Get Clear with Crystal Ware

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Welcome to another empowering and inspiring episode. Our host, Crystal Ware, a lawyer turned entrepreneur, invites Danielle Taylor, a former nurse, to share her journey of transitioning from a healthcare profession to business coaching. The conversation centers around women finding confidence, embracing their uniqueness, and the importance of self-empowerment. Danielle recounts her experiences, including handling her son's ADHD and the impact of self-reflection and personal growth on her career pivot. 

They discuss the value of resilience, setting boundaries, and the integral role of personal development in achieving professional success. Danielle also highlights an event she organized to connect and support female entrepreneurs, emphasizing the power of community and collaboration among women in business.

Key topics in this episode:

- Danielle Taylor’s her journey from nursing and psychology to empowerment coaching.
 - Realizing the need to help women embrace their uniqueness.
 - Her son's ADHD diagnosis shaped her understanding of unique challenges as strengths.
 - Emphasizing the importance of building self-confidence and resilience.
 - Insights gained from parenting a child with ADHD.
 - Encouraging women to embrace their unique strengths and live authentically.
 - Highlighting the power of gratitude and a positive mindset in achieving success.

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What is Get Clear with Crystal Ware?

Ever wish you had a mentor to help you become who you were meant to be? Crystal Ware is redefining what it means to become your best self, in business, life, and love and sharing everything she she knows to get YOU there faster.

Are you stuck? Feel like you are meant for more but not sure how to breakthrough? Every week, we will explore all of your questions on building a path to true happiness, achieving success and creating our dream life. Brick by brick, we will work through the issues and mindsets that keep us stuck, dive into finding our passion and how to take ACTION. Clarity (vision) + Confidence (Owning your worth) + Courage (to live life on your own terms and become your own CEO) propels you to your destiny. And the good news it: its all within you!

Each week, host, Crystal Ware, will bring you all of the practical wisdom to grow every aspect of your career and life including mindset, vision, goal planning, social media management, financial acumen and so much more. You'll also meet top business leaders, entrepreneurs, mompreneurers and innovative thinkers who invested in themselves and found their way success and happiness by leading on their own terms.

You were made for more, so start living like it today. Join us as we take action, grow together, and get inspired to reach for your dreams.

[00:00:00] Welcome to the Get Clear with Crystal Ware podcast, the place where we get clear on our goals, own our worth, and learn to be the CEOs of our own lives. I'm your host, Crystal Ware, lawyer and former Fortune 500 corporate leader. Who found the confidence to say goodbye to a lucrative career and start my own business.

Now I'm opening up the playbook and sharing everything I've learned to get you there faster. It may not be easy, but it will always be worth it because you are made for more. So put on your big girl pants, jump on board and let's reach for the stars. Are you ready to get clear?

Welcome back, friends. Today on the show, we have an amazing, amazing guest, Danielle Taylor. And what I love about her story and what she has to share with us today is similar to me. She embarked on entrepreneurship from a career perspective, doing dual roles for a while and her [00:01:00] whole My entire mission is to empower women, which I love.

That is what I'm here for. That is what I talk about. That is what I work on doing each and every day, no matter what your specific goals are, no matter what you want to do with your life, no matter what's in your heart, what you're passionate about. I want people to feel empowered to make the decisions, to lead the life.

That they feel called to in their hearts. So Danielle is here to talk to us about how she works with women, helps empower women. And I love her thematic quote that you're not here to be average. You're here to be badass. And I love that because I believe it. I believe that in everybody there is something special and unique and magical.

You just have to figure out what that is. If that means that you're, a magical mother and you want to stay at home, figure out how to do that. If that means you're going to be a career coach, great. If that means, it's being a nurse, wonderful. [00:02:00] Figure it out and be badass at it. So welcome to the show, Danielle.

Hi, thank you so much for having me. I'm so excited. Yes. So what I always like to start the show with Danielle is a little bit about your background. I didn't want to steal the thunder. I didn't want to move through everything for you. So you tell us how you got to be from your career, what that was about and how you are here now coaching women.

So it's actually a really crazy story. I've come 360. My first degree is actually in psychology and women's studies, and I did research at UPenn for a while on anxiety, PTSD, and alcoholism, and I decided it was either being a psychologist or being a nurse. And I said, you know what? I really want to help people.

And my mom is a nurse and I actually never thought I would be a nurse. And I said, you know what? I'm going to go to nursing school and do an accelerated program because you could do so much with it. and after [00:03:00] 20 years of being a nurse in the hospital, I have gone 360 and I realized It was time in my forties to live my passion and purpose and what I really wanted to do.

And that was helping women out of feeling like they have to fit in, which I felt my whole life and standing out and embracing their uniqueness and their bad ass selves and not feeling that Their uniqueness was a hindrance, but it was a superpower.

Yes. I absolutely love that. And I have to say, wow, how did you even work as a nurse for 20 years when you're like 35?

How is this possible? There is no way you've been a working lady for 20 years. Well, great. I mean, at another time, Danielle, you might have to tell us what else you're doing with your life. what are you doing for the skin? What are you doing for the body? Looking great. So kudos to you. So I. Now, [00:04:00] the other thing that I really love, and we have women of all ages listening to the show and I mentor younger ladies, pretty frequently.

Something that I think we're missing is like talking about the kind of career that you want to have as a young person and how that's going to support your vision for your life. Because I think that being a nurse is really undersold to people. I mean, it's a great way to earn a living. It's a great way to work a flexible schedule.

It's also a great way to like leave your work at home. we're here, we have our laptops, we're doing all kinds of other works. Accountants. I'm a lawyer by much of this today we're taking home with us, which also takes away. So you had a lot of flexibility and this is such a great job to pivot from.

How did you work out the transition? Like, how did you plan for that? How did you get through that? How did you decide exactly what your entrepreneurial journey was going to be about?

So it actually really [00:05:00] started with my son was suffering with ADHD and the school he was in was not working and for so long.

I tried to fix him and this is this a whole other story, but it's so important. I tried to fix him. And what I realized at 40 was it wasn't about fixing him. It was about. Learning about myself and learning to change, and that spiraled into what I'm doing now. I realized you can't change other people, but you realize that ADHD is a superpower, and that really can change you.

Being a nurse and being in this field, you have to be open minded and flexible. And I wasn't doing that at home, right? So it was his story and learning about him. That really sparked me into this whole transition into the internal work and realizing this is what every woman deserves and needs no matter what [00:06:00] age.

And I feel like nursing really helps that because we look at. A perspective of holistic care with a W, right? So you have this flexible schedule where you could go and do many things and you're looking at it from a holistic perspective. And that's what is really important. And you're not trying to change the patients, but you're trying to help them.

But I wasn't doing that in my own life. I wasn't doing that in my own life. I was trying to change somebody that didn't need to be changed, but I had to learn the tools and the skills to maneuver through that. And that's really what I realized that everybody deserves to embrace their uniqueness, embrace their superpowers like my child, embrace what they truly love and utilize my nursing skills.

In a different way. I know that it's a crazy story, but it's important that everybody realize that we try to fix people so often. And we're not honest with people. And we're not honest with ourselves. And in [00:07:00] nursing, I always took the quote that The good, the bad, or the ugly. You have to be honest.

You have to be honest with your patients, with yourself, with your children, with your spouse, and that is what really translated into this transition of being this bad ass woman, right?

Absolutely. Well, and that's, I mean, really, I want to pause and make sure everybody really takes this in. Because when you are on a journey to create a life that you absolutely love, a journey to find a way.

To be ultimately happy to create the life that you want to. You have to pursue personal development and personal growth and figure that out. And the foundation of that is realizing what you're in control of and what you can change. You can change your surroundings. You can change yourself. You cannot change other people.

You cannot fix people. And when we are [00:08:00] ultimately. Looking in the mirror, we have to realize what it is that self reflection, what is it about me that is holding me back? What can I do today to progress myself? And I think that can be really, really hard for people at times. And I often, often think as a hyper type, a perfectionist type person, thank you, God.

For giving me children to be a reflection and a mirror to look into. So I love this and I really want to dive into the extent you feel comfortable. Can you share a little bit more about what was going on with your son that helped you realize that like maybe you needed to do some work?

Exactly. I, so the story starts, he was seven years old and we went to the psychiatrist And the psychiatrist said, does anybody in your family have ADHD?

And I was like, no, nobody. She said, are you sure? And I said, yeah, I'm sure. She said, [00:09:00] aha. And I said, I think I have ADHD. And she was like, yeah, you are type a, it presents totally different in women. And I think this is a really important story to tell because it started a journey of internal work. I never knew it.

I was a type a, I was a pleaser. I was. Top of my class, but I never felt good inside. I never felt good enough. I could never sit still. I talked out a turn and it really was a reflection. I never realized the things that were bothering me and my child were things I never worked out. Right. That's what we do so often.

And I had to wait until my late thirties and forties to realize this. When every woman deserves to embrace this uniqueness and utilize


what she doesn't feel good about is usually her superpower. Right. And this is what I saw in my son. And when she asked [00:10:00] me that, it. I'm getting chills. It really opens up a feeling that I never felt before, like this could be my superpower.

I thought it was a hindrance and you have to do that internal work, do the work to really discover that. And it was years of work. And that's why I say now. Becoming a business coach and a growth coach, you must build a foundation of self that self confidence, that embracing your uniqueness, that standing out and being a bad ass and mastering that resilience, right?

Because. My son didn't have resilience because I didn't have resilience because every setback felt like a failure that I couldn't move forward from. And that's a lot of work because especially as in business, you will have a million setbacks. And you have to have the resilience and confidence to know that those setbacks are a learning experience and they were meant to [00:11:00] happen.

Yeah. And it's really interesting, that we're talking about this at this time, because you guys, we did not plan this. We have not talked about this. I've been on a similar journey, but I just saw this viral video the other day that, that It was talking about one of the best things that we can do as parents is let our kids fail.

And so I also have a son that we don't really talk about it a lot, that he has ADHD. I mean, I think he kind of knows he has a diagnosis, but you know, you have to learn to operate with what you're given, right? So talking about it, making a big deal about it. That's just not my path forward because you have to work with what you're given.

you have a, your brain works differently and that's okay. but we've had all those same things. And then I saw this video, this is literally like yesterday or the day before there was saying we have to let our kids fail and figure out things on their own without swooping in to help them. And that is the best indicator of how successful that they [00:12:00] will be in life.

And then I thought, Have I done too much for him? it's the millennial I'm on the cusp of millennial. I'm technically a millennial, but like really on the cusp. And it's like, that's our way, helicopter parenting, always swooping in, fixing the problem. And then I think for me, part of that was my own discomfort, right?

Like listening to him being frustrated, having the dissonance and the sounds with my brain. really bother me, making loud noises, having too much,chaos going on in the house. And that's what little kids do. That's how they're figuring things out. And so it brought all these things to me, the thoughts to me of like, have I been doing too much?

Is that why he has had some struggles himself? and so it's really powerful to really think about that. and I don't know that I would have started. Critiquing my own self in the same way. Had I not one had children period. And then two had a, a child that [00:13:00] operates a little bit difficult, a little bit.

In a different way as well. but I think it's really, really interesting, because I agree that I think things that go along with his brain are his superpower. I mean, 100%. I mean, I've never seen somebody with a better memory, a better analytical, a better math brain like. There are so many things that I'm like, just every day, like, Oh my God, how are you so genius?

And I think I'm pretty genius. So you're smarter than me and

you're only 10. And that's what, like, if I didn't have a child. That sometimes I wanted to bang my head up against the wall, right? 100%. I would have never done the work. I would have never done it. And so I have to thank every day that I became a mom to this child that drives me crazy half the time.

Right? Because now I'm living my passion and purpose. And I did that [00:14:00] work. And I want all women, especially I find that entrepreneurs is it's just something that I leaped into. And I said,


all women need to build this foundation and all women deserve this. Yes. If you're an entrepreneur or not, but I'm drawn.

To women in business and women entrepreneurs and growing their business, but they don't realize it all stems from them first.


you can have a business plan. You could be successful, but if you don't embrace who you are, your uniqueness, what makes your superpower. Then how are you going to really grow it?

Right? And my child and I, and I think my child, right? He still is trying to finagle that. I wish I would have finagled it earlier than I did. Right? But it's all meant to happen. It really is all meant to happen. And this journey, it's just been the best journey that I could have ever done doing the internal work.

And I just [00:15:00] want everybody to feel the way that I did confident in their skin, not shying away, whether you're in business or not, you should stand out because everybody it's that glow from within. It's that superpower. Everybody deserves it to say, I'm a badass woman.

Yes. And this is why, I felt, we were connected, you guys, by a mutual friend and she said we would have a lot of common.

And immediately I knew that would be the case. And this is why, because you have that same fire, that same like happiness and gratitude for life. And gosh, I just really love, and even though having children and having young children andI call him my high maintenance son. it can be a lot some days, but I still wake up every day, like literally thank you God for what I have, for what I've been giving.

And I truly want other people to feel that way. And that is exactly why [00:16:00] I do what I do. That's why I started this podcast. That's why I do, some light career coaching and, and really I started, my web, my new website that should be out and live. When we air this to bring information and insights on women, how they can develop the same kind of life, whatever it is, my, what my life looks like, what your life look like.

We're not trying to put that on other people. It's what you want it to be. But just to have this feeling, the same feeling that Danielle and I have about how much you love your life. And when you really do, you want to give back to other people and you want to help other people. and I don't know about you, Danielle, but I come from I call it the barely middle class.

So you know, it's not like I grew up with a lot of money. I definitely didn't know about entrepreneurship. I did not know about how to invest money or do any of these things. I figured that all out. And that is also why I know whatever your circumstances are, you can give yourself excuses. You can give yourself out.[00:17:00]

You're doing yourself a disservice because everybody can get to where we are. You just have to be open minded and want to, and then be grateful for whatever small or large opportunity you get. You have to be grateful for everything and that builds up.

I didn't have a penny to invest in my business at all.

And I will tell you it's with sweat, hard work. I came from working class parents. My mom was a nurse. My dad worked night shift in a factory. They always instilled in me. Hard work, hard work will get you there. And I think we've gotten away from that. It is hard work and it is exhausting and it's not perfect.

There's no perfect, but you can do it, right? You can do it. You can really. Manifest it. You can really affirm every day and wake up and say, I am grateful. I am grateful for the life I live. It's [00:18:00] rewiring your brain. You could do it with nothing. I did it with nothing, nothing, and sweat and tears and working my butt off.

But that's Because I did the internal work, the internal work, the internal work of reading and growth and journaling and rewiring my brain to say, I am worthy. I'm amazing. I am enough. And you have to, and that's work too, right? It's a business, that's work. And it, but that is the groundwork to build whatever you want to build your dream life.

You can do it, but you have to do the internal work first.

Yeah. And I mean, even for people who are really in a rough spot, I mean, even if it's just you saying, I'm happy and thankful to be alive, I'm happy to, thankful to be alive, to take another breath, to have another day, another opportunity to make changes.[00:19:00]

And if, if, if, if things are rough, that can be. That can be, maybe that's it. But you know, I read there was a story about, oh gosh, I'm going to forget his name. I'm terrible at these kinds of things.


But there was a story I read about a guy that was wrongly convicted and put in jail for years. And he decided he could, wallow in this misery, or he could just take the opportunity, study, use the resources available every day, have the choice to be happy.

That he had another day to live and he got multiple diplomas. He educated other people in prison and he eventually got out in his early fifties and went on to live, a fairly, normal life because it was his choice. Every day is a choice and how we face it.


And I will tell you that being a nurse, I ask all the 90, a hundred year old men and women, how did you [00:20:00] get this?

Some of its genes, but they always said that they didn't stress, they didn't stress over things. They always led with being happy and grateful and exercising. They always, yes, they were always active, but they were always happy and they let things roll off their back and I think that's really important lesson to learn.

When you see somebody who's older, who has their wits, who is still active at 90 and 100. I have patients that are a hundred years old as a nurse, and there's still wits about them. And they said, I let stuff roll off my back. I was grateful. I was happy. I dance. I still dance. And that is really a really important lesson in life.

To lead with happiness, to lead with joy, to let that shit roll off your back [00:21:00] because every day is a new day, every minute is a new minute, and to be present in this life and grateful for what you have and you can achieve anything with that kind of mentality and mindset. It's a growth mindset, right? Yes.

It's not, but it is, it really is those three things every person told me. I love that.

And I, that gives me chills because it's just so impactful. Like if we can take in those things and as I often tell people, it is simple, the keys that unlock the universe are simple. It's not always easy for us to do the things for whatever reason that's holding us back mentally.

Yeah. Physically, whatever it is, but the answers are almost always simple. There's nothing like secretive or difficult to figure out. It's simple things that are the solutions. We want to believe that it's hard [00:22:00] and difficult. Because that makes us feel better that we're not doing it, but really in reality, it's simple.

And again, if we can hold that mirror up to ourselves and say, these are all things that are not that hard to do, just have to do them.

Yeah. It might be hard. some days it's hard to be grateful, right? But when you just do that simple thing, gratitude, a little exercise, it could be walking. It can be like body weights and leading with happiness.

It's not complicated.

And it doesn't cost money. And it doesn't take a lot of time. And it's, we can buy all these things. We can buy all these things, but it's not going to change how we feel inside. You, it can't be bought. Happiness, joy. Living a life of abundance and gratitude are free and it comes from within.


So how

did you go about creating a [00:23:00] program, figuring out what you were going to talk about and getting involved in starting your own business? How did you really go about doing that?

So what I did was I think it's really important. I hired a coach and I hired a coach to help me through it.

And at first I tried to do it on my own and I was just floundering. I didn't know where to do. And one of the coaches said, we're going to work on, on building the business, but also you have to do the work on yourself. And I was like, this makes so much sense. I have to do both together to really grow my business.

And I had to take it in and embody it. And that's really what I did every morning. I wake up and I read for a minute or two. I write for a minute or two, I have my coffee, I have quiet time and I started writing my program and let me tell you, I've rebranded [00:24:00] four or five times. I reinvented myself four or five times and at first I was like, Oh, what am I doing?

This is failure. And then as I did it, I realized this is what's supposed to happen. This is what is meant to be because I kept reading and I kept journaling and then I got my certified. My. Mindfulness meditation certification, and I learned how to be present with myself, which I am so high energy. I couldn't even be in my own skin, right?

So sitting with yourself really changes your. Mindsets being with yourself and being still and being able to meditate and clear, let those thoughts roll through. You really helped me to hone in on what I really wanted to do. And it took a really long time and I meditated on it. People keep asking me, what did you do to really figure out what changed?

And I said, I stopped moving. I slowed [00:25:00] down and I started listening to my gut and my intuition and that was the hardest thing for me. And you could do it on YouTube. You could do it on by yourself. You can listen to music. I actually created a download that I'm going to download a free download that you could do a busy mom's women download to do mindfulness, but really meditating on it and asking my guides and the universe to help me.

And I realized this is my mission. My mission is to empower women to love themselves, to build whatever they want to build in life and know they can do it.

I love it. And what else I love is that you are an embodiment of exactly what you just said. I call it the power of the pivot. Like, you feel that things are changing, they aren't aligning.

It doesn't matter how long it's been. It's time to shift. It's trying to move. Don't feel like you've invested time, like it's all a learning. [00:26:00] And so just power the pivot, like move on. If you don't feel good about your job after six or nine months, find a new one. No, people might judge you, but who cares?

It's you. It's what makes sense for your life. And so I love that you're, you share that so transparently because I think that is important for people when, when you're on a journey to really grow, to truly, truly grow into the biggest and best and brightest version of yourself. That may happen multiple times, but what else I love is that.

We can make this change at 40 or 45 or 50. Don't be afraid.

Marty Super became a billionaire. What in her fifties, she started pivoted her career in her fifties. And I always look back to that. You can reinvent yourself over and over and over. It doesn't matter. It's, and it's a growth and things change and you love something new and that's okay.

It's [00:27:00] not. And I used to look at myself and get down on myself and now I look at it as, as an experience as a learning experience. And that is a big change to really look at your life, that everything happens for a reason because it does. It really does.

Yeah. All right. We're going to have a short, not like a lightning round, but I have a few kind of pointed questions and then we'll have a little bit of a lightning round that I've just started doing because I think it's really fun.

It makes it more, conversational, but what are the kind of common challenges you see women facing when it comes to building confidence?

that they don't have time and that it's a can't mentality. Women are not listening to how they talk to themselves, how they take in a compliment and how they project with how they feel, what they want and need.

Yeah. Well, and I've seen the difference having worked at a French company, in just the way [00:28:00] we talk about our bodies and ourselves and how we move in our clothing, that it's a totally different, Feeling from the French women for sure. And I think that to me is like a microcosm, right? Of like the bigger American self critical harsh persona.

And I do think I don't have any daughters, but I do think about how would I handle that? How will I handle that with my niece and help her, have confidence because confidence is so integral.

Strut, always strut. It doesn't matter what just strut. Love it. You deserve it. .

Yes, it does help too that, my, I will tell you, my three sons, and I think this is a testament to my husband being so sweet and complimentary.

They compliment me a lot. They'll be like, I mean, they will also tell me if they don't like something I'm wearing or my hair doesn't look quite good. But most of the time they're like, you're so beautiful. I really like that outfit on you. you're just so sweet, mom. I love you. And, it's hard to grapple with confidence when you have four men around [00:29:00] you complimenting you all the time.

okay. The next question I had was what are some of the unique challenges that female entrepreneurs face?

Asserting their boundaries and limits and being confident in their skin, standing tall, standing powerful. And I really thought about it. Men will walk into a room looking like a sloppy mess, commanding power, right?

They're not worried about how they look because they have the confidence within to say what they mean. To women, I feel like a lot of times are so concerned with how they look. That they don't realize it's the words and the energy also coming out of their mouth. And I think that is a huge struggle that women have to assert, assert themselves, assert their confidence and bring it and stand [00:30:00] tall and proud in their body of whatever it looks like.

Yeah, I love that. So have you seen anything, going back to a conversation we had earlier, about resilience and failure being such an integral part of like growing and success? Have you seen some, do you have any good, examples that you can share with the ladies of where a client showed resilience and had success?

through, building up their resilience.

So actually, I just was speaking to somebody today. It's very interesting. So she is working with a big company, a big company to be a preferred vendor with a big company. And She kept saying, I can't, or I don't, or can you do this? And I said, you are going to go in there and you are going to tell them what you want, because they want you.

They want you, but you're not asserting what you [00:31:00] really, really want from them. And so she's like, Oh God, Oh God. And I can, and I said, you can do this. You have something they really want. And she was like, I do, I have something they really want. I said, so don't sell yourself short because they want you already.

And she said, okay. Okay. I said, I said, don't sign a contract, don't sign a contract with them, but you tell them what you really want. You step back, you let, let them slew in it a bit, and then you look at the contract and if it's not what you think you are worth, then you don't do it. And you come back to them and you make sure that you know your worth.

And she was like, I'm doing this. I'm doing this. We are doing this. Yes. I love that. And I will tell you that

a tip I would say, having been in that position and then having worked at two fortune 500 companies for years, the company is always going to want their own contract [00:32:00] template. So you can't go in with just like, your own template, but having a cheat sheet with like, these are the five things, I don't know if there's something about confidentiality that's important.

Obviously money, always a big factor. when you get paid, is it 30 days in arrears? Is it 90 days as some companies like to do, or can you get it on the front end? but whatever, have your five, your five must haves, and then maybe you have something that you're going to work on, but just a cheat sheet, because I think that will help.

That helps women feel more confident that they have something, they can refer back to. But I do think that can be really, really challenging for women in general, whether it's in corporate. Or entrepreneurship is standing by your worth, what is it that you're worth and not wanting to cave in before they've even made an offer.

Like you're ready to, Oh, I want a hundred dollars. But I'm worried. Are they going to give me a hundred dollars? So maybe I should start with 80 cause I really want the [00:33:00] contract.

No, no, you aim super high because try to low ball you, but they're bringing you there because they need you. They want you. You already have them.

But women, a lot of times don't know their worth. Don't realize how special, how special they are. Important or what they have is so needed that they, they lower the bar. They keep lowering it and lowering it. Not okay. No,

no, not at all. Well, that, that's great. And it's always helpful to hear when other people.

can see and feel like, what did this look like for somebody else? How did the, you know, cause sometimes we go through these things as an entrepreneur, as a business owner, as a woman working as a working mom, whatever the case may be, we go through these situations and we don't, there's not a lot of opportunities where you're seeing the repeat thing.

So it's like so helpful for other [00:34:00] people to have a tangible example of what this looked like, how this felt for somebody and how you can get beyond it.okay. So. In the last 12 months, what is the thing you're most proud of doing?

I feel like it's right now, right now.

I really honed in. On what I wanted to do. And I have an event June 7th that we are doing a free social for women in business and female entrepreneurs. And I started at 50 women and within one less than a day, it was sold out. So I went to 75. Sold out. I went to 85, sold out, and now I had to open it up to a hundred women in business, female entrepreneurs just locally where I'm, and wow.

I'm telling people, I'm starting to turn people away and I really realized this is a superpower. This is. Bringing women together who are in the same boat, who it's very hard to understand when you're a woman in business or an entrepreneur, what it's like, [00:35:00] the stressors, the struggles. And this is a need to bring these women together, to bring all of us together, to connect and support each other and collab and lift each other up and grow together.

This event is, is really what I am most proud of in the last 12 months. This is like the culmination of what I've been doing. Yes, I do coaching, but really the need for women to come together and support each other and help each other is, is bigger than anything that I've done.

That's so exciting. And I, I hear when I hear that is like, okay, now we need to have a post school, Hey guys.

We couldn't fit everybody. I'm so sorry. All I care about is meeting each and every one of you. We are going to do it again in August. Go ahead and sign up now or whatever. and go ahead and get another one going because I do think bringing, bringing women together is so powerful. I love that. I'm so proud of you too.

That's so exciting. Kudos.

[00:36:00] Really, really amazing. And I realized we have these men's social clubs, right? These male social clubs. Why aren't we having Female social clubs where women do business. Why is it that we're joining male social clubs? So I hope that the social event turns into, bad ass women entrepreneurs getting together and collabing and connecting and building so much bigger.

Yeah. Okay. What do you prefer to wear? Do you like to get dressed every day or you like to be casual? Ooh, I am a

fitness. I'm a fitness enthusiast. So I am in athleisure or athletic wear all the time. I love, but I do love getting dressed up. I do. I love getting dressed. I

mean, I'm wearing a tennis dress today because I was like, why I'm home.

I'm home all day. I didn't have any face to face meetings. My house, one of my children is home sick. Like why? I just don't think jeans are comfortable anymore.

They're not, they're not. If you want to know a secret, I'm going to show you a secret.

Yeah. [00:37:00]


I love it. Yes. You just throw. I know. Well, so my biggest thing.

I am open and honest. I'm wearing my Athleisure underneath this wonderful shirt I put on for the podcast.

Yes. Well, it looks great. And I will tell you, I, I don't know how tall you are. I'm petite. Okay. You're what?

Five, one and a half.

Okay. I'm five one. So I will tell people. I don't care. I tell people this all the time, finding joggers that fit is so hard.

Old Navy has high waisted joggers that are often on sale for like 22. I have them in four colors and now they have ones that have this like dripe design. I wore them with high heel booties. And a sports jacket. And I went to my office like that. Cause I was like, look, this looks professional and I am so comfortable.

I love it. I love it. Yes. I, I wear [00:38:00] athleisure all the time. It's really workout clothes. Let's call it what it is. Yeah. I wear workout clothes all the time, but I love getting dressed up. I do for this event. I am like, I can't wait to get my hair and makeup done and get dressed up.

Love it. It's so much fun.

All right. Well, that is all we have today, Danielle. This has been such a blessing to me, to everybody else listening in. I am so excited. we will link in the show notes to where people can find you. and yeah, we might have to find a way to do this again because this is just, Yeah. So much fun.

Definitely. And I did, I just launched a new website. It's www. elevatehercoaching. net. It just launched yesterday.

Oh my gosh. I just, I mean, I went to it like literally before we were on here, I was like, Oh,

it just went up. Yay. I redid my website. I was really excited.

Well, [00:39:00] I can't wait. Keep me posted on your event.

Let us know, your other event. Let's share it. And everybody, thank you for your time. Thank you for your attention. it's with pure hearts that we come to you and share this information and all that we've learned. As you can tell, I'm sure you can feel from Danielle also how much we just want you guys to be happy, successful, thriving, badass women.

Keep getting clear. Keep staying happy. Be grateful for all that you have and all that is yet to come. We will see you next time. [00:40:00]