The United States Department of Nerds Podcast

We are diving into The Vault and discussing Fallout s1, X-Men 97 and the trailer to Deadpool and Wolverine.

What is The United States Department of Nerds Podcast?

USDN podcast is run by USDN_JeffyJeff and the Council of Nerds. We strive to bring you the all the latest news and rumors from the World of Nerds and consolidate it right here at USDN. USDN is for the people, by the people and of the people.

Hello there,

and welcome to the United

States Department of NURSE,

where we are for the people,

by the people, and of the people.

With that,

let's roll into this beautiful intro.

Yes, sir.

Thank you.

What is going on, everybody?


we do this show kind of together

last minute,

but we're going to talk some Fallout,

some X-Men 97, get some feelings on that,

and we're going to dive

into the Deadpool Wolverine trailer.

Tay, thank you.

It's been a while,

and I apologize to everybody out there.

Getting a kid ready to go to

college is not the easiest

thing in the world to do.

Oh, Black had to do that not too long ago.

Ha ha ha.

it was that uh I'm already

in debt like you ain't

throw the uh the the the

good old military benefits

that way didn't qualify oh

damn I'd already it was in

my final re-enlistment when

that became a thing oh so

you can't do the uh

transfer to the kid get the

service commitment stuff that's correct

With that, y'all boys drinking tonight?

What y'all drinking?

I got some peach crown on

the rocks over here.

Something light for the evening.

I don't know how light that is.

I have nothing.


That high quality.

We're in a dry county tonight.

Ain't nothing wrong with that.

All good,

but here's to getting back into

talking some nerd stuff

over here in the United

States Department of Nerds.

Salute, gentlemen.


To the nerds.

So let's start this out by

saying that today, 35 years ago,

Dragon Ball Z premiered.

Are you serious?

Season one, episode one premiered today,

35 years ago,

before it went on a 291 episode run.

I'm not that old, am I?

Dude, we're that old, man.

Hate to break it to you, but we there.

To the point now where...

I'm not surprised when shit be coming up.

Be like, man,

did you know 25 years ago this?

I'm like, bro, I'm not even.

I used to be,

but when you start seeing

cats come to work,

what year were you born?


This is true.

This is true.

This is true.

That's what I took it as a sign to retire,


There's kids coming in the same,

like a year older than my daughter.

I was like, no, it's time for me to go.

I'm just like, I'm old.

I'm that guy now.

I'm the old guy.

And the times, they are a changing.

With that, also, today, five years ago,

Avengers Endgame premiered in theaters.

Probably one of the greatest

cinematic experiences I've

had in my life.

I actually went to the

theater and saw that.

Can we talk about real quick

what happened in your

theater on a certain scene?

What happened?

We'll let Jeff go first.

Where I was...

Like, everything was, like, visible.

Like, I've never seen... Well, outside of,

like, Star Wars.


going to see Star Wars in the theater.

This is one of the few

movies where I spend,

like... You feel the air

sucked out of things.

It was, like,

rounds of applause for stuff.

And then, like, hoorahs.

And I'm just,

like... I've never seen a theater,

like... Into it like this.

Like, and there was tears.

And there was, like, happiness.

And I'm just...

What is going on?

I've never seen this happen

in a movie theater before.


We saw it.

Our realtor rented out one

of the theaters at the

newest Harkins over in Australia.

All her clients,

we went there to see it the

day it released.

It was... Wait, did you say Australia?

No, Australia.

Oh, okay.

The road out there in – or the small town,

Australian Parkway.

But it is a dope theater, too.

Brand new.


Harkins is – if you got a Harkins

near you, that's the theater to go to.

Anyway, no shade against AMC.

But for it being as long as

it was and not really

having all that much action –

people sat in their seats

because they knew what the

fuck was happening.

The end of a fucking 13-year

story that was being put

together beautifully and

fam when that hammer

floated off the ground oh

my god bro that is that's

when that's when that's

when the the no talking

during the movie rule was

was absolutely and was able

to just be themselves be

shocked be happy be be

afraid and like all the

emotions were coming out um

the the on your left moment

Man, when Chadwick came back out, I was,

oh, goosebumps, bro.

All of that stuff.

The I am Iron Man, crying.

Like a baby.

It's okay, Tony.

You can rest now.

Because I knew it was done.

I knew I was just like,

now we got to move to the next stage.

It was at that moment.

Like, Tony's gone.


the best role I've ever seen Robert

Downey Jr.

Like, he can't do it.

Oppenheimer, man.

He slays in it, Oppenheimer,

if you haven't watched it.

I have not watched that one.

I got to get around to it.

But I saw the runtime on that,

and I'm just like,

I love historical pieces,

but I'm just like, fam.

Politics led me.

Get to the bomb.


Drop that bitch and let her blow up, bro.

Oh, man.

All right, Beck,

how was it for you in there, man?


I think we all went to this movie

theater with a pact.

You know what I mean?

Not really talking amongst each other,

but as the movie kept going on,

it kept being okay to react to shit.

You know what I'm saying?

It was like a silent, okay,

we can't hold this in anymore.

You know what I mean?

By the time we got to... It

started when they figured

out they can go back in the past.

When Tony figured out time travel,

once he figured that out, it was like,

okay, we can all react.

This shit's about to be amazing.

You know what I'm saying?

By the time we got to

Captain America, Wild and Mjolnir.

Like that's when everybody was like,

what the, oh my God.

Oh my God.

And then it was like that.

And then on your left and

then everybody started coming out.

And then I've never been in

a movie theater where like

everybody just exploded, bro.

Like everybody,

it was like thunderous to

the point where like people,

the people at the movie theater,

people came in and was like checking.

Because they were like,

what the hell is going on here?

But everybody was just enjoying the movie.

And all of that to when I Am

Iron Man happens.

I looked over to my daughter

because she's a huge Iron Man fan.

Reads the comics, follows the movies.

She's a huge Iron Man fan.

tears bro like so bad like I

started tearing up it's

like dude yeah get back in

there get back it nah I'm a

thug thugs don't do this

shit you know I mean but

like that's how that movie

theater was and to

experience a movie I don't

think I'll ever experience

a movie like that again

honestly because it was it

was that good yeah

Five years ago.

I'm telling you,

it was like the first hour,

it was kind of quiet.

Then all of a sudden,

stuff started ramping.

And then it was like,

everybody was just like, no.


did y'all see she has not seen Dragon

Ball Z?

I have, but I mean,

it's... That's typical.

That was on Toonami when I was a junior.

I don't want to be old again,

but I don't think 10 is

even more than that.

That's why I was like,

that's kind of typical now.

I was like 16, 17.

So by that point,

it's moved on to the next thing.

Because I haven't seen...

I haven't even seen one piece,

and for an anime head, that's, like,


And I'm just like, bro, I'm not watching.

I'm with you there, actually.


you know the one piece I've seen is

the live action.

That's it.

I've seen that, but I haven't,

because I think it's intimidation for me.

Knowing how many episodes there are,

I'm like,

I am afraid to start this journey.

That's why I'm just on the live action.


I was like, you know what?

My daughter's like, oh, she watches it.

She's like, oh, it's good.

I'm like,

I'm going to watch the live action.

She won't watch the live action.

She's like, it doesn't compare.

I'm like, eh, well,

I'm not going back and

watching that many episodes.

Well, I mean,

the minute they stop fucking making more,

I'll be able to catch up.

End this series already.

That's what I'm saying.

Find a fucking one piece, for God's sake.

I'll catch up.

Nope, I won't.


So, hey, let's dive into Fallout.


Yeah, let's talk about it.

I mean, it's been, what, two weeks now?

Three weeks?

Two weeks, I think.



because it came out when I was in


And I watched it that weekend.

I got back.

And I binged it.

I didn't get up.

Like, I sat down, started watching it,

and I didn't get up until it was done.


I didn't go in with high hopes on it.

You know?

You didn't?

I did not.

I did not.

I was just like, it's just an... But again,

I go back and I look at all

the other video games

they've been doing into

movies or TV shows lately,

and they've been killing it.

So I'm like, you know,

I'm not going to get my hopes up.

By the end of episode one,

I was committed.

I was all in.

Loved every minute, every second of it.


So let me start with this question.

Have either of you played the video game?

The older one.

I think I played the very first one.


I played Fallout 3.

Me too.

Because I remember when it was,

I think it was like 2007.


Or 8.

Like, it was one of those two when, like,

G4 was still a thing.

And they went to E3, and they were doing,

like, a demo of it.

And they were talking to developers.

I was like, yo,

this game looks like the fucking truth.

Because it looked like a

first-person shooter with a couple of,

like, RPG aspects to it.

So I bought it, and I was playing it.

I'm like, man,

that's a lot of RPG shit to this.

And this is when Halo 3 was still, like,

had me in a fucking chokehold.

So I'm just like,

I'm going to go play this shit, you know?


No, I played Fallout New Vegas,

and that shit was dope.

That was made by Obsidian,

not so much Bethesda.

After that, I keep hearing about it.

I'm like, maybe I'll download it,

but I know it's a game you

got to put a lot of hours into.

right right tay put up a

very interesting comment

too um because I played

fallout new vegas and I

played a little bit of

fallout 4 and she said uh

she was proud from playing

fallout 4. from playing

fallout 4 just a little bit

of it I played I was able

to kind of understand where

this was going

This series was based

loosely on Fallout 4.


Just from playing the little bit I played,

I was able to, okay,

this is where we're starting off.

Okay, I can follow this a little bit.

Now, granted,

even if you don't play this game,

the show is amazing, bro.

It is amazing.

I really didn't think you

needed the game to get into it.

They did it that well.

No, you don't.

Like I said, if you didn't play the game,

this show is a good show.

It's so good,

it makes me want to go play the game.

Dude, I got to download it.

I'm going to probably be

streaming it a little bit

either this weekend or

early next week sometime.

I had to make some sacrifices on the PS5,

but that's how it be sometimes.

And I think it's games like

this because each Fallout

focuses on a different...

It's not like Halo that

focuses on Master Chief.

Each Fallout is a different

member from a different vault.

I think Fallout 3 was like...

I forget like somebody from

like vault one 11 or something.


new Vegas was like lone wanderer for


I think it became kind of personal.

Cause they gave it a, uh,

you either played as like Nate or Nora.

I think whether you pick the

male or female and then fall out 70,


Like I said,

I haven't played since Fallout New Vegas,

but friends of mine that

are Fallout players,

they say we do not talk about Fallout 76.

Yeah, you don't bring that one up.

Yeah, Tay put it in there, man.

Yeah, she already went in.

Fallout 76.

That's that live service,

always online stuff, man.

Companies keep trying that shit,

and people are just like, this ain't it.

Fallout 76 is the one that

focuses on Reclamation Day

that you hear about in the show.


yeah and everything like as

I'm like reading everything

to get ready for this

everybody was just it

literally every other

statement was fuck fallout

76 they were like no part

of it like no yeah not

fucking with it it was I

never played it so I can't

speak on how bad it was but


we're not trying to anger the Fallout

community here.

So that's why we're just like, yeah,

Fallout 4 is the last

Fallout that we know exists.

So Ella Purnell, who plays Lucy, a.k.a.

Goosey, says here's Goosey.

And dude, she slayed this role of Lucy.

That's what I'm hearing.

And she's been in quite a few other shows.

She also does voice acting.

I forget the show because

there was a... She's an arcane.

That's what it was.

She does the... Yeah.

Not Trixie.

The character... Jinx.


The character that kind of

snapped and is now out killing everybody.

Like, bro...

first of all,

arcane season two comes out

and I can't fucking wait, but she is,

she is very talented.

Um, I don't know.

Queens talked about her in

some of the roles.

So it's cool to see.

Um, I'm glad they went with the,

the female protagonists in this one, um,

past the characters they

have from the trailer I've

seen and from reviews.


Um, but like,

I'm looking at it and like I said,

I haven't seen it.

I'm probably going to, what is it?

Eight episodes.



Oh, that's the weekend.

I got it next week.

No problem.

I'm telling you, bro.

If you start this tonight or tomorrow,

by the end of tomorrow, you'll be done.

And you'll be downloading...

You'll be done.

You'll be downloading

Fallout to play afterwards.

Bro, I need to get back on video games.

I'm just slacking.

This told me I needed to get

back on video games.

And I still haven't downloaded it yet.

It's downloaded.

It's ready to go.

Wasn't Game Pass doing

because of popularity of the show?

They still got it.

Then we got our boy Walter

Coggins who I've been a fan

of his since Justified.

The more I watch this guy,

the more I'm convinced he's

one of the best actors to

ever get in the film, bro.

The guy, every role he plays,

he makes it important.

And this show was no different.

I felt like he signed up for it, was like,

okay, it's enough.

I can put these guys in a

mental roller coaster and

just ride that shit the whole season.

Because he is important from

the time he enters the

screen to the last shot.

I mean,

he has the most screen time

probably out of everybody.

I believe so, yeah.

I'm not saying he's the most

important character or even the lead,

because that's arguable there.

It's Lucy, yeah.

Lucy's the lead.

You could argue Lucy is the lead,

but that man becomes very

important the whole season.


But he plays Cooper Howard and the ghoul.

I will say the makeup for

his ghoul character is spot on.

And I like they went the

prosthetic route instead of

CGI and put this green mask

and we'll just CGI his face.

The only thing that was

CGI'd out was his nose.

The prosthetic makeup.

There's a behind the scenes

that they just released on

him getting into the makeup.



But my favorite role with

him had to be Justified, though.

It's either that or Sons of Anarchy.

I was leaning towards Sons of Anarchy.



Like, Justified was cool,

but I think when it came

to... And this is, like,

just totally biased.

Like, when it came to Timothy Olymphant,

like, I was just mad that HBO did...

What was that show he was on over there?

It wasn't Westworld, was it?

Deadstone or something like that.



Deadwood, yeah.

It had Ian McShane, bro.

That was my shit, and they were just like,

eh, we'll stop it.

So I'm hearing they're

shopping it around the

finish because they have

one more season left,

and they're trying to get

somebody to pick it up so

they can finish it.

How are you going to finish Deadwood?

Maybe I'm thinking about a different show.

The Deadwood finish?


They threw, like, this movie.

It was, like, a two-hour episode.

I might be thinking,

is there a different show

on HBO that didn't finish?

Like, they didn't do the last season.

It got canceled.

All of them.

Yeah, pretty much.


Pretty much.


HBO is the king of... We're going to

give you a solid five seasons.

After that... Fuck up that last shit.


After that, it's going to be shaky, bro.

In the case of Westworld,

which is why I'm kind of

iffy on this show.

Westworld gave us a

phenomenal first season.

And after that, they fell off hard.

So I'm kind of looking at

this one with the side eye

because the same people who

did Westworld are doing Fallout.

So take that with a grain of salt.




So the next actor I wanted

to talk about was Aaron Moten,

the guy who plays Maximus.

I'd never seen him in

anything before this show.

So I had never really heard of him,

but he nails this role.

Yeah, he does.

From how he was found in the

refrigerator from the New

California Republic.

That's the name of it, right?

New California Republic?


I got it written down here somewhere.

Yeah, New California Republic.

He was found in Shady Sands.

That was the name of the place.


so Maximus himself and his character


is one of the more

interesting character arcs

in this show um and just

how he goes to he he's

still a kid in his mind

yeah he's still that little

kid that was in the

refrigerator his character

his character arc and

lucy's character are are

the two most impactful to

me in this in this whole

show without going in the

in the spoilers but

The impact that they both

have and experience through

this world and where they

come from to where they go,

not only as people,

but as survivors in the

show and what it does to their psyche,

just surviving from one

environment to another one.

I'm telling you, this show does a lot.

There's a lot of underlying

themes in this show that

they don't go over outright.

They don't throw it at you directly.

It's just one...

tone of this layered in a

shit ton of chaos.

And in the middle of that,

you have like three people

that it's all being impacted by.

And that's the ghoul, that's Maximus,

and that's Lucy.

So they do a really good job,

especially with Maximus

going from where he was as

a kid to where he is by the

end of the show.


My wife called him... She was like,

that's Cuba Gooding Jr.

's son.

I'm like, no, it's not.

As far as I know.

Yeah, I don't think so.

He gives a Cuba Gooding Jr.

performance in the show.

Shout out to him.

Since you guys have watched it,

what's the general... I

guess you could say plot...

of the show so far because I

know it's uh it's going to

be a seasonal approach so

it's right the story so

basically right now um

similar to one of the games

where the raiders break

into the vault take uh

lucy's dad lucy basically

leaves the vault to go find her dad

Oh, okay.

And along the way,

she's learning stuff about

her dad that she didn't know.

And she's learning stuff

about the vaults that she didn't know.


And her brother.

Oh, okay.

Is kind of like learning

this stuff in the background, too.

He's kind of like this.

This alternate character in

the in the show who's learning,

we're learning through him

about the troubles that are

really happening within the vault itself.

And the kid that played him

was really good, too.

I didn't write his name down

because I really didn't see

him as a... He plays a main character,

but not really.



It's Fallout 4.


It's pretty much that,

but the underlying tone of

the whole show is a series of systems.

So you have a series of systems,

all of which are trying to

gain the upper hand of survival.

So you have a capitalist system,

the scientists,

and the general people that

was affected by all of this shit.

And all of them are trying

to gain the upper hand, so to speak,

on how to survive.

But like I said,

it weaves itself through a

bunch of chaos.

And all of it puts these

people on collision courses.

It's well done.

It's very well done.

It's very well done.

It all works together.


there's nothing that seems out of place.


there's a few scenes where you're like,

well, this makes no sense.

But then you're like, oh, damn,

it does work into it.

So you're going to see some

stuff like that.

But it all works itself in

and works out fine.

I want to give two shouts

outs in this TV show, actually.


That made guest appearances.

Michael Rappaport as Knight Titus.

bro that that scene that's

hilarious it's hilarious

it's like it's you don't

expect it and then no when

you see him it's like it

makes sense what yeah it's

like what like that's how

you see michael rapaport is

I was like that guy I was like remy yes

They got Remy up in here.


and my second one I wanted to shout

out to in this one was Leslie.

I think her last name is spelled Uggums.



Who played Betty Pearson,

who becomes the vault chairman.

But that's Blind Al from Deadpool.

Deadpool, yep.

This is going to be her year.

It's her year, man.

I hope so.


I hope so.

Because there's nothing like

hearing her say,

do you want to build a snowman?

We'll get into that later.

Well, yeah.


I most definitely give this a give

this a watch over the weekend.

I like the story kind of, you know.

take my dad.

Now I got to go get my dad.

You start learning things and maybe she,

is it like one of them things?

Like she thinks her dad is

this type of person that

she starts learning.


my dad was something different out here,

you know?



And then she realizes how old her dad is.

Oh, yeah.

I got to watch this thing.

Yeah, bro.

It gets deep.

Shout out to Amazon, man.

They're stepping their

original programming up.

They did.


I want to take this time to tell

Paramount Plus,

do you see what these

motherfuckers are doing over here?


Scrap this Halo series.


I thought we said we weren't talking

about this shit.

I can't.

My anger.

Gotta get this shit off his chest.

Gotta get it off his chest.

Do you see what they're doing over here?

Do you see this?


Paramount said we got Knuckles for you,


Fuck that.

I've heard nothing but great

things about Knuckles.

They're saying Knuckles is the shit.

I've seen the first episode.

I relax.

The Sonic Cinematic Universe,

I ain't mad at it.

I was skeptical with the first movie.

We saw it in the theaters.

I'm like,

Well, that's because they had Ugly Sonic.

It wasn't bad.


they fixed Ugly Sonic before he went

to theaters.

Oh, Sanic?

They did.

They tried to give us Sanic.

That Sonic.

Yeah, T-Mu and shit.

They did.

They did well.

They did right by him.

But yeah, the second movie was dope.

And then now Knuckles has a spinoff.

You see, I think you posted it, Jeff.

Our boy John Wick.

aka neil about the voice

shadow shadow yep sonic I'm

like come on though so the

sonic uh franchise they've

been um what's it called um

casting uh keanu as

knuckles for like years now

they're like oh if they

ever do shadow it's got to

be keanu then all of a sudden it's keanu

But he's the type of person,

he ain't gonna disappoint the fans.


It was also rumored to be

Hayden Christensen for a while, too.

I don't know who I would've wanted more.

I think Keanu will pull it

off better than Hayden.

Hayden will forever be Darth Vader to me,

I'm sorry.

Shadow is Sonic with guns, bro.

You're right.

You're right.

He's Sonic with guns.

Give us Wick.

Give us Wick.

Give us Sonic Wick.

sonic wick out here so we'll

dive into a couple of

easter eggs from the uh

from um fuck what are we

fallout fuck me man my

brain is like it's trying

it's trying sonic with the

gat but um so outside of

the obvious you know they

had pilt boys and terminals

raiders there was the one

instance of the psycho

being mentioned and you can

hear him like hitting the

injector or whatever it is

Uh, dog meat, the German shepherd.

Um, we got the mutated bear, Nuka Cola.


The start of this whole thing.

The reason why,

not only because while

another reason Lucy left

was to cause the vault 33, her vault,

their water chip broke,

which is how fallout one began,

which was kind of cool.

We'll throw back in there.



The ghoul, Cooper Howard, in his house,

there's a giant poster

about a man and his dog,

which is based on a

real-life movie called A Boy and His Dog.

So that was a pretty cool thing.

And then Cooper Howard was

the model for the Pilt Boy

or the Thumbs Up Kid.

Oh, the Vault Kid.

The Vault Boy, yeah.

Yeah, Vault Boy.

And then we get the

Commonwealth mentioned by

the Brotherhood.

Shady Sands, the New California Republic.

We see that in there.

Hank's pin that he uses at the end,

that 10-10-97,

was the very first Fallout release date.

And then we see New Vegas at the end,

which tells us where Season

2 is going to pick up.

So that's kind of cool.

And the Red Rocket gas

station where he originally

finds dog meat.

That's correct.


So that was just some cool

things that I've seen that

I wanted to throw out there

for everybody.

So as they're watching it to look for.


Yeah, maybe a hit different.

I watch the show.


I'll probably finish the show

before I finish or even

start watching or playing Fallout 4.

But now having that

information or watching the

show and then playing the game,

you're like, oh,

that's where that shit's from.

And I always love to make that connection.

Oh, I know where that's from.

Oh, that's where that's from.

It adds a little extra to it.

So I can see how if you

played the game and then

you watched the show, you can be like, oh,

because I don't get that

when I watched Halo and I

played all the Halos.


So, um, with that, man, Hey, let's, um,

the death clause school.

I didn't notice it personally.

I seen it after the fat.

Oh, I'll be on the lookout for this.

I don't, I don't mean to disappoint.

So we're going to dive

loosely into X-Men 97.

We're not going to give no spoilers go,

but I mean,

Can we be like... Who at

this point... If you

haven't seen any of X-Men

97 at this point... You're wrong.

You probably aren't going to watch it.


Or like... It's been spoiled

at this point.

Episode 5 was probably the most...

talked about thing across

all social media.

If you are listening to a

nerd podcast right now and

you haven't watched X-Men 97,

do yourself a favor.

Go in the bathroom, look in the mirror,

ask yourself important life questions,

and then slap yourself.


Don't take it easy on yourself.

And gentlemen,

the next three episodes are

what the original

showrunner said is going to

fuck everybody up.


Bro, after episode, not even episode five,

the last episode fucked me up.

I was like, I'm not ready for this.

Dude, Rogue went fucking deep shit.

Rogue with Rogue.

He was like, that's my name.

Let me utilize that shit.

I'm like, oh, this is what we do.

We've all become Magneto today.


I'm sick of y'all

motherfuckers trying to kill us out here.

Hey, listen, bro.

It's all my grandma's dead,

so ain't nobody praying for me.


So go ahead.

Originally, Kevin Fahey was like, hey,

I will only make this on two conditions.

We can have the original

theme in all the cast returns.

All the cast original voice

cast returned to Jubilees

because she stepped down to

give an Asian-American a

chance to play the part.

But they brought her back to

play the older Jubilee from

her episode when she gets

sucked into the video game from Mojo.


So the older Jubilee is

actually played by the original Jubilee.


So that was pretty cool.

But now let's dive into it.

I got my scientific fats out of the way.

Can we just start off by we

get the heads up, you know, March,

I think 20th or 21st.

You go to Disney Plus, you hit it.

You get the standard Marvel

animations intro clip.

And then I'm just like, did they do this?

Did they do this bar for bar?

Word for word, bar for bar?

They did.

Word for word, bar for bar?

with the flip over the X,

the little zoom in on the thing.

I was like, Lord, geez, they did it.

The only thing different was

like they gave Morf his title card,

which I thought was dope.


Since he's back with the crew.

But everything else, I'm just like, yo, yo,

like just instantly

transported back to the 90s.

And I was sitting there

eating a bowl of cereal

with my little brother again.

Bro, talk about it.

I was like, oh, man,

this takes me right back to

Saturday mornings.


Only for them,

the episode one to just be

probably one of the best

opening things out there.

You know, they're like, Charles,

is this my team?

You go there, you find Master Mold.

To me, my X-Men.

You know, all I'm just like,

tell them the forecast.

Omega level threat detected.

I'm just like,

and they're giving storm flowers,

letting everybody know she

Omega out here.

You know, bro.

Come on.

Come on.

The combo attacks Gambit

using his kinetic power on

Wolverine's claws.


He's jumping in there using

his intellect to manipulate a sentinel.

I'm just like,

this is the shit we needed in the 90s.

In 93.

In the 90s.

1993, I believe it was.

It's a hard watch, bro.

You watch next game.

It is.

It is.

Bro, you just like, fuck,

what's wrong with me back then?

I was invested.

I don't know why.

Wolverine just kept pulling

cars out and never used them.

I'm just like, Wolverine chopped something,

god damn it.

Oh, he chopping now.

They all fucking shit up.

With the shits now.


But, yeah, just, like,

from episode one through, like, there was,

there's some slower ones.

I think the Motendo one.


But then they kind of saved it,

telling half of Storm's story,

trying to get her powers

back and stuff like that.

And she got them, man.

She's back.

And they gave her back the retro suit.

I really do like the inclusion of Forge.

There were some characters

that popped up in here that I was like,

I like that they brought you in here.

I just wanted to see a

little bit more out of it.

Forge was one.

Who else?

What's his name?

The green one.

Because he could take people's powers.

Oh, you're talking about the warlock?

be wearing uh the beanie

yeah when you talk about

yeah yeah yeah yeah him I

also like that one fleece

the warlock the the

morlocks from uh from uh

the old school joint they

still out there calisto and

all them yeah uh uh janisha

genosha genosha but we're

gonna talk about genosha in

the about in the uh

deadpool wolverine trailer nice

I am definitely not mad at X-Men 97.


The one thing I want is for

this to be canon.

I don't know if it is or isn't.

I read today it may be canon.

Fuck yes.

But we'll see.

You know how Kevin Feige is.

I know he's executive producing this one.

yeah so and it's usually

where he has his hand in is

usually canon so and it's

his mcu so can we talk

about how they made cyclops

like a g like always a g I

know not not in the 90s no

yeah wolverine was hoeing

him out bro yeah but no in

the comic books gambit

ain't to be fucked with man

No, he's a... I mean, Cyclops.

Yeah, Cyclops.

He's an alpha-level mutant,

so he's a step below Omega.

His whole thing is his

strategy and his tactics and stuff,

but you weren't seeing that

in the old cartoons.

And I'll say, myself,

I'm aware of the X-Men arcs,

but I haven't read the

comics to know the depth of them, right?

I'm coming into it as a casual comic fan,

but I've watched...

The animated series that

this is supposed to be

following shortly right after, right?

But that first episode,

how he was fucking everything up,

I'm just like,

this motherfucker fell from

the highest of altitudes and was like,

I don't need a parachute

because I'm an optic blast

so hard it's going to lighten my fall.

I'm like, Cyclops,

he was able to do all this shit?

This motherfucker in the

first episode was like

moonwalking using his

fucking optic blast.


My man was like, bro, I'm like dodging,

dodging shit with it.

I'm like, look at that.

It made me love Gambit again.

Gambit was like my favorite

mutant when I was a kid.

Cause I was like,

this motherfucker got game.

This motherfucker is too smooth.

I'm just like, man, this dude,

no rogue fin to kill him.

He like, maybe it's worth it.


I'm like this nigga is smooth.

He was willing to chance it.

The only thing stopping him

from doing that is rogue.

I ain't trying to kill you.

I know you got that fire.

Give it to me.

I saw how you looked when

that motherfucking

apocalypse was walking up on you.

I seen that thing.

Let's just talk about episode five.

Let's just talk about it.

Let's do it.

All of the things that happened.

One, my boy Gambit, he was like,

I ain't about to be no side bitch, right?

He's like, hey,

I know what you and Magneto got going on.

I just want you.

I know you did it.

Just admit it, Rogue.

All right.

You know,

it's the first dude I can be with.

I ain't even mad at Rogue.

Like, you'd live in your whole life.

You ain't never had none.

And then you find somebody.


Let's go.

I ain't even mad at you, Rogue.

Because I know Gambit been smashed.

I don't know how many chicks before,


So, man, just feel right.

Gamma had to smash other

chicks because he can't smash you.

That's what I'm saying.

So, I mean, it is what it is.

But everything looks like it's going well.

Nightcrawler shows up.

My boy.

My boy, yeah.


You know, he show up.

But then it all goes downhill, man.

And, like, it is legit.

Oh, they not coming back?

Like, everybody's not saved?

What up?


The last thing anybody

expected from this cartoon

was to lose anybody.


it's just not something you were

thinking about.

Like, it's a cartoon.

They ain't gonna kill nobody.

It's the Mets men.

And then you're sitting

there crying into your crown.

Oh, my God.

Because you lost your boy.

The games are thrown at us.

Oh, man.


Nobody is safe, apparently.


I'm like...

these last three episodes

they're gonna gangster us

man bro I was sitting there

legit like they ain't about

to do that not with Magneto

not with Magneto yo a part

of me when he was like

alpha level threat detected

and he was looking at Rogue

the sitting I was like is

Rogue leveling the fuck up

out here is Rogue leveling

and then he was like

Magneto I'm just like oh

they do that like that yeah

Because Rogue was out there

fucking with him.

But... She's not to be trifled with,


Bro, at the end, like,

I didn't know Gambit was that powerful.


they was hitting this motherfucker

sitting there with everything.

And my man was just like,

I'm gonna just... Absorb it and go.

Absorb it with my kinetic

energy and blow it up.

And I was like, bro,

my man Gambit out here with

powers like this?

And they was like, what the fuck?

He was like, yeah, that's right.

Don't forget this shit.



Remember the name.

Remember the name, baby.

Bro, when he said that, like a girl,

like a girl, man, just sitting there like,


But I do hope they make a

Gambit standalone movie, though.

They need to do something on it.

They said it right, man.

Like, they had that fight in the beginning,

and then at the end, like,

she touched like bare skin

and she would like the

minute she knew she

couldn't absorb his power or anything,

no life out of him.

She was like, bro, it's a, he gone,

he gone, gone.

And I like, you know,

I was watching this like

1130 at night and it was a

couple of deep breaths.

No, no, I would, I, that one was, uh,

I had my feet propped up.

I was sitting there like, uh,

I had my hands up.

I was like, fuck this show, bro.

Punching air and shit.

Have me in this bitch emotional.

Fuck y'all.

Who was that?

Was that you, Willie, that posted that?

That was me.

That was you.


Just swinging.

My boy Remy.

Not my boy Remy.

You know, even Magneto.

Magneto was gaining points for me, man.

I was like, man, Magneto,

don't put me out here.

My favorite hero, he just died like that.

Fuck y'all.

But then,

then that kind of gave us the

emotional motivation to

this last episode where, like,

they're at the funeral.

And who was it?

Mike probably was just like, oh, no, like,

grief ain't the only thing

Rogue is messing with out here.

Like, because Rogue ain't even show up.

He loved her.

Like, hey, Rogue is on some other shit.

You don't want Rogue to be

around us right now.


And they had her flying

Sonic Boom style towards that base.

And that motherfucker was like,

we're in a building that

can hold the Hulk.

Oh, shit.

Well, you know who that was, right?

That was Thunderbolt, right?

Was that Thunderbolt?

No, that's... Oh, no, that was Ross.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

The Red Hulk.

About to be the Red Hulk.

This place can hold the Hulk.



she was fucking with my mother with

the super drop kick.

Tell me where this motherfucker at.

Flew to Mexico.

Oh, no.

Bro, when that shield popped up,

Oh, listen.

She punked his ass.

She punked him.

She walked to that cabin.

It was like, sheek.

I was like,

they're in the same universe now.

That's where I was like, boy,

if this shit is canon, let's fucking go.

She was so far gone.

Turn the show off.

Get the producers on the phone.

Let's go.

We need this now.

Live action.

Make it.

Make it.

bro he's like we gotta do it

the right way my hands are

tied your hands tied you

don't need this shit yeah

she yeeted that

motherfucker damn he sure

was just looking there yo

did y'all see that meme

after the fat so you

remember that meme of a

rogue laying there in front

of what's his name she's

got that juicy oh you talk

about apocalypse apocalypse yeah yeah

It was Rogue standing there

where Apocalypse was,

and it was Captain America

sitting there in the Rogue

position with the juicy booty.

I was like, man,

they got to do Captain like that.

But then I was laughing so

hard I didn't even care.

Cat was just like,

I can't fuck with her right now.

She's too far gone.

I don't know who this is.

He was about to go from

Super Soldier back to that

little skinny dude he was with.

I guess I'm going for a walk

to get the shield back.

What up, AD?

What's good, man?

And then the... Oh,

when she let old boy go.

I forget his name.

Oh, the dude that invented the Sentinels.

Yeah, you know who I'm talking about.

Trask, yeah.

I thought Trask was the...

No, you're right.

He's like, I got nothing.

I can't tell you.

She was like, whoop.

The X-Men was just like,

is this what we are now?

Hold up.

Wolverine is like, yeah,

that's what we do now.

Finally, somebody else went demon time.

Let's go.

Orph is just sitting there

jaw on the ground like, wait, what?

This is what we're doing?

Man, Fester actually be so mad, right?

Oh, Wolverine's energy was like, yeah,

that's what we do out here.



Tay nailed it, man,

because Wolfie was like, yep,

she did what we all wanted to do.

I mean, we all thought about it.

I ain't mad at it.

He created the things that

killed our peoples.

He got to go.

That motherfucker came back and was like,

what'd he do?

What'd he say, like, mutants detected.

And then that motherfucker

building blew the fuck up.

he's like the next phase of

the sentinels is what he

was at the end he was like

a human like ai yeah it's

alien tech he was giving

him the business yeah he

gave him all the business

threat neutralized I was

scared because normally

when they say that they'd

be killing you yeah I was

just like oh hey hey hey

hey man listen don't do this again i

Episode 5 was only two things ago.

Let's not kill our team guys.

Too soon to lose anybody.

But Cable coming through saving the day.

Cyclops realizing that that's his kid.

That's his boy.

That's my boy.

Skip the reunion, dad.

The way he said that.

There was so much teenage

ain'ts when he said that.

That's the kind of shit I get from my kid.

I sent you to the future

because you had robot flu, motherfucker.

You was out here about to be a Decepticon.

You almost put your ass in the Matrix,


Look at you.


I should have just kept you to die here?


Shit, you're done.

You're grounded.

The bishop didn't return with him,

so... Yeah.

I will say,

Bastion out here making

Sinister look like a little dumbass, bro.


Bastion out here looking

like he's playing like a

fucking... What's the dude's name?

Admiral... You talking about General Ross?

No, no, no, no.

Like, villain mastermind.

Like, just two steps ahead of everybody.

The dude from fucking Ahsoka.

Admiral Thrawn.


The Grand Admiral.


Fucking just cool, calm, collected.

Like, bro,

this is all playing into my hands.

Like, I know what I'm doing.

You know?

And Sinister is just like,

why'd you do that now?

Like, bro, chill.

I got it.

And then at the end,

when you see who he has captured,

and I'm just like,

I thought this motherfucker

blew the fuck up.

I was like, oh my gosh.

If there ain't no body, he ain't dead yet.

Did you not see that explosion?

I would not think there would be a body.

I thought he would have been evaporated.


I watched that episode twice.

Seven or five?


I watched it and I was like, man,

something don't feel right.

Let me watch that back.

I watched it back to back.

My emotional intelligence

was too low for that episode.

I couldn't watch that again.

I cried twice in a row.

I ain't gonna lie.

Ooh, man.

Gambit wasn't evaporated.

They buried him.

So, I mean, he still has something left.


he wasn't evaporated because he

wasn't like... That blast

that he threw at fucking

Magneto was different than

the explosion of the

Of the Giga.


The fucking Kaiju Sentinel.

They didn't explode at the same time,



No, that's what I'm saying.

Oh, okay.


that dude focused everything on Magneto.

That makes Magneto a fucking savage, bro.

Omega-level threat.

So I'm thinking, like,

because he was protecting

the other Morlocks, too.

So I'm like,

did they happen to get away as well?

The Morlocks survived that blast.

No, of course you didn't.

Because the little queen bee

with the beanie that he was protecting,

old girl was at his little memorial site,

turned into a butterfly and flew away,

or a bird or whatever.

Leech, bird, yeah.



So, yeah, man.

Wednesdays are now the days

I'll be looking forward to in the week.

Yeah, me too.

Give me that shit.

X-Men 97.

I get the bad batch.

And then right after that, AEW starts.

Oh, it's a full day for you, huh?

It is, man.

I come in, sit down, have dinner.

We'll go upstairs, watch X-Men 97,

The Bad Batch.

Roll right into wrestling.


Right on.

Oh, let's talk about...

You want to talk about Charles?

Charles, yeah.

I forgot about Charles

leaving the X-Men down there.

Space pussy, man.

He up there just... Walking and shit.


Big step was up here.

Your death bird was just like, hey, nah,

we ain't playing that.

That Milky Way ghetto.


she straight referred to us as the

Milky Way ghetto.

Like, damn, that was cold.

Milky Way ghetto.

I was like...

That was so cold.

I live here.

I do declare.

What did I do to you?

It's what you didn't do.

His terran ass coming up

here trying to dilute our blood.

With your filth.

Your terran filth.

But now Charles up there feeling bad now.

After motherfuckers, oh, my babies.

He's going to return in episode six.

Or not six.


I'm assuming so.

I wonder if he's going to be

walking because he's walking up there.

No, he got to take that suit.

They won't let him take that suit.

That suit is what's helping him walk.



And the suit's powered by his telekinesis.


you know they're going to throw him

in that motherfucking hover around, bro.

Oh, yeah.

It's not Charles Xavier without it.

You come back to Earth,

you come back to Earth, bro.

If you leave here,

you leave all of this tech behind.

You want to go back?

You're going back with what

you came up here with.

Your nursing gown.

If we're breaking up,

take with you what you brought.


Well, they didn't even get married yet.

Oh, they didn't.

They didn't.


I don't know, bro.

If I was Charles, I'd be like,

they'd be all right down there.


God damn.

They fucked up.

I mean, look at you, girl.

Space pussy.

It's been a minute.

I don't know, man.

Magneto still alive?

Yeah, yeah.

They got it.

Hold on, hold on.

Storm got her powers back.

Oh, they'd be alright.

Yeah, they'd be alright.

The fucked up thing about

the whole thing with

Charles Xavier is at any point in time,

he could unfuck himself and

walk if he wanted to.

Could he?


It's been proven in the comic book.


it's been proven in the comic book

that he could do it if he wanted to.

He could fly if he wanted to.

Not a telekinetic,

you know what I'm saying?

So his telepathic powers,

he could fuck with people's

minds and shit,

but he can't move shit with his mind.


but it's been said that he could fit

some stuff if he wanted to

in the comic book.


well I guess we ain't at that part then.


I doubt if we ever get anything like


You gotta leave some mystique.

You know what I mean?

Beautifully done.

I love the animation style.

It's thrown back to old school,

but it ain't rough-ass old school.

It's not the original X-Men.

It's still fluid and everything.

I love it.

We're going to need more.

Hopefully we get more seasons.

I think it's already been approved.

I think they were thinking

three to five seasons is

what I think they were saying.

My thing is,

I just don't want it to be

like a two-year wait till

we get season two.

Right, right.

Which, if that's how long it takes,

that's how long it takes.

Don't let me rush you guys.

I don't think you will, though.

I really don't.

The animation,

that style of animation is

easier to get out.

I think it's more just voice work.

I mean, I'm not an animator.

Because, I mean...

I'm talking about fighters

and all that other stuff.

I'm sure they got other

projects they're working on and whatnot.

I'm not trying to rush

nobody because what I don't

know... If it takes you a

couple years to give us

what you've given us now, take your time.

I'll take it.

If I got to wait two years,

I can live with that.

I don't want to wait that long.

It finishes and I want to

just keep on going.


Like it used to be like, oh,

my favorite cartoons.

I just had the season finale.

Give it three months.


my favorite cartoons back on with new




All right, guys,

let's hit this Deadpool and

Wolverine trailer.

Talk about what we've seen

from that trailer so far.

Epicness beside epic.

You know what?

You know what?

Let me let me.

And I know that I said

something like this on

Smoke Pit last week.

All you MCU haters, get off the bus now.

We don't want you jumping on it now.

X-Men 97 came out.

Here y'all come.

Y'all Marvels came out.

They lost it.

They lost me.

And now you see this trailer,

Wolverine and Deadpool and Wolverine.

And then now y'all just like, hey, hey.

Everybody's got to see you.

He was back, baby.

I never had doubt.

Get the fuck out of here.

Get all the way out of here.

Y'all know who y'all are.

Y'all know who y'all are.

I've seen your posts.

I've seen them.

One of them came out and outed himself.

I didn't do it.

Oh, they always do.

They always out themselves.

Bro, I didn't even say your name.

I didn't tag you.

I did nothing.

Why you got to attack me like that?

Why you attacking me?

That ouchie hurt, don't it?


that shoe fits you to a T. But this is

what people have been waiting for.

One, after Logan, people are just like,

damn, man.

It's a send-off for good old

Logan out there, man.

We finally got rated R Wolverine.

Now he's gone.

Ladies and gentlemen, he's back.

With Deadpool.

Who dug him up.

I'm not a big fan of the buddy cop shit,

which is I'm getting the

vibe from that shit here,

but for whatever reason,

I'm not mad at this one.

Falcon Winter Soldier, their interactions,

I'm like, man, this shit seems forced.

Because they don't really

know each other enough to

be doing shit like this.

Wolverine and Deadpool, they go back

you know, they were both on, what is it?


strike force or whatever the fucking, uh,

their, their, their espionage team was.

So they know each other from way back.

So they got chemistry.

They got history.

Deadpool was Deadpool.



They know how to push each

other's buttons.

They both can fucking heal

ridiculously fast.

So they can do not

originally like when they,

when they fight,

You know,

it's like they can do shit like

you seen in the trailer,

like Wolverine stabbing him

in the side with a claw.

And then like he fucking

unloads fucking clips in

the side of Wolverine and all that shit.

And I'm just like, bro,

like this is them like

having a friendly fight

because they're just all

going to get up after it and be like.

So that's the shit that I

think that's the X factor

that makes it funny for me.

You can get the comical side.

Beat the shit out of each other.

And then towards the end of

the trailer you start seeing

How it starts beating more

like Deadpool has a sense of like, bro,

these are people I care about.

And it's just not silly as

fucking Wade anymore.

You know, he's like, right.

I'm out to kill the people

that are trying to hurt the

people I care about.

And Wolverine has his motives as well.

So I think the act three of

this movie is going to be

something that's going to

be talked about.

for years up until the next

uh big move when marvel I

guess reintroduces their

big baddie for uh for this

phase that they're in and

we still know who that's

gonna be I think we may get

a glimpse of him and or

whoever that is in this

movie honestly because we

should they did they did a

lot of setting up even in

the trailer you get

glimpses of like the the tree of life

The void.

Yeah, the void.

You get glimpses of shit

that we've already seen

that they're going to affect.

And I think this may be the

linchpin for where we go

for the next phase.

I think they did a wonderful

job setting that up with Loki.

And I think this is going to

be the beginning of where we go from.

I'm so happy I went back and watched Loki.

I'm so happy.

Oh, yeah.

that's another one like dmcu

is back like bro loki

season 2 they jumped back

on yeah what was the next

one I forgot echo they

jumped off you know dude

echo was good marvels was

good like they're missing

out oh yeah the tva tva is

gonna play a big part in

this movie as well yes yes

um because I mean we're in

the wasteland of the top of

wherever they go when they

get pruned yeah that's why we got out

I can't pronounce this alley oath,

which is the, the temper Eliath.


The temporal monster within the void that,

uh, Cassandra Nova controls.

I think she's going to have

some type of ability to control this,

but let's talk about Cassandra Nova.

Y'all know who she is, right?


Do you know what she is?

She's from Zandar.

If I'm not mistaken.


that's Charles Xavier's twin

sister that he killed in

the womb because she,

he felt her evilness,

but she was never a mutant.

She's something called a, a Mooma Dre,

something like that,

which is a parasitic life

form who is born bodiless

in the astral plane.

So she literally, when she was, she,

she never came out of the womb,

but her presence presence did.

And she inserted herself

into a different body.

She could do that.

I don't know how they're

going to kill her because

she really can't die

because she could just jump

into another body.

I'm just psyched to see the

mutants in the MCU.

You want to talk about the

mutants in the MCU?

Let's talk about who we've

seen in the trailer.

Come home.

Just come home.

I don't know what Fox was

doing with you guys.

She is literally a parasite.


And it's just glad, oh my God,

just X-Men are home.

You want to talk about some, like,

she probably has one of the

highest body counts in the MCU.

And she hasn't even been

properly introduced yet.

In the comic book,

she killed 16 million

mutants on the island of Genosha.


I told you we were going to talk about


That's why they focus on Genosha.


Okay, got it.


So we're going to get some

comic book throwbacks beside Rob Liefeld,

Can't Draw Feet,

which is still one of my

favorite signs I've seen so far.

The sign on the store,

Rob Liefeld's Just Feet.

It's a call out of him

because he can't draw feet.

He's one of the co-creators of Deadpool.

You read anything that he's ever drawn on

He will hide feet behind

rocks or a body or whatever

because his feet are horrible.

He just can't draw feet.

Mm hmm.


Marvel has been declared a mutant,

I believe.

She claims to be a mutant.

They didn't outright say that she was.

They said that she had a mutation.

They did not call her a mutant.

So far,

the only person in the MCU that is

confirmed as a mutant is... Fuck.

From Black Panther.

Fuck, what's his name?

Fake Aqua, man.


Yeah, Namor.

He's the only one confirmed

as a mutant right now.

That's what I'm saying, man.

I mean, we were waiting for Disney.


was there a license with Marvel up or

is it because Disney was just like,

we buy you now, Fox.

They got the rights now to mutants.

Yeah, they've had it for a while.

They just haven't introduced them.

They've been trying to find

a way to introduce them and

this movie could be the

perfect chance to properly

introduce them.

I mean, they are, really.

I mean, we're getting Wolverine.

So, I mean,

they're introducing them into the MCU.

But... I think this is his

last time playing this character.

Am I right?

He's coming back to do this one movie?

Because I know he said he

was done with Logan before.

He said it three times.


I thought Logan was going to be...

Logan was it.

And then...

mean ryan reynolds must

offered up a lot of money

or I don't know but who

knows he was able to get

him into the movie so those

dudes have a weird dynamic

so who knows I think that

was what it was I think you

know ryan you know asking

him to be in it like yo

just let's just have this

this you know this project

together this buddy cop

movie and we can call it

good on logan which I am mad

Yeah, exactly, Tay.

I believe it when I see it.

But let's hit.

So we got Ant-Man's skull,

which is Cassandra Nova's compound.

Y'all remember Thor Ragnarok

when he goes and he finds the Hulk?

He's got that big ass bed.

That's inside Ant-Man's head.

If you pause it just right,

you can see his bed in the skull.

So somehow she's gotten his skull.

A Red Skull's car makes an appearance.

Mm hmm.

Oh, and the portal, Dr. Strange's portal.

Yeah, they were jumping into it.



And we get the sleeveless

costume for Wolverine,

which is comic book accurate.

As close to comic book

accurate as we're going to

get on live screen.

But let's talk about the

mutants that we see in the trailer.

Who did y'all see?

Most of them were kind of

towards the... Because I

played it several times.

But towards the end,

when Ant-Man's corpse is there,

I saw Lady Deathstrike.

I saw fucking...

I think it was the dude, Ray Parks, Toad.

Yep, Toad.

I saw Toad.


From OG.

And then who else did I see?

Oh, 100%.

Who was it?



I thought that was dope.

I thought that was dope.

Was that Pyro?

Was Pyro?

That is Pyro.





Ant-Man Skull.

There's more.


Elektra's in there.

Now... Jennifer Gardner's Elektra.



We don't know which one yet.

And then Aziel,

which is... What's his name?


That was Mephisto.


In X-Men 97, the blue guy.

Why can't I remember his name?


Nightcrawler's dad is Aziel.

He makes an appearance as well.

He's the red guy.

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.


I'd be brain farting on some of these

things, man,

because I watch so much stuff

throughout and read so much stuff.


What else y'all got on there?

Anything else or y'all want to wrap it up?

Um, it's going to be, I know.


I'm going to go to the movies.

It's going to be a good summer, man.

I'm going to the movies to see it.


It's definitely,

it's definitely got me

ready to go to the movies and CDs and,

you know,

just get back into the swing of

a movie going.

Cause I haven't gone to the

movies in a while.

A long ass time.

The last time I really went to the movies,

I rented out the theater

for my daughter and her

kids to see the Demon Slayer arc.


I ain't got money like that.

Dude, it was during COVID.

I got the whole theater for

like $100 with drinks and

popcorn and shit.

I had like 15 kids in there,

all six feet apart.

I think the last time we

were in the theater was to watch...

I want to say, did, uh,

mutant mayhem come out

after John wick chapter four?

No, the marbles, I think.


That's the last time I went.

The marbles was the last

time I was in the theater.


That has been a while.

That was what March?

No, that was, that was last.

That was 2023.

The marbles like November, I think.


I think so.


Yeah, man.

That's the last time I went

was to see that.

I was supposed to go a

couple weeks back to go see

what's that joint with Dave Patel,

the Monkey Man?

Monkey Man, yeah.

Oh, really?

That just come out this month, I thought.

No, April 5th is when it came out,

but it's available to rent

on Amazon Prime now.


I might have to rent that this weekend,


Because that shit looked fire, bro.

I don't know if it's just

the case of the trailer

putting the action all in

it where you're just like, man,

this movie sucks.

That Transformers movie,

I may actually go watch that shit.

Same, same.

That cast they got.

I might actually go watch it.

Wait, what?

We're getting a true origin

story for Transformers.

About Transformers 1?


Alright, well.

Dude, I'm telling you,

it's going to be a sleeper.

It's going to be a sleeper.

You know what?

I said this too, and to my surprise,

the trailer has me interested.

He just watched Monkey Man.

What do you think, bro?


the trailer has everybody interested.

People are interested in

this new M. Night Shyamalan movie.

Oh, no, no, no, no.

Not me.

You will not burn me.

You will not burn me again.

M. Night will put a trailer together.

I will watch it when it

comes out on theater.

Not theater,

but when it comes to streaming,

I'll watch that movie all day.

M. Night's trailers.

His daughter has a movie coming out.

His daughter has a movie.

About Marky Mark talking to trees.

because Trees was killing people.

This motherfucker had people

going to the theater to

watch Will Smith and his

son play Will Smith and his son.


in a horrible science.


M. Night Shyamalan is not getting

another cent from me.

Like, congrats on six cents, bro.

Six cents, you got me.

You got me.

And you fooled Hollywood,

because they just keep

letting you make these

motherfucking movies.

What has John Wick vibes?

Monkey Man?


Stop playing with me, bro.

Bro, you ain't see it in the... Well,

I know it's Josh Harnett.

I know the actor.

That doesn't mean that... That's Trout,


Bro, if you're a part of a

fucking M. Night

motherfucking shit like I

ain't really fucking with

it yeah like unbreakable

unbreakable glass fucking

the beast like those were

like hella mid like but

because they're mid we're

holding them in high esteem

when it comes to M. Night

Shyamalan movies he's

burned me too many times

for me to put him up there

I know his daughter has her

first directorial debut

coming out as well

I don't remember the name of the movie.

I hope that apple fell far from the tree.

Let's hope so.


That was the other movie.

Let's hope that apple fell,

rolled down a hill,

got picked up by a fucking apple cart.

I hope her whole intention was to be like,

I'm going to make fun of that movie.

I hate you, Dad.

I hope she hates her dad.

I'm going to make good movies to spite you,


You're going to make horrible movies,

just like we've been doing

in this family for years.

No, Dad, I hate you.

I'm going to make great movies.

That makes sense.

No time for a reunion, Dad.

And guess what?

My trailers won't be the

whole movie's plot.


because they're straight up the plot.

Because if you watch the trailer,

you watch the movie.

This is why I don't want to

go watch that movie.

That was the last G.I.

Joe movie that came out, too.

The best parts of the movie

were in the fucking trailer.

Sounds like a Michael Bay,

Jerry Brockheimer type thing.

Oh, bro, don't.

Michael Bay needs to go away

from movies ever.

He's the M. Night Shyamalan

of action movies.

Destroying childhoods one movie at a time.

One terrible movie at a time.


he did my Ninja Turtle so

motherfucking wrong.

Hey, man, bro.

You know what?

As a Turtle fan,

it's hard for me to hate

Ninja Turtle shit, bro.

I knew Mutant Mayhem was

going to be not for me, but I'm like,

I got to go see it.

It's Ninja Turtle shit, bro.

Did you pick up Re-Evolution

at the comic book shop?

I did.

That's not like, bro,

I'd just be buying Turtle

Comics and shit.

I'm just like, man, dude,

one day they'll be great.

And then I get blessed with, you know,

R-rated Lash Ronin movie in the works.

Dude, without a doubt.

Without a doubt.

That's going to be so good.

But, you know,

Seth Rogen's running with

the Ninja Turtle thing now.

Nickelodeon gave him fucking free reign.


I love it.

If you like Mayhem,

just expect that same kind

of iteration moving forward.

I'm willing to give it a shot,

see where he's going with it.

I'm one of the rare ones

that like that one-off animated one,

the TMNT.

Back, I think it was like 07.

Yeah, I didn't see that one.


Because it had that whole

Raph and Leo beef.

everything and and you know

oh that beef is real it

took them years no no no I

know but the fight that

they had and that would

like that that was that was

dope to me like I was in

that theater I took all the

kids because the the wives

are you know the moms are

all doing something like

I'll take the kids it's

like me and like my two

kids and like five other

kids that didn't belong to

me and we're just sitting

in there and I was more

into it than they were

Hey, shut up.

They about to fight.

I need to pee.

Then go pee.

By yourself.

If you come back cool,

if you don't... I'll worry

about it after the movie.

Don't call child protection.

I promise y'all, he is a good dad.

ask my kids.

They're legally obligated to say yes.

No, but yeah, I'm excited.

I know we got some good movies coming out.

Like I said,

that list of Sony movies that

I posted was ridiculous.

They got so many movies

coming out that have so

much potential hidden in them.

But we'll see how well they do.

The potential is there,

but they can swing and miss.

Yep, it's Sony.

Oh man.

But nah, man, it was,

it was good catching up, man.

Talking some, some nerd stuff, man.

Uh, so sometime in the future, man,

hopefully this, this, the knuckle series,

uh, follows in line with the one.

And I'm going to probably,

my next show will probably be bad batch.

I think we got one more

episode on that and then

it'll close out and I'll

probably be my next show.

I'll probably grab Rob and

probably Amanda.

Cause I know she's a diehard.

Star Wars person as well.

We'll be back,

hopefully in maybe two weeks.

Shout out to them.

I know I will be on the pop

break when the Acolyte drops.

Talking to Acolyte with

those guys over there.

I apologize to everybody.

The Acolyte is going to be fucking lit.

It's going to be so good.

I don't care what people say.

It's going to be good.

People are shit-bashing it.

You know who you're talking about.

And he knows who you're talking about.

He'll out himself.

The whole crew of them will.

I'll be talking with the Pop

Break on all things Star

Wars coming up here soon.

We do have May 4th coming up.

And we also have free comic

book day coming up as well.

May the fourth be with you.

So it's some good shit

coming out on May 4th,

like from action figures to

Legos for star Wars.

Um, I think the alkali starts that day.

Uh, no visions,

the empire when starts that day,

which is going to be really good.


It's similar to how they did

Star Wars Visions,

only it's the Empire side.

I think it's going to be really good.

We get General Grievous in there.

Good times, good times coming ahead.


It's going to be a good summer of shows.

I'll post up free comment

day again as it gets closer as well.

Right on that.

But yeah, with that, man,

I want to thank everybody for coming out.

Mac and Black,

thank y'all for hitting me up saying, hey,

let's crawl into the vault

and dig your ass out of

whatever hole you're in and

get me on a show, man.

It was good.

We were sitting there and it's just like,

let's help him shake the

rust off a little bit.

I needed it, man.

Without giving away too much,

we know you've been through

a hard time the past couple

of weeks without just

coming on with the bros,

talking some nerd shit.

It was good.

I needed it.

I really did.

I've been trying to get

myself out of a hole

between getting my daughter

ready to go to college, losing my aunt.

It's been a freaking...

Shady couple of weeks.

And then I dropped my kid off at August,

you know, to go to school away from home.

Ah, yeah, I can announce that.

I can say that here.

She'll be going to, uh,

she was accepted pre-med

honors from at Georgia Mason.




Congratulations, man.

So I'll be selling off

everything to pay for that.

Because they go, Jeff,

you make too much money,

and this is how much you

owe us after we pay what we owe you.


don't you hate when you fall in that

fucking middle ground?

Yeah, dude.


if you look at the new medians and shit,

I'm fucking poor.

I am poor, okay?

Like, what the fuck are y'all about?


classify it after all the bills and shit.

I'm poor as fuck.

Hell yeah.

Like, I know what that number says,

but I'm poor.

Bitch, where do I make too much money?

Thank you, Tay.

She's happy.

She's going to be in the

dorms her freshman year.

How many visits are you planning?

My plan, I'll get her up there.

I'll get her settled.

I'm going to sit down.

I'm going to figure out what

it is that I actually want

to do when I grow up now

that I don't have a kid at home.

I do know I want to move.

I just don't know where yet.

I'll place it a little bit

more friendlier on my pocketbook.

What are you talking about?

You're calling according to George Mason.

According to them,

according to my checkbook, I'm poor.

We eating peanut butter and

macaroni and cheese around here.

Peanut butter sandwiches and

mac and cheese with some

spam if we're lucky.

Oh, we got some noodles today?


Let's eat some noodles.

that's good man I'm glad you

know uh life's going on you

know shout out to to the

kiddo moving on and

appreciate it appreciate it

she's happy yeah she's

where she wants to go to to

the to the big screen

talking your nerd stuff man

we appreciate you I

appreciate y'all man but

hey um let's I'll round it

out y'all what's coming up with uh y'all

Um, we got, well, I know, uh,

no gimmicks has been like on a tear, like,


wrestling has business has been booming.


Uh, the WWE, uh,

I know you guys got to get off soon.

Cause, uh, your draft is tonight.


Um, I, you know what?

I want to say we should probably do, like,

a segment.

And you two being the

longtime wrestling fans, kind of like a,

you know,

me being the casual coming in

asking y'all questions.

Because, like,

I'd be in the No Gimmicks fan thing,

and I'd just be, like,

asking the questions that a

casual fan would be like.

I like that, though.

Yeah, my take on the Becky Lynch thing,

and this is probably, like, bonus shit.

Like, I'm just,

you had the chance to give

her the belt literally two

weeks ago at main.

Oh, my God.

I don't want to say she gets

her ass whooped.

Oh, she got her ass whooped.

I'll say it.

She got that ass whooped.

I am not poo-pooing on Becky Lynch.

What she has done in the

women's division is amazing.

I remember when she had her

debut and she came out

hop-skipping like fucking

Lucky Charms and shit.

She reinvented herself to

something amazing.

To lose to Rhea,

which I think everybody

knew Ripley was going to win.

Two weeks later, here we are on Raw.

uh, let's go ahead and do a, uh,

women's Royal, like a mini rumble,

you know?


Uh, that'll,

that'll be who takes the belt.

Um, live again.

This is a casual.

I'm kind of fucking with

where she's coming from,

her whole storyline, her arc and whatnot.


I think it would have been better

because now her and Dom have this weird,


Like she's telling Dom,

I'm your mommy now because, you know,

I took out Rhea.

So if she was able to get

the belt and still play that angle,

like I think that would

have been hella dope.

I would have been cool with

Nia Jax getting the belt

for a little bit.

You know what I'm saying?

Just because, I mean,

Becky has got it before.

Some people who follow it,

they're just like, ah, she's real good.

She can put the belt over.

She can add prestige to the title.

And I'm just like, bro,

I just want to see something.

That's what they need while

Rhea recuperates.

Becky has that ability to get people over,

especially younger talent.

She likes to work with the

younger talent and put them over.

So she's going to drop the belt to live,

I think, eventually.

When that happens,

it's probably going to be

sometime before Rhea comes back.

You think Grey is still

going to be with Judgment Day?

She's coming back as a face.

I don't think so.

I think they've already

started moving towards

separating the Judgment Day.

Damien is like, Brian,

I can't fuck with you.

He's too much of a standout.

Which I'm cool with.

Second thing.

um the draft obviously I

know old buddy who just

gave up the nxt is coming

up to to yeah there's no

there's like the minute he

he lost the belt I'm just

like bro the fucking league

called hey bro come up here

uh yeah oh here's my belt you deserve it

That's how they always do it though.

Every year we have the draft, the,

the NSC champ, depending on who it is,

is going to drop the belt

and they're going to get the call up.

Uh, but let's talk.

I know I talked to black.

I haven't talked to you yet real quick.

I know you're trying to get out of here.

Your thoughts on mania, bro.

It probably outside of being

there in person,

which I got to do thanks to

the black actually.


It's probably the better one

I've ever watched outside

of watching it in person with my bro.


I haven't heard nothing

negative from Mania.

If you hear anything negative,

then you need to tell them to stop lying.

They lying.

They hating.

Straight up.

Like somebody eating something good.

They just trying to light a turd on fire.

They're the same people

lighting turds on fire.

was a line it was it was a

good one that was a good

mania that was a really

good mania I wish I i wish

I would have got to be

there in person but you

know what I'm gonna do like

I'm gonna just record a

video questions from a

casual and then just post

it in the no gimmicks thing

do it I'll answer it yeah

I'll answer it too all day

I'll be like ma'am

man and then people be like

man this this dude you know

I'm just I'm just trying to

I'm trying to get more

involved you know what I'm

saying no you don't get it

I actually enjoy the hell

out of that kind of stuff

when people like ask those

questions even when it

comes to my own page ask

the questions I will look

it up if I don't know the

answer I love that shit all

right we'll try it out see

see see what kind of

traction we get but I just

be in there like now I know

if I like becky with this

belt people be like man I'd

rather her have it then I'm just like

What's the deal with old girl?

Why y'all don't want her that?

I'll be learning a little bit.

Ask the question.

We'll see.

All right, fellas.

Thanks for having us on, though, bro.

Appreciate you.

Giving us access into the vault.


Before you go,

there was a message up here.

Follow us on Twitch.

Please do that because...

If you follow us on Twitch,

we have a website back up and running.

This show actually streamed

live on

Oh, nice.


I didn't know we were on that yet.

And if you go to

slash live streams, if you go there,

then you can watch the show.

And if you are a Twitch subscriber...

You can log on to your

Twitch and you can chat on

the website via Twitch.

What you're saying is we're moving on up.

That's two announcements in one.


One, the is back.

Two, we live stream on

And three,

you can comment on the live

stream if you are on Twitch.

So there it is.

This was the first show to

actually stream on the website.

I was watching it to make

sure we actually get the traction.

I feel honored to be the first.

Yeah, man.

Congrats, bro.

You know what they say, if you ain't first,

you're last.

Breaking ground.

Yeah, so kudos for that.

But yeah, man, just follow us.

Again, all of our shows are on

You can catch them.

If you're catching the live stream now...

The reason it's on Twitch is

because our Patreon is

connected to something else.

So subscribe to our Twitch.

And you can watch us when we

live stream outside of Patreon.

It's not mine.

So if you go to the website anytime,

the Smoke Pit, first Friday,

it will be on

And you can watch us comment

and enjoy the stuff that

comes with us going outside the paywall.


That was just something I

wanted to make sure I

announced and get out to the masses.

I didn't even know that was happening.

Me and Jeff like, oh shit,

we was the first.

We the first.

That's dope.

That is really cool.

I mean, I knew the website was up.

We launched it this week.

We relaunched it this week.

It's actually been getting a

pretty good amount of traction.

It's definitely something

that I can dedicate more time to now.

and do it properly and you

know I figured out a way to

make it easier that way I'm

not wasting so much time on

just the website because

that's why that's why I

shut it down last time I'm

like dude this is all I'm

doing and it's crazy so

yeah I figured out a

simpler process one that

ups date updates when we

update it our shows and

then you have your own tab

you can share that

Fans of your show can go to

that tab and watch just your show.


And we can promote it as a

website as a whole,

and we can live stream on there as well.

So that's phase one.

Phase two.

We MCUing now.

Phase two is coming shortly.


The website is up.

I'm working on an app now, so.

Oh, oh, we heard that.



not just one huge announcement tonight,

but y'all got fucking two.


Two of them motherfuckers.

So, drop the cluster of news tonight.

Oh, that's what's up.

I love it.

I love it.


Let's say we close this thing down.

I want to thank y'all, first off,

for coming on tonight and

getting me out of my hole.

I will say Sunday will probably be my day.

I mostly go live from here on out.

I'll post updates to the page.

I do have an interview

coming up with my good

buddy Slimo of the Slimo

Nation from Whatnot.

Speaking of Whatnot,

I will post up my first

live show will be selling comic books.

I was just approved to start

selling comic books.

My online shop will be opening up.

You can buy some of my comic

books off of me as I sell

some from my personal collection.

That was some news I broke.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I have no personal news.

I'm the odd man out.

I'm just here celebrating

the wins of DFPN and our people.

That is dope, man.

Appreciate it.

With that, I want feedback.

Tell me what you think about

the show underneath here.

I do read the comments,

whether they're good, bad.

Hey, this guy sucks.


You ain't got to listen to me,

but I appreciate you coming

on tonight and listening to me.

Um, like I said,

I'll have sleep on here soon.

He'll be launching his new

website as well here soon.

Like he's, he's almost there.

His inventory is where it needs to be.

He's going to be launching soon.

So I'm going to have him

onto the podcast to talk

about his online shop as well.

Um, uh,

As always, hit that like, subscribe,

and share buttons because

we don't get followers

unless you share because we

are a closed community.

You can't just Google us and join.

You have to go through the

vetting process.

So share us.

Invite your homies, your mom's homies.

Invite them all.

We want them all.

We're very PG half the time.

So behalf of myself, the Council of Nerds,

This show is USDN approved.

We are out of here.