need to do a paycheck every 20 minutes. . Maybe you don't need to go running up and down and find sand fleas.
Finding Demo (23:11):
Um, maybe you don't need to worry about the a hundred different things. Maybe the line's just fine the way it is, and well, you're gonna soak up a little bit of sun. Uh, yeah, that works actually. Uh, I, I have done that. And I will say with my fish bites, it's kind of nice. Um, I know I can cast it out there and I don't need to change it every 20. I normally, I know I can leave a piece of fish bites on most times, 45 to an hour, uh, depends on if it's been picked apart, but sometimes you can just throw that stuff out there, let it sit, and just like, all right, let me soak in a little bit of me. I'm fishing, I'm relaxing. Let me just breathe for a minute. Let me just enjoy that. So that's the other little anecdote I'd throw in there.
Finding Demo (23:56):
It's just stay present. Get yourself where you want to be mentally and emotionally, and you're on the beach to do that. So go for it. Enjoy that. Uh, it's been really fun. However, watching the limited times that I've been on and, you know, with Panhandle Surf fishing, uh, the Facebook group one, one of the admins for, it's been a lot of fun seeing people catch. And, uh, we had a great run tourist season this year for spring and summer. Uh, we were stacked up and yeah, a lot of the locals were upset about it. Sure, that goes with every year. It's the exact same thing every year we talk about the tourists spring break. Oh, they're all here. Yeah, they're here for the same reason you are on the beach. They're out there to enjoy themselves, get some relaxation in, and hey, there's a bunch of 'em fishing.
Finding Demo (24:45):
That's their happy. And you know what, we're both doing the same thing. So, um, it was really cool to see a lot of the great side of the stories. You know, first time anglers catching their first fish out here, uh, local fishermen meeting up with people from out of town, you know, that went to Walmart, got the crap gear, and you know, Hey, here, try this. Try this gear. Here's some bait, here's this. Alright, this is what I do. And then you see them catch. That was some of my absolute favorite things. And, uh, we had a pretty good year, uh, wasn't, it wasn't a 2020 year, but on the same note, we're, we're never gonna have a 20, 20, 20, 21 year again. You know, the fish had a full year break with the plague that went around, and the beaches and everything got closed. So the fish had a full year of spawning with no stress.
Finding Demo (25:31):
Um, so we'll never have that again unless rules change, but we're not getting into that. Um, so it was really cool and I really enjoyed seeing people sharing the success and, and, uh, and do that. So I was very happy. And then I got a couple of messages while we were off people talking about their fishing as they came through and catching. It was, uh, it's so cool, man. I mean, that's absolutely love, love seeing that. So don't forget, you know, take people fishing and all that and, and help them become, you know, help them catch a fish. You never know that that could be, that could be the one thing that makes their life better, and you just wear a nice little cog in that wheel. Yeah, take that as a win.
Finding Demo (26:14):
Well, I've been running my mouth now for a few minutes, so let's go ahead and recap and get it done here so I can get you on with your life. These episodes are not gonna be long ones. They never will. I'll always try to keep 'em real short and sweet to the point. But, uh, my break, like I said, it was for me and my family and for me to continue on with this show if I hadn't done it. I don't know, man. I don't know if I really wanted to keep going. I was so burned out with people's negativity and life and seeing everything. It just, it got to me. It shouldn't have, but it did. And I was just sick of it. None of it was directed at me, which is the funniest part. . It was none of it was aimed at me.
Finding Demo (26:44):
It was just life. It was. You know, everybody take a minute, breathe and leave everyone else alone. For the love of God, just chill. Go fish. Well, who cares about the other stuff? Um, again, go fish and enjoy yourself. Get that mental break in. Enjoy the water, enjoy those pieces. If you're coming down here on vacation, enjoy it. Don't worry about the noise. Have fun. If you need help, by all means, send messages. Jump in. You know, if you're in the Panhandle region, you know, take a look at Panhandle Surf Fishing. It's a great group. Uh, we share a ton of stuff. We don't deal with a bunch of shenanigans. And if we see people bullying others or they're pulling some crap of like, oh, why would you post that? They're instantly deleted or blocked any of that, we just don't deal with it.
Finding Demo (27:24):
We're one of those weird groups that are, uh, as we've been told, we're too soft and, you know, care about too many people's feelings. Uh, yeah, we do. And, uh, that ain't gonna change ever. If you think you can change our mind, you can't. Sorry, not sorry. Uh, keep sending your stuff into me too. I'd love it. By all means. Fire it away. I'd love to hear about what your success stories have been. Show me about your gear, what's been cool, what's new, what you've enjoyed. Um, if I can answer questions for you, I will. If I can't, I will send to you in the direction I absolutely, uh, know. It's like, Hey, you're gonna be good here. Talk to this person. Take a look at this. Um, I'll always try to send you in the right one because that's important that you continue to, uh, to win.
Finding Demo (28:07):
Coming up. We've got, uh, some pretty cool episodes. One of them is, I think next month is when it drops. And we've got a lot of, let's see here. Uh, we're gonna be talking with Matt Tours. He is part of the long casting crew. We've got an international episode that covers Sweden and South Africa, which is really, that was a hell of an episode to record. Like, I was like, this is cool. Um, Nick from Breakaway Tackle in Texas actually talked about this before in his episode. So if you ever wanna go back and listen to his, he's got a little bit of cool stuff to say about it. Um, but the, the p is family. It's a father son, uh, episode that we're gonna have a lot in that. We got some shark fishing, um, that we're gonna talk to the them. Travis Lucas, you're gonna hear about his story.
Finding Demo (29:02):
That one's pretty cool. Uh, Vince Williams is coming on. Uh, I know I'm saying their names and not their show because well, you're gonna have to find out more about it later. But Vince Vince's episode, that one's gonna be cool, man. The guy does bow fishing, and, uh, I know you're like, oh, what the hell's that gotta do with surf fishing? It doesn't, uh, I'll tell you that right now. It has nothing to do with surf fishing, however, it's fishing. And it was pretty cool to record, man. I, I really enjoyed it. I, I thought it was, uh, it was a lot of fun. So, uh, you got a bunch of that coming up. We got fish bites. Uh, I've got them coming up. We've got, uh, hell, I got a bunch of things in to include a Naked and Afraid winner. That's right.
Finding Demo (29:42):
She did it. She did a hell of a job. Mallory. Uh, she's gonna come on the show. Uh, I'm looking forward to that. We've been trying to work that one out and my schedule screwed me up, so I've messed that up a bunch. But anyway, uh, the, we got those ones coming, so keep your ears open. We got a lot of fun ones there. Uh, I'm gonna do a bunch of o other episodes for myself. You're gonna have me talking, like I said, I'm gonna talk gear, uh, products, stuff like that. Maybe. We'll, we'll, we'll just dig in and we'll see where we can get with it. Uh, and, uh, I, I think it'll be fun. I really, I really need to get back into that side of the house. I, I've missed out on that. I've really missed writing and talking to you about that stuff.
Finding Demo (30:18):
And then, you know, that it's just cool as always. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for being here. You are. What makes Finding the Most Suring happen? You're the ones that let me continue on to build this, to share people's stories. Y'all are the ones that are helping me become a better angler while also helping everyone else as well. Because we're all sharing knowledge here. We're all trying to make things a little bit better. So keep doing that and keep sticking around. And I look forward to having more episodes with you and going there. If you want to be on the show, by all means, send me a message. You have something to share. I've said that so many times to people. You have knowledge to share. You maybe not think you do, but you do. And also, it's kind of cool or cool to get your story out, share your story, share your life. I mean, it's one thing you'll have the leftover to be able to share down to your family, your grandkids, whatever they get to hear your story later on. Maybe it's historical. Keep that stuff going 'cause it's fun. Take care of yourselves. Keep doing the good things you are, and know that, hey, I'm championing for you. You're doing good things. It may not be easy right now, but it'll get better. So you've been listening to Finding Demo Sufficient. I'm out. .