Torah Daily: Daily Doses of Divine Guidance on the Parsha

What is Torah Daily: Daily Doses of Divine Guidance on the Parsha ?

Welcome to Torah Daily, your daily source for uplifting and insightful Torah teachings. Dive into timeless wisdom, explore the weekly Parsha, and discover practical lessons for modern living. Whether you're a seasoned scholar or new to Torah study, our episodes offer a meaningful journey through the sacred texts. Subscribe now and enrich your day, one Torah lesson at a time.

Welcome, dear friends, to our brief Torah study for today.

The Torah portion of Shelach tells the story of the spies sent to scout the land of Israel. They returned with a negative report, emphasizing the strength of its inhabitants and minimizing its blessings. This disheartened the Israelites, who wept and wished to return to Egypt.

Their fear stemmed from a lack of faith. They focused on the obstacles instead of trusting in God’s promise. Only Caleb and Joshua, filled with faith, urged the people to trust in God and conquer the land.

The story of the spies teaches us the importance of faith. When we face challenges, we must remember that God is with us and will help us overcome them. Let’s strive to be like Caleb and Joshua, filled with faith and courage, ready to embrace the blessings that await us.

This podcast was produced and sponsored by Daniel Aharonoff.