Seek the Magic

Erin shares a raw and heartfelt glimpse into an out of the ordinary week. Faced with a household sickness outbreak, she dives deep into the chaos that disrupted her routine, balancing work, childcare, and personal wellness. She candidly recounts the struggles of maintaining equilibrium and how it led to reinforcing and deepening her understanding of lessons learned through meditation and breathwork.

As she prepares to introduce exciting new guests to her podcast, Erin invites you to join her in exploring diverse perspectives and the magic in everyday life.

Tune in to discover how Erin  chaos into a deeper understanding of self and connection. Her story will resonate with anyone seeking balance and purpose amid life's storms. 

Click play to immerse yourself in a tale of perseverance, gratitude, and the pursuit of magic in unlikely places.


Join me on the Seek the Magic podcast as I share the insights I discover, the joy I experience, and how we can all find more magic in our everyday lives. ✨🚀 Tune in to hear how embracing life's disruptions can lead to surprising moments of clarity and growth.. Listen to the latest episode on your favorite platform: New episodes are released weekly, so be sure to subscribe and stay inspired!

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What is Seek the Magic?

Hi, I’m Erin, an spiritual adventurer, tech marketer, and wife and mom of 2. I’m here to share the insights I learn, the joy I find, and hope to help others find a way to seek more magic in every day.

00;00;03;01 - 00;00;30;09
Hello, this is Erin. Welcome to Seek the Magic. This week has been a little bit crazy because everybody in my family has been sick. It started with the kids, the daycare, one of them having a stuffy nose, and then the other one caught it. And then I caught it and I usually don't take days off completely from work, which is probably not the best thing, especially speaking in the wellness space.

00;00;30;09 - 00;00;52;13
But I took the day completely off from work and sort of had the, you know, slight fever, bizarre dreams day. And so that was very interesting. And then my mom got sick and she's still sick with a fever, which I feel bad about because she helps with the kids and I hope that she's feeling better. But yeah, everybody is sick.

00;00;52;13 - 00;01;18;00
And it got me down yesterday because I had to balance work with taking care of one of my kids. And, you know, I think I felt sad that my mom was sick. And so I was just like, what is what is happening? And, you know, I really got thrown off kilter in terms of sometimes I can just, you know, quickly turn around and meditate for a little bit and then feel okay.

00;01;18;00 - 00;01;40;22
But that combined with your tough project, the work just really threw me off guard. And I was like, what am I doing? Like, it was sort of like an existential crisis. And I don't know if it's because I was, you know, reading books about sort of meditating and going beyond the mind or things like that or just that in the combination of stress.

00;01;40;22 - 00;02;02;23
But I really had a moment of being unanchored from just the day to day things about what's going on. And so that was interesting because, you know, usually I have my routine and I feel like I have my moments for meditating and thinking about, you know, the world outside of my world. Then I have my meetings and then I, you know, connect with the kids.

00;02;02;23 - 00;02;43;25
And I think just because of the way things were thrown off schedule, I was just like, what? What is happening? And it's funny because my my husband says to me, while you like routines and you like your schedule, I'm like, no, I'm I'm flexible. I can like, move things around in terms of, you know, oh, it's okay if I have a surprise thing that comes up or if I have to pick the kids up a little early, like I'm flexible, but in this case, it was a combination of people not feeling right and, you know, then having to completely switch things around and not not feeling like I was, I guess, in control.

00;02;43;25 - 00;03;09;19
Which is crazy because think about that. I'm flexible and I know that the world is, you know, not in my control and all that, but I think feeling that and actually experiencing all the wildness, it threw me off, which was ultimately, I think, a good thing because it allowed me to really rely on some of the practices that I've been learning about.

00;03;09;19 - 00;03;37;13
And really taking a moment to take a breath and find my center and experience navigating from a place of discomfort that I haven't been used to as of late. And I would say that in dealing with two young kids and a Web3 job that sort of all hours, I have become accustomed to what I think is being flexible and, you know, being dynamic and being agile and all that stuff.

00;03;37;13 - 00;04;09;23
But this particular set of challenges and, you know, people getting sick and having fevers and stressors and all that, that really threw me off guard. So it presented new challenges and things that I needed to rely on that I haven't had to do before. And I probably had to rely on the new practices and things that I've, I felt like are really important, like meditation and breathwork and things like that, and relying on those tools in a way that I really hadn't before.

00;04;09;23 - 00;04;57;06
And it was definitely not comfortable. But ultimately it passed by connecting to the things that really make me happy, living in the moment. So, you know, number one priority was really connecting with my kids and making sure that my immediate family was okay. Obviously, with my mom, I've been corresponding with her remotely because she's been sick, but hopefully she's been getting better, making sure that I have been taking time for breathwork and meditation, even in, you know, these moments of schedules being chaotic, that is really helped me find center and realize that the chaos will pass, and I think it is ultimately helped me be more adaptable.

00;04;57;09 - 00;05;22;21
There are a few longer term things that are changing that, you know, I really can't talk about on the podcast, but, you know, they are developing and I'm relying upon the mindfulness and taking one step at a time as we evolve through those things that are more career related. So those things will come to pass. Meanwhile, during in the first month of my podcast Being live.

00;05;22;21 - 00;05;48;17
So that's very exciting and I have enjoyed expressing my feelings and providing a perspective in addition to, you know, everything I'm learning. Also, expressing it has been an interesting way to help me try to organize my thoughts. I have to get better at that, but I'm working on it and I'm very excited to share that I will start having guests on the podcast too.

00;05;48;17 - 00;06;11;14
So in terms of seek the magic, part of the magic in life is to learn about other's perspectives and what brings them joy and passion and how they define their magic. So I'm very excited to welcome my first guest this week. We'll start recording tomorrow and ideally next week we'll have them online and we'll be able to share with you.

00;06;11;14 - 00;06;41;19
Some people are talking about their work in discovery with Divine Feminine. Some people are speaking about discovering different ways of thinking and living life after they've had kids. So very, very exciting and look forward to sharing that with all of you. And if you are listening and you want to share your perspective and have a conversation and seek the magic, I would absolutely love to hear your story and share a conversation.

00;06;41;19 - 00;07;19;16
So please connect with me either on Instagram or email or go to my website. Would be happy to speak with you. But in general, I wanted to share this week of, you know, just a little bit of chaos beyond the normal, which is part of our journey in life, and I think it can cause discomfort, it and it can throw us off of our path, but at the same time, it helps us lean into what we're learning and helps us emphasize what is important and make sure that we lean into those things.

00;07;19;16 - 00;07;57;27
And it's an opportunity for us to express our gratitude, which I certainly did, you know, and thinking about the general health of kids and family and, you know, the things that really do matter and making sure that those things are top of mind. And then I could be grateful for that. And there's always magic for me in remembering those moments of gratitude and also reflecting on the things that are important in a priority and finding magic in the unknown and the discomfort and thinking of that as a means to ultimately discovering more of who we are.

00;07;57;27 - 00;08;12;17
So hopefully that helps you, and I hope you can seek the magic in your day to day, whether easy or difficult or anything in between. Then to you all the positive vibes and take care. Thank you. Bye.