Basketball IQ Podcast

In this episode of the Basketball IQ podcast, host Charlie Lawrence and special guest Markeith Taylor dive into the world of NBA All-Star Weekend. From sharing personal basketball stories to discussing the lackluster All-Star Game, the duo explores various creative ideas to enhance the excitement of the event. They propose intriguing concepts like a USA vs. World game, a one-on-one tournament, and even the inclusion of professional dunkers. Tune in for an engaging conversation that aims to breathe new life into the NBA's annual showcase of talent and entertainment.

What is Basketball IQ Podcast?

Welcome to NBA School and the Basketball IQ Podcast! I am your host Charlie Lawrence, and if you want an educated breakdown of all things NBA, this is the place for you!

Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to local programming produced in KU NV studios. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jas and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:20
Welcome to MBA school on the basketball IQ podcast. I'm your host, Charlie Lawrence. I'm here to give an educated breakdown on all things NBA

Unknown Speaker 0:35
because I'm a little different than damer, normally, it's just me talking into this mic, sometimes mundane. We have a special guests just like to introduce yourself. markeith.

Unknown Speaker 0:46
Yeah, my name mark you Taylor. And you know, coworker, Charlie, you know, got close over over basketball and stuff like that. To our Laker fans, I believe. That's about it. And I'm one of his bosses. Yeah, exactly.

Unknown Speaker 1:02
Yeah, it's him and him and clay mainly do or bossed me around? You know, it's fine. So tell the audience a little bit by yourself, man. What What got you into basketball? You know, why are you like your finger from LA? Right? Yes, yeah. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 1:16
I'm from LA born and raised. You know, that's why I'm heart Laker fan. Who got me into basketball. As a kid in elementary. It's like, it's all we used to play. And like, I was always getting older. I was just fall in love with the game and then, like, just watching Kobe, Chris Paul. Like, both of them. And then during the live city time, like basketball was like, you know, big Sam Pau Gasol and guys like the most golden eras of basketball in LA. Yeah, so that's really what got me there and just fall in love with the game you know, playing it myself and a passion for it. So that's really what made me like fall in love with the game so much.

Unknown Speaker 2:01
So you're a little bit older than the right I was born in oh three.

Unknown Speaker 2:04
When were you born? Oh, man, we the same as always saying hey,

Unknown Speaker 2:07
I thought you were a little older than me. You saw more power because I was only like, or like the power Kobe Lakers because I was only like six or seven. I mean, that was like when I first started getting into the game was like that era, like late 2000s early 2010s Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 2:23
I just remember so much because like, I remember when I bought 2k 11 2k 12 Those was big for me I'm saying call the front cover and then you got Jordan on next cover. This is because I was playing basketball since like four so like, always knew like I was gonna be a Laker clipper fair in the middle Laker fan. Like when I was a kid I joined this rec center and like the Clippers they used to have like during clippers teams and like all over LA and stuff like that like AAU teams. Not a US reg ba But like every team we're clipper jerseys you know these different colors and like you know accents day and like I was watching Chris Paul stuff like that. But then I felt more towards the Lakers because I was the Lakers

Unknown Speaker 3:13
right yeah yeah I was a big Chris Paul fan when I was a kid a lot of people hate him though. Like I don't know why though bro. Like I know why he

Unknown Speaker 3:23
left but like he is the you know only like two point guard and again except for Tyrese how the busiest

Unknown Speaker 3:28
because he's dirty though but that's why he's he's you know he punched people in the ship.

Unknown Speaker 3:33

Unknown Speaker 3:36
that's why six foot though you know so like you gotta be scrappy and any in there so long like who you know only six foot and middle league as long as him

Unknown Speaker 3:47
stocked and played a long time. But that was yeah, they can meet they're both scrappy and they got similar or similar they were so let's get into with shows really about all star All

Unknown Speaker 3:59
Star all star whose glorious man wonderful

Unknown Speaker 4:07
wonderful. But before with like, do you have like a favorite All Star moment? Like from just watching the game? Because I have like five off the top.

Unknown Speaker 4:18
Like it's just from all star moments. Right?

Unknown Speaker 4:20
Not just the game but just like anything. Dunk Contest, three point.

Unknown Speaker 4:26
Our favorite is the three point contest like yeah, just seeing like, you know the repetition put in and like me myself. Like I like shooting a lot. So like, just seeing like the greatest shooters just shoot and saying like, Devin be hot. And like then like, the Sabrina and Steph Curry thing. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 4:43
Yeah. I was like, That was dope. That was the highlight of the weekend. I

Unknown Speaker 4:45
think it really was. Yeah. Yeah, that's what I like most about the mythos tiebreakers. Do play contests. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 4:53
I think the obvious answer is the 2016 dunk contest with the Zach Lavine and Aaron Gordon. That's like the one that everyone goes to just the whole Toronto All Star Weekend was a tear. I was different. I have on my notes, we got the boring cities out of the way. So that's positive. You know, we went to Cleveland than Utah than Indiana. I heard Indiana is one of those cities where like, everything is a block away from each other. So like, The stadium is here, then like a steakhouse is here. And then there's there's no Ubers. So getting out is tough. So luckily, I don't have to fly there, though.

Unknown Speaker 5:35
I got no reason going in.

Unknown Speaker 5:38
I don't even know I have a lot of family in the Midwest, I still wouldn't go. So the five main takeaways from the game, lack of defense, the that's the expected lack of overall effort. I did find it interesting that Adam in the league was like we're gonna make it conferences again. And it's gonna make it competitive.

Unknown Speaker 6:04
I mean, like he

Unknown Speaker 6:05
thought so but right. I drink the Kool Aid to do it. I was like, Yeah, people are gonna care about the east.

Unknown Speaker 6:14
I mean, like, after two years or three years doing that, like pickup game. It's like the backyard not taking it serious. You know? It's like it's not an east versus West thing like it's just like, are we out here? We just got to score the ball dog do a few dogs shoot deep threes. Yeah, I've never seen so many half court shots in my life

Unknown Speaker 6:41
even like the first quarter like it was like I

Unknown Speaker 6:46
mean, I mean like, I love Luca. Luca was killing me. Luca yoke is just like doing it

Unknown Speaker 6:57
you see Adam Silver's reaction right? He was like he scored 211 points. Well, congrats here we go well

Unknown Speaker 7:12
it's knowledge it wasn't all excitement again literally the whole crowd is sitting there with a with the head token set aside you know like it's like you just you just watching not like you know I'm saying it's no excitement like you see the dogs cool we just watched the duck I says bro

Unknown Speaker 7:27
Yeah, well, we'll get to that later I came up with like a little when I was making the notes I was came up like is the is the three point revolution to blame for the All Stars boring. No, no, because here's here's my logic. Because I feel like if you watch all all star games like the early 2000s When threes weren't as prevalent your the instinct is just to get in the pay more. That's just paint touches paint touches pain touches, which causes more competition which causes more contact which lower scores and because of three pointers and there's no contact really needed people can just did you just go up and down into three point shooting contest. Although there has been great all star games in the three point era, like there was the one in Chicago before the pandemic the cleaver mom was really good but it was just a thought that came to mind I was like maybe because there's not as many paint touches and all star cars so three points of view that that might be the reason why the games are never I mean like exciting like that

Unknown Speaker 8:39
effective Oh um I think that has like a Parson play in it. Yeah, like you know, cuz it's three point heavier like I don't know how many tip threes was an all star content

Unknown Speaker 8:51
like I'm gonna look it up I'm looking

Unknown Speaker 8:53
I'm pretty sure it was a lot

Unknown Speaker 8:57
What do you think it is? Just give me a give me a rough 80 rough estimate 150 for both sides. Yeah, like I'm saying like combined 200 200 Okay. This is a tear waiting

Unknown Speaker 9:11
on us to me in a basketball game. 115 115 or

Unknown Speaker 9:15
two says s tier. Alright, so the god bro. Or what was your best offense? Oh my god, you know. The East shot 97 threes. What? In the West shot 71 There was 168 threes and

Unknown Speaker 9:44
that's where everybody had an ice pack. Cat and Steph ball shot 13 threes. They shot 13 threes and 25 minutes so Look at what can we do to fix the all star game? Save it, I have 12345678.

Unknown Speaker 10:09
possibilities. The bottom one is really the most serious one, you know a one v one turn all of you wants. Yeah, I've seen that a lot of over Instagram is like LeBron versus KD. Like, what have you got yoke versus Embiid. And once he won, like, I, I feel like yoke wouldn't care about it though. And B would take it like really seriously. And be and be able to, like I'm going to love and owe him

Unknown Speaker 10:38
I think anyone would like a reward or prize or something like that to give you that competitive edge. And like, I don't know, like a kangaroo court type of battle. Like, you know, like, I feel like, that'd be something good to implement. Hmm. You know, but I don't think they're gonna take away the game. Like Like, I'd rather have a one b one and then a miniscule Charlotte's

Unknown Speaker 11:07
obviously the I had that I had the skill as the next one. So skills challenge. I was thinking, I don't know how you'd format it necessarily. But I was thinking like, I don't know, maybe you pair, the bigs and the guards and the forwards. And then they all compete against each other in each conference. And then the winner from both conferences play each other. And a final skills challenge. I guess that's kind of what I was thinking. Yeah. The tournament thing. Yeah. Same thing with rising stars, because rising stars was really fun, too, even though Yeah, some people don't know how to dribble around. Or went the wrong direction. For those of skills challenge, but rising stars, it would be like, similarly, three teams per conference and then do tournament style. I think that one might be my favorite.

Unknown Speaker 12:00
Honestly. Yeah. I think the all star game should pick that up. You know, like, yeah, a target point. Like, a like a tournament thing, like the three different teams for different teams. Now two teams per for a conference. Yeah. And like, get it going like that. Because how many guff? How many people on a bench? You got five starters,

Unknown Speaker 12:22
there's 12 from each team, so I'll be staying. Yeah, so you can do three teams or so that works too. I was thinking three or four. But that would make the matchups kind of weird because there wouldn't be so I guess two of six would make more sense. To just have one person on the bench. Me

Unknown Speaker 12:40
the older you can probably add like a few like reserves, like I mean, like people that was our stars, like all stars if somebody got injured, no, add them to the bench. Expand All Stars, because there's so many players, you only pick 24 players again, it's like 100 or something. It's a lot of snubs of all stars. You know,

Unknown Speaker 13:04
the snub that I've talked about the snub talk on the podcast and now it kind of annoys me but will you know because it's like like I think the main talk is Trey young making it even though he's averaging like 28 and Genesis Yeah, but I when you go through the guards just like I'm not taking any of them over you. So it's like that's just a testament to how talented the league is honestly the fact that there's like outcry for snubs over one I think is kind of interesting is you know how before the game there's these big intros. Yeah, this theatrical maybe don't do that. Maybe do it maybe do like a like do the normal pregame intros where it's like starting at forward but just do that more extra Yeah. Instead of like making them wait 30 minutes like a whole rhythm was like most guys, they were coming out of the tunnel between like 1418 minutes on the clock. And then you're doing a 45 minute intro show. And it's like, like, why would I try if my rhythms already off?

Unknown Speaker 14:08
Guess I'm I'm at work. I got the game on the computer. I'm sitting there. They don't want a nest and stuff like that.

Unknown Speaker 14:20
We got worked on those. Yeah, we're we're also

Unknown Speaker 14:24
gonna second floor. And like, I'm like, I'm my head. I was taking a load of soccer games. I literally like I literally close the close the app because I'm like it's taking too long. I take back at 20 minutes. I still have to start thinking now you want to watch it

Unknown Speaker 14:45
right? How do you think the players feel? They're like Well, I'm just sitting here. I get why they do it because they want to recognize the all star but like LeBron is sooner like this is my 20th time doing this for We're from St. Vincent St. Mary like I've heard I've heard this Gohan

Unknown Speaker 15:07
it's more like if I'm sitting there I'm getting ready. I'm warming up getting ready to play basketball. Now I'm just waiting for them. I'm off. I'm losing. I'm losing my drive to play. Like yeah, I'm just selling.

Unknown Speaker 15:21
Yeah. And now I'm going to play like I'm just chillin

Unknown Speaker 15:27
pull up this half course. I mean, Dave name and Halliburton to pull up.

Unknown Speaker 15:30
Yeah, Halliburton is like, my, my rising like my, my gold son. If anyone listens to the show, like, he's, he's my guy. I'm gonna get Halliburton jersey for my birthday. My demand

Unknown Speaker 15:45
venue. Like you want to name one. I said, I wouldn't blame you. He placed a place as well, like, pass the ball, score the ball. The fin, like he does he does every day.

Unknown Speaker 16:00
When my friends told me he's like, Well, you just hopped on the bandwagon. I was on the last year. Before he was an all star. I was on that. So give me some credit for that.

Unknown Speaker 16:12
I'm on the barreling. 20

Unknown Speaker 16:15
I get I get for like people like a couple my friends are like you just hopped on and be because the average 20 is riskier like Yeah. Yeah, it's a rookie. I don't get I look like some people expect me to like, like bumps that I would five and be like, This guy's gonna be a superstar. Another option I have is a USA vs. World Game.

Unknown Speaker 16:38
Oh, I like that idea. Actually.

Unknown Speaker 16:42
Do you think that you think there'll be a Colts game? I feel like it would be now maybe? Like, even like five years ago. I don't think it'd be that close of a game.

Unknown Speaker 16:49
Five years ago. USA is definitely dominating. But like now I feel like it's you know, it'd be a good game like, yeah, you got yoke, EJ would

Unknown Speaker 16:59
be the world's starting five. Shay at the point. That che

Unknown Speaker 17:06
yoke is at the five

Unknown Speaker 17:07
year Jochen and B are the frontcourt for our hoard their five Yeah. And

Unknown Speaker 17:11
then look at the two was another girl that the three three

Unknown Speaker 17:22
looking like Omni casuals right now I feel like we're forgetting someone really big. I know that soccer. I looked up international forward they came up with soccer. Oh my god. Jana said the three Oh, wow. Oh, wow. Oh man. Oh, wow. And the bench would be like Rudy Chris steps. Laurie Lowry. Andrew Wiggins technically. Jamal Murray Shimbun will be on the bench to Josh giddy Pascal siakam So bonus that'd be a close game. That might be Monday favorite. I get that I know that. They're gonna

Unknown Speaker 18:05
know but now, USA. You got

Unknown Speaker 18:10
USA is still got some.

Unknown Speaker 18:12
You got to curry. You got to

Unknown Speaker 18:14
run. You got to Katie. Let's get the national team this year. Yeah. It'd be the other one. This is a completely original idea. It's a three on three tournament sort of one on one

Unknown Speaker 18:32
as a phone spreads over 3d time.

Unknown Speaker 18:39
But so for the people that don't know for I think it's for intramurals right? Yeah. In the spring or no? Fall semester? Right? Yeah, they do. Three V three tournaments or three V three games. I just got the job this semester. So I don't know before. I'm what I've heard 585 as the move Yeah, good. It's a lot of work. What makes it like why is it not as good as five and five? Is just do you play rune? halfcourt

Unknown Speaker 19:06
you play half court? Yeah, I know. Play half

Unknown Speaker 19:10
easier to officiate. Today

Unknown Speaker 19:13
not fishy and you call your own files and stuff. So it's more like a pickup through through game. And like I don't know I just like is different. I you know, five if I was more competitive more. You know, there were three. And it was tiring, man. Like we played 20 minutes. 20 minutes. Where? No, it was either 20 That was two to two to 10 and a half. I'm gonna like it's 33. So like, you're shooting? You're going at it playing defense. And it's like all fast pace because it's all close to slow, slow, slow, slow pace. And again. Yeah. But I mean, like, that can be competitive. You know? Like my team. We want it but it can be competitive. I think it'd be a good idea. If they would like to try something out like that, like, probably, like start off like trying to muddy leaks yet I go,

Unknown Speaker 20:09
Yeah, that's a launching pad. Yeah. So I have this written down as my favorite idea. I've said that seven times now, but this, you know, in baseball, it used to be an MLB All Star game, they will reward the league that who won a home field advantage. And the World Series do that for the NBA. So, you know, if the East wins, they get home court in the finals, thinking that would with the addition of a cash prize would up to the motivation to play? I mean, I guess only for the like contenders that would raise the, like Milwaukee Boston players, they'd be going at it. Like we want that home court.

Unknown Speaker 20:55
I think it'd be like, I think that's actually a good idea, you know, like to push that because like, finalists, home court advantage is important. Yeah. I mean, it's not that important to some people are, yeah, but I think it'd be a good way to I can go start. Like to get back to that competitive edge, you know, like, just having like, that instead of just the all star MVP, like having like, a, like a prize, like a money, or money prize, home court advantage, you know, our like, even like, a, like a contract boost, like an extra or something. Each player that won a game like you know, like, something like that, because it gives them it makes them play harder. And that's what the inside season tournament did like, right? You got to, although I

Unknown Speaker 21:46
do think the inseason term, I mean, that's because the games counted. That was part of it. Like this is just an exhibition game. Yeah. So like, we're already gonna play hard. That's true, but it's good point. The money adds on a little bit, but the games already count. Yeah. So it's like we already want to win. Right? There's just an added in some of the women Yeah, no. I mean, they could hire us as officials. I mean, that could a NBA.

Unknown Speaker 22:18
Take six figures. out how much they get paid. up right now.

Unknown Speaker 22:24
How much do you officially get paid? I mean, they're traveling a lot. They like never see their families, but it's understandable. NBA officials damn Yeah. 550 That's only Scott foster gets five.

Unknown Speaker 22:40
Scott foster Scott.

Unknown Speaker 22:44
Yeah, Chris Ball fans don't like Scott Foster. Yeah, the dunk contest is not. I mean, I have notes here, but do you do you want to comment on the dunk contest? The dunk contest? Because I felt like I don't know. I'm not even trying to save it because there's not much you can really do. It's not it's pretty straightforward. Like dunk contest.

Unknown Speaker 23:09
I feel like this year like younger judges like more like Dominique every year, not like more like recent like more like recently retired players like and

Unknown Speaker 23:26
sorry if you heard that that was my chair going back.

Unknown Speaker 23:30
And it's because like, you go see the same dunks because it's not much you can do

Unknown Speaker 23:36
the deep brown Jalen Brown.

Unknown Speaker 23:39
If I go mimic other people dunk, right, you're gonna see your repetitive dunks. Like, and that's just a part of it, because it's like, how much can human body do? We can become creative? It's always new stuff to do. Like, like the Mac McClung guy came in there what he was supposed to do, you know, but this year, he wasn't as exciting, but he still wants to but yeah, right. Yeah, he did. He wants the most.

Unknown Speaker 24:12
I saw an idea that we should hire professional dunkers but I don't think the NBA would ever do that. Because the dunk contest has already tarnished, because it's not superstars. Yeah. So bringing in people that aren't affiliated with you. It's like, like, what are we doing? This I've seen that a lot though. Be like you should just bring in like the Harlem Globetrotters and do the dunk contest

Unknown Speaker 24:39
because then people are gonna watch they want to see

Unknown Speaker 24:42
it it's gonna be the worst viewed event

Unknown Speaker 24:51
it's because you know, you want to see my top players show some like, let me see what you like what you got. Let me see like yeah, So creative nature is Yeah. Like, well, you don't see these players like, it's like, wow, like, makes you might not want to watch it like, yeah. Kudos. You know Jaylen brown because like,

Unknown Speaker 25:13
Yeah, I think all three of his dunks were like commemorating something. Yeah. Like, yeah, that was that was cool. He

Unknown Speaker 25:19
was having fun with it, you know, and he's all star. Like, I feel like he just like, paved the way to make more all stars like, I might as well try it now. Yeah, he was already thinking about doing it again. So yeah. Like,

Unknown Speaker 25:36
I think the quote is, I'll do it again.

Unknown Speaker 25:42
I like bringing in like, you know, the G league guys and stuff like that. But we don't know these guys. I mean, Mac McClung. We know Mac McClung. Now we do. Yeah. Like I

Unknown Speaker 25:52
was, I was put on early because when I worked at Target, my senior year of high school, one of the guys that I worked with was from Virginia, which is where he's from, and he used to play against him in high school. Yeah. So I was put on a little early to him. I fake rob the DND because my mom's from there. So you know. But you talked about actual stores I named Anthony Edwards and Donovan Mitchell has like the two Donovan Mitchell already does. I don't know Mitch did it right. I think it was a rookie when he did it too. Yeah. Anyone Anthony Edwards would be fun though.

Unknown Speaker 26:31
I think. Yeah, ours will be final he have bounced like at the Edwards, John Moran and

Unknown Speaker 26:36
I think he has the attitude to do it too. But he's got that. Yeah. Got that dog and he got that dog.

Unknown Speaker 26:43
subacute Anthea was giant

Unknown Speaker 26:45
I didn't think a jaw Yeah, I'm gonna write down jaw. It's a good one. Oh, I've you've always heard the Lebron stuff. And my thought process is like, like LeBron, like LeBron dunk shake the building but they're not flashy. I mean, like LeBron dunks they like you can feel them. Yeah, but he's not going to do like a 360 between the legs windmill, which he's not going to do that. Like a LeBron dunk contest is just a tomahawk like reversed on

Unknown Speaker 27:17
me would be like the people will still love this

Unknown Speaker 27:22
view dunk contest. And like the Jordan one probably because like,

Unknown Speaker 27:25
Yeah, I mean, what did Jordan do? He did his end game ducks. You know, I mean, he done for free to live stuff.

Unknown Speaker 27:30
Like I mean, that was the dunk contest was a baby though. Like it was, you know, yeah. Now it's harder than ever to get him to do something impressive. Cuz it's like a little Mac McClung when he did the joint where he like dropped the ball. And that was

Unknown Speaker 27:45
that was though Yeah, it doesn't mess that one up for sure. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 27:49
Or one of my friends was going crazy on the mic because they didn't give him a 50 losing it was great. Last thing on the docket every other aspect of all star like the skills challenge in the three point contest, I think was great. The stuffer Sabrina we talked about earlier with Nessebar by far. Those rumors about Damon Caitlin Clark versus Sabrina and stuff next year. I mean, because name is now the two time

Unknown Speaker 28:27
that'd be fun. Yeah, you know, or even I have like a three best three brass male shooters, three best female shooters. Have them go at it. You know, like, that'd be fun, too. I mean, it's plenty of ways they could play with that, you know, and I'm like, Yeah, I think that'd be like a big part of not the next all star games, right? Yeah, I like that idea. Actually. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 28:53
That's not an original. I got that from Instagram. Just FYI.

Unknown Speaker 28:58
I seen it so

Unknown Speaker 29:02
was I gonna say oh, we're not going to address the Kenny Smith. Yeah, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 29:13
Bro, you said whatever it was.

Unknown Speaker 29:17
All the comments were like, Is he drunk? And that'll be it. Man. I appreciated you. Being a guest on the show, and I'll see I work next week, man. So I appreciate it.

Unknown Speaker 29:33
Thank you for having me.

Unknown Speaker 29:39
Thank you all so much for listening to this episode of the basketball IQ podcast. And Remember kids, it's all about

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