In this insightful episode of "Your Insurance Connection," hosted by Donald Marquez, a seasoned insurance professional with 27 years of experience, listeners are taken on a journey through the importance of life insurance in creating generational wealth. Marquez shares valuable insights into how ordinary expenses, from groceries to designer items, contribute to the wealth of others, and encourages listeners to redirect some of that investment towards securing their family's future. Touching on topics like the significance of life insurance in the face of unexpected events and the challenges families may face without it, Marquez passionately advocates for taking control of one's financial legacy. With a focus on education and personalized solutions, this broadcast empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their life insurance coverage. Don't miss this engaging discussion on safeguarding your family's financial well-being.


We talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowners insurance, and - yes - we talk about life insurance!

Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to locally produced programming created in Hey, you envy studios on public radio K u and v 91.5.

Unknown Speaker 0:11
The following is a paid program sponsored by your insurance connection. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:32
Good morning. This is your insurance connection. I'm your host. Donnell Marquez, on your insurance connection. We talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowners insurance. Yes. And we talk about life insurance. Welcome to the show.

Unknown Speaker 0:52
Good morning. My name is Donald Marquez. This is another edition of your insurance connection broadcasts. You're right here at K u n v 91.5. Jazz and more. Happy Sunday morning. Eight o'clock in the morning. I love this weather in Las Vegas, Nevada. This time of year my hometown which I love being in extreme weather in the summer is too much for me. But the weather this time of the year is always a pleasure along with football. Enjoying the football, the playoffs today start and hopefully your team will come in and you win and a lot of people are getting together, which is a great celebration, see lives the subway celebrations continue. From thanksgiving to Christmas to New Year's. We had Martin Luther King Day. And now it seemed like to me the gear up to the Superbowl was another celebration. Then we have Super Bowl right after Super Bowl, we have Valentine's Day and then everybody's scrambling to do the taxes. But you know, in all of that, you know, we find time. And I want to thank my listeners that have found time to contact me and purchase home auto and life insurance. Thank you so much for your continued support listening to the program every Sunday morning from 8am to 830 and rebroadcast right here, I K u and v studios, 91.5. Jazz and more we have other talk shows too. So you know tune in, get a listen and get educated. This is an educational program about insurance. And I've been broadcasts in here now for almost two years. And I'm very excited to come on every Sunday morning and talk about insurance. I'm a licensed insurance professional, licensed right here in Las Vegas, Nevada for the last 27 years and I can help you better understand your current insurance policies no matter what you have your home your auto your life. Now some of you but the key is in 100 days I've been contacted me

Unknown Speaker 2:51
I need you to contact your dealership to find out if there's a recall on your on your car. Because on with the hundreds and the key is there was a young man that showed everyone how to go how to take one of these cars and without the key and drive off with them. But you know some of these insurance companies are experienced high theft rates are what the key is on on days. So if you're experiencing higher rates because of you know you have a Hyundai Kia, you want to contact your dealership to make sure your car is not on the on the list that could be possibly stolen. That's news you can use my name is Don Marquez. For more information, you can contact me at 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 My Location is on a corner of Rancho and Sahara in the US Bank building. Located on the eighth floor, my business hours are Monday through Friday, from 10am to 5pm. I'm here for you 702-236-2624 licensed last 27 years in this business and time goes by so fast. Just you know it just seemed like it was a blink of an eye and 27 years later, I'm talking to you on the radio. I didn't start off on the radio. I did not start off on the radio. I started off like all insurance agents picking up the phone and calling people setting appointments, having customers come in my office having a conversation with them. But I've been blessed to have this opportunity at K u and v 91.5. Jazz and more to broadcast about insurance to educate you about insurance when it comes to life insurance. That's one of my favorite subjects to talk about. And I had a conversation with a gentleman, one of my clients just the other day and we were going back and forth about life insurance. He purchased life insurance for himself, his daughter, his family members, and he was he was saying to me it's good relief to know that when that day comes and it comes for all of us that my family is going to be taken care of Within the conversation, we talked about how much money we spent with, you know, everyone, and a lack of money goes toward the family. And let me explain it to you. So when you purchase, we're consumers, right? So we're consumers, we're consuming everything, lines dinner, we go to the, you know, to the shows, entertainment clothes, utility bills. So what we're doing by being consumers, we're passing on generational wealth, to the people we consume with. We give them our money for their products and services, right? And they're what they're doing. They're creating generational wealth for their families. This is what keeps the rich rich, because we're consumers we consume their products, their goods and services. But how much in our budget do we can consume for our family? In other words, do you have a budget to say, You know what, I'm spending money with everyone else. I'm giving everyone else, you know, a wealth in this country. I am spending money to make everyone else wealthy. What am I doing for my family's wealth, for their security for the next generation? Generation generational wealth is real, is truly Israel. Look around you. You know, every everywhere is growing? You know, the city has grown up quite a bit since I've grown up in it. And generational wealth is with us. We create generational wealth for others, why not create general racial wealth for yourself, generational wealth for yourself? And how do you accomplish that? It's not how much money you spend, is what you do with the money that you do spend. Now, just think, for example, if you, let's say a product, let's say it as simple as ketchup, right, the Heinz ketchup, everybody loves Heinz ketchup, it, just like Domina only ketchup 57. But you know, I know that Heinz 57, I know that by me buying that product, that one product, you know, I am creating generational wealth. For the people that own John Heinz ketchup 57. I am, I'm creating generational wealth for them. Every time you spend money, you're creating generational wealth for others. And this is why the rich stay rich, because they understand once they put out a product, and that product is a useful product that you purchase, often. You know, you're creating generational wealth for their families. Why not start with your family? It's simple. You can do it, it's very simple. Just start with a life insurance policy. Life insurance is a way to create generational wealth for your family. Now, if you can spend money everywhere else, and when you park your cars, you know, men go to the store and buy cologne. Women go to the store and they buy everything right. I mean, we as men, we go to the store, we you know, we buy a couple items, you know, jeans, T shirts, you know, um, shoes every now and then we don't shop that much not like women shop, it's just an inherent nature for women to go out and shop. I guess they're bored, they'll have nothing else to do. They don't have enough shoes in their closet. But what you're doing, you're creating generational wealth and expectancy when you buy all this designer clothes, and designer shoes and designer bags. I bought that for for her loved ones, designer clothes and shoes. But to me, I am creating generational wealth for others. Now it's time to make sure I am creating generational wealth for my family. And I have I have set aside life insurance policies for myself, for my family, to inherit when that day comes from me, and it comes for all of us. Now, if I can create generational wealth, for products and services that I go to the grocery store and purchase every week, when I'm buying gasoline from my car, and these are some necessities, not always their necessities. Sometimes they're just luxuries that you want to have. Because you know, let's say for instance, because women like to go out and shop and they look for those designer shoes, these are luxuries in life. But if you're willing to make these fashion designers, you know, have more money than they already have. Why not create a financial resource for your family? Why not create generational wealth for your family? I can make it happen through a life insurance policy. It's not that difficult. It's not that difficult to understand. generational wealth is created through a life insurance policy. Even though the wealthy people buy life insurance, because they have a thing called death tax. And they try to avoid paying that so they don't spend their inheritance paying for their death tax because when they lose a loved one, they have a you know a tax to pay. It's called a death tax. Now most of us don't have that death tax. But you know the wealthy do they have a death tax older rich do they have a death tax? So what they do they buy a life insurance policy. to offset that, you know, no matter what the face amount of a life insurance policy is, something is better than nothing. I've said that many times over and over again, to have something in place. So will not put you in debt when you lose your loved one. I've seen it many times I talked to a lady last week, she said, you know, we had two deaths in the last couple of months. And we had to do to bake sales or car washes, we're not doing that again. And in my mind, I'm thinking How many cars do you have to watch to pay for a $15,000 funeral at $20, a car doing the math at $20 a car, there's 750 cars. Now if they haven't big sales, you have to go to the store and buy the supplies you have. You have to cook the supplies back to supplies, and then you have to sell the food, you have to sell the baked goods and who's buying it to pay for a funeral. That's a lot of stress on a family. That's a lot of stress on a family. Now, that's the opposite. What I'm talking about is passing on generational debt, pass it on generational debt is generational. When you leave debt behind for your family members to absorb, you know, you're not you're not giving them time to grieve, you're passing. Now, you know, don't don't take the attitude where you know, I don't want to talk about it, I want to push it away, push it aside. And when you procrastinate about buying a life insurance policy, the only thing you doing is it's going to cost more when you do buy it eventually when you do purchase it or you don't purchase at all. And now your family members have to absorb your responsibility, your debt. You know, life insurance is not that difficult. I have policies, there's no medical exam, you know, just a few other questions to ask is income tax free benefit, income tax free, regardless of the face amount of the policy, you know, you're not charged tax on a life insurance benefit. And if you never received a death benefit, then you may not know what I'm talking about. But what if you have received a death benefit? It sure does make a lot easier when that person passes away, that now you can easily take care of their finances, you can close out their estate, because when every time someone passes away, you have to close out their state. And I've said this many times on this broadcast, the first bill you have to pay as a service itself, the funeral service, and you have to go to cemetery. And most cases, you do have to go to the cemetery and get that, you know, that burial site headstone, the opening, closing vault, etc, etc. All that costs money, that's an average round, but anywhere from 12 to 15, up to $20,000, or even more, or even more. So that's that's the first expense you're going to experience now of because that person was a single individual, you have to do somewhat their home, their possessions, may pay the rent, the mortgage may have to sell the home, you have to take off time from work. These are finances, that's gonna affect your own budget. These are finances, you have to close out someone else's day because, you know, they didn't want to talk about it. They didn't want to talk about it. They kept pushing them to say I know I don't want to talk about it. You know, or they'll tell you I'm good and not being good at all. You know? Have you satisfaction? Have you satisfaction? asked your loved ones? Do they have a life insurance policy? Ask your loved ones where is the life insurance policy? Ask your loved ones who is a primary beneficiaries on your life insurance policy. And ask your loved ones what type of life insurance do you have. And if they really don't know, if they have a universal term a whole life. They really don't know now it's time to have an insurance review. My name is Don Marquez, this is your insurance connection. If you're tuning in for the very first time. Welcome to the show our broadcast radio K u and v 91.5. Jazz and more Sunday morning from 8am to 830.

Unknown Speaker 14:04
Every Sunday morning, when now if they don't know what they have, now it's time to get an insurance review. What is an insurance review? We sit down with you and go over the policy, no obligation in other words, it doesn't cost you any money to come in and see me bring you a life insurance policy and we'll go line by line we're reviewing and I love going over your policy because it gets you updated on what's going on with your life insurance policy. I've had people that came to see me with a life insurance policy. They had $20,000 in cash value assets and their life insurance and they didn't know it you know I am I need a roof on my house and you know that I can use some of that money to put the roof on my house. Yes, don't take it all out. But you know that's money. If you sending your daughter or your son or daughter to college. That's the money could be well spent. Go to college education. Sometimes people just don't know. They don't know what type of life insurance they have they purchase life insurance, or if you just have life insurance on your occupation, that's the most the times it's three times your salary. But is that enough? Now, if you are only making, you know, let's say less than $50,000 a year, that's 100, let's say at the Max $150,000. How long would that last? If you're a young family, just purchase a home, that's not enough to cover the mortgage 150,000. And you have two children $150,000 With the life insurance if you making $50,000 a year, and you're young couple is not enough to sustain your family. Now, if there's a premature passing, the breadwinner, premature passes away, how long would $150,000 last? Now, of course, you want to pay some bills off, you have to pay for that very expensive funeral. That's the first thing you have to pay for. That's $20,000 On average, that leaves you $130,000. Now, if you have a car payment $25,000 car payment, that you went from 115 to 105, because you have a $25,000 car payment. Now that's $105,000 to raise two children in a home. Is that enough money? How long would that last? You have to be very good with your budget. Let's say you have, let's say on average $10,000 with the credit cards. Now from 105, you go down to $95,000 $95,000. pay some bills off car off nine credit card bills now you have to survive on $95,000. And what if the wife is not working? The young family the wife is not working because she isn't home taking care of the young children? How long would $95,000 last a day with young children not very long. Not very long. If you pay him for your life insurance on your occupation, there are other options, it gives you a lot more insurance for every one child you have, you should have at least $100,000 in coverage. Well, what inflation let me because let me think about inflation you okay, what with inflation, for every one child you out, let's do it, let's do the math, right, let's do 150,000 or $20,000 worth of coverage. If you have a family of three, you need at least a half a million dollars worth of life insurance. It's not that difficult. If you're young family in the 30s and the 40s, I can have a conversation with you that you would not believe how much money it costs you very little to protect your family. You know, look at your family. Just think about if I might hear what's going to happen to my children, what's going to happen to their future. College education is now I've seen people pay as well, almost half a million dollars for college educations. You know, college education is getting very expensive. Now, if you have a half a million dollars worth of life insurance, and you have three children, you know, two of them may not be able to go to college. It's getting that it's getting that much now. So when you say you know I have insurance on my job, how much does that cover? How long would it last. And for that benefit to pay your family members, it does take quite some time to go to ASCO to human resources where they call HR Yes, it had to go to a committee. And it may be months before you receive the money. I've seen it over and over again in my career where people pass away. And they don't six months before they even received the money if they receive it at all. Because there are stipulations within these job policies, when the policy will pay and when they won't pay for whatever reasons, you have to understand because at your career where you work, they do not give you in your hand, a life insurance policy, they just tell you, you have a benefit you and when we call a Group Term Life insurance at work. And if you are paying for it, you do have options. You do have other options. My contact phone number is 702-236-2624. My name is Dawn Marquez. 702-236-2624. Let's protect your family. You know, let's protect that let's have the peace of mind that you need to protect your family simple applications to apply for. Just yes or no questions. You know, coverages are affordable. Let's pass on that generational wealth. It's not that hard to do. We're making everyone else rich. We really are. The oil barons of the world are getting I don't know how much money you need. To seem like it's never enough. The more they show us the more we spend. I remember when we didn't have computers. We didn't have computers we do now. Thank God we have computers. But you know, that's that's another way of generational wealth. We have electric cars now. That's creating generational wealth. And everything that you do everything that you buy is creating generational wealth for other families. Why not create generational wealth for your family? Let me take you step by step to the process to get this started. My name is Don Marquez, my contact phone number 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 rates and benefits are liked and for the life of the policy. Now if you need accidental enhancement with your life insurance, we can also include that too as well to cover car accidents. If you have diabetes, lupus history of cancer, AIDS, HIV, I have a policy for you 702 to three 626 24 Multiple cause multiple sclerosis.

Unknown Speaker 20:42
We have soloable pulsing, if you have Ms. That's that sound and have a conversation. Let's have a conversation. If he on blood thinners most people think they can get life insurance because they own blood thinners. Maybe they had a heart attack, or heart surgery, or congestive heart failure, COPD. Let's have a conversation, diabetics, type one type two diabetics, I can get you a life insurance policy. I'm a licensed insurance broker right here in the state of Nevada. I represent multiple life insurance companies, I'll find a policy that will fit in your budget, and what I like them when you come to see me, and you don't have any life insurance. And I asked you how much life insurance you need. And most people don't know. But the next question is, how much can you afford to pay every month? And they'll say, Well, I can afford this dollar amount. That makes my job a lot easier. Because now I can work with your budget, because you've already figured out how much money month you could spend for life insurance. Again, you're creating generational wealth for your family. Is it important to you? It should be? It should be? Would you want your family to struggle to do the bake sales, the car washes, you know, the GoFundMe is to go to all the restaurants to take care of your final expenses. Now, if you're okay with that, then you know you don't need to call me, you know, but if you want to take your responsibility seriously, and don't know what no life insurance and you've kicked the can long enough is 2024. You know it started let's let's create generational wealth for your family. Because you're you're spending money and creating generational wealth for other families. Yes, you are every time you go to the grocery store. And you pick up those items or you go to the liquor store. And you pick up those items at the liquor store or you buy tires for your car. Whatever you do whatever you consume, you're creating generational wealth for other families. And I know things a little tight right now. But it's never too late to start creating generational wealth for your family. And I feel like this if I could do it for them, I definitely can do it for myself, for my family's generational wealth, what happened to what happens to the next generation. Now you don't know a lot of us don't own a business. But families. It is a business. Your family is a business because there is a budget. You go to work, you make so much money, you have a budget, you have to pay the mortgage, you have to pay the rent, you have to buy food, that's a budget. And when my whatever money is left over, maybe I don't know, maybe go get those designer shoes and designer purses. You spend your money on that. But, you know, take this seriously, now's the time to start creating generational wealth for your family. Now, what can that do for you, when a loved one receives a death benefit, it changes everything. Because now they can grieve and peace. Number one, they don't have to worry about paying for funeral. They don't have to worry about going to the cemetery and picking out a plot. The money is there. Simply just taking a life insurance policy into the funeral home presented me to the to the person at the funeral home. And the first thing we got to look at to make sure it's not accidental only life insurance. I don't offer accidental only life insurance because I don't believe in accidental only life insurance. But let's say you have a whole life a term policy, universal life policy. They'll take their funds out, you know, to pay for the services. And once you receive the death certificate, you file a claim to get the balance of the proceeds tax free, tax free legal life insurance as you're buying money he saw you doing you borrow money. So you buy a $500,000 life insurance and you chip away at it every month, you're gonna put a lot less in it than it'll pay out to your loved ones. Now or if you want to save money, and I've heard people say, Oh, I can save money and I don't need a life insurance policy because I can save money. You're not getting any interest on your money, your savings. You know the banks take your money and they're making you know 15% interest on your money. They know how to do it. You're not making anything. You're not making anything in the bank. You're just putting your money in a bank, you send your side your money in the bank to pull from it because you're not making any money whether you put it in a savings account checking account. Now if you have an annuity are on IRA, you know, CDs, maybe a bonds, yes, that'll make you money. But that does take time. That takes time to build up. The life insurance policy is only investment you can make that's tax free investment where it pays out a lot that pays out, and you don't have to pay taxes on it. 702-236-2624 My name is Dawn Marquez 702-236-2624. If he you don't qualify for the larger life insurance policies, I do have a policy for you. There's no health examination to apply for just a few questions. Most people qualify even with health issues. So don't let your health you know, well, I my health is not that great. I take a lot of medications. Let me make that determination. Let me put your information in the computer, and we'll come up with a rate, we'll come over to rate rates and benefits are locked in for the life of the policy. I can help you get a life insurance policy that will fit in your budget. And once you get the policy. Keep it keep it and don't let anyone talk you out of your life insurance. Because you know, sometimes people get excited and say, you know, I just purchased a life insurance policy from Donald Marquez, and I'm so excited. And so you don't need life insurance. And I simply say to you ask that person just telling you what you don't need. Ask him where they pay for your final expenses. And see what happens. I don't think so. Well, you know, tell him I you know, a funeral costs about $20,000 today, how are you gonna pay for that? Well, maybe you do need life insurance. Amy is not maybe that's not a bad idea. Maybe I need to call down my kids too, as well. 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 We lost another giant Dexter Scott King, son of Dr. Martin Luther King. 62 years young, maybe. May he dwell in paradise. Wow. It was a shock. 62 years on he looked just like his dad. Dr. Martin Luther King. Yeah. So that's amazing. I've seen so many King children in my lifetime, at presentations at events, but I never saw Dexter. But I did see as only two remaining kings left now from Dr. Martin Luther King. May he rest in peace, my condolences go to the King family. My name is Donna Marquez. This is your insurance connection. We'll do this again next week. From 8am to 837 02 to 362624 702-236-2624 my location is on a corner of Sahara Rancho, in the US Bank Center, located on Eighth floor I work by appointment 702-236-2624 Albio football beds come in. Good luck. Until next week. Just keep it crispy.

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