National Health Executive News

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And here’s today’s news from National Health Executive on Friday the 19th July 2024
The UK Covid-19 Inquiry has published the first module report, into the UK’s resilience and preparedness for the pandemic.
Whilst the report acknowledges that the government was forced to make ‘tough decisions’ about how resources should be used to prepare for emergencies, it does find that there were significant flaws. These ranged from a lack of attention that was paid to test and trace systems, to a lack of broad scientific advice for ministers, and preparations not being adequate for the pandemic that hit the country.
The report also outlined how some of the financial, economic and human costs of the pandemic could have been avoided, had preparations been better.

Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) have published an in-depth report covering all deaths across Norfolk and Suffolk between April 2019 and October 2023.
The report reviews the deaths of people in Norfolk and Suffolk who received care from NSFT, and gives evidence about the quality of the Trust’s services and how they could be improved.
The analysis screened the deaths of over 6000 patients who received care from NSFT within six months of the end of their life.
92% were found to have died from natural causes, while 7% of the deaths were unexpected and from unnatural causes and the cause of 1% of the deaths remains unknown.
NSFT Chief Executive Caroline Donovan said: “We will learn from and use this evidence to deal with problems and improve care.”

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