Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Friday, September 13th, 2024 / It’s Friday, September 13th! OOH, spooky! Cheetos in caves are dangerous, what it sounds like to live in our house, the ladies in the Tielor household think it’s time to turn on the heat, how our family calendar works, we got new bedding and pillows!!, Josh hates how his voicemail works, there was a football game last night, they made a real sportscar out of lego, why is toe wrestling a thing, and Friday the 13th superstitions!

What is Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast?

Wake up with Josh & Chantel every weekday from 6a-10a on Classy 97! Missed the show or want to revisit your favorite moments from the show, enjoy Wake Up Classy 97 - The Podcast!

Episode title: Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh and Chantel - Friday, September 13th, 2024 /

Episode summary introduction:

It’s Friday, September 13th! OOH, spooky! Cheetos in caves are dangerous, what it sounds like to live in our house, the ladies in the Tielor household think it’s time to turn on the heat, how our family calendar works, we got new bedding and pillows!!, Josh hates how his voicemail works, there was a football game last night, they made a real sportscar out of lego, why is toe wrestling a thing, and Friday the 13th superstitions!

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Full show transcript:

It's Josh and Chantel, and this is wake up classy 97, the podcast. It's Friday 13th. Oh, spooky. On today's show, Cheetos in caves are dangerous, What it sounds like to live in our house. The ladies in the Tielor household think it's time to turn on the heat.

How our family calendar works. We got new bedding and pillows. Let's go. Josh hates how his voicemail works. There was a football game last night.

They made a real sports car out of Lego. Why is toe wrestling a thing? And Friday 13th, superstitions. Thanks for listening. You can hear the show live weekday mornings from 6 to 10.

It's wake up class of 97, the podcast. Are you ready for the show? I'm so ready Enjoy today's show. Hey. Hey.

Hey. Hey. Hey. I can't hear you. Am I plugged in?

I'm not plugged in. No. You're not. I don't even see your, hearing this. It's so far away.

Welcome to Friday. There you are. Thank you. Yeah. Hi.

Hi. Good morning. Happy Friday. It is Friday. It is International Chocolate Day.

Oh, I've been waiting for this day my whole life. Hey. You were cleaning out the cupboards. Yeah. Last night when I got home and you found some chocolate, and I was so happy.

Yeah. Thanks for finding this chocolate. I wasn't necessarily cleaning out the cupboards. I was, refilling we have on the stove, the salt and pepper that you just do a pinch in. So we have these little, like, open salt and pepper containers.

Mhmm. And, they were empty. So I was I had to get all the way into the back of the cupboard to find the little thing of salt and pepper to fill them. So it just looked like I was cleaning the cupboards. But as I was getting back there, I went, what is all this stuff?

Some chocolate. You got some chocolate. And I went, oh, thank you. So I grabbed that and ran away. I saw that.

I saw that you did scurry away like a a little mouse who had found a treat, and you went and ate it. So good job. It's also national peanut day. Oh. Hey, peanut.

Aw. It is blame someone else day. Oh, I'd I'd do that every day. Really? And it's Roald Dahl day.

Oh, nice. Mhmm. Read your favorite Roald Dahl book. What's your favorite Roald Dahl book? Oh, probably Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

I like Matilda too. Have you read any of his books or just seen his movie? I've just seen the movies. But I do like Matilda, and I I like Charlie. James the giant peach is good.

That is one. Good job. I'm trying to think of some others. Those are the big ones, I think, in my world. Okay.

The BFG. Oh, yeah. Also a great movie. The Witches. I don't know that one.

Anyway Anyway, very well. All day. It is National Celiac Disease Awareness Day. Okay. It is also kids take over the kitchen day.

So if you're looking for a way to get out of cooking tonight, let the kids do it. It'll be a mess, but it'll be fun. It's hug your boss day. Would you, wanna hug your boss? Awkward.

I'm right here. Oh, oh, I thought you meant, like, the the boss boss. Oh, the boss boss? You're, like, my supervisor. Yeah.

Not my boss. Okay. Fine. Stand up to cancer day. What else?

Supernatural, defy superstition, uncle Sam, positive thinking. We threw it all in. It's all happening today on a Friday. Okay. 13th.

It is Friday 13th. Mhmm. I'm not superstitious, but I am a little stitious. No. That's a stolen joke.

It's Happy happy happy Friday. This is kinda cool. This is, some science. Okay. Science y news.

What's going on in science? Well, I know they're doing Nobel Prizes today. Oh, are are they? Yeah. Oh, cool.

I don't know who, who's getting them, but I know, it's Nobel p Nobel prize day. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Unless I am, and they just haven't notified me yet. They might.

No. Okay. The Nobel Prize announcements will be October 7th through 14th. Oh. So it's not, they announced when they'll be making the announcements.

Jeez. Okay. In Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico, you heard of this place, haven't you? Where? Carlsbad Caverns.

That's I've heard the words Carlsbad, but I don't know if I've heard of the caverns there. It's like a series of caves. I figured that's what caverns are. Yeah. Okay.

Okay. Alright. So they posted their, Instagram area. They their Instagram area. They posted a video of how a tourist was traveling through their caves, and they dropped a bag of Cheetos.

But they said that here's what happens when you litter and drop a bag of Cheetos because it kind of destroys our entire ecosystem. Isn't that interesting? So they said the perfect environment is formed to host microbial life and fungi. So, like, you drop litter, and then because of that Cheeto dust or whatever's inside the bag Sure. Crickets, mites, spiders, they all swarm around it, and they spread the Cheeto dust throughout the cave.

And then mold starts to grow. Yeah. Everywhere. And that can be really bad for that because it's just a dark, damp. Yeah.

The mold will go crazy. So the park rangers spent 20 minutes removing the mold before it got much worse, and they said, we just wanna show everyone how a spilled snack, even a tiny one, can be world changing to the life of a cave. For sure. That's wild. So it'll, like, completely destroy their ecosystem.

Yeah. I know, from the little bit of caving experience that I've had. You have some caving experience? Some. But I know that, like, there are some caves where you can't wear boots that you've worn to other caves.

Oh, yeah. And that has a lot more to do with bat guano than anything else, because bats live in caves. And if you transfer diseased guano into their ecosystems, you can end up, it's some kind of it's like a white nose disease that they get Oh, yeah. Yeah. From from that.

You remember. That sounds familiar. Yeah. Because I think some of those protected caves are at, craters of the moon. I think you're right.

So It sounds familiar. So what little caving experience that I have is pretty much the same caving experience. Same caving experience you have. Forgot that we've gone there and and done some caving Yeah. Spelunking That's right.

Look at us. Helmets and headlights and all that. Spelunking. Let's go back in time a week. Alright.

Last weekend, a group of soccer players, this was in Texas, Fulshear, Texas is where this happened. They went to train at the Jordan High School. And when they got to the field, they found out that soccer practice might have to be postponed a little bit. There was an owl tangled in one of the soccer nets. Oh, no.

And this poor bird had the net stuck around its neck. It was all twisted in its whole body. Its wings were all Oh, no. Messed up. It was not good.

There's a senior. His name is Pedro LaCour. And at first, he called his mom and said, there's an owl in the net. What do I do? And mom said, why don't you post something on Facebook, call animal control, and get some people over there to help you?

So he did, but he and his friends realized that nobody was responding to their messages. So after a few minutes, he said, I gotta do something myself. So Pedro went home. He grabbed, himself, some gloves, and he grabbed, a ski jacket so that he could protect Okay. His his he just grabbed a coat Yeah.

And some gloves. And because there's some sharp talons. And he said, I don't care. I wanna save this animal. After a bit of struggle and some teamwork, Pedro and, and his friends did manage to free the owl Oh.

Which is fantastic. The rescue turned into a community effort. A bunch of people showed up to help after seeing the Facebook post, but he'd already taken care of the owl, which is good. They're like, we had They're like, go here to help. And he's like, I got this.

I got this guy. I went home and got a coat and gloves. I got it taken care of. His determination did pay off and actually turned a regular soccer practice session into a special Saturday adventure for the team. He said the happiness and all our eyes seeing this owl being free again was very heartwarming.

And to anyone that ever comes across an animal that is hurt, always never give up and always try to help the animal, which I think is pretty nice. Yeah. It's just being a nice person. Right. Be a good human.

Be a good bro to animals. Or, sis. Good bro or sis. Yeah. You don't you don't hear that one much.

No. You don't. You go, what up, sis? Yeah. Why do we all get called bro?

Bruh. Call me sis. What up, bruh? Up, sis? Bruh.

Good job. Good day. Rescue that owl. What who was his name? Pedro.

Who? Pedro? Good news to get you going. What did you say? That's what I said.

What did you say? What? What did you say? No. Listen.

This is the game you play where you think you heard something. Usually, it's like, oh, you said you were gonna go get a snack. What was that? Did you say you were getting a snack? And I go, no.

No one said anything. And you're like, oh, now I could've sworn you said you were gonna go get a snack. So what do you need? I'm not playing that game right now. Yes.

You are. I'm not, actually. I really am not, But that's hilarious because I kinda forgot that I do that. I do do that. Yeah.

I know. I'm not making that up. That's just my life. What did you say? What did you say?

You said you wanted ice cream? He Oh, that'd be great. I do too. Are you What? Did you say that?

I swear I heard you say that. I'm hilarious. Yeah. No. What's up?

What did I say? I don't know. What did I say? Did I say you needed something? Probably.

I don't know what. The average person says, what did you say to someone else more than a 1000 times per year? Now does that include going, Yes. Does that include, like, across a store? Because you'll go, and I'll go, What?

Across the store? Yeah. Or across the house or some like, you think I can hear you wherever I'm at. Dude, last night Dude. You were fiddling with a an IKEA bag Yes.

Crinkling it to bits. I don't know what you were doing with the tag. To me? Yes. I couldn't hear a word you were saying.

I was in the I was in the other room, and I was like, hey. And I said this thing, and then all I hear is crinkle. Yeah. I didn't hear you say anything. And then I said it again, and I hear crinkle, crinkle, crinkle.

And I go, is he doing that thing where he's, like, purposely trying to not hear me? No. It's folding an IKEA bag. And so I poke my head out, and I see you folding the IKEA bag, and I'm like, what is he doing? It took you 15 minutes.

Have you ever tried to fold an IKEA bag? Boy, in a race, I'd lose. That thing was wild. It was unmanageable. It was out of control.

You trying to fold it? Put it away. Oh. Oh. Because it's just been laying around the basement for I don't know how long, and I was like, I'm tired of looking at this thing.

It was wrong side out. I don't I don't know what to tell you. You're the one that put it there. I didn't make it wrong side out. It was wrong side out, and it had a dryer sheet in it.

Oh, interesting. Yeah. It's not even my bag. It's a friend's IKEA bag. He's letting me borrow some video game stuff.

And so he brought it over in this IKEA bag, wrong side out, with a dryer sheet in it. What? I got I have questions. I have questions. So I and and I was tired of looking at it, and I was so I just put it putting it away in the cabinet.

And so I had to fold it up to fit. It took you so long to fold that IKEA bag. Try to fold an IKEA bag. I didn't even fold it right. I gave up.

And I went, I'll just put the video games on top of it, and it'll press it down. That's literally what I did. I just remember going, what? What? Josh.

Here's the thing. What did you say? What? We play that game a lot in the house where I go, I if you're talking to me, I can't hear you. Oh, I play that game all the time.

I know constantly. I'll be I'll be walking down the stairs, and you'll be still going. Yeah. As I'm walking, I'm like, I have no idea what you're saying. Here's what happens.

I start to talk to you, and then you walk away. And I go, I'm I'm still talking to you. When? Do you take these gaps in your in your conversation where it sounds like you might be done. And I'm like, alright.

You just walked me through. Move on to something else now. And then you're like, no. No. No.

I'm still going. Okay. Here she goes. You just walk away. It's easier that way.

I'll just follow you. Try that. Just follow me around. Just gabbing. Like, see how far we can walk before you're like, are you just walking?

Like, you haven't done anything. You've gone downstairs, walked a circle, went back upstairs. I'm still following you. Are you trying to get away from me talking? And I'll go, are you talking right there?

What are you saying? That's the problem. Yeah. So you just don't hear. And that's okay.

Sometimes I just need to get it out of my head, and so I'll just talk to talk. I don't need a response. I just need to tell somebody else. Can we get you, like, a teddy bear or something? What?

Yeah. You can tell your teddy bear all your problems? No. It has to be you. Why?

Because you're my teddy bear. Who? Shush. It was a little chilly yesterday. Yeah.

I mean, rainy and chilly, and I had to have an umbrella. Yeah. And Emery woke up, and she said it's freezing in here. And I we're not home in the morning when she wakes up. And Right.

I said, I know. It's cold outside. And then we get home last night, and it's time for bed, and I was freezing. And I said, can we turn on the heat? For the first time in what I feel like is months, I felt so comfortable in the house.

I felt like the temperature was perfect. And both of you are going, it's freezing in here. So cold. And I was like, I finally don't feel like I'm dying. Like, it's finally feels cool enough in here that I like, I I had the windows open letting the breeze in.

I had the air conditioner turned off, so I was just getting, like, real airflow. I was so happy. And both of you, oh, it was cold. Put on a coat. Was she a coat?

Yeah. I don't even know where my coats are. Which I said I said put on a coat, and Emery said, oh, looks stupid. And I went, okay. Then, you know, nobody here to impress.

Do you wanna be warm or not? Why didn't she just put on a blanket? I don't know. She said, I'm gonna take a bath. It's so cold.

Take a bath. Oh, that sounds nice. But she took all the hot water, and then you took all the hot water. No. So I took a 5 minute shower, and it was awesome.

The water was nice. And warm. Yeah. It was. And then, I got out, and I said, alright.

Go take your shower. And you're like, no. No. No. No.

No. No. I don't have water. That's how you said it. I didn't say I didn't sound like that at all.

That at all? No. I don't wanna take it. There's not enough hot water with the cauliflower. I'm done.

I don't wanna get my hair wet. I did say that. It didn't sound like that. Weird. It's the way I heard it.

Everybody took a shower, but I didn't get a shower. I'm just going to bed. Can I turn on the heat? Freezing. Now I will say that in the middle of the night, I had to kick off all of the sheets and covers because I was like, it's too hot.

I know. So I'm glad we didn't turn on the heat because I woulda really been roasted. You know? I'm old. Night sweats and all that.

Yeah. And the night sweats, I'm gonna take a shower. You know, I'm getting so cold, but now it's too hot. I I don't know how to help you. I I one, stop saying that.

Stop Stop saying that. That's just what I hear. It's what I hear. I don't know how to explain it. Josh, do you do you like living with me?

I Okay. I do. Okay. Because you you take it. Like, if I was if I was trying to give this to anybody else, he'd be like, I'm out of here.

Here. But, no, you stick around. Yeah. You're like, yeah. That guy.

I think he likes me. I think. I think he likes me. I don't know. Today, I'm not sure.

Yeah. No. You're cool. I like hanging out. Thanks.

You're good company. Thanks, bud. Okay. Powell, what is Bud and Powell? Yeah.

Rename the show? Yeah. Wake up classic 97 with Budd and Powell. Budd and Powell. You can't even call me his wife.

I added something to our family calendar a couple of days ago. Yeah. We just have the one, that we have, like, everything. Like, any anytime we have an event or a, a family birthday party. Yeah.

And I've been adding stuff to this calendar Yeah. For Years. Years. Yeah. We've used this thing for a handful of years.

So and sometimes the kids are like, what? We're doing that? I'm like, yes. I've added that to the calendar. Like, you get you get notified when that happens.

You have Everyone put in your hand. But I never look at the calendar. That's just an app that I ignore. 2 days ago, I added something to the calendar, and I get a text from Emery that said, I accepted the invite to that thing. And I went, oh.

Yeah. That's never happened before. Adding it to her own calendar. Yeah. She accepted it.

You know how Mhmm. Gmail will send you, like and then I added something again yesterday, and she goes, you keep sending me invites to these things through my Gmail. Yeah. And I said, yeah. And she said, well, if you're trying to keep something secret, it's failing.

Oh. I went, I'm not. I'm not I'm not trying to keep it a secret. And she said, okay. Good.

Because it's not very secretive. No. That's why it's on the public family calendar. And then she said I talked to her last night. I go, how come you get so mad when I send you invites to calendar things?

And she said, because why do I have to accept them all? I go, you don't. Yeah. You don't. You can just delete the email.

It's still gonna be on the calendar. You're just part of the family. She goes, but then it'll send me the email that says, yes, no, maybe. Just delete the email. You can respond or not.

I it doesn't matter to me. I just put it on the calendar so that everyone can see what's going on so that when I say, hey. We have this thing, you're not all in shock. Like, what? Nobody told me.

Right. I I get it. I appreciate the calendar. She gets That's why we've used it for so long. She stop sending me invites to face.

Didn't she say something like you were talking about, oh, I need to add that to the calendar, and she said, is that gonna send me an invite? And he went, yeah. No. Yeah. I will.

I wanna go to see Beetlejuice this weekend. I said, hey. Let's go to Beetlejuice this weekend. You're gonna send me an invite to that? She said, are you gonna send me an invite to that?

What a little snarky teenager I have. We should just create random stuff, like, Friday. You're invited to Friday. Welcome to it all day. Her birthday is on Monday.

Maybe I should invite her to her birthday. Yeah. You should. You're invited. Yeah.

Emery's birthday. Or no? Yeah. You're gonna go you're gonna be there? I don't know.

Hey. We finally did the thing we've been talking about for weeks that we were gonna do. We got new pillows. We got new pillows. What?

Who are we? New pillows. So wild and rising. New pillows. Now you only wanted one new pillow, not 2.

Well, because if you stack 2 pillows Uh-huh. It's too it's too thick. I would agree with you after my experience last night. I knew it. I knew it.

I said I don't want 2 pillows because I usually there we have 2 pillows each on our bed Yeah. For decorative purposes for me. Do you use our old pillows anyway? Do we did you use both of those pillows? The one with the, slipcover, not the pillowcase Uh-huh.

The the that one, I always had to turn upside down, and I put that one on the bottom because I don't like the texture of that, cover. Okay. But the other side is just flat, but I don't like all the quilted stuff on my face. Oh. So I would turn that one upside down.

I have a whole thing. It's a whole routine. So you turn that one upside down, and then I would put my other pillow on top of it and then sleep on the 2 pillows. Oh, uh-huh. That's what I did.

I because I there are just 2 pillows there, and then I would put one behind just on the bed, like, standing up, and then just one down on my head. So I only needed 1. And we would got extra big pillows last night, the ones that we purchased, king-size pillows. Which I thought was would be, an interesting thing on a queen bed to have king pillows. Did you see they fill the whole width of the bed?

Because Which is awesome. We have a queen-size bed. Right. King-size pillows. Yeah.

And then, we also got that new, down comforter. Yeah. We gotta get a duvet cover for it, but, but it's super nice. I like that. You're pretty fancy last night, cozy and up in bed.

We were putting the stuff on the bed. You said, look. This looks like a hotel bed. It's like a vacation bed. Vacation bed.

How'd you sleep? Pretty good. Did you? Pretty I like the the other pillow I got. So the king-size pillow is great, but the other one that I got has a cooling cover on it.

That was so nice. Like it? Yes. I need to use it to see if I want one. I didn't know if I would want one.

Like it. And I also like that that pillow's heavier, so it kinda stays put Oh. Which is which is really nice. Interesting. Mhmm.

Interesting. Interesting. So new pillows. Pillow tack. And, oh, and, and then that comforter making making the room fancy.

Except it got pretty warm. Yeah. So I had And that's a medium heat comforter, by the way. It's not like the big heavy one that it's gonna keep you way warm. But having a down on top of you is gonna be sweet all winter.

You're gonna love it. I know I am. Yep. But in the meantime, we're probably gonna have to turn on the air just because I was getting wet. Weird because just a minute ago, you were all like, I just want it in the heat.

It's too cold. Josh, I'm going through perimenopause. I can't help you. Get a get a fan. Nice sweats.

What to tell you. Keep ice near the bed. I don't know the answer. I'm cold one minute, hot the next. Yeah.

There's hormonal changes in my body. What to tell you. Figure it out. I'm trying. That's why I keep one leg out of the blanket.

It's a heat regulator. Yeah. I do that too. And then you get chilly, and then you go, oh, it's just tuck in here. I just keep the leg out.

All night? Yes. Because then I'm not too hot, too cold. That's important. Too hot.

Too hot. You're always too hot. Alright. Oh. Hey.

It's Josh and Chantel. Hey. Hey. Hey. This right here is a frustration of mine that I need to share.

Go for it, buddy. Because, I have decided that I am, going to disable my voice mail on my phone. Oh. First of all, I don't get voice mails that often. I just had one that some we're looking to talk to you about your car's extended warranty type of call Yeah.

Left a voice mail. I don't give voice mails because I answer my phone. Yep. Most people text, but if I get a number that even if look. If it's a weird area code or, like, an 877 or something weird, I don't answer those.

Well, yeah. Yeah. And that's what happened. And one of these rolled over, and they it just said, the the message only said over and over and over, please return my call at your earliest convenience. Please return my call at your earliest I have no information.

So I don't know who it is. I don't know what it's for. It's a robot. It doesn't matter. I'm not calling it back.

Okay. But as I as I was logging in to check my voice mail on my phone, you have to go to the voice mail, you have to enter your PIN, and then the voice mail automated thing says, you have one new message. You're doing something wrong. No. We have the same phone, and I don't have to do that.

What are you talking about? What are you talking about? What do you do? I'm telling you right here. I go to my voice mail Yeah.

Right here. This button right here, and I hit play. I can't even see. Oh, you have size. I don't have that on my phone.

Been a password. I don't it doesn't tell me the duration of the voice mail. It just Yeah. I don't I don't have that on my phone. One button, 2 buttons.

I have to call and log in to the thing. Well, that's your problem then. Anyway, so when I do that, it then wants to tell me, yeah. See, visual voice mail is disabled for me. I don't I don't know why.

I don't know what's wrong with your phone. But, anyway, you might be paying extra for visual voice mail. I don't think that I am. I don't know. Anyway What's visual voice mail?

Listen. Let me tell you my complaint, man. Tired of hearing about how great your phone is, but I'm trying to complain about how bad mine is. I just don't know what your I don't know what your issue is because I don't have that. Yeah.

And we have the same phone. We don't. I have I have a newer phone, but you have better stuff on yours right now. Well Yeah. Well, except you're out of storage.

Deal with that problem. K. Go. So, K, complaint. When I call my voice mail and do the PIN and then it tells me you have one new message, and then it you go push the button to listen to messages, and it says, first message delivered on this day at this time, call duration, and then it says from this phone number.

And I'm like, dude, play the message. It took me over 30 seconds from the time I called the voice mail number to when the message started playing. That's too long. That's what I'm trying to explain. What would be great is if I could pick up my phone and just hit play and hear the message and then delete it like you can.

What's up with your phone? I I don't know. I have a better phone, I suppose. Whatever. I probably set yours up and haven't set up mine.

Probably. Probably the deal. Because let's be real. I don't do anything with my phone. Like, you have to teach me how to do all of the things.

Yeah. Well You probably did it, and I said, cool. Thanks. Yeah. Probably.

Probably did it. That's your role in our marriage. I know. You have electronics and cars. I'm pretty I'm pretty upset right now about the situation, and, and so I'm gonna go figure out what's going on with my voice mail.

Alright. So it's cool like yours. For right now, voice mail's a joke. I'm tired of it. But thanks for letting me complain uninterrupted.

I appreciate it. I I got a voice mail yesterday that said, obviously, it was a scam, but I didn't hear it. Like, the first part of it was cut off, and it said, call now to, correct this check or to correct this mistake. Yeah. Right.

But I went, yeah. I'm not Okay. Call now with your Social Security number to correct this mistake. Yeah. You are entitled to all of this money from this Persian king.

You can have it. Just call us and give us all your bank info. We'll deposit it right away. Yes. Yeah.

Yay. I always knew I was gonna get money from a Persian king. There you go. Yeah. It's all yours.

Long lost relative. Yeah. Don't do that. Don't do that. People There's no Persian king waiting to give you monies.

Don't give away your Social Security number or your bank information or Your passwords. None of that. There's a lot of scam artists out there. They're not artists. They wanna be artists, but they're not.

A lot of scam non artists. Alright. I accept it. Scam not artists. Let's talk about some sports.

Okay. Because, where was football last night? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Dolphins and Bills. It was a rivalry the the long standing line rivalry. And, the last, well, I guess, now the last 13 times that those two teams have played each other, the Bills have won 12 of 13. Can you even believe it? That's a that's a long standing rivalry.

I was frustrated watching the game. Why, Josh? And you said it made me kinda change my whole mood, got cranky. You got really cranky. Here's here's what happened.

And I I went back and forth debating about which wide receiver to play on my Fantasy Football team, and I picked up a new receiver from Green Bay. Ew. I know you're a Vikings fan. I know. I know.

So I picked up, his name is, Reid, Jaden Reid. And I picked him up because he had a great week last week, and so I was really excited, to have him in there in my mix. But then I looked at the standings right before the game, and I thought, man, I'm benching Tyreek Hill. I don't know why you would ever bench Tyreek Hill. Exactly what I said to myself.

I said, what am I doing putting Tyreek on the bench? Yeah. Don't ever bench Tyreke. He's the fastest in the league. So I pulled him off my bench, and he did not play well.

The Dolphins did not play well in general. Just in general. Left him on the bench. Now I have Tyreke who only got 6 points. Oh, so sad.

Yeah. Against you this week. I needed to have Tyreke on my bench, but I talked myself out of it. He had a better game last week when he got arrested right before. Necessarily his fault either.

There was a lot going on. There was a lot going on. There the Dolphins did not play well at all. And Tua? Can we talk about Tua?

Got a couple of questions. Concussion? Look. It was announced this morning that, or I guess late last night, yes, he did indeed get another concussion. I believe that's 4 now for him.

Dude This is not good news. No. This is not good news. His last series of concussions, he had 2 or 3 in 1 season. And he's he is really a lot of the reason that the NFL said we need to change the concussion protocol because we need to be better about protecting these players.

Yeah. And, and, yeah, he he took a risk and as he does. He's a he's an aggressive running quarterback, and he decided he was gonna try to run the ball in. And he ran it in with his head, jumping his head first. Head first.

Yeah. Scary. I know. It's very scary. So he is out right now.

He's on injured reserve. He has a 4th concussion. He will be sitting for weeks. I don't know how many, but, that's that's that's sad. It is very sad because I really like Tua, and I like Tua.

Yeah. I know. I know. I know. But the Dolphins are gonna have a much harder season moving forward Yeah.

Without Tua, as QB. That's not necessarily true. It is true because he's their he's their guy. He's amazing. He's good.

But The second string QB they put in last night was hard to watch. But it was just a rough night in general, so maybe they'll be better next week. Positive thinking, Josh. Positive thinking. I it's I just I really want Tyreke to get those points.

Homeboy's going on my bench for a while. It's not his fault. Fuck it. I just need to I need to reassess my Tyreke Hill right now in my Fantasy League. He got me 6 points last night.

He should have brought in over 20. It's not good. It's not good. And then you, thankfully, last night were not, like, gloaty and letting the raccoons out. You were pretty good about just letting me sit in it.

Because you were in a bad mood. Yeah. Well, I I got 6 points. Let's talk about the Vikings, my team. Yeah?

The best team. Alright. They're facing off with the 40 niners. Your other favorite team. We have a 40 niners fan.

I hope she's listening because she knows that I know that her team plays a little too aggressive. Alright. So I hope You have 40 niners on your fantasy team. I know. It's okay.

Because you like that they play aggressive when they're playing for you. Yeah. I have George Kittle on my fantasy team. That's true. I benched him, though.

Because he week? Yeah. He didn't perform last week. So I said, sit down, Seth. And you're really hoping he doesn't perform against your Vikings, so you put him on the bench?

Correct. Oh, yeah. Keep him there. I like it. I'm just saying I like that move.

To all these 40 niners fans, because I know there's a lot in our area even. They better be nice to my Vikings. Okay. Play play 2 hand touch instead of tackle? Yeah.

Oh, got him. Be nice. Play nice. Yeah. Alright.

Thank you for your sports update there, Chantel. Football. Football. Remember what today is? Friday 13th.

Oh. Are you afraid of Friday 13th? No. Why would I be afraid? You don't feel like it's a superstitious day?

I'm not superstitious, but I am a little suspicious. My hands. About half of people say they are a little spooked by Friday 13th. No. I actually am not superstitious at all.

So I am not I'm not afraid of breaking mirrors. I'm not afraid of walking under ladders. I'm not afraid of seeing a black cat. Woah. Easy.

Danger. Woah. Slow down. Look at me. Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You don't carry, rabbit's foot on your keychain? Nope.

Do they still make those? I haven't seen those in a very long time. Elementary school. Those were huge. I know.

Everybody had them. And and you ever find the toenail in there? And Ew. Well, it it got toenails. Morbid, actually Yeah.

To carry around a dead animal's foot. Yeah. That's kinda gross. Right. Chicken foot necklace?

Do you ever wear one of those? No. What about a shark tooth? No. Okay.

Well, sharks keep continually growing teeth, so that's not as morbid as a foot of something. I got the shark tooth from the shark I killed. What? That's what. What?

If I had a shark tooth necklace, that's what I would tell you. The shark from the shark I killed. Alright. Shark tooth. Me seem more mysterious.

Yeah. I just thought you were a surfer. Yeah. Yeah. Clearly.

Cool. Apparently, the 25 to 34 year olds are the most anxious about Friday 3rd. Anxious? Mhmm. What are they anxious about?

I don't know. Superstitions and stuff. But what what kind of superstitions are there? I'll look it up. I'm looking it up.

Okay. Because I don't necessarily know what is supposed to happen on Friday 13th. What do they say? Oh, great. Now we're gonna find out, and then we're gonna be all freaked out.

Let's see. Fear and anxiety about the day, maybe amplified by the, Jason movies. But where do these where do the Friday of the 13 is considered unlucky? The exact origins are unknown. However, it likely comes from the, Christian religion because it says, for example, Judas is said to have betrayed Jesus who was the 13th guest at the last supper.

So it's all this 13 stuff. So I don't know why Friday is significant. Album is 13. It's her favorite number. Oh.

Superstition. Right. Oh. 13 is associated with that particular terrible event, and Friday 13th, you get a double whammy, because the last supper happened on a Thursday. Okay.

Here are the things that you are not supposed to do specifically on Friday 13th. Walk under a ladder So because you're doubling down bad luck. Eat foods just the right size to choke on, it says. Like a grape. Use a vending machine.

Why? Oh, it'll probably keep your money. 2 people die every year from vending machines falling on them. On Friday 13th only? That doesn't say that.

Yeah. 2 people a year. This says don't open an umbrella inside, which I did just the other day. I was mostly trying to spook out my dog, but I opened the umbrella inside. She didn't like it.

No kidding. Spill salt? Walk alone in a dark alley? Let an owl look at you? Let an owl look at you?

Don't look at me, owl. What? Don't cross your eyes. You did. Just did.

You just looked down. No. I crossed them. No. You're just looking down.

No. I crossed them. You cross yours. Oh, you're not supposed to do that. They'll get stuck.

Don't go in a bad part of town. Oh, avoid that. It's Friday 13th. Don't go to the bad part of town. Step on cracks.

Don't walk past a black cat. All of these things are all of these superstitions. And they're just saying, don't do them on Friday 13th because they're they're even worse. Don't go in a bad part of town. Yeah.

You should probably just try to avoid those places on a regular day. What's the bad part of town? I don't know. I don't know. I feel pretty good in any part of town.

Let's go find it. The bad part of town. Go drive around and find the bad part of town. This is the bad part of town. Whole life.

I've been all over this town. I lived in Pocatello for 5 years. You lived there for 10. I've been all over that town, all over that town. Yeah.

I haven't seen the bad part. Haven't seen the bad part of town either. Where's the part where all the, the fences have barbed wire over the top? That's I lived in Phoenix for 2 years. I saw a lot of bad parts of town.

Oh, we didn't we don't have anything like that, do we? That's what I'm saying. It says if you cross your eyes, they'll get stuck like that. Said they're gonna get stuck like that. You say.

Yeah. Don't make silly faces. Your face will stick. Also, don't let owls look at you. Yeah.

Quit looking at me, owl. It's bad luck today. You go first. Why do I go first? Because I need to follow-up the story.

Is that right? Yes. You're just pointing me to talk. Well, I wanted you you wrote down that you had a thing to talk about, and so I said, okay. Begin.

Okay. I will begin now. Lego and McLaren, the car Yes. Teamed up. Okay.

And LEGO used 342,817 pieces of their LEGO Technic elements Yeah. To build a drivable McLaren. That's pretty awesome. I bet it's, almost just as expensive as the Probably. As the real one.

It is powered by an electric motor and a EV battery. Yeah. It's got fully functional steering. It is the 1st LEGO build ever capable of steering and taking on tricky racetrack corners. And it's a one to one scale.

That's pretty cool. Are you looking at it? Looking. Yeah. And they used yellow Technics on the outside to keep it yellow, which is kinda fun.

It's really weird looking, and I would hate to crash it because, unless they use the Craggle, that thing is going to a 1000000 pieces real quick. Or how many? Not a 1000000. No. How many pieces?

800 and something. Made of more than 300,000. Oh, 300 and 40. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know how much it costs to make this, but given that, Lego, when you purchase a small kit, it's $500.

What I'm saying. It's probably as much as the, as the real McLaren. That's really neat. They put the Lego McLaren and the real McLaren side by side Yes. In this picture.

Did they race them? I don't know. I don't know. I think they probably drove it around a little bit. I was looking at, they make so that's a one to one scale.

Uh-huh. But Lego makes a, you know, much smaller model of it Yeah. That you can buy the McLaren P 1, and it's $450 Oh, jeez. For the little one. That's insane.

Lego is overpriced. But it's very cool. IMO. Yeah. No.

I understand. I don't I know what it means. I don't know why Lego cost so much. Why does Lego cost so much? It can't be that much money to make those little tiny bricks.

I don't know. Come on, Lego. Get it together. I remember when Bec was real I mean, he still is into Lego, but when he was really into Lego, and he wanted the there was an airplane he wanted. And I was like, good heavens.

We're gonna have to take out a second mortgage to buy that plane that you want. It is ridiculous. Okay. So here's what it says. Legos are expensive because of manufacturing costs.

The money that goes into design and engineering because they have strict requirements for mass production. What are their why? Because every every brick has to be a very specific well maintained thing. So the manufacturing process is so specific that it takes specialized equipment and, and knowledge. The licensing is expensive.

So Lego doing stuff with Star Wars, Harry Potter, Disney, any of these groups, they're paying a lot of money for licensing to be able to do that. There is collectability. Legos are often passed down through generations, so they are sought after by collectors. And set complexity as well as demand also makes these, Lego prices, higher. That's why that's the contributing factors.

Okay. That's why. Including production cost. Okay. Which you said didn't seem that expensive, but apparently is.

It is not. Apparently is. They just wanna get money out of me. Our daughter wants that car, by the way. Not the Lego one.

That's the car she wants. Yeah. When we're driving around, she's like, man, I want a McLaren so bad. Cool. Cool.

Yeah. Cool. Cool. Cool. Get a real job when you when you can.

Start saving today. It's not gonna come from your mom and dad. Yeah. Yeah. First time you imagine that.

That that's like that sweet 16 show they used to have on TV Yes. Which was awful. It was awful. Like, we got you the new Mercedes. I'm like, this is so not reality.

No. Ugh. Here's your McLaren. Could you imagine? Ugh.

Rolling up to high school in that. Man McLaren. People would've, like, gone nuts. I just am thinking about the insurance in that. You can't insure that thing.

With a teen driver? Yeah. Get out of bed. Yeah. Cheap.

It's totally affordable. Let's talk toe wrestling. What is toe wrestling? Tell you what toe wrestling is. Toe wrestling is when 2 participants 2 willing participants With feet, I assume.

Off their socks and shoes k. And they In that order, or do they take off their shoes and socks? They meet on a platform, and, I'm not even gonna answer that. They meet on a platform with their feet, and they first start with their right feet, and they have to link their big toes with each other's big toe big toe. And when I say link, I just mean they, like, wedge their toes together.

So, like, one person's big toe goes in between the other person's big toe. And then they have to wrestle on the podium. No. No. The winner gets to stand on the podium to receive their no.

Listen. Yeah. Yeah. You're right. Yeah.

Because that's where they do the award ceremony. The podium ceremony. Okay. It's also a feat of dexterity. Look at you.

I know. I was writing that one down, so I didn't forget it. Forget it. It's like a thumb war for your feet, obviously. I get that.

It's like arm wrestling, and what you have to do is I was reading the rules because I didn't quite understand the rules. You have to while locking toes, each player's foot should touch the other's foot flat. The pinning of the foot should be held for 3 seconds straight. The matches of toe wrestling are held in 3 rounds where the winners decided based on the best of 3 rounds. Then they because they move right foot and then left foot and then right foot.

Sounds like a song. Right foot, left foot, right foot. That's a song. Is it? But, also, who decided this should be a thing?

Oh, this happened in Derbyshire. It's a tiny town in England. Uh-huh. And guess what? It was brought about by 2 drunk participants.

You think? You know, we could thumb wrestle, or we could toe wrestle. But this happens every year, and there's a guy who has the championship now. And Does he get, like, a, like, a championship anklet He probably. Instead of, like, a wrestling, championship belt?

I don't know what they get. I don't know what they win. Prize money? He said that he has surgically removed both of his big toenails because they were pushing into his skin, and so it makes him, better. He's also removed his body hair to increase the amount of friction.

Decrease. He says increase. Now I guess it would increase, wouldn't it? Because the hair would be slippery. You said he removed all of his body hair?

Mhmm. But it's just his foot that's doing the wrestling. I think he overdid it. Mhmm. This champion, I don't know his name.

He says that it it requires a great deal of dedication and training, and people don't realize Mhmm. How much work it takes. He puts weights on his ankles. He does stretches, and he toe wrestles with his partner, Ruth, as much as possible. Oh.

Ruth, I gotta practice. Get them shoes off. Gotta practice. We're toe wrestling tonight. Except for it's in England, so it's with an accent.

Yeah. No. He's not from there. I think he is. No.

He's a 100% from, like, Alabama. No. Yeah, Ruth. It's toe wrestling time. Want to bring it to the Olympics.

No. Let's not. It was in the 1998 Olympics, but It was? Yeah. But it proved fruitless.

A lot of people were like, no. Thank you. I'm not gonna watch that. And he says that his goal is to recruit enough people from different countries to get the toe wrestling the worldwide recognition it deserves. Do you wanna practice some toe wrestling?

No. Do you wanna toe wrestle with me? No. Why? Because you're afraid you'll lose?

That's it. Yep. That's it. I think we need new reasons to celebrate all the time. You gotta celebrate little victories in life, little moments, life moments.

So, people have baby showers. They have bridal showers. They have parties to celebrate big moments in life. The new trend What is it? Success parties.

Success showers. Okay. What are you I got a new job. I got a promotion. I hit a career milestone.

It's a party like the other showers, but it celebrates personal and professional success that a lot of friends have accomplished and they're celebrating together. Can it be something as small as I got a good night's sleep? Let's go. Success. I made a homemade dinner.

Success. What? We're gonna eat it. Yeah. You swept and mopped the kitchen floor.

Let's go. Let's us. Raise the roof. I don't know. It's exciting.

But those this the new thing. Because all the traditional showers already exist, and people are like, yeah. They're tired of them. It's yeah. Played out.

Like, instead of a gender reveal party, now you could do, like, a did I get the job party. Like, people get the envelope when they get accepted into college, and they oh, man. Okay. But that's nervous. Yeah.

Like, what if you don't get the job? Right. That's the whole thing. Right? Gather everybody up.

You're gonna open up the envelope with the job offer. Did I get the email? Oh. No. I did not.

No. I did not. Hang out. We'll just wait. I might get that, job offer.

Hold on. Just wait and wait and wait. Everybody hang out. Have some more of your gonna come any minute. I promise.

I promise. Maybe it went to my spam. I'll check my spam folder. Check the junk. Alright.

I'll just keep waiting. The anticipation of waiting for an email. Oh, boy. Oh. Especially because if you have, like, no idea when it's supposed to arrive, you're like, I think I nailed that interview.

They told me I'd get, an email back by the end of the week. So everybody come over until the end of the week. We're hanging out. It's a Tuesday. Like, I gotta we're just gonna 3 day party.

Wait until the email shows up. It's gonna come. I just know it. That seems exhausting. Yeah.

I'm exhausted thinking about that. 3 day shower. You got the job. You didn't get the job. Aw.

But then you got your friends around. So it's okay. Okay. They're gonna support you. Oh, good.

That's not what it is. What it is is success parties. You got that new job. You got that promotion. You hit that career milestone, and you wanna celebrate.

So have a success shower. I'm all for it. I think it's great. Celebrate your success. That's good.

Anytime to have a party. I I like it. Let's go. Have fun. Yeah.

Anytime you want. Let's have a Friday party. It's Friday. It's Friday. Would you rather this thing or that thing or maybe a different thing?

There's only 2 options. Would you rather this or that? Would you rather be raised by wolves or raised by gorillas? Gorillas. Why?

You tell me what you're picking. I'm picking wolves. Why? Because gorillas are mean. Have you met a wolf?

Yeah. Yeah? I live with a former wolf. Here's the that barely. That dog was never a wolf.

Let's be clear. That dog was maybe a fox once Yeah. But that dog is not a wolf. That dog is afraid of a shadow and a reflection, and she does this silly thing where she stretches herself a mile long Yes. She does.

Just to see what's going on, but also keep one foot in safety zone. Too scared. I don't know. Anyway, whatever. So here's why I'm picking gorillas.

Tell me. First of all, ape brothers, so we're real close. And I believe it'd be easier to communicate in a society of apes than a society of wolves. No. You just learn their howls.

No. I can actually learn sign language and communicate with gorillas. Okay. Okay. The dogs slash wolves With gorillas?

Not gonna happen. Yes. Absolutely. Just chimps that you can go with. No.

Gorillas. Oh. Yes. Their gorillas are so mean, though. Have you met a wolf?

A wolf is a feral dog in the wild that would just love to eat you. And, look, the gorilla I'm not gonna harm the gorilla. I'm not gonna encroach on the gorilla. I'm gonna work my way into the community of the gorillas. You're just a child.

You have to be raised by them. I know. I'm still picking a wolf. I've seen The Jungle Book. I haven't seen a wolf.

Seen Tarzan. I've seen The Jungle Book. Oh, Tarzan. I've seen lots of gorillas raising babies. Lots of them.

One of them. You've seen lots of them? There's more stories about about gorillas raising babies than wolves, I think. I think it's equal. You do?

Equal parts. Tarzan, Jungle Book. End of movies about gorillas. Wolves? What?

End of movie or book about wolves raising a kid? It's a jungle book. Jungle book is wolves. Okay. I see what you're saying.

Gorillas. I see. It's a 1 on 1. I see. Name any other movies.

Missus Doubtfire, I'm just gonna name a movie. Name any other movies. Well, I hope you have fun in your gorilla family. Yep. Have fun learning the howls.

I will. I will. I will. Alright. Wake up, Classy 97.

You wake up. Listening audience, it is the end of the show on a Friday. It is the end of the week. Woo hoo. We have survived.

We have made it. We are here. And, now we get to have a weekend Let's do it. Which is exciting. Yeah?

What do you got planned this weekend? Well, look. I gotta work a little bit tomorrow. I know you got too. You got some work going on as well.

But tomorrow, I am actually gonna be broadcasting live at Brolam's in Rexburg. I'm gonna be there from 11 to 1, with Idaho preferred, which is a group of, of farmers and ranchers and, all these folks that make food right here in Idaho. I like that. Yeah. I know.

Right? So we're talking about fresh local harvest. We're talking about fruits and vegetables and cheese and meats, all from Idaho. Yeah. That's cool.

I know. So, I'm gonna be hanging out at Brolams in Rexburg from 11 to 1. You can stop by. We're gonna talk about some agriculture. We're gonna talk about some of the, local harvest, that'll be available while we're there at Brolam.

So it's kinda cool. So you can stop by and see me there with Idaho preferred in the Idaho State Department of Agriculture. That's tomorrow, 11 to 1 at Brolam's in Rexburg. So coming to see you, Rexburg. Cool beans.

Come and see me while I'm there, from 11 to 1. And, that's what I've got going on tomorrow for work. Other than that, some birthday celebrations. Birthday celebrations. We got some Beetlejuice watching.

Oh, we're finally gonna go see the new Beetlejuice movie. I've been so I'm getting a little tired of trying to avoid spoilers because a lot of stuff, like, all earlier this week was like, oh, this is if you saw Beetlejuice, this this this, and I just tried to, like, ignore it because I was like, I don't want I don't want any spoilers. Don't spoil it. So I'm excited to finally get to go see that. Got that fall kinda weather happening.

Yes. So it'll be it'll be nice. Game? There is football to watch. Are playing some with somebody.

I don't Come on now. Somebody that they're gonna know who it is. Yeah. And It doesn't matter who they're playing. And I hope to sleep in Yes.

A little bit at least. Yes. I think that sounds nice. And, yeah. Have a weekend.

Have a wonderful weekend. And don't forget that it's frosty Friday. Oh, yeah. Right. Go to have a frosty, I guess.

Why not? Or a french fry. Or, because it because of the alliteration? Yeah. Okay.

Yeah. Have a lovely day. We'll see you back here Monday. Have a good weekend. Again, come see me tomorrow, 11 to 1 in Rexburg at Brolam's.

And, other than that We'll talk to you Monday. K. Bye. K. Bye.

Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.