Hello, flower friends. This is Jen and you are listening to the floral hustle podcast on this week's minisode. We're going to be talking about the 10 things that I am leaving behind in 2024 so that big things can happen in 2025. And I talked about and I did a mini episode on my word of the year. And I think that, you know, setting intention is always something that's really been important to me.
But I also like to reflect on what is really serving me, what is working, what isn't working, what's sort of working, what feels good, what doesn't feel good. And then I try to make like priorities that I really are my non negotiable priorities for the year. So that, you know, If I don't ever say that I'm going to push something through, things are pretty much going to stay where they're at and that's not a place that feels good or comfortable and I want that to change.
So the first couple things that I really want to talk about are business and career related and the first one is overcoming, over committing to projects. To helping people, to weddings, to like the service level, everything. And I am really circling back and trying to get things in alignment because part of my personality is really over delivering because I really care and I really want somebody to, to love their experience, to love whatever.
But I often do that at my detriment and it was kind of apparent this last week. We just had the business bouquets and branding workshop and people were asking me if I slept and that is I don't sleep very well and it was very apparent to all these people because they were like you're sending messages you're doing this in the middle of the night and like and I know they're saying this from a place of love but it also was like a little fire alarm to me that like Other people notice that I'm burning the candle and I, I do it because I, I over serve and I want to over deliver in so many ways.
So I am leaving behind over committing and over delivering because it at this point is to my detriment. And so I want to make sure that somebody loves their experience, but I'm not going to do it at a point that like I'm depleted or really just. Um, I also am really, I'm leaving behind working with people who don't feel good.
So working with clients who are not my ideal clients, not my ideal projects, not my ideal wedding planner, not my ideal concept. At this point in my business, and I know that this is a point of privilege, I can do this because, like, I. I don't need to build my portfolio anymore and I don't need to do things that aren't giving aren't like really making me happy because of money.
And one of the great questions is that I asked myself to help get in alignment with this is if I had, you know, a million dollars, 5 million, whatever you want the number to be in the bank, would I do this wedding? Or would I do this thing that's in exchange for money? And I often am like, no, uh, because something is maybe feeling off or something.
It just isn't to the level or the budget or whatever that I feel like I could really be successful with that project. And so I'm just, I feel like I am just going to strategically and maybe along the way, ask for chat GPT's help on saying no, because those clients that are like little vampires. Suck so much out of you that you could potentially build up some other revenue, some other wedding, some other whatever, and deliver an experience that is just at a higher level that you have the capacity for because you're not serving that other person.
Um, I often am someone who I'm not overly a perfectionist, but I do tweak and then ask opinions. And so I'm, I'm leaving behind perfectionism in 2024 and going into 2025 with that nothing needs to be perfect. It needs to feel good. It needs to represent me and who I am, but it doesn't need to be like this crazy thing that I'm just tearing apart because that is not serving me.
And I know so many, I mean, there's a couple of girls in the mastermind that they'll write Instagram posts and they won't post them is because they're beating their self up and I'm just no longer available for that. Uh, I am going to post and try and make and try and, and experiment because that's, what's going to bring me joy.
That's, what's going to, uh, help propel me forward. And I. I think in the long run, it's going to help open me up to more opportunity. All right. The next thing I'm leaving behind is overworking without outsourcing. I worked really hard in 2024 to develop more freelancers, more help, but I took a lot of other things on that I need to Either dive into and I've started exploring some automations.
I've started exploring, delegating more, but I no longer can maintain like all the things. And it was funny because I was talking to somebody that works in my studio, um, freelances. And I'm really trying to like, dig into like my zone of genius and how I can help people even more. And. I was like, what are things that you wish you could learn from me?
And she said, I don't know where you get your energy from. And a lot of that is because she sees me overworking. And I need to learn like that. Some of those things can just be outsourced. And that leads into my previous one of perfectionism really kicks into place when I'm not doing it myself. And so I need to let that go because that's not going to be where growth happens if I keep staying stuck and that I need to do it.
All right, the next is comparison culture. Uh, so I am leaving behind comparing myself. I went through, of course, when I went through this like growth, comparing myself to all these florists that were doing all these things. And I've moved past that But it then started creeping in as an educator and it started creeping in as a mom because I started getting targeted all these mom things on Instagram.
And when I step back, like I am an amazing floral florist, floral artist. I am an amazing mother. I am an amazing business person. I am an amazing educator and I know that this is an anomaly because most people don't talk to themselves like this, but like if I can truly from my heart of heart say that, and I do mean that, then why do I give a shit if somebody else has this membership or why do I give a shit if somebody is doing this workshop or why do I, why do I care?
And so I finally decided like, If somebody is like thinks I'm their human and like that I'm a person who gets them or they get me, like that's the person that I want around. So like comparing myself to somebody else that because they're doing and they're there for one, the majority of educators are not doing what I'm doing because they're not going and actually running a floral business.
So like I was selling myself sort that I'm actually living in the weeds with you guys when the majority of people aren't and they'll say they're doing that so that they can focus on teaching and I totally get that that is, but you know, sometimes like somebody can be a really good educator and maybe wasn't a great business owner or maybe their health changed or maybe, you know, they were like, I'm doing so much education.
I don't have capacity. Like I always want to be doing weddings because I always want to be learning stuff that I can share with you guys. Uh, so that comparison culture I want to leave behind. So the next thing I love, um, Jay Shetty's podcast and he was talking about like his changes for 2025 and one of his is like, I want to no longer be held fast to like the things that used to work and me thinking that I need to bring those things forward.
So really changing your mind what served you before. So I'm going to leave behind that ideology of what work before doesn't necessarily work right now. And he gave this great example in a few. It was, of course, he used to be a Buddhist monk. If you haven't listened to his podcast, um, he wrote a book, Think Like a Monk.
It's amazing. And he was talking about how the Buddha was basically like with someone or whatever, and this person needed to get across a river and they built this raft and they built this raft to go across the river. And then they decided to put that raft on their back so that they were like carrying through the rest of their journey this, this raft.
And if you think about the symbolism of like, especially this badge of honor culture that we have, like we do this all the time. We carry this raft on us. And what if we, because like once it works, We're like, Oh my God, this works. We need to do this. Or you know what? This served me, this protected me. And I'm just not up for that anymore.
If it worked before, that doesn't mean that it's going to work right now. And if it, even if it does work, that doesn't necessarily mean it's still the right course for right now. So think about what you think is serving you and what has served you in the past. And if it still serves you and if you're bringing.
Like, what you're bringing with you, your preconceived notions, your limiting beliefs, your scarcity mindset, your, how the, your parents raised you, whatever. Are you wearing that like a raft on your back climbing up a mountain, a mountain? Because if you are like, how is that holding you back thinking? Think about like wearing that raft and how.
that weight and that everything could be holding you back. So I just leaving all the things that used to be and you, you're supposed to think it, and that's even preconceived notions of like defining your motherhood and defining your potentially like what it is for you to be a wife. The definitions from everybody else.
Instagram of what a business owner should look like and it's like this boss babe mentality that we should be kicking ass you know what I like kick ass in my business, but I kick ass in my life, too and Like I don't need to fit into what Instagram thinks I should be doing or what? You know somebody else like thinks that I should be doing in my motherhood or how I should be parenting or Whatever, like those are all things that I'm just leaving behind and I'm going intuitively into what eyes open about the possibilities and also so leaning into what feels good.
And then the next thing that especially with the year that we're going into, the year that we've come out of, I'm worrying about the things that I have control of and leaving behind. The mass hysteria of what is going on right now. And I do not by any means say mean that like I'm checking out from what is happening, but I can't control who the president is.
I can't control that this poor man was shot. I can't control that. Something happened to somebody when they got pulled over. I can't control that. This happened in this state and this happened. And what I see so many people do is feel like, but I need to raise my fist and I need to fight. And you know what?
I'm going to fight for my little boy. Like today when a fricking kid pushed him down and was bullying him. I'm going to fight for that. I'm going to fight for my daughter every day to get the help and support that she needs to be successful in school. I'm going to help and fight every day where I can make an impact and like exhausting energy where I can't, which is where so many people like, I don't, I'm not saying in any way, shape or form that like your vote doesn't matter.
Um, just being a good example, but like, I'm 10 times more impactful. Um, today there was an incident that, um, Uh, I got a message from the teacher that Bodie was being bullied and then later on a kid had an accident in his pants and Bodie laughed at him and I would much rather invest time in teaching my kid how to be a better human and so like by the end of our conversation, we talked about what do we do?
Like, how would we feel if that if we were laughed at? If that happened? Uh, what? What is a better route? Uh, And I don't know how many five year olds running around know what empathy means, but he said, mom, I should have had empathy for him. I should have been kind and caring that something happened to him that was embarrassing.
And he's like, I thought it was funny. And of course my friends laughed. So I felt like I needed to laugh and just teaching him what is right and how we can support everyone. In feeling good about themself and not being even like feeding into the negativity that's in the world. Like that's where I can make an impact making my, my two little humans, even making my husband.
I mean, we were, are very different people. And there are many times that I sit back and I'm just like, are you shitting me? Like that you think that this stance on this or this thing or whatever. Is the right thing. And then I'm like, you know, let's look at it from a different perspective and like, let's look at it from a lens of our Children and let's look at it in a lens of just trying to be not looking out for herself, but looking out for the greater good of the world being a better place.
And so, like, these are conversations that I want to engage in. I don't want to engage in stuff that I don't have impact on. The next thing is leaving behind clutter. I have made a pact that I am going to declutter my house and simplify things, simplify my workspace, simplify my calendar, my commitments, and really focus on what truly matters.
So getting rid of clutter and leaving clutter behind in 2024 is going to be so critical because mental and physical clutter can eat you alive. And I'm just no longer available for that. All right. And then the last thing, and this is turning into a long episode, I'm sorry, um, is neglecting my health. And I have turned so many of health focused things around, but I, there is more work to be done.
So I have made Mental shifts into like 2025 is going to be when I figure out my sleep and I figure out my posture, which are two things that are kind of connected after I've started the initial parts of this journey, and I, I want, uh, 2025 to be my healthiest year ever. And so neglecting my health is, is so left behind.
I matter and I think as a mother. Often our children's are prioritized above ourself. Our partner is a, is prioritized above ourself and I'm just no longer available for that. I deserve more than that. And so do you. So what are you leaving behind in 2025? What are you wanting to achieve? To be like that didn't feel good and I'm not doing that anymore.
I Would love to hear what you're leaving behind so send me a DM on Instagram and tell me because I want to cheer you on and If you are having a hard time, like I really want send me a DM and I'd love to workshop like how you can let that go Because you need to create space you need to Have your cup filled to build a business.
So stop building a business on an empty cup. It is not serving you and you deserve so much more. Thank you for listening flower friend and you have an amazing flower filled 📍 week.