Fire Within Nutrition and Fitness

Fire Within Nutrition and Fitness Podcast Show Notes

  - Hosts: Brandon and Joe
  - Discussion on health, fitness, and nutrition.

Cold Plunges
  - Trending health topic seen across various social media platforms.
  - Brandon has tried it, but Joe has not.

Guest Introduction
  - Corbett, host of "The Orange Hammer Podcast" which focuses on construction and homeownership.
Corbett's Craftsmanship
  - Praise for Corbett’s home projects and renovations.
  - Discussion on the pallet wall, the process, and the challenges faced.
  - Introduction to the “pallet popper tool” for pallet work.

Corbett’s Health & Fitness Journey
  - Overweight since childhood.
  - The emphasis on self-motivation and doing health and fitness "for oneself".
  - Experience with a health and fitness "sleep-away" camp as a teenager.
  - The camp’s regimen: Focus on low-fat meals, walking targets (15,000 steps a day), and weekly excursions like whitewater rafting, mountain biking, hiking, and backpacking.
  - Comparisons with "Heavyweights," a movie with a similar setting.

Parental Influence
  - The challenges parents face in encouraging their children to adopt healthier lifestyles.
  - Corbett’s own experience: Parents encouraging but never forcing.

Closing Remarks
  - Reflections on the overall experience and the positive takeaways, like quality gear and adventures.

*Note: The podcast contains candid discussions and may touch on sensitive subjects.*

Creators & Guests

Brandon Woolley
Founder of Fire Within Nutrition and Fitness, The Triangle’s effective personal trainer, Brandon Woolley will help you with sustainable & science-based methods for lasting change.
Joe Woolworth
Owner of Podcast Cary, your friendly neighborhood studio.

What is Fire Within Nutrition and Fitness?

If you want to transform your life with nutrition and fitness, there are no shortcuts. You need a sustainable plan: the right mindset, and the knowledge and inspiration to stoke the fire within. Just like the Phoenix, you can burn your old habits, never turn back, and emerge anew.

[00:00:00] want a popsicle,

Yeah. And a paper bar. Stop

paper boy.

Welcome to the Fire Within Nutrition and Fitness podcast. I'm your host Brandon with my co-host, Joe. Hello. Where we talk about all things health, fitness, and nutrition related.

nutrition related. Yeah, I'm excited about today. We got a guest and we get to dive into something that I see all over my feeds, all over the YouTubes, all over the reels, people jumping in them cold plunges.

That's right. Cold

I haven't done it. Have you done it?

Yes, at some Korean spas that have them in other places. And our guest today is the one and only Corbett, and we are glad to have you today.


Yeah. Now I had a chance to check out your home and your home studio and your podcast, which is called

The orange hammer podcast, please check it [00:01:00] out. All things construction and homeownership.

yeah. And I got to look at all your home projects and renovations and you're a legit contractor.

Yeah, I like the word legit. I appreciate it.


I'm one of those like actually licensed and insured and like cares about what I'm doing and won't rip you off. Believe it or not. I have to clarify that last thing because it's a terrible problem in our

and everything you do looks cool as shit.

I appreciate

my favorite thing was the pallet wall in the bedroom.

Thank you.

That was just phenomenal.

that that was a labor of love, man. I mean, it's, it's one thing to go by quote unquote pallet wood in a box from home Depot, which is not pallet wood. It's just wood that's been like distressed on purpose. It's another thing to do what I did, which is Go and hunt down actual truckloads of pallets, and then break them apart one by one, and then trim them and edge them and sand them, and tack them up on the wall.

It was, it took a lot of work.

There's a special tool they make it's like a pallet [00:02:00] popper tool It's yeah, so you can stand up and basically not kill your back

My buddy Jeremy

It's a welder, he made me one. Yeah, he actually just welded, he was like, Here you go, I know you're doing this. Yeah, he just tacked it together one day.


pallets are trendy and so is these dang ice

Yes. So

I love how you said to dive into it. I was like, that's perfectly perfect while I'm here.

Give us a little bit of a background of kind of your health and fitness journey. And then why you decided to do this cold plunge, how you built it. And then we'll talk about benefits and all that kind of stuff.

I guess if we're going back as far as we can and we're being as honest as we can, I've been like a big overweight. person since I was, you know, 11 or 12, something like that. And then it wasn't till like fast forwarding till two or three years ago, I finally decided to do like a health and fitness journey by myself for myself.

And that last part of for [00:03:00] myself is worth mentioning because.

It's the only kind that works.

and I had been forced and for the, for the record, like no smoke on my parents for trying to force me to do this stuff for the betterment of my health. But when you try to force a 17 year old to go on any sort of diet or go to a, you know, sleep away camp with a health and fitness mindset.

Heck, try to take a 17 year old to

Oh my god, that's a thing?


The health and fitness mindset sleep away camp for kids?

Yeah, I went to one actually in the mountains here in North Carolina before I lived in North Carolina. Ironically,

away or something. Does

was, I mean, it worked for a little bit and they instill like a good, you know, mindset of this is how you can track calories and this is where you want to be at. And this is how you can track steps and stuff like that.

It was, it was not. As Coltie has like a pray, pray the gay away thing. You want a chance at that thing? Yeah.[00:04:00]

As Colt D has like the pray away the gay stuff.

No, keep, keep it all in there. Oh. No,

As cult y as like a pray away the gay

No, absolutely not. I

no, I did go to a sleep away camp for four weeks. That was like the well spring health and fitness camp where, you know, it was, you know, it definitely had a A food and nutrition plan that was very specific on, you know, helping, obese people.

I was the only overweight person at a camp full of obese people. So it was very, almost no fat, very low carb combined with, you know, we're walking 15, 000 steps a day. They gave us these little pedometer things to put on our waist. But yeah, no, that's a thing.

Was it, was it enjoyable?

Man, we could do a whole episode on that. We won't, but I'm intrigued.

it was, looking back yeah, it was actually fun. You know, every, of the four weeks, every week there would be, like, a trip. So, [00:05:00] we were at this camp, right? We're walking every day, and we're getting these low fat meals, and we're staying in a cabin. But then two days of the week, we would pack up real backpacks, and do one week the excursion was whitewater rafting.

Then the next one was, like, a mountain biking thing. Then the next one was, like, an actual hike hiking backpacking

like Boy Scouts with shitty food.

It's yeah, it's Boy Scouts with shitty food and

Are they known for their cuisine?

instead of, and instead of learning like survival skills that are fun, we're just exercising. Yeah.


do you think it had a positive, negative or neutral effect on you as a kid?

You know, it's taken me some pretty recent. Soul searching to realize that like, all of this stuff as a kid has had a very negative

this stuff as a kid has had a very negative impact. I think you hit on it before.

he hit on it [00:06:00] before. If, tell it, you want to do it.


to do it,

it's just not sticky.

Yeah, the problem is, is

trapped for

I'm not a, I'm not a parent, but I, I see the problem of okay, you, we just hit on the point of, you can't make them do it till they want to do it. But as a parent, you can't, it's hard to watch your child do something, you know, is hurting them. Cause as a parent, that's like your number one protective.

Like instinct, you know, so, you know, so I get it I understand the love behind my parents trying to be like, okay, if this kid could lose 25 pounds, he wouldn't, he wouldn't roll his ankles at tennis camp and he'd have more fun at tennis camp. It's not that hard to figure that, you know?

Did you not want to go?

you know?

no, no. They were like, Hey, do you want to do this? They handed me a pamphlet and I was like, yeah, let's go. That sounds cool. Yeah, yeah, no, I, they did not drag me to like a. Some awful thing. Yeah, no, definitely not at all ever actually.

Cool. All right. I was just curious. I'd never heard of that.

[00:07:00] I didn't know it was a thing, but I live in a bubble, but I have a kid now, so I'm sure I'm going to be open to a bunch of things that I just gloss over normally.

Yeah, I mean, like looking back there was like, yeah, you were issued this pedometer for sure. And like you, you wrote that down in a little book and you tracked your, your nutrition. But if you take away that. It was a dope four week out in the wilderness. I mean, they gave me a sleeping bag that I still have.

They gave me a backpack I used in the scouts for the next five years. They gave me some dope gear. We did, like I said, four adventures, one a week. And it, it, yeah. So if you take away that, like if you were in shape, you would have had just a lot of fun. Like the counselor, you know, he was like some 20 something year old kid who just hadn't found his life yet.

You know, he was our counselor. I looked at him as an adult when I was there at 13, but at 32, I can look back and be like, he was some 21 year old and he didn't know what was going on

I don't know what the fuck I'm doing.

he was remember that, that, speaking of getting canceled, that movie, you can't find it anywhere, but the Ben Stiller one?

[00:08:00] Oh, heavyweights. We were at that camp.

You were at

had, it had the same name. It wasn't the

come on. That's

but it was the same camp.

It was a camp hope.

Yeah. So you can't, you can't really


anywhere because now it's kind of frowned upon, the whole idea.

my, and like the, the camp, the physical camp that, that well, that Wellspring was renting, I guess, was an, was an old boy scout camp. So for me, it's I was the only one who there who was a scout. So I was like, Oh, we're in an old scout camp. And I, we've watched like heavyweights, so I think we watched it one night at the camp.

think we watched yeah, here we are, guys. This is the camp.

So what are you, what are you scrolling up here on the

All right. So, eventually we're going to get into this cold punch thing, but we took this left turn that I'm far more interested in, but we'll come back to what we'd planned.

So then, so then a couple years ago, I did my own real, real is a terrible word, but the one that was by, you know, on my own. I hired a trainer. I found a Craigslist of all places.

but... Wait,


wait, was he [00:09:00] offering happy endings? Okay. That's good.

and he, I, you know, it's one of those things where just like we hit it off and I needed something very specific where it was like, I have gear at my house.

I have a phobia of gyms. I need you to come give me a plan with my gear specifically for me. And he was like, I could do that for a one time fee. And I was like, that's what I'm looking for. And I had the willpower to do it. And then he was like, also, this new thing, which I'm not a fan of now, looking back, but this new thing of keto is like, this diet that you could really use to lose a bunch of fat.

And I was like, oh, sweet. You know, looking back, I lost way more muscle than fat, and it was a huge not smart move, but I'm sure everybody knows that now.

that now.

The fat diets will get you. There's a new one every couple years.

I mean, to my, to my less intelligent knowledge than you, you know, keto is just repackaged Atkins, [00:10:00] which is cool for a short time before you get surgery and not a good lifestyle,

Yeah, I think there's some truth to that. I think there are applications where keto might be smart if some, if it can prevent somebody from going on full on diabetic and then they can transition into something sustainable.

I'm a fan of that. But as a sustainable program, it's not, it's not where I would point people to.

yeah, and I, I did it for 16 consecutive months and to the, to the, to the real max where a New Yorker went back to visit my family in New York and did not have a New York slice of pizza.


That was hard and I did not do it. And I lost 60. three pounds, 62 pounds, something like that. I was at a, at, at, at six, five, I was at a 34 inch waist with like jeans, just like just, which is really way too thin, like

I'm like, I'm 5'10 and [00:11:00] we're like a 32, 34 now. So,

So we could have shared jeans at the waist. Think about that. I'm a foot taller than you. Yeah. Right. So like that didn't, that didn't work out. The way that I wanted to, because when I caved, I caved real hard and I combo that with an elbow exhaustion injury where I basically could not do any of the training that I was doing.

any of the training.

I didn't get it like professionally checked. It just hurt too much to do pushups and hurt too much to do like shoulder stuff, just free weight stuff. And I was like, okay, I have to stop. So I stopped my intense training and. Caved my diet at the same time, and Led to this spiral of I've put all that weight back on.

As I sit here today. And my waist, pant size is back up. I have things that I admire where I can see the muscle growth that I've put on from the weight [00:12:00] training. But the, you know, like most guys especially, the belly zone. Just it's a never ending fight. Always, you know, not enough cardio or the food is really the, the, the culprit.

So yeah, it's, it's, it's, it's a, it's a never ending journey. You know, I probably need some more advice from you, honestly, about getting on a more sustainable thing.

Yeah, man. Let's do it. Yeah,

we should.

Yeah. You build me a pallet wall and I'll train you. I'm

and I'll

But sold

You get a pallet wall in your home

even joking.

No. We'll, we'll work something out. But

plunge, we, I know that


know, I'm, I'm a very honest guy, so I've got no problem saying that that 100 percent started just because I heard about it enough on Joe Rogan.

Rogan. Yeah. You know,

Yeah, I've seen, I've seen a bunch of his

you know, and yeah, and you know, I honestly don't even want to get into a pro or con Joe Rogan conversation.

I love stand up comedy. That's why I like [00:13:00] him. I don't give a crap about this.

political stuff.

crap. I'm not, I'm not interested. But, yeah. That's, that's the full honest truth of how I heard that. And I was like, this dude is just, you know, in a wealth category above people and good for him. Cool.

You know, Morosco Ice Forge, 20, 000. Cool. Awesome.

Good for you, dude.

good for you. And also, and also like luxury of the rich just in general, you know? And then I actually started hearing about it from people that are not just a comedian. Peter

Gretia. Yeah!

and Andrew Huberman

Kuberman. Yeah.

and these, these are credible dudes.

You know, Peter's a doc, Huberman's a doc, he's like a neuroscientist for Stanford.

my favorite episode quote is Huberman talking about how hot his sauna is.

It was something outrageous, like two, four, I don't remember what it was. And then Joe Rogan just goes, what are you dude? Fucking brisket.


That's my favorite quote. Anyway, sorry, I digress. That's my favorite. That's so good.

[00:14:00] favorite.

so good though.

Anyway. And

I definitely was very interested in all of the mental. Advancements or advances or whatever that seem to be like people seem to be across the board being like, yeah, I'm getting, you know, this great boost of dopamine and efrenephrine or whatever the, you know, I'm, I'm bad at the, the pronunciation of these

You know, I, I blocked it out of my memory 'cause of how painful it was, but I was a marathon runner for three years and I regularly did ice baths.

Yeah. I would literally take the frigging tray of ice cubes from my freezer and throw it in the tub with cold water and it would take, it was

I've seen him here thinking, I really want to try this. And it never occurred to me to go buy like three bags of 2 ice and just give it a shot.

no, literally I would just take the bucket from my freezer.

I'm like, I don't have a 20, 000 cold

how, that's how most people start.

I, I skipped that, to be honest. Yeah,

and you went high tech, which we'll get into.


Well, low, [00:15:00] low high


But but I just remember I could run 20 miles and be beat to shit. And when I got out of that tub, I mean, I conquered the world. I felt fucking

I mean, I,

It's like what I would imagine taking cocaine would be like.

I've never tried cocaine, so

Without the deviated septum, you know?

help you with that. But

hadn't either, but it's what I imagine it would be

Okay. We can imagine together.

Join us today on Fire Within as we imagine what cocaine's like.

So who else can we offend today?

But I mean, you know, when I, I don't know how you could man, it's, it's voluntary,


but I don't train like a professional athlete or anything, but you know, I train every day when I'm not recovering from COVID and I'm getting sore, you know, and I, but I chased the sore, like I want it, but then the next morning when I wake up.

Yeah, don't want to be sore anymore. I'm with you.

the first thing I gotta do is, the first thing I [00:16:00] gotta do is go to the banyo, like most people, and then let the dog out, but then it's in that plunge. Three minutes, now I'm down to 39 degrees.


And that's a long time for a cold plunge, right? Three minutes? Like you had to build up to that?

No, I actually, three minutes is not a long time, but I had to build up to that temp, or build

me it is. I


down to that temperature.

Oh, okay. Alright.

Yeah, so to

I struggle with 30 seconds. Like I have to fight tooth in it, but I would do 10 minutes with the ice tub.

but see, here's the thing, here's the thing, there's nobody who doesn't struggle at 30 seconds. I do this almost every day. The first 30 seconds are awful,

Yeah, they suck.


Your body's get out of the tub,

right, but you're, but I'm, but like I'm joking aside, like I'm on the borderline of hyperventilating to the point where I have to mentally be like, wait, wait, wait in through the nose

It's like a forced Wim Hof

And it takes. Kind of. And it takes about 30, 40 seconds for you to even just get past that. And then you can be like, okay, [00:17:00] you, you got

I'm not dying. I'm not in danger.

In fact, not only do I have this, but I'm in control. This is not, nobody else is in control. And, you know, so I started at 52

degrees and 10 minutes


and that sucked.

That was really shitty.

52 degrees at 10 minutes.

I wonder if that's about what it was like when I just dumped a few cubes in the cold water. I could do it for 10 minutes, but I would have to play like Bejeweled on my phone to distract my brain and it would take me, I don't know, like three days to find my nuts again.

nuts I mean, it definitely wasn't, it definitely wasn't in the

I'm curious. I mean, it definitely wasn't. It definitely wasn't in the 30s. I mean, I'm sure like if the ice cubes dissipated very quickly, then you know, obviously

like by the end of the 10 minutes, there's no more ice in the tub, but it was cold as shit. I mean, it was cold.

I mean, It still does something at every, you know, Huberman doesn't do it in the thirties, you know, he's he's [00:18:00] like a 50 something degree.

Even Rogan was giving him crap one day and he was like, yeah, but I, you know, I'm going the other direction with the super hot sauna. He also mentioned that again. So it's he's, you know, he does. Really hot sauna for longer than recommended periods of time because he's trying to do something with I don't know what but Sauna is my next investment when I build my next house.

There'll be room for a little sauna

So what have you experienced from, from tell us a little bit about how you felt before, how you felt once you started implementing it, do you see improvements in certain aspects of your life?

What's kind of your general I guess, change that you perceive since starting this regime.

Okay, so the change is if I can break past a waking up to sort of train with the cold plunge, that's a huge one. Oh crap, I just feel really bad.

So you're saying that after

the cold plunge. you feel like, instantly better. As far as muscle recovery goes. Yes.[00:19:00]

Instantly and, and way beyond just muscle recovery. Oh

yeah. You're happy. You can sing Christmas carols in July. Happy.

That's so true. Yeah.

We should, we should take a minute and just run down through the benefits because I looked it up and if you're sitting there wondering what in the heck, why would anybody do ice plunge kind of stuff?

I, I just looked up what are the health benefits and you've got boosted immunity, you've got improved circulation, reduced inflammation mental clarity and boost, increased metabolism, enhanced recovery, improved lymphatic drainage, increased tolerance to stress. Your skin, hair, and teeth are supposedly gonna, I don't know, grow again?

No, that's not what it says.

Skin and hair health. Skin and

Skin and hair health. So those are just some of the

literally say that that's a nine for nine accurate and have, and have noticed it even, even the number nine, the skin, because I have been told by people who have cut my hair that like I should take. Like a super super hot shower to open up the pores and then a super super cold shower to close them [00:20:00] back up after you've cleaned them and I can tell that I can just be like, Oh, my skin is definitely like getting a little tighter and just like I, I've getting out of that thing feels incredible.

So I noticed. Yeah. Yeah. And I mean, I, I physically noticed you know, There would, there would be legit times where I, you know, went not even hard, just the regular amount in the gym the day before. And I wake up and I'm like, Oh man, shoulders are way too tight. There's no way we're going to be able to do what's scheduled on the whiteboard for today.

And now, and then instead, and then fast forward to post cold plunge life. And it's okay, hurts,

but I still

in the plunge and then get out of the plunge and be like, okay. We're ready to rock. Let's get a coffee in us. Let's warm back up. Let's let the skin deep pink. Cause I get out of the thing. I look like a pink lobster.

I was going to ask how long it takes to warm back up.

so it's definitely like a huge do not go from the cold plunge to weight training. [00:21:00] Like you, you cannot,

Can't, don't jump right in.

No and also, and also don't go to the plunge right after weight training because you literally just are removing all gains. They're just gone. Just you, you, you destroyed them.

But I definitely take probably at least 30 minutes to an hour, depending on how much I'm lollygagging. I'll get out of the plunge and I'll dry off legitimately more than just from the robe. Then I'll have these greens. I take AG1. Then I'll take I'll have, I'll make my dirty chai with, with some espresso.


How long does it take to feel warm again?

That depends on what temperature and how long you've been doing it. So like the first time,

it. so goddamn happy when you get out of there, it doesn't even

Because I'm wondering, because you know, you know, when you get really cold, let's say whatever, this is my soft nerf life, say your office temperature is set too cold and after eight hours you're just cold down to your bones, you know, and you walk out into the sun and you're like, Oh, that feels nice.

And you're like sunning yourself like a [00:22:00] dog and it takes a while to warm back up. I was wondering do you just feel cold all day or how long does that take to go away?

Cause your body is now, you got to realize what your body's doing when you put it in 39 degree water, it's going on full on heat mode.


pulling all the blood in from your fingers and your toes into your like core to superheat and protect your organs.

So when you get out. Your body doesn't turn that off as quickly as you get out. Your body is still doing that for a little while. Our bodies are smart, but it takes a couple minutes for it to be like, Oh, this threat's gone. We can stop. We can turn the furnace back down to regular. It takes a little bit of time.

So you're now like when I, for example, first time, 54 degrees, significantly warmer than 39, right? 10 minutes. I get out of that thing. I had to turn on my. Interior gas log heater and wrap myself in

Just warming in front of it like Ebeneezer

[00:23:00] no, it was, it was, I'm not kidding. It was terrible. It was awful. But now I hop out of that three minutes at 39 degrees and it's Oh, when you get in screaming, my fingers hurt because the blood has rushed so far away from them that like I get out of that thing.

I put the robe on. I'd like. The key is I dry my hands and feet immediately with a rag because there's so many nerves there I'm I'm warm quick. Yeah, I'm warm

Do you, do you dunk your head in? I have so many questions about the mechanics of it.

No, I do. I do. I do. Yeah, I do. I've heard it's it's needed I also was getting headaches when I wasn't I would go in and stop at the neck and I mean like neck up is actually dry dry and Yeah, I would get out like there was, there's a, there's a harder clench and shiver that you do when you don't get your head wet. And that would give me. Legit [00:24:00] headaches. Whereas now I go in, I'm just like,

your breath for a long time. You just,

Now I go in.

just a quick dunk. Yeah. Yeah. It's a, yeah, it's like I hop in, I kind of squinch up a little bit, like a little kind of ball, plug my nose physically with my hand. I'll go backwards, do the, do the dunk, come back up, just wipe my face.

And then it's neck, it's neck down

How long does it take for you to find your nuts? After

They're, they're, they're back pretty, pretty quick, yeah. I have not

I like to ask the real questions on this show.

one's everyone's

I mean, while I'm in, while I'm in there, they're chillin right between the two pecs. They've gone all the

join with

they've gone all the way up. Yeah, yeah.

They join with the Adam's apple and just form three big balls.

[00:25:00] Now you have a unique so you don't have a $20,000 setup.

No, hell no,

made this, you found a website where you can make it yourself. Tell [00:26:00] us just briefly about the components and total cost of this thing.

So I found a Facebook page of all things. And it was a dude who build them out of chest freezers, basically for a living. And he was, he had a Facebook page where everyone would just ask questions and everybody would answer the questions and you was, you could just like.

If you wanted to research enough, you could just find it all out for free. And I was like, it's all here. Could somebody walk me through it? And he, the guy who ran the page was like, hey, I actually sell a book. If you want the book, it's 150 bucks. And I was like, oh, that,

it's 150 bucks.

that's, oh, no, the book was cheaper than that.

Sorry. He was like, if you want the book, it's, it's whatever. Some reasonable amount of money that I have forgotten. But he was like, if you want me to just walk you through it, with however many zooms, and here's my direct cell phone, and, and blah blah blah, and I'll make you a parts list, and,

Oh, nice.

and if you go through my, if you use my promo code, you get like 10 percent off, and I get a kickback, that's 150 [00:27:00] bucks.

I was like, sold. I just hired the

you did it out of the chest freezer. Now you're not using like the freezer components, right? 100

percent using the freezer components. Yeah man, it's so much smarter, and here's the thing,

Cause I see that people buy those like cold air

Yeah, like a chiller. Yeah. So I researched all of this, right? The thing is that so my components are an actual chest freezer, which Oh, by the way, freezes. So it gets cold enough.

Right? Think about that.

Yeah, I'm just wondering when you gotta go turn it off so you don't have a giant brick.

Exactly. So the chest freezer is Obviously, step one, you gotta get one big enough. You need a smaller one. Or you could get a cheaper, you could save money with a

because I'm not as tall

Because you're not as tall, right? I had to go pretty big. Because I'm literally 6'5 And you don't want to be uncomfortable. And you're gonna lose dimension.

Because you gotta line it. For waterproofing. So...

yeah, so they're not waterproof up the

No. [00:28:00] Hell no. Now it's a crappy plastic. Right. So the, there are options. There's DIY. The best choice, which I did, was I took it to a pickup truck bed spraying company

Oh, you're so

and He walked me through this. I'm not, let's be real clear. I could, if somebody's listening and they want to hire me, I could do this for them now, but I didn't think of any of this and I just had to research the guys and I drove to Winston to save a lot of money, but.

That part, I'm just, I'm good at wheelin and dealin and I paid cash, but, and they were like, we've never done that. That seems crazy. And I was like, yeah, you want to be the first? They were like, yeah. I was like, oh, cool. I'll be there tomorrow. It's in my truck, you know? So

so you got a freezer. You got it lined,

line with that like black truck bed stuff, right?

Then you need. you know, quote, the board. Okay. And the board has a power strip. And then it's got there's a lot of filtration cleanliness options. I went with a Oh man, I'm going to [00:29:00] forget

This is the fish filter, right? I'm

no, it's like a, it's an osmosis generator, an ozone generator, excuse me. It's an ozone generator.

So that gets mounted on the thing. And then. You got to run that into the freezer. So you need like some special tools that I already owned because I'm a, because I'm a contractor and you know, you got to drill through the freezer and run this wire with some wire, with some, right. So that's doing ozone.

That's plugged into a timer. That's also on the board because you run that for only like 30 minutes a day. And it's toxic,

Oh, that's, that's

not toxic, like death, death, but you don't want to be so, you know, I plunge it seven to eight in the morning. It's on the timer to run at 1130 to midnight so that it dissipates in the eight hours into my garage You know, it's

okay. And that's the other

It's eight hours into my garage, you it's just a matter of a

in a more enclosed. Space,

like a

an interior room of the house?

Honestly, I think it's just a matter of if you have that eight hour [00:30:00] thing, then that's really like you just don't.

HVAC system will take care

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't think it's like at that big of a deal. No yeah. And then I have a, a, a,


an aquarium kind of pump. It's more like a pond pump. That's, that's hooked up to a filter.

And the filter and pump are just in the freezer at all times. Just running it, circulating. And I pulled that filter out, you know. every two to three weeks, we just pop in a new one.

in a while. That's pretty low

buy them by the 40 pack

40 packs. No.

Amazon. What did all that cost?

And there's one more key component that you mentioned. It's called a ink tree, ink, ink temp, whatever it's called.

Basically, it's a thermometer. And the thermometer goes in, and the freezer plugs into this

Okay. So it's like a thermostat.

Basically. Okay.

so you, you tell it, hey, this temp, and it will, it will kick the freezer [00:31:00] on, but more importantly, off. And keep it within,

then you don't get a break.

exactly, and keep it within the differential.

So, I have it set 39 degrees, you can be off by one. So it might be 38 or 40. You can set that differential.

that's kind of genius. I like it.

And then all that's mounted on a piece of plywood. And then I bought a couple things to clean it. Every week I have this pool strainer thing. And a little fishnet for you know, hairs and skin tags and stuff like that.

It's, you know,

Like a hot tub.

You gotta

a hot tub, yeah. And I have noticed that you know,


every six weeks a cap of bleach when I'm changing out the filter doesn't hurt. Just keep it, keep it that much fresher. You know, it's only me, but I am going in. Post sleep pre shower, so I'm not like the freshest that I could you know I have the guy John Richter who runs the thing He's like I only go in mine freshly showered to keep it as clean as possible I was like good for you.

You have an easier life than I do [00:32:00] Yeah

So what does it all cost?

2, 500 if you are doing all the work yourself, which I did

Gotcha. Can you see a business where you just service people's things and help them build it? And that's like your side gig?


would kill to have enough people who want me to build them one that I could do that. Because it would be, now that I've done it once, it couldn't be easier.

How much water spills out when you get in?

very little. Yeah. I have a bath mat, and I have a little table that I built out of some scrap track. And I have this little remote, so it's like I hit this remote that has a little like sports timer.

Hits me with the three minutes, three minutes and 10 seconds, I should say, because it does a 10 count to the three minutes for some reason.

To get you pumped! Ten! Nah!

and then I bought like a pair of, you know, slip on athletic


slides, I guess they're called, which I like, I can't wear any other time, but for this, but yeah, so it's you know,

scarring when you see the slides.

You're like, ah, I'm[00:33:00]

no, it's because I have a foot problem and I can't wear those kinds of shoes.

Yeah. Which post. Post surgery the the plunge definitely helped like with the with the foot recovery just getting rid of some some some inflammation and stuff

how long have you

the benefits are real. I was this morning

finally running like with water


So, a good six plus months.

Yeah, it's been a minute it's been a minute for sure enough time where it's not placebo anymore where I'm like the benefits are real Like I didn't plunge this morning and I can tell I'm groggier than if I had plunged. I

I want to

hear what the mental clarity feels like to you.

So, one

of the health claims is that it

is that it

your mental clarity. Yeah, I'm... I


don't know how to describe what it feels like, but I can tell you that I'm a better human. And by that, what I mean by [00:34:00] that is I am... To put it bluntly, I'm just less of a dick. I'm just nicer. I'm more understanding.

hundred percent.

100 percent

it can solve a wordle in less than two tries.

One try. Well, literally one try. Yeah, I actually just look at them and they fill themselves out. I don't know what a wordle is actually. So

It was this big craze on, anyway,


It's they give you a five letter word

Oh, yeah, it's an app. It's a game on the Yeah, okay. Yeah, my girlfriend does this and I've watched her do

sometimes. Yeah. Like it was a big family thing for a while. We had a whole family chat of Wordle

only get like four, five guesses. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I mean, you know, I'm not going to sit here and be like, okay, 2, 500 is not a lot of money. It is a lot of money. And, but where, okay, it's not a lot of money if you're, if you start at Morosco Ice Forge, which is like the Rogan one that's wrapped in Scandinavian

what does, what does a [00:35:00] one month supply of say Xanax or something cost? And I'm not, I'm not suggesting not to take your meds and get a, I'll definitely get canceled if I do that.

But I'm just curious.

How much would it cost to buy ice to do it every day?

Okay, so that would get very expensive. Let's be very clear. If you were gonna just bathtub it and do ice, that's it adds up

might be 5, 10 a day in

Well I

might be more, man, because like you...

for a dollar 50.


but you would need... Seven, you'd need 20 of those bags. So that's like 25, 30 bucks.

don't know, I mean, the

30 bucks.

Well, I'm, okay, but I'm just, I am not putting down what you did. I'm just saying, if you want it to be like, I want to be and stay at 39 degrees.

Just meant, you just fill it up in the morning, you throw a bag of ice in, it's cold as shit.

You get in your human Long Island HT and

[00:36:00] 1 H T in that?

50 a day.

I mean, in that


I saw benefits before I built it just from cold showers. Legit benefits. You know, I would, you know, go hard at the gym, take my regular warm, well,


correct, but warm

Yeah. Yeah. So what we'd have to do is do a study to figure out what temperature does it get with a bag of ice? And how does that compare to the benefits at 39 degrees? Yeah.

we'd have to the benefits of 39 degrees? I mean, I think there's, there's, it's pretty much, it's pretty much like what temperature and time works for


You know, that's how, that's how john was telling it to me. Unfortunately,

cause the studio is about to be used.

So, got commitments. We got commitments. Boom.

I'm gonna try it though.

I'm gonna swing by and buy a bunch of ice, fill up the tub, give it a shot.

Yeah, man. If it's a small tub, for me, one bag was great. But anyhow any parting words of wisdom for our guests in terms of [00:37:00] health or, or cold plunges?

plunges? In terms of cold plunges, definitely build your own. I have a friend who bought the polar ice monkey. He spent twice as much and he's not as happy. And as far as your health and fitness you just, you gotta do it for yourself.

Yeah, I think the mental aspects and just that boosted dopamine alone makes it worth it. Yeah. And then if people wanted to contact you either for contract work, talk to you about the cold plunge or anything like that, how would they find you? Yeah.

So Corbett Storick, CRS Contracting, and the Orange Hammer Podcast are all on all the social medias from Instagram to Facebook to whatever. My cell is 845 489 6057. Or you can email me directly, corb at WSDG. That's C O R B at WSDG. com. And I'd, if you're in the triangle, I'm happy to do any of your contracting work.


and you do excellent work but we really appreciate you coming on the show. I wish we had another hour. I got tons of questions,

Oh, yeah, I guess we just need another

[00:38:00] we need another episode. We'll, we'll do it again. I like it.

Awesome. Thanks for having me. I really appreciate it. Yeah,

Hey man. All right.
