IT Matters | Tech Solutions and Strategies for Every Industry

In this episode of IT Matters, host Aaron Bock interviews Curtis Hughes, CIO of steel manufacturing company Midrex Technologies.Conversation Highlights: Curtis’s journey to becoming a CIO (2:29)How Curtis’s consulting background has guided his leadership at Midrex (4:20)What IT means to an organization in 2022 (6:17)The importance of a people-centered approach to technology (7:38)How Curtis got started in technology (9:23)Automation trends and technology priorities across industries (11:...

Show Notes

In this episode of IT Matters, host Aaron Bock interviews Curtis Hughes, CIO of steel manufacturing company Midrex Technologies.

Conversation Highlights: 

  • Curtis’s journey to becoming a CIO (2:29)
  • How Curtis’s consulting background has guided his leadership at Midrex (4:20)
  • What IT means to an organization in 2022 (6:17)
  • The importance of a people-centered approach to technology (7:38)
  • How Curtis got started in technology (9:23)
  • Automation trends and technology priorities across industries (11:36)
  • Misconceptions about IT departments and why “invisible IT” is a good thing (15:57)
  • How IT’s function within a company has evolved over the last 20 years, and how it has stayed the same (20:04)
  • AI, predictive data, digital twins, and other IT trends transforming the manufacturing industry (25:46)
  • The increasing focus on decarbonization and environmentally green technology in steel manufacturing (30:57)
  • Curtis’s advice for starting a career in IT (32:32)
  • What IT departments will look like in 10 years (35:59)
  • The #1 piece of advice Curtis would give to millions of people in a technology state of the union address (39:27)

About Curtis Hughes:
As the CIO of Midrex Technologies, Curtis is responsible for defining and executing the company’s global technology strategy across more than 20 countries worldwide. Prior to joining Midrex, he spent nearly two decades as a trusted business leader and technology advisor to organizations throughout North and South America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, founding three technology companies along the way.

Curtis holds a B.S. in Computer Science from UNC Charlotte, has been named as one of Charlotte’s “40 Under 40”, and frequently shares his experience by writing on leadership and technology trends, and speaking at business and technology conferences around the world.

What is IT Matters | Tech Solutions and Strategies for Every Industry?

Welcome to the Opkalla IT Matters Podcast, where we discuss the important matters within IT as well as the importance of IT across different industries and responsibilities.

About Opkalla:
Opkalla helps their clients navigate the confusion in the technology marketplace and choose the technology solutions that are right for their business. They work alongside IT teams to design, procure, implement and support the most complex IT solutions without an agenda or technology bias. Opkalla was founded around the belief that IT professionals deserve better, and is guided by their core values: trust, transparency and speed. For more information, visit or follow them on LinkedIn

Narrator: Welcome to the IT
Matters podcast, where we

explore why it matters and
matters pertaining to it. Here's

your host, Aaron bock.

Aaron Bock: Welcome to the IT
Matters podcast. Excited to be

here today, we've got a great
guest. But before I introduce

him, I want to call out that we
are going through, I think

record highs right now for
Charlotte, North Carolina

yesterday, where actually two
days ago, we cracked 103 degrees

from what I saw. So if you are
in a part of the country

listening, going through this
heatwave, we're suffering right

there with you. So hope everyone
is enjoying their summer. We've

got a great conversation today.

So I'm gonna introduce our
guests. We've got Curtis Hughes,

who is currently the CIO at
Midrex technologies based here

in Charlotte, North Carolina.

And I'm gonna start off with
I'll let Curtis explain more and

tell you a little bit about him.

But I love Curtis's tag. He's
got it on LinkedIn, you can

follow him, but he says he's a
digital leader with a passion

for culture and people. Curtis,
welcome to the show.

Curtis Hughes: Yeah, thanks,
Aaron. Appreciate you having me

here. Glad to be here.

Aaron Bock: We're excited to
have you and I'm gonna start off

I ask every guest who who comes
on this question. But before we

go through, I want you to kind
of explain if you had a

summarize someone you meet new,
who is Curtis Hughes,

specifically your, I guess, in
your professional and personal

background? What would you want
people to know about you?

Curtis Hughes: Yeah, first and
foremost, dad and husband and

and love my family and love that
time. And so really just try to

work hard play hard kind of
thing and try to find the

balance between those two, I
think a lot of people coming out

of post COVID. And everything
going on, I think that's really

important to people as well. But
I really do kind of like my

tagline says, I really do like
to sit at that intersection of

where technology and people kind
of collide. And there's there's

everything today's digital, when
we'll probably talk more about

that. And every company is a
technology company, whether they

think they are or not. And it
impacts our people. And we're

seeing that across the board,
whether it's culture engagement,

how our how our teams can work
wherever they are in the world,

flex, Hybrid work, all that kind
of stuff. So I really like to

work on projects, work on
challenges and solve problems

where we're really impacts

Aaron Bock: That's awesome. And
I know from talking with you

before, you're unique, you're a
little bit unique, because right

now you're a CIO title. And a
lot of people who end up in that

role have been kind of working
their way up. They were

director, they were manager,
they were on the help desk, you

were actually in in an
entrepreneurial role. I can't

even say that word today. Less
in the last 10 years. So maybe,

if you could share with our
guests a little bit more about

that, at that point in your
career, what you were doing and

kind of how you transitioned?

Curtis Hughes: Yeah, I love the
the consulting side, I've

started a couple of companies
and ran those. And I said early

in my career, and I try to tell
others this as well, when I when

I talked to them and people I
talked to is, I really tried my

entire career, I was kind of one
of these people that wasn't

defined by a title. Even when I
was first coming out of school

and software engineer developer,
I was interested in what

marketing was doing to sell the
software, whatever it was. I was

just always interested in more
than just my, and for better,

for worse, I think it's actually
turned out better, where it's

led me to all these different
places, rather than just putting

up putting a title on it. I'm a
software engineer. I just love

technology. I love how it
impacts business. I love making

businesses better. I love
growing businesses. And if I can

do that with technology, if I
can do that, as a leader of an

organization, I just I go where
I see challenges I like to build

I like to I like to solve
problems. And sometimes that's

with technology. Sometimes it's
not. So yeah, I took kind of my

consulting 10 plus years
consulting and growing

businesses, turn that inward on
Midrex. I've been here for the

last five years and just kind of
pouring that into helping Midrex

grow and helping veterans kind
of transform from the inside out

from a technology standpoint for

Aaron Bock: How do you think
your consulting background has

helped you be a better leader, a
better CIO for a technology

organization at Midrex?

Curtis Hughes: Yeah, it's good
question. I think part of it for

me was always loved being a
smaller companies like I've

never been at the huge, huge
organizations, many, many 1000s

of people, even Midrex is a
fairly, fairly small

organization. And I think it
allows you to wear a lot of

different apps like wearing
hats. I don't like just wearing

one hat. And when you get to
wear wear multiple hats and you

have some experience, across a
variety of things. It helps you

just understand when things come
you see things from a different

perspective and I think that's
probably the best. That's where

it is perspective, all my
experience, up to this point,

even though it looks like a
winding road, sometimes I think

it's been perfect for where I am
today and I am an everything

happens for a reason, kind of
guy. So it's allowed me to have

a unique perspective on growing
it. A lot of folks that are in

technology, especially probably
don't think like a business

owner, right? How do I manage
cost? How do I do, and having

that and grown a company manage
P&L, how to hire people, how to

let people go, when you're
starting a company, your HR,

your accounting, your
everything, right? And so you're

just having that perspective has
allowed me to take that. And

when I speak with our accounting
teams, or anyone internally

here, as a CIO, it's just helped
me connect with those folks more

and just understand kind of what
the problems they are, they're


Aaron Bock: Yeah, as a small
company, you are all those

things, but you pretend to be
bigger. So you make email

aliases for each one that all go
back to you.

Curtis Hughes: Exactly.

Aaron Bock: And you mentioned
sharing your perspective. And I

know, I'm excited for our guests
to be able to listen your

perspective, because I think you
really do approach, technology

and IT different, differently
the way you talk about it. And

a lot of people talk about the
tech. So before we get down that

road anymore, I want to ask the
same question that I asked all

the guests. So, you're in your
CIO, now, you lead the

technology department Midrex,
you've done consulting for

technology, what is information
technology to an organization at

this point in time? And 2022?

What does that mean?

Curtis Hughes: Yeah, I think it
was, I'm a big quotes guy. And I

just, I take bits and pieces
here as well. I think it was

Drucker that said, and it was
back in the 90s. He said, we

spent the last 30 years thinking
about the technology, and we'll

spend the next 30 thinking about
the information or something

like something to that effect,
I'm paraphrasing, but I really

do think it is, today, we're in
the age of data. And as much as

there is technology, data is
huge. And when I think of

information technology, I really
do kind of center in on that

information piece. And that was
one of the reasons I came to

Midrex. And Midrex has been
around a long time but but

wasn't leveraging all the
information and the experience

and all the learnings to take
that and pour it back into the

organization and do things
better. And so I think we used

to see data as, as maybe the
exhaust like, hey, let's build

all this technology. And all
this data comes out the end. And

yeah, we don't know what to do
it. Today, data is the fuel,

right? We take that data, and we
pour it into things to kind of

to kind of drive it. So it's,
it's a huge shift. And I to me,

I think that's that's one of the
most powerful things about

information technology today in

Aaron Bock: So we're gonna come
back to this because you

mentioned data three times, I
think, in that cover in that in

that snippet, but is kind of a
hard question maybe to answer.

But how does data so when we
talk about technology, we're

talking about the data, we're
talking about the systems behind

it, but you always talk about as
a person, people are the

crossroads. People are, what
drive it and people is what

really is driving the change.

Why do you say that? Like how
does people in tech, like

information technology? How do
they relate? And why is why are

people so important to it?

Curtis Hughes: People are what
organizations are about and

people do, companies do business
with people and not not

companies and not technology and
those kinds of things as well, I

think people are at the heart of
everything we do. And so I think

it's easy to get lost in new
shiny technologies, and data and

KPIs and all these things. But
at the end of the day, I

continue to, I'm not always
perfect at it, but always try to

come back to why does that
matter? So what I've heard

someone tell me asked me that
before, like always, so what.

Like, yeah, great. We've got all
these KPIs. And we've got all

this great. So what, what does
that like? What do we do with

that? Does that help somebody do
something better? Does that give

someone insight that makes them
change their strategy on how

they recruit new employees? What
do we use that data for? And how

does it impact it? And that's
what's powerful to me is I've

got all these these tools over
here, my garage full of tools.

Here's the problems that we're
trying to solve as an

organization, as people as
departments as a business. How

do I go there and get my
screwdriver, my hammer and come

over here and try to solve that
instead of just walking around

with a hammer saying, Hey, I've
got this technology, what

problem can I solve with it? And
the old adage, right? When

you're when you're a hammer,
everything looks like a nail. So

I really don't ever try to leave
with technology and really try

to understand, like, what are we
trying to solve here? Like, what

are we trying to do?

Aaron Bock: So we're gonna pivot
a little bit. Curtis, I want to

go back a little bit in your
career. How did you actually get

started in technology?

Curtis Hughes: Yeah, so it
depends on how far you want to

go back. But I think I was
always one of those kids that

like, my parents, I drove them
crazy, I'm sure. And now my son

I see this in him as well. Like
to take things apart. I like to

figure out how things worked.

And so all through school in
high school, especially, you're

looking at technology computers
are the guys okay? I enjoyed

working on computers, that kind
of thing. It was good thing jobs

for sure. And so that's what I
did. I focused on computer

science and went to school got a
computer science degree from

here in Charlotte, UNC Charlotte
and came out at that time, most

folks that came out with a
computer science degree, you're

basically a software engineering
writing software. And so that's

how I started is building
software, but thankfully got in

at a company that was a small
growing startup. And so I was

able to, like we talked about
wear a lot of hats, and that led

me to things. I really think
it's really a benefit, to see

what you really enjoy. I enjoy
this. And so I moved from, from

writing software to
architecting, to designing, UX

and interfaces and things like
that. So I've done everything

from user interface design, to
building out full product to

writing software across and then
leading teams and then growing

from there to leading teams of
software engineers.

Aaron Bock: Did you always want
to be a CIO at some point? Or

did that just happen? Naturally
or by accident?

Curtis Hughes: Yeah, if you
know, me, personally, you know,

I don't think there's any
accidents. So, I don't think it

was an accident. But it was
never something that was a

milestone, I had always said,
when I have my own company,

like, hey, if I wasn't running
my own company, that's probably

the right fit, because I don't
want to just sit and write code,

or I don't want to sit and just
do that. I like the variety that

comes with the business side,
the technology side, bringing

those two together. And I like
to sit right in the middle. And

I think it's a it's a perfect
role for that. So it kind of

just evolved, and I knew what I
enjoy it. I knew myself, I knew

what I was good at and knew what
I enjoyed doing.

Aaron Bock: Yeah. So we talk on
this podcast a lot about IT

matters. Obviously, it's written
above my head, what does that

mean? So why IT matters, and
what are IT matters. And so what

we mean by that is, we talked
about, you defined information

technology, but let's talk about
why IT matters. You're a CIO, at

a midsize manufacturer with an
interesting place in 2022. With

the political climate, you guys
being international. So why does

IT matter to Midrex? Why is it
an important function? Why is it

going to continue to grow in
importance at Midrex?

Curtis Hughes: That's a huge
question. I think if you look

across the board, and most
organizations, and I think I

said it earlier is that every
company is a technology company,

right? And everything's so
digital these days. But

certainly, technology helps us
do things better, faster. So

automation is a big piece of
some of the things we're working

on now, what used to be, five
people doing something manually

now. And it's not necessarily
about removing jobs. It's about

putting that unique talent of
those people on other creative

work that a computer maybe can't
do and automate, right? But the

things that happened the same
way all the time, how do we

automate those things and make
us more efficient so that we can

scale and grow our company,
maybe without having to add a

lot of headcount sometimes, and
we can grow and do new things.

So I think that's a big piece of
it. But also, one of the areas

I'm really interested in is
really that intersection of

people so how does technology
help us engage with our

teammates more? So whether it's
internal enterprise social

network kind of stuff, even
looking at things like sentiment

analysis. And how do we stay at
the pulse of our teammates, and

especially with hybrid work, and
how do we bridge that gap and

stay connected with our
teammates, when they're halfway

around the world and we don't
see them that often or ever? How

do we use technology to close
those gaps. And I think that's

been one of the amazing things
to see over over COVID When

people couldn't, then they adopt
a team zoom, all these kinds of

things. We were using teams
before COVID hit, thankfully.

But I think there's a number of
ways and I talked about the data

piece, too. And we're doing a
lot more with data now, where

we're getting data from, from
plants, and looking at that and

helping us develop new products
and our r&d and how we design

these plants and do it

Aaron Bock: You mentioned
automation. And I think people

hear that they hear it on the
Superbowl commercial at halftime

that everyone talks about
automation. If you would be so

kind help us understand, within
Midrex, for example, give an

example of where automation when
we talk about it. Give a real

life example for our listeners.

So they understand what do we
automating? I think some people

just think it's like this made
up thing that just data runs

through a robot, but it's not.

Curtis Hughes: No, there's a
number of them. I think

something really simple that
people will get is, when I came

in a few years ago, every
computer and again, we're not a

Bank of America, huge company or
anything like that, where we've

got, 10s of 1000s of computers
to deploy, but still a number of

computers and things like that
refreshes, building all those by

hand. So someone going in and
you think about setting up the

operating system, installing the
software. That takes a lot of

time. It takes a person almost
full time building those things

out, staging them up, automating
that so going to things where

these automated builds go. And
it deploys our software based on

who you are in the organization.

So if you come in, you're in
accounting, you get this

software. And then there's ways
we can do that. Another area,

we're using it a ton is on the
security side. So with security,

and a small team like ours, all
the threats that are out there,

just because we're small,
doesn't mean we don't have the

same threats. The bad guys don't
care what size you are, they're

just coming after anyone. And so
how do we look at, threats and

things that come through and
sift through the noise and so

automating some of that, and
even using things like

artificial intelligence machine
learning to figure out what's,

what's good, what's bad, so that
we can quickly sift that out and

say, yep, we know that that's
not something to look at, or

yeah, this person never does
that on their computer, why are

they accessing that server? And
so we've used automation in that

way, so that from a monitoring
standpoint, and security

standpoint, so that we can see
kind of what's going on within

the organization?

Aaron Bock: Yeah. So you have an
organization right now of we'll

call it a midsize organization,
I don't know exactly how many

employees, but if you could go
around to each person, and you

mentioned automation, how
everyone is using technology,

two questions, and you can kind
of go which whichever way you

want here. One, what do you
think people not understand

about the IT department and
technology? And what do you

think? If you could talk to each
of them and sit down and say,

please know this or please
consider this? What would it be?

Curtis Hughes: Yeah, I think a
lot of times one of the things

that I think people maybe don't
understand about technology is

the iceberg effect, right? You
see the 10%. But there's all

this stuff that goes on behind
the scenes. So just just to keep

everything running and what goes
on to to help computers run and

all the software work, I think
that's a big piece of it, right?

Just helping them understand all
the bits and pieces that go into

it. But also helping them
connect the dots. And that's

something that I really try to
do a lot of here we hold town

halls, we hold tech cafes every
month, my team and talking about

new technology and and why it
matters. So we talk about these

things. And I think that's
probably one of the best places

to start is to talk about it.

Don't make it some black box
over in the corner, where it's

just no one knows what kind of
goes in and out of it. Why does

it matter? What are the things
we're doing? Why are we looking

at data and launching new
dashboards? Why does that matter

to accounting or whatever. And I
think it really impacts them and

helps them do their job better
if they know why we're doing

certain things, it certainly
helps change happen better,

right? When someone knows the
why and kind of what's in it for

them. But I think also just, if
I had to sit down and let them

know about, things that IT is
doing. Really my goal, my team

hears it all the time is
invisible IT. I don't think IT

should be something that's
visible, like the best

technology is invisible. It does
work. We all use things and

whether it's iPhone, or whatever
it is. And I actually have a KPI

and measurement. And we actually
measure and kind of like an

invisibility index. So based on
tickets and things like that,

like how visible is technology
to our teammates. And I use that

to kind of gauge and we change
directions and do different

things because no one comes into
the office to use Excel or

Outlook. They come in to solve
problems and to do certain

things in their group. And for
me, technology should get out of

the way and just help them do
those things better. So I think

trying to try to make sure that
we were always as invisible as

possible, I think is one of the
things that I like to do.

Aaron Bock: Yeah, I want to
drill into this a little bit

more, because I've not heard of
the invisibility index. So you

actually track how visible IT
is? How many is it? How many

tickets meaning if there's less
tickets, that means the more

invisible you are?

Curtis Hughes: Yeah, that's the
key. Tickets walk up things we

hear things we get through our
tech cafe. So I try to have a

lot of touch points. We do walk
through talk through kind of

things we walk around. We have
all kinds of things I push my

team out of, get out of your
desk and talk to folks and try

to learn so we're always talking
to the business in different

ways. But yes, certainly tickets
is one of those. But every

ticket is not obviously
something that's visible,

something maybe just be a
question like, hey, where do I

find something or whatever it
is. They can be all kinds of

questions. So certain types of
tickets. Yeah, we try to track

that and say, this is something
that shouldn't have been there,

right? It's something that was
visible that should have just

worked and so we try to track
that. I wouldn't say it's

perfect by any any stretch, but
half the time and half the

battle is just the
intentionality around, let's

start using this terminology.

And let's try to understand and
let everybody on the team try to

work to make technology
invisible to our teammates and

it changes your behavior when
you just even think that way.

Aaron Bock: It's interesting. I
feel like there's a lot of

people out there that might want
to when to take that metric and

and talk to you about it. So
I'll let them hit you up on

LinkedIn because I think it's a
really fascinating, you hear

shadow IT and I think we've all
heard shadow IT. I've never

heard of invisible IT. You
already talked about your

consulting for 10 plus years now
you're in an organization

running IT. How do you think
things have changed when

considering big projects? So
like, take a product officer or

take a plant manager right now
where you're at, like, 10-20

years ago, I assume decisions
were made, IT was sort of an

afterthought, go do it, make
sure this works, blah, blah,

blah. I feel like Today things
are a little bit different, you

have to consider the technology
aspect of it. So how has that

changed from what you've seen
from your consulting days? where

you're at now? Like, how do you
have someone who might be in

charge of something who doesn't
have a lot of technical

expertise? Consider IT well,
like, what do they do? Well, to

make sure that it goes that the
technology behind it is thought

through properly?

Curtis Hughes: Yeah, make sure I
understand the question. So I

really think that it all goes
back to technology, like

manufacturing anything else,
it's there to solve a problem.

And really, that's probably
people get tired of me saying

it. But to me, it really comes
down to being that simple, like,

whether you've got a technical
background or not, and trying to

understand, I think a lot of
times, when technology was

coming up, yeah, we were using
it to solve problems, but it

was, it was heavily focused on
the technology. Now, there's so

many aspects to it, and
especially how it impacts the

people. And even today, we hear
the term you can call it

whatever you want to, but your
retention and hiring and those

kinds of things as well. But I
think to me, it goes back to

solving the problem, and what do
we try to do to solve the

problem? What new problems do we
have that we didn't have before?

And companies have to keep a
competitive advantage, and they

have to continue to grow and
adapt to that. And I think

technology can help them get
there, get there faster.

Aaron Bock: Yeah. So you would
agree that organizations that

take a step back ask the
question, what problem does this

solve? When we're making a
technology decision? You've seen

those organizations do IT
better. I mean, is that, would

you agree with that statement?

Curtis Hughes: Yeah. And I will
say the company's data, that

consider really that focused on,
we hear it all the time, people

process technology, data is in
there as well. But used to say,

in the consulting days, spend
80:20 kind of thing, right? 80%

of your time on your people in
your process, and 20% of the

time on technology, because
technology really is, at the end

of the day I don't want to
oversimplify it, But it is the

easy part. Like anyone can do
technology, you can implement

certain technologies, find
someone to implement

technologies for you. But
understanding how it impacts

your people, short term long
term, what processes need to

change? How do we need to do
things differently? Do we need

to change our business, because
of certain things that are

happening and those kinds of
things? To me that's like, when

an organization comes in, tool
first, technology first kind of

thing versus someone that thinks
about how it's going to impact

the people, the processes, how
we do business, all the things

around the edges. I think they
do it better for sure.

Aaron Bock: Yeah. We've heard it
a number of times before

actually a couple things you
said, other guests have said

like you mentioned in a previous
thought, highlighting what

impact IT has had for others
that don't understand that the

iceberg effect. There's 10% They
see the rest they don't. I think

it's a great practice to help
people understand this is what's

happening in the background and
in allowing people to see oh,

this is actually what goes into
this, ,but to your point, the

planning behind it, the impact
of it, but what problem does it

solve? And how do we become more
efficient before we move into

like trends? I guess I'm curious
in your personal life, because

you've spanned across a number
of industries. What technology

personally do you I guess, what
technology do you like the most

what technology has changed your
life the most? And why?

Curtis Hughes: Yeah, there's
hardware there's software

there's all kinds of different
ways you can look at technology

for sure. I'm a I'm an Apple
iPhone, it's really the only

Apple I use I use these PCs but
my iPhone is probably

transformed my life and it took
so many things and put it in

your pocket where calculator,
music, whatever it is and so and

today just to see how far it's
come and the camera. I'm a big

photography guy did full
photography, but full cameras,

all that kind of stuff, kind of
amateur photography. You can do

so much on the camera on the
iPhone now and don't even need

like the larger cameras. So I
think the iPhone for sure. But

from a software standpoint, I
think one of the things that I

love everybody tells me I'm
maybe weird about it, but

OneNote. I'm a huge, huge
believer in Microsoft OneNote.

I've used Evernote and some
other tools like that, but I've

been using OneNote since about
2009. I would call myself a

pretty heavy power user of
OneNote and just organization

brainstorming all kinds of ways
to use that tool. And then I

think the last one is just the
new things that you can do with

voice. Whether it's Siri whether
it's Alexa, we kind of go with

the Alexa. It's a love hate
relationship right now with

Alexa, because some of the
updates I think they push out on

Alexa don't always work the way
we want them to. But, it's great

tools. it's got a lot of promise
that things you can do and

driving down the road and speak
to my phone and put something on

my to do list for tomorrow while
I'm thinking of it and not have

to write it down or try to
remember it. That's pretty

powerful stuff, the ways we can
use some of the technology.

Aaron Bock: My kids like using
Alexa to they like yelling at it

as loud as they can to play
Winnie the Pooh and Disney songs

over and over and over. So thank
you for sharing. So let's let's

kind of transition over to some
of the trends and what we're

seeing in IT. So I guess you
mentioned in a previous thought

you talked about cybersecurity,
automating it talking about

tasks, onboarding and off
boarding. What trends are you

seeing in let's talk about
Midrex for a second through the

manufacturing industry? What
trends are you all seeing in IT

that are going to matter now and
in the future? And I can guess

one? I think from what you've
said data a number of times, but

I'm curious to dig into these a
little bit more?

Curtis Hughes: Yeah, there's a
number and they've been out

there. They've got different
levels of adoption across the

organization. I would say we're
still trying to get our hands

around some of these. But
certainly, how do we use AI

machine learning those kinds of
things for these plants. Some of

these plants that we have
running for 30-40 plus years, so

we don't own and operate the
plants, we build them and design

them and for other customers,
but using that data to help us

know how certain components that
we designed from an engineering

standpoint, function and certain
locations and geographies around

the world. And we just, using
data to do that, what about

predictive maintenance, knowing
when a component may fail or

something based on it's in the
Middle East in the desert versus

some other place that's very
cold, or whatever it is. So, I

think using that more to really
understand and learn more about

the data and the plants and how
they kind of operate. And then

kind of going into that there's
a term, people probably heard

it, but this concept of a
digital twin, right, so you have

a digital version of a physical
automotive and using it,

manufacturing, steel means steel
is always a little bit slower to

change, but really in steel and
manufacturing, as well like

having this this virtual model,
that's the exact counterpart or

twin of a physical thing. So
while we've got the physical

plant, and we used to send
people over to look at the plant

and see where something was
leaking, or whatever it is, now

how do we take that get get real
time data, overlay it on the 3d

model of the plant, and we can
see this living breathing like

plant here in Charlotte seeing
it on a screen and how its

operating and how its
functioning and what's going on

and being able to see how it
reacts and run simulations,

that's one of the biggest things
is hey, what if we change this

or reduce the diameter of this
pipe? Well, that makes it you

can do all that in real time,
because you've got to fill it,

the virtual representation. So
that's, that's a big piece, I

think, especially around what
what Midrex is trying to do

that's changing a lot of a lot
of what we're doing.

Aaron Bock: So you mentioned the
ability to have a digital twin,

I actually am not that familiar
with the concept of a digital

twin. So if you don't mind, just
for the for the folks that

haven't heard it like me, what
do you mean, elaborate a little

bit more on like digital twin?

So you have a physical plant?

You have, obviously the digital
copy of it, what else can you do

with a digital twin?

Curtis Hughes: then you have the
physical plant that's running

and sensors in the plant. That
is you could have vibrations,

you could have temperature, you
could have sound, whatever it is

speeds of motors and all that
kind of stuff. So the data is

coming off. It's flowing now
onto the screen, right? And so

you can see on the screen
instead of just like yep, I

design that compressor. Now you
can see what that compressor is

running at this mini RPM, or
whatever it is. And then what's

nice is once you have that, and
you have real real data coming

in, then you can run like what
if scenarios, like I just talked

about, where, hey, what if we
change this or reroute something

here because this new plant
needs to do something a little

different? Well, how's that
going to change how this thing

runs, you don't have to guess
and try to go through it set up

big, you can do it all right
there, because you've got data

and you've got the digital
representation and you can see

how the hell that will function
in automotive. Like I said, I've

been using this for for years
and you take wind tunnel data

and they can take the digital
twin and shape the car, all

kinds of stuff like that. But
um, you don't need to travel as

much you can. You can be a much
more proactive around how you

make design changes, predictive
maintenance, like I talked

about. So I think that's one of
the powerful things about it,

for sure.

Aaron Bock: And I assume that's
what's driving you've mentioned

data a number of times, like
that's what's driving the amount

of data increasing and the
reliance on data, because you're

getting more real time data of
real time processes that maybe

we haven't had before. Is that

Curtis Hughes: Yeah, exactly.

And obviously, the more data you
have, the more you can train and

learn from that data, right? And
so data is becoming very

important to get data, how fast
can we get it? Even data that,

hey, it's great. We used to be
able to get data and we can get

it in batches once a week, well,
now we need a daily or now we

need an hourly to try to get it
and to see these things more

frequently. So it's pretty
interesting. I think the latest

latest Gartner stat as of 2021,
was that it's great, but only

11% of businesses have really
deployed digital twins at large

scale, right. And so it's still
some of the larger

organizations, obviously, are
doing it and doing it well. But

it's still, what 10, 11% of
organizations out there that are

that are implementing stuff like
this. So I think that's a pretty

big thing that's going to help
us in the future for sure.

Aaron Bock: Yeah, that's a low
adoption rate. So it seems like

so when you go to a conference
for your industry? Is everything

is it all about automating
sensors, how to get the data

from the sensors? Is that kind
of the trend that you're seeing?

or is there other technologies
around there?

Curtis Hughes: Yeah, the big
things right now, if you go, I

don't go to a ton of the iron
and steel type stuff. I go to a

handful. But a lot of it right
now is around for the industry,

decarbonisation. So steel making
steel, very dirty, very bad

traditionally for the
environment. How do we how do we

reduce carbon footprint? How do
we decarbonize, still make them

go into green steel and things
like that. So Midrex is smack in

the middle of doing that. So
that's a big plus. But also,

every magazine I get on iron and
steel, huge sections in there

around AI, machine learning
digitisation sensors, just like

what you talked about, like
data, and predictive and all the

ways that we can help things run
smart, and they can learn. You

can have assembly lines, and
steel mills, change how they run

based on, no one having to
program them that they just

learned. They learned that when
this happens in this time, that

whatever it is, and it's pretty
powerful when you can have,

technology start to learn from
itself and start to start to

change how it operates.

Aaron Bock: It's like 94, a
little scary, but I guess that's

where we're going. So we're
changing the subject just a

little bit, but it's kind of
related, right? So you're

talking about, very, I would
say, cutting edge trends in your

industry. But then you take like
the traditional, like what

people think of IT, and it's the
helpdesk person, that's the

person fixing the computer? How
does someone start a career in

IT? Where would you tell them to
start now? And how do they learn

about AI and digitization and
digital twins? How do they get

there to have that knowledge to
properly do this for an

organization like yours?

Curtis Hughes: Man, it's a good
question. It's changed a lot

since I came out of school and,
I look at it now. And some of

the folks were hiring and in
school and things. And in,

there's so many paths you can
take with technology, right? And

you can go into data science,
and business intelligence, and

all that. And data analytics,
like I said, when I came out, it

was either a software developer,
or you're building the hardware,

you're like a computer engineer,
computer science, and you build

the processors, or you build the
software kind of thing. And now

there's so many areas, whether
it's machine learning AI, like I

said, data, still writing
software and user experience.

There's full jobs that are just
designing the interface, if you

like, the marketing. So for me,
it really is true, they say, do

something you enjoy, find the
things you enjoy. And honestly,

there's a technology element to
nearly everything that we can do

these days, if you're on
marketing, and designing and

drawing, you can do that
technologically, you can be on

the front end of designing, take
your pick, right and anything

you want, whether it's software
or not, and really finding out

what you're good at. What things
are hot right now. But there's

also so many more ways to get
learning and certifications,

whether it's LinkedIn learning
or these other ways, like

there's so many ways to get up
to speed on stuff that just

didn't have all those options
back when I was coming out. It

was, literally, you grab your
book that looks like this off

the shelf, and you're reading it
a night or whatever it is to try

to get up to speed now so much
is on the internet learning.

People can people can get
certified on AI and machine

learning in a short period of
time or date or whatever it is

so, I think probably for a lot
of people, you got to try things

out. That's why I like wearing a
lot of hats. I got to see what I

liked. And what I didn't like is
things really quickly that,

Yeah, I didn't like being on the
front lines and supporting and

help desk ticket stuff. I like
building and kind of creating

behind the scenes. Everybody's
going to be different.

Everybody's going to kind of
figuring out what they what they

enjoy most.

Aaron Bock: It's really
interesting. So you just said

like there's a number of sources
out there that you can go, the

YouTube, internet, whatever to
go get get the answers. I was

listening to a podcast the other
day about a guy who's in

finance. And he was talking
about he started in 19, I think

it was like 1986 or 1988, or
something like that. And his

boss walked in and said, I need
you to do blank, blank, blank,

blank blank. And he said, The
phenomenon that went through my

mind and in what raced through
my mind about how little I knew

what he just asked, was so much
more severe back then, because I

couldn't just go to Google and
type in what he asked and figure

it out. I had to literally think
through it, ask colleagues, go

find a book, or just admit, I
didn't know it. And so the

amount of like, you can only
fake it so far, if he didn't

know it. Whereas today, I think
we can go out and Google read a

quick article and become an
expert. I agree with you, it's

really do what you're
passionate. One of our last

guests, his whole, his whole
mantra was, you have to have

passion for what you're doing
for what you do. And I think

that applies to any industry.

If, let's say, the CEO of your
organization, or you're making a

prediction, I want you to look
five years, 10 years out, right?

And someone says, Hey, Curtis,
what is our IT department going

to look like? What are the
things what changes are going to

happen in 10 years? And what
like, you could talk about the

trends that will get us there,
and the why, obviously, this is

just a prediction, but like,
what do you think will change?

And where do we think IT
departments will be in 10 years

for like a manufacturing
organization? For example?

Curtis Hughes: I think, man,
that's tough. I try not to

crystal ball too much. But, you
got to kind of stay on top of

this stuff.

Aaron Bock: Indulge me a little
bit, if you will.

Curtis Hughes: Yeah. I think I
think we talked about some of it

already, I think things will
continue to be automated things

will be continued to be
commodities, right? I mean, even

the ID, even help desk, for me,
it's something that I've been

looking at here haven't made a
ton of progress, because it

hasn't been high on the list of
things that we were tackling

right now. But even with some of
the topics we talked about,

machine learning and things like
that, you could have a machine

that that answers 50, 70, 80% of
the tickets that come in,

because you've already moved
most of them, you've answered

before, right? Most of them are
repeat things or something, a

handful, it's the 80: 20, right?

20% are probably new problems or
something like that. And it

continues to learn. So what
about a bot or a series of bots

out there that these software
bots that answer tickets and get

rid of the helpdesk and put
those people towards other

things that are, like I said,
more creative and kind of the

building of things versus the
the tactical, that's really a

big focus of mine is like, if
it's something that's just very,

very tactical, we can automate
it, let's automate it, automate

the administrative is kind of
what I say a lot of the times,

like getting rid of all the
things it takes someone. because

it's not only take time, but it
also, people that enjoy building

and they're doing all this
administrative work kind of

grinds on them too, and can lead
to burnout and some other things

too. So I think letting the
automation kind of take hold, I

think is a big, big area that
we'll see. And then in general,

I think we'll see things become
more and more connected. So

getting data, we're already
seeing it. We get data from

machines, and we can see things
early and detect them, where we

couldn't before. So even,
telemetry from some of the

laptops that we've got out there
and stuff that we've deployed,

we can start to see problems and
see things going on, before

someone even knows it's an issue
and stuff. So how do we connect

all these pieces to, again, get
back to invisible IT and just

helping things run better and
get things out of the way? It'll

be interesting to see how hybrid
and this work anywhere? And

whether or not that that sticks,
and are we going to swing back?

And everybody's going to come
back in? Or is it? Is it really

gonna go? I don't know, this
depends on who you ask. I think

these days.

Aaron Bock: Yeah, we don't have
to make that prediction. Because

I know that that's controversial
organizations right now. Funny

test for anyone at home that to
what's the one thing Curtis

said, that's really interesting,
if you ever want, he mentioned

about more things being
connected. If you ever want to

play a fun game at home with
your significant other, whoever

you live with, take a guess on
how many devices are connected

in your house. I remember my
wife and I did it. And I said

there's only 20 or 30 devices
connected. It was a lot higher

than that when we ran the actual
test. And it was kind of crazy

to see how many things were
connected. So fun game for all

the listeners. Curtis, I really
appreciate you being on I want

to ask you one final question
that we ask all of our guests,

and this is really your State of
the Union. Curtis Hughes giving

a State of the Union in front of
a million people and you are

leaving your best advice.

Whether it's about career
advice, technology advice for

those don't know, any kind of
advice as it relates to

technology, what would it be?

What would you say?

Curtis Hughes: Million people,

Aaron Bock: Billion people, it
can be as many people as you


Curtis Hughes: I think a few
things maybe number one, Expect

the unexpected like things are
no longer, except number one

success is not linear. And if
you look at my background or my

history or whatever it is, and
just how the world's going and

COVID and all these things have
proven that, right? Just expect

the unexpected and kind of
balancing to what you're working

on today with kind of where
we're going tomorrow. But also

being being agile and adaptable.

I think the more rigid we are
the the worse off we're going to

be in the future. I think we
really have to bake flexibility

and everything. We're everything
we're doing. I talked about it

already. But starting with the
tool first mindset, I think

that's me really I say a lot
people that know me have heard

it a ton. But don't start with
the tool, start with the

problem, start with the people
and and really try to understand

that first and honestly, even
when I'm hiring, looking at

people, technologies are gonna
change skill sets are gonna

change what I hire somebody for
today, they're going to need to

know something different in five
years, 10 years, whatever it is,

or even sooner. So hire for
culture, hire for people, hire

for the ability for someone to
kind of think creatively and

solve problems outside of just
technology. And then the last

thing is just always keep in the
back of your mind and or the

front of your mind, the impact
that whatever you do has on

people, I think sometimes we
just forget that we just solve

problems and technology and we
don't think downstream like, how

is this going to affect someone
that uses this or someone on my

team? Or how do we support it,
whatever the people impact may

be think about the people impact
of what you're trying to do.

It'll be much more successful
when you do that, and it'll make

you think differently.

Aaron Bock: I love it. And I
really do appreciate you sharing

this with myself over the years
and then with our with our

listeners, I think embracing the
people understanding the

technology and the why behind it
is super important. And this

seems to be a theme on this
podcast. So Curtis, I want to be

respectful of your time. Thank
you very much for joining the IT

Matters podcast. This was
awesome talking to you today. I

always enjoy it. For those
listening. What's the best way

to get in touch with you?

Curtis Hughes: I think LinkedIn
to find me on LinkedIn. Yeah, I

think it's /CurtisHughes on
LinkedIn. And you can you can

look me up or just its not a ton
of Curtis users out there. So

find me pretty easily here in
Charlotte. But yeah, it's

probably the best way.

Aaron Bock: Well, thanks for
joining us today. Curtis Stay

cool. Really, really enjoyed the
show and have a great week.

Curtis Hughes: Thanks Aaron.

Appreciate it.

Narrator: Thanks for listening.

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