Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Thursday, June 27th, 2024 / We celebrate the ugliest dog of the year, there’s a new mug trend, why do women’s shirts come with matching hair ribbons, Chantel will put you in the ground, we’re eliminating songs we hate, Chantel called Josh a basement troll, Josh is addicted to Royal Match, and Chantel might have accidentally hurt a critter… sad face!

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It's Josh and Chantel, and this is Wake Up Classy 90 7, the podcast, a replay of today's full show. It is Thursday, June 27th, and on today's show, we celebrate the ugliest dog of the year. There's a new mug trend. Why do women's shirts come with matching hair ribbons? Chantel will put you in the ground.

Put you in the ground. We're eliminating songs that we hate. Chantel called me a basement troll. I'm also addicted to royal match, and Chantel might have accidentally hurt a critter. Oh.

Sad face. I know. Thanks for listening. You can hear the show live weekday mornings from 6 to 10. It's Wake Up Classy 90 7, the podcast.

Enjoy today's show. Classy 90 7. It's Josh and Chantel. It's us. Here we are.

Thursday. It is National Ice Cream Cake Day. Oh, when was the last time you had ice cream cake? I don't even know. Do you remember?

I remember a time when ice cream cake became a thing. Like, when it was first invented. Yeah. With a cookie crust. Yeah.

And then ice cream. And that now there's, like, a fudge layer. Yeah. Right? In the middle, wasn't it?

I thought it was, like, right between the crust and the Between the cookie and the ice cream? It could've been I don't know. Because that would help the ice cream stick to the cookie. So I'd I'd buy into it. Would you?

I haven't had that in a long time. I know. Yeah. It was so good. The the 1 I in this picture that I'm looking at, has a bunch of strawberries on it.

Yum. Yeah. And, and it's like it looks good. Anyway, it's also national bingo day. Bingo.

It's orange blossom day. Industrial workers of the world day. What are they? All the industrial workers. There's lots of them.

Of the whole world. Of the world. The hardworking industrial laborers who bring high quality, low cost products to our lives. So it's like warehouse workers and Mhmm. And, factory workers Yeah.

And any kind of industrial worker in the whole world. In the whole world? Lines Well, things manufacturing Everyone all that. Who's doing that job. Mhmm.

Pineapple day today. You love pineapple. That's my favorite fruit. Is it? Yes.

Top of the list. Top of the list. Wow. It's just a pain in the butt to cut open. K.

And then you pay by weight. Uh-huh. And then you throw you know, say, I pay for a £3 pineapple. I throw 2 and a half pounds of it away. You think it's that much?

Yes. Okay. National handshake day. Hey. Hey.

We have our own handshake. Do we? Yeah. We do. It never stays the same.

That's because I just forget. Is that why? Yeah. Okay. Okay.

It's sunglasses day today. I like them. I'm wearing them. I got them. I'm gonna put them on right now.

So we Sunglasses day inside because I'm cool. You do look cool. Mhmm. Let's see. What else?

Helen Keller day. It is National Bomb Pop Day. Oh. The red, white, and blue bomb pops. Yeah.

I feel like that should have been on the 4th of July. We're building up. We're getting really close, so it makes sense. It checks out. I'm good with it.

That's what's going on today. What's going on? Mhmm. We should probably get some ice cream cake. Sure.

Yep. They sell them. Just gotta go buy 1. You could even make them your yourself. Nah.

Can't be bothered? No. I'll just buy 1. I'll probably mess it up. So then I'm just gonna yep.

You won't. I would, but you won't. No. You're good at managing things. Do you know how cold the room has to be to make ice cream cake not just melt all over everywhere?

Josh, really, all you have to make is the crust and the fudge, and then the ice cream is already ice cream. And you just put it on top. That's not a cake. What? How am I What are you talking about?

No. It's not as easy as you're making it out to be. I think it is. I don't know. I think there's I think there's some critical steps missing.

No. It's cake. There's 0 cake in it. There is, but you said it wasn't cake. What?

Rewind. Rewind? No. It's cookie fudge Yes. Ice cream.

Ice cream. But I said, do you know how cold it has to be for that ice cream to not melt while you're trying to shape it into the shape of a cake? I'm gonna end up with an ice cream puddle if I try to make it myself. But you just have to go fast. I'm just gonna buy 1.

Alright. Tripadvisor did this. A list. You know how I love a good list. You are a list lady.

The best tourist attractions in the world. Oh, of of everywhere. Of everywhere in the world. And the number 1 tourist attraction is in the United States. No kidding.

And I completely disagree because I have been there. Well, let's not start there. Let's start at 5. At 5? The Colosseum in Rome is this is high on the list of things to see.

I heard it's, kinda beat up. Yeah. And there's a ton of people. Mhmm. I'm all of these places are gonna have so many people that ugh.

Yeah. I But is it worth seeing? I don't know. Yeah. The Louvre in Paris K.

The Anne Frank House in Amsterdam Okay. The Eiffel Tower No. And the Empire State Building is number 1. I've been there. Mhmm.

Here's what happens when you go to the Empire State Building. You wait in a line to pay to get in. I don't know how it is now because now you could probably buy your tickets online. So I bet that process is much smoother. You're still waiting in a line.

And then you have to wait in line to go on the elevator. And then you have to wait in line to go upstairs. And then you have to wait in I mean, it is line after line after line. It took us all day the last time I went there. All day.

And then guess what? Guess what happened? It was windy. You get to the top, and it was too windy, so you couldn't even go out on the observation deck. Good thing you waited all that time.

Thing I waited, and good thing I paid. Mhmm. And it wasn't that exciting when you get in the inside. I mean, I think if you get on the observation deck, that'd be great, but not worth it. Okay.

In my opinion. I feel like that whole list, is things that I could see from afar and be just as, just as Just as amazed. Yeah. I did. Wow.

Wow. In fact, the last time I took you and the kids to New York, everyone wanted to go to the Empire State Building, and I said, I don't wanna waste our time there. There's so many other cooler things to see. Many other cool things. Yeah.

I just meh. I think the Anne Frank House is, like, the thing on this entire list that I'd be like, yeah. I really wanna see that. But I've also heard that the line to get in there is ridonkulous. Yeah.

I said that. I heard it. I'm trying to figure out, like, there there there are things I want to see, but I can't figure out what they are. Like, I I just like exploring an area more than going to the, you know, the attractions like that. Because the attractions are just so over congested.

You can't even get in to see them because it's just too it's too many people. And then people are rude because everyone's gotta get theirs. Yeah. They're everybody's entitled. Yeah.

I paid. So I'd rather just see, like, some I wanna see some of the local. That's what I like to do. Right. Go check out where people actually hang out.

People that live there. Yes. Yeah. I agree. I agree.

Now there are things like when we walked through Central Park, that was cool. Yes. That was very cool. Wasn't crowded, and it was Oh, that's because we went in night. Not the first time, not on our way to dinner.

We walked through during the daylight. That's true. And but the night walk was really cool too. I those are like, that was neat. Like, that was a cool, like, exploring kind of thing.

I don't know. Would you like state building. Exactly not 1. This 1 also made the list, and this is also 1 I wanna see even though I know it's probably very busy is Alcatraz. Yeah.

I wanna see that. I think that's interesting. Because old prisons are so Mhmm. Yeah. Like, we've done the Idaho State Penitentiary tour.

We did the 1 in Deer Lodge, Montana. That 1 was interesting. Can't remember the name of that 1. Deer Lodge Penitentiary. Is that what it's called?

I don't know. Oh. But that 1 was interesting. I the old prison thing is is really neat. I know.

There's a lot of stories about people breaking out. Starting fights. Yeah. Making shanks. Okay.

The world's ugliest dog Oh, no. Has, has been named and, is now getting his ugly mug on a can of Mug Root Beer. Aw. The dog's name is, Wild Thang with an a. That's the dog's name?

Yep. Wild Thang, get back here. Wild Thang. 8 year old Pekingese from Bend, Oregon. K.

You gotta look at this dog. I can't. You've moved your computers all around. You can Google ugly dog wild thang and see this thing. Ugly dog wild Thang.

Fang. With an a. I feel like this dog has got something going on. Oh, no. Buddy.

Put your tongue away. Rule number 1 for ugly dog is to have a tongue that doesn't go back in your face. Every ugly dog every year has got that tongue hanging out. Anyway, wild thing It's on the mug of root beer, you say? Well, so mug root beer was 1 of the sponsors for the ugliest dog contest for 2024.

Yeah. So Wild Thing won 5 grand, which is that's a lot of kibble, and, is now going to get, his his face on a can of mug root beer. Yeah. The best part is that that dog has no idea that he just won the ugliest dog contest, and he doesn't care. No.

I'm happy. There were so many people that were applauding for me. I'm happy about it. I'm looking through a photo album of the other contenders for ugliest dog. Yeah.

I'm not 100% that every dog in this album is even alive. It's it's scary. Are you convinced? Are you do you agree with the judge's decision? I think I think Wild Thing has got a lot going on Yes.

In the ugly department. Yeah. But I think looking through these photos, there might be some some better potential winners. But I haven't seen any of them in purpose, in person exchange. In purpose?

I was reading. I know. I haven't seen any of them in person. From from where I'm sitting, great runner-up, wild thing. I wonder what the I mean, to submit, I wonder what you'd have to.

This dog named Daisy Mae is probably the 1 I would have picked. Daisy Mae. MAE. Daisy Mae. MAE.

Yeah. Put that 1 up. That's probably the dog I would've picked. Oh. Daisy Mae is No.

Is really bad. Oh, no. But I'm not sure Daisy Mae is still with us. And that's about what I have to say about the ugly dog contest. Yeah.

That 1 does not look alive. Yeah. I know. But, also, like, that 1 kinda makes wild thing look a little cute. These 4 dogs.

I'm happy that somebody's loving them. Me too. Because, oh, these dogs I know. They're all not great. No.

But I agree with you. I think Daisy Mae should've, won. She's also 14 years old. That's that dog. Poor Daisy Mae.

Although maybe Mug Root Beer was like, look, we gotta sell root beer. We can't put Daisy Mae Yeah. On their can of root beer. People will not and they'll be like, why is there a deceased animal on our root beer? Oh, Daisy May.

Alright. Well, anyway, congratulations to Wild Thang. Wild Thang. Chantel. What is it?

Some good news here. This is kinda cool. There is 9 year old named Ruby Gilbert from Jasper, Alabama. K. For the past 3 years, she's been celebrating her birthday by donating to a local charity in, this month.

This June, she's donating backpacks filled with baby supplies to the pregnant, to the pregnancy test and resource center in Jasper, Alabama to give back to expecting moms. Ruby. Yeah. Isn't this cool? She's 9 years old.

She was inspired to help the charity this year after seeing how much it cost her mom to take care of her new baby brother. And so far, she's received a room full of baby clothes, toys, and food. Thanks to all these donations. She's stuffing stuff in backpacks and dropping them off so that it can help out these new moms. That is so selfless.

I can't even believe I know. A 9 year old is doing that. That's pretty incredible. She said, her goal is to donate at least 5 backpacks. I think she's gonna do that.

That is cool. Some. Yeah. She said there could never be enough good people in the world, and I think that's really cool. Ruby.

I know. Ruby for president. I know. Look at Ruby go. Way to go.

Ruby from Jasper, Alabama. Good news to get you going on Classy 90 7. Gen zers between the ages of 16 and 26, almost half of them say that being 5 to 10 minutes late to anything is essentially the same as being on time. Is that right? Now that's gotta drive you crazy.

That drives me crazy. Crazy. You are very, very, very into punctuality. Yes. I know from hiring processes and do you know, scheduling interviews and expecting people to show up at a specific time.

In the professional world, punctuality is very important. It is. And so for this generation of you said 6 to 26? 16 to 26. 16 to 26.

16 to 26 year olds are saying, 10 minutes is still late. I'm still on time. Wow. Yeah. I grew I grew up a little different back in my day.

You'd get fired if you showed up 10 minutes late. I the importance of punctuality, it says, increases as you get older because I think it's because you just I don't know. Your time is not more important than my time. It becomes a respect thing. Yeah.

Yeah. You you don't wanna, like, in, again, in a professional world. Now in in a casual, like, hey, we're having dinner at 6:30 and you show up at 6:40. Is that the same as a professional setting, a business setting? I know you're still not on time, but is that Sometimes as critical.

It's not as critical. I mean, unless you have dinner ready at 6:30, and now you have to keep it warm until people arrive. And then I'd be perturbed. Or if it's a large party and you're waiting for the last 2 people to show up. 2 people to show up.

I get it. And now here's the thing. I say this, but we've been late pretty regularly as of late. Yeah. Not because of me, though.

What is it? What what causes us to be late? What? Traffic. It's the traffic.

What, Josh? Maybe? Yeah. I think it's the traffic. You take a lot of time to get ready for a bald man is what I'm What?

Saying. It's the traffic. No. Not me. What was I gonna say?

Oh, I know what it was. I forgot what I was gonna say. I'm thinking of, like, shift workers. Oh, yeah. So if I can't leave because I'm waiting for you to take over my shift Big deal.

And you're 10 minutes late, I'm gonna be furious at you. Right. I don't like that. Don't Again, your time is not more valuable than somebody else's. So Millennials are more forgiving of their colleagues running 10 minutes late.

Gen xers, they're okay with it. Guess who's the most upset with it? Like boomers. If I had to keep going, boomers are probably like, what are you doing? Yeah.

Yeah. Yep. They'll If you're if you're 5 minutes early, you're 10 minutes late. I'd like to get there 10 to 5 10 to 5 minutes early, but then I assess who's there. And then I go not for work.

Like, for work, I try to be there 5 to 10 minutes early, and then I'll go in. But if it's to a party, 5 to 10 minutes early, and then I go, who's here already? And then I go, okay. I might go in. Or I say, now I'm gonna wait a minute.

I show up precisely when I am meant to, and that seems to work just fine. Stop. I just read story that they're bringing toddler size Stanley mugs to Target. Well, they're they're missing the we've moved on. I know.

There's a new mug in town. Yeah. Move over Stanley. Is it this Owala? I think so.

I can't remember the name of it. That's what I'm that's what I'm seeing. That's what I'm seeing all over the stores lately, and that's what I hear people talking about. I see a lot of people with the, with the Owala. So we're over Stanley now, I guess.

Why is this a status symbol? I don't know, but I am proud to say that I don't own a Stanley, and I never will. Okay. And I'm proud of that. I do.

It's big, tall, green thermos for hot cocoa in the wintertime. That's different. That's that's OG, Josh. You're OG. I guess so.

Original gangster. Yeah. So That's what that means. We had Hydro Flask. Yes.

Then we moved on to Stanley mug. No. No. No. Yeti was in there somewhere.

I think Yeti was in a it was and still remains in kind of a league of its own. Okay. I don't think people were carrying around A YETI. YETI tumblers. Like, like, there were there's a certain like, they're for camping or they're for, you know, carrying around on the golf course or whatever.

Like, that's a different type of thing. Okay. As far as the trend of, like, young people carrying around a bottle or a mug or a cup or a whatever. I think we really had that hydro Flask was first. And it, yeah, it had that big screw on top with the handle, and everybody was carrying that around.

Then we went to the Stanley, and now there's, like, a bajillion Stanleys Yeah. Because the supply finally caught up with the demand, and now they're everywhere. For $45 or more Yeah. For a Yeah. Mug I bought a $15 no name brand.

It works just as great. Right. Keeps my water cool. Keeps my hot cocoa. And yours is smaller, so yours fits in a cup holder.

Yes. It does. Which is important. It is important. And now we're now we're moving on to this new 1.

What's it called? It's called the Owalla. Owalla. Owalla. Owalla.

The free sip. And it's still an insulated stainless steel bottle, but it has a built in straw. Here's what I appreciate about this new 1 versus the Stanley. It's a little more compact Okay. At least for now.

And, and it has a closing lid, so the spill factor is reduced. I did see that. And it has the built in straw. It's 24 ounces. I don't know how big the Stanley was.

They had all different kinds of sizes. Yeah. But this is this is an interesting thing. It's a they're calling it a microtrend, which is, where people just go nuts about these. I know.

Here's what is upsetting. Because all of these mugs are now gonna end up in landfills after people stop buying them. Well, they'll hit thrift stores first. And then And then landfills. Landfills shortly after.

Yeah. But this, so Walla comes in lots of different colors. It's the new the new hot thing. The new hot thing. Go get them.

Better hurry. Gotta catch them all like a Pokemon. They're a little less expensive. They're about $28 It's versus the Stan Lee's a little bit more. $15 for mine.

I know. If maybe 10. I know. Works just as great. Yeah.

But they, you know, they do have pretty cool colors. No. I might get into the Awala. I might I might get down. Like, people be like, that guy knows what's up.

You're just basic. You can you can sticker bomb it. Like, that's the cool thing. Well, then what matter what color it is? If you're gonna sticker bomb matter what color it is.

Shut up. It matter. Hey. Good morning. Hey.

I just had you cut off this thing from my shirt. Yeah. I don't know what that is. I'll tell you what this is. What is it?

Because this is on this is something that you, I don't think, have to deal with as a dude. I've never, seen it. Something that they put on most women's shirts is this tiny piece of ribbon. Yeah. Is it, like, for your hair?

No. It's to, I think, to help you keep it on a hanger. So they put it on blouses. Blouses. So It's not a matching, hair ribbon.

No. So you put more sense. No, Josh. That's not it. They put 1 on each side of the shoulders.

Yeah. 2 for pigtails. No. Listen. It's matching hair ribbon so that it matches the color of your shirt.

That's not it. I think it is. Usually in a loop like this. Like a hair ribbon. And they sew it to your shirt, your shoulder.

It always gets in the way. I always cut them off. I never use them. This 1, there's only 1, and it was attached Like shoulder to shoulder. Shoulder to shoulder.

Across the neck hole. There yes. So there's been times where I've tried to put on this shirt, and my head has gotten Yeah. Well, now you just have a cute matching hair ripped. Oh my gosh.

Get out of here. I think it's cool. They send a hair accessory with every shirt. I hate these. I cut them off.

What a waste. Who's ever sewing these on, your job is dumb. And that's all I have to say. It's like shoulder pads. You cut them out every time.

I don't I don't know any woman who uses these, and I'd be curious to know if there's anybody who uses them. Is it really just to help hang it? I that's what I think it's for, or it's a cute matching hair ribbon. Uh-huh. Yep.

Because you don't have this problem. When you buy a shirt, do they have this in your shirts? No. All you buy is T shirts, though. Right.

You don't buy a blouse? No. Okay. What's your research determining? Here's, the first Google even?

Alright. These little loops turns out What did you Google? I'll tell you in a minute. Okay. Turns out they have quite an important purpose They don't.

And do not exist purely to sneak out on important photos Yeah. They do that too. And opportune moments. Yeah. It's not a badly made extra armhole.

It's a it's a thing. According to, this particular source, they're designed to ensure your clothes don't slip off the clothes hanger every 3 seconds. I knew it. And so what you're supposed to do is when you put your shoulders through the shirt, it's it's the hanger on the shoulders of the shirt, you take those ribbons and cross them over the top of the hook. Yes.

I knew that part. Yeah. I don't ever use them for that. I mean okay. There's a couple of shirts I do use them for.

It says they they help the clothes, jackets and expensive dresses remain in shape. Okay. I get it. I I get the point of them. I don't like them.

Even on the shirts that I do use, I just every time I put it on, I go, I hate these. I'm standing by my hair ribbon. Okay. Statement. Okay.

Yeah. That's what they're for. Okay. Yeah. It's so that you have a matching hair accessory.

Cute. This color match. Tiny little thing? Yeah. Around tie it around the ponytail.

See what happens. Okay. I'm not gonna do that. How many times have you been like, I need a hair tie? It's not gonna be that ever.

Why? You have no idea what it's like to be a woman. Or with hair. Or that. If you had hair and you were like, my hair is in my face.

I just gotta pull it out. Wear the ponytail. With the ribbon. Yeah. A ponytail with a ribbon.

Yeah. Like the old times. Good luck. Old times? No.

The ribbon goes on after you put a black tape. Times. They did they didn't have elastics. Oh, they use something. I'm sure of it.

Ribbons. Something is eating my plants. I know. I saw that. I don't care for it.

You're pretty sure it's grasshoppers. Is that right? Almost positive it's grasshoppers, but, I don't know. I just saw a lot of grasshoppers yesterday, but I really don't know. I don't know.

I know is that my daisies are destroyed. They've They ate they ate all the petals. They ate all the petals. They ate the middle part of the flower. All of it.

They even ate my lily. It's messed up. I know. It's all crazy. Ruined.

That that thing's beat up. They beat the leaves on the tree. They're eating the lamb's ear. This is weird. I know.

The ground cover around the base of the tree there in the flower bed, they're eating that. What is going on? I don't know, but I'm not happy, because my daisies don't last very long anyway or my lilies, and now they're ugly because they've just been chomped to death. Well, you were talking to a friend of yours, and he said that, because it's been a particularly, long and, and well hydrated spring Yes. That the bugs are out in force this year That's right.

In his yard as well. Yeah. So that it very well could be that this year is just buggier than ever before. I feel because I've never had this problem before, and we've had grasshoppers before. Right.

I think it has to be the grasshoppers. Hoppers. But there's a whole bunch in their little ones. Just babies. Yeah.

Because they're just they've just hatched, I think. I don't know. I don't either. I'm just making a guess, but I just I'm very critter friendly. I don't mind the spiders.

I don't mind the bees. I don't I like I like having critters, but leave my stuff alone. I will put you in the ground. Alright. That right there, your your leave my stuff alone is the most, human thing you could say to a nonhuman thing.

The way you delivered it was very like, the grasshoppers came back. I'm so sorry. We'll go to the neighbor's yard now. Like, that's we didn't know we were upsetting you so much. We'll be moving along.

Thank you. Yeah. I really don't wanna kill the grasshoppers, but they've left me no alternative Yeah. Well because you ruined my flowers. Or you have to do some sort of deterrent.

I'm dealing with a cat. You're dealing with leaf eating bugs. I know. Not just leaves. They're eating my flowers.

They did eat the flowers. I know. I will put you in the ground. You asked a question today. Yeah.

The question on the Facebook community. It's called the Classy 90 7 community. It's our Facebook group. Yeah. The question is, if you could choose a song to delete from existence and never have to hear it again, what would it be?

And I've got some interesting, I can't pick just 1. You have someone you wanna get rid of? Is that why? I want to get rid of whole bands. Wow.

I receive a lot of flack for this, but I'd like to get rid of Tears For Fears. Wow. I don't know what's wrong with you. We got we got several, answers here. Somebody said, Barbie Girl, the song from Aqua.

Yeah. We can do it about that. That's Diedrich who said that. We've got Sandra who, really sticking her neck out, said anything from Mariah Carey. Wow.

See? Yeah. And then Heidi over here. Heidi throwing down the gauntlet said anything by Taylor Swift. Wahoo.

Yeah. So we got a few folks that are like, no. I'm gonna really I'm gonna do this. I wanna get rid of the whole artist. Jamie said Hotel California.

Shauna wants to get rid of hello from Adele. Yes. I agree with Shawna. Zach wants to get rid of, Meghan Trainor all about that bass. There's a new Hosier song.

We don't play it on, classic 97, but Nick wants to get rid of that 1. I like that song too. You know what's funny is when when I was in college, there was a song that came out, and it was huge. And everybody everybody loved that song. And I lived in the dorms, and that song was we were just always playing it.

And it was there was a friend of ours who was like, oh, I hate this song. And I was like, well, how can you hate this song? This song is so good. Everyone loves this song. And he got really upset with me, and he was like, I just hate it.

Amanda said, not a song, a genre. Oh. Can I get rid of techno? Yes. Who said that?

Amanda? Amanda. I'm with you, Amanda. I'll sign any petition you want me to sign. Kathy wants to get rid of any and all rap.

Now I I'm kind of, in on this, the song never ends, which was from Lamb Chop. I'm not I'm not mad about that song never going or, never being played again. I'd I'm okay with that. And then Diane here is like, we gotta get rid of MacArthur Park. I don't know that song.

We'll pull it up. I'm not gonna I'm not gonna ruin people's day. What what would you get rid of? I've been trying to think. I can't.

Somebody I did read somebody said that shoes, that Christmas shoes. Yeah. That Christmas shoe song. That could go away. Her name?

Genie. Genie was like, no more without like, kiss from a rose by You don't like that song. I don't like no rain by blind Melon. You don't like that. List.

Yeah. You have. Anything by tears for fears. Anything? Anything.

Wow. I don't like Black Velvet by Elana Miles. Little boy smile? Okay. And I don't like there's this song, an old 1.

It's pretty old. It's from Al Stewart called the year of the cat. And you That song's fantastic. You like to pull that up every now and then. Of the cat?

That's a great song. It's it's no. It is. But I was trying to find I used to have a playlist that I put together that were songs that I, didn't like. Well, because And I can't even find that playlist.

We have some friends that we call we do, like, a music club, and there's a different theme. It's just a silly little get together and listen to different songs. To have because I was looking for yours too because I kept track of yours for a while too, but I must have gotten rid of yours. I'm trying to I I just really there is there is a 1 Republic song that plays all the time that has a weird squeak in it. Yeah.

And I don't care for that squeak. So if I didn't have to hear that song to get rid of that, I'd be cool with that. You don't like that cake song? I don't like the distance by cake. He's going the distance.

Like, okay. Going for That's not that's not that's not even a good song. Let me just play it a little bit louder. Maybe you'll like it if I play it louder. It's not how it works.

We went swimsuit shopping yesterday. Not for me this time. Not for me either. I have a swimsuit. Now did you get a new swimsuit?

Yeah. When we went to San Diego. Okay. So you have a swimsuit. I have a swimsuit.

Yeah. Now Emery has a swimsuit after 6 stores. She and she is particular. She has an idea of what she likes, and that's what she's gonna get. And, she is very much like you in the way that when she has an idea in mind of what she wants to do or what she wants to get, Nothing like, forget about trying to do anything else.

So she has been wanting to get a new swimsuit for a couple weeks, and we just haven't had time. And so every day I hear, when are we gonna go to swimsuit shopping? When are we gonna go swimsuit? Well, we went We don't have a date to go swimming, mind you. True.

True. So there's not a a deadline. Well, she does she wanna do some, like She does planning? Like, she's laying about? She does wanna go swimming.

She likes swimming. We just haven't had time to go, and we don't have immediate plans to go. I see. So we'll have to go soon because now we have a swimsuit. How many stores?

I think it was more than 6. Or 6. It was well, we just kind of I mean, we went to a couple spots and then went to the mall and then wandered through multiple stores at the mall, working our way from 1 end to the other. Gross. Yeah.

Also, they start putting those out in March. Yeah. Probably when you wanna go shopping for them. True. Because there was a lot the problem that we were encompassing is Encompassing.

That's an interesting choice. Of tops and bottoms didn't match. Style wise or size wise? Both. Right?

Yeah. Yeah. So you would find a bottom that you really liked, but you couldn't find a top that you liked Right. Or that matched. Or the top's the right size, but they are all out of the bottoms in your size Yeah.

Or whatever. Yeah. Yeah. Swinster shopping is so fun. Is it?

Especially with a teenager. I'm I'm just glad you found something. I did. Project's done. Black.

Solid black. Yeah. Well, that works. She did find a blue 1 that she really liked, but they said that Who's they? Oh, the experts.

Oh, okay. What did the experts say? The experts say that you're not supposed to put your child in a blue bathing suit or even yourself in a blue bathing suit because if you encounter problems and you start to struggle swimming and you start to sink or drown, then they can't spot you because you're wearing a blue swimsuit. Well, I see this. This is a CDC thing.

They say that Experts. I told you. Well, the CDC says about 4, 000 people drown in the United States every year. No. And it is the leading cause of death in children under 4.

Oh, no. Isn't that interesting? And, and so not wearing a blue bathing suit does help, rescuers in in trying to, pull you up from under the water. So that's a that's good advice for kids for sure. As as you're an adult, is it I mean, I get things can happen.

But if you're at a pool and you're a competent swimmer and you're, you know, obeying the rules and not being reckless and you're just swimming Right. And not that things can't happen, but I think you could probably get away with wearing a blue swimsuit. I don't know, Josh. You should probably just listen to the experts. They do know what they're talking about.

I feel like there is 2 types of people, upstairs people and downstairs people. I'm a downstairs people. You are a downstairs people. I'm an upstairs people. Did you you didn't have a basement in your house growing up.

So you, you grew up on a main level. You didn't even have an upstairs. You're just a main level lady. Yes. You're You're a main level lady.

Thank you. You're not an upstairs anything. You're a main level lady. Pretty main level. I'm I'm a basement, and and I basement dwelling?

Level house. So so it had a a lower level and then a basement level. And you were in the basement basement? Basement basement. Oh.

And then in the house we lived prior to that, I had a basement room. So I, like, from the time I was in 2nd grade until I graduated high school, was a basement kid. And then, had a second story apartment for a couple of years when I lived in Arizona, and then moved back to Idaho and got myself a basement apartment. Intentionally? Did you intentionally get that basement apartment?

Affordable for 1. But then for 2, yeah, I like a basement. I do. I don't mind a basement at all. That basement apartment that you lived in was always cold.

I was always cold there. I hate blanket. I did. It was still cold. I didn't enjoy that basement apartment.

It was so cold always. I'm just saving on power. I said it was the the rent was affordable. It was affordable. Cost low, I didn't turn on the baseboard heaters.

They're pretty ineffective. Even now, I go downstairs in our basement now, and I go, oh, it's too cold down here. I can't be down there. It's too cold. It's not that cold.

No. I'm a main level kid. You are. You're a main level lady. I I don't know.

I there is something about the the sound deadening, the I don't see. I don't know about that. And the and the dark that just serves me well. See, that's so opposite of everything I am. First thing I do when I wake up in the morning is I open the curtains Yeah.

Because I wanna see natural light. I wanna do it. Going on in the world. Yeah. In the basement, my craft room is down there.

If I'm down there for too long, I have no idea what's going on outside, and I'm like, I gotta go upstairs and see what's happening. I've been down in the basement too long. I have no idea what's going on outside, and I don't like that. We don't have, big egress windows. The basement apartment and my, basement that I lived in for the longer duration, both had egress windows.

So that helps a little bit. Our house doesn't have those, though. We just have the small little ones. No. So I felt trapped.

I don't like being down there for long periods of time. I'm a main level lady. I'm a main Put me on the main floor. That's where I'll stay. Main level lady And don't you and a basement kid.

Don't you put me in the basement? That we can rename the show. Main level lady and basement kid. We got called lady and the guy. Now it's main level lady.

And basement kid. Basement kid. Basement troll. I'm not a troll. Troll.

Let's talk about royal match. Why? Do you wanna tell the people what it is? What is it? You tell them.

You know? I'm gonna tell you this whole thing started, a couple of months ago. 3 3 or 4 months ago. Our daughter, Emery, decided, to show me this game. I was playing a different game, and I was constantly getting ads in that game for Royal Match.

A game that they said, hey. No ads. Mhmm. And I said, alright. Like, I'm not gonna lose.

Yeah. Right. Yeah. Right. It's 1 of those games where, the, gameplay videos are nothing like the actual game.

And then Emery was like, nah. You gotta you gotta try this game. So you gotta look at it. You gotta see this. And she was playing it, and I was like, actually, it is exactly like what they said, and there's no ads.

You don't have to, like, watch an ad to progress in the game or in the middle of whatever you're doing. And so I was like, alright. I'll I'll give that a shot. I like that aspect of it. So I said I said, I'll start playing it.

That's it. How many months ago was that? I don't know. 3. Oh, as Emery put it yesterday, dad's either doing 2 things, playing royal match or playing the piano.

Those are the 2 things that you do. Yeah. Even now, is it open now? No. Because you play in between Well, I was I was playing a while ago.

It's not open. I have no apps open. I am shocked. Yeah. No.

I've, an email I gotta get rid of. I have these tendencies to get addicted to these games. Yeah? So this game, any any free time you have, you pick it up. You're on royal match.

Constant. What level are you on? Oh, I don't know. 900 and something. 0MG.

What? It's a puzzle game, and I enjoy the, enjoy the puzzling. I like I like the and here's the other part that happens. It's sort of got that, like, addictive thing Mhmm. Where, you'll get on a streak, and you'll win, like, 30 levels in a row.

And then you're like, this is going so well. I can't put this down. And then you'll end up, like, losing and, you know, all your power ups go away, and then you're like, forget it. I'll put it away for a while. Yeah.

You get mad. Well, no. I just go it's not as fun when you're struggling to solve the puzzle. So I've been stuck on the same level for a couple of days, and it's driving me a little bit nuts. Know.

I know. How sad. I know. But I'll solve the puzzle. I know.

Don't worry about it. I'll figure it out. You'll be back at it in no time. So my mom plays as well. Mhmm.

I was asking her what level she was on. She's on, like, 1500 or something. Like, she's way up there. So now is it a is it a race for you to catch up to her? I wouldn't be mad if I was like, Yeah.

So now you're gonna play it more. Oh, the same. I'm just gonna play it the same. 1500. Yeah.

Emery, by the way, not even close. She's on, like, 200 and something. Yeah. Because she has a life, and it's not royal match. Well, what what are you playing?

Nothing. I don't play phone. I don't play games. Bubble pop pop game. Oh, that was And your brick breaker game.

That was years ago. No. It was not. Was. No.

Josh, I haven't had when did I get this phone? I have installed no new games on this phone. Playing on the AARP website. Oh, that's different. No.

It's not. Chantel. What's up? You wanna share the story with the folks that you shared with me? No.

Well, then why did you write it down that you wanted to share the story? Because I feel terrible. I think everything's okay. Look. The other day, a couple of things happened.

We were in a thunderstorm, and there was a mouse in the road. Yeah. And that mouse was people were driving by, and that mouse was rumbling, tumbling across the freeway. Trying to make it across. And and it was a big rainstorm.

It was a lot of rain and hail and wind. And the kids actually saw the mouse, and they were like, cool, buddy. Cool, buddy. He and he made it. He made it to the grass.

He's having, he's got his feet up in his little mouse lawn chair. What Beck reported. Yeah. That's what happened. Same similar thing happened today minus the rain and the wind and the hail And it was a and the storm.

Squirrel. And it was bigger than a mouse. It was a squirrel. And I'm driving to work. Yeah.

I didn't notice the squirrel, and I felt I felt my tires run something. You hit a rock. Now You didn't hit the squirrel. You hit a rock. When I looked in my rearview mirror, I did I made this noise.

I went, oh. And then I looked in my rearview mirror, and I saw him running across the road. So it didn't kill me initially. He probably had a pine cone in his mouth, and he didn't know how close he came to a tire, and he dropped his pine cone and ran. And you ran over his pine cone.

See? And now he's hanging out with his little squirrel friends, and they're having, not that pine cone, but I bet he went back to get another. A different pine cone? Mhmm. Yep.

Uh-huh. But everything's fine. No. It's I feel bad. I don't I like critters.

I like them. Yeah. I don't wanna run them over. You didn't. You ran over a pine cone.

But did I run over his leg, and now he's, like, suffering with a broken leg? Like, he can't even climb the tree now. You ran over a pine cone. Ugh. I'm sorry, squirrel buddy.

I don't think you would have felt a leg if you would have run over just his leg. What do you think it was then? A pine cone. His body. His body.

No. You think I ran over his whole body? 0%. Because he would not have been up running if you ran over his whole little squirrel body. You ran over the pine cone he dropped when he was startled that he was so close to a car tire.

That's what happened. It's fine. You saw him run off. I did. So he's fine.

Yeah. Until he, like, just probably crawled across the road. He's eating sunflower seeds and and peanuts and corn kernels and pinecones. He's living his life. Alright.

I have to make that same pass home. So if I see him on the side of the road With a sign that says, Chantel did this. I don't think that's gonna happen. Find the golf. Yeah.

It wasn't it you didn't hit him. You ran over his pine cone. Until it was a white gulf. Yeah. No.

License plate? No. It's just a little pine cone. You'll be fine. Alright.

I wanna share with you this lovely little story that I just thought was adorable. Okay. There's a guy in Toronto, and he lives there. And he, has a little deck outside of his front door. K.

It just is this it's not even really a deck. It's just a sidewalk. Patio thing? A little patio. K.

He's got 2 little chairs, like Adirondack chair. I don't think they're Adirondack. Like a bistro, it sounds like. Yeah. He's got a little table out there and just 2 little patios chairs.

Bistro. Yeah. There were 2 little old ladies who were just taking a walk, taking a stroll down the neighborhood, and they 1 of them was like, I'm kinda tired. And the other lady said, oh, there's some chairs there. I don't it looks nice.

Like, that guy looks, I don't know, friendly. Maybe we can go have a seat. I don't know what they said. They just walked over K. And they sat down in this guy's patio chairs.

Yeah. He happened to look outside and went, what? Okay. Hold on. Now I don't know anything about this story, so I'm gonna guess the rest.

Okay. The rest of it is he grabbed an apron and a little white towel over his arm, and he went out and said, what can I get you 2 left? Close. Oh, okay. Not quite.

He just looked out the window and he went, what? But he responded by bringing them each a cup of tea Yeah. So sorta close. And told them to stay as long as they want. That's fantastic.

I know. And they did. Like, he he went back inside. He kinda took out their tea, left them be, went back inside, and then peeked out the blinds, and they were just drinking their tea, just talking. Brought them a croissant.

It's so cute. That is very cool. I just I like nice stories. Like, give me little goosebumps because I think that's so it is very nice. I'm glad he wasn't like, get off my property.

I know. Like a little kindness. Try that 1 on for size. That's pretty great. No.

I just loved it. It's a very good story. Thank you for sharing. You're welcome. It's Josh and Chantel, your would you rather this or that question of the day.

Would you rather be able to read minds or move objects with your mind? Move objects. Me too. I never wanna read minds. No way.

Kinesis. I don't wanna read minds. It's no. It's bad enough what's going on in my own mind. I don't wanna hear what's going on in other people's minds.

Yeah. Plus, also, what if somebody that you like to can't handle that information. Bad things about it. You can't handle it. Want to, so I'd rather move things with my mind.

Yeah. Like Jedi stuff. Scrub brush in the dishes. I would just be like, oh, I need that pen. I know.

It's in my hand. I hope it would make that noise. What kind of noise would yours make? No 1 will ever know you're doing telekinesis. Sounds like a zipline.

Well, yours wasn't quiet either. No. But mine's mine's more of a low frequency than you know? People will be like, oh, Chantel's doing that telekinesis thing, I guess. What if you could move, like, your kids?

So Emery's in bed, but I need to talk to her. Hi, Emery. Hello. Mom. I was busy.

Quit quit telekinesis ing me. Would you rather this or that? Now I wanna move stuff with my mind. I gotta practice. Okay.

Good luck. This is your better today than yesterday daily challenge. Which is? Watch a documentary on a subject you're unfamiliar with. Okay.

Here's what's interesting. I saw this, documentary yesterday on Netflix, and I went, oh, I kinda wanna watch that. It's not it's not really gripping or anything that's educational. It's just gonna be very much entertaining. It is called hate to love Nickelback.

Oh, really? It is the story of how Nickelback, like, shot to fame. Everybody loved them Yeah. To going to, like, everybody hating them to them getting booed in arenas. I think this is a I think this is a good documentary.

It's worth watching. Yes. But there's documentaries where you could actually learn something. I'm gonna learn. The downfall of Nickelback.

I think it's I think that's fun. I I get to handle watching some Chad Kroger. I know. Here's what it says. It says learning about the world around you makes you a more well rounded and inquisitive person.

So watch a documentary on a subject you're unfamiliar with. I'm unfamiliar with the downfall of Nickelback. Necessarily like Nickelback. So I feel like if I watch it You're gonna like Nickelback. Might I might feel some sympathy for them and be like, alright.

Or maybe or maybe not. Maybe you'd be like, yeah. No. Now I get it. Now I know why.

I couldn't put it in words, but now I can. My brother-in-law is a big nickel bag fan. We tease him about it. So maybe this is an attempt for us to You're gonna you're gonna close a gap? Bond over Nickelback.

The bridge? That's fun. Look at this photograph. Every time I do, it makes me laugh. No.

Stop it. It's gonna do it for us. Have a great Thursday. We'll be back tomorrow morning on your Friday, which is very exciting. Friday, the weekend.

It's almost here. Yes. It's 1 week away from the 4th July. Moses. Yes.

So, get ready for that. And, check out our show in podcast form. What? You can listen to the whole show again if you, missed parts, you wanna catch up on it, or you wanna revisit a conversation, maybe you caught half of a thing. Whatever it is, you can listen to the podcast everywhere you get podcasts or on our website.

Go to riverbendmediagroup.com. You connect there through socials. That's gonna do it for us. I'm a little bit excited. Great day.

Happy Thursday, everyone. We'll see you tomorrow. Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group.

For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.