Noon Hour Of Madness & Mayhem

The first noon hour of the new year! On today's show - Viktor wants to see how his high school classmates turned out 25 years later, Viktor's daughters are dating dudes that are just like their dad, Viktor gets upset when someone watches a show with the English dub, and Peaches thinks Dax and Tom McDonald are two of the cringiest artists to ever put out music. 

What is Noon Hour Of Madness & Mayhem?

The Noon Hour Of Madness & Mayhem can be heard live on KBEAR 101 weekdays at 12pm MST. Viktor and Peaches talk about a wide variety of topics depending on the day and you never know what to expect!

The noon hour of madness and mayhem powered by Jalisco's, the podcast. The noon hour of madness and mayhem is powered by Jalisco's. Hey. What's up, peaches? The first one of the new year, happy 2025.

2005 was 20 years ago. Let that let that soak in. Yeah. That's the year I graduated. It does seem like it shouldn't be that long ago.

Are you gonna go to your high school reunion? Oh, wait. You don't graduate. Doing? I haven't heard anything about any high school reunions.

Are are they even still a thing? Mine happened last year. Let me, let me do some Gooneword. My my 10 year reunion happened last year. 20 And I didn't go because it was, like, late November.

And I technically I didn't graduate from that high school. I graduated from the other high school. So if I went, they would have been, like, well, you didn't graduate from LaSalle, but you did go from here for, like, two and a half years. Alright. I'm gonna do a search here on Facebook for 25 year I guess I better put in high school.

That's been 20 year? No, I'm I'm looking at, the year 2000. In the year 2000. Did were you talking about 2,005? I thought you said you graduated high school in 2,005.

No. 2000. That long ago. I said 2,005 was 20 years ago, and you said that's the year I graduated high school. Well, I'm I'm hearing things wrong because I swear you said that 2,000 was 25 years ago.

That's what I heard. That's also true. It's true, and that's what I heard, but, apparently, not what you said. Now let's go to events and see what we've got. Let's see.

Flat Flathead High School? I've never heard of that place. We've got a variety of 25 year class reunions in Washington, Michigan. High school reunions got, sort of done with. They got killed when social media became a thing, and everyone made a Facebook.

Everyone was posting updated photos. You got to see exactly what they're doing. You can still see exactly what they're doing. Yeah. Yeah.

Totally. So You also do you also only see the highlights. I would love to go to the high school reunion. There's just some guy there broken down saying, you know, he's he's struggling in the whole thing. And depending on who it is, might make you feel pretty good about yourself.

You're like There's that one guy that's still renting that Lambo too, acting like he's a big shot. Renting a Lambo bringing it to the high school reunion. You've seen those. That's pretty sad. It's pretty sad.

Yeah. I think I would go. I I think. But there are some I don't know. The thing is, like, my high school was way better than junior high.

If there was ever a junior high reunion, I would never go to it. Why would there be one? That's kind of weird. I don't know. You just It's like the same thing.

People like throwing events, you know? But I I might go to the pokey high one because it's always fun to see, like, the jocks and the cheerleaders, and they're all bald and old. Hey. Wait a minute. Hey.

You know? When when those athletes now have the Victor Wilt physique, I'm, like, alright. And they probably, you know, are working some boring job. I'm having fun. Yeah.

The quarterback of the football team back in high school that I knew, I don't think he has, like, regular knees anymore. I think they're artificial. Oh, man. And he works in a warehouse. He still looks the same and I think he still acts the same, but he's not what he used to be.

The, you know, the hot shot that is the quarterback of the the football team. The one guy that I hated the most on the basketball team, me and him fought all the time. He's now, a bald real estate agent. A bald real estate agent? Excellent.

He's like 5 foot 7. He wears a suit. He has like a He looks like the younger version of the of the, monopoly man. Oh, okay. I'm laughing at him.

There's another guy that punched me in the face my my junior year on the basketball team. He now works at, like, Buffalo Wild Wings. So, like, take that. You know, serve me my wings. Make sure they pack a punch.

The noon hour of madness and mayhem is powered by Jalisco's. How was, your New Year's Day? New Year's Day. So yesterday? Yeah.

Very well, I I shouldn't say very uneventful. We went and picked my daughter's boyfriend up from the airport. He's in visiting for, a few more days. So I got to meet him for the first time. How is he?

What's the official rating from the, from the dad? I like him. He seems like a good kid. I feel like you wouldn't you you wouldn't like or you wouldn't wouldn't like anybody that your daughters bring home? No.

I I I judge them all individually and, you know, like, my my older daughter, she has an ex boyfriend that, you know, I I didn't like him. You told me about that. I didn't like him. Right there. Or nor his family.

Name him on the Well, okay. I didn't know his dad. I'd never met his dad, but his his mother. Anyway Just named him him Not a fan. The air horn.

But, no. The Matty's new guy, Sean, he's he seems like a good dude. Sean? You know, he's 19, and he's about to be I I don't know. I guess there's a bunch of different levels to, becoming a plumber, and he's and so he's working as a plumber while doing his apprenticeship.

Okay. So he's got a good plan for you know, I'm gonna be a full fledged plumber, but while I have that, I can try other things and maybe because he's a musician and such. Both of my daughters managed to find these these nerdy dudes who are in into prog, like prog rock and metal. It's very strange. They both almost pick the same dude.

Well, they also say, like, your kids pick somebody just like either one of your parents. You know? The like, for, like, the son, they try finding someone that's resembles the mom or acts like the mom in a certain way. The the daughters pick somebody that acts like the dad in a certain way. It must be because, yeah, both of them went for a guy you know, these guys that, play music.

They play guitar. They specifically are into, you know, Prague, which I mean, that's like a specific niche, nerdy genre. And they also both, cook for them. You know, I I always did all the cooking at my house. See?

So they found, dudes that will cook for them so they don't have to cook. My best friend Zach recently got married, and I said during the entire time that him and Rachel were dating that she looks and also, like, kinda acts like Zach's mom. And Zac is turning in a way to resemble his dad. So it's kinda like younger versions of his parents in a way. Like, Zac grew up the mullet like his dad has the mustache.

The mom the, you know, the wife now, Rachel, she's awesome. She's a super nice person, and she's sort of like Zac's mom. I can't believe that the ridiculous look of a mullet and mustache is back in style. Zack's always pulled it off, though. He had it back in, like, 6th grade.

That's why that's when I met him was back in middle school. And he had the mullet, and we're handing out warheads to other kids kids because they're extremely sour. We're like, well, try one of these. Like, there's some kind of drug. So, yeah, New New Year's Day was pretty good.

You know, got to meet Sean, hang out. We had some food, and, you know, it it it always feels good to go, okay. My daughter found a smart dude who's got his stuff together. So alright. I'm doing alright.

I don't have to worry. So Especially if he's a plumber, it'd be like, hey. You know, I got some, things you need to look at in the bathroom. Thing. I I thought about this.

I've got a leaky, the it's not the faucet. It's a spicket in my basement living or a basement bathroom. Don't talk to me about bathroom problems, please. Yeah. I guess you've had some, missus.

Mine's still, like, a a swimming pool in there from from the washer. I was doing laundry this weekend with a giant puddle on the floor. No. The water pressure in the shower is not working, so it's just coming out like a lame fountain. I got a plumber staying at my house.

Tell him to come over. Yeah. I thought about putting him to work on a few things. Hey. Take a look at this.

How how hard is this to fix, buddy? But no. You have your plethora of people. You have a plumber. You have me who I can just lift heavy things for you.

That's tough. And then you have JD for everything else. Yeah. Yeah. You gotta have people around who can do the things that you are unable to do.

You know? And if I can help people out, everyone's well, like, hey. Can I help you with your computer? That's about all I got. I can help you with your computer.

Nothing else. So and shout out to whoever in my neighborhood, snow plowed my next door neighbor's driveway yesterday. Must have been one of the other neighbors. Usually, I do it, but last night, I was like, I'm not gonna deal with this. I've had it with snow.

But I got a text from the next door neighbor. Thank you so much for doing your driveway. I'm like, that wasn't me, but, I appreciate the kind words. I'm sure you took credit too. No.

I I actually I just forgot to text him back and go that was somebody else, but, so I only half didn't take credit. The noon hour of madness and mayhem is powered by Jalisco's beaches. My bad. I forgot to ask. What did you do for New Year's?

Well, I mean, by New Year's Eve, I went to bed early. I was hanging out for the most part in Discord with my other friends. They all gathered in in Georgia where my friend Tyler and my friend Bryson. My friend Tyler originally lived in Georgia. My friend Bryson moved in with him Mhmm.

From Pocatello. And then our other friends who live in Terre Haute, Indiana and think Cleveland or Cincinnati, Ohio drove down and hung out with them, and I just talked to them all in one room together. They were having some sort of LAN party with all 4 computers set up. Super nerdy. Yeah.

Very nice. No. They were 2 hours ahead, so Rise of Hit Midnight, they just started screaming stuff. They wanted to say to start off the new year, and that was a funny thing to watch. Yeah.

I knew the new year hit when I heard, fireworks start going off outside. I made it a mission to go to bed early so I didn't have to try to sleep when fireworks are going off in the background. Yeah. And then then I started seeing posts on Facebook. Did you guys hear those gunshots?

Blah blah blah. There's people put it posting like they're shivering dogs going, like, look what fireworks are doing to Fido. And it's the dogs in the bathroom just shaking. K. There there's a couple days a year when you need to do some things, to, shelter the pets from what's going on outside.

4th July and New Year's. I keep my dog outside and ran away. I blame the fireworks. Every 4th July, I get my dog, put it on a leash, and put it in the backyard. I throw Poppets sometimes too.

Yeah. Keep things spicy. Whoops. Whoops. What did I do New Year's Eve?

But then I woke up at, like, 7:30 the next morning. Oh, no. 6 AM the next morning because I I was, like, I'm gonna get ready for work. And instead, I just scrolled Facebook. I told you the story about what happened right after then.

I saw something that I didn't like, and it made my, like, whole whole heart drop. Oh. And it was one of those More beaches. Super depressing days. I'm, like, you know what?

And then I'm I'm not gonna go back to bed. I was trying to go back to bed. I ended up coming here, and and I was, like, in tears because of the news that I saw. And you know who shows up? Jade, out of all people.

Why are you sitting there? He's crying. He's like, you can't get enough of this place, can you? I'm like, I saw something I didn't wanna see, so I'm just here scheduling music. I'm like, holding back tears and stuff.

And he goes, well, classy's off the air, so I'm going up the mountain. I'll see you. And then just get a little No wonder he's, coming in late today. That's that's the word on the street. Because I went to look for him because I was thinking like, I've only got a little bit of, like, specific tedious work to do.

Maybe I should go home too. May Jade, you come in. I'll swap out. I'll leave. But, yeah, New Year's Eve, I, watched a number of episodes of Squid Game season 2.

Did you want did you finish it? No. I got 2 more episodes to go. So no spoilers, anybody. No.

I'm not spoiling anything. But I've been reading a lot of, you know, opinions about it online. Not not necessarily diving into them, but seeing the the headlines on Reddit. And, people seem to either really like it or really hate it. Well, you wanna know the drama behind that character that plays number 1, the real life actor?

Oh, there's drama behind that actor? Supposedly, he has a whole bunch of scandals. You can read about it online. It's it's people who are obsessed with, Korean dramas and Asian films and as a whole, they were talking about who he is as a person and how, like, they wouldn't trust him in real life too. Wow.

There's people here in America making that joke on Twitter saying, I wouldn't trust this guy. He's such he's doing such a great job at playing this character. I wouldn't trust this guy at all. And then everyone's, like, oh, you should see what he's he's done to, like, his ex girlfriend. Okay.

I hadn't read any of that because I mean, and he was in the 1st season. So Yeah? You would think that would have all come out then, You know? But, I assumed because I haven't read the reasons people aren't liking this season. My guess as I've been going through it is the typical, this show went woke.

That's what I was expecting for the reasons people didn't like. Nothing like that, man. I didn't care. It was a Nah. It's a normal thing, but That's just, you know, I mean, people scream that at everything nowadays.

But you'll think oh, I don't wanna say it, because it'll somewhat spoil the show. Yeah. No spoilers. But, like, yeah. You think they would like that character.

You'll see what I mean. Yeah. You you would think. Oh, you'll you'll see what I mean. Alright.

Alright. Alright. I've like I said, 2 episodes to go. Maybe I'll get lucky and be able to wrap it up tonight. But I thought it was, pretty good so far.

I mean, it's gonna be pretty hard for him to match the first one. Now are you watching it with the English dub, or are you watching it in Korean and reading the subtitles? Because I I watch it with the English dub, and there's no bother to How could you do that? Don't be one of those people. Dude.

Don't be one of those loud mouth followers like, I watch it in the original language. I'm better than you. No. Stop it. Yeah, dude.

Because the if you wanna see it with good acting, you watch it with the original dialogue. I'm not watching it in the language that I can't understand. I'm I'm not gonna read the I don't know how to read. No. I can read.

I'm telling you, it's it's a better experience because the dubbed acting is always so bad. Is it bad that I'm sort of, like, laughing though, and I I I would switch to Korean, and some of those lines that they would say in English that was, like, hey, what are you doing here? It was, like, it was, like, like, it was Yes. It is bad that you're laughing. Totally different.

It's a totally different language that I'm not used to, and just it's funny to see different, TV shows and movies from different countries and see how they originally sound. Well, yeah. And that's why you gotta watch it with the original audio because you're not gonna get the same level, like when, Guillen's freaking out in in squid game and screaming and yelling. To have it overdubbed with some English dude sound like, you know, typical, white real estate guy yelling. It's I can't do it.

I can't sit through it. It throws me off. My favorite part was that was Thanos. You know, like, he'll the the actor who plays Thanos, he'll he'll throw in English here and there out of Korean. So when you watch it with the Korean version, and then he'll, like, say something in English, you think he switched, but, no, it's just it's him saying that.

Yeah. And That character is so annoying. He did such a great job as that guy. He really did. Yeah.

In squid game, one thing I did notice was occasionally, you know, there will be some words that they they must just be, you know, kinda universal slang or something and so they'll be talking in Korean then all of a sudden bust out with, you know, I don't know, Taylor Swift or you know, I don't know and you're like, woah. Okay. That that was weird. Right. But, yeah, I'm I'm excited to watch the rest of it.

I I I think it's pretty good. But, so far, I wouldn't say it's as good as the first one. No. No. And net Netflix is looking stacked for this year.

That's what I'm looking forward to. The music and Netflix, what they're putting out. I mean, the final season of you is coming out, which I'm very excited for. Stranger Things? Stranger Things.

There's a lot of great shows on the way. I've been watching that show yellow jackets. There's a new season of that coming, and that's really, really good. You know, I I don't know if it's for everybody. It's kinda gross at times.

You know, it's a, survivalist type thing, but there's a lot of good entertainment coming, so I'm pretty excited for the, the coming year because, you know, my hobby, sit around and watch stuff. Yeah. That's all you do to know. Well and I talked about this on my show last week trying to let people know there's no reason to be ashamed of that, you know, because of all those people who their life is making these things. You know, people in the music industry or people in the TV, video game industries, movie industries, you know, that's their career.

Their entire world revolves around it. They'll, you know, work these long days, crazy, you know, go nonstop. And so by sitting down and watching it, you are the, you know, the end to all of their hard work is is what you're doing, so you shouldn't feel bad about it. But, see, like, I also feel the same way when, like, I'm working countless hours on something for here, and then you meet someone that goes, I don't listen to the radio. And it makes you wanna strangle them because you're like, I worked, like, 12 hours one day getting this radio station to sound great.

And then sure enough, I don't listen to it. I have my own playlist. It's just Yeah. It's a big two word phrase I can't say. There you go, Pete.

So now I'll throw that same one at you for watching movies with, the dubbing. Those actors worked very hard for their performance, PJ. I didn't watch it in English. What's been talking about? Yeah.

You you said you watched it with the the English dubbing. Yeah. Yeah. Those English actors worked hard and and No. They didn't.

They suck. They're they're just sitting there in a booth talking. If you want a funny dub. Think about the people standing on the ground doing acting. You're you mute them.

You mute the actors by watching it with dubbing. Shut up. I don't wanna hear your acting skills. Yeah. I you you watch them do 90% of the performance.

You watch them do the mannerisms, the facial expressions, the moving around, everything. But the the speaking, it's not I mean, I'm I'm not Imagine if every time that, you were on air, someone just muted their radio till the song came on. You know? I don't wanna hear this crap. But that's also somebody in Korea doing that to me versus, you know, some like, somebody who can understand that language.

I'm just adamant that, dubbed viewing experiences are trash. They're they're trash. Come on. Y'all can read. That person.

Y'all can read. I am shaming and being elitist about this. Watch with the subtitles. Right up there with the Android guy, the Doctor Pepper drinker, the Costco cult follower. No.

It's very it's very different. No. No. You're right there with, like, if you do if you don't wanna read, don't watch it. That type of thing.

You're like the guy screaming out at the the the restaurant for no reason. If you can't tip, don't go out to eat. It's like, dude, we we're tipping. Let's lay down a brutal verbal attack on people who watch with the, English dubbing. You're lazy and stupid.

Oh. That's what Victor said. Oh, jeez. Not me. Lazy and dumb.

Jade. I don't know how to read. I'm not the one attacking listeners this time, Inspector. I think Jade watches, shows with the English dubbing too because he's dumb and lazy. Yeah.

Or maybe he switched to subtitles because he's getting older though. That that's happening. But wouldn't that affect, like, when your vision suck when you're older and you can't really read it? If well, they've, got options to make the subtitles bigger on a lot of TV. I turn the subtitles on when I'm eating chips or something because I hear the loud crunching that I'm like I'm watching.

Like, I can't hear them what they're saying. I I you know me because I go, what'd you say? Sure. All the time. So yeah.

And you have a mega sound bar and, like, some giant great setup in your living room. And I still What did they say? I can't I don't understand. They're speaking Korean. Yeah.

I still watch the subtitles because I can't understand people. The noon hour of madness man is powered by Jalisco's. Earlier on the morning show, Peaches, we talked just briefly about, M Shadows being in the news, talking about how difficult it is for bands to tour. What a d bag that guy is. I gotta give him a shout out right now because I actually read through the the interview to see what he had to say, and he is the only artist I've ever seen say this.

Now the reason dynamic pricing even ever got introduced is because the artist in management said why is the reseller making 10 times what the artist in stage is making? There's this many tickets that will sell for this much. Why aren't we charging this much? And so what Ticketmaster did is create a tool that allows artists to opt into this dynamic pricing, and now it's very clear that Ticketmaster created a tool to allow artists to opt into this. It's not ticket master just taking all the top end.

It's the artists, and artists love to hide behind Live Nation and Ticketmaster and go, oh, we had no clue. Can't believe it. So I I I gotta give him props for point because, Ben, Sevenfold does dynamic ticket pricing. Well, see, I I call him a Dean Beck only because, like, he he's like, we're not gonna go back to the old sound. We're evolving.

We're being weird with our music on purpose. And then he proceeds to avoid these radio shows that so desperately wanna talk to him, but instead he goes on some, like, no named podcast for an hour diving deep into each and every single album. So you know his excuses for not doing radio interviews or not. I get asked stupid questions because he's getting asked stupid questions on these podcasts all the time. Yeah.

I mean, I I don't know why he's not really doing radio interviews. That one we looked at, I assume he was, like, friends with the guy. I would have to. You know? Like You would have to think so.

There's a handful of people I I could hit up that would might be harder than the average person to get an interview that would be easy. You know, that all comes down to connections, but, I I'm just happy to see him say that because every artist blames ticket master, and fans have no idea. I mean, we've talked about it on air a lot, and listeners probably think I'm just spouting off at the mouth, just making things up. You know? Well, listeners don't really listen most most for the most part, and then they'll just, you know, oh, these concerts are expensive.

I can't afford this or, you know, they say dumb things like, oh, artists only toured to Salt Lake City to do a show on a Tuesday. Doesn't that doesn't make any sense. No. Yeah. I mean, there there's a lot of things that I think people just don't think through, and then they also just kinda pile on with the mob mentality online.

Sure. Yeah. Rather than reading into things. Oh, this person I like said this. I see a lot of comments.

They're just saying, alright. That's my that's my opinion now. Yeah. People don't That's what I think. People don't separate the art from the artist for the most part.

They'll say, like, oh, fall in reverse sucks. So why do they suck? I don't like Ronnie. Yeah. I mean, I can get that, like, Marilyn Manson has put out tons of great music.

Used to be, I mean, growing up, Marilyn Manson's albums, a couple of them, top albums for me. I think he even though, you know, there have been a lot of settlements and this and that, and he's back out touring, I don't know. With all the information I read on him, I just can't, do Marilyn Manson. You know, I I he seems like there's a pretty good chance he's a dirtbag. I mean, and if you've ever read his book, seems like there's a pretty good chance he's a dirtbag.

He wrote it. Right. Yeah. Yeah. So, like, you know, I have trouble separating art from the artist.

You know? If an artist is a d bag, it it changes my opinion of him. Well, I do follow that bad song of the day Instagram account, and they're like, people in the comments are going, all you post is Tom McDonald. I'm like, that's because he sucks. He's one of the worst people out there.

I don't care what his political views are. His music's terrible. Him and that Dax dude are the cringiest musicians I have ever listened to. Cringier than Maroon 5? Cringier than Maroon 5.

I mean, Tom Tom is pretty, because Have you seen what have you seen what Dax puts out there? I've I've seen, like, a song or 2. My god. It's bad. Because it'll pop up on, like, the country streaming playlist even though it's, like yeah.

Even though it's, like, rap music or something. Probably because Darius Rucker was in one of his songs. Maybe that's what it was. But, yeah, Tom McDonald just makes me cringe because if you look back, you know, he's he just kind of, builds hype over, controversy, you know. And he he seems to jump from side to side.

Okay. I can be some type you know, I can come out and make a statement, you know. Well, you put out that song called, Screw the Woke where there was, like, a sort of, like, a Christmas song. A Christmas song? And he all he did was just say screw the woke and things they did and all that.

And I don't like I said, I don't care about his political opinion at all. The music just sucks. And he's trying his hardest to be, like, the Ronnie Radke of over hip hop. Of hip hop. Yeah.

Exactly. Yeah. And I mean, Ronnie Radke, he's annoys me now too. It's just He does off the, off the music, he does for me too. Yeah.

Yeah. I'm I'm just like He's now antagonizing Spiritbox intentionally. Yeah. And he's I mean, he's even just attacking his fans all the time. You know, like, they'll go, hey, why'd you cancel a show?

And he just starts screaming and yelling and blocking people and throwing a tantrum. And I've interviewed him multiple times, and he's always really nice. And I think the fans would like it better if he was nice. He doesn't need to be the care because he told me that's a online character. You know, that he behaves that way online as a hair as a character, to stir up headlines, but he doesn't need to do it anymore.

He the band's playing huge arenas. Yeah. You don't need to be that guy. You could now be the nice guy, and you'll draw in more fans. You'll get bigger.

You're putting yourself in the box that he's putting himself in. You're gonna reach a point where you're preventing new audience from coming in. I think he's at this point making a mistake by kicking it up a notch and behaving that way because he can be a really nice guy. Watch the interviews I've done with him. And I've walked away from interviews liking him.

And then I, you know, wait about 2 more months of his Twitter activity. I'm like, oh, it's driving me crazy. You know? So I really think in the end, just trying to be a a chill person that can get along with everybody works out better for you, you know, as far as trying to build a big career in entertainment. You know, do you wanna be remembered as the guy that everybody hated?

You want that to be your legacy? Nah. You know? Yeah. I mean, I I think you wanna be remembered like Keanu Reeves or something.

Yeah. Everybody loves him. Jim Carrey, everybody loves him. But you can only be nice for such a long time too. Like, I understand completely, like, if Keanu Reeves has a moment of just where he just explodes, I understand it completely.

Well, sure. It's like you have to put on this fake personality in the normal life, but when you, like, you act start acting like yourself, people are, like, oh, why are you why are you like this way? Why are you like this? And it's just Well, at me, it was like, I don't know. I don't understand these dudes who get angrier and angrier as they get older.

Because for me, I was, you know, I was angry when I was a young person. And, you know, the older I get, it's like, oh, that none of that stuff is worth being mad about. It adds depending on life's experiences, what what people do to you, what, you know, what happens to you. Yeah. But Jada Jada Reeves is a very he's a unicorn in a way because, you know, he lost his sister.

He's lost a whole bunch of family members, but he's still a normal person. You think he would be hating everybody kicking woman or something like that, you know? Oh, jeez. You know, I think he has some exploding moment. Yeah.

I totally lost my train of thought. That's okay. That's, you know, but, I I guess heading into the new year, it's a good time to tell people. Try to be a a better person than you were last year. I've your day to day will go better if you can shrug off a lot of those things that just fester in you.

Yeah? That that's that's the unfortunate thing about me is I'll let it build, and then I'll just, like, explode. Yeah. Well, you know, always somebody to talk to, things like that. Talk to a you can talk to a somebody about something.

You saw what happened to her. Yeah. Oh, she's she's done, ain't she? Yeah. She's not online anymore?

Oh, yeah. She's she's gone. Yeah. Cryptos don't start a a crypto scam, people. There there's that character.

That's another way that's another way to get people to not like you. There's that character in Squid Game that, you know, exploited people out of their money. Yeah. Yeah. Wait for Hachtoagirl to join Squid Game season 3.

The noon hour of Madness and Mayhem powered by Hallease Ghost is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information oh, it swallowed my spit wrong while I was still talking. That's funny. Alright. Okay.

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